HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/20/1979 CORRECTED - REFER TO
Kent, Washington
August 20, 1979
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey,
Elliott, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just and Masters, City Admini-
strator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris,
and City Engineer Wickstrom. Councilperson McCaughan and Public
Works Director Ulett were not in attendance. Also present: City
Treasurer Drotz, Planning Commissioner Hamilton, and URS repre-
sentative Abed. Approximately 40 people were in attendance at
the meeting.
AWARDS Mayor Hogan noted that Betty Gray, Records Manager
& Deputy City Clerk, and Lin Mirk, Office Coordinator
for the Planning Department, having passed the
National examination, are now Certified Professional
Secretaries. After explaining the courses required,
the Mayor pointed out that of 2289 secretaries who
took the examinations this year throughout the
country, only 185 passed the entire exam. Betty
and Lin were congratulated on having passed this
comprehensive examination in their first attempt
at it. Applicants are allowed five years in which
to pass and only 23 Washington secretaries received
a CPS rating this year.
CONSENT CAREY MOVED to adopt Consent Calendar Items A - W,
CALENDAR B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. *APPROVAL of the minutes of the
regular meeting of August 6, 1979
SANITATION LID 287 - 94th P1. S. Sewers. ACCEPTANCE of the
Final Environmental Impact Statement for LID 287
as prepared by the Engineering Department for the
sanitary sewer improvements for 94th Place So. ,
So. 218th Street and vicinity.
Bill of Sale - Kent Vista Preliminary Plat Utilities.
ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agree-
ment for the utilities constructed for the plat of
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HEALTH & Kent Vista in the vicinity of S.E. 232nd Street from
SANITATION 112th Avenue S.E. to the center of Vista Court inter-
section, for continuous operation and maintenance of
said improvements and release of the cash bond after
payment of any outstanding City bills against the
Wastewater Management Plan. APPROVAL of the Mayor' s
recommendation to suggest Dan Voorhees to the METRO
Water Quality Committee for appointment to the Citi-
zens Advisory Panel. The Panel is to study develop-
ment of a Wastewater Management Plan for the Renton
study area (East of Lake Washington from Enumclaw
to Snohomish County) .
Water System Improvements. AUTHORIZATION to proceed
with the studies on time schedules and approximate
costs for the following projects as reviewed by URS,
the City's consultants, at the August 13 workshop
covering water supply needs, present and future, and
the action required to meet said needs:
1) Predesign report for the Seattle intertie
2) Kent Springs geological investigation and
Kent Springs Main predesign
3) Financial study
Presentation by URS •of the results of such studies
will be made at the Council workshop on August 27,
Payment in Lieu of Assessment Policy. The Council
policy adopted March 1, 1976 allowing payment in
lieu of assessments to be spread over a period of
time rather than paid in its entirety at the time
of application, states as follows:
1) That installment payments must be authorized by
the City Council
2) That a promissory note be executed and filed in
the King County records
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WATER 3) That $10.00 be added to the amount of the charge
in lieu of assessment to cover the cost of the
note filing, the filing of the release and other
City costs
4) That the note not include permit charges or water
service charges
5) That the note not be for less than $300
6) That the note be for a period of five years or
7) That the interest rate be 8% per annum on the
unpaid balance
APPROVAL of the following amendments to said City
policy is hereby authorized:
1) Deletion of the requirement for City Council
authorization so as to speed up the process.
2) Addition of the requirement that deferred payments
are only applicable to properties which are zoned
for single family or duplex use and that the
property to be served not be included in an
approved preliminary plat nor in a final plat
filed within two years preceding the application,
which requirement is intended to restrict the
deferred payment program to non-commercial and
non-developer use.
