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City Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/18/1979
Kent, Washington June 18, 1979 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Elliott, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Cushing, Citv Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also in attendance: Parks Director Wilson, URS representative Abed. Approximately 40 people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the month of July, 1979 as Sudden Infant Death Syndrome Awareness Month in the City of Kent. CONSENT Consent Calendar Item 5M (Outside Utility Re- CALENDAR quests) was removed from the Calendar. B. JOHNSON MOVED to approve all other items (A through P) , McCaughan seconded. motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) APPROVAL of the minutes of the regular meeting of June 4, 1979 as printed. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Pioneer Aluminum Sanitary Sewer Extension. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 300 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of East Vallev Highway and S. 188th Street and release of the cash bond after pay- ment of any outstanding City bills against the project. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Century Development Short Plat Utility Extensions. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 673 feet of water main extensions and 1130 feet of sanitary sewer extensions constructed for the Century Short Plat in the vicinity of S. 196th Street and for release of the cash bond after the payment of any outstanding City bills against the project. - 1 - June 18 , 1979 HEALTH & Hanken Sewer Request. Mr. Hanken has a failing SANITATION septic tank on his property at 1103 Sam Street and there is no sewer available. Previous attempts to form an LID have been unsuccessful and Hanken has now requested that the City construct a sewer with the property owners to pay for it at the time of connection. The Public Works Director recommends denial of the request as granting it might result in a large number of similar requests and substantial expenditures of sewer funds. JUST MOVED that the request of Mr. Hanken be,denied, Carey seconded. In response to Masters' question, Cushinq determined that if failing septic tanks caused a serious health problem in the City that the Department of Health could make a sewer LID project mandatory. MASTERS MOVED TO AMEND the motion to include that the City Administrator be directed to ask the Health Department to pro- vide the City with a survey of septic tank fail- ures in the area, B. Johnson seconded. The amendment to the motion carried. The motion as amended carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) Outside Utility Requests . The following requests .for outside utility service have been received: Service Name Re uested Location 1) FALKNER, Dean Water Short Plat at 24411 98th S. 2) RUETER, William Sewer & 200 06 Acre 11ath Avenue S.E. The Public Works Department has recommended appro- val of both requests , subject to the provisions of Resolution 822 and with the provisions that water service will not begin until after September, 1979 . Carey noted that there had been some dis- cussion in the past about controlling the density on building sites to be served by Kent utilities outside the City of Kent. He noted that many arez 2 - June 18, 1979 HEALTH & were being developed with 7200 square foot lots SANITATION and that the matter had been discussed at Pub- lic Works Committee meetings previously. He noted that he was not against granting the ser- vice but wanted the study done as a means of con- trolling growth. Ulett determined that both requests were for short plats with a maximum of four lots each. He noted that at the next Council meeting there would be requests for service for a substantial area outside the City. McCaughan referred to the fact that Water Dis- trict ill would also be adding some high density areas to their system. Ulett noted that the Water Study indicates that we will not have that type of problem for a while but that the City would have to have additional water sources, in addition to the Tukwila water intertie and the new well. In response to B. Johnson's question, Abed noted that the new Water Study should be delivered to the staff for review within the next few weeks. CAREY MOVED to approve these two requests as recommended by the Public Works Department, McCaughan seconded. In response to Elliott' s question as to whether the City could dictate the size of lots in such areas, Mirk noted that we could and until they met the City' s zoning requirements they would be linable to aet utility service. Motion carried. Just stated that the City should take a look at the matter of zoning and water service areas and questioned why it was necessary to wait until the Water Report is completed. Cushing suggested that the staff prepare a proposal addressing the issue of tying land use to proposed utility service exten- sions, and that such an outline could be dis- cussed at the work session of July 9 . Just pointed out that such a study would probably be helpful with regard to the traffic congestion in the area, and that it should be accomplished as soon as possible. Motion carried. LID 295 - 104th Place S.E. Sanitary Sewer - S.E. 224th Street to S.E. 222nd Street. The City Attorney noted that the Resolution of Intent to create the proposed sanitary sewer improvement - -- under LID 295 would be ready for the July 2 , 1979 meeting. 3 - June 18, 1979 HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Water & Sewer Extensions - Lot 16, Shinn's Cloverdale Addition. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 105 feet of water main extension and 105 feet of sanitary sewer extension con- structed in the vicinity of S. 222nd at 88th Avenue S. and for release of the cash bond after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) Tukwila Intertie Agreement. APPROVAL of an agreement with Tukwila to intertie water systems and purchase water, which agreement has been signed by the City of Tukwila. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) LID 292 - 104th S.E. Street Improvement (S.E. 235th to S.E. 242nd) and S .E. 240th Street Improvement (104th S.E. to 108th S.E. ) . ACCEPTANCE of the Final Environmental Impact Statement as prepared by the Engineering Depart- ment and ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2167 creating LID 292. LID 294 - Guiberson Street Improvement (Van de Vanter Avenue to 850 feet East) . The City Attorney noted that the Resolution of Intent to create the above referenced Local Improve- ment District would be presented at the Council meeting of July 2, 1979. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Application for Federal Funds for Pavement Marking Program and High Hazard Location. AUTHORIZATION to submit application for Federal funds for the following: 1) Pavement Marking Demonstration Program (100% Federal funding) 2) High Hazard funds for Signalization at N. Central and S . 228th Street (90% Federal funding; 10% City of Kent funding) Cost to City $10 ,000 4 - June 18, 1979 PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR'ITEM 5F) RECREATION Kent Memorial Parking Lot. APPROVAL of Change Order No. l as recommended by the Parks Depart- ment and their consultant, ORB Organization, in the amount of $187.50 for 25 additional linear feet of curb and gutter to enlarge a planting area and ACCPETANCE of the project as complete with release of the retainage upon receipt of necessary State releases. KENT COMMONS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) - ..-_____ ____ -I-- _ TT 'Annnnt7AT. ^f ('hnneym F r 1 June 18, 1979 BUSINESS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) LICENSE Roadway Sales & Leasing. SETTING public hearing REVOCATION date of July 16, 1979 on the revocation of the business license of Roadway Sales & Leasing in accordance with Sec. 5.02.44 of the Kent City Code, upon the request/complaint of the City Attorney. BUILDING (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) PERMITS Permit Process. APPROVAL for staff to proceed with necessary staffing to accelerate the permit process in accordance with the plan outlined by the City Administrator in his memo of May 24. The Council discussed a staff proposal at its workshop of Mav 28 to accelerate the permit pro- cess which will require the addition of 2.5 posi- tions, the cost of which will be offset by addi- tional revenue from building permit fees. ARTS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5E) COMMISSION Resignation. ACCEPTANCE WITH REGRET a letter of resignation from the Arts Commission from Taffy Jacaway. INSURANCE Self -Insured Worker's Compensation Program. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2166 author- izing the City of Kent to obtain certification as a self -insured worker's compensation employer, and authorizing the Mayor to sign the appropriate agreements. The proposal was presented at the June 11 workshop meeting and outlined the benefits of the self-insurance program and the actions which must be taken by the City prior to certifi- cation. The City has until June 28, 1979 to meet the certification requirements without delaying the conversion to a self -insured program. CAREY MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2166, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Liability Insurance Protection for City Employees. The City Attorney noted that the proposed ordinance affirming the extension of the City's liability insurance programs to include all employees would be presented at the July 2, 1979 Council meeting. It was noted that while City employees are cur- - 6 - June 18, 1979 INSURANCE rently included as additional insureds on the City policies, this action will formalize the City's intention to provide liability protection to employees acting within the scope and authority of their respective positions. :STREET Portion of W. Saar Street. On June 4, 1979 the VACATWN ouncil held a public hearing on the Ribail re- quest for vacation of a portion of W. Saar Street. At that time, the hearing was continued to this meeting with further discussion to be held at the work session of June 11. The continued pub- lic hearing was reopened by the Mayor. George Bill_in9s- President of Northwest Drywall Supply, notea d tht he was in attendance at the meeting on behalf of Mr. Ribail. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the requested street vaca- tion be DENIED but that the adjacent property owner be allowed to make substandard street improvements with the understanding that the street will not be maintained by the City. Masters seconded. Billings noted for Masters that this action was satisfactory. Motion carried. VALLEY Amendment to Comprehensive Plan. A public hear - FLOOR ing was held by the Council on June 4, 1979 to KAN consider the Valley Floor Plan amendment to the Rent Comprehensive Plan, at which time the hear- ing was continued to this meeting, with further discussion scheduled for the workshop of June 11. At the June 11 workshop questions regarding goals and policies and the extent. of the land use map were answered by the Planning Department. The continued public hearing was reopened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. In re- sponse to Masters' question, Harris determined that all questions which had been raised regard- ing the Plan have been answered. Mirk also deter- mined for McCaughan that an ordinance was not mm June 18, 1979 VALLEY necessary to adopt the Plan. B. JOHNSON MOVED FLOOR that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. PLAN Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the Valley Floor Plan be adopted with the changes discussed at the June 11 work session regarding the land use map, Carey seconded. Motion carried. REZONES W-K Company Rezone. On May 22, 1979, the Plan- ning Commission held a public hearing on an application filed by W-K Company for a rezone from MR-M, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential (23 units per acre) to O, Office and Professional, zoning. A public hearing to consider the said application is scheduled for this meeting. Harris pointed out the location of the proposed rezone as lying south of the Kent Des Moines Road, be- tween the proposed SR-516 extension and Frager Road and encompassing approximately 4.22 acres. It was noted by Harris that the Planning Commis- sion, at their hearing, recommended approval of the rezone with the following conditions: (W-K COMPANY) 1) Any plans for the use of the land be approved by the Planning Commission. 2) The pond that is located on the property be protected in its current location and size. 3) The applicant deed to the City of Kent for street purposes the westerly thirty (30) feet of property (measured from the center of the pavement) on Frager Road for the entire length of the property. Harris also noted that the Planning Department staff recommendation had been for denial of the rezone request, based on the fact that it was not felt advisable to have office zoning on the other side of the river since there is adequate zoning of this type already existing on this side of the river. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Jack Ewing, engineer for the applicant, pointed out that the site would be isolated by the free- way and surrounded by streets and was not suited June 18, 1979 REZONES for multiple dwellings. In response to questions, he noted that the office condominium building would be planned around the pool site. He noted that both the Green River and freeway would serve as natural barriers. In response to McCaughan's questions regarding progress on the SR 516 project, the Mayor noted that the EIS has been released on the project, and if this is not challenged within the 30-day time period, the next step would involve obtain- ing the necessary permits for the project again. McCaughan commented that he was in favor of Office zoning for the area rather than MRM, which would allow the construction of more apartments in the area. Harris also noted for McCaughan that the height restriction imposed by the Zoning Code on (W-K COMPANY) Office zoning was 3 stories or 40' high and MRM zoning allowed buildings four stories in height. It was also noted that the man made pond came about because of the construction of the San Juan Club Apartments and also noted by Ewing that the pond is a fresh water storage pond, as well as holding drainage water. He referred to a drainage easement noting that a drainage pipe carries part of the water to the pond and that some is retained in an open ditch. In response to B. Johnson's questions, Ulett noted that this proposal would • CORRECTED REFER T4 involve an expensive sewer extension. It was MINUTES OF - �- "� also determined that the area is included in the Comprehensive Sewer Plan. He noted that it would be covered by the Metro Kent/Auburn Interceptor at 72nd Avenue & S. 262nd Street. Harris noted that the staff report indicates that a 24 inch sanitary sewer line exists on Kent -Des Moines Road and that additional lines are proposed. Ulett expressed doubt that a pump station would be permitted. Mayor Hogan expressed concern about the impact of the proposal on the Green River. Carey raised questions about the setback required for such a building, as well as height limitations, landscap- ing requirements and off-street parking. Harris determined that the development would be covered by the Shoreline Master Program requirements. It ='M June 18, 1979 REZONES was determined that the Planning Commission Con- dition #1 was not within the scope of their authority and therefore not valid. Mr. Ewing noted that the setback from the river would be about 70', taking into consideration the 30' strip which would be deeded to the City. Mayor Hogan commented that the Green River Corridor Study might require a greater setback and McCaughan opined that that Study would not affect this present type of zoning. Mayor Hogan pointed out that it would take in property on both sides of the river, that the City of Kent might be required to purchase additional land to satisfy the re- quirements of the Plan when it is completed. McCaughan pointed out that the applicant could apply for a building permit at any time under the present zoning without waiting for the results of the Green River Corridor Study. There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the change of zone be approved (W-K COMPANY) as recommended by the Planning Commission exclud- ing Condition #;1, and that an ordinance rezoning the property not be approved until such time as condition #3 has been met, Carey seconded. Masters noted that she would vote against the motion be- cause she did not feel non-residential zoning should be granted beyond the river_.J„« Johns- - ,....,. concurred noting that there is s WZj'j office zoned land available insi Ny ��s�n ready. B. Johnson stated that h r intent tol�i�i against the motion was based on e-- - blem which already exists in the area. Harris clarified for Just that it is not possible to determine the amount of traffic that would be generated by the proposed office development since it would depend on the size of the building and the number of people employed in the area. Ewing noted that the building was to be planned around the pond. McCaughan referred to Belfield, an office development in Bellevue built on a marshland. Harris determined for Elliott that the maximum number of units that could be put in the area would probably be 40 units. It was also determined that it was necessary to keep _ - 10 - June 18, 1979 REZONES the pond in its natural condition since it re- ceives drainage from the area. Masters referred to this as a sensitive area" based on the set- backs from the river and the instability of the soil, both of which may cause placing some re- strictions as to the type of structure allowed. (W-K COMPANY) The motion carried, with McCaughan, Carey, Just and Elliott voting in favor and B. Johnson, J. Johnson and Masters voting against. It was determined that the ordinance would not be pre- pared until the requirement for deeding of the 30' strip was met. Mayor Hogan stated that she would veto such an ordinance and it was deter- mined that passage over the veto would require five affirmative votes. Garnet Drury Rezone. On May 22, 1979 the Plan- ning Commission held a public hearing on an appli- cation filed by Garnet L. Drury for a rezone from GC, General Commercial, to MR-M, Multi - Family Residential Medium Density (23 units per acre). The subject property contains approxi- (DRURY) mately 1.1 acres located west of North Washing- ton Street approximately 172 feet north of West James Street. The Planning Commission recommended denial of the rezone. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. A letter was read by the Clerk from Mr. Drury asking that the rezone application be withdrawn. MASTERS MOVED for acceptance of the letter, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. There were no further comments and ELLIOTT MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that the application for a change of zone be denied without prejudice, Just seconded. Motion carried. Union Pacific Land Resources Corporation. On May 22, 1979, the Planning Commission held a (UNION PACIFIC public hearing on an application filed by Union LAND RESOURCES) pacific Land Resources Corporation for a rezone from MA, Industrial Agricultural, to M-1 Indus- trial Park District, and M-2, Limited Industrial, zoning. The subject property contains approxi- mately 350 acres lying between the West Valley June 18, 1979 REZONES Highway and the Green River, north of S. 228th Street and south of S. 216th Street, extended. A Planning Commission motion to approve the re- zone was defeated and no subsequent motion was made. The area of the subject rezone falls under the Interim Planning Program Ordinance No. 2164, which requires that an agreement be signed. McCaughan questioned Mirk as to whether it was appropriate to hold the hearing before the agreement was signed and Mirk stated that agree- ments could not be prepared until costs of the studies have been determined. He pointed out, however, that in fairness to the applicant the matter could be heard at this time. (UNION PACIFIC LAND RESOURCES) Harris pointed out the location of the proposed rezone and noted that adequate city services, such as water, sewer and fire and police pro- _ tection were available. He stated that after the motion to approve the rezone failed, there was no further discussion, noting that the re- sults of the impending Surface Water, Transport- ation and Green River Corridor Studies would have an impact on the use of land. The Mayor opened the public hearing. Uhrich noted that Uplands had agreed to signing the agreement re- quired by Ordinance 2164 and agreed to abide by the results of the studies to be made. He pro- posed to change his original request to confin- ing the area proposed for M-2 to the middle portion of the area, with M-1 proposed for the area along the West Valley Highway and along the river. He pointed out that the bulk of rail service would be in the middle of the property. He asked that approval of the rezone be given with the condition that they abide by the study that the City will adopt in six months. The Mayor referred to the new proposal being made by Uplands which was different than that made to the Planning Commission and also noted that the Planning Commission had recommended denial until the studies were completed. Uhrich stated that the only reason a change was being suggested was - 12 - June 18, 1979 REZONES to seek approval for the M-2 portion, n.otinq that M-1 along the river would be downgrading the ori- ginal request of M-2. McCaughan expressed appro- val of the suggested downgrading of the zoning. The Mayor pointed out that the area should not be considered until the studies were done. Carey (UNION PACIFIC commented that the zoning could be changed now. LAND RESOURCES) Masters questioned Mirk as to the possibility of approving the rezone conditioned upon abiding by the conditions of Ordinance 2164. Mirk noted that the Council could not approve the rezone until after the agreement is signed and that the agreement called for by Ordinance 2164 could not be signed until the contracts for the studies were signed. He also.noted that it has not been possible to determine as yet what the costs of the studies would be to the developers. MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be continued until the agreement is signed. Just seconded. Cushing stated that the agreements should be ready by the July 16 meeting. Motion carried. ZONING Landscaping Requirements. On May 22, 1979 the CODE Planning Commission held a public hearing to AMENDMENT consider amending the landscaping requirements of the City of Kent Zoning Code. The Planning Commission recommends that the landscaping re- quirements of the Zoning Code be amended by the addition of a proposed new Chapter Six entitled LANDSCAPING REGULATIONS, with the present Chap- ters 6 and 7 of the Code becoming Chapters 7 and 8, respectively. At the June 11 work session, the Planning Department, in a memo to the Council, requested consideration of three changes to the Planning Commission recommendations, as follows: 1) Caliper size for trees. 2) Occupancy permit in relation to bonding. 3) Amount of landscape bond. The public hearing scheduled for this meeting before the Council was opened by the Mayor. Harris asked to have the hearing continued for two weeks in order to give further study to enforcement of this part of the Code. He - 13 - June 18, 1979 ZONING noted that a presentation would be given at the CODE next work session covering such rules for en - AMENDMENT forcing the landscaping guidelines. A letter was read from Jack Elder, Chairman of the Chamber of Commerce Landscaping Regulations Task Force asking for additional time until the end of July to study and review the proposed landscap- ing revisions. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. B. Johnson questioned whether the matter should be continued to July 2 and Masters suggested that it should be continued for 30 days. Harris noted that the proposed changes had been the subject of Planning Com- mission hearings in March, April and May and also discussed at a Council work session and the Chamber had received agenda material, as well as minutes. He considered therefore that July 2 would be a reasonable date for continua- tion of the hearing. Masters spoke in favor of allowing the additional time requested by the Chamber. Bob Precious, Cascade Landscaping & Construction Co., noted that they had been re- viewing the matter with City staff and the Plan- ning Commission. He noted that they presently have 12 contracts in the Kent area and that creativity has been limited by the new plan while the costs are rising. In response to Mayor Hogan's question, Precious noted that he was not working with the Chamber Task Force but had worked with the Planning Department with regard to specifications. He suggested that landscaping which should cost about $20,000 was now costing $68,000 in the Kent area because of some of the requirements of the City which are not required in other areas. MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be continued until July 16, Just seconded. Motion carried, with B. Johnson voting nay. - 14 - June 18, 1979 SPECIAL USE On May 22, 1979 the Planning Commission held a COMBINING hearing to consider continuing a Special Use Com- DISTRICT bining District for Kent Highlands, Inc. for a grading and filling operation on a 400 acre site KENT HIGHLANDS, in an area zoned RA, CC and MR-M. The Planning INC. Commission recommended approval of the application CD-SU-79-1 with nine conditions. The City Council hearing on the matter of June 4, 1979 was continued to this meeting and a temporary permit was issued. The conditions imposed by the Planning Commission are contained in the June 4 minutes. The public hearing was reopened by the Mayor. Lloyd Ehrdahl and Don Knapp distributed recent pictures of the adjacent sanitary