HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/02/1979 Kent, Washington
July 2, 1979
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Elliott,
B. Johnson, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Cushing,
City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Direc-
tor Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Councilpersons Carey, J.
Johnson and Just were not in attendance at the meeting. Also
present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Williams
and URS representatives Abed and Ramsey. Approximately 50 people
attended the meeting.
CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A - Q
CALENDAR be adopted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Approval of Minutes. APPROVAL of the minutes of
the meeting of June 18, 1979 with the addition of
the following underlined material:
Page 9, W-K REZONE, 2nd paragraph:
"It was determined that the area is included in
the Kent Comprehensive Plan and upon the Mayor ' s
question, Ulett noted that this proposal would
probably require an amendment to the King County
Sewer General Plan. . . "
SANITATION Outside Sewer & Water Requests. APPROVAL of the
following request for outside sewer and water
service, without annexation, subject to the pro-
visions of Resolution No. 822, and with the pro-
vision that no water service be granted until
after August, 1979:
Name Location
RICHARD C. LARSON Residential Lot near
22913 - 100th S.E.
APPROVAL of the following request for outside sewer
service, without annexation, subject to the provi-
sions of Resolution No. 822:
- 1 -
July 2, 1979
SANITATION Apartments to be
ALPINE BUILDERS, INC. constructed Near S.E.
224th & Benson High-
DELAY of the following request for sewer and water
service outside the City until staff has Sue with
the developers and a report is prepared,
fact that the Council may wish to
impose land use
controls as a condition of approval:
Creek Estates) east
of 116th S .E. and
north of Kent-Kangley
LID 295 104th Place S.E. Sanitary SewerS.E.
224th Street to 450 ' north of S .E. 222nd Street.
ADOPTION of Resolution No. 875 setting the public
hearing date on the Preliminary Assessment
for LID 295 for August
the Public Works committee.
West Hill Emergency Storm Drain Repair. Erosion
caused by storm water discharging from an outfall
near 46th Avenue S . and S . 262nd Street is endanger-
ing an adjacent dwelling. Como Contractors esti -
mates the cost of an emergency repair at $22,
Upon the recommendations of the Public Works Com-
mittee, McCAUGHAN MOVED that an emergency exroceed
and that Como Contractors be authorized to p
with repairs, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Air Injector System Bids. Bids were opened on
June 25, 1979 for the construction of a compressor
station for the Kent Municipal Wastewater system' s
Aerospace Kent force main, together with site work,
electrical service and miscellaneous appurtenances .
2 -
July 2, 1979
HEALTH & The following bids were received:
Name Amount
NUTES OF Duvall, Washington
Everett, Washington
RALPH CO. , INC. 31, 300.00
Bothell, Washington
Seattle, Washington
The engineer's estimate was $32, 258.00 and award of
the bid is recommended. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the
best bid of Omega Contractors in the amount of
$28,625.00 be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion
Renton Water System Intertie. APPROVAL of an agree-
ment for an intertie of the Kent and Renton water
systems at S. 180th Street, which agreement has
been approved by the City Attorney as to form.
Kent's system pressure is higher than Renton's and
the intertie is primarily to supplement fire flows
in Renton if needed. Kent can obtain water from
the Renton system by pumping.
Tukwila Water Intertie. Bids were received on June
25, 1979 for the construction of a Kent-Tukwila
Water System Intertie as follows:
Name Amount
RALPH CO. , INC. $47, 122.50
Bothell, Washington
Kent, Washington
WATERWORKS, INC. 69, 500.00
Bellingham, Washington
3 -
July 2, 1979
WATER The engineer's estimate was $50,600.00 and award
of the bid is recommended. Accordingly, McCAUGHAN
MOVED that the best bid of Ralph Co. , jEnc .,. n �"""
amount of $47, 122.50 be accepted, Elli NedGT339i hUJ
Motion carried. 10 ZHUMINII
Deferred Payment in Lieu of Assessment Request _
Edward LaBolle. APPROVAL of the request of Edward
LaBolle for deferred payment in lieu of assessment
for a water main payment in the amount of $3,465.