West Hill Reservoir Site. The Mayor noted receipt
of a copy of a letter from the Seattle Water Depart-
ment, addressed to Harold Hanson, Property Division,
General Services Administration, regarding the costs
of relinquishment of an easement granted to the U.S.
covering air rights on property to which the City of
Seattle is attempting to acquire clear title with
the intent to build a large water reservoir on such
property in the future. The letter also noted that
the City of Kent also wishes to lease a portion of
this property for the proposed West Hill Reservoir
and since Kent wishes to proceed with construction
as soon as possible release of the restrictive ease-
ment is necessary.
SR 516 Flyer Stop Agreement. AUTHORIZATION for the
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STREETS Mayor to sign an agreement for the State to install
a City requested Fire Pre-Empt System in the rebuild-
ing of the signals at Military Road and SR 516 and
at the I-5 Off Ramp and SR 516, based on the City
picking up the local matching share of the grant.
The total cost of the project will be $12, 331.80
with the City share to be $1, 233. 18.
Military Road Widening and Channelization at Kent-
Des Moines Road. ACCEPTANCE of the contract of
Valley Cement as complete and release of the retain-
age after receipt of the necessary State releases.
LID 294 - Guiberson Street Improvement Project.
ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2175 ordering the improve-
ment of a portion of Guiberson Street from Van de
Vanter Avenue to a point approximately 850 feet
east by the construction of a 22 foot wide street
with asphalt pavement and open ditch storm drainage.
VACATION Alley Vacation - Marlatt Request. ADOPTION of
Ordinance No. 2179 vacating a portion of an alley
in Clark ' s Second Addition to the City of Kent,
lying between Temperance Street and Smith Street,
west of Clark Avenue.
PLATS Foster Preliminary Plat. SETTING of September 4, 1979
as the date for a public meeting to consider the
Foster Preliminary Plat, a 30-acre, 19-lot, industrial
subdivision located on the east and west sides of 74th
Avenue S. and north of S. 259th Street, which plat the
Planning Commission recommended be DENIED because of
inadequate ingress and egress.
Olympic Estates Preliminary Plat. SETTING of Septem-
ber 4, 1979 as the date for a public meeting to con-
sider this 4.5 acre, 17-lot residential subdivision
located at the southwest corner of S.E. 256th Street
and 116th Avenue S.E. The Planning Commission recom-
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PLATS Battisti Preliminary Plat. SETTING of September 4,
1979 as the public meeting date for the Council to
consider the Battisti Preliminary Plat, a 2-lot
residential subdivision located at the southwest
corner of S. 218th Street and 93rd Avenue S. , which
plat the Planning Commission recommended be APPROVED
ZONING CODE Amendment to Zoning Code Landscaping Requirements.
The Mayor opened the continued public hearing on
this matter. Harris noted that the consultant had
made a proposal which was in line with the Planning
Commission recommendations and also addressed some
of the concerns 'of the Chamber of Commerce. The
proposal was presented at a workshop session and the
10 page document entitled "Consultant's Proposal
Landscaping Regulations - Revised August 6, 1979"
has been made a part of the official record. Harris
noted that Mirk had suggested that the maintenance
bond could be handled by an assessment method and
cover not just new landscaping, but existing land-
scaping as well. He explained that after proper
notice to the owner, the City would cause to have
the necessary maintenance work done and would col-
lect for the service as an assessment with the next
year's property taxes.
Jack Elder, Chairman of the Chamber Committee, noted
that a letter from the Chamber had been presented
tonight to all councilpersons. He noted that the
Chamber has made the following recommendations after
having studied the consultant's proposal:
a) Delete the maintenance bond and treat failure
to maintain landscaping a zoning violation.
b) Make regulations the same for all industrial
districts: The front 20 feet of front yard
shall be improved with appropriate permanently
maintained landscaping; at least 10 feet of the
side yard shall be landscaped from the public
right of way to the front building line. "
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ZONING CODE c) Landscaping requirements abutting Highway 167
and I-5 be deleted
d) Landscaping a minimum of 10 feet abutting the
public right of way be required in multi-family
duplex residential (MR-D zones) rather than no
landscaping requirements as proposed.
Upon Just's motion, seconded by J. Johnson, the
letter from the Chamber was made a part of the record.