landfill opera- tion and complained that the regulations covering such an operation were not enforced. They sug- gested that the Special Use Permit extension be denied. Upon McCAUGHAN'S MOTION, seconded by J. Johnson, pictures were filed as a part of the record. Cushing reviewed recent developments on the matter, noting that the city had met with the City of Seattle and the owner/developer. He pointed out that the city was concerned with the applicants adherence to the conditions. The City of Seattle and Kent Highlands have offered to pay Kent $12,000 per year so that Kent may hire an inspector for this project. Cushing suggested that the matter be continued until the city re- ceives the money to fund the part time inspector and to also allow time for citizens to voice their opinions on the conditions, or to propose new con- ditions. A letter was read from Kent Highlands confirming the offer to provide $12,000 jointly with Seattle to pay to have the city provide daily surveillance to the landfill operation. A letter from J. P. Curran was read asking that consideration be given to extending the time for the operation to 7 p.m. to complete the required daily cover. MASTERS MOVED for both letters to be made a part of the record and for Curran's letter to be referred to the City Administrator. McCaughan seconded, motion carried. - 15 - June 18, 1979 SPECIAL USE MASTERS MOVED to continue the hearing to July 2 COMBINING and to continue the temporary permit, J. Johnson DISTRICT seconded. McCaughan stated that the Council should tour -the area and view the operation and KENT HIGHLANDS, noted further that the city would not now consider INC. issuing an initial permit for this type of mining CD-SU-79-1 operation. He maintained that the issue to be dealt with -was the garbage fill operation. Mr. Cushing was asked to arrange for a tour of the site on Monday, June 25 at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) Kentview Preliminary Plat. SETTING A PUBLIC PLAT MEETING on July 2, 1979 to consider adoption or rejection of the Planning Commission recommenda- tions on -the Kentview Preliminary Plat. At its public hearing on May 22, 1979 the Planning Com- mission recommended approval with conditions of this 8.5 acre, 29 lot residential subdivision, located on the west side of 94th Avenue S., north of James Street. Southcenter Corporate Park. On June 4, 1979 the Council held a public hearing on this preliminary plat and at that time tabled the hearing until this date. The matter was further discussed at the June 11 workshop. The public hearing was reopened by the Mayor. Harris reviewed the loca- tion of the 189 acre Plat containing 87 lots and situated on the west side of West Valley Highway between S. 196th Street and S. 190th Street. Dave Uhrich of Uplands Industries referred to a memo which had been given to him by Public Works Director Ulett tonight regarding the Southcenter South industrial plat in Tukwila which adjoins the Southcenter Corporate Park Plat in Kent. The memo noted that it had recently been learned that when Southcenter South was platted a pro- vision was made for a north -south street which could connect with Southcenter Corporate Park, and that no provision had been made for this in the Southcenter South Corporate Park. The memo also referred to the fact that Southcenter South - 16 - June 18, 1979 PRELIMINARY Corporate Park has only one means of ingress and PLAT egress, Todd Street (approximately S. 187th) and that .vehicles were experiencing difficulties entering West Valley Highway from Todd Street. The State Department of Transportation has found the necessary warrants for a traffic signal light at Todd Street and is proposing that one be con- structed there. Ulett suggested in his memo that if the signal were to be relocated at South 190th Street and West Valley Highway it would control the main entrance to Uplands West Valley Industrial Park on the east and coincide with an entrance to Southcenter Corporate Park. To accomplish the desired relief at Todd and West Valley Highway, it is felt that the north -south connection with Southcenter South will be needed. Ulett's memo went on to state that it was his belief that appro- val of the preliminary plat of Southcenter Corporate Park should be delayed until Tukwila and Kent staff and the State Department of Transportation can determine the feasibility of the connection. Cushing noted that as a result of the workshop last week the Council had asked that the staff meet with the Green River Corridor consultant to see if some alternative could be found. Harris noted that the contract with the consultant Jones & Jones was in the process of being negotiated. He also noted that they had discussed the maps and concerns over the river area of the Green River Corridor Study, which includes the part of the plat that abuts the river. It was determined that there would be no problem in looking at that part of the plat, which should be at least two weeks after they begin work on the study, at which time they could come up with a proposal. Cushing also noted that it would probably be two weeks before the contracts were negotiated and signed. Uhrich reviewed the history of the proposed plat, noting that they had started in