HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/18/1978 Kent, Washington December 18, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8: 00 o ' clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey,B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Admini- strator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Council- person Just was not in attendance at the meeting.. Also present: Parks Director Wilson and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 30 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of the meet- ing of December 4, 1978 as printed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Mykol Annexation. The Council reviewed the proposed annexation with representatives of the area at the last work session. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the proposed annexation is accept- able, that assumption of the existing indebted- ness is required, and that authorization is granted for the circulation of an annexation petition, B. Johnson seconded, Motion carried. LIBRARY/ Maintenance Contracts . Proposals were received CITY SHOPS to furnish janitorial services for the Library and City Shops for 1979 as follows: Contractor Shops Library . Beneficial Building $500 $575 Maintenance Co. Janitors Unlimited 550 600 Environment Control 550 785 Handyman 814 960 It is recommended that the best proposal of Beneficial Building Maintenance Co. be accepted. It was also noted that Beneficial has had these contracts for 1978. KITTO MOVED that the best proposal of Beneficial Building Maintenance Co. be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. REZONES The Planning Commission held a public hearing (Nelsen & on November 28 on the Nelsen & Lenihan applica- Lenihan) tion for a rezone from R-1 to HC for 6.06 acres on the Last side of Military Road in the 2300 block, North of the Kent-Des Moines Road. The Commission recommends that the application be approved, provided that a pocket of R-1 zoned land immediately east of this area be included in the rezone. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Harris described the area, noting r that it was a portion of the recent Gai Annexa- tion and pointed out that the Planning Cormnis- sion had a public hearing scheduled for tomorrow night for the R-1 pocket parcel referred to in the Planning Commission recommendation. Upon Kitto ' s question, Mirk noted that the final zoning would riot take place until the Planning Commission had completed its hearing and that the Council would then have a hearing on the parcel in question. Masters stated that it December 18, 1978 REZONES (NELSEN & seemed appropriate to delay hearing this matter LENIHAN) until after the Planning Commission had completed the matter and MOVED to table the rezone , B. Johnson seconded. Motion failed, with only Masters and B. Johnson supporting it. Upon Kitto ' s question, Wickstrom described the traffic problem in the area, noting that although the signal at Military Road and the- Kent-Des Moines Road is scheduled for improvement, Mili- tary Road at the site of this proposed rezone is only a two lane facility. He stated that ordinarily the City would have additional right of way in this type of situation. He further noted that a sewer problem existed in -the area. CAREY MOVED to close the hearing, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the change of zone be approved contingent upon the pocket of R-1 to the east being included in the IIC zoning, J. Johnson seconded. Masters opined that the Planning Commission should review the matter in its entirety instead of placing such a condition on a rezone as the motion proposes . Kitto stated that after considering Wickstrom ' s state- ments , he agreed with Masters . The motion FAILED REZONES with only Carey and J. Johnson supporting it. KITTO MOVED that the entire matter be continued to the next meeting, January 2, 1979, and that the .traffic problem be considered by the Plan- (NELSEN & ning Commission at the hearing scheduled for LENIHAN) tomorrow night. Harris stated that the report of the Planning Commission on this matter will be available for the January 2 Council meeting Motion carried. It was determined that the City Engineer would attend the Planning Commis- sion meeting. It was noted that on November 28 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the appli- cation of Eugene and Young Choy. for 'a rezone from R-1 to MR-H for a parcel consisting of 24, 000 square feet on the West side of 27th Avenue S . at S . 246th Street (approximately 200 feet west of Pacific Highway South. ) The Planning Commission recommended that this application be denied. Harris described the (CHOY) area, noting that MR41 zoning would permit 19 .dwelling units on this parcel. He pointed out that the recommendation to deny the rezone was based upon the ingress and egress problem. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Upon Masters ' question, Wickstrom noted that S . 246th is a dirt road and that the Engineer- ing Department would require that S. 246th St. be improved from Pacific Highway S. to 27th Avenue S. and that 27th Avenue S . be improved from S. 246th to the south limits of the pro- posed rezone. He also noted that storm drain- age waq a problem in this area.- Harris noted December 18, 1918 REZONES that the Comprehensive Plan showed Commercial and Multi-family zoning for this area. Mr. (CHOY) and Mrs. Choy noted that MR-H zoning exis ted immediately south of their property. It was pointed out that the MR-H area to the south was served by S . 248th, which is already improved. Upon McCaughan's question, Harris noted that as R-1 zoning, 3 homes could be built, but the access problem would still exist. There were no further questions and McCAUGIIAN MOVED to close the public hearing, J. Johnson seconded.. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED to deny the rezone, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. w_i l_l.iamson Rezone. The City Attorney intro- duced Urdina_nce No. 2134 rezoning that certain property known as the willi4mson rezone from R-1 to CC and MR-M. It was noted that: the subject property is located on the south side (WILLIAMSON) of S . 240th Street approximately 300 feet west of 104th Avenue S .E. and that a public hearing was held before the Council on October 16. McCAUGIIAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2134, Carey seconded. It was determined that this rezone would result in increased traffic on James Street. Mayor Hogan spoke in opposition to the proposed rezone for this reason. Motion carried. Roylance qn anded Rezone . On November 28, 1978, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider a rezone proposal initiated by the Kent Planning Commission to expand the Roylance rezone application .for a change of zoning from "O" , Professional and Office, to - R-1-7 . 2, Single Family Residential Zoning District. The subject (ROYLANCE) property contains 10 . 5 acres lying along the east side of 108th Avenue S .E. between Lot 1 of Parson ' s Addition and the north side of S.E. 2.64th Street. The original Roylance Rezone, which was for one 12, 800 square foot lot located on the east side of 108th Avenue S . E. approxi- mately 500 feet south of S .E. 260th Street, was heard by the Planning Commission on October 24, 1978 . At that time , the Planning Commission recom- mended that this application be brought back to the Commission in an expanded form. At the November 28, 1.978 hearing the Planning Commission recommended that this expanded rezone application be denied, including the original rezone request. Harris pointed out the location of the proposed rezone. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. B . wilson, as a property owner in the area, concurred with the Planning Commission recom- mendation. There were no further comments and no correspondence has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the application for a change of zone be denied, McCaughan — seconded. Motion carried. On November 28 , the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the application of the East , Hill Investment Group for a rezone from "0" to CC for .81 acres located at 10618 Kent- Kangley Road. The Planning Commission recom- mended approval with the following conditions: �I ^! E i December 18, 1978 REZONES a) A ten (10) foot utility easement be pro- vided on the east. b) A six (6) foot sight obscuring fence to (ROYLANCE) be constructed where the "O" zoning abuts residential property, at the time of development of the subject property. i The public hearing was declared open by Mayor Hogan. The Clerk reported receipt of 10 letters (EAST HILL from residents of the area protesting the INVESTMENT rezone, copies of which have been distributed GROUP) to the Council. MASTERS MOVED to file the letters as part of the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Roger Castelda, attorney for nine homeowners in the immediate vicinity, noted that the .proposal would increase traffic on the already congested Kent-Kangley Road. He noted that the present "O" zoning provided a buffer strip between the residential zone and the commercial zone. He noted that most of the 'residents of the area had resided in that location for some time and that property values would decline if their R-1 section was isolated. He also stated that an adjacent Commercial zoning would cause the taxes for the home owners to escalate and that some were on fixed incomes . REZONES Ralph Horn stated that lie owned