Upon questions from Masters, Don Bogard, Committee
member, stated that he thought that these sugges-
tions reflected the general opinion of the community,
and Harris determined that the Planning Department
would be responsible for enforcing the regulations.
Harris commented on the Chamber's recommendations,
noting that there was no problem with changing the
maintenance bond requirement, and stated further
that side yard landscaping was necessary in industrial
areas to eliminate the possibility of rows of build-
ings with only asphalt between them. He opined that
landscaping along the freeways was absolutely neces-
sary & clarified that duplex zoning (MR-D) differed
from multi-family zoning in that most are built as
one building per lot and therefore comparable to
single family residential requirements.
There were no further comments and CAREY MOVED to
close the hearing. Just seconded. Motion carried.
B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve as submitted the Consult-
ant ' s Proposal for amending the Zoning Code, adding
that the method for enforcing maintenance of land-
scaping be by assessments against the property.
Elliott seconded. Motion carried.
ANNEXATION Rowley No. 2 Annexation. On July 24, 1979 the
ZONING Planning Commission held a public hearing to con-
sider the initial zoning for the Rowley #2 Annexa-
tion which encompasses 31. 79 acres and is located
south of S . 248th Street and west of 104th Avenue
S.E. The Planning Commission recommends that this
annexation be zoned MR-M, Medium Density Multi-
Family Residential (23 units per acre) , subject
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ANNEXATION to a satisfactory road system being established for
ZONING the annexed area and proper environmental controls
being provided for the ravine. In accordance with.
the Kent Zoning Code, it is mandatory for the
Council to hold two public hearings, thirty days
apart, on the initial zoning of a newly annexed
area. The first of such hearings was opened by
the Mayor. Harris noted that 104th Avenue S .E.
is to be improved to a five lane highway in this
vicinity. Referring to the ravine area, which
encompasses approximately 9.73 acres, Harris noted
that they would be working with the property owners
to ensure protection of the ravine area and referred
(ROWLEY #2) to the fact that the East Hill Plan designates
this area as recreational use. R. L. Hastings,
a developer, suggested that the zonin -
g be
approved as recommended by the Planning Commission.
He pointed out that it was his belief that they
had developed an acceptable street system. Tom
Groszek, a property owner in the area, noted that
w i e the widening of 104th Avenue S .E. might help
relieve some of the traffic congestion in the area
it would not help Canyon Drive which was already
handling its capacity of traffic at the present
time. He referred to the amount of traffic which
would be generated by MR-M zoning and asked that
the MR-M zoning not be approved. He also referred
to the lack of sewer and water services and suggested
that the City should be able to provide these services
before an area is annexed. In response to Elliott 's
question, Harris clarified that the 23 units per acre
was for the entire area, including the ravine, and
that the owners will want to build at a density
figured on the entire annexation (23 units per acre
times 31 acres) . It was determined that the ravine
consisted of 9 acres, roughly 1/3 of the entire
annexation. There were no further comments and
B. JOHNSON MOVED to continue the hearing to October 1,
1979, Carey seconded. Motion carried.
REZONES Earl McLaughlin Rezone - MA to M-1. This public
.hearing was continued to this date from the July 16
(McLAUGHLIN) meeting. It was noted that the rezone falls under
the IPP Ordinance No. 2164 and that the proposal
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REZONES encompasses approximately 4.82 acres, South of S.
212th Street directly east of the KOA campground,
approximately 1100 feet east of Russell Road.
The Planning Commission held a public hearing on
this proposal on June 26, 1979 and has recommended
that the application be denied.
The continued public hearing was opened by Mayor
Hogan. Mr. Parker, representing the McLaughlins,
stated that this is an industrial site, has sewer
and water facilities, but would need some fill.