September of 1977. Meetings with the Council, Public Works Department and other staff members had ensued. He referred to the fact that tentative plans for the plat had appeared to be satisfactory to all concerned prior to annexation of the property. When changes - 17 - June 18, 1979 PRELIMINARY were suggested to the road along the river, they PLAT had suggested that perhaps the annexation should be withdrawn but the City preferred to go ahead with it. He referred to the 50' strip along the river to be used for bike trails and hiking trails to be donated and also to the buffer strip which required additional footage. He noted that this was included at the time of annexation and also referred to the EIS which had been filed. Uhrich noted that the Planning Department staff report then indicated that the road along the River should be moved. He also referred to the conditions of the Planning Commission and also noted that the land had been redesignated as rural in the Shore- line Master Program, which included a.75' corridor. Referring to Ulett's memo further, he stated that he did not believe that constructing streets to serve the McCann Industrial Park would do any- thing for Kent, other than add additional traffic from the north into Kent. He questioned why the plat should be held up repeatedly for additional requirements. He presented a map showing proposed changes they were willing to make which designated about 9.2 acres for pedestrian traffic along the river with a proposed parking lot accomodating approximately 30 cars. He noted that this would amount to giving the City approximately 152 acres in open space and trails along the river and re- ferred to two pedestrian access easements already given. He asked that the Council approve, the plat at tonight's meeting subject to the conditions of the Planning Commission and changes suggested at the work session. The Clerk noted receipt of a letter addressed to Council President Carey from Elizabeth Poehlman asking that the Council give careful consideration to developments of this type along the river and also to the drainage system proposed for the plat. MASTERS MOVED that the letter and Ulett's memoran- dum be made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the hearing on the plat be continued until such time as the set- back problem along the Green River and the traffic June 18, 1979 PRELIMINARY problem can be worked out, B. Johnson seconded. PLAT Masters voiced her objections to the motion, stating that the proposal made by Uhrich as a compromise was a reasonable one and also noting that the requirements of Tukwila should not be a part of this consideration. She stated that holding the plat over for a longer period was unreasonable. Just noted that he disagreed with Masters and stated that he felt the setback should be more than was now being contemplated. He sug- gested waiting until the consultant had had an opportunity to review the plat. He also suggested that if the City should decide on further setbacks along the river, perhaps other cities in the area would follow suit. B. Johnson concurred with Just. McCaughan stated that he felt the Council should not be continually coming up with new conditions for approval of this plat and noted that Upland Industries had made an honest attempt to meet the City's requirements. He noted that the City would have its green belt as requested and fur- ther that we would not need to obtain State funds to purchase the property. He suggested that developers were ready to build now and further delay would prove even more costly. He noted that the changes agreed upon seemed appropriate and that he was against further delay. In re- sponse to Elliott's question, Ulett noted that the delay over the traffic problem could be solved within two weeks. Elliott stated that he was satisfied with the plat as now presented and opined that Uplands had made the concessions that the City had requested. He stated that he did not feel that matter of Tukwila traffic pro- blems warranted a two week delay. Elliott fur- ther stated that this was the only industrial area that abutted the river; also that anything that was done here would not set a precedent for anything else. Masters reminded the Council that the City had adopted the Shoreline Management Ordinance, that the City had done what the citi- zens wanted and should be prepared to buy open space land if necessary. - 19 - June 18, 1979 PRELIMINARY The Mayor referred to a meeting this morning PLAT with Charles Odegaard & Senator Shinpoch where she was informed that $750,000 had been appropri- ated to purchase land along the river bank between Tukwila and Auburn and it was agreed that the area in Kent was high on the priority list. She noted that the Council could come back with specific plans for appropriating such lands. The Mayor also suggested that the City needed to set certain standards for land along the Green River and that what was done in this case would set a precedent for what will be done later. She concluded that the decision should be made after advice was received from the consultants. Cushing suggested that the Council might want to make the motion more specific and stated that the necessary reports should be ready by July 16. Just and B. Johnson concurred that the motion should be changed to continue the hearing to July 16. On a roll call vote, the motion carried, with Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson and Just voting in favor, and Elliott, McCaughan and Masters voting against. INTERIM Cushing reported that three consultants for each PLANNING of the studies were selected and interviewed last PROGRAM week by a committee made up of Len McCaughan, Winkle, Harris, Ulett and himself. The firm of Jones & Jones was selected to do the Green River Corridor Study. Fourteen proposals had been received on the Surface Water Study and the consultant recommended was the firm of Kramer, Chin & Mayo, which has done extensive work in the drainage field. URS was selected to do the Transportation Study. Cushing also noted that all selections were subject to con- tract negotiation and would be submitted for Council approval in two weeks. He noted that the contracts would be put together jointly to avoid any duplication of tasks, and that this would be reflected in the contracts. MIDWAY LANDFILL In response to McCaughan's question, Cushing SITE noted that he would have a report in two f weeks on the contouring progress of the Midway Landfill Site. - 20 - June 18, 1979 Closure of 8 b$th'cross3ric The Clerk noted' receipt o a pets pion containing Y"2 s- :o�4a-b1r19i-acJA nttthe proposed closure of the S. 208th Street Burlington -Northern crossing: It tteminec`- that a public h6atint3 would � he`ld on June 26 at 12:30 p.m. "'efore`'theTashing+tofi �7tilities & Transporta- tioni�'ComMission at'their` dff er ce at 1231 AndovPatk East`, Seattle,. :'Washington. Public"tirks,.'Cointnittee. it -was noted that the pub3ie'Work§ Comiriittee'would meet at g i-15 - a m: on W6dnesday` morning. pubiS.afetV C©mrriittee. Masters noted that a request had -been made by Chief Skewes to theF�tb%ic safety Committeery for consideration of eliriiinating the two-hour parking limitation on the West side of Railroad Avenue between u Gowe and Tits 'and `on state Street between Smith and-Meeker. Shy-MOED'to approve the request and to have the Traffic Engineer take the proper action. Just seconded. Elliott' expressed disagreement with changing the two hour parking to all day parking, noting that bus,nesses needed to have parking facilities f r_,-their..customers and the limita- tion on parking was the only way to control the situation. Motion failed with no support- ing! `votes . FIRE Upon the request of the Fire Department, the DEPARTMENT Public' Safety Committee recommends the pur- chase of a 100' aerial ladder truck and a 1500 gpm pumper and equipment for the ladder truck and pumper, including sufficient hose to equip the truck. The Committee recommended approval of the request with referral to the Finance Department for sources of funding. MASTERS SO MOVED., Carey seconded. Winkle noted that the Finance Committee was now considering various methods of financing such purchase,, including a possible bond issue, and suggested that approval of the - 21 - June 18, 1979 FIRE request be delayed until a report on funding DEPARTMENT was made at the work session of July 9. The Council concurred and no vote was taken. Burning Ordinance. Masters also referred to a request for the Council to consider amending the burning ordinance so it could go into effect by the first of the year, with burning being allowed on certain weekends on the West Hill, the East Hill and the Valley Floor. She noted that the request was being made because of the increased cost of the annual cleanups conducted in the City. Carey clari- fied that the burning request would be for two weekends in the Spring and two weekends in the Fall, and would be just for residential areas. Masters also noted that the Committee would be studying the request. BUDGET (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) Budget Transfers. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2168 amending the 1979 budget for transfers and adjustments made to various budgets during the first quarter of 1979. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) Approval of Bills. APPROVAL of payment of bills received through June 19, 1979 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3:00 p.m. on June 29, 1979. The following claims were approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of Juno 15, 1979: Current Expense Parks & Recreation Library City Streets Kent Commons Operating Federal Shared Revenue Russell Road Park Ph. II Smith/Central to 4th Kent Commons Ph II Const UAB 13/84th Ave. S. Const $ 46,585.87 19,460.70 263.50 15,472.23 1,643.55 93.35 32,278.05 30,316.30 163,546.57 11,888.93 - 22 - FINANCE 104th Ave. - 236 to 252 K/S Chlor Equipment WH Reservoir Const. Equipment Rental Housing & Comm Devel. LEFF Disability LID 283 Sewer Water Garbage Interest Bearing Warrants June 18, 1979 $ 968.70 79,182.00 .86 26,026.24 12,511.61 184.24 1,394.86 2,134.39 8,806.46 87.205.74 $539,964.15 LID 283 - S. 220th, S. 216th & 72nd S. Street, Sewer & Water Improvements Dale R. Brunton $ 1,380.00 Jerry McCaughan 14.86 $ 1,394.86 ADJOURNMENT McCAUGHAN MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 9:20 p.m., B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk - 23 -