HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/07/1979 Kent, Washington May 7, 1979 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o 'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just and McCaughan, (Councilperson Mas- ters arrived at 8: 15 p.m. ) , City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Direc- tor Ulett. Finance Director Winkle was not in attendance. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Planning Commissioner Hamilton, and URS representatives Abed and Ramsey. Approximately 30 people were in attendance at the meeting. COUNCIL Mayor Hogan announced that a Special Council meeting would be held on May 14 at 6:00 o ' clock p.m. , at which time the Council will interview, in executive session, candidates and vote on filling the existing vacancy on the City Council. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the month of May, 1979 as OLDER AMERICANS MONTH in the City of Kent. CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Kassner request for CALENDAR outside sewer service be added to the Consent Calendar. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Consent Calendar Items A through Y be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5A) APPROVAL of the minutes of the meeting of April 16, 1979. STREET Portion of Cedar Street (Schmitt) . On March VACATIONS 19, 1979, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 865 setting the public hearing date before the City Council for this date for the proposed vacation of a portion of Cedar Street. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Planning Director Harris noted the request covered a portion of Cedar Street between Smith and James Street to the east of Kent Junior High School and that the Planning Depart- ment recommends that the request be denied for f• the following reasons : k f - 1 - May 7, 1979 STREET 1) The right-of-way should be retained by the VACATIONS City as a pedestrian right-of-way to Mill Creek and Kent Junior High School. 2) That portion not needed for the pedestrian right-of-way should be maintained as a mini- (PORTION OF neighborhood park which would lead to Mill CEDAR STREET) Creek. There were no comments from the audience. The Clerk noted that a petition had been received containing seventeen signatures in opposition to the proposed vacation. B. JOHNSON MOVED to accept the petition for the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Cedar Street vacation application be DENIED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Portion of S. 194th Street and 76th Avenue S . (Bradley) . Resolution No. 864 was adopted on March 19, 1979 setting this date for the public hearing before the Council to consider the vacation of a portion of S. 194th Street (PORTION OF and 76th Avenue S. After reviewing comments S. 194th STREET from all interested City departments and out- AND 76th side agencies, the Planning Department recom- AVENUE SO. ) mends that the request to vacate that portion of S. 194th Street and 76th Avenue S. as set forth in Resolution No. 864 NOT BE APPROVED AS REQUESTED, and recommends instead the following described street vacation: a) ALL of S. 194th Street b) ALL BUT THE SOUTH 125 FEET of 76th Avenue S . with the following conditions: S. 194th Street 1) Retain the necessary drainage and utility easement over the easterly 150 feet. 2 - - May 7, 1979 STREET 76th Avenue S. VACATION 1) Retain the necessary drainage and utility easements over the entire right-of-way. (METRO ' s Central Valley Interceptor, a 73-inch trunk sewer line, built under ULID #1 in 1968, lies within this street) . ' Enough room must be set aside in this easement to permit METRO to make major repairs to their interceptor line. 2) Applicant deed to the City for a cul-de-sac turnaround with a minimum right-of-way radius of 55 feet (cul-de-sac to extend 125 feet north of applicant's south bound- (PORTION OF ary line) . S. 194th STREET AND 76th 3) Applicant to improve cul-de-sac to south- AVENUE S. ) erly property line with asphalt concrete pavement, curbs, gutter and storm drain- age. The minimum improvement for cul-de-sac turn around should be 45 feet. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and the Clerk noted that no correspondence had been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the S. 194th Street and 76th Avenue S . street vacation application be APPROVED WITH THE MODIFICATIONS AND CONDITIONS STATED ABOVE. Just seconded. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5U) Vacation of Portion of Saar Street (Ribail) . (PORTION OF ADOPTION of Resolution No. 869 setting the SAAR STREET) public hearing date of June 4, 1979 to consider the Ribail petition for the vacation of a por- tion of Saar Street. (PORTION OF (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5Q) RAILROAD ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2159 vacating a por- LANE) tion of Railroad Lane. 3 - May 7, 1979 STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5I) LID 288 EVH Street Improvement (S . 212th - S. 192nd) . AUTHORIZATION for the Mayor to sign (LID 288) the Project Agreement for construction of 84th Avenue S. (East Valley Highway) for which the city has-been granted UAB funds in the amount of $1,978, 285.00. LID 292 104th Avenue S.E. Street Improvement (S E 235th Street to S.E. 24.2nd Block) . The Engineering Department held an informal public meeting on April 25, 1979 with property owners on the proposed LID 292 - 104th Avenue S.E. street improvement project. Thirty-two notices (LID 292) of the meeting were sent but only two property owners attended. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 867 setting a public hearing date for June 4, 1979 on the preliminary assessment roll for the proposed LID and declar ing the intent to create LID 292. B. JOHNSON MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 867 , Carey seconded. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5J) Bill' of` Sale - 72nd Avenue S. Street Extension (Freehold Properties. ) ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 250 feet of street improvements constructed on 72nd Avenue S . in the vicinity of S . 192nd Street by Freehold Properties and release of the cash bond on payment of any outstanding City bills. TOPOGRAPHICAL (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5H) MAPS Updating City Aerial Topography Maps. AUTHORIZATION to accept the proposal of David C. Smith & Associates, the lowest of two received, in the amount of $15, 932.00, as recommended by the Engineering Department, for the updating of approximately fifteen sections of the City' s topographical maps. FINAL PLAT (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 50) Kentwood Glen#3 Final Plat. SETTING the public meeting date for May 21, 1979 to consider the 4 - - May 7, 1979 FINAL PLAT Final Plat of Kentwood Glen #3 for approval, disapproval or return to the applicant for further modification. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEMS 5E and 5Y) SANITATION Requests, for Outside Sewer Service. APPROVAL of the following requests for outside sewer service, without annexation, but with the provisions of Resolution No. 822 to apply, in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Director: Name Location 1) KRIG, Peter 1 Lot - Coates Addition 2) COATES, Everett 2 Lots - Coates Addition 3) PAETZ, Donald 1 Lot - Coates Addition 4) CLARENDON, Larry 1 Lot - Coates Addition 5) TRATNIK, Frank 1 Lot - Coates Addition 6) RUMSEY, Ronald 1 Lot - Coates Addition 7) INVEST WEST CORP.. 2.95 acres on east side of 132nd S.E. , north of S.E. 272nd Street 8) LOWENTHAL, Robert 1 Lot - north side of S . 248th Street west of 100th Avenue S.E. 9) DEHNERT, Ralph 1 Lot at 22626 - 100th Avenue S .E. 10) PORTMANN, Frank 1 Lot at 23029 - 100th Avenue S .E. 11) ANDERSON, Jay Kirk 6 Lots on lllth Avenue S .E. north of Coates Addition 12) HOOT, Dr. Paul 1 Lot at 11204 S.E. 256th Street 13) KASSNER, J.B. 1 Lot at 23313 - 100th Avenue S.E. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5M) Bill of Sale - Sanitary Sewer Extension - Warn Industries - S. 196th Street and EVH. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 680 feet of sanitary sewer extension on S. 196th Street and East Valley Highway, and release of the cash bond after payment of City bills. 5 - May 7, 1979 HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5N) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Sanitary Sewer Extension - Jay Kirk Anderson Four-plex. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approxi- mately 2, 110 feet of sanitary sewer extension on S .E. 256th Street in the vicinity of 112th Avenue S .E. and release of the cash bond after the pay- ment of any outstanding City bills. ANNEXATION Cascade Sewer District. The Cascade Sewer (BOUNDARY District has filed with the Boundary Review Board REVIEW BOARD) a notice of intention to annex certain properties and included within their proposed annexation is approximately 55 acres near S.E. 240th Street and 116th Avenue S.E. which is within Kent' s sewer franchise area. The City has intended to serve the area and have had the sewer lines constructed larger and deeper for this reason. Meetings have been held with the District and some of the owners and it has been agreed that while use of Kent' s system is less expensive, the owners wish to continue with an annexation to the Cascade Sewer District. It is their suggestion that Kent allow Cascade to make the extension of the Kent system and contract with the City for Kent to receive the discharge. City staff position is that the City has the same methods of financing (LID or developer extension) available as does Cascade and that the City should serve the area directly. A hearing before the Boundary Review Board must be requested by May 13 and authorization for such request is requested. Accordingly, JUST MOVED for authorization for review by the King County Boundary Review Board of Cascade Sewer District Proposed Annexation No. 3-7, Carey seconded. Motion carried. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5G) East Hill Water System Improvement_. APPROVAL of Change Order No. 1 for Robison Construction Co. , in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Committee, in the amount of $3,558.76 for time and materials used in an attempted connection at 98th Avenue S . and 6 - May 7, 1979 WATER S. 240th Street where the existing water fittings did not correspond with what was anticipated. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D) Requests for Outside Water Service. APPROVAL of the following requests for outside water service, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION No. 822, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Director: Name Location 1) COATES , Everett 1 Lot in Coates Addi- tion for which water service commitment is implied by virtue of allowing him to construct a water main extension and accepting same as a Kent water main. 2) ECHTENKAMP, Nancy 1 Lot at 26626 - 104th Avenue S.E. presently served by a well. APPROVAL of the following request for outside water service, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 822, and PROVIDED THAT APPLICANT AGREES TO DELAY WATER SERVICE TO SIX UNITS FOR WHICH OUTSIDE WATER SERVICE WAS RECOMMENDED ON MAY 2, 1977, UNTIL AFTER SEPTEMBER, 1979, as recommended by the Public Works Director: 3) ANDERSON, Jay Kirk 6 Lots on 111th Avenue S.E. north of Coates Addition APPROVAL of the following requests for outside water service, SUBJECT to RESOLUTION NO. 822, and with the provision THAT THE SERVICE WILL NOT START UNTIL AFTER SEPTEMBER, 1979: 4) LOWENTHAL, Robert 1 Lot on the north side of S. 248th Street west 100th Avenue S.E. II I 7 - i May 7, 1979 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5D Continued) Name Location 5) ROHRSCHEIB, Luke C. For future short plat near 28009 - 118th Avenue S.E. 6) SHELTON, Delbert For short plat near 12045 S.E. 284th Street APPROVAL of the following request, SUBJECT TO THE PROVISIONS OF RESOLUTION NO. 822, and SPECIFIC PROVISIONS SET FORTH: 7) Kent First Christian a) For fire line to pro- Church tect a proposed church building on the south side of S .E. 240th Street east of 116th Avenue S.E. APPROVAL OF FIRE LINE AS RECOMMENDED b) Service to the church (Church has a meter pre- n sently and APPROVAL OF SERVICE IS GRANTED, - since the service exist- ing can be transferred to new building. t c) Service to three addi- tional lots, one of which will be sold and dwelling built thereon. APPROVAL OF SERVICE PROVIDED THAT NO WATER WILL BE USED UNTIL AFTER SEPTEMBER, 1979. DENIAL of the following requests for outside water service because the mains on 94th Avenue S. ; form- erly part of the Hamilton Road Water Company system, are not of sufficient size to allow additional customers: 8) GIESEN, Ron For portion of 5-acre parcel at 94th S. & S. 228th Street where he proposes to locate a mobile home. - 8 - May 7, 1979 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR 5D Continued) Name Location 9) WORKMAN, Victor For Vacant Lot at 23604 - 94th Avenue S . (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5K) Bill of Sale - Water Main Extension - Uplands Corporate Park - Buildings 050, 100 and 150) . ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agree- ment for approximately 610 feet of water main exten- sion constructed in the vicinity of West Valley Highway for the Uplands Corporate Park Plat, Buildings 050, 100 and 150, and release of the cash bond upon payment of any outstanding City bills. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5L) Bill of Sale - Water Main Extension - Poe Construc- tion. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 628 feet of water main extension constructed by Poe Construction on 80th Avenue S. from S. 203rd Street to S. 205th Street, and release of the cash bond upon payment of City bills, if any, against the project. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5S) Police Dog. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2161 making certain acts relating to police dogs criminal, prescribing penalties and providing for the codi- fication of said ordinance in the Kent City Code as Section 9.02. 125. PUGET SOUND (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5T) COUNCIL OF King Subregional Plan. PASSAGE of Resolution No. GOVERNMENTS 868 adopting the policies of the King Subregional Plan of the Puget Sound Council of Governments. BOARD OF PARK (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5C) COMMISSIONERS Resignations . ACCEPTANCE WITH REGRET of the resignations of Terry Costello and Janet Royston from the Board of Park Commissioners . REZONES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5R) Gordy Guinn Rezone. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2160 (GUINN) rezoning that property known as the Guinn Rezone from C-M to MR-M. 9 - May 7, 1979 PLANNED Ancor Development Company, Inc. It was noted UNIT that the public hearing on the PUD was concluded DEVELOPMENT at the Council meeting of April 16, 1979. MASTERS MOVED that the tentative plan for the Planned Unit Development be approved, subject to the following four conditions as recommended by the Planning Commission: 1) Deed to the City, for street purposes, 13 1/2 feet of property along and abutting S. 218th Street for the entire length of the property. 2) Deed to the City, for street purposes, a corner radius of 55 feet at the property line at the intersection of S . 218th Street and 88th Avenue S . 3) Require that formal landscaping meet the requirements of the Planning Department and any natural vegetation that is destroyed in development of the site that is in the formal landscaping plan, be brought back to its original condition. 4) Exhibits #1 through #6, as provided by the applicant, be made a condition of approval of this application. and as AMENDED by the Council to provide for the addition of Exhibit #7, the applicant's plan entitled "Valley View Condominiums. " McCaughan seconded. Motion carried, with Just and B. Johnson voting nay. REZONE Ancor Development Company, Inc. At the April 17 Council meeting public hearings were completed for the proposed rezone and for the proposed Planned Unit Development. Council action on both matters was then tabled to the May 7 Council meet- ing, to allow time for discussion at the April 23 workshop. (The recommendation of the Planning Commission on the rezone application was that it be approved contingent upon Council approval of the Ancor PUD application, which is an integral part of the rezone request. ) CAREY MOVED that the rezone application be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried, with B. Johnson & Just voting nay. 10 - May 7 , 1979 PHASED LAND Interim Planning Program. At the Council meeting DEVELOPMENT of April 16, 1979 the item regarding an ordinance relating to R-A and M-A zoned lands was removed from the Consent Calendar to allow more time for input from the Chamber and City staff. The matter was discussed at the April 30 workshop. The Mayor noted that Carey had submitted a written alternate proposal, a copy of which is on file. Carey proposes that the rezone applications be allowed to continue if the applicant agrees in writing that one of the conditions to approval of the rezone would be that the applicant agrees to abide by requirements established by the Council as a result of the studies included in the Interim Planning Program. CAREY MOVED that the Council direct the staff to initiate such studies and that the City Attorney be directed to draft an agreement between the City and the proponents of rezones, B. Johnson seconded. Upon McCaughan' s question, Mirk stated that this was acceptable and that any conditions to rezones must be satisfied before the rezone ordinance is adopted. He noted that he had prepared a tentative form of agreement in response to Carey' s request and that a meeting was held between City staff and the various developers and that the developers had expressed agreement with the form proposed. Mirk also stated that he had no problems with the legality of entering into such agreements. J. Johnson concurred that the agreement would resolve the questions. In response to Just' s question, Harris noted that the action contemplated would probably result in some problems for the Planning Department but suggested that the matter of the agreement was more a legal matter than a planning function. He pointed out that every rezone request would still ultimately have to come back to the Council for final decision. McCaughan questioned whether the Planning Department would be hampered by the type of agreement that was contemplated and Harris noted that the Planning Department would May 7, 1979 PHASED LAND still be making recommendations in the best DEVELOPMENT interests of the City as a whole. It was deter- mined that the Council would still have to see the results of the studies and consider the impacts of any rezones . Ulett clarified for McCaughan that so long as the conditions of the agreement were binding on the developer the Public Works Department would be able to accept it. Cushing clarified for McCaughan that he did not feel the Council would be unduly influ- enced by any developer and suggested the agree- ment would handle some of the problems, and that it would require that the developer abide by the conditions imposed as a result of the studies. Mirk clarified for McCaughan that the boundaries were clearly defined in the agreement. In response to Just 's question, Mayor Hogan referred to two of her main concerns , one being the impact of future development on the Green River, and suggested that it was possible that the concerns of the City and the developers were quite similar. She questioned the advisability