HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/02/1978 Kent, Washington October 2, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Cared, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton and URS represent- atives Abed and Ramsey. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES CAREY MOVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of September 18, 1978 be approved as printed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring the week of October 8 to 14, 1978 as Fire Prevention Week in the City of Kent and urging all citizens to practice the basic steps of fire prevention. STREET VACATIONS S.E. 260th Street. (Contemporary Structures) . On September 18, 1978 the public hearing on the vacation of S.E. 260th Street was continued to this meeting to enable a legal deficiency to be removed by the petitioners. The petitioner now requests that the hearing be held in abeyance, and accordingly, JUST MOVED that the hearing be tabled, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. S. 206th Street. (Penton, Inc.) . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2116 vacating a portion of S. 206th Street. It has been determined that one-half of the appraised value ($7,434) has been paid to the City. MASTERS MOVED that Ordinance No. 2116 be adopted, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Thorp. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2117 rezoning certain property known as the Thorp rezone from R-1 (Single Family Residential) to MR-H (High Density Multi-Family Residential) zoning for approximately 11 acres lying along the north side of S. 259th St. immediately west of 87th Ave. S. (extended) . JUST MOVED that Ordinance No. 2117 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Ryan No. 2. The Council reviewed the proposed annexation with representatives of the area at the last work session. JUST MOVED that the proposed annexation is acceptable, that assumption of existing City indebtedness is required, and that authorization is granted for the circulation of an annexation petition. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Benson & S. 248th Street. The Council reviewed the proposed Benson & S. 248th Street annexation with representatives of the area at the last work session. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the proposed annexation is acceptable, that assumption of the existing indebtedness is required, and that authorization is granted for the circulation of an annexation petition. J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT Kentwood Glen #3. A letter was read from J.J. Sleavin & Associates, Inc. re- questing an extension of one year to complete construction in the preliminary plat. MASTERS MOVED-that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Department, B. Johnson seconded. Street noted that it is a common prac- tice of the Council to grant such an extension when it is requested. B. Johnson noted that there had been some discussion regarding access to the plat at the last Council meeting and the matter had been referred to the Public Works Committee. She questioned whether the previous approval could be withdrawn _ if the developer was not able to complete the plat by the date specified, thus allowing further consideration of the matter of ingress and egress. Street noted that the developer could post a bond for improvements. The motion and second were WITHDRAWN and MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Just seconded. Motion carried. Harris noted that the request was bona fide and that the Council must answer the request in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Code. KITTO MOVED that the request be granted, Just seconded. In response to Carey's question, it was determined that the Public Works Department and the Soil Conservation• Service would still be overseeing the plat completion as to its original requirements. Motion carried. 'i. WATER Prouty Request. Jerry Prouty is seeking permission to obtain water service for an existing apartment house at 1267 Canyon Drive by a private line from Weiland Street or for Kent's participation in the costs of constructing a main on Canyon Drive. The Public Works Committee recommends denial of the private line request and further recommends that the City participate in the public main .cost. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the recommendations be accepted and that Mr. Prouty submit cost estimates for review, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Kent Springs Water Facility Improvement. Robison Construction Co. has completed the installation of two submersible well pumps, and approximately 1035 feet of doctile iron pipe complete with structures and appurtenances. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the project. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Robi- son Construction Co. contract for the Kent Springs Water Facility Improvements be accepted as complete and that after receipt of the necessary releases from the State the retainage be released, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Water District No. 111 Boundary Agreement. Water District 111 has prepared an agreement modifying the service area boundary between Kent and the District. The boundary was agreed upon by staff and URS as being logical to eliminate dup- lication of mains and to facilitate system looping. The Director of Public Works recommends approval. CAREY MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the said agreement, Just seconded. Motion carried. 116th Avenue S.E. Water Main Change Order. The Public Works Committee recommends the approval of a $1,250 change order for additional work because an unknown cul- vert conflicted with boring under a County road. CAREY MOVED that the change order be approved, Just seconded. Motion carried. West Hill Pump Station Change Order. The Public Works Committee recommends approval of a $2,150 change order for furnishing and installing of roof fans in two pump stations. The wall vents, also needed for ventilation, will be installed by City crews. CAREY MOVED that the change order be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Moyer/McCaw Request for Outside Water Service. This request for water service at 12222 S.E. 270th Street would add a customer to the Kent Springs Transmission Main. A distribution main LID on S.E. 270th Street has been petitioned for but the main will not be installed for several months. The Public Works Committee has recommended denial of the request until a distribution main is available. J. JOHNSON MOVED to accept the recommendation, Carey seconded. Mrs. McCaw re- quested that the Council approve their request for water service immediately as without such approval they are not able to proceed with plans to subdivide their land. She voiced her objections to having to wait for the completion of the line planned for S.E. 270th. Ulett