HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/04/1978 kJ CO, Kent, Washington December 4, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 o' clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning. Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett, and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Barney Wilson, City Treasurer Margaret -- Drotz, Accounting Supervisor Pat Henderson. MINUTES J. JOHNSON noted an error in the minutes of the November 20 meeting in the third paragraph of page 3. The minutes state "Just opined that this was piecemeal zoning. . . . " and should be corrected to: "J. Johnson opined. . . . " KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of the November 20 meeting with the above correction. B. Johnson seconded, motion carried. WATER Certificates of Achievement from AWWA were pre- sented by Mayor Hogan to Raymond (Scott) Woods and to Barbara Beck for completion of a course in Customer Services. Scott Woods was also awarded a Certificate of Competency as a Water Distribu- tion Specialist I by the Department of Social and Health Services. West Hill One Million Gallon Standpipe. Mr. Bite- man asked about the million gallon standpipe pro- posed for the West Hill area. He said that the notice in the paper did not state that there would be a public hearing on the matter. It was explained that the matter would be heard before the Planning Commission on December 19th as a conditional use and that this would be advertised. Harris also pointed out that residents living within 200 ' of the site would receive written notice of the hear- ing. The notice Biteman referred to was determined to be the notice of the draft EIS, inviting comments from the public. Mirk advised that any discussion of the matter before the Council was improper until after the Planning Commission had conducted a hearing. Deferred Water Main Payment. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keyes own a dwelli.nq at 26457 104th Avenue S.E. presently serviced by the Kent Springs Transmission Line and they wish to obtain service from a dis- tribution main on 104th Avenue. The payment in lieu of assessment is $1, 029 . 60, and they request deferred payment as established by previous Council motion. KITTO MOVED that the request be approved, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FEDERAL The second public hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing REVENUE has been scheduled for this date. The initial SHARING hearing was conducted at the November 20 meeting, at which time funding requests were received from City departments as well as from others. The Council has considered the requests and will take action at this meeting. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. Finance Director Winkle reported that the amount available for 1979 appropriation was $495, 612. 89 , including estimated underruns and the amount un- committed in 1978. The Finance Committee has recom- mended approval of the following expenditures: l . ............... 4° " December 4, 1978 FEDERAL 1) 1978 Street Construction Fund , REVENUE (1978 G.O. Bonds) $250,000 SHARING 2) Community Service Center 4 , 565 3) Rape Relief 2 ,000 Total recommended for approval for 1979 $256 , 565 -- Also recommended was $250,000 for Street Construction Pund for 1980 . The handout containing these figures has been filed as a part of the record. There were no comments I from the audience and the Clerk reported that no correspondence had been received. McCAUGHAN MOVED to close the hearing and to approve the recommenda- tions, Carey seconded. Motion carried. BUDGET The public hearing on -the budget for 1979 was opened by Mayor Hogan. Copies of the preliminary budget have been made available to the public. Winkle distributed a 3-page synopsis of the budget, a copy of which has been filed for the record. He noted that the Council had had 1.4 budget meetings and that the baseline budget did riot exceed 5% over the 1.978 level for all non-labor items . The alter- nate budgets for each department' s needs over the baseline budget were then reviewed and prioritized. The new budget includes 16 additional employees, 3 of whom will be funded by Federal Grant for the Police Department. Winkle explained that the sales tax revenue had exceeded the amount anticipated for 1978 and explained the Debt Service for 1979 , as well as the capital projects, all of which are contained in the synopsis. Winkle noted that he would, in conjunction with- the Chamber of Commerce, put out a comprehensive summary of the budget for the general public. This document will also serve to introduce City Officials and staff to the citizens, so that ques- tions may be directed to the proper departments. Kitto asked about several public works projects, and it was determined that these were set aside to be covered by grant matching funds. Upon Masters ' question, Ulett noted that the N. Central street improvement would run from James Street north to the freeway. He noted that in 1978 we were funded to proceed on the design only, which was estimated to be :Finished in July. He noted that this did not include right of way acquisition co�:ts. McCaughan stated that this item was sciedul.ed for 1980 in the Six Year Street Plan. Ralph Gerber asked about the traffic signal at S. 228th and N. Central which had been promised some years ago. U1ett noted that the problem was -- that the State would have to relocate the Valley Freeway off-ramp. He noted -that the State had {).pressed interest in the project, but had not c;unimitted to it. Joe Street suggested that the citizens urge the State representatives to follow through on this project. I ......... . � F December 4 , 1978 BUDGET McCaughan noted that the budget included a salary increase for the Mayor and suggested that the 1980 budget should provide for an increase for the councilmen. Masters objected to the increase to the Mayor' s salary, stating that during the cam- paign last year it seemed to have been concluded that the salary was appropriate and should remain the same. Winkle confirmed for Masters that the Parks budget exceeded the Street budget, noting that the Parks Department had an unusual amount of capital improve- ments this year. Masters noted that citizens were asking for street improvements and that the expend- itures for Parks projects might therefore be ques- tioned. There were no further comments and CAREY MOVED to close the hearing. B. Johnson seconded, motion carried. CAREY MOVED to direct the Attorney to prepare the ordinance to adopt the budget, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried with Masters dissenting. CITY Permissive Use of Sewer Department Building by Parks PROPERTY Department. The Parks Department is asking permission to use the phased-out control building located on the northwest corner of the sewer lagoon site as a ceramic workshop building. The establishment of the Valley Com in the old fire station (being utilized for ceramics at the time) has eliminated the program for two years . Bob Kristofferson , Superintendent of the Sewer Department, is receptive to the per- missive use agreement provided that the Parks Depart- ment withstand the cost of refurbishing the building _ for use. The Parks maintenance crew has the ability and knowledge to refurbish the building for recrea- tion use. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Parks Department be given permissive use of the control building at the sewer lagoon site, Masters seconded. Motion carried. SALARIES Salary Increases 1979 - Police , Teamsters, and non- 1979 represented Employees. Negotiations have been con- cluded with Police and Teamsters for the calendar year 1979 . The City Administrator and Finance Director hereby reconunend that -the Council accept the following wage package for 1979 : Base salary increase 1/1/79 9 . 5% City payment of increase in medical premium . 4 9. 9% For 1979 , an additional 2% will be added to bar- gaining unit employees in lieu of education incen- tive pay. This increase replaces education incen- tive in their contract in future years. Other minor changes in contract language will also be included in the final agreements. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign labor agreements stating the above with the Police Guild and Teamsters And announce the general in- crease for non-represented employees for the year 1979, J. Johnson seconded. McCaughan stated that he would vote against the motion as it is in excess of President Carter' s wishes,. 13. Johnson noted that negotiations were already under way when Carter' s suggnsti.on of no more than 7% was made. a� l December 4 , 1978 SALARIES Upon Just' s question, Mirk noted that if this 1979 package is turned down, the matter would require arbitration and could result in a higher percent- age than this package. Masters concurred with McCaughan. Motion carried with McCaughan and Masters voting no. HEALTH & Green River Watershed. The Clerk announced that SANITATION a public hearing would be held at the Kent City Hall on December 14th at 7 : 30 p.m. to receive input on the draft EIS for the East Side Green River Watershed project. Surface Water & Drainage Control. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2130 adopting by reference the "City of Kent Surface Water & Drain- age Code McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance 2130 be adopted, Just seconded. Motion carried. MYKOL There were no initiators present at the November ANNEXATION 27th meeting. JUST MOVED that the meeting be re- scheduled to 7 p.m. at the December 11, 1978 Council workshop, Carey seconded. Motion carried. RYAN' S #2 The Boundary Review Board has waived jurisd.L ANNEXATION tion on this matter and the City may now take the necessary steps for public hearings on the matter. LEASH LAW The City Attorney will have an amendment to the animal control ordinance ready for consideration at the December 18 , 1978, meeting. SPHERE OF The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 853 INTEREST approving amendments to the Kent Sphere of Inte- rest. KITTO MOVED that Resolution No. 853 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CITY CODE New City Code. The City. Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2131. adopting the new City Code. B. JOHNSON MOVED that Ordinance No. 2131 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Upon Masters ' question, Mirk noted that the Codes would be available in approximately one week. REZONE Tony Vivalo Rezone. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2132 approving the Vivalo rezone from HC to GC. JUST MOVED that Ordinance No. 2132 be adopted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. STREET Portion of Railroad Lane. On November 6 , 1978 , VACATION the City Council adopted Resolution No. 851 which set the date for a City Council public hearing on this street vacation for December 4 , 1978. After reviewing the comments from various City departments , the Planning Department recommends "J that the vacation be approved WITH THE FOLLOWING CONDITION : "Retain drainage and utilities ease- metlt..s" . Access to the properties served by Rail- road Lane will be served by Fourth Avenue, which will be constructed north of S. 228th Street within the next few months. The vacation of this lane is -in exchange for a part of the extension of Fourth Avenue on the west side of this property. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. D. JOHNSON MOVED ......... . December 4, 1978 STREET that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. VACATION Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance vacating the portion of Railroad Lane as des- cribed in Resolution No. 851, retaining the easements as described, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. STREETS S. 228th & N. Central. Carey introduced a petition containing. 31 signatures of employees of the Williams ' Machine Company asking for a traffic light at S. 228th & N. Central . MASTERS MOVED to accept the petition for the record, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Bob Dowling noted that the petition Bowen Scarff presented at the last meeting related to a center turning lane on N. Central between James Street and the Valley Freeway. BIDS Five bids were received on November 29th for the Military Road widening and channelization at Kent Des Moines Road as follows: Valley Cement $44 ,985. 00 Pacific Construction 52 ,063. 00 Klockstad Concrete 54 , 886 . 75 Lakeside Industries 55 , 807. 60 Gary Merlino 66 , 55n . 50 Upon the recommendation of the Public works Depart- ment, B. JOHNSON MOVED to accept the best bid of Valley Cement in the amount of $44 ,985. 00 , subject to federal approval. Carey seconded, motion carried. FIRE J. Johnson questioned the practice of each of three DEPARTMENT Fire Chiefs taking City cars home at night and asked that the Public Safety Committee check into this matter. He also asked that -the committee determine the need to have three Fire Chiefs and suggested that perhaps their time be logged to determine justi- fication for this practice. Masters stated that the committee would consider these matters after the first of the year, FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received through December 5, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3 p.m. December 15, 1978, be paid, Just seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of November 30, 1978, are as follows: Current Expense $ 32, 531. 28 Fed/State Grant Fd 1 , 905. 29 ParkF; & iloct-e lion 4 ,785. 05 Library 458. 34 City Streets 12 , 268. 39 Kent Commons Operating FD 599. 97 Fed Shared Revenue 8, 939 . 95 Russell Rd Pk PH II 212 . 64 Smith/Cntl to 4th 3, 768. 28 UAB 13-84th Av So 5,537. 34 124th/WD #111 Res 65. 00 Equipment Rental 7, 637. 13 .......... .. 4 G ,•. December 4, 1978 FINANCE Housing & Comm Dev 6 , 636. 18 LEFF Disability- 3, 061. 84 Sewer 52 ,496. 00 Water 6, 364 . 91 Garbage 48 , 140. 83 $195,408. 42 Interest Bearing Warrants LID #282 $ 38, 950. 32 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk