HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/06/1978 Kent, Washington November 6, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Councilperson Just and City Attorney Mirk were not in attendance at the meeting. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton and URS representative Ramsey. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of October 16, 1978 and the special meeting of October 23, 1978 be approved as printed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION American Education Week. A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the week of November 12-19, 1978 as American Education Week and urging all citizens to reaffirm their commitment to improving and supporting education at all levels by visiting local schools. FINAL PLAT Cambridge East Division #3. The Final Plat of Cambridge East Division #3 has now been signed by the City Engineer and the Planning Director. The public hearing necessary to comply with the Subdivision Code regulations was opened by Mayor Hogan. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. CAREY MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the Final Plat of Cambridge East Division #3 be accepted with the conditions of Preliminary Plat approval, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Western Farmers Plat Utilities Extensions. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 185 LF of 6" and 555 LF of 10" water line; approximately 180 LF of 8" sanitary sewer extension; and approximately 814 LF of street improvements for the Western Farmers Plat. In accordance with the recommendations of the Engineering Department, KITTO MOVED that the Ctiy accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement, and that the crash bond be released after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin. Pacific Construction Company, Inc. has completed their work on the Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin project. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of this portion of the project. KITTO MOVED that the Pacific Construction Company contract for the Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin be accepted as complete and the retainage be released after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Gill Outside Sewer and Water Request. A request has been received from James L. Gill for service to an existing commercial building at 24207 - 104th Avenue S.E. The property is contiguous to the Kent boundary but should be part of a larger future annexation. Water service is available from 104th Avenue S.E. and sewer service is available by extension. Approval is recommended, subject to the re- quirements of Resolution No. 822, and payment in lieu of assessment. KITTO MOVED that the recommendation be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. November 6, 1978 HEALTH & Okimoto Outside Sewer Service Request. The SANITATION request of John K. Okimoto is for sewer service for property at 23120 - 100th Avenue S .E. which is not contiguous to the Kent boundary. Service is available from 100th Avenue S .E. and approval of the request, subject to the Resolution No. 822 requirements and payment in lieu of assess- ment, is recommended. KITTO MOVED that the recom- mendation be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Perrins Outside Sewer and Water. Service Request. Outside sewer and water service is requested by John W. Perrins for the east half of a 1 1/2 acre parcel of land at the north end of 114th Avenue S .E_ about 600 feet north of S .E. 256th Street. The property is vacant and contiguous with the Kent boundary. One- half of the northerly extension of 114th Avenue S .E. should come from this property. Approval of the request with the Resolution No. 822 requirements to apply and the added requirement for deeding of the right-of-way is recommended. KITTO MOVED that the recommenda- tion be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. WATER 116th Avenue S .E. Transmission Main. Kar-Vel Construction Company has completed their work on the 116th Avenue S .E. Transmission Main project. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of this project. KITTO MOVED that the Kar-Vel Construction Company contract for the 116th Avenue S .E. Transmission Main be accepted as complete and the retainage be released after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Silbernagel Outside Water Request. The request is for outside water service to a vacant three acre parcel of land on the east side of 116th Avenue S .E. north of S .E. 256th Street. . The property is not contiguous to the Kent boundary. Service is available from 116th Avenue S .E. and approval is recommended subject to the requirements of Resolution No. 822 and the pay- ment in lieu of assessment. KITTO MOVED that the recommendation be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. SIDEWALKS Request for LID. A letter and petition from Dr. and Mrs. Gary Cowart was read, requesting the formation of an LID for the construction of sidewalks, including curbs, gutters and storm drains, at Highridge #4 Plat, located at S . 