He noted that the request is within the scope of
the Valley Floor Plan and they are willing to sign
an agreement regarding future ongoing studies and
that as senior citizens they would like to sell
this property as soon as possible so as to realize
the benefits now. Mirk determined for the Mayor
that he had discussed the proposed agreement with
Parker and that the dollar figure had been deter-
(MCLAUGHLIN) mined, and would now have to be approved by the
Carey noted that this area was within the scope
of the IPP. Cushing noted that there could be
a possible exception if the Council applied M-1
zoning now and if the portion of the IPP devoted
to land use came back with a recommendation other
than M-1 for that particular piece of property,
then that portion of the IPP's findings or recom-
mendations would not apply, but the portions deal-
ing with traffic, drainage or the Green River Corri-
dor would apply. Mirk noted that land use was not
part of the original proposal, it was for three
studies--transportation, surface water drainage
and Green River Corridor--and that the agreement,
as part of Ordinance No. 2164, states that the
applicant must share in the cost of these three
studies and be bound by the results of such studies.
B. Johnson suggested that the ordinance could be
amended to include land use. Mirk noted that at.
the time the studies were initiated, no one contem-
plated that land use would be so important. He
further commented that the studies may show that.
it is no longer economically feasible to have M-1
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August 20, 1979
REZONES zoning in Kent. He pointed out that while land
use was not a factor when the studies were initiated,
that the importance of it became more evident once
the consultants started the studies.
Masters noted that she was familiar with this piece
of property and that there was a surface water prob-
lem. She noted also that the owners were assessed
for industrial development and for this reason was
reluctant to flatly deny the rezone request. Cushing
(McLAUGHLIN) noted that the consultants had estimated that the
land use portion of the study would be ready to be
presented to the Council for discussion the first
week in October. He suggested as an alternative
the Council could continue the hearing to the first
week in November as they would have the information
from the consultants by that time. J. Johnson sug-
gested that the application could be denied without
prejudice, but it was determined that this might
necessitate another hearing at the Planning Commis-
sion level.
There were no further comments and B: JOHNSON MOVED
to continue the matter to the November 5, 1979
Council meeting, Carey seconded. Motion carried.
Union Pacific Land Resources - MA to M-1 and M-2.
On May 22, 1979, the Planning Commission held a
public hearing on an application filed by Union
Pacific Land Resources Corporation for a rezone
from MA, Industrial 'Agricultural, to M-1, Industrial
Park District, and M-2, Limited Industrial, zoning.
(UNION The subject property contains approximately 350
PACIFIC acres lying between the West Valley Highway and
LAND the Green River, north of S. 228th Street and south
RESOURCES) of S . 216th Street, extended. A Planning Commission
motion to approve the rezone was defeated and no
subsequent motion was made. The area of the subject
rezone falls under the Interim Planning Program
Ordinance No. 2164, which requires that an agreement
be signed. The public hearing an this matter was
opened on June 18, continued to July 16, and continued
again to this meeting. The hearing was reopened by
Mayor Hogan.
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August 20, 1979
REZONES Dave Uhrich of Uplands noted that the application
had been filed in October of 1978 and had been
delayed by the Valley Floor Plan Study and then
by the Interim Planning Program. He asked that
the rezone be approved upon the condition that
Uplands would agree to -sign the IPP documents.
He stated that if the river area was of special
concern to the Council, that that portion could
be deleted temporarily and the remainder of the
parcel approved. Upon questions from Masters,
Uhrich further stated that if the Council wished,
he would change the zone request to M-1 for the
portion along the river and along the West Valley
Highway. Upon Masters ' question, Mirk determined
that the studies would inform the City as to the
economic impact of continuing to develop land.
PACIFIC Cushing clarified that the studies will take some
LAND different development scenarios_, including
RESOURCES) one based on current zoning and present several
alternatives showing the impact of development con-
cepts from an economic standpoint, including the
impact on revenue, Police and Fire services,
utilities, etc. After the study all the impacts
will be known and the Council will have guidelines
upon which to base development decisions.