this property and the adjacent property (Hunter ' s Horn) in one piece and that when the City adopted the , new Zoning Code in 1973 , he had assumed that both sections were included in the CC zoning. `— He noted that the 10 ' utility easement listed as a condition would be available. He further noted that the Comprehensive Plan showed this area as CC, and that his property inadvertently was given split zoning at the time the new Zoning Code was adopted. T_oni _S_avansano objected to the rezone on the grounds that Commercial zoning would increase the traffic problem on the Kent-Kangley Road. _Robert Voie and June Krekow, residents of the area, voiced their objections to Commercial zoning next to their R-1 zoned homes . McCaughan questioned as to whether citizens . were notified during the public hearings on the new Zoning Code . Street explained that (EAST BILL the hearings were given much publicity and INVESTMENT i.n(ii_vidual notices were sent to those who GROUP) o%�,ned property which was being considered for a different zoning. Harris clarified that the split zoning of Horn ' s property in 1973 by the new Zoning Code was probably an oversight. �-- Upon J. Johnson ' s question, Ulett and Wick- strom opined that the improvements to the Kent-Kangley would not be commenced until approximately 1980. Wickstrom stated that the State had already approached the property owners regarding right of way for the street improvement. L. December 18, 1978 REZONE J. Johnson expressed opposition to the rezone on the grounds that the "0" zoning provided • a good buffer zone and that CC should be in nodes along a main street such as Kent-Kangley. After all who wished to speak had . done so, CAREY MOVED to close the public hearing, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried, with J. Johnson voting nay. CAREY MOVED to deny the rezone, B. Johnson seconded. Carey noted that if approved, further (EAST "HILL requests would be made for CC zoning and he was INVESTMENT in favor of such zoning being kept to nodes. GROUP) Masters concurred and noted also that there was the surface water problem to be -considered. Kitto opined that CC zoning was no more detri- mental than "0" zoning and that he concurred with the Planning Commission recommendation. Motion carried, with Kitto dissenting. PLANNING Masters noted that the last Planning Commission COMMISSION meeting had lasted until after midnight and asked if consideration was given to having Planning Commission meetings more often or to having a zoning examiner. Harris stated that the Commis- sion had discussed having a zoning examiner and .that such hearings would be held during the day. Mayor Hogan suggested that the cost of a zoning examiner might be shared with another City. ZONING CODE Chapter 4, Off Street Parking & Loading Require- AMENDMENT ments . On November 28, 1978 the Planning Com- mission held a public hearing to consider amend- ing Section 4.4, Parking Standards , paragraph 1) a) of the City of Kent Zoning Code. The Planning Commission recommends that this section be amended by adding (5) as follows "Multi-family and apartment. One parking .houses in the Central Business space per District. " dwelling unit. " The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. Masters questioned why only one parking stall per dwelling unit was planned and Harris noted that the area involved was downtown and pedestrian-oriented and it was expected that the multi-family units would be occupied by senior citizens or by young people who might not have automobiles . He noted that most of the facilities planned would be within walk- ing distance of all necessary services in the downtown area. Masters questioned what would be done about visitors to the apartment complexes if only one parking stall was required for each dwelling unit and Barris _ referred to the large parking lots in the downtown area which were empty in the evening hours . There were no ,further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the off street parking regulations change be approved as recommended by the Planning Commission, Carey seconded. Motion carried. II December 18, 1978 FINAL PLATS Park Mar Final Plat. The Park Mar Final Plat has been received by the Planning Department. B. JOIiNSON MOVED that a public hearing be held on January 2, 1979 to consider approval, disapproval or return of the plat to the applicant for modification or correction. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Kent Vista Final Plat. The Kent Vista Final Plat has been received by the Planning Depart- ment. It is now necessary to set a public _ hearing date before the Council to consider approval, disapproval or return of the plat to the applicant for modification or correc- tion. Accordingly, B. JOHNSON MOVED that the public hearing before the Council on the Kent- Vista Final Plat be held on January 2, 1979, Masters seconded. Motion carried. PUGET POWER A gentleman from the audience delivered documents RATE INCREASE to the City Clerk regarding the proposed rate in- creases of Puget Power scheduled to take place shortly. He asked that Kent give consideration to adopting a resolution protesting such rate increase and noted that Auburn was to pass such a resolution this date. It was suggested that the matter be considered at the next workshop meeting and returned to the following Council meeting for action. He noted that he had obtained approximately 460 signatures on a petition pro- testing the increase. John Belmondo spoke from the audience to ask that the Council give favor- able consideration to the proposed resolution and noted the effect of such an increase on those people living on fixed incomes. TAX LEVY 1979 Tax Levy Ordinance. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2133 amending Ordi- nance No. 2122, Section 2, relating to the tax levy for 1979 . KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2133, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. BUDGET 1979 Budget Ordinance. The public hearing was held on the 1979 City of Kent budget on December 4 , 1978. Ordinance No. 2135 was introduced by the City Attorney, adopting the 1979 department budgets and Council priorities within those budgets. Also included in the ordinance is the 1979 Federal Revenue Sharing budget of $664 ,374 .00. Public hearings were held in this regard in accordance with Federal regulations and State laws. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance 2135, Carey seconded. Masters noted that she had objected to the priorities in the budget at the hear- ing and would therefore 'not support the iiiotion. Motion carried, over Masters ' nay. .174- December 18, 1978 STREETS LID 288 - 84th Ave . S . Street Improvement (S . 212th to S . 192nd. The Public Works Committee reviewed a letter from UAB informing the City that consid- eration would be given to a request for an increase in construction funds for the above project. Upon the Committee ' s recommendation, CAREY MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the "Request for r Increase" for LID 28,8 to be submitted to UAB by January 1, 1979. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Meeker Street and North Central Street Improve- ment Project. The Public Works Committee re- viewed proposals from three consultants for soils investigations for the above referenced project. It was their recommendation that the proposal submitted by Dames & Moore for an estimated fee of $1, 650 to $1, 800 be accepted. KITTO MOVED to accept the proposal, Carey seconded. Motion carried. SR 18/SR 516 Interchange - Stage 2. The Public Works Committee reviewed an agreement between the State and the City of Kent for waterline relocation at the SR 1.8 and SR 516 interchange and recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the necessary agreement. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be so authorized, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Carey noted that he had requested that Zerkle of Department of Transportation and Grant of the County Council attend the Council workshop session on January 8, 1978 at 7: 00 p.m. to discuss street improvements and traffic prob- lems on streets outside the City which directly affect Kent traffic . Mayor Hogan noted that the Chamber of Commerce was also interested in this meeting. LID 290 - 108th Avenue S .E . Street Improvement Project - S .E. 240th to S .E. 236th Place . A public hearing is scheduled for this meeting to consider the preliminary assessment roll for LID 290. Wickstrom described the proposed street improvement project and noted that there were only two property owners involved. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no cor- respondence has been received. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance creating LID 290, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Masters referred to the condition of E. Meeker Street and questioned when the improvements would be completed. She noted that complaints had been received from Senior Citizens regard- ing difficulties experienced in the area. Wickstrom noted that work on the parking lot had been delayed because of adverse weather conditions . RAILROAD Chicago-Milwaukee/Union Pacific Railroad Crossings. CROSSINGS It was noted that the City may be able to obtain a Federal grant for improvement of the Chicago- Milwaukee/Union Pacific Railroad crossings at S . 212th Street, S . 