The subject property is near 116th Avenue S.E. and
S.E. 266th Street and is non-commercial property.
Deferred Payment in Lieu of Assessment Request .-
Marvin F. Dewey. A request for deferred payment
in lieu of assessment has been received for the
Marvin F. Dewey property at 10211 S .E. 264th St.
The total amount is $842.40 and covers non-commer-
cial transmission line-served property. in accord-
ance with staff recommendations, ELLIOTT MOVED
that the request be granted, B. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
East Hill Well. On questions from Elliott, it was
determined that there is a temporary hold on the
project until July 12 when the temporary restrain-
ing order filed by the East Hill Well Co. will be
heard in Superior Court. It was noted that the
basis for their complaint was that the proposed
well was being drilled closer to the East Hill
well than anticipated. Ulett also noted that the
contractor, Burt Well Drilling Co. , is presently
working on another project so the delay is not
causing any serious problem, and also noted by
Abed of URS that there is a 60-day completion
time limit on the contract. Ulett also pointed
out that the contractor has had no notice to pro-
LID 294 Guiberson Street Improvement (van de
Vanter Avenue to 850 ' East.) ADOPTION of
Resolution No. 874 setting the public hearing
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July 2, 1979
STREETS date on the Preliminary Assessment Roll for LID
294 for August 6, 1979.
Six Year Comprehensive Arterial Street Plan.
The annual public hearing on the Six Year Com-
prehensive Arterial Street Plan sche
this meeting was opened by the Mayor, .
reviewed the thirty projects covered' in e
Comprehensive Street Plan, which pro extz_. a,..,...
as follows:
1) N. Central Ave. - James St. to S. 224th
2) Kent-Kangley Road - S. 256th to 116th
Ave. S.E.
3) S. 212th/SR 167 Access Ramps - R/W
4) S. 212th St. at Frager and Russell Rds.
5) Smith St. at Jason Ave.
ORRECTED • REFER TcyO 6) S. 288th St. at N. Central Ave.
MINUTES OF .�!6=r.,..2 7) 124 h Ave.S E. - S.E. 236th to S.E.
S.E. 240th - 104th Ave. S.E. to 108th
Ave. S.E.
8) S. 180th (S.W. 43rd St. ) East Valley
Highway to West Valley Highway (Joint
Project with City of Renton)
9) 104th Ave. S.E. - S.E. 260th St. to S.E.
264th St.
10) S.E. 240th (James St. ) and 102nd Ave. S.E.
11) Green River Bridge on S.Central
12) West Valley Highway Signals at James St. ,
S. 228th St. , S. 196th St.
S. 240th St. and Pacific Highway S . Signal
13) East Valley Highway - S. 192nd St. to S.
180th St.
14) Meeker St. - Russell Rd. to Wash. Ave.
15) Meeker St. - Russell Rd. to Wash. Ave.
16) Kent-Des Moines Rd. - Green River to
Russell Rd.
17) Kent-Des Moines Rd. - Green River to
Russell Rd.
18) Reith Road - S. 253rd to Military Rd.
19) 84th Avenue S. - S. 212th to S. 192nd St.
20) Smith Street - Fourth Ave. to Lincoln Ave.
21) 101st Ave. S.E./S .E. 260th St. - S.E. 256th
St. to 104th Avenue S.E.
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July 2, 1979
STREETS 22) 112th Avenue S.E. - S.E. 232nd to S.E. 240th
23) 64th Ave. S. - Smith St. to James St.
24) Fourth Ave. (76th Ave. S. ) - S. 222nd St.
to S. 212th St.
25) Smith St../UPRR Crossing
6) James St./UPRR Crossing
RRECTED • REFER TO 7) S. 229th St'/UPRR Crossing
8) S. 212th St./UPRR Crossing
9) S. 228th St./BNRR Crossing
S. 212th St./BNRR Crossing
In response to questions, Ulett noted for Masters
that item No. 24 would be initiated by the City and
that an LID petition would be forthcoming, since
interest had been expressed in such a project by
one of the major property owners in the area.
Masters suggested that there may be obst�adcles_ ; n ) % :1
such a project, especially in light of'►�thA
spur crossings allowed in the area. n responseL ,
to Masters ' questions about item No.
noted that the crossing would be gated and funded
under a Federal grant. He also noted for McCaughan
that Traffic Engineer Ed Olson was instrumental
in obtaining the grants for railroad crossing
improvements which had recently been accomplished.
McCaughan commended Olson for his excellent efforts
and results in this regard. Paul Lorenz referred
to item No. 3, suggesting that this project should
be given a high priority since it would take traffic
from North Central and James Street. Ulett concurred
but clarified that this is a State project.
Mayor Hogan noted that repair of various streets in
the core area has been the subject of staff discus-
sion in recent weeks and suggested that the matter
be brought back to the Council at a later date with
a view to providing funds for such projects in next
year 's Street Department budget.
In response to Masters ' further questions, Ulett
noted that all projects were dependent upon funding.
There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED
that the hearing be closed, Elliott seconded.
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July 2, 1979
STREETS Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City
Attorney be directed to prepare a resolution
adopting the proposed Six Year Comprehensive
Arterial Street Plan, Masters seconded. Motion
RAILROAD S. 208th Crossing. A petition has been filed by the
CROSSING Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission
requesting closure of the S. 208th Burlington-
Northern Railroad crossing. The Council has pre-
viously taken the position that the crossing should
not be closed until an alternate route to the area
served by the crossing has been established.
Resolution No. 872 was introduced by the City
Attorney for submittal to the Washington Utilities
& Transportation Commission, opposing the closure.
McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No.
872, Elliott seconded. Masters noted that many
of the original property owners who had protested
the closure of the crossing in the past no longer
lived in the area and questioned the necessity of
keeping it open, noting the hazardous conditions
- that now exist at that site. Mirk noted that the
Fire Department did not want the crossing closed
until an alternate route has been established.
A representative of some of the industries in the
area noted that closure of the crossing would have
an adverse effect, not only on the industries loca-
ted in the area but on property values in the area.
He suggested that the City consider adding stronger
language to the proposed resolution and also asked
that consideration be given to making the crossing
safer. Motion carried, with Masters voting nay.
PLAN Amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. PASSAGE
of Resolution No. 873 adopting the Valley Floor
Plan amendment to the Kent Comprehensive Plan.
ZONING CODE Landscapinq Requirements. Receipt of a letter from
AMENDMENTS Mel Kleweno, President, Kent Chamber of Commerce,
was noted by the Clerk, in which letter the Chamber' s
Special Task Force requested a delay by the Council
until August 6, 1979 to consider the proposed revisions
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ju l_y 2, ?919
ZONING CODE to the landscaping requirements. MASTERS .MOVED
AMENDMENT to accept the letter, B. Johnson seconded . It
was noted by Curran that the Chamber had changed
its meeting date to July 11 and that no c>!-jec-
tions would be raised to holding the public
hearing on July 16 as planned. Motion carried.
KENT CITY Amendments . On June 19, 1979 the Planning Commis-
CODES sion held a public hearing to consider amending
applicable sections of the following Ci.t�, of Kent
Codes to provide for the implementation (,f the
Hearing Examiner System for the City of Kent:
The Planning Commission ' s written recommeri, -3' inn
listing the sections of each Code to be i - f ded
has been made a part of the record.
The public hearing was opened by the Maycl_ _ I'iie.re
were no comments from the audience .ind nc+
pondence has been received. McCAUGHAN MOVE that
the hearing be closed, Masters seconded . Mot.i.on
carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the amendmeiii:s to
the Zoning Code, Subdivision Code, Mobi.ls- icmt
Park Code, Recreation Vehicle Park Code,
Shoreline Master Program be approved as r< r•cammended
by the Planning Commission, Masters 5e condo .
Motion carried.