Mirk clarified for Elliott that if the Corridor
Plan is in conflict *ith the Valley Floor Plan it
is possible that amendments to the Valley Floor
Plan would necessitate repeating the public hearing
process. Carey noted that a land use study was
needed in conjunction with the storm water run-off
study, and in effect we do now have a moratorium
until the IPP is complete. Masters commented that
the scope of the studies has broadened considerably
and that the purpose was to determine what the physi-
cal impact of development would be on the properties
Jon Johnson noted that rather than catering to
developers, the City must first think of the effects
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- August 20, 1979
REZONES of the property use .on the City with relation to
services required. Uhrich objected to further
delays, stating that the City had added another
(UNION facet to the study by the reference to land use.
PACIFIC He noted that Uplands had agreed to all of the
LAND City's requirements, but that the City was constantly
RESOURCES) adding further restrictions.
JUST MOVED to continue the hearing to the November
5, 1979 meeting, B. Johnson seconded. Motion
carried, with Elliott voting nay.
Gordy Guinn - RA to MR-M. On July 24, 1979, the
Planning Commission held a public hearing on an
application filed by Gordy Guinn for a rezone from
RA, Residential Agricultural, to MR-M, Medium Density
Multi-Family Residential, zone. The subject property
contains 2.8 acres lying north of S. 208th Street,
east of the Valley Freeway (SR 167) , and approxi-
mately 300 feet west of 92nd Avenue S.
The Planning Commission recommends that this rezone
be DENIED for the following reasons:
1) The proposed rezone does not correspond with the
Valley Floor Plan presently in existence.
2) The utilitities (streets and roads) are not suf-
ficient to handle the increased traffic this
development would generate.
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Gordy
Guinn noted that the MR-M zoning would allow 60 to
65 units on the property, but that he had since
changed his plans and would like to put 4 or 5
four-plexes on the property under MR-G zoning. He
pointed out that MR-G zoning would allow 16 units
per acre but that he planned on 20 units for the
entire parcel. Harris determined that this was a
plateau and that some years ago it was thought that
the hillside would contain high density housing in
the future. Harris clarified that the Planning Com-
mission recommendations were based on a request for
MR-M zoning, and, in fact, Guinn was now asking
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REZONES for MR-G zoning. Elliott noted that MR-G zoning
would allow 16 units per acre which would be too
high a density. At Elliott 's question, Harris
explained the restrictions for duplex zoning.
Wickstrom expressed concern as to the condition
of S. 208th. Guinn stated that S. 208th would
be improved up to 92nd Avenue S. in accordance
with the City ' s standards.
There were no further comments and CAREY MOVED
to close the hearing. J. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried. Mirk clarified for Masters that
the Council could approve the rezone for a lower
density than that requested. ELLIOTT MOVED to
approve the rezone to MR-G with a maximum of 20
units for the entire parcel, subject to improvement
of S . 208th to 92nd Avenue S. to the satisfaction
of the City Engineer, Just seconded. Motion carried.
Condominium Conversion. ADOPTION of Ordinance No.
2177 regulating the conversion of residential
rental units to condominiums or cooperatives.
B. JOHNSON MOVED to accept for the record a letter
from Mr. Gulick, attorney for Arrow Development
and the Mueller Group, asking for delay of this
ordinance. Just seconded. Motion carried.
COMMUNITY Korry Field Improvements. AUTHORIZATION for the
DEVELOPMENT Mayor to sign an amendment to the Housing & Com-
munity Development Block Grant project entitled
"Korry Field Improvements" to allow the inclusion
of softball backstops as an additive alternate.
Consortium Membership. AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor
to write a letter to Housing & Community Development
indicating Kent ' s intention to remain a member of.
the Consortium for the program year beginning July
1, 1980.