228th Street, James Street and December 18, 1978 Smith Street, which would mean that the City' s share of the cost would be less than if State Grade Crossing Protection Funds were obtained. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 856 authorizing the Mayor to sign 'various agreements relative to the upgrading and improvement of the railroad crossings within the City of Kent. KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 856, B. Johnson seconded. In response to Carey ' s ques- tion, it was noted that there are no State grade crossing funds available until after the Legislature -- meets and further noted that if Federal funding was obtained, the City' s costs would be only 10/. Motion carried. STREET McConkey Request. A letter was read from Bob VACATION McConkey, South Seattle Auto Auction, Inc. , re- questing the vacation of 76th Avenue S . and S . 194 th Streets, together with the waiver of the $150 . 00 filing fee and compensation for the requested street vacation. The letter noted that in return for such waivers, the City would be given reasonable easements for public utilities and services . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be referred to the Public Works Committee, Carey seconded. Street noted that waiving of -the filing fee must be a Council decision and suggested that the City Attorney be present at the meeting to answer any ques- tions . Motion carried. STREET Refuse Collection Box Bid. Bids were opened DEPARTMENT on December 13 , 1_978 for a 1978 refuse collec- tion body. Three bids were received as follows ; Bidder Amount Cascade Compaction Systems $ 7 ,454.42 (incl. $737 . 50 barrel dump) Truckweld Equipment Co. $ 8, 023 .05 (incl. $812.00 barrel dump) Industrial Refuse Systems $11, 277.80 (incl. barrel dump) In accordance with the recommendations of the Street Department, CAREY MOVED that. the best bid of Cascade Compaction Systems, Inc. .in the amount of $7 , 454.42 be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. WATER East: llill. Water S _em lmprovements . Thirteen bids were received on December 8, 1978 for the East Bill Water System Improvements . The apparent low bidder was Diorio Construction at $197, 843. 18; however, the attorney noted that this bid was qualified since it specified that he would not accept anything less than the entire project. Iie, therefore, deemed Diorio ' s bid invalid as it was no longer in compliance with the speci- fications . 'Thus , the next lowest bidder is Robison Construction at $199, 746. 30. It was noted that the Engineer ' s estimate was $ 226,460.33. It is recommended that the contract be awarded to Robison Construction. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid submitted by Robison Construc- tion Co. in the amount of $199, 746. 30 for the East Hill Water Improvement Project, including Alternate C, be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ......... . December 18, 1978 WATER Water Transmission Lines. The City Attorney. introduced Resolution No. 854 establishing and reaffirming the policies of the City re- garding water service from transmission lines and establishing time schedules for discon- tinuing such service. B. JOHNSON MOVED that Resolution No. 854 be adopted, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. _ HEALTH & Peter Hogan & Associates Request for Outside SANITATION Utility Service. Water and sewer service has been requested on behalf of Abid Pitalwalas by Peter Hogan & Associates for a proposed subdivision east of Kent between S.E. 256th Street and Kent-Kangley Road. The Public Works Committee recommends that the request be denied pending -the supplement of water to -our system and the consideration of growth problems in the Kent area. KITTO MOVED to accept the recommendation of the Public Works Committee for denial of the request, J. John- son seconded. In response to Mr. Pitalwalas, Ulett pointed out that outside water service would no longer be granted until such time as Kent ' s water problems were solved. He noted that plans were in the offing for drill- ing a new well, as were other alternate remedies, but nothing definite could be stated in this regard until at least the middle of 1979. He suggested that Mr. Pitalwalas contact his office from time to time to see what progress had been made in this regard. Motion carried. Department has revixwed the request and upon their recommendation, 13 . JOHNSON MOVED that the Engineering Department be authorized to prepare the necessary document for the late- comer ' s agreement, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & _Mill Creek Canyon Pa,Lk. Mayor I-Iogan reported r RECREATION on the proposed earth work sculpture being proposed for the Mill Creek Canyon area, wlZicll is now class.i-fi_ed os "abused". land due to the water runoff in the area. She noted that the Seatt.]