265th and 99th Pl. S. MASTERS MOVED that the letter November 6, 1978 SIDEWALKS and petition be accepted and referred to the Public Works Comrni.ttee, Carey seconded. In response to Mccal.i ;tian ' :_ question, it was deter- mined that at the ti.rne of plat approval. the staff h��d z:ec:onime ride d concrete sidewalks but the Council had changed the requirement to :include gravelled walkways . Street noted that the J,ID petition for the sidewalk improvements should be accepted since there are now many property owners involved rather than a single developer. Ii� }7c;i.rt :ed out. that: the Counci Z. had the Bu:i.Ading nepartr;;c 1 t.o inspect the walkways i.n this area in r(--,s- ponse to a conq,)lairit: and seek to have the property owners maintain the gravelled walk- ways in the proper. condition. Fie suggested that City offi_c;ials and c:it:.izens should continue , their efforts to reach agreement on rules re- garding sidewalk -ma i.nt enarice and construct ion lie point:c d out t.h;xt .i n. ,order to enforce sidewalk repair when i.t i.s the s:esponsi_bility of. tYxe property owner such a. r.•egul a.ti.on must be constantly monitored to see that the require- inents are }aeing iiE t.. Motion carried. STREET Railroad Lanes "L'Ytc= Cityttc:�rncay has prepared VACATION a rc�solt.xt:ron�rcaga:rdi.ng t le vacation of: a por.- t.i.on of a 'street witti:in tixe City of Kent known a Itailroa.d Lane-, and setting the public hearing to consider -ti-ie requested vacation at the regu- lar Council Tneet:ing of December 4, 1.978 at ,Sr IN MOVED that F3. 00 o c.I.ock p.nt. B. JOtiIV,. Ji,. Resol_ut:ic�ri No . ,)e adopted, Carey seconded.. In .'response to Ma s L_01's ' question, Street rioted that- Railroad Lane .is a. street :running parallel to the railroad tracks and is r.ce3ca'rYcau b r means of the S .. 22.2nd. Street rail_- road crossing. lie recommended t1hatt the street vzica he ai�provc_(J. since as soon as the vaca- tiont.i.on is accompll.Slled 't ,e City will be in a posi- ti_on to pc't:..Lt:L{gin t.hca Burlington-Northern for c:Lcasu:re of t:}icy S . 222nc Street cr_oss:in.g, which C:1.C)�5Lxre [Ji,a a.-ttei-oipted a couple of years ago. Fi. a 1 so. noted that. in turn for vacation of the street a �� ' st..rip of 4th Avenue North would be dedicated to the City, and that such trade was advarzt�zc�co�.:i.:� t.cx t.h.c City. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Mv'�:ol__7_U/ ArinEx_x_- .t_..i c_;nPetition. Ulett noted that a 101/ petition has been received .for annexation of appr_ox.:imately 5. 36 acres in the Midway :tr_c�a., In. accordance with his recom- mendations , ri. JG.I-INSON MOWED that the 10% petition beaccc,rated and a meeting with the petitioners be held at the Council workshop on iJovexrtl>er 27 , 1978 at 7 : 00 p.m. McCaughan seconded, In .response to 13. Johnson ' s question, t7l.catt. noted that: tiYFr t>roposed annexati.an was on t.}tr� we cl ,;iCii ref' hICII' :i.c• Iii.c�1"tway So. irlc:l. �x • lrxii_c� il ,crir'c{ :•:,i.t. icr�t. r1c,L.ii>r'� r �i�"l' ii.`Ci. Cotltem ac>r.sia y_Cozas t:ruc_tion. Tile City Attorney has prepared an o (:.1inrance annexing to the r_ City Certa:ir] .i�a.nds contiguous thereto and comrnonly rc�f rredt to as the Cori temporary Cori- .; t:r.txc't:iciri 11,inc.:; a ( i cxn. CAREY MOVE fo:c the No . ,?.l ?.3 , A1c�C'�ttitin�iri �ccc�cirrdc.�cf . P•rcrl..:i {:;,� ��,:;.r'r::i.c�ca. .z < November 6, 1978 ANNEXATION K2_Lajjf ArjiLe a.3t_ic_,n_. The City Attorney has ZONING advised that the gai description required for the Uplands A.nrYexa Lion zoning ordinance has riot been received as yet from the Railroad and the ordinance has therefore not been pre- pared. BIDS Theodolite Bich-.G . Ttie Engineering Department has received bids for an Engineers '/Surveyors ' Theodolitewith scale .reading. One bid was received in the amount of $5 , 093 .46 , including tax, from K.ul•�.er.-!�ariken, Inc. for the Wild T-16D Model. An alternate bid was also submitted for a Lietz T-60D model in the amount of $3 , 372.80,' but- the .Ll.e't.7 Iilodel does not meet the City ' s re(:1.uiremorir s . zedera.l Revenue Sharing funds have been approved in the amount of $5, 110.00 for the purc}<<.As of t_:lic: theodolite. It now �-ippear_s treat. w,..t b t.