HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/05/1979 Kent, Washington March 5, 1979 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 9:00 O'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson; J. Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Direc- tor Harris and Public Works Director Ulett. Finance Director Winkle was not in attendance. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, planning Commissioner Baer, and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 15 people were in attendance at the meeting. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the year 1979 as "Year of the Child" in the City of Kent in conjunction with the 20th anniversary of the United Nations ' Declaration of the Rights of the Child, urging all citizens to support activities planned for the Inter- national Year of the Child. CONSENT B. JOHNSON MOVED that the items contained on CALENDAR the Consent Calendar be approved, Carey seconded. Motion carried. MINUTES (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) The minutes of the regular meeting of February 20, 1979 be approved with the following correc- tions: "DiPietro Rezone. (Page 8) MOTION FAILED, with McCaughan, Kitto, J. Johnson, B. Johnson amd-Masters voting no. " "Metro. (Page 11) The subject of the refer- enced meeting should read 'RESTRUCTURING ' the Metro Council, not 'reconstructing. '" PRELIMINARY Westform Addition. On January 23, 1979, a. PLAT public hearing. was held before the Planning Commission to consider the Westform Addition Preliminary Plat. At that time the Planning Commission recommended approval with the follow- ing conditions: - 1 - March 5, 1979 PRELIMINARY 1) Sanitary sewers. Construct .a gravity sanitary 15LAT sewer system to service all lots. 2) Water. Provide City water service to all lots . The water main on 72nd Avenue S. shall be a minimum of 10 inches in diameter as per the City' s Comprehensive Water' Plan and shall be extended to the northern end of the plat boundary. 3) Streets. All streets shall be asphalt paved with concrete curb and gutter. a) 72nd Avenue S. shall have a curb to curb width of 44 feet (half-street improvement Of 72nd Avenue S. not acceptable. ) b) 209th Street shall have a curb to curb width of 36 feet. c) Street lighting is required on all streets. (WESTFOftM d) Street name signs shall be furnished and ADDITION) installed by the City with reimbursement from the developer. e) 72nd Avenue S. shall extend to the no boundary of the plat. f) Cement concrete sidewalks to be provided as per the Subdivision Code (Section 3. 2.3) . 4) Submit detailed plan for conditions 1 through 3 to the Engineering Department for review and approval. 5) Rights-of-way. a) Right-of-way for 72nd Avenue S. shall be 80 feet in width. Developer to obtain and deed to the City the easterly half of said right-of-way (currently not a part of this subdivision) . b) Dedicate to the City 15 feet of right-of- way parallel to and abutting West Valley Highway for the entire plat frontage thereon. c) Reserve drainage easements for the future P-2 channel, said easement widths and - 2 - March 5, 1979 PRELIMINARY alignments shall be mutually approved by. PLAT King County and Kent. A public meeting is scheduled before the Council at this time to consider the Planning Commission's recommendations. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the proposed Preliminary Plat located north of S . 212th Street between West Valley Highway and the proposed 72nd Avenue S. , noting that it consisted of approximately 31 acres comprised of nine lots in an M-1 Industrial Park zone. Harris noted that Condition #k3 (f) provided for sidewalks on both sides of 72nd Avenue S. , in accordance with a recent Subdivision Code Amendment approved by Would becil. He handled ontsitehat (WESTFORM storm water retention WESTION) until completion of the P-2 channel in the area. ADDI The public meeting was opened by the Mayor. Gary Volchok of Coldwell Banker addressed the meeting, noting that he represented Westform Development Company. Referring to the matter of the storm water retention, he noted that it has been planned to empty into the 72nd Avenue S. system until the P-2 channel is completed. He noted that the channel is presently 30 feet wide and will be widened to 195 feet. He also pointed out that the entire area will be developed within the next three to five months , including streets and drainage systems, and that water retention would be handled through oversized pipes on each individual development. He noted that the developer would be working with the City Engineering Department to handle the prob- lem. Referring to the 80 foot right-of-way for 72nd Avenue S . , he noted that this consisted of a 60 foot right-of-way with two 10 foot permanent easements on either side, as was required as part of LID 283, and in the Uplands area to the south. Volchok expressed his objections to requiring sidewalks on both sides of 72nd Avenue S . and asked that they be required on one side only, noting that in his opinion sidewalks were not necessary in an industrial park area. He - 3 - March 5, 1979 PRELIMINARY also referred to the fact that no sidewalks PLAT were required on side streets. Referring to Harris ' s comments about sidewalks on West Valley Highway and on S . 212th Street, he noted that he was not aware of this require- ment until this time. In response to Kitto 's question regarding the storm water retention system, Volchok noted that each individual lot developed would be required to install over- sized piping as the property was developed, which could handle the storm water and divert it in a controlled manner into the 72nd Avenue S . system until completion of the P-2 channel. Mayor Hogan and Councilperson Masters questioned how the storm water could be controlled, even (WESTFORM with the installation of oversized pipes , and ADDITION) Volchok again noted that this problem would be worked out with the Engineering Department. Ulett clarified that the matter of storm water drainage control is covered by the ordinance which the Council recently adopted, and that a developer must comply with the conditions of the ordinance. He noted that the storm water - would ultimately empty into the P-2 channel as Volchok had stated, and that the storm water drainage must be no greater than it is at the present time. He also noted that it could be controlled by having a surface water detention basin on site, or by installation of the over- sized pipe. Kitto noted that he agreed with Volchok ' s comments about the necessity for sidewalks in an industrial park area. Upon McCaughan' s question, Harris clarified that sidewalks would be required on both sides of all major arterial or industrial collector streets. He further noted that sidewalks were becoming a necessity in industrial park areas. Ulett noted for Vol- chok that it was his belief that. sidewalks would be required as a part of LID 283. Volchok objected by virtue of the fact that S. 212th and West Valley Highway were not new streets and questioned the requirement for sidewalks. 4 - March 5, 1979 PRELIMINARY There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON PLAT MOVED that the public meeting be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the Westform Addition Preliminary Plat be approved as presented with the conditions, Carey seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & LID 282 - K-Mart Sewer. The City Attorney intro- SANITAtION duced Ordinance No. 2146 approving and confirming the Final Assessment Roll for LID 282, and repealing Ordinance No. 2141. He clarified that Ordinance No. 2141 had inadvertently been passed without the interest rates. KITTO MOVED to adopt Ordinance No. 2146, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Bill of Sale - Donald Potts - Sanitary Sewer Extension - 43rd Avenue S . from 42nd Place S . ACCEPTANCE of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the 265 L.F. sanitary sewer exten- sion constructed on 43rd Avenue S . from 42nd Place S. to the end of the cul-de-sac, and release of the cash bond after the payment of any outstanding bills against the project. (CONSENT EALENDAR ITEM) Rueter Request for Outside Sewer and Water Service. DENIAL' of the Harry Rueter request for outside sewer and water service for a proposed ten acre plat on the east side of 116th Avenue S .E. at S .E. 251st Street based on present policy and because this is a sub- stantial development which has adverse traffic and water system impact on Kent. WATER (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Gates Request for Outside Water Service. APPROVAL of the request of Frank and Peggi Gates for outside water service for existing dwellings at 26117 and 21625 - 114th Avenue S .E. , subject to the provisions of Resolution 822. The houses are served by an unsatisfactory 5 - March 5, 1979 WATER well at the present time and a Kent distribution line abuts the subject property. STREETS State Aid Agreement. The Washington State Department of Transportation is willing to enter into an agreement for two years under which they will act as our agent in land acquisition and relocation matters. They will perform only those items of work which we assign to them and will charge only for the services which they perform. In some land acquisition matters, particularly where Federal funds are involved, the expertise of the Department of Transportation is required. Authorization for the Mayor to sign the agree- ment is requested, and KITTO SO MOVED, Carey seconded. In response to McCaughan' s question, Mayor Hogan noted that the matter had been discussed at a workshop. It was also determined for Masters by Ulett that the services need only be utilized when necessary and would be invaluable, especially when dealing with the strict guidelines encountered when dealing with Federal funds. Motion carried. STREET (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) VACATION Contemporary Structures - S.E. 260th Street Vacation. The public hearing for this street vacation was tabled on October 2, 1978 because of a legal deficiency. ADOPTION of Resolution No. 863 setting a public hearing date for April 2, 1979 to consider this street vacation. RAILROAD Proposed S. 208th Crossing Closure. Masters CROSSINGS noted receipt of U1ett ' s memo stating that the WUTC planned to close the S. 208th crossing. Ulett explained that the only notice received thus far has been the .negative declaration of impact as to the closing of the crossing. He pointed out that the WUTC would schedule a hearing to take input from the Council and other interested citizens. He noted that property owners in the area had been notified of the request to close the crossing. It was - 6 March 5, 1979 RAILROAD determined that the WUTC would provide a notice. CROSSINGS to the City as to the date of the hearing and that the newspaper would be asked to publicize the hearing date. ANNEXATIONS (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Osborne Annexation. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2144 annexing to the City that certain property known as the Osborne Annexation. ANNEXATION (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) ZONING Osborne. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2145 zoning the Osborne Annexation as R1-7. 2 (Single Family Residential) ; MR-G (Garden Density Multi-Family Residential) ; CC (Community Commercial) ; and 0 (Professional and Office) . The Mayor noted that she would veto this ordinance. REZONE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) Canamera. ADOPTION of Ordinance No. 2143 rezoning the property known as the Canamera Associates rezone from GC to MR-H. UNIFORM Uniform Mechanical Code - 1976 Edition. MECHANICAL The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. CODE 2147, amending Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2020. He explained that an error existed in Section 4 of Ordinance No. 2020 and that the ordinance adopted the 1976 Uniform Mechanical, Housing and Abatement of Dangerous Buildings Codes. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2147, Masters seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) RECREATION Lake Fenwick Restoration Project. APPROVAL is given for authorization for the Mayor to sign a grant offer of $88, 750 from the Environmental Protection Agency to fund 50% of the Lake Fen- wick Restoration Project. An offer of the 40/ State Department of Ecology share of the project is dependent on the City' s acceptance of the Federal EPA grant. The Project Plan was adopted 7 - March 5, 1979 PARKS & at the December 19, 1977 City Council meeting RECREATION and monies are budgeted in 1979 for the 10% local grant matching funds. Russell Road Park Phase II. The Parks Depart- ment and ORB recommend approval of Change Order No. 2 for the Russell Road Park Phase II pro- ject and that the completion date be extended from November 30, 1978 to January 31, 1979. Adequate monies are available for the follow- ing changes: 1) Delete quick coupler connections shown on A-8 at each dugout. Provide 1 1/2" riser and valve assembly in lieu thereof Increase Contract $ 203 2) Add storm manhole with sump at crossing with existing sanitary sewer Increase Contract 1,876 3) Provide revisions at Door #7 Increase Contract 314 - 4) Revise alignment at Pods #2 & #3 Increase Contract 707 5) Substitute 2" control valves for 2 1/2" valves specified (10 each at $25.60) Reduce Contract 256 6) Provide 6" PVC irrigation main in lieu of 6" AC Reduce Contract 773 TOTAL INCREASE 2$ ,071 KITTO MOVED that Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $2, 071 be approved and added to the Aldrich & Hedman, Inc. contract and that the completion date be extended. Just seconded. Masters questioned whether the matter had been discussed at a Park Board meeting and Wilson noted that the Park Board would not meet until next week. In response to McCaughan ' s questions regarding item 2, Wilson clarified that the 8 _ March 5, 1979 PARKS & storm sewer would not be going into the sanitary RECREATION sewer and that only a few minor items remained to be completed on the project. Motion carried. EARTHWORK The Mayor noted that a reception for Mr. Herbert SCULPTURE ' Bayer, designer of the proposed earthwork sculp- ture for the Mill Creek Canyon area, would be held at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday afternoon in the City Hall. COUNCIL Public Works Committee. Kitto noted that the COMMITTEES Public Works Committee would meet on Wednesday morning, March 7 , at 8: 15 a.m. Public Safety Committee. Masters noted that the Public Safety Committee would meet on Wednesday morning, March 14, at 8: 15 a.m. Parks Committee. Just reported that the Parks Committee would meet on March 13. COUNCIL The Mayor noted that the agenda packets for AGENDAS the Council meetings could be picked up by Councilpersons at her office on Thursday afternoons prior to the Council meetings and if not picked up by 5:00 p.m. , the packets would be left at the Police Department. FINANCE (CONSENT CALENDAR ITEM) AUTHORIZATION to pay the bills received through March 5, 1979 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3: 00 P.M. on March 15 , 1979. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of February 28, 1979 are as follows: Current Expense $ 56, 907.85 Parks & Recreation 5,834. 96 Library 2,450. 20 City Streets 6,055.06 Kent Commons Operating 1,603.88 Federal Shared Revenue 1,651.74 Russell Rd Park, Ph. II 1, 259.75 9 - March 5, 1979 FINANCE Kent Commons Ph. I Const. $ 8,681.00 Smith/Central to 4th 24,644.64 4th Ave. Signals 130.60 UAB 13/84th Ave. S. Const. 11, 900..94 1978 Water Rev Const. 1,749.64 Kent Sprngs Chlor Equip 384.81 Equipment Rental 3,042.79 Housing & Comm. Devel. 2,567.81 Arts Commission 27.00 • LEFF Disability 3 , 218.57 LID No. 282 10,665.93 LID No. 283 1,509.. 38 Sewer 55, 773.57 Water 3 ,017.31 Garbage 78, 740. 22 $281,817.65 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 282 - K-Mart Sewers Skip Jacobson Construction Co. $ 10, 665.93 LID 283 - Streets, Sewer & Water (72nd S . , S. 220, 5. 216) Dale R. Brunton $ 1, 50.9.38 $ 12, 175.31 CAREY MOVED that the meeting be adjourned at 8: 35 p.m. , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Marie e en, C City Clerk 10 -