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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/05/1979 Kent, Washington February 5, 1979 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o 'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Cushing, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Planning Commissioner Williams, Parks Director Wilson, and URS representative Abed. Approximately 50 people were in attendance at the meeting. CITY City Administrator Cushing was welcomed by ADMINISTRATOR the City officials, staff and audience. MINUTES JUST MOVED, CAREY seconded, that the minutes of the regular meeting of January 15, 197.9 be approved as printed. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the week of February 11 - 17 , 1979 as Future Business Leaders of America & Vocational Edu- cational Week. Members of the group from Kent- Meridian High School and their advisor were introduced. A plaque was presented to Mayor Hogan in appreciation for her efforts in behalf of this group. HEALTH & Draft Environmental Impact Statement - LID 283 SANITATION Streets, Sewer and Water - S. 220th, S . 216th and 72nd Avenue S. At its meeting of January 15, 1979, the Council set this date for the public hearing on the Draft EIS on LID 283. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Gary Volchok, of Coldwell & Banker, noted that he had participated in developing the LID in conjunction with property owners in the area and noted that several public meetings with .the property owners were held with regard to the proposed LID. He also noted that all goals of the Comprehensive Plan were taken into consideration-and that no protests were made to , the LID proposal. He pointed out that subse- quently one property owner had filed a complaint. Mirk determined for Masters that the Barnier request for agricultural use classification - 1 - February 5, 1979 HEALTH & was handled by the County. She further questioned SANITATION what liability the City would have since the eland had been designated as held for agricultural use and Mirk stated that the City had no liability; that it was in fact a tax break for the Barniers over the years . Mirk opined that there would be no penalty to Barnier for removing the land from the current use classification. The Clerk reported no correspondence had been received. There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the comments and correspondence received at this public hearing be incorporated in the preparation of the Final Environmental Impact Statement on LID 283, Just seconded. Motion carried. LID 282 - K-Mart Sewer. A public hearing is scheduled for this meeting on the Final Assess- ment Roll for LID 282, the K-Mart Sewer project. This LID was for the construction and installation of 8" , 12" and 15" sanitary sewers and conversion of the existing 12" force main to a gravity system in the area of West Valley Highway and Willis Street in the City of Kent. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Mark Clark presented a letter on behalf of his client, Hanover Houma, Inc. , owners of property within the LID, object- ing to Assessment #17 against such property in the amount of $27, 152.45, and declaring that the property is not especially benefited. Ulett noted that assessments were based on area and were of two types---primary and secondary. Primary covers those properties having immediate service (4 1/2 cents per square foot) and secondary covers properties which might benefit by future use (1/2 cent per square foot) . He noted that Hanover Houma, Inc. was one of the larger parcels in the LID. The Clerk read a letter from Ruth Smith, 1320 West Meeker, objecting to her assessment for - 2 - February 5, 1979 HEALTH & the LID, noting that her income was from Social SANITATION Security. It was determined that Mrs. Smith' s assessment was $191.49 and that she was in the secondary area. MASTERS MOVED that both letters be made a part of the record, Just seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED to close the public hearing, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the two protests be referred to the next work session for discussion, Just .seconded. Motion carried. Bill of Sale - Marvel Booth Sanitary Sewer Extension - 108th S .E. and S .E. 222nd Street. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the sanitary sewer extension constructed on Benson Highway from S.E. 224th to S.E. 222nd Street. King County has vacated S .E. 222nd Street but has given Kent an easement to service the line constructed in that area. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement and to release the cash bond after all outstanding City bills have been paid, McCaughan seconded. In response to B. Johnson' s question, Ulett noted that there were cuts made in the street for the sewer extension and that the streets have been returned to their original condition and have been accepted by the County. Motion carried. Anderson Outside Utility Service Request. J. Kirk Anderson has requested sewer and water service for Lots 1 and 18, Coates Addition, and for two lots which abut the plat on the north, one on each side of lllth Avenue S.E. Water is readily available from existing mains and Anderson will extend the sewer system. Each of the lots is zoned for a single family dwelling. In accordance with the recommenda- tion of the Public Works Director, CAREY MOVED that the request be granted, subject to the 3 - February 5, 1979 HEALTH & requirements of Resolution No. 822, B. Johnson SANITATION seconded. Motion carried. WATER Draft Environmental Impact Statement - LID 286 76th Ave . S. Water Main. The Council, at its meeting of January 15, 1979, set this date as the public hearing date on the Draft EIS for LID 286. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Receipt. of a letter from Norman Winn of Smith, Brucker, Winn & Ehlert was noted, addressing various items contained in the draft EIS on behalf of his clients , Richard and Burton Brooks. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. There were no further comments and MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the comments and correspondence received at this public hearing be incorporated in the preparation of the Final Environmental Impact Statement on LID 286, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Grube Short Plat Water Request. In accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Committee, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Grube Short Plat be allowed to obtain water service from Water District #75, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Kilmer Request for Outside Water Service. Terry Ferguson has requested water service for property located at 25013 S.E. 116th Avenue, the owner of which is Frederick W. Kilmer. The property is proposed to be short platted into four single family lots. A 12" water main is available on 116th Avenue S .E. In accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Director, CAREY MOVED that the request be granted, subject to the require- ments of Resolution No. 822, McCaughan seconded. J. Johnson stated that it was his understanding that the City was not going to grant any addi- tional outside water service requests . Ulett - 4 - February 5, 1979 WATER noted that the request was for a single family dwelling which would present no problem since the main was already there. He noted that problems resulted from requests such as that of Reynolds Aluminum which would require a large volume of water. He determined for Just that only four residences were permitted in a short plat. Motion carried. Outside Fire Line Request. David Johnson has seven homes under construction on S. 245th P1. east of 98th Avenue S. The properties are within the East Hill Well Company service area but the Company cannot supply water for fire protection. Mr. Johnson has requested authoriza- tion to construct a fire line to provide hydrants. The Director of Public Works and the Fire Chief recommend that the authorization be granted. MASTERS SO MOVED, B. Johnson seconded. In response to McCaughan 's question, Ulett noted that the line would be constructed for fire protection only. He also noted for McCaughan that the area was outside the City limits. McCaughan commented that the service should be approved subject to Resolution No. 822 and B. Johnson concurred. McCAUGHAN MOVED to AMEND the motion to include that the authoriza- tion be granted subject to Resolution No. 822 requirements, B. Johnson seconded. Ulett determined for Masters that the only additional requirement of Mr. Johnson would be for him to sign an Annexation Covenant and that it would require no Boundary Review Board action. The amendment to the motion carried. The motion as amended carried. Water Facilities Telemetry System. Bids were received on January 30, 1979 for the Water Facilities Telemetry System. Two bids were received as follows: Stead & Baggerly $102,000 + tax Technical Systems, Inc. 160, 700 + tax 5 - February 5, 1979 W,NTER The Engineer's estimate was $120, 500, plus tax;. The Water Bond Issue provides $110,000 for this project and upon the recommendation of URS repre- sentative Abed, B. JOHNSON MOVED that the best bid of Stead & Baggerly in the amount of $102,000 plus tax be accepted, J. Johnson seconded. Upon McCaughan' s question, Abed noted that this type of equipment was a very specialized item and there were few suppliers. Motion carried. Kent Springs Chlorination. Two bids were received on January 30, 1979 for the Kent Springs Chlorination Facility as follows: Lindbrook Construction $366, 899 + tax Olson Building Co. 435,000 + tax The engineer' s estimate was $370, 000 + tax. The Water Bond Issue provides $420, 000 for this project. Upon Abed' s recommendation, B. JOHNSON MOVED that the best bid of Lindbrook Construction Co. in the amount of $366, 899 - plus tax be accepted. Carey seconded. McCaughan expressed concern over the wide spread in the amounts of the bids. Abed noted that he had prepared the project con- struction cost estimate and could not readily explain the spread. He expressed confidence that the low bidder would do a good job. Motion carried. STREETS Washington Department of Transportation Certification Acceptance Qualification Agreement. A letter was read from J.D. Zirkle, District Administrator, Washington Department of Trans- portation, regarding Certification Acceptance Local Agency Interviews. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. It was noted that the letter referred to a meeting between Ulett, Traffic Engineer Olson and the District Representative of the DOT, and referred to options the City of Kent has regarding contract advertising and awarding 6 - February 5, 1979 STREETS of bids for all projects on the Federal-aid Highway system except the Interstate System. The City of Kent may: 1) become a certifying agency; 2) allow the State DOT to advertise and award on all projects . The Public Works Director and Traffic Engineer recommend that the City become qualified as a certifying agency. The City Attorney has reviewed and approved the Agreement. CAREY MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC Regional Traffic Study. A letter was read CONTROL from J. D. Zirkle, Department of Transporta- tion, in response to the City' s Resolution No. 857 requesting that the DOT conduct a Regional Traffic Study. The letter noted that such a study was currently underway as part of the Soos Creek Plateau Communities Plan by King County and that if a broader study was - needed by the City it would more properly be addressed to the Puget Sound Council of Govern- ments. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Just seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that one of the few alternatives left was to continue to pressure the State to divert money to this area. Masters suggested that perhaps it would be appropriate to have a discussion with other jurisdictions to review what cooperative effort could be made to change some of the priorities that have been set regarding monies for traffic problems . She referred to a meeting in Auburn and noted that some or all of the suggestions made at that time might not be practical at this time. It was determined that the Soos Creek Communi- ties Plan is the most current plan. Carey commented that the Soos Creek Plan does not address the problem of the outlet for traffic. The Mayor noted that the Plan does show where the roads should be. Motion carried. Traffic Light--Sequoia Junior High. A letter was read from Rose Ann King , Sequoia Junior 7 - February 5, 1979 TRAFFIC High PTSA & Advisory Committee, thanking the CONTROL City for the prompt action taken in referring their recent request for a traffic signal to the Public Works Committee. The letter further extended an invitation to those wishing to witness the traffic situation to attend the school dance on February 9. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. RAILROAD Milwaukee Railroad. It appears that Federal CROSSINGS funding will be available for upgrading control devices at the S . 212th Street, S. 228th Street, James Street and Smith Street railroad crossings. The sharing of costs is 90% federal and 10% city, if federal grants are received. If the crossings are funded by the State, the sharing is 60% State , 300% City and 10% rail- road. The railroad company will not concur in the petitions for State funds unless Kent agrees to accept as a City obligation the additional 10% which is normally the railroad ' s share. The Washington Utilities and Transporta- tion Commission advise that there are other agencies who have accepted the 10% where Mil- waukee was the railroad involved. The total project cost for the four crossings; if funded by the State, is estimated to be $230, 000, of which $60, 000 is Kent ' s normal share. If we accept the additional $23, 000 the total is $92, 000. The street bond issue included $102, 000 for those four crossings. The Public Works Depart- ment recommends accepting the obligation for the other 10°% and after grant offers are received, reviewing the financing before their acceptance. B. JOHNSON MOVED in the event that Washington Grade Crossing Protection Funds are offered and accepted for upgrading traffic control devices at any or all crossings of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul &Pacific Railroad Co. at S . 212th St. , S . 228th St. , James St. , and Smith St. , the City of Kent agrees to pay the 10% which is normally a railroad obligation in addition to the 300/. 8 - February 5, 1979 RAILROAD which is normally a City obligation. McCaughan CROSSINGS seconded. Motion carried. Burlington-Northern Railroad Crossing Improve- ments. It was noted that the City may be able to obtain Federal funds for the installation of motion detection systems for the Burlington- Northern Railroad Crossings at S . 228th Street and S . 212th Street and the installation of new crossing signals for the 84th Avenue spur crossing north of S . 212th Street. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 858 authoriz- ing the Mayor to sign various agreements rela- tive to the upgrading and improvement of rail- road crossings with the City of Kent. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Resolution No. 858 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. APPEALS 1) Tri-State Construction has filed an appeal regarding the Planning Commission action of January 23, 1979 to revoke their Conditional Use Permit for a storage yard which was issued in September, 1977. J. JOHNSON MOVED that a public hearing to review this appeal be set for the February 20 Council meeting, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. 2). The Department of Public Works has filed an official appeal to the Council regarding the action of the Planning Commission on January 23, 1979 in denying a Conditional Use Permit for the West Hill One Million Gallon Standpipe. B. JOHNSON MOVED that a public hearing to review this appeal should be set for the February 20 Council meeting, Carey seconded. In response to McCaughan ' s ques- tion, Mayor Hogan noted that all the background information regarding the project was contained in the Final Environmental Impact Statement. Motion carried. 