}icyr- f.:Xx ae�nses the fund w 11 be approximately $200 short but it is proposed that: the d:ifft: rc nc:c: be p:i..cked up from the Engineering budget. In accordance with the recommendations of the Engineering Department, KIT`i'O MOVED.? that; the Kuker-Ranken, Inc. bid for the Wild T-16D Model Theodolite with scale reading in the amount of $5 , 093 .46, including tax, be accepted, Carey seconded. In response to McCaughan' s question, Ulett noted that the alternate bi.d submitted by Kuker-Ranken,. Inc. was on voluntary basis only and did not meet the specifications . motion carried. PARKS & r'enc:i.ng_o_f_Bu.r. l.i.ngton-Green. To comply with RECREATION the contract with Burl.i.n.gton-Northern, it is necessary to erect a fence along the west s id( o f the property. The finance Committee recom is rids that $1, 850 be transferred from the unbudgetyd, unexpen:ed balance in Current Ex nse. The Par scs Depa.rtmient will. .furnish the labor to erect- the fence . B. JOHNSON MOViaD that a budget t-ransfer in the amount of $1, 850 from unl_)udgeted, unexpended balance in Current Expense Fund be made to "Fence Burl_i.ngton-Greon, " carey seconded. Motion carried. Ac rk�E�merit with Ct<�tF _DEry par�tmient of Tra_ns- )or.'tat�i.on. The Parks Department has :reached an ac3r.eerrient with the State Department of Transportation regarding the use of a portion of 'the State right--of-way (SR 516) for a bike sand pedestrian tra_il. The text of the Agree- Up has been dubs"..L.cated for 't:he Council ' s `�rif:ormat.i.clra and maps are available. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign Agreement No . GC:-4948 with the State Depart- ment of T,ransportution, Carey seconded. Motion carried. POLICE Crime Preve.czt.i.o_n LEAA Application -Cor Funds. DEPARTNIENT Approva:L has been requesters by the Police Department: for submission of an application for LEAA funds for Crime and Residential November 6, 1978 POLICE Burglary Reduction. The grant application DEPARTMENT provides for $9, 090 LEAA funds , $505 State funding and $505 City funding. In accordance with the re conruiendati_ons of the Finance Committee, D. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized -to sign the said grant applica- tion, Carey seconded. Motion Carried. LIBRARY Governor ' s Conference on Libra=and Informa- tion Services . A letter was received from the King County Libraries Service Area invit- ing ci_i.izens and official representatives from King County municipalities to attend the Governor ' s Conference on Library and Information Services on April 23-25, 1979 at 7: 30 p.m. in the Olyatipic Room of the Seattle Center_ North Court. GAZEBO A .letter was read from Dr_ , Stewart, Principal, Kent-Meri.di_ati High School, notifying the City that. the 1-)uil.di.iz-,c; trades students who will be painting the gazebo will carry appropriate insurance t.hr-ou(_;h the Variable Protection Admiizai.strat.i.on. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Carey seconded_ Mayor Hogan noted that the letter was in res- ponse to the C:it.y ' s request that the students be covered by adequate :insurance. She also noted that the Kent. Federated Womens Clubs might possibly be doing some work -on the gazebo and they, too, would be asked for proof of insurance coverage. Motion carried. HOUSING' & Urban County Block Cram'_ Consortium Acsreement. COMMUNITY The Kin4 County BlocX Grant office 'has requested DEVELOPMENT that jurisdictions participating in the Urban County Block Grant. Consortium reaffirm their decision to remain in the Consortium and con- tinue to >ene- i.t from the Annual Community Deve:lol?ment Progr.ain. The County annually makes sucli a :request. to give all. p,a.rt.icipat_ing juris- dictions arx opportunity to withdraw from the Consort..ium, ilt t."riey wish. Kent has greatly 1)enefi_ted i-:rOmi the: -,)ro -ram and is currently operating a successful. Housing Repair Program :and other related projects made possible- by participation :in. the Consortium. The Planning Department expects the City to continue to benefit and thus recoixiiends continued partici- pation in the Consortium. CAREY MOVED that the City of Kent continue to participate in the King County Block Grant Consortium, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. 