HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/16/1978 Kent, Washington October (23) 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 :00 o 'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Ulett. Finance Director Winkle was not in attendance. Also present: Planning Commissioner Hamilton and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of October 2, 1978 be approved as printed, Just seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & Purchase of Senior Citizens Parking Lot. It is necessary COMMUNITY to advance the purchase price and expenses for this DEVELOPMENT property acquisition as the County reimburses after FUNDS the fact. This item was considered by the Finance Committee on October 13, 1978 . J. JOHNSON MOVED to approve a loan from the Current Expense Fund in the amount of $51 , 584 with interest at 6% , Just seconded. Upon B. Johnson' s question, Street noted that $1 , 584 was to cover the closing costs . Motion carried with Masters voting no. STORM Surface Water and Drainage Ordinance. This proposed DRAINAGE ordinance has been reviewed at two workshops and the CONTROL public hearing held October 2 , 1978 was continued until this date. Upon Masters ' question, Harris and Ulett determined that the ordinance provides that rechannel- ing of streams would not be allowed except under unusual circumstances. There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. LEGISLATION A letter has been received from our senators and re- presentatives concerning a meeting to be held at 8 : 00 p.m. , Tuesday, October 24 , 1978 , in the Auburn Adminis- tration Building. It is imperative that Kent be well represented. Items of concern will be discussed at the workshop to be held Monday, October 23, 1978. CONTEMPORARY Notice has been received from the King County Boundary CONSTRUCTION Review Board approving the "Contemporary Construction" ANNEXATION Annexation. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance approving this annex- ation, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CONTEMPORARY The second hearing on the zoning of the "Contemporary CONSTRUCTION Construction" Annexation is scheduled for this date. ZONING The Planning Director described the area and noted that the Planning Commission recommends that all property below the 325 ' contour be zoned RA and the area above the 325 ' contour be zoned R-1-9 . 6 . The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the City Attorney be directed to draft the necessary ordinance. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. OSBORNE On September 18th the public hearing on the Osborne ANNEXATION Annexation was continued to this date. James Curran, representing Mr. Osborne, requested that the hearing be held over. Mayor Hogan noted that Karen Rahm of King County would be attending the workshop on the 23rd, r and that this annexation would be further discussed at that time in relation to Kent' s sphere of influence and the Soos Creek plan. It was determined that Harris would have a tentative outline as to the boundaries for Kent' s sphere of influence, and that the City Attorney would be in attendance. Street suggested that the Osborne Annexation hearing be delayed until the November 20th meeting to allow sufficent time for consideration. JUST SO MOVED, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ZONING OF OSBORNE ANNEXATION The first of the required two hearings for zoning of annexations was held on August 7th. The second hearing scheduled for September 18th was continued to this meeting. B. JOHNSON MOVED to continue this hearing to the November 20th meeting, Carey seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Williamson Et. Al. On June 19 , 1978 , the City Council referred a portion of the original Williamson Rezone (Lot 3) back to the Planning Commission for a hearing for rezoning from R-1 to CC and MR-M. The remainder of the Williamson rezone was denied without prejudice by the City Council . The Planning Commission hearing on this Lot 3 was scheduled for July 25, but was continued to September 26 at the request of the applicant for a 60-day continuation. On September 26 , the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider rezoning of Lot 3 of the Williamson Rezone. The Planning Commission recommends that this property be rezoned as follows: 1. That portion of the property requested for CC, Community Com- mercial, zoning be APPROVED. 2 . That portion of the property requested for MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential , be DENIED. Lot 3 is located on the south side of S. 240th approximately 300 ' west of 104th S.E. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. James Curran, attorney for the owner, Mr. Traverso, stated that the CC zoning as recommended by the Planning Commission was satisfactory but that the back portion of the lot should have a higher density than R-1. He noted that the MR-M zoning was denied for the back half because of the concern over inadequate ingress and egress. He opined that if MR-M was granted it would be the responsibility of the owner to provide access to the back part of the property. He noted that adjacent property is zoned MR-M and suggested that if the Council did not approve the MR-M as requested, that they consider MR-G, as recommended by the Planning staff. Curran stated that his client had been willing to grant a cul-de-sac out to 100th Avenue as recommended by the staff. McCaughan noted the high traffic volume on S. 240th and was in favor of the cul-de-sac if any multi-family zoning was to be approved for the back portion of the lot. In answer to Masters ' question, Harris stated that if developed as R-1, it would be determined at that time whether access would be from S. 240th or from 100th Avenue S.E. Street clarified that the Planning Commission thought that the back portion of this parcel should be developed with the property to the south and west so that a proper street program would evolve for this larger development. He suggested that this could be done with a major street from 100th developed easterly to serve this and the Williamson property. Chuck Adams stated that he believed that the Comprehensive Plan showed this area as "Office" zone and that he thought that the owner would prefer this over the R-1 zoning. He noted that "0" zoning would generate less traffic than either R-1 or multiple family zoning. There were no further comments, and CAREY MOVED to close the hearing, Just seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance rezoning the portion of Lot 3 requested for CC zoning, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. GAI ANNEXATION On October 12, 1978 , the Boundary Review Board approved the Gai Annexation. It is now necessary to pass new ordinances covering the annexation and the zoning of this annexation. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2120 approving the Gai Annexation and repealing Ordinance No. 2095. MASTERS MOVED that Ordinance No. 2120 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. GAI ANNEXATION ZONING The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2121 covering the zoning of the Gai Annexation and repealing Ordinance No. 2096 . MASTERS MOVED that Ordinance No. 2121 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ` ANNEXATION RYAN #2 A petition for this annexation has been received and certified as representing 75% or more of the valuation of the area. CAREY MOVED that the petition be accepted and the filing of a notice of intention with the King County Boundary Review Board be authorized, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION POLICY It was noted that at the last worksession Planning Director Harris reviewed the existing annexation policy which was first adopted as a part of the Sphere of Influence Policy. An updated policy will be presented in the near future as an amendment to the Sphere of Influ- ence Policy. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Mirk noted that he is redrafting a resolution to standardize acquisi- tion of property by the City. He noted that the Council should be involved earlier than it has been and that too many people should not be involved in the negotiations. FINAL PLAT Upland Corporate Park Final Plat. The Final Plat of Upland Corporate Park has been signed by the City Engineer and the Planning Director. The Mayor opened the public hearing. There were no comments and no correspondence has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the final plat of Upland Corporate Park be accepted with the conditions of preliminary plat approval , Carey seconded. Motion carried. Cambridge East Division #3. The Cambridge East Division #3 Final Plat has been received by the Planning Department. The City Council should set a date for a public hearing to consider approving, dis- approving, or returning the plat to the applicant for modification or correction. B . JOHNSON MOVED that a public hearing be held on November 6 , 1978 to consider the Cambridge East Division #3 Final Plat, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS Theodolite Bids. Bids were received today for an Engineers/Surveyors Theodolite. Ulett recommended that this matter be held over to the November 6th meeting, CAREY SO MOVED. Just seconded. Motion carried. PARKS Bid - Kent Commons. Bids for Phase II-A and II-B were received on October 6, 1978 , from the following firms : Calhoun Construction, Cree Construction, Elling-Halvorson, Glad Co Construction and W.G. Clark Construction. The Finance Committee reviewed the bids and has recommended that the low bid of Clark Construction be accepted in the following amounts: Phase II-A Base Bid + Alternates 1 , 3 & 4 $ 816, 600 Change Order #1 for handball courts 18 , 226 Phase II-B Base Bid + Alternates 1 & 3 541 , 000 JUST MOVED to accept the Clark Construction bid in the amount of $1, 375, 826 , McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. 7� y ` i WATER Fisher Water Request. This request is for water service for property within Kent, on Lake Fenwick Road, with the service to be from Carnaby Way on an easement because there is no water main on Lake Fenwick Road. The Public Works Committee recommends that the re- quest be denied. Upon B. Johnson' s question, Ulett noted that it would be too expensive for Fisher to build a line to his property. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the request be denied, Just seconded. Motion carried. Joint Use Reservoir - Chicago Bridge & Iron Company. Chicago Bridge & Iron Company has completed their work on Schedule A of the Joint Use Reservoir Contract. In accordance with the recommendation of the Engineering Department, B. JOHNSON MOVED that this portion of the contract be accepted as complete and that after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, the retainage be released. Just seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan. The public hearing on this matter was opened on October 2nd and was continued to this date to allow time to study the final EIS. A copy of the EIS has been made a part of the official record. Harris reviewed the EIS showing the area covered therein. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence had been received. JUST MOVED to close the hearing, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED for the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance adopting the plan, McCaughan seconded. Harris asked that the refe- rences to the sewers west of the river and those near Smith Brothers Farm contained in the EIS be also contained in the ordinance. Carey and McCaughan agreed to make this part of the motion. Ramsey stated that URS would reaffirm this in the study. Motion carried. Watershed Plan Agreement. The City Clerk read Resolution No. 921 of the City of Auburn stating that Auburn would withhold support for the Revised Watershed Plan Agreement until the City of Auburn concerns are resolved. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of this resolution be made a matter of record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Upper Mill Creek Detention Basin Change Order. The Public Works Committee reviewed a change order request from Pacific Construction Company for additional work necessitated by field water run off. Work consisted of constructing a 2 ' x 2 ' gravel drain with 6" per- forated PVC pipe at a cost of $3 ,217. 50; excavate a 2 ' x 2 ' trench and install 6 gravel drain at a cost of $840; and remove sod and dirt to contour slope property bound by dike slope to south and channel slope to the east at a cost of $500; for a total change order of $4 , 803. 61 (including tax) . The Public Works Committee recommends approving the change order. CAREY MOVED that the City approve the change order submitted by Pacific Construction Company in the amount of $4 , 803. 61, Just seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that the fence would be retained as the contractor had already noted some vandalism. Kent Shopping Center Short Plat Utility Extension (aka Old Orchard Shopping Center) . The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the utility extensions for the Kent Shopping Center consisting of approximately 1335 L.F. 8-inch water line; 721 L.F. 10-inch sanitary sewer extension; 569 L. F. 8- inch sanitary sewer extension. JUST MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement and that the cash bond be released after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Arden Mayfair (Valley Industrial Park) Short Plat Utility Extension. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and War- ranty Agreement for approximately 2 , 365 L.F. 10-inch water line; approximately 910 L.F. of concrete sewer line and related appurten- ances; and approximately 765 L. F. street improvement including curbs, gutters , storm sewers and catch basins for the Arden Mayfair Short Plat. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement and the Cash Bond be released after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. STREETS LID 281 - 104th Avenue S .E. Improvement. A report from the City Treasurer was read stating that $20 , 053. 87 has been collected on LID 281 and that unpaid assessments for the project amount to $27,081 . 13. MASTERS MOVED to make the report a matter of record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Vacation of a Portion of Burke Avenue. (Calhoun) . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2119 vacating a portion of Burke Avenue. It was noted that the sum of $6 , 000 has been paid by Mr. Calhoun. JUST MOVED that Ordinance No. 2119 be adopted, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Smith Street/Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing. Gary Merlino Construction has completed their work on the Smith Street/Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing project. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of this portion of the project. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the contract as complete and for the retainage to be released after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, Carey seconded. Motion carried. JOB CORPS Solo Parents Program. The Solo Parents Program in the City of Kent will be sponsored by the Department of Labor and Job Corps . This was discussed at October 2 , 1978 Council meeting and at the workshop on October 9 , 1978. CAREY MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to write a letter supporting this program, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried with Kitto voting no. CLAIMS Claim of Elizabeth Gill . Elizabeth Gill has submitted a claim in an undetermined amount for injuries she sustained when she fell over a bench in the lobby because there were no lights on. CAREY MOVED that the claim be referred to our insurance carrier, Just seconded. Motion carried. KING COUNTY SUB REGIONAL PLAN Mayor Hogan noted that a summary of the September 7th draft of the Sub Regional Plan had been distributed tonight, and that the matter would be discussed at the October 23rd workshop session. Representatives of the county will be in attendance, and it is expected that the plan will be adopted in December of January. SUBSIDIZED HOUSING COMMITTEE Carey submitted a report from the Ad Hoc Committee on Subsidized Housing. He noted that no funds are available at this time and that the city would continue to work with the county. A copy of the report has been made a part of the record. Carey expressed his appre- ciation to the committee and MOVED to abolish the committee. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. SPECIAL MEETING - TAX LEVY Mr. Street noted receipt of a letter from Harley Hoppe stating that the tax levy ordinance is to be submitted by October 30 . Mayor Hogan then advised that there would be a special Council meeting at 7: 00 p.m. on Monday, October 23 , to enact the required ordinance. FINANCE Approval of Bills. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the bills received through October 20 , 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting October 31 , 1978 , be paid, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of October 13, 1978 are as follows : Current Expense $ 30 , 995. 65 Parks & Recreation 5 , 210 . 43 Library 67. 98 City Streets 4 ,217 . 52 Kent Comm Oprtg Fund 41 . 00 Fed Shared Revenue 32 , 647. 15 Knt Comm-Ph I Const 36 , 425. 72 Smith/Cntl to 4th 12 . 54 4th Ave Signals 8. 53 Knt Comm-Ph II Const 19 , 126. 45 UAB 13-84th Ave S. Const 14 , 047 . 00 K-S Clor Equp 6 , 873. 43 116th Ave Tran Main 13 , 225. 28 124th/WD #111 RES 25 , 607. 31 Equipment Rental 1 , 505 . 48 Housing & Community Dev 4 ,195. 82 Arts Commission 317. 00 Firemans Rel & Pen Fund 33. 45 LEFF Disability 2 ,983. 15 Sewer 688. 62 Water 22 , 038. 57 Garbage 52 , 050 . 24 $272 , 348 . 32 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 286 - 76th Ave. S. Water Main Joe Wheeling $ 37. 80 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, t. Marie Jens CMC City Clerk