_e Arts Commission was considering an artist to do tlio earthwork sculpture and referred to meetings held recently in this regard. She' suggested that the artist be allowed to present his plans to the Council. She also clarified for 13. Johnson that draw- ings and models of the proposed sculpture woul d be pr(�sented for Council inspection. IL ,ells do 1 nr.m lined thci t l.]iij would be discussed at the Janut-kry B workshop. King Count ICent Contract. A contract has been received from King County for continued joint recreation programs in the Kent Community. Icing County agrees to pay the City of Kent $23 , 000 (an increase of $3, 000 from 'last year) during the 1979 year, and the City of Kent agrees to provide recreational programs for . ............ December 18, 1978 PARKS & rural areas of the Kent School_ District. The. RECREATION . Parks Department recommends approval of the King County contract. MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract with King County, Kitt-o seconded. McCaughan noted that he wished to have the wording changed to read that the $23 , 000 was to provide "a portion" of the cost of providing recreational. programs to rural zo-.eas of the Kent School. District, since obviously the $23 , 000 was i.nadeducte to cover the entire cost of such programs . 13. Wilson pointed out that there were several. things to be considered, including use of school. facilities, operation of the Forward Thrust pool, Parks Department programs and -the fees charged for these activi- ties. Ile noted, however, that the wording of the contract could be changed. Motion carried. BEAUTIFICATION Christmas Tree Pickup. Street noted -that the annual Christmas tree pickup would be conducted by the Street Department on January 3 , 4 and 5, 1979. KENT COMMONS Phase I Tenant Space Completion Bids. Bids were received on Thursday, December 14, 1978 for the Kent Commons Phase I tenant space completion project as follows: Downing-Glenham Construction $18, 000.00 W.G. Clark Construction Co. 25, 295.00 (Architect' s Estimate) ($15, 000.00) In accordance with the recommendation of the architegt, MASTERS MOVED that the best bid of Downing-Glenham Construction in the amount of $18,000.00 be accepted, B. Johnson seconded. In response to Kitto ' s question, it was noted that the amount available for the project was $19,000.00 which would not leave a large con- tingency fund. B. Wilson noted that it might be necessary to use funds from Revenue Sharing, Kent Commons Phase II monies, to pay the archi- tect ' s fee. Motion carried. PUBLIC SAFETY Appointment of Safety Committee. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 855 directing the City Administrator to appoint a Safety Committee for the purpose of develop- ing safety standards, and investigating every accident wherein a City owned vehicle or piece of equipment is involved, and every accident involving on duty City personnel. MASTERS MOVED that Resolution No. 855 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. POLICE King County/Kent Jail Use Facility Agreement. The agreement between King County and Kent for jail services has been approved by the City Attorney and the City' s insurance carrier, and it is recommended that the Mayor be auth- orized to sign the agreement. KITTO SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. L h December 18, 1978 ANIMAL Leash Law. The City Attorney introduced CONTROL Ordinance No. 2136 relating fto animals, estab- lishing a leash law for the City of Kent, and amending Section 4 (a) of Ordinance No. 1321 and Section 9. 16. 16 (1) of the Kent City Code. J. JOHNSON MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance' No. 2136 , Masters seconded. In response to McCaughan ' s question, it was determined that the matter had been discussed at a workshop session after responses from the citizens — showed an overwhelming support for such a law. The minutes of the December 4 meeting noted that the ordinance would be passed tonight. In response to Masters ' question about a trial },period for the leash law, Street noted that the Council could repeal the ordinance at any time. On a roll. call vote, the motion carried, with Carey, J. Johnson, Masters and B. Johnson voting in favor and McCaughan and Kitto voting against. NUISANCE Nuisance Ordinance. It was noted that the City CONTROL Attorney has expressed the opinion that the present Nuisance Ordinance is basically unen- forceable when applied to the requirement of cleaning up the open space around a home or controlling the utilization of a front yard for storage of a boat or a space to build an item such as a boat. The City Administrator requested the Building Department to take photo- graphs of specific homes about which adjacent neighbors have