SPECIAL USE Kent Highlands, Inc. - CD-SU-79-1 . On May 72, 1979
COMBINING the Planning Commission held a hearing to consider
DISTRICT continuing a Special Use Combining District for
Kent Highlands, Inc. for a grading and fil-ling
operation on a 400-acre site zoned RA, CC & MR-M.
The Planning Commission recommended approval with
nine conditions , which are listed in the ,.7une 4,
1979 Council minutes. The public hearing before
the council was continued from June 4 to the Council
meeting of June 18, was subsequently continued
- 8 -
July 2, . 1979
SPECIAL USE again to this meeting, and a temporary permit was
COMBINING issued. The matter was discussed at the workshop
DISTRICT of June 11 and again at the June 25 workshop after
the City Council toured the landfill site. The
City of Seattle has leased a portion of the Kent
Highlands property and is using it for a sanitary
landfill. The landfill operation is adjacent to
the property under consideration now for continua-
tion of the special use permit. The permit, origi-
nally issued June 8, 1971, under Board of Adjustment
Resolution No. 71-2, has allowed cover material
from the mining site to be used for the landfill
operation without transporting it over public roads.
The permit expired on June 8, 1979.
The continued public hearing was opened by Mayor
Hogan. Mirk distributed copies of a document
entitled "Proposed Conditions for Kent Highlands
Grading & Landfill Operations, " consisting of three
(KENT pages, and having attached to it a copy of the
HIGHLANDS, Planning Commission recommendations as previously
_ INC.) listed in the June 4 Council minutes. Cushing
noted that the conditions had been drafted by the
staff after reviewing previous Council action
with regard to the mining operation, to the sanitary
landfill and the relationship between the two.
McCaughan questioned tying the mining operation
to conditions for the landfill operation. Mirk
noted that the two were closely tied together by
way of the conditions, at least until the landfill
is complete, but that they could be treated separately.
Mayor Hogan noted that the original conditions re-
quired that the cover for the landfill come from
the mining site. B. Johnson noted that the handout
provided by Mirk suggested that the temporary permit
be extended for 120 days and then listed additional
conditions. She stated that she preferred to see a
shorter period proposed and to observe whether the
situation at the landfill improved. Mirk noted that
the 120 day time frame was a result of information
from Seattle that the leachate pond could be covered
in 90 days and 120 days allowed an extra margin of
30 days. It was thought that this was a reasonable
approach to suggest to the Council.
j - 9 -
July 2, 1979
SPECIAL USE Masters questioned as to why there wasn' t some
COMBINING coordination between the amount mined and the
DISTRICT amount supplied to the landfill for cover each
day. Mirk noted that both the mining operation
and landfill are tied to certain contour require-
ments which could mean that grading might still
be continued after the landfill project was
Mirk noted that whatever conditions were imposed
would be enforced as the City intended to have
the site monitored daily. Upon McCaughan ' s ques-
tions about Ordinance No. 1390 which listed condi-
tions for sanitary landfills, Mirk noted that this
had been repealed by the new Zoning Ordinance (1827)
passed in 1973, and that landfill operations were
now covered in Ordinance No. 1827 as Special Use
Combining Districts. McCaughan stated that contour
maps should have been made available to the Council
(KENT before this.
INC. )IGHMr. Euteneier commented on the list of conditions _
distributed tonight, noting that four two foot
layers would be allowed to be compacted before a
one foot cover had to be placed over it. He
noted no reference to the dust problem, and stated
that the odor was not from the leachate pond, so
covering the pond would not eliminate the odor.
Mirk reported that proposed Condition No. 5 (a,b,c)
providing for . . . . .layers no deeper than two feet,
thoroughly compacted before additional layers are
added, and no more than four such compacted layers
allowed without a one foot cover,_complies with
the new recommended method for landfills and are
the same as those required by the State and the
King County Health Department.
Lloyd Erdahl stated that the odor was not from the
leachate pond but was coming from the top. Frank
Lee and Paul Lorenz also complained about the odor.