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August 20, 1979
Change Orders No. 9 and 10. APPROVAL of the following
owner-initiated change orders as recommended by the
Parks Department and Ted Bower Associates:
Change Order No. 9
1) In gymnasium, provide and install Richard
Wilcox automatic electrically operated
movable partition with related work and
materials required for a finished and
complete partition and separation be-
tween areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56,537
Change Order No. 10
1) Delete floor anchors and plates in
gymnasium and floor anchors in gymnas-
tics room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ($ 588)
2) Floor finish changes in toilets and
lockers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,628
3) In office 163 provide C-4 ceiling finish
(painted 6WB) , in lieu of the Cl finish,
(Accoustical material Type 1) to provide
a ceiling match and continuous with the
ceiling of Entry 162. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 583
4) Provide deadbolt lock system between
Phase 1 and Phase 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
5) At door 166A and door 163B, provide and
install lock sets in lieu of latching
hardware. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
6) Move metal duct closer to wall and build
framed enclosure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11, 187
7) Delete VAT and provide in place carpet to
Room 183 (behind handball courts) and
spectator risers and stairs to ground
floors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 873
8) Extend west sidewalk foundations to bot-
tom of ditch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 522
17, 500
The addition of the movable partition and other
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August 20, 1979
KENT COMMONS changes and additions have been previously discussed
with the Council. Adequate monies are available
from the combined contingency/grant matching alloca-
Liability Protection. ADOPTION of Ordinance No.
2176 providing liability protection -for elected
officials, municipal employees and members of
City boards or commissions.
DEPARTMENT Out of State Travel. APPROVAL for Officer Robert
McCurdy to attend the Industrial Security Annual
Seminar in Detroit, Michigan September 17 through
September 20, 1979, at a cost of $972, for which
funds are budgeted.
MEETINGS The Mayor noted that Congressman Mike Lowry would
be holding a public meeting in the Kent Council
Chambers/Court Room on Wednesday evening from 7
to 9 p.m. , August 22, to meet with interested
citizens to discuss local concerns.
Metro/King Co. Merger. Notice has been received
that the committee.-of-the--whole of the King Co.
Council will meet on Friday, August 24, at 9:30 a.m.
to discuss the proposed consolidation of Metro
and King County.
Open House. The Mayor announced an .invitation
to the Council to an open house being held by
Townsend, Chastain & Associates at their new
building at 409 S. 3rd on August 24 from 3:00 to
7:00 o'clock p.m.
COUNCIL Public Works Committee. It was noted that the
COMMITTEES Public Works Committee would meet Wednesday morning,
August 22, at 8: 15 a.m.
Planning Department Fee Schedule Amendment. ADOPTION
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FINANCE of Ordinance No. 2178 amending Section 1 of Ordinance
No. 2171 relating to schedule of fees for applica-
tions filed with the Kent Planning Department.
Segregation Request - LID 282. APPROVAL of the
request of Taki Nagasawa for segregation of
Assessment No. 21, LID 282, and AUTHORIZATION
for the City Attorney to prepare the necessary
Approval of Bills. AUTHORIZATION for payment of
the bills received August 21, 1979 and approved
by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3:00 p.m.
on August 31, 1979.
The following claims were approved by the Finance
Committee at its meeting of August 15, 1979:
Current Expense $ 73,894.09
Parks & Recreation 21,726.36
Library 263. 25
City Streets 11,641. 27
Kent Commons Operating 1,074.06
Federal Shared Revenue 1, 189.34
Russell Road Park Ph. II 1, 542.50
Kent Commons, Ph. I Construction 1,800.00
S. 180th/WVH-EVH 870.21
Mil/Kent-Des Moines Intersection 5, 362.62
Kent Commons Phase II Construction 97,890. 27
UAB 13 - 84th Ave. S. Construction 21.06
104th Ave. S.E. - 236th-252nd 6.00
1978 Water Rev Construction 106. 25
Equipment Rental 16,618. 28
Housing & Community Development 6, 224. 24
Unemployment Trust 1, 149.69
Workmen' s Compensation 1,711.99
Fireman' s Relief & Pension 37.88
LEFF Disability 4,857.36
Sewer 5,418.02
Water 22,472.99
Garbage 224. 25
$276, 101. 98
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ADJOURNMENT JUST MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
9:45 p.m. , Carey seconded. Motion carried.
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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