HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/02/1979 Kent, Washington April 2, 1979 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o 'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Admini- strator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, and Public Works Director Ulett. Councilperson Just and Finance Director Winkle were not in attendance. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Williams, and URS repre- sentatives Abed and Ramsey. Approximately sixty people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring Saturday, April 14, as Kentridge Bike-A-Thon Day in the City of Kent. CONSENT Consent Calendar Item L, setting EIS hearing .CALENDAR dates for April 16 for LID 288 and LID 293, was removed from the Calendar at the request of the Engineering Department. McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve all other items, Carey seconded. Motion carried. STREET S.E. 260th Street - Contemporary Structures . VACATION On October 2, 1978, the Council tabled this street vacation request to enable the peti- tioners, Contemporary Structures, to remove a legal deficiency. The new public hearing, as set by Resolution No. 863, is scheduled for this meeting. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Public Works Director Ulett pointed out the location of the proposed street vacation as being on the east side of 108th Avenue S .E. , south of Kent-Kangley Road. The Planning Department recommends that the vaca- tion be approved with the following conditions: 1) Retain utility and drainage easements . 2) That $1, 518.00, one-half of the appraised value of the street, be paid to the City. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. In res- ponse to McCaughan 's question, Ulett noted that the street could not be used for access to April 2, 1979 STREET Sequoia Junior High. There were no further com- VACATION ments and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance vacating this portion of S .E. 260th Street and for the ordinance to be recorded after the conditions as set forth above are met. Carey seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) SANITATION Bill of Sale - Parkside Division No. 2 Plat - vicinity of S 253rd, S . 254th Pl. , S_. 255th Pl. , and 36th Pl. S. , 37th Pl. S. and 38th Pl. S . ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 2, 700 feet of water main extension, approximately 2,851 feet of sanitary sewer extension, and approximately 3, 135 feet of street improve- ments, together with curbs, gutters , storm sewers, catch basins, sidewalks and other appurtenances related thereto constructed in the Parkside Division No. 2 Plat, and release of the cash bond after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) LID 293 - Sewer and Water Improvements - EVH (S. 212th-S . 192nd) ADOPTION OF Ordinance (LID 293) No. 2153 ordering the improvement of a part of the City of Kent by the construction and installation of 8 inch sanitary sewer and ten inch water main, and creating LID 293. LID 285 - West Hill Sewer Project. The public hearing on the formation of this LID for sani- tary sewers has been set for this meeting. It was noted that a 30 day protest period begins (LID 285) after the ordinance creating the ,district is adopted and published, and that if property owners subject to 60 percent or more of the total assessment file written protests, the project is restrained. Ulett described the area to be served, and the Mayor opened the public hearing. 2 - April 2 , 1979 HEALTH & Berne Biteman presented a petition containing SANITATION eleven signatures requesting that properties on S. 243rd be excluded from the proposed pro ject. At his request, Ulett described the pro- cedure for payments of assessments over a ten at interest was paid only year period, noting th on the unpaid balance. Biteman stated that residents of the area were advised at an informal meeting with city staff that if the residents of S. 243rd objected to the project that they would be eliminated from the formation of the LID. Ulett stated that the Council committee had agreed with the staff that sooner or later sewers would be needed in that area. He pointed out that the County had reported two or three years ago that two-thirds of the homes on S. 243rd Street had overflow sewer problems., Amiel Forshee, of 4109 S. 243rd Street, stated that five of seven homes in his area have sewer problems and that he recalled that the staff had stated only that consideration would be given to dropping S. 243rd from the project. (LID 285) Larry Osborne opined that the project was neces- sary and that money-wise, it was a bargain. Josie Creager, of 3812 S. 243rd Street, spoke in favor of the project. Ulett assured Mr. Anderson of lot 95 that he would not be assessed unless the sewer service was available to his property. Mary Blair opined that it wouldn 't be long before the County would insist on sewer lines on S. 243rd and that the cost of such a project could only be higher in the future. Tommy Tomlinson of 3615 S. 241st Street reported that two families were living in one building on S. 240th above him, in an R-1 zone, and that his yard was receiving the resulting overflow. He stated further that the County had "red tagged" the residence, but that it was occupied at this time by two families. .Hal Schwanke said that he thought the two families moved into the R-1 area AFTER the annexation, and that therefore the City 3 - April 2, 1979 HEALTH & should do something about it. Upon Mrs. Frazier ' s explained that if the sewer line SANITATION question, Ulett was made available, the property owners were required to connect. Mirk determined for Larry Osborne that it would take a minimum of six months to obtain an ease- ment if condemnation was necessary. A report to Russell Smith from Calvin Bagby was read, stating that the property at 3627 S. 242nd did not meet the requirements for a percolation test. Lester Reichel submitted a report from G & N Septic Tank Service, stating that the sep- tic system for 3613 S. 262nd was in good working order with no problems. The Clerk reported receipt of a letter from Edwin Standberry in favor of the project, and communica- tions from the following against the project: Berne Biteman, Robert Johnson, Alvin Moss, Margue_ ' -- Frazier, Bernard Claus , Randall Dickey, Ruby Myhre, John Hutchison, Tim Smith, Lester Reichel, Richard (LID 285) Anderson, and Harry Olson. Mr. Biteman' s petition, filed this evening, con- tained the following signatures : Alvin Moss , W. C. Dahl, Lois Naslund, Bernard Claus , Marguerite Frazier,Berne Biteman, Myrle Olson, Gail Dickey, John Gullion, Mrs . Thomas Bridgewater, and Richard S. Anderson. MASTERS MOVED to accept all of the above communica- tions for the record, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Upon a question from the audience, Ulett noted that he knew of no available federal funding for this project. Al Moss suggested that annexation of the remainder of the area be pursued so that the cost of the project could be spread over a larger area. Mayor Hogan noted that such annexa- tion overtures had not been successful in the past. Ulett pointed out that several different routes could be used for the sewers , and clarifie_: - 4 - April 2, 1979 HEALTH & for Tim Smith that if the area outside the city SANITATION installed sewer lines at a later date, that those bordering on the city limit lines would not have to pay again. Upon McCaugan's question, Ulett stated that he would peruse the protests received and report to the Council. He noted that the protests could be Witten until 30 days after the (LID 265) passage and publication of the ordinance creating the LID. After all who wished to speak had been afforded .that opportunity, B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the public hearing, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED to direct the City Attorney to draft the ordinance to create the LID, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. STREETS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) LID 288 - 84th Avenue S. Right of Way. AUTHORIZATION to condemn those rights of way needed for the 84th Avenue S. Street improve- (LTD 288) ment project from S. 192nd Street to S. 212th Street (LID 288) where negotiations have not been successful. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) LID 288 - EVH Street Improvement (5. 212th-S. 192nd) ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2151 ordering the improvement of 84th Avenue South (East Valley Highway) from S. 212th Street to S. 192nd Street, and creating LID 288. Bob Hastings, one of the property owners involved in the proposed LID 288, questioned whether an opportunity would be given to the property owners to hold further discussion with staff members regarding the proposed LID. It was determined that the Council had received a copy of the let- ter from Mr. Hastings ' attorney. Hastings stated that some of the property owners asked that some of the items, such as the sidewalks and street trees, be deleted from the project. He noted that they were not against the entire project, only those 2 portions. Cushing determined for Hastings that there is a 30 day period after passage of the 5 - April 2 , 1979 STREETS ordinance in which the property owners can still protest formation of the LID. It was noted that if the LID failed as proposed, consideration (LID '288) would be given to changing portions of the pro- ject. Mirk noted that condemnation proceedings would be necessary for some of the. parcels. Hastings expressed concern over jeopardizing the UAB funding for the project and Cushing noted that the City was aware of construction time limitations. Hastings opined that the City had not responded properly to those object - ing' to certain aspects of the project. Kitto noted that the property owners were heard at the time of the public hearing and that the requirement for street trees and sidewalks has become a part of the requirements for all street improvement projects. He expressed his support for the passage of the ordinance. McCaughan noted that the letter from Mr. Hastings ' attorney also referred to twelve other property owners and Hastings determined that Mr. Paine repre- sented all of these people. Carey noted that the Council has gone on record in favor of the entire project and that it is being done in accordance with City policy. McCaughan noted that sidewalks were not included in the North Central Avenue street improvement project and should have been. He also noted that sidewalks were now being required in all industrial area developments, and further, that this trend was continuing in all such developments. Hastings suggested that sidewalks were not necessary in undeveloped areas, such as East Valley Highway is at the present time, but concurred with McCaughan that further development will be taking place. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Kent Memorial Park Water Main Easement Condemna- tion. AUTHORIZATION to condemn the easement needed to complete the water main intertie from North Central Avenue to the main near Mill Creek. The intertie is needed to enhance fire flows on North Central Avenue and is funded from Water Bond sales. The easement must come from an estate. 6 _ April 2, 1979 WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Bill of Sale - Kentbrook Apartments - 104th S.E. and S .E. 248th Street. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 3 , 960 feet of water main extension and approxi mately 1,840 feet of sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of 104th S.E. and S .E. 248th Street for the Kentbrook Apartments, and release of the cash bond after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Bill of Sale - Penton Pipe & Tube Warehouse - 7830 S . 206th Street. ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately .1, 343 feet of water main extension constructed in the vicinity of 7830 S. 206th Street for Penton Pipe & Tube Warehouse and release of the cash bond after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project. ANNEXATION Ryan No. 2. A public hearing is scheduled for this meeting to consider the proposed Ryan #2 annexation. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the proposed annexation containing 4. 98 acres and located 300 feet north (RYAN NO. 2) of James Street. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience. In response to McCaughan ' s question regarding access to the proposed area, it was determined that the subject would be discussed during the zoning hearing. There were no fur- ther comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2149 annexing that area known as the Ryan No. 2 Annexation to the City of Kent, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Ryan No. 2 Annexation. On February 20, 1979 ZONING the Council held its first public hearing on the proposed Ryan No. 2 annexation zoning. 7 - April 2, 1979 ANNEXATION At that time it was noted that the Planning Com- ZONING mission recommendation was for R1-9 . 6 zoning (Single Family Residential) with minimum lot sizes of 9600 square feet. The second public hearing is scheduled for this meeting. Harris pointed out the location of the annexation and noted that the zoning to the south was R1-7. 2 and that the area is bounded on the east by 94th Avenue S. He noted that annexation to the City was contemplated in order to allow development of a proposed plat and that the developer was seeking R1-7. 2 zoning for the area. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Dave Hamlin, representing the developer, (RYAN NO. 2) pointed out that they were requesting R1-7 . 2 zoning and that this type of zoning was in fact reasonable for the area. Paul Lorenz noted that all of the existing homes on Hilltop were constructed on lots larger than 9 , 600 square feet and suggested that 7,200 square foot lots were much too small for construction of the large two-story houses contemplated for the area. Mr. Clements voiced his objections to another access to James Street and referred to existing traffic problems on the street. Hamlin noted that the matter of the traffic situation had been previously discussed and that the subject of this hearing was the zon- ing for the annexation. He displayed a map showing present City zoning and noted that most of the residential areas of the City were presently zoned R1-7. 2. He stated that develop- ment plans for the plat actually showed some lot sizes of approximately 8 ,900 square feet and that this size was more than adequate for the homes to be built. It was determined for McCaughan that the surrounding developments were zoned for 7 , 200 square foot lots. Harris noted, however, that many of the lots were larger. He further noted that the Planning Department recommendation was for single family residential zoning and that the lot size was left to the Planning Commission - 8 - April 2, 1979 ANNEXATION for decision. He opined that the Planning ZONING Commission recommendation for the 9,600 square foot lot size was due to the public comments made at the time of the Planning Commission hearing. Upon questions as to the lots fronting on James Street, Harris noted that any access to James Street would (RYAN NO. 2) have to be a controlled access . Larry Cle- ments said that another access to James Street would result in even more accidents on the street. Clarence Olson, a real estate salesman residing at the corner of James and Hilltop opined that the recom- mendation for. 9600 square foot lot size was not unreasonable. Hamlin again pointed out that few areas in the City were zoned 9,600. There were no further comments and CAREY MOVED to close the hearing, Masters seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the City Attorney directed to prepare an ordinance, Masters seconded. Motion carried, with B. Johnson voting nay. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2150 approving the (HART) Patrick L. Hart rezone from R-1 to MR-D. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Oakhurst Development Rezone. ADOPTION OF (OAKHURST Ordinance No. 2152 approving the Oakhurst DEVELOPMENT) Development Rezone from MR-M to 0. POLICE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) DEPARTMENT 1980 Federal Crime Prevention Grant. APPROVAL of the Kent Police Department proposal to im- prove their current crime prevention program by purchasing an adequate facility (mobile home) in which to hold neighborhood block watch meet- ings and crime prevention seminars for commercial establishments. The facility would also serve as a display and information center, crime pre- vention community relations center in target - 9 - April 2, 1979 _.. POLICE areas where a crime trend has been identified, DEPARTMENT and a department command post in emergency situations . The source of funding is as follows: LEAA (95%) $10,830 City Match (5%) 570 TOTAL FUNDS $11,400 PARKS & Kent Memorial Park Paving. Two bids were RECREATION received on March 30, 1979 on the Kent Memorial Park Paving project as follows: Base Bid + Alternate 1 Including Sales Tax Klokstad Construction $43, 510.74 Lakeside Industries 41, 256. 20 It was noted that the low bid of Lakeside Indus- tries is eight and one-half percent over the budget which was estimated in July, 1978. Because of the urgency of completing the parking lot paving prior to the summer baseball season and the probability that a rebid would result in as high or higher bids, it is the recommenda- tion of the Parks Department and ORB that a con- tract be awarded to Lakeside Industries, and that the additional $3, 256 be budgeted from the Parks Department surplus unexpended balance. KITTO SO MOVED, Carey seconded. In response to B. Johnson' s question, Wilson explained that funds in the surplus unexpended balance were a result of additional income from parks programs during the past year. In response to McCaughan ' s question as to why the design of the project was done by a consulting firm, it was determined that the workload of the Engineering Department was such that it did not allow time to provide the engineering work for the project. Motion carried. OUT OF STATE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) TRAVEL Conference Authorization Request. AUTHORIZATION for Stan Boden to attend the 1979 AWWA conference in Portland May 9 and 10 , funds for which are budgeted. 10 - April 2 , 1979 PRELIMINARY A public meeting is scheduled for this meet- 'PLAT ing to consider adoption or rejection of' the (EVERGREEN .SILLS) Planning Commission recommendations for this proposed preliminary plat. Harris pointed out the location of the plat, containing 21 lots in an R1-12, Single Family Residential, 12000 square foot minimum lot size, containing 7. 61 acres and lying south of S. 212th Street and east of 94th Pl. S. extended. Harris noted that the Planning Commission had recom- mended approval with the following conditions: 1. Sanitary Sewers : Construction gravity sanitary sewer service to all lots. Submit detailed sewer plans to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 2. Water Service: Provide water service to all lots from a public water purveyor. Provide necessary proof thereof to the Engineering Department for review and approval. (EVERGREEN HILLS) 3. Street System: All streets shall be asphalt paved with cement concrete curb and gutter. South 213th Street shall have a paving width of at least 32 feet. All cul-de-sacs shall have paving widths of at least 28 feet. Cul-de-sac turn arounds shall -have a radius of at least 45 feet. All cul-de- sac turn arounds shall have a right-of- way radius of 55 feet. Street lighting is required on all streets. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the City, with reimbursement by the developer. Submit detailed plans denoting the above to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 4. Sidewalks: Cement concrete sidewalks shall be required on at least one side of all streets . - 11 - April 2, 1979 -- PRELIMINARY 5. The City enter into an agreement with the PLAT Soil Cons-ervation Service to aid in the mitigation of possible adverse environ- mental impacts. (This is the same arrange- ment that has been worked out between the City and S. C. S. for other subdivisions) . 6. That the site not be graded or recontoured on a massive scale; that vegetative cover be maintained on the site in the same manner as was done for the Highridge development. He pointed out that the plat is in the vicinity of the recent Lien annexation. The public (EVERGREEN meeting was opened by the Mayor. In response HILLS) to Mayor Hogan' s question, Harris noted that Garrison Creek runs to the north of the pro- posed plat. He also noted for McCaughan that sidewalks were required on one side of the street in plats. It was determined for B. Johnson that there was a large forested area in the vicinity of the plat and while these trees did provide a buffer against the noise from the freeway they were not the answer to the problem. There were no further comments . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Evergreen Hills Pre- liminary Plat be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY A public meeting has been scheduled for this PLAT date to consider the Woodridge Estates Prelim - (WOODRIDGE inary Plat. If the Council wishes to change ESTATES) any of the recommendations of the Planning Commission, a public hearing should be set for the April 16 meeting. Harris described the plat as 19 acres located west of Woodland Way near S.E. 267th, consisting of 22 lots. The Planning Commission recommends approval with the following conditions: 1. Sanitary Sewers Provide City sanitary sewer service to all lots. Submit detailed sewer plans to Engi- neering Department for review and approval. 12 - April 2 , 1979 PRELIMINARY 2 . Water Service . PLAT Provide City water service to all lots . Submit detailed water plans to Engineering Department for review and approval. 