1979 HaUsi.jq & Community Development Program. The Citv Council received the proposed 1979 program at their October 23 workshop. This material was revised on October 26 to further clarify funding levels :requested for certain p.ro.j(.,cts. I'-t was noted t.hat the County has rcqu.i r(::,,c:l all. black Urant: applications be si.fbmitted to their office by 4: 30 p.m. on December 1, 1.9'78. MASTERS MOVED that the proposed 1979 Housing & Community Development program be referred to the City Council work- ,shop of Novajifl::)ryr 1.3 for further review and i i.)c 11e 1d on Noveiiibo r 20, 1978 to t:;r e :,ailic. McCaughan -seconded. M o t 1'.0 11 c:s:A:r'1"A, a. 84 November 6, 1978 ICENT COMMONS Phase_I7 ChangcOrdEyr. The Parks Department and Bower & Nyberg recommend approval of Change Order No. 2 for Kent Commons, Phase II, to complete the third and fourth handball courts, including glass bac:kwalis . The contract sum will. be increased by $62., 526 . KITTO MOVED tlaat Change Order. No. 2 in the amount of. $62, 526 be approved, Carey seconded. In response to Masters ' question, Street noted that there was sufficient money in the fund and that this change order was in fact a pars; — of Just ' s original_ motion for acceptance of the bid of Clark Construction Co. at the meet- ing of October 1.6, 1.978 but that it was neces- sary to segregzatte. the Exact amount of Change Order No. 2. Motion carried. Kent Commons O1,t1-at.i.i-lcT Fund. The City Attorney has prepareuTan ordiiiance creating a special reveric:ua fund of t_"hie city of Kent to be j:nown as the Kant. Cowaions OYt!rat.ing 'Fund , provicli.ng for administration of the sai.d fund by they Parks & Recreation Department, and providing for payment into and withdrawals from said fund. CAREY MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2..126, B. Johnson seconded. It. was determined for Masters that the Council would be furnished with a report, which they had previously requested, showing all. income and expenditures from the fund. Winkle fur- ther clarified that creation of the fund allowed for isolation of all funds received and expended in connection with the Kent Conaiions operation. Motion carried. CLAIMS Ra�rtno.nd A. Schums�y. A claim has been filed aq rins t the City of Kent in the amount of 1174. 12 by Raymond. A. Schumsky for a cracked windshield in his automobile allegedly caused 1�y a s t:.crvicc throwi> fr.(.-)in a` C:ity operated mower. in accordance wi.t.1-1 the recommendation of the City Attorney, CAREY MOVED that the claim be forwarded to the Ci.ty ' s insurance carrier with re.cE7mmenC ai.-ion for denial, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Susan D. _er) Kelly. A claim has been filed against t}ae City of Kent in the amount of $1., 005, 566 . 89 by Susan n.- (C.rossie:r) Kelly f:or injuries si.:,ffer_ed .in an automobile acci- cic�nt.. Vie City Attorney recommends that the claim be referred to tide City ' s insurance carrier, and B. JOHNSON SO MOVED, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Ilen.ry L._ Pot.t.s . A claim in the amount of $51..50 has been filed against the City of Kent by Henry L. Botts for alleged injury to his thumb when it was caught in the door of a Police patrol car. KITTO MOVED that the clai.m be. referred to the Ci.ty ' s insurance carrier, McCaughan secca)ded. Motion carried. Bower. & 101C.tow Cons tract i_on. A claim in the amount of.' $9, 97:3 .43 has been filed by Boyer & Ott.ow Construction for alleged automobile damage occurring on the 500 block of Temperance Street. The City Attorney recommends that the- claim be forwarded to the City ' s :insurance c,arrior with. a recommendation for denial.. 385 November 6, 1978 OUT OF_,STATE Accordingly, B. JOHNSON MOVED that the claim TRA ND of Boyer & Ottow Construction be forwarded to CONVENTIONS the City ' s insurance carrier with a recommenda- tion for denial, Carey seconded. Motion carried. -INSURANCE Street reported that discussions were being held regarding a proposed self-insurance plan under consideration for adoption by the various area Cities. He noted that more information would be forthcoming but that nothing would be undertaken in this regard by January 1. COUNCIL Public Safety Committee . Masters noted that COMMITTEES she would be making a recommendation to the Committee of the Whole in conjunction with the budget hearings regarding matters which have been discussed recently by the Public Safety Committee. OUT OF STATE APWA Management Seminar. In accordance with TRAVEL and the recommendations of the Finance Committee, CONVENTIONS McCAUGHAN MOVED that Public 'Works Director Ulett be authorized to attend an APWA Management Seminar in Los Angeles November 13-17, 19,78, Carey- seconded. It was noted that there were sufficient funds available in his travel budget. Motion carried. National beague of Cities Conference. Approval has been requested by the Mayor to attend a National League of Cities Conference in St. Louis November 26-29, 1978. The Finance Committee has approved the expenditure. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor ' s trip to St. Louis November 26-29, 1978 for the National League of Cities Conference be approved, Carey seconded. In response to Masters ' question, Street noted that sufficient funds are budgeted to cover the expense of this out of State travel. Motion carried. Street reported on the recent City Administrator/ Managers ' meeting which he had recently attended in Kennewick and some of the topics which were discussed at that time. BUDGET ' 1978 Budget Amendment - 2nd Quarter. The City Attorney has prepared an ordinance amending the 1978 Budget for transfers and adjustments made to various budgets during the 2nd quarter of 1978. CAREY MOVED that Ordinance No. 2124 be adopted, McCaughan seconded. Masters noted that she did not agree with item G (Kent Commons - Phase I Construction Fund, in the amount of $18, 105, and Item K (1978 Acquisition and Construction Fund in the amount of $400, 000) and wished to have her objections again made a part of the record. Motion carried. 1978 Budget Amendment - 3rd Quarter. The City Attorney has prepared an ordinance amend- ing the 1978 budget for transfers and adjust- ments made to various budgets during the 3rd quarter of 1978. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 21.25 , Carey seconded. In response to Masters ' questions regarding Item F (Central husinoss District - Meeker I November 6, 1978 BUDGET Street Parking Revision) , it was determined that this item covered transfer of funds for work done by Street and Park Department employees, that the transfer had previously been approved by Council action, and that the work "was done in 1977 and was therefore not included in the 1978 budget. Winkle noted that he would furnish a report to Masters covering the item. Motion carried. SPHERE OF The Sphere of Interest Resolution adopted in INTEREST 1972 has now been revised by the Planning Department. The proposed revisions have been presented at two City Council work sessions and copies forwarded to members of the Council. The public hearing scheduled for this meeting to consider the said revisions was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. Responding to Kitto ' s question regarding the proposed annexation area and the northerly boundary line of 208th, Harris noted that this was determined to be a logical boundary line since Renton is coming down in this area and 208th would probably be as far north as Kent could extend. He referred to the Westview Addition to the south of 208th and the fact that this area had been the subject of an annexation election which was defeated. He referred to the fact that many of the septic tanks , in the area are failing and sewer service would have to be provided by the City of Kent. He noted that when a large subdivision such as Westview requires City services, it is logical that the area be annexed to the City. He clarified that the City would not be actively seeking these areas for annexation but since it was necessary to establish some proposed boundary line, this was a logical one. Ulett noted for McCaughan that part of the total area is covered by Kent ' s franchise area and part by the Cascade Sewer District. There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the proposed revisions be adopted and the City Attorney directed to prepare a resolu- tion amending the Sphere of Interest Report adopted in 1972, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Jon Johnson requested that the Council and ZONING Planning Commission give. consideration to . PROPOSAL changing the policy regarding lands annexed to the City and the manner in which they are zoned. He suggested that rather than look at what a developer plans to construct in a given area before it is annexed to the City and base the zoninq on such predetermined use, that the Planning Commission consider giving a general zoning classification, such as R-1 zoning that Renton uses in this situa- tion, to new annexations and then consider the final zoning at a later time. Harris com- mented that the City should not have large areas left unzoned after annexation and that J. Johnson' s proposal was to place a general classification on all such areas until the zoning could be more carefully considered. 