HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/20/1978 0 Kent, Washington November 20, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock P.M. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. — Also present: Parks Director Wilson and Associate Planner Ramos. Approximately 25 - people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of November 6, 1978 be approved as printed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring Monday, November 20, 1978 Kent Volley Ball Day in honor of the Kent-Meridian High School Volley Ba11 ' Team winning the Washington State Volley Ball Championship for 1978. ANNEXATIONS Osborne Annexation. On September 18 the public hearing to consider the Osborne Annexation was continued to October 16, 1978. At that time it was determined that the hearing would be held over to this date to allow time to con- sider the results of the meeting between the representatives of the County and the City of Kent regarding the zoning of the proposed annexation. Planning Director Harris described the location of the proposed annexation contain- ing approximately 80 acres along 104th S.E. _ between S.E. 260th Street and S.E. 264th Street. The continued public hearing was reopened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, • Just seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance approving the annexation, following approval by the King County Boundary Review Board. Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Osborne Annexation. It was noted that the first ZONING public hearing on the zoning for this proposed annexation was held on August 7 , 1978. The second hearing scheduled for September 18 was continued to October 16, and subsequently continued to this meeting. Representatives of the County met with the Council to discuss the County' s land use recommendations as outlined in the Soos Creek Plateau Communities Plan. The County' s Plan proposes zoning- for this area which is in conflict with the Plan- ning Commission ' s recommendation, and conflicts also with the zoning requested by the applicant. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Dan Moorman submitted a letter with attachments, and pi=ovidcd copies for L-he Council. He stated that the proposal made by the applicants was well-based and in compliance with both City and County Comprehensive plans as well as with (OSBORNE) the Puget Sound Council of Governments Subregional Plan, and noted errors in the map of the Soos Creek Plan. Moorman noted that there had been no objections to their zoning proposal from residents of t.hc: Iic� pointed out that the proposal had been revised in part to coin- _ 1 November 20, 1978 ANNEXATION cide with recommendations of the Planning Staff ZONING as shown on Attachment #5. He noted that the Comprehensive Plan designated the area as "Office" zoning, and stated further that the applicant had owned the property since 1964. It was noted that Attachment #6 showing the zoning requested by the applicants was not the same as the original request. Moorman asked that approval be given to attachment #6, or that the Council zone the entire parcel "Office" zoning, which is the zoning recom- mended by the Kent Comprehensive Plan for this area. He noted that with a Conditional Use Permit, CC and MRM zoning could be utilized in an "Office" zoned area. Mel Kleweno, attorney for the applicants , noted that the Soos Creek Plan was only a proposed plan at this point, rind that the only objections to the proposed zoning came from representatives of the County. The applicants were prepared, he said, to attend the Boundary Review Board hearing in January to present their views. Kleweno noted that sewer and water facilities were in and that adequate drainage would be provided for this proposal. He disagreed with Moorman as to what would be allowed under "Office" zoning with a conditional use permit. It was determined that with such a permit, commercial activities would be allowed, but r that such allowance was limited to 500 of each building. Harris ascertained for J. John- son that if the area was zoned "0" in its entirety, that the applicants could ask for a rezone. Robert Clemens , Moorman' s partner, noted that zoning requested was compatible (OSBORNE) with the current Comprehensive Plan and that the proposed Soos Creek Plan is three years old. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Poehlman urging that the area be left as single family t-f, ident:).al 7(.inj,oC(. L'IUST 140VE'D to Ila'ite L1i119 it;Irt or w�2'' and B. JO Ltlt?YC� E? 1"1(_? l�Y'f_alP t" ''C�i77rllf'r7tS iY1y.S0N to close thr.- iu-ara_nq, Carey seconded. /►appCAT�O pC[CD �(� ion carried. ]UST MOVED to zone the area MINUTES ((''�� REFER �+ pit M, CC and O in accordance with the applicant' s MINUTESOF /'�_y-�8 Y(?