3. Street Improvements All streets shall be asphalt paved with cement concrete curb and gutter. The pro- posed streets of 97th Avenue South and South 263rd Place shall have a minimum paving width of 28 feet and a minimum right-of-way width of 50 feet. The cul-de- sac turn around shall have a paving radius of 45 feet and a right-of-way radius of 55 feet. Total length of cul-de-sac shall not exceed 600 feet. Street liahting is required on all streets. Street name signs shall be furnished and installed by the City with reimbursement by the developer. Submit detailed plans denoting the above street improvements to the Engineering Department (WOODRIDGE for review and approval. ESTATES) 4 . Sidewalks Cement concrete sidewalks shall be required on at least one side of all streets. 5. The applicant work out an acceptable street system that meets the City' s standards. This may entail working with the property owner to the north to develop a connecting street with the Drangsholt Short Subdivision. 6. The applicant be required to comply with the Soil Conservation Service with regard to erosion control as stated in their letter of February 20, 1979 , signed by Ella M. Snyder. Harris pointed out that Puget Power proposes to bring a 115 KV line along the southern boundary of this plat and noted that this type of line could not be placed under- ground. He explained that access to the plat would be by way of the proposed S 263rd P1 and that the proposed 97 Ave S would be a cul-de-sac serving all of the lots. 13 - April 2, 1979 PRELIMINARY It was noted that a pumping system would be PLAT necessary to pump from the plat to the existing sewer on Woodland Way. Ulett noted that DOE will not approve pumping stations which are not maintained by the city. Jack Ewing, project engineer, stated that DOE had modified their regulations and that the city had approved similar lift stations since the modifications. Ulett stated that DOE approval would be required. Ewing referred to the 50 ' right of way requirement in Condition # 3 and stated that only a 30 ' right of way was available. He stated that he thought that the conditions were to be that the street system be acceptable to the city, without specifying the 50 ' requirement. Ewing stated that he was opposed to Condition # 6 but that he had no problem with the city' s Storm Drainage Ordinance. Mel Kleweno stated that Con- ditions # 3 and # 5 were in conflict. Harris note that these were suggested by the Engineering Dept (WOODRIDGE and perhaps the suggestion of connecting 97th Ave S ESTATES) with Mr. Drangsholt' s street to the north would make the 30 ' right of way for S 263rd P1 more acceptable to the city. Kleweno stated that the applicant didn' t know Mr. Drangsholt ' s plans for the vacant property between this plat and the Drangsholt short plat, and could not therefore agree to extend 97th through to the Drangsholt short plat. He noted that Woodridge Estates is classed as a Hillside Sub- division and as such could have narrower streets than those required in a regular plat. It was determined that there were houses on both the north and south sides of S. 263rd P1 so additional right of way could not be obtained. KITTO MOVED to set a public hearing on this matter for the Apr 16 Council meeting. Carey seconded, motion carried. 14 - I April 2, 1979 VALLEY FLOOR Cushing noted that the Council would meet DEVELOPMENT at the Kent Commons at 3: 30 p.m. on Wednesday for a review of what is happening on the Valley floor, would leave for a short tour of the area, and would then return to the Commons for further discussion. BOUNDARIES Mayor Hogan stated that plans are underway for meetings regarding a mutual boundary between the cities of Renton and Kent. She noted that Renton was discussing this same subject with Bellevue and Issaquah. COUNCIL Public Works. Kitto noted that the Public COMMITTEES Works Committee would meet on Wednesday at 3 : 30 p.m. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) APPROVAL of the minutes of the meeting of March 19, 1979 as printed. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) AUTHORIZATION to pay the bills received through April 5, 1979 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3: 00 o ' clock p.m. on April 16, 1979. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of March 30, 1979 are as follows: Current Expense $ 77, 262. 36 Parks & Recreation 13 , 125 . 28 Library 2, 657.01 City Streets 11, 979. 14 Alcoholic Rehabilitation 1, 131. 28 Kent Commons Operating 1,829. 55 Federal Shared Revenue 393. 71 UAB 13 - 84th Ave. S . Con 6, 350.66 1978 Water Rev Const. 449.66 - 15 - April 2, 1979 FINANCE Kent Springs Chlor Equip $ . 30. 00 West Hill Booster Pump 2,089.08 Equipment Rental 3, 607. 28 Emp Retirement 767.79 Housing & Comm Dev 914.88 Arts Commission 35.00 LEFF Disability 1, 362. 15 LID #283 2, 289.87 Sewer 77,434.00 Water 15, 144. 53 Garbage 89, 275 .01 $308, 128.44 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 283 - Streets, Sewer & Water S . 220th, S . 216th & 72nd S . Dale Brunton $ 2, 285.63 Dale Brunton 4. 24 $ 2, 289.87 ADJOURNMENT CAREY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 10: 00 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. 'Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk NOTICES OF MEETINGS DISTRIBUTED TO COUNCIL 4/2/79: Department of Transportation - Workshop meeting at 7: 30 p.m. , April 18, Fidalgo Room, Seattle Center American Assn. of Smaller Cities - meet with Congressmen 8: 00 a.m. to 5: 30 p.m. , April 21, Longacres Paddock Club. Lunch included - reservations required. 16 -