38 November 6, 1978 . . ANNEXATION He referred to the recent annexations for ZONING which the zoning ordinances have not been PROPOSAL passed due to the difficulty in arriving at the necessary legal description and pointed out that even though the necessary zoning hearings had been held the land remained unzoned until the passage of the zoning ordinance. Street referred to recent discussions which have been held regarding zoning conflicts between the cities and the County and noted that there will be a period of 90 to 120 days in which to reach some agreement as to a way to resolve such differences . lie noted that the Boundary Review Board is asking the cities of Kent, Renton and Auburn to agree as to the approximate boundary lines to be covered by each City. Mayor Hogan pointed out that the Boundary Review Board would invoke jurisdiction in any event if they did not agree with the proposed zoning. Street clarified for B. Johnson that the State Legislature has said that potential zoning is a factor which the Boundary Review Board can look at. It was determined that it was necessary to determine what the County' s position would be with regard to future annexations and also determined for McCaughan that the City has the same right to look at other annexa- tions by other municipalities when the spheres of influence overlap. Mayor Hogan referred to the Soos Creek Pian which will be considered at a County Council level now, after several weeks of public hearings . Street suggested that if it was J. Johnson 's intent to refuse to accept testimony from developers for proposed use' of the land at the time of planning Commission hearings the Planning Commission should be aware of this fact. Hamilton noted that the Planning Commis- sion makgs its own recommendations after a public hgaring on zoning matters and does not necessarily go along with the plans as presented by developers . Street recommended that the controversy between the City and County over the sphere . of influence should be settled before any further steps are taken regarding adoption of an annexation policy or an annexation zoning policy, J. Johnson asked that his proposal be given consideration after_ the problems wit}1 the County have been resolved. HEALTH & 201 Waste Water Facilities Plan. The City SANITATION Attorney has prepared an ordinance adopting the City of Kent 201 Waste Water Facilities Plan and directing the filing of three copies thereof with the City Clerk. Mayor Hogan referred to the October 16 council minutes wherein it was asked that references to sewers west of the river and those near Smith Brothors (� 1 November 6, 1978 FI CE Farm contained , in the EIS also be contained in the ordinance. Ramsey clarified that this could be covered in the report and on the maps. Mayor Hogan requested that until such time as the Council actually had a copy of the report adoption of the ordinance be postponed. Street noted that the reference must be made in the report but not in the ordinance since the ordinance merely adopts the Plan by reference. FINANCE Appointmont of Bank (1979-1980) . Proposals were reviewed by the Finance Committee from four local banks who are interested in obtaining the City' s regular checking account for the calendar years 1979 and 1980. The following banks submitted proposals: 1) Peoples National Bank, Kent Branch 2) Old National Bank, Downtown Branch 3) Pacific National Bank of Washington, Kent Branch 4) Seattle-First National Bank, Kent Branch. It is the Committee ' s recommendation that the account be placed with Seattle-First National Bank beginning January 1, 1979 and continuing through December 31, 1980. All banks submitting proposals met the requirements to receive the account. A letter of appreciation will be sent to Peoples National Bank, Old National Bank and Pacific National Bank of Washington thanking them for their interest. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Seattle-First National Bank be appointed the official recipient for the City ' s regular checking account for the calendar years 1979-1980, Masters seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received through November 2, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting November 15, 1978 be paid, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of October 31, 1978 are as follows: Curre nt. T,xpense $ 82, 786 . 30 L'rii {cs & 1�(.!crcaLion 21 , 137 .74 Library 1, 863 .54 City Streets 34, 964. 87 Cum Res Park 1,466 . 38 Kent Commons Operating Fund 1, 352.46 Federal Shared Revenue 7, 833 .52 Russell Rd. Park Ph. II 118, 516. 98 -- Kent Commons Ph. I Const. 661.60 �1 November 6, 1978 FINANCE Smith/Central to 4th Fund $ 9,571. 14 Mil/Kent-D/M Int. Fund 57.65 4th Ave. Signals 19, 917..00 Kent Commons Ph. II Const. 999. 73 UAB 13-84th Av. S. Const. 3,611.00 72nd Ave. St. Const. Fund 26.08 116th Ave. Trans. Main 200.00 Equipment Rental 5, 563 .74 Housing & Community Dev. 58, 609. 75 Arts Commission 130.65 Leff Disability, 1, 160.55 Sewer 56,077. 21 Water 19, 571. 20 Garbage 765. 16 $446,844. 25 Mr.ETING ADJOURNED: 9: 15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Betty Gray ` Deputy City Clerk