of the City' s utilizing the studies made by the developers, noting that she would prefer to use studies made by the City, but acknowledged that such studies had already been made by the developers. She also expressed concern over traffic problems and pointed out that these were all matters that would have to be contained in the agreement. Ulett expressed concern over limiting the agree- ment to the area noted and suggested that perhaps it should cover a larger area. He also referred to the matter of storm drainage water and expressed concern over that item. It was noted that Mirk would consider all concerns when drafting the final agreement. He stated he would have it ready for perusal for the May 14 workshop. Carey clari- fied that if his motion passed there would be no moratorium on rezones; that the rezone process would proceed as usual; and that the Council would approve the final agreement written by the City Attorney. Mirk pointed out that rezone applica- tions would take the regular route through the 12 - _ May 7, 1979 PHASED.- LAND Planning Commission and the Council and that DEVELOPMENT the studies would cover a six-month time period. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that in January she had asked the Council to consider her suggestions and recommendations for orderly growth and that the matter was at that time delayed until February. At that time the motion was made to table the matter until May. She referred to a letter received from the Chamber of Commerce which was read by the Clerk. The letter noted that the special task force of the Chamber had completed its studies and had mailed copies of their report to all Council members and the Mayor. The letter asked that the task force be given the opportunity to discuss its suggestions with the Mayor and the Council. CAREY MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. It was determined that the matter would be discussed at the workshop meeting of May 29 (Tuesday) . Receipt of a letter from Jim Curran regarding the orderly growth problem was noted and has been distributed to the Council. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Masters seconded. Motion carried. COUNCIL Public Works. Ulett noted that the Public Works COMMITTEES Committee would meet Wednesday morning at 8:00 o 'clock a.m. Parks. Just noted that the Parks Committee would meet Tuesday, May 8, at 8: 15 a.m. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5X) Sale of Animal Control Vehicle. AUTHORIZATION for the City to sell the animal control vehicle to King County for $2, 500, plus tax, with an option to buy back to remain open until December 31, 1979. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5P) Unemployment Trust Fund. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2158 creating the Unemployment Trust Fund 13 - May 7, 1979 FINANCE to provide for payment of unemployment compensa- tion claims. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5V) LID 282 - K-Mart Sewer Bond Purchase Proposal. ACCEPTANCE of the proposal of Foster & Marshall, (LID 282) Inc. to purchase $133 , 792.81 of LID 282 bonds at 6.60%, subject to approving legal opinion by the City' s bond attorney, and in accordance with the recommendation of the Finance Committee. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5W) LID 282 - K-Mart Sewer Bond Sale Approval. (LID 282) ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2162 approving the sale of LID 282 bonds to Foster & Marshall, Inc. in the amount of $133 , 792.81 at 6.60%. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5F) ULID #1 - Segregation Request - Central Pre-Mix Concrete Co. DIRECTING the City Attorney to prepare a resolution for segregation of Assess- (ULID #1) ment No. 160, ULID #1, as requested by Central Pre-Mix Concrete Co. , the segregation certificate having been signed by the applicant and all segre- gation fees having been paid. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM 5B) APPROVAL of the bills received through May 3, 1979 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3: 00 o' clock p.m. on May 15, 1979. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of April 30, 1979 are as follows: Current Expense $160, 197. 70 Parks & Recreation 38,405.34 Library 1, 641.46 City Streets 27, 570. 16 Cum Res Park 119. 26 Kent Commons Operating 2, 772.49 Federal Shared Revenue 511.49 Kent Commons Ph. I Const. 938.48 Reith Rd/Military 394.70 UAB 13 - 84th Ave. S . Const. 6,842.00 14 - May 7, 1979 FINANCE 1978 Water Rev Const. $ 404. 20 Kent Springs Chlor Equip 991. 14 West Hill Reservoir Const 1,884. 95 West Hill Booster Pump 920.50 Equipment Rental 46, 966. 92 Housing & Comm Dev 13, 432.69 LEFF Disability 939. 31 Sewer 66, 957 .75 Water 35,659.44 Garbage 1, 025.82 $408, 575.80 ADJOURNMENT McCAUGHAN MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 35 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Marie JenA-e CMC , City Clerk 15 -