(juest as shown on the map as Attachment 6, Carey seconded. Just opined that this was piecemea . zon.Li y and spoke in favor of zoning the entire parcel "0. " It was determined that the appli- c:•arits would oppose the County recommendation b-i-ore the Boundary Review Board in January. I f�`:�t�1 blsriP= iiit►'r ►`i4 E 19v: F+r'►r}sr•eiFt e� MM+i��A+`� �ir►•7t 'steiteN that he would not deed "property for the Ring Road on S . 262nd and Moorman stated that he had offered to buy the property, but the owner had not responded. Mayor Hogan noted that any development would affect the traffic situation. Motion carried, with J. Johnson opposed. November 20, 1978 ANNEXATION Uplands Annexation. The City Attorney introduced' ZONING Ordinance No. 2127 zoning that area recently annexed to -the City of Kent and known as the (UPLANDS) Uplands Annexation as MA, M-1 and M-2. J. ,JOHNSON MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance . No. 2127, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Contemporary Construction Annexation. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2128 (CONTEMPORARY zoning that certain area recently annexed to CONSTRUCTION) the City of Kent and known as the Contemporary Construction Annexation as R-1 and RA. KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2128, , McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. REZONES Tony Vivalo et al Rezone On October 24, 1978, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application filed by Tony Vivalo et al , for a rezone from HC, Highway Commercial, to GC, General Commercial, Zoning District. The subject property contains approximately 13 acres lying east and west of East Valley High- way, south of S . 180th Street. The Planning Commission recommends that this rezone applica- tion be approved with the following conditions: 1) Applicant deed to the City of Kent five (5) feet on each side of East Valley Highway, (VIVALO) from the south boundary line of the rezone to the south property line of the Texaco _ property on the west side of East Valley Highway and the south boundary line of the Rainier bank :property on the east side. 2) Applicant deed to 'the City of Kent twelve (12) feet on the south side of S. 180th Street from the west boundary line of the Texaco property to the west boundary of the rezone, and an additional thirteen (13) feet be made available via slope easement adjacent to -this twelve (12) feet. Steve Kelly, attorney for REMI , prospective pur- chasers of the: property, not-.ed that his clients wished to construct an office building in the area in question. Kelly objected- to the conditions, noting that both the East Valley Highway and S. 180th Street were scheduled-to.. be improved and widened, which would be ne ill'_ ' ' sary whether the rezone was approved'' 8Y" $th'ie�: He requested that the rezone be gra"teotit conditions . Howard Hagar of Environmental Research and Development Corporation noted that his company is. the owner and managing director for approximately 12 1/2 acres of the proposed rezone area. Ile concurred with Mr. Kelly ' s con- ken(-Aon re(pird i tiq tho 'cond.j.-tions rec oiiimonded by the Planning Commission. Ile pointed out (VIVALO) that while there was a traffic problem in the area it would not be increased because of the proposed development of the property. He con- cluded that his company would withdraw their support of the requested rezone if conditions were imposed. Ulett determined for Carey that if the owners did not deed the requested right of way they would be pert of the LID to improve November 20, 1978 REZONES the street., He noted the acquisition of the (VIVALO) property would increase the cost of the LID, pointing out that the costs of acquisition of right-of-way for the EVH LID were already exceeding the proposed LID assessments. Masters stated that she was not aware that it was possible to place such conditions on a rezone. Mirk noted that there was no reason to require the petitioners to deed the right of way since the proposed development would have no effect on the traffic situation. He clarified for McCaughan that such a condi- tion would not be legal in the eyes of the Court since the Planning Commission testimony did not indicate that the traffic problem would be created by the rezone, and referred to a similar condition when the Old National Bank rezone was considered. There were no further comments and CAREY MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the change of zone be approved without conditions and that the City Attorney be directed to draft the appropriate ordinance, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Monte G. Fugate. On October 24, 1978 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application filed by Monte G. Fugate for a rezone from R-1, Single Family Residential, to MR-D, Multiple Residence Duplex Zoning Dis- trict. The subject property contains 9, 344 square feet lying between Kennebeck Avenue and (FUGATE) Kenosia Avenue immediately south of E. Titus Street. The Planning Commission recommends that this rezone application be denied because. the applicant was not present at the Planning Commission meeting. The public hearing before the Council scheduled for this meeting was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the application for a change of zone be denied, Just seconded. Motion carried. ZONING CODE Off Street Parking and Loading Requirements AMENDMENT Chap. 4. On October 24, 1978, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider amending portions of Section 4.4, Parking Standards, of the City of Kent Zoning Code. The Planning Commission recommends that all of the Code be amended as follows: I. Section 4.4 PARKING STANDARDS. 1) Living Activities . (a) Dwellings.- Change to Read: Two parking spaces for each dwelling unit for development with 49 or less dwelling units ; 1.8 parking spaces per dwelling unit for developments of 50 or more dwelling units. For develop- ment of 50 or more dwelling units, one parking space for each 15 dwelling units for recreational vehicles. a• C) November 20, 1978 ZONING 2) Commercial Activities CODE AMENDMENT g) Drive-in Business Change to Read: One parking space for each one hundred (100) square feet of gross floor area except when located in a shopping center. h) Uncovered Commercial Area, New and Used Car Lots, Plant Nursery. Change to Read: One parking space for each five thousand (5, 000) square feet of retail sales area in addition to any parking requirements for buildings, except when located in a shopping center. 3) Industrial Activities b) Warehouse and Storage Buildings Change to Read: One parking space for each two thousand (2,000) square feet of gross 'floor area. c) Uncovered Storage Area Change to Read: One parking space for each five thousand (5, 000) square feet of area. The Planning Commission recommends that Section 1)a) (4) be returned to the November Planning Commission hearing for further consideration. The public hearing to consider the proposed amendments was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no corres- pondence has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Zoninq Code be amended as specified above, as recommended by the Planning Commission, Carey seconded. Motion carried. After many months of effort, the new Kent City Code has been completed by those working in the City Attorney ' s office. Fifty copies of . . the Code have been made and the resulting cost in manhours and material is such that the following charges are recommended: _ Any individual OTHER THAN City elected , officials, Department heads, and the City Library - Deposit of $100 per copy. This deposit would be refundable upon return of the copy of the Code in good condition. An annual fee of $20, not refundable, would be charged for updating the Code once each year in December. All City officials, as designated, may, upon signing a receipt therefor, be issued a copy by the City Clerk ' s office. Upon leaving the City service, the copy must be returned to the City C' +rk ' . r0,r� November 20, 1978 ZONING B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be CODE directed to draft an ordinance adopting the AMENDMENT Code and establishing the recommended deposits and charges, Just seconded. Motion carried. PLANNING Appointment. The Mayor recommends appointment COMMISSION of Darrell E . Phillipson to the Planning Com- mission to fill the unexpired term of Bernard Chilquist. This term will expire in January, 1981. CAREY MOVED that the Mayor' s recommenda- tion of Darrell E. Phillipson to the Planning Commission be approved, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. LIBRARY MASTERS MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan ' s reappoint- BOARD ment of Carole Anderson to the Library Board, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & Bill of Sale - Burlington-Northern S . 212th SANITATION Street Industrial Center Sewer Extension. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 530 LF of 8 inch sanitary sewer extension on S. 212th Street from 77th Avenue South to approximately 530 feet east of 77th Avenue S. and recommend accept- ance of the said Bill of Sale. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the sanitary sewer extension and that after payment of any out- standing City bills, the cash bond be released. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Bill of Sale - Drangsholt Short Plat Utility Extension. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agree- ment for approximately 334 LF of 6-inch water line. extension and approximately 304 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewer extension constructed in the vicinity of S . 