Ginny Erdahl noted that those in the area who had
allergies had found them to be worse due to the
noxious gases. Her letter on this matter was made
a part of the record by motion. Judy Dexter
10 -
July 2, 1979
SPECIAL USE suggested that the landfill be shut down for 120
COMBINING days and that the site be cleaned up before a new
DISTRICT special use permit is considered. She noted that
there was always raw garbage to be seen, so
obviously the original conditions for covering
it each day had been ignored. Paul Dexter noted
that EPA and King County Air Pollution Control
had fined the operators more than once but
that occasional fines of $100 were not tough
enough to remedy the situation. Upon a question
from the audience, Mayor Hogan noted that the
inspector for this operation would report infrac-
tions of conditions to the City and that closure
of the landfill would then be up to the Council.
She noted that the City had attempted to close
the landfill recently and that the courts had
not permitted the site to be closed. Cushing
pointed out that the conditions could include
authority for the inspector to levy a monetary
(KENT fine per violation, per day, and that this could
HIGHLANDS, be made a part of the ongoing permit. The Mayor
INC.) noted that the court had found that Kent Highlands
and the City of Seattle had made a reasonable
effort to determine the cause of the odor and
how to cope with it. Mirk noted that the inspector
could be authorized to close the operation immedi-
ately upon finding a violation and pointed out
that we do not know for sure exactly what is
causing the odor, and that even with full compli-
ance with all conditions, the landfill might still
have an offensive odor. He clarified that noncom-
pliance would cause the site to be shut down, but
the presence of the odor was not sufficient cause
to close the fill site. Erdahl and Lee agreed
that neither wanted the landfill closed permanently
but that they wanted the proper cover placed over
the garbage every day to hold down the smell.
Chet Spurgeon stated that the temporary permit
should not be extended 120 days, that it should
be denied now. He pointed out that the landfill
had been in existence for 12 years and since it
had never been properly managed in all that time,
there was no reason to believe that everything
July 2, 1979
SPECIAL USE would now be done in accordance with the condi-
COMBINING tions. He stated there was no way to eliminate
DISTRICT the smell no matter how much cover was placed
over it.
James Curran, attorney for Kent Highlands, intro-
duced three maps which he had shown at the Planning
Commission hearing: 1) Contour map of upper plateau,
2) Upper plateau with cut control, and 3) map show-
ing the boundaries of the Kent Highlands property.
MASTERS MOVED to accept the maps as a part of the
record, Elliott seconded. Motion carried. Curran
noted that he had nDt had a chance to study the
proposed condition: which were distributed this
evening. He noted that the conditions for the
sanitary landfill w,yre established under Resolution
No. 59 of the Board of Adjustment in December, 1966.
Curran pointed out that there was no reference to
operating such a project without an odor and that
the Resolution states that the operation will be
safe, sanitary and policed. He further noted that
(KENT there was no time l,ntit spelled out for the project
HIGHLANDS , to be completed but that good judgment dictates
INC. ) that the landfill b,:• completed. He stated that
Kent Highlands and the City of Seattle and the
City of Kent must cc.operate and that Kent Highlands
and Seattle had stated that they would cover the
leachate pond within 90 days . He questioned that
a temporary permit was proper, noting that he found
no provision for it in the Code and stated that
the City should either grant the permit with condi-
tions or deny it. He noted the two year contract
between Kent Highlands and Seattle and stated that
the City would interfere with this contract if the
permit was denied. Curran stated that he thought
they were dealing with the permit for mining and
grading and noted that the only complaints about
the grading operation were about dust. He expressed
Kent Highland's willingness to comply with reason-
able conditions, including those of the Planning
Commission, and expressed concern as to whether
the City could legally impose some of the conditions
proposed. Upon the Mayor' s question, Curran clari-
fied that his position was that the conditions did
not relate to the mining permit.
12 -
July 2, 1979
SPECIAL USE Masters commented that after the City's attempt
COMBINING to close the site and the subsequent court action,
DISTRICT that the City of Seattle should have realized that
Kent planned serious action, but they had made
no move to participate in any of the hearings.
Curran stated that he doubted that Seattle had
seen these proposed conditions. Mirk clarified
for the Mayor that it was perfectly legal to
extend the temporary permit for 120 days if
the Council so wished. There were no further
comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the hearing,
Elliott seconded. Motion carried.
McCAUGHAN MOVED to deny Kent Highland's application
to renew the mining permit, Masters seconded, and
gave the following reasons for closing the landfill:
(KENT landfills should be outlawed, there has been no
HIGHLANDS, improvement of the operation since the Council
INC. ) visited the site a week ago, restrictions on what
may be done with the site after it is filled due
to settling and odor, violations could occur without
the knowledge of the inspector, and that controls
were difficult to formulate when the exact causes
of the problems were not known. She noted also
that two more years of the landfill operation would
constitute additional abuse to the community. B.
Johnson noted that Seattle had not followed the
rules for the past twelve years and the operation
had not improved since the temporary permit had
been issued. She stated that the site would have
been filled by now if the required 6 inches of
cover had been added every day in accordance with
the original conditions, and noted further that 6,000
citizens protested this project 12 years ago.
McCaughan observed that a 22-year gravel and mining
permit was like an open ended permit and that scars
left on the land by other mining operations in the
City had finally started to revegetate. He objected
to the State guidelines of 8 feet of compacted garbage
being covered by only 1 foot of dirt. Mirk opined
that the applicant. Kent Highlands, should still be
entitled to make a presentation on the mining opera-
tion itself, disconnected from the landfill operation
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July 2, 1979
SPECIAL USE if they so desire and that the mining operation
COMBINING should be allowed to continue long enough to place
DISTRICT cover on the garbage already placed in the land-
fill site. He pointed out that the City had not
yet started to consider the application in terms
of what the applicant plans to do with the mining
site when they are through.
Upon the Mayor's question, Mirk noted that covering
(KENT the existing material in the landfill was the res-
HIGHLANDS, ponsibility of Seattle. MASTERS MOVED TO A14END
INC.) the motion to accommodate Kent Highlands to allow
completion of the contour agreement provided
that material does not go on the sanitary landfill
site other than that necessary for a final cap over
the existing garbage, subject to any conditions
imposed by the Council on the mining operation,
B. Johnson seconded. Amendment carried unanimously.
Elliott noted that Seattle is now aware that Kent
is linking the mining operation with the landfill
and that Resolutions 59 and 71-2 of the Board of
Adjustment and Ordinance No. 1390 which established _
the original conditions, must be studied again by
all concerned. Motion, as amended, carried unani-
MIDWAY At the request of McCaughan, Cushing noted that the
LANDFILL matter of the Midway Landfill Site would be discussed
SITE at the Council workshop of July 23, with a public
hearing to be held the first week in August, if
necessary, to review the operation.
VACATION Portion of S. 194th Street & 76th Avenue So.
(Bradley.) ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2169 vacating
a portion of 76th Avenue S. and S.. 194th Street.
PARKS & Riverfront Park Master Plan. The Park Department
RECREATION and the Board of Park Commissioners recommend that
the Riverfront Park Master Plan, designed by Jones
& Jones, be adopted by the City Council. The public
hearing scheduled for this meeting was opened by
the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience
and no correspondence has been received. ELLIOTT
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July 2, 1979
PARKS & MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan
RECREATION seconded. Motion carried. ELLIOTT MOVED that
the Riverfront Park Master Plan be adopted,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Repeal of Board of Park Commissioners. ADOPTION
of Ordinance No. 2170 repealing Ordinance 1908
which established the Board of Park Commissioners.
Special Cooperative Arts Program Grant. Recently
approval was granted to the Kent Parks & Recreation
Department/Kent Arts Commission/Kent Library/Kent
School District for a "Summer Arts Involvement"
project this summer. The amount allocated by the
King County Arts Commission is $3,840.00, which
will cover all costs related to the project. B.
JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to
sign the contract agreement with the King County
Arts Commission for the "Special Arts Program"
grant of $3,840.00, McCaughan seconded. Motion
COMMISSION Arts Commission Appointment. APPROVAL of the
Mayors appointment to the Kent Arts Comriission
of Bernadine Kinsey to fill the unexpired term
of Taffy Jacaway, until October, 1979.