3) Alta Bonita. A letter was read from Manuel M. Sangalang and Rupert C. Arguelles, appealing the Planning Commission' s denial of a Conditional 9 - February 5, 1979 APPEALS Use Permit to construct a 45 unit apartment complex in a CC zone. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and to set a public hearing date to hear the appeal for February 20, 1979, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Bell-Anderson. Bell-Anderson has filed an appeal regarding the Planning Commission ' s action on January 23 , 1979 in denying their application for a Conditional Use Permit for apartments in a CC zone. J. JOHNSON MOVED that a public hearing to review the appeal should be set for the February 20 Council meet- ing, Carey seconded. Motion carred. ANNEXATIONS Ryan No. 2. B. JOHNSON MOVED to set the public hearings to consider the ZONING of the Ryan No. 2 Annexation for February 20, 1979 and April 2, 1979 and to set the public hearing date to consider the proposed ANNEXATION on April 2, 1979, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Osborne No. 3. It was noted that Boundary Review Board approval of the Osborne #3 Annexation is expected to be given at the February 8 Board meeting. City public hear- ings have been conducted on the zoning and the annexation of this parcel. REZONES DiPietro Rezone - M-A to M-1 (Continued Public Hearing. ) On January 15, 1979 the Council moved to continue the public hearing on this rezone to the February 5, 1979 Council meeting to allow for further discussion at the work- shop on January 22, 1979. The public hearing was reopened by the Mayor. Mike Hanis ,repre- senting the applicant, pointed out that his client was merely trying to get the change of zone to maintain his existing business by erecting an additional workshed. He noted that his client had agreed to restrictions concerning the size of the area to be rezoned as mentioned at the last Council meeting. 10 - February 5, 1979 REZONES He noted that the City Attorney had opined that this was not a "spot" zone and referred to the minutes of the January 15 meeting and noted that the motion to deny the rezone had failed. 'Mayor Hogan referred to a report prepared by the Planning Department stating that the D.iP.ietr.o Trucking operation has been operating since approximately July, 19,69., at which time it was a permitted use in an M-A zone. In 1973 the new Zoning Code was adopted under which storage and equipment yards were prohibited in M-A zones . The Planning Department has con- sidered the business a legal non-conforming use and as such cannot be expanded- , In response to McCaughan ' s quest-ions about the Valley Floor Plan, Harris noted that the first public hearing before the Planning Commission would beheld on February 27 , followed by a schedule of continued hearings and it was ex- pected that the final plan would .come to the (DiPIETRO) Council in April. McCaughan concluded that the Council should not be changing zoning at this time but should wait until the Plan has been completed- Harris pointed out that the DiPietro Trucking operation does not fit into the M-1 zoning.. Just referred to the fact that DiPietro does not have a business license and questioned whether he would have been able to obtain a ' license had he applied at the time he began his :operation. Harris noted that in 1969 the ,operation was compatible with the exist- ing M-A ironing., that the operation became a legal non-conforming use in 1973 when the new Zoning Code was adopted, and that the operation was to be brought up to the standards of the new Zoning Code- Just referred to the "grandfather clause" and questioned whether the City could put someone out of business . Harris opined that he was not sure that the City was putting him out of business--but that the particular February 5, 1979 REZONES zone requested was not the place for a trucking operation. Harris also pointed out that there was a good deal of vacant land available in the City suitable for this type of business. McCaughan questioned the type of buffer zone which is usually required between a residential area and such an operation. Harris pointed out that the KOA Campground is not considered a residential area since it is concerned with transient motor homes rather than permanent residences . He noted that such a recreational type operation could possibly be placed next to an industrial area. In response to B. Johnson ' s question, Hanis stated that Mr. DiPietro would only be repair- (DiPIETRO) ing his own trucks . There were no further questions and JUST MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the application for a change of zone be DENIED for the five reasons outlined by the Planning Commission, as shown in the January 15 minutes , J. Johnson seconded. Upon Just ' s question, the motions from the last meeting were read, concluding with the motion to ,continue the hearing to this date. Masters stated that she would not support to the motion to deny the rezone, and commented on the five Planning Commission points as follows: 1) it had been established that this use was not a spot zone; 2) that the word "sprawl" was sub- ject to individual interpretation; 3) that DiPietro had been assessed for the present sewer system in the north end; 4) that the DiPietro family had