complained and the City seemingly cannot get any cooperation from the occupants. The pictures were distributed to the Council [or inspection. It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the subject be reviewed at the next work session if the Council believes that requiring the clean-up of private property is a Council matter. It would be helpful to the staff if the Council would either indi- cate a positive interest in developing con- trolling ordinances, or direct the staff that the Council believes that private owner- ship includes the right to utilize one ' s property in the manner shown in the pictures. KITTO MOVED that the staff be directed to bring this matter to the next work session, together with suggested ordinances . - McCaughan seconded. Mirk also referred -to the matter of allowing residents to park vehicles in City owned right-of-way. Motion carried. PHASED LAND A letter was read from Hildur Mullen asking DEVELOPMENT that more careful consideration be given to the matter of City growth and hasty develop- ment, with its accompanying problems. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made apart of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. CABLE CATV Contract. The City of Seattle contacted TELEVISION the City of Kent on Decbmber 12, 1978 regard- ing CATV service following the 1978 contract year. Frank Grief of the Seattle Office of Cable Communication indicated that Seattle is no longer interested in providing CATV admini- stration services to valley cities, as Seattle is moving away from "regulation" and into "public" programming. James Hurd of 3 H Management and Consultants and formerly Cable `i December 18, 1978 CABLE Communications Director for the City of Seattle TELEVISION has contacted the City and proposes a wide range of services at a cost of approximately $374 during 1979. Mr. Hurd indicated that he has signed a contract to provide services for the City of Tukwila and will also be contract- ing with the City of Auburn for CATV administra tion. MASTERS MOVED that the City of Kent enter into an agreement with 3 H Management & Consult- ants for the purpose of CATV administration and services during 1979, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Puget Power. A claim in the amount of $145.68 has been filed against the Cil,y for alleged damage to Puget. Power' s l_>u.r.ied cable by the Water Department. In accordance with the recom- mendations of the City Attorney, KITTO MOVED that the Water Department pay the claim of Puget Power in the amount of $145 . 68, Masters seconded. Motion carried, frith Carey abstain- ing. CITY Appointment of City Administrator. The City ADMINISTRATOR Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2137 , amending Section 7 of Ordinance No. 1494 and Section 2.08. 28 of the Kent City Code relating to salary and benefits for the City Admini- strator. Mirk noted that before the contract with the new Administrator could be signed, it was necessary that the ordinance be passed, approved and published and become effective five days after publication. KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2137 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. After full consultation with the City Council, Mayor Hogan proposes to appoint Richard Cushing as City Administrator. Mr_ . Cushing will report for work on February 5 , 3.979. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the appointment of Richard Cushing as City Administrator be confirmed and the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract covering this position, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE KITTO MOVED that the bills received through December 18 , 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of December 29 , 1978 be paid, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of December 15, 1978 are as follows: Current Expense $ 73 , 52.8 . 78 Parks & Recreation 13, 095. 28 Library 80 , 842 . 59 City Streets 13,994 . 45 Cum Res Park 1 , 739 . 10 1 k 'Al' e. December 18,' 1978 FINANCE Kent Commons Oprtg 194. 82 Fed Shared Revenue 11,473. 03 Russell Rd Pk PhII 435. 00 Mil/Kent-D/M Int 130.00 Knt Comm-Ph II Con 92, 546. 59 UAB 13-84 Av So Con 2 ,098. 00 1978 Wtr Rev Const 7,585. 58 K-S Clor Equip 421. 29 W-11 Booster Pump 11, 653. 11 116th Av Tran Main 12 ,965. 79 124th/WD #111 Res 7, 669 . 65 Equipment Rental 3, 698. 34 Emp. Retirement 767. 79 Housing & Comm Dev 4 ,669 . 09 Arts Commission 85. 22 Fireman' s Rel & Pen 33. 45 LEFF Disability 4 , 201. 74 Sewer 6 ,803 . 69 Water 21, 685. 10 Garbage 51 , 275. 52 $423,593. 00 Interest Bearing Warrants 124th WD #111 Res $ 24, 350. 65 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10 : 00 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 19 -