252nd Place and 98th Place S . KITTO MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the said utility extensions in the Drangsholt Short Plat and the cash bond be released after payment of any outstanding City bills, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Bill of Sale - Napa Kent District Center Sanitary Sewer Extension. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for construction of sani- tary sewer extension at approximately 80th Avenue S . and S . 180th Street. KITTO MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the sanitary sewer extension and the cash bond be released after any outstanding City bills have been paid. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Oakcreat Builders Request for Outside Sewer Service. Oakhurst Builders has requested out- side sewer service for property located at November 20, 1978 HEALTH & 24712 - 97th Avenue S . , a single family SANITATION dwelling on Lot 7, Link Addition. Annexa- tion is not feasible and service is avail- able by extension. Approval subject to the requirements of Resolution No. 822 is recom- mended. Accordingly, �B. JOHNSON MOVED that the request be approved as recommended, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. STREETS LID 290 - 108th Avenue S .E. Street Improvement (S .E. 240th Street - S.E. 236th Place) . The Public Works Committee has reviewed the pro- posed street improvement LID and the events , leading thereto and recommend passage of a resolution of intent to form an LID. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 852 declaring such intent and setting the public hearing date for the Preliminary- Assessment Roll for December 18, 1978. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Resolution No. 852 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. North Central Avenue . Petitions containing 1208 signatures , together with a letter from the Chamber of Commerce, were introduced by Chamber Vice-President Bowen Scarff. The letter and petition requested that considera- tion be given to provide a center turn lane on North Central Avenue from James Street to the Valley Freeway. MASTERS MOVED that the letter and petition be accepted, McCaughan seconded. It was determined that engineering funds for such a project had been budgeted for 1978/79. Scarff requested that the City seek to acquire the necessary rights of way, either by negotiation or condemnation and that sufficient funds be budgeted in the 1979 budget. Ulett noted for Kitto that the pro- ject was included in the 6-year Comprehensive Street Program. Kitto commented that the peti- tion should be considered by the Budget Com- mittee. Motion carried. 1979 Street Sweeping Contract. Bids were received on November 8, 1978 for the 1979 street sweeping contract. Only one bid was received from Sanco-Northwest Lot Service, the same contractor as in 1978. The bid for 1979 is over that for 1978 by $1, 626, due to annexations and an increase in the hourly rate for call-out sweeping. The costs for 1979 sweeping are as follows: Residential and Core Area Sweeping per year $15, 312.00 Call-out Sweeping (Approximately 50 hours at $24.00 per hour, except in snow and ice) 1, 200.00 Parking Lot Sweeping (four times per year at $50.59 each time) 202.36 r Estimated Total for 1979 $16, 714. 36 Estimated Total for 1978 $15, 088.64 JUST MOVED that the bid of Sanco-Northwest Lot Services be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. November 20, 1978 SIDEWALKS Highridge No. 4. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs . Stanley 0. Jones, 26021 Woodland Way So. , objecting to the recent petition for an LID for sidewalk construction in the Highridge' No. 4 Division. JUST MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. STORM WATER Surface Water and Storm Drainage Control. CONTROL The City Attorney noted that this Ordinance was not ready for consideration. ' FIRE Emergency_ Medical Mutual Aid Agreement. A DEPARTMENT new mutual aid agreement (Paramedic Service Area 5 - Southeast) has been submitted by Valley General Hospital. The City Attorney has reviewed the agreement, has changed the wording slightly, and with that change approves the agreement as to form. It is the staff recommendation that Kent enter into the agree- ment. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Emergency Medical Mutual Aid Agreement, Carey seconded. It was determined for Masters that all Fire Districts would be involved. Motion carried. ANIMAL King County/Kent Contract. In accordance with CONTROL the directions of the Council, King County has been requested to submit a proposed con- tract to supply animal control service begin- ning January 1, 1979. JUST MOVED that the , Mayor be authorized to sign the Animal Con- trol Contract with King County, J. Johnson seconded. Upon Masters ' question, Street stated that the City proposed to retain the vehicle. Motion carried. It was noted that the survey had indicated that the majority of the citizens had been in favor of a leash law. This matter will be dispOssed at a future workshop session. CLAIMS Patrick Curtus Stredicke. A claim has been filed by Patrick Curtus Stredicke in the amount of $200 for damages to his vehicle allegedly caused by a mgnhole cover that was raised six inches from the ground. JUST MOVED that the claim be referred to Mike Webby for investigation. Carey seconded. It was. determined for Masters that Webby would make a recommendation to the City Attorney after investigation. Motion carried. Puget Power. A claim in the amount of $145 .68 for damage to underground wiring has been sub- mitted by Puget Power. MCCAUGHAN MOVED that the claim be referred to the City Attorney and Mike Webby for investigation and determina- tion of necessary action. Just seconded. Motion carried, with Carey abstaining. LEGISLATION The Clerk noted receipt of a letter from the Mayor of Auburn inviting elected officials of r II, i November 20, 1978 LEGISLATION the cities of Kent, Algona and Pacific to meet with representatives of the City of Auburn and Senators and Representatives of the 25th and 30th Districts at the Eagles Nest Restaurant in Auburn Wednesday evening, December 13, 1978 to discuss various issues of concern of local officials with our legislators. JUST MOVED to accept the letter, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & At the November 13 workshop the Council reviewed COMMUNITY the proposed 1979 Community Development Program. DEVELOPMENT The Planning Department, with the assistance of PROGRAM a citizen committee, recommended the following prioritized projects for the 1979 program: Priority . Project Population Needs 1 Sr. Center Parking Lot (Construction) $36, 300 $ -0- 2. Housing Repair Services 28,697 41, 500 3 Pedestrian Walkways Phase IV -0- 90,000 4 Planning Administra- tion 24, 700 -0- Sub-Total $89,697 $131, 500 89,697 Grand Total $221, 197 The public hearing scheduled for this meeting was declared open by Mayor Hogan. It was noted that Carey had posed some questions, and Harris pointed ' out that Associate Planner Ramos would respond. Carey asked for information concerning the hours of work by the part-time neighborhood planner. Ramos explained that this job consisted of 21 hours per week spent on the Housing Rehabilita- tion Program, the Minor Home Repair Program, and the Housing Repair Home Service, including paper work related to these activities. He explained that if this was a full time position, all of these activities would continue, and in addition, data would be collected -for the following year ' s projects. Time would also be devoted to the Green River Basin Program. Carey stated that he would like to see a full time person eventually take over the entire - Community Development Program. Ramos deter- mined for Masters that the amount listed for the parking lot at the Senior Citizens Center was adequate as determined by the engineers. There were no comments from the audience and _ McCAUGHAN MOVED to close the hearing, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Mc.CAUGIIAN M0V1-_.1) that t1io 1979 housing & Com- munity Development Program consisting of the following prioritized projects be approveds 1) Senior Center Parking Lot 2) Housing Repair Services 3) Pedestrian Walkways - Phase IV 4) Planning Administration Carey seconded. Motion carried. November 20, 1978 HOUSING & Bonus Community Development Block Grant. COMMUNITY Street noted receipt of a letter from the DEVELOPMENT County explaining the Bonus Community Develop- PROGRAM ment Block Grant Program. He pointed out that whether inside City limits or not, if a developer agreed to build housing to be rented to low income citizens in King County, funds from this grant could be used to reduce the cost of land acquisition so that the project could be put together. He noted that this program would fit in with the guidelines developed by the Kent Ad Hoc Committee on Subsidized Housing which was chaired by Carey. KENT COMMONS Phase IIA Site Development. Bower & Nyberg, Architects, have certified that D. J. Hopkins Co. has completed the Kent Commons Phase IIA Site Development in accordance with the speci- fications. JUST MOVED that the contract with D. J. Hopkins for the Kent-~Commons Phase IIA Site Development be accepted as complete and the retainage be released after receipt of the necessary releases from- the State. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. FEDERAL 1979 Federal Revenue Sharing Hearing. A REVENUE public hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing SHARING requests is required to be held on this date. Notice of such public hearing has been pub- lished as required. A recap of items that have been submitted for consideration by the Council has been made available to the Council and has' been made apart of the record. These requests, together with requests made during the public hearing, will be reviewed and prioritized by the Council, with approval of the priority items to take place on December 4, 1978 at the regular Council meeting. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Sharon Wylie of the King County Rape Relief program presented a report to the Council, a copy of which has been filed for the record. A letter from Caren Adams, Director of the program, was read, asking for $2, 000 from the City to support the program for 1979. The letter was made a part of the record. It was noted that Barney Wilson had submitted a re- quest for Federal Revenue Sharing funds this evening, for funds to complete an office area in the Kent Commons. It was determined that action an this item was requested for this meeting and that this matter would be made a separate item of discussion. There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED to close the hearing. Just seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the Revenue Sharing requests be considered for approval at the hearing on December 4, 1978, Carey seconded. Motion carried. November 20, 1978 FEDERAL It was noted that the request received this REVENUE evening from Barney Wilson is for $8,000 of SHARING Federal Revenue Sharing funds to be used for completion of the unfinished tenant space at Kent Commons . This portion of the building had been left unfinished, and there is $10, 000 in the Commons Phase I Construction Fund to finish this area consisting of approximately 650 square feet. The King County Probation Office wishes to lease the entire area. Wilson asked that the request be approved now so that a Call for Bids could be issued in time to open bids on December 14, and pre- sented to the Council on December 18. Wilson noted that if this schedule could be approved, the area could be ready for the tenant by approximately February 1. The lease amount for a year would be approximately $3 , 500. KITTO MOVED to approve the request, McCaughan seconded. Upon B. Johnson' s question, Wilson determined that the total of $18,000 included the architect ' s fees. It was determined for Masters that there would be no expenditures for this project until the end of December at the earliest. Masters noted that Wilson asked for Federal Revenue Sharing or "other funds" and asked that the source of the $8, 000 .be identified. She asked that the Finance Com- mittee determine which fund would supply the $8, 000. It was agreed that the Finance Com- mittee would discuss this. Kitto stated that the matter would, in any case, be before the Council as part of the budget hearing. Motion carried. .BUDGET Tax Levy Ordinance. It is necessary that the 1979 Tax Levy Ordinance be amended to comply with collecting the omitted assessments for the Burlington-Northern. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2129, amending ordi- nance No. 2122', fixing the 1979 Tax Levy. KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2129 be adopted, Just seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE Temporary Loan Guaranty Fund to LID 249. Per- mission is requested to lend .th e amount of $9, 780.99 to LID 249 from the LID Guaranty Fund. This loan is necessary to pay principal and interest due December 1, 1978. An error has been made in that assessments received from LID 249 must have been credited to another LID. This error could have occurred any time during the last twelve years. A report will be made as soon as an internal, audit is com- pl.c+l.c�d. McCAUGHAN MOW!1) that a teniF)nrary loan of $9, 780. 99 be made from the LID Gu;ir.,i.»ty . Fund to LID 249, Carey seconde{-i - r� carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the bi ' eive,J through November 16, 197R ­ed the Finance Committer November 30, 1978 be paid, Co + . X tion carried. November 20, 1978 FINANCE Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of November 15th, 1978 are as follows: Current Expense $ 49, 337.39 Parks & Recreation 9,829:.42 Library 2, 140-70 City Streets 21, 749. 55 Kent Commons Operating Fnd 686. 79 Fed Shared Revenue 49, 132. 16 Russell Rd Park Ph. II 120, 752.89 Smith/Central to 4th 350.44 S . 180th/WVH to EVH 599.80 4th Ave. Signals 9, 265. 50 UAB 13-84th S . Const. 8,555. 71 72nd Ave. Street Const. 5.00 1978 Water Rev. Const. 13, 264. 29 West Hill Booster Pump 236.89 116th Ave. Trans . Main 124.00 124th/WD #111 Res. 514. 96 Equipment Rental 3, 778. 58 Housing & Comm. Dev. 1, 308. 14 Arts Commission $ 653.00 Fireman 's Rel & Pension 33.45 LEFF Disability 1, 319. 51 Sewer Fund 15, 584.53 Water Fund 12, 913. 29 Garbage Fund 11.50 $322, 147.49 KEETING ADJOURNED: 10:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk 1"