Phase I Tenant Space Completion. ACCEPTANCE of
the Kent Commons Tenant Space Completion as com-
plete, as recommended by the Parks Department
and Ted Bower Associates, and for the retainage
to be paid upon receipt of the necessary State
Phase II Change Order No 8. APPROVAL of Change
Order No. 8 for Kent Commons Phase II, as recom-
mended by the Parks Department and Ted Bower
Associates. Adequate money is available for
the following changes:
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July 2, 1979
KENT COMMONS 1) Lighting and storm drainage at
covered walls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,945.00
2) Hose bibs at north wall and
shower room. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 734.00
3) Widen roof galley, change roof
drain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114.00
4) Add urinals, outlets, relocate
H/H dryers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,090.00
5) Floor mounted urinals in lieu
of wall mounted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 673.00
TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO. 8. . . . . . . . . . . . $9,556.00
PLAT Cambridge Highlands. APPROVAL of the request of
Hugh Goldsmith & Associates on behalf of the
developer of Cambridge Highlands Preliminary
(CAMBRIDGE Plat, Executive Homes, Inc. , for a six month
HIGHLANDS) time extension for filing of the final plat,
making the new expiration date February 7, 1980.
The Kent Subdivision Code permits the Council
to grant an extension of time of not greater
than one year for filing of a final plat.
Upland's Southcenter Corporate Park. 'ACCEPTANCE
(UPLAND'S of the agreement presented by Jones & Jones,
SOUTHCENTER covering their proposed scope of service and
CORPORATE costs for a review of the Southcenter Corporate
PARK Park Preliminary Plat, as recommended by the Council
at its work session of June 25, 1979.
Kentview. At its June 18, 1978 Council meeting
this date was set for the public meeting to con-
sider the Kentview Preliminary Plat. The Planning
Commission recommended approval of the said plat
(KENTVIEW) at its meeting of May 22, 1979, with the following
1) Drainage Plan: Construct an adequate storm
drainage system. Submit to the Engineering
Department for review and approval, a detailed
drainage plan showing how surface water will
be received, handled and transported within
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July 2, 1979
PRELIMINARY the property. The drainage system shall
PLAT meet the requirements of the City of Kent
Drainage Code. Construct interim drainage
and erosion control measures. Provide
detailed plan of same to Engineering Depart-
ment for review and approval.
2) Sanitary Sewers: Construct gravity sanitary
sewer service to all lots. Submit detailed
sewer plans to the Engineering Department
for review and approval.
3) Water System: Provide City water service
to all lots. Looping the James Street main
with the 94th Avenue main throughout the
plat is required. Submit detailed water
plan to Engineering Department for review
and approval.
4) Street Improvements and Requirements; All
(KENTVIEW) streets shall be asphalt paved with concrete
curb and gutter. West half of 94th Avenue
shall be improved with 18 ' of asphalt con-
crete pavement as measured from center line
of the existing pavement, concrete curb and
gutter, cement concrete sidewalk and street
lighting. All other streets shall have pav-
ing widths of at least 32 feet. Cul-de-sac
turn around shall have an improved radius
of 45 feet. Dedicate to City for street
purposes 15 ' of property along and abutting
94th Avenue. (Note: The cul-de-sac exceeds
the maximum length allowed under the Subdivi-
sion Code. As such the Engineering Depart-
ment feels a 32 foot wide road section would
mitigate the problem. )
Street lighting required on all streets.
Street name signs shall be furnished and
installed by the City with reimbursement
by the developer. Submit detailed plans
denoting the above to the Engineering
Department for review and approval.
5) Sidewalks: Cement concrete sidewalks shall
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July 2, 1979
PRELIMINARY be required on one side of all streets.
PLAT Dedicate to the City for walkway purposes
a 10 foot strip of land interconnecting
the southerly end of the cul-de-sac with
James Street. Construct 5 ' wide cement
concrete sidewalk from James Street to
cul-de-sac. Submit detailed plans denoting
the above to Engineering Department for
review and approval.
6) Access Restrictions: For those lots abutting
James Street, access thereto shall be re-
stricted to the plat's interior street.
7) Streets in the subdivision shall be:
a) North street to be S. 238th Place.
b) West street to be 92nd Place South.
c) South street to be South 239th Place.
(KENTVIEW) 8) Hydrants to be installed on the street right-
of-way at proper intervals and on proper sized
9) Street number signs to be placed on inter-
10) A variance is hereby granted to allow a cul-
de-sac of approximately 1, 100 feet in length
in the interior of Kentview Preliminary Plat.
Planning Director Harris pointed out the location
of the proposed 8.5 acre, 29 lot residential sub-
division, located in the vicinity of 94th Avenue S.
and James Street. He noted that the zoning is
R-1-9.6 and R-1-7. 2, Single Family Residential
(Minimum lot sizes 9,600 square feet and 7, 200
square feet) . He noted that Condition No. 4 was
the subject of lengthy discussion at the Planning
Commission meeting. In response to Elliott's ques-
tion, Harris noted that the Fire Department has
expressed no concerns over the plat. The Mayor
questioned whether those outside the plat on the
west side of 94th Avenue S. had been approached
about improving 94th by means of an LID and one
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July 2, 1979
PRELIMINARY of the owners of the property noted that people
PLAT were contacted in this regard but no interest
was shown in such an improvement. Masters also
clarified that these existing homes on the west
side of 94th Avenue S. were quite close to the
road and those people did not wish to widen the
(KENTVIEW) street and lose part of their yards.
B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Kentview Preliminary
Plat be approved as presented with the Planning
Commission conditions, Masters seconded. Motion
Meeker Day Activities. APPROVAL of the request
of the Meeker Day Committee for the use of the
following streets and facilities, provided that
the Fire and Building Department regulations
are followed:
1) Meeker Street - lst Avenue to 4th Avenue
Closed from Friday, July 13 to Sunday night,
July 15.
2) Second Avenue - Gowe to West Harrison,
Closed Friday through Sunday.
3) Municipal Parking Lot on Smith Street located
between 2nd and 4th Avenue,
Closed from Friday through Sunday for
carnival use.
4) Street closures for the parade as follows:
5th Avenue from Gowe to Saar
July 15, noon to 6:00 p.m.
Saar- 5th Avenue to lst Avenue
July 15, 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Intersection at 4th and Saar
July 15, until parade has passed
lst Avenue from Saar to James
July 15, 2:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
COUNCIL Public Works Committee. It was noted that the
COMMITTEES Committee would meet on Thursday morning at 8:00
A.M. , July 5, 1979.
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July 2, 1979
Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of the
bills received through July 5, 1979 and approved
by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3:00
p.m. on July 16, 1979.
The following claims were approved by the Finance
Committee at its meeting of June 29, 1979:
Current Expense $ 65, 155. 20
Parks & Recreation 51,657.82
Library 94, 209.90
City Streets 12, 000.81
Alcoholic Rehab 1, 209.35
Kent Commons Operating 431.02
Workmens Compensation 447.68
Federal Shared Revenue 2, 956. 23
Russell Rd Park Ph. II 187.07
UAB 13 - 84th Ave. S. Const 22,883.00
104th Ave. - SE 236 to SE 252 13,842. 25
1978 Water Rev Const 2, 230.00
K-S Chlor Equip 925.70
Equipment Rental 26,894.90
Emp Retirement 767.79
Housing & Comm. Dev. 2, 150.97
Arts Commission 500.44
Firemens Rel & Pension 37.88
Leff Disability 4, 782.36
LID 281 4, 101.06
LID 282 1, 252. 11
LID 283 517.50
Sewer 66,809.92
Water 24, 181. 27
Garbage 998.55
$401, 130.78
Interest Bearing Warrants
LID 283
Dale R. Brunton $ 517.50
ADJOURNMENT: ELLIOTT MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at
10:00 o 'clock p.m. B. Johnson seconded. Motion
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk
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