owned the land many years before the City decided that Russell Road was to be a scenic drive; and 5) that the family had been part .of several comprehensive plans and should not now be subject to the findings of the proposed valley Floor Plan. She con- .cluded that the motion to deny the rezone was unfair. - 12 - February 5, 1979 REZONES Kitto noted that he would support the motion to deny the rezone and that if it was not a '"spot" zone he considered it to be an isolated zone for this area. He further agreed with McCaughan that the findings of the Valley Floor Plan should be considered. On a roll call vote, the MOTION FAILED, with Carey, B: Johnson, Just and Masters voting nay, and J. Johnson, Kitto and McCaughan voting in favor. CARE' MOVED that the change of zone be APPROVED, ' Masters seconded. Harris determined for McCaughan that the M-1 zoning would include all nine acres and that DiPietro would not be able to operate his existing business in that type of zoning. Masters noted that Harris had referred to the fact that there was plenty of land available, properly zoned, where DiPietro could conduct his type of business and ques- tioned whether this was a suggestion that he sell his property in order to find other land (DiPIETRO) to conduct his business. It was determined again that DiPietro now has a legal noncon- forming use in an M-A zone which may not be expanded and if the zoning is changed he will not be allowed to operate his business in an M-1 zone. In response to B. Johnson ' s question, Harris noted that M-1 zoning was what Mr. DiPietro had applied for--that he could have applied for M-3 zoning but chose not to -do so. He clarified for B . Johnson that considerable discussion had taken place with DiPietro at the time he made the applica- tion. B. Johnson questioned whether he would ,be granted a building permit when he applies for one and Harris determined that this would be a problem 'that would have to be dealt with at that time. Kitto noted that if ' the M-1 zoning is granted, DiPietro could put any M-1 type of business on the property. There were no further comments and the motion to APPROVE THE CHANGE OF ZONE as requested carried, with Carey, B. Johnson, Just and Masters voting in favor and Kitto, J. Johnson & McCaughan voting against. 13 - February 5, 1979 REZONES Williamson Rezone. It was noted that Ordinance No. 2134 rezoning a parcel known as the William- son rezone was passed by the Council on December 18, 1978. The Ordinance was vetoed by Mayor Hogan on December 21 and the veto message was presented at the January 15, 1979 Council meeting and made a part of the record. At that time action on the veto was tabled until the full Council was in attendance. The matter was removed from the table. CAREY MOVED that Ordinance No. 2134 be adopted over (WILLIA,MSON) the Mayor ' s veto, Masters seconded. At McCaughan' s question, Harris explained that this parcel was the Easterly five acres of the original application, and noted that in order 'to make the proposed traffic scheme work, caution would have to be exercised in any future develop- ment in the area West of this parcel. Masters spoke in favor of the motion noting that much time had been spent on this proposal and that it wasn' t fair to the applicant to change the decision. J. Johnson stated that the Council would be acting in an inconsistent manner since a rezone on the . Kent-Kangley had been denied because of the impact it would have on traffic. Carey stated that James Street was a 5-lane facility with a turning lane in front of the subject property. Motion carried, with J. Johnson voting nay. TRAFFIC James Street & 104th Avenue S.E. Vicinity. CONTROL A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Clark Williamson regarding the proper development of streets in the proposed areas of commercial development in the neighborhood of the William- son rezone. The letter asked that the Council and planning staff cooperate in participation of study and development of proper streets and access in light of recent rezone applications being granted or proposed. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and filed with the exist- ing material relating to improvements to James Street between 100th Ave. S .E. and 104th Ave. S.E. (This file contains the Ranniger request for this 14 - February 5, 1979 TRAFFIC James Street improvement and also a request to CONTROL construct 102nd Avenue S .E. from S.E. 239th to S .E. 242nd. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PHASED LAND It was noted that action on the Mayor ' s recommenda- DEVELOPMENT tions for orderly growth in the valley was delayed to this meeting, since two Council members were absent on January 15. A copy of the Mayor ' s recom- mendations have been filed as a part of the record. A letter was read from the Chamber of Commerce requesting that action on this matter be delayed for three months to allow time for the Chamber ' s special task force to review and recommend action to the City. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter for the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. J. JOHNSON MOVED for the Mayor ' s recommendations to be accepted, Kitto seconded and noted that he was generally in favor of the recommendations , but that he was not in full agreement with each item. B. Johnson pointed out that she agreed with only a portion of the recommendations . Masters disagreed with the recommendations and spoke in favor of waiting for the Chamber of Commerce report. J. Johnson spoke in favor of the recom- mendations, noting that no one else had suggested any means for controlling growth. McCaughan spoke in favor of the delay, noting that informa- tion on the Valley Floor Plan would be forth- coming. Harry Williams noted that he and James Curran would co-chair the Chamber ' s task force and urged the Council to delay action on the matter. JUST MOVED to TABLE the matter until May 1, Carey seconded. Motion carried, with Kitto and J. Johnson voting nay. NUISANCE A letter was read from Johnnie K. Anderson ORDINANCE objecting to a proposed Nuisance Ordinance with regard to working on cars in front of a person ' s house. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, McCaughan seconded. It was noted that the City Attorney is preparing some additional material with regard to the proposed ordinance for the February 13 workshop and that the matter was discussed at the last workshop. Motion carried. 15 - February 5, 1979 HOUSING & Block Grant Program. A letter was read from COMMUNITY Jacob Thomas, Historic Preservation Officer, DEVELOPMENT Department of Planning & Community Development, regarding the County Historic Preservation Block Grant Program. The letter pointed out that Kent has demonstrated an unusual commit- ment to historic preservation by making its own historic sites survey. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, Carey seconded. The Mayor noted that grant monies were still avail- able for historic preservation and that this has been a matter of concern to the City, especially with regard to places like the old Neeley home. Motion carried. Population Monies. The Mayor noted that $3,429 in population funds must be allocated by the City or be lost. She referred to previous projects which had been funded from Population Monies and noted that Raul Ramos had suggested that this amount be allocated to Pedestrian Walkways. She noted for Masters that this would have to be used for either additional wheelchair ramps or sidewalks and must be located in one of our target areas of lower or moderate income residential areas. KITTO MOVED that the money be allocated as recommended, Carey seconded. Motion carried. GARBAGE General Disposal Contract. The contract between SERVICE the City of Kent and General Disposal has now been finalized. The rate structure is the same as has already been reviewed and approved by the Council. JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the garbage contract with General Disposal for the calendar years 1979-1983 . J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ANIMAL Leash Law. A letter was read from Jack Albrecht CONTROL, objecting to the recent decision of the Council to pass the leash law in Kent and the problems created by its passage without adequate input from the City. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. 16 - February 5, 1979 POLICE Vehicle Rental. Chief Skewes has requested DE,PAI..TMENT additional funds in the Police Department 1979 Budget for the purpose of leasing a vehicle to replace one lost as a result of a traffic accident. The amount requested is for three months ' rental at $225.00 per month for a Chevrolet Nova. MASTERS MOVED that the request be approved, Carey seconded. In response to B. Johnson ' s question, it was determined that the loss of the vehicle was being handled by the City' s insurance carrier, and since the vehicle was totalled there would be no allow- ance for rental while awaiting delivery of the replacement vehicle. Motion carried. OUT OF STATE Police Department. A request from Chief T�tAVEL Skewes was read by the Clerk, asking authoriza- tion for Officer McCurdy to attend a crime prevention training session in Los Angeles during the week of March 19, 1979. The request noted that the course was designed to' meet the growth of commercial burglary and related crimes and would be financed through Kent ' s LEAA Grant for 1979 and that the funds are provided for in the 1979 Police Department budget. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and the request approved, .McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. BIDS Parks Department. Bids were received on January 25 for portable bleachers from Vanco, Alum-A products and Stadiums Unlimited. B. Wilson noted that Alum-A-Products, high bid, did not submit a bid bond as required, and the Stadiums Unlimited bid did not meet the specifications for the alternate. Upon his recommendation, McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the bid of Vanco in the amount of $12, 595 . 52, including tax, and alternate. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Equipment Rental. Bids were received for replacing City equipment. The Equipment Rental Department recommends acceptance of low bids as follows: 17 - February 5, 1979 BIDS (All bids include tax) A. - 1979 4-Door Sedan, Compact Size Replacement #18. State Bid (Dodge Aspen) $5, 154.49 B. 1979 Van, 15 Passenger Maxiwagon Replacement #10 Bus State Bid (No Trade) $8, 524.91 (Van to be sold at auction) C. _1979 Station Wagon, 8 Passenger Replacement '#3 Bowen Scarff Ford $7, 107. 27 Less Trade 400.00 $6, 707. 27 , , D. 1979 Intermediate Size Station Wagon Replacement #21 State Bid (Pontiac) $5,494.30 E. 1979 3/4 Ton Pickup - Replacement #36 State Bid (Dodge) $5, 863 . 20 F. 1979 3/4 Ton Cab & Chassis Only Replacement #53 Bill Hazlett Chevrolet $6, 019.50 G. 1979 Rotary Type Mower Replacement #131 & #132 Turf & Toro Distributors $3, 882.40 Less Trade 800.00 $3, 08'2.40 CAREY MOVED to award as recommended above, McCaughan seconded. Just expressed concern over the service contract on those items accepted under the State bid and it was deter- mined that the bids would be accepted contin- gent on service for the said vehicles being available in the area. Motion carried. 18 - February 5, 1979 KENT COMKQNS Phase II. Wilson noted that there were to be two change orders on the Dent Commons Phase II project but they could be delayed until the next Council meeting. He noted that Change order No. 4 will involve the excavating for footings and will be in the approximate amount of $5,.000. He noted that this matter had been the subject of discussion between the architect and the contractor and the matter had now been resolved Change Order No. 5 will cover .the request for a change in the gym from carpets back to hardwood floors. He noted that this was an alternate item when the project was bid and it was determined that the carpet was less costly. He noted that based on present usage of the Phase I facilities, it has been deter- mined that additional hardwood floors would be needed. In response to Masters ' question, Wilson determined that this change would cost an additional $7,000 - $9,000. CLAIMS Nationwide Insurance Company. A claim has been filed against Ronald Price, a City Police officer, for an accident which occurred on November 15, 1978. Copies of all data relating to this claim have been forwarded to the City's insurance company for informa- tion. BOARD O' Reappointment. The Mayor has recommended FiDJVST1E'NT 'that Beth Carroll be reappointed for a five year term to the Board of Adjustment. She was appointed to fill an unexpired term from September, 1977 to February, 1979. MASTERS MOVED to approve the reappointment, Carey seconded. Motion carried. SELF Comprehensive Study. As a result of the INSURANCE increasing costs of liability insurance, the City has been involved for some time with studying the possibility of entering into a self-insurance pool with other cities . This was previously discussed with the Finance Committee and the Council. At that time 19 - February 5, 1979 SELF there was insufficient information to enter, INSURANCE into any arrangement. It is now recommended that the City join in a cost-sharing agree- ment with approximately eight local cities to hire a professional consulting firm to study and provide recommendations and risk pooling and self-insurance. The cost to Kent would be about $2500. It is the Finance Director ' s recommendation that Kent partici- pate in this feasibility and implementation study. JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an interlocal agreement to deter- mine if the City should self-insure and join a risk pool, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PUGET SOUND Representatives . At the January 22 work- COUNCIL OF shop, the Council discussed representation QOVFRNMENTS from the City of Kent to the King Subregional Council. MASTERS MOVED that Mayor Hogan be the delegate and Councilman Carey the alter- nate. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. SMALL CITIES A letter was read from Richard L. Oldenburg, WORKSHOP Director, Northwest Service Center, American Association of Small Cities , regarding a proposal by Congressman Mike Lowry to co- sponsor a Small Cities Workshop in his Dis- trict. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, Carey seconded. In response to Masters ' question, it was determined that the Valley cities would probably participate. Motion carried. PUBLIC SAFETY Masters noted that the Public Safety Committee COMMITTEE would meet on February 6 at 8: 15 a.m. She noted that the Traffic Engineer would be in attendance to respond to some questions raised by Chief Skewes. In regard to the questions raised by J. Johnson concerning use of City vehicles, Cushing noted that he preferred to review the matter with the appropriate Departments before discussing it with the Committee . 20 - February 5, 1979 HOLIDAYS February 12 and February 19 are City holidays ; therefore, the workshop has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 13, and the Council meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, February 20. FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received through February 2, 1979 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3 p.m. on February 15, 1979 be paid. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of January 26, 1979 are as follows: Current Expense $ 31, 715. 29 Parks & Recreation 3, 503.48 City Streets 1,469. 23 Kent Commons Operating 967. 97 Kent Commons - Ph. II Const. 152, 285. 12 1978 Water Rev Const. 675.00 124th/W.D. Ill Reservoir 962. 27 Equipment Rental 570.53 Housing & Comm. Devlpmnt 212. 22 Arts Commission 1, 500.00 Firemen ' s Rel & Pen 33 .45 LEFF Disability 4, 978. 22 LID #286 175. 00 Sewer 55, 292. 34 Water 3, 180. 74 $257 , 520.86 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 286 Burlington-Northern, Inc. $ 175 .00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9: 50 o ' clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, l �. 7 Marie J nsen, CMC City Clerk 21 -