explained that it has been determined that no further hookups will be allowed to the Kent Springs Transmission Line due to water shortage problems recently experienced and that the S.E. 270th Street line will be completed within a few months. Raymond McCaw spoke on behalf of Mrs. Moyer and asked that favorable consideration be given to granting the service at this time. Ulett determined that the improvements to the Kent Springs facility would not improve the service for this particular property. He noted that the City is proceeding with the formation of an LID for the line in S.E. 270th. Motion carried. Fisher Request for Water Service. John E. Fisher has requested that he be allowed water service for a lot on the west side of Lake Fenwick Road inside Kent with the service line to come from Carnaby Way about 315 feet to the west. There is no water main on Lake Fenwick Road. Granting the request would deviate from normal policy and it is recommended that the request be considered by the Public Works Committee. Accordingly, CAREY MOVED that the request be referred to the Public Works Committee, B. Johnson seconded. In response to B. Johnson's ques- tion, it was determined that.the original plat recorded in the 1920s was still in effect. Motion carried. STORM DRAINAGE CONTROL City of Kent Surface Water & Drainage Control Ordinance. In conjunction with the requirements of the Intergovernmental Agreement regarding Flood Control entered into by the City of Kent on May 19, 1978, the Planning Department has prepared a Surface Water and Drainage Ordinance for the City of Kent. A public hearing is scheduled for this meeting to consider adoption of the ordinance. Street noted that when the matter of the adoption of the ordinance was discussed, a time schedule was suggested and it was determined that it might be necessary to receive additional input regarding the provisions of the ordinance at the October 9 work session. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments and no correspondence has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be continued to October 16, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT Uplands Corporate Park. The Uplands Corporate Park Final Plat has been received by the Planning Department and the date for a public hearing should now be set to consider this matter and approve, disapprove or return the plat to the appli- cant for modification or correction. KITTO MOVED that a public hearing be held October 16, 1978 to consider the Uplands Corporate Park Final Plat, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. SHORT PLAT Crum. It was noted that the Public Works Committee has reviewed the zoning and sewer problems relating to the Crum property on the east side of 108th Avenue S.E. and have asked that the matter be discussed at the time of the Osborne Annexation zoning. HEALTH & SANITATION 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan. A public hearing is scheduled for this meeting to consider the 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan as prepared by URS. Jess Abed of URS noted that the Environmental Impact Statement has now been prepared but as yet not reviewed by the Council. Harris further pointed out that the public hearing should include review of the EIS and requested that the hearing be continued to October 16, 1978 to allow the Council time to review the document. Abed further explained that the Council had previously held a public hearing on the 201 Wastewater Facilities Plan on June 6, 1977 and concurred with Harris that the EIS was pertinent to the public hearing. The public hear- ing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be con- tinued to October 16, 1978 to include the EIS, Just seconded. Motion carried. Bill of Sale - Hayashi Short Plat Utility Extension. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for 550 if of 8" sanitary sewer extension and 685 if of street improvements within the Hayashi Short Plat located at S. 272nd Street and 46th Avenue S. CAREY MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement and that the Cash Bond be re- leased after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Ince Outside Sewer Request. The Public Works Committee recommends approval for sewer service for the Ince property located east of the Park Mar Plat with the Resolution No. 822 requirements to apply, with the provision that the service consist of a side sewer for one single family dwelling, and with the provision that any applicable late comer fees be paid. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the recommendation be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Island Sewer Proposed LID. Ulett reported that word has been received that requested Federal and State"funding for the proposed Island area sewer pro- ject have not been approved as the project did not make the priority list. He noted that property owners in the area were being advised that the project would now be undertaken entirely .on an LID basis. Joyce Development Co. - Outside Sewer Request. This request is for sewer service for Tax Lot 38 on the east side of 108th Avenue S.E. in the 22000 block. The property adjoins the Kato property for which a similar request was previously approved. The Director of Public Works recommends approval of the request, subject to the regular requirements of Resolution 822, but recommends that Tax Lot 148 also be included to avoid a partial enclave. KITTO MOVED to authorize sewer service for Joyce Development Co. to Tax Lots 38 and 148, Section 8, Township 22 North, Range 5 East W.M. , subject to latecomer charges and the requirements of Resolution No. 822, Just seconded. Motion carried. Nelson Request for Outside Sewer and Water Service. William B. Nelson has requested outside sewer and water service for Tax Lot 23 on the east side of 116th Avenue S.E. in the 23000 block. Previous requests in this area have been granted ,and the Director of Public Works recommends approval subject to the regular requirements. KITTO MOVED that sewer and water service to Tax Lot 23, Section 16, Township 22 North, Range 5 East W.M. , be authorized, subject to latecomer charges and-the requirements of Resolution 822. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Deferred Payment in Lieu of Assessment. James Gonnason, 22821 - 100th Avenue S.E. , has requested deferred payment approval of $1,000 to connect to the sanitary sewer on 100th Ave. S.E. The policy was established by Council motion on March 1, 1976 and provides for payment over a 5-year period with 8% interest. JUST MOVED that the request be granted with the March 1, 1976 policy to apply, Carey seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Block Grant Transfers. The Planning Department is requesting Council approval by motion for the transfer of $5,000 from the 1977 project, Pedestrian Walkways, Phase II; and $6,000 from the 1978 project, Pedestrian Walkways, Phase III, into the 1978 project, Senior Center Parking Lot acquisition. These transfers would allow the Department, with assistance from the City Attorney and Property Manager, to complete acquisition of land for a future parking lot for the Senior Center. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the Planning Department transfer $5,000 from the Pedestrian Walkway Phase II and $6,000 from Pedestrian Walkway Phase III projects into the Senior Center Parking Lot Acquisition project, Carey seconded. Kitto asked what would happen to the funds if the motion failed or if the project was not completed. Mayor Hogan stated that these are Population Funds and she wasn't sure whether the City had jurisdiction and would have to come up with another project that is approved or whether the funds would go back into the general "pot." Kitto expressed concern over the fact that the City was offering about $5,000 more for the property than the appraisal figure of a year ago when the matter was first discussed. He noted that the matter was brought before the September 25 workshop session but that the Council had not had the opportunity to have some input. He noted that the September 27 memo from Ramos had been distributed this evening, and stated further that he would vote for the project because it was needed, but that he did in fact have concerns about the manner in which the acquisition was handled. Mayor Hogan noted that the memo stated that the City Attorney and the Property Manager participated in the negotiations. Mirk clarified that he was not involved in the negotiations and after the negotiations were completed he was consulted, and had noted that it would pro- bably not be possible to do any better by the process of condemnation. Kitto suggested that this left the Council in a position of voting for something that is costing more than the appraised value. McCaughan expressed the opinion that the Council was in agreement that an offer of $44,000 would be made, which was in fact an increase over what was offered last year. Mayor Hogan noted that the property had been appraised and then reappraised at a later date. She noted that the memorandum from Ramos referred to closing costs and costs which would result if the transaction was delayed. In response to McCaughan's question, Mayor Hogan noted that it is not possible to get an option to purchase property when the anticipated source of funding is Housing and Community Development funding. Harris clarified further that acquisition of property with the use of Housing and Community Development funds is done under an entirely different procedure than acquisition of other property. He noted that a year ago the Planning Department had explained this procedure and that the memo of explanation would again be forwarded to the Council. He stated that it was his opinion that the Property Manager, City Attorney and the Planning Department were listed as those who would be working together on property acquisition negotiations and that a report should have been made to the Council. Motion carried, with Masters and McCaughan voting nay. PLANNING COMMISSION Resignation. A letter was read from Bernard A. Chillquist announcing his resignation from the Kent Planning Commission due to a conflict in time schedules with his employment. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the letter be accepted with regret, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Appointment. The Mayor is recommending that Michael Powers be appointed to fill the unexpired term of Samuel Edmondson, to January, 1979. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor's appointment of Michael Powers be approved, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. RAILROAD CROSSINGS Smith Street/Burlington-Northern Crossing Change Order. The Public Works Com- mittee recommends approval of a $384 change order for additional concrete in driveways and for traffic buttons on this project. JUST MOVED that the requested change order be approved, Carey seconded. Motion carried. JOB CORPS A letter was read from Senator Warren Magnuson regarding the creation by the Department of Labor of a satellite Job Corp program for 74 single parents in Kent. The program is to accept applicants from the entire State and Senator Magnuson requested information from the City Council and the Mayor as to their reactions to the proposal. The Clerk also read a letter from the Department of Labor addressed to Senator Magnuson in which the proposed plan was explained, including the location of the proposed facility site under construction at Kent- Kangley Road and 110th Avenue S.E. JUST MOVED that the letters be accepted, J. Johnson seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that this CETA program is to provide for the leasing of 40 apartment units to house 74 single women parents between the ages of 16 and 22, and their children, and will provide educational training and include a Day Care Center, as well as a counseling staff, and transportation facilities. She also noted that one of the criteria for acceptance into the program was that the individual have no criminal record. The Mayor also reported that Chief Skewes had been contacted regarding the security program for the opera- tion. She noted further that as presently planned this would be an experimental two year program and that the City had no financial responsibility. It was deter- mined that some action should be taken at the next meeting and additional informa- tion could be considered at the October 9 workshop. In response to Masters' ques- tion, it was determined that in addition to Department of Health, Education & Welfare funding, the program was also being funded through the WIN and CETA pro- grams with a view to make these young women self-supporting and remove them from the welfare rolls. In response to McCaughan's question, Harris noted that the developer of the apartment site had obtained a Conditional Use Permit to construct multi-family units in that area. Motion carried. PROPOSED MERGER Renton, Kent and Tukwila. Councilperson Jon Johnson presented the idea of a pos- sible merger between local governments at the workshop of September 25, 1978. He suggested that a study be started of the proposal to see if there is an alternative to the rising costs of governments. MASTERS MOVED that this Council pass a resolu- tion supporting whatever position the City of Renton and the City of Tukwila take on this matter, B. Johnson seconded. Masters clarified that it was her intent that if the other two cities support the idea that they jointly pursue the possibilities of a merger. Carey noted that the staffs of all three cities had been working together on various projects and that any such study should include the staffs of all three cities. Mayor Hogan noted that the idea of such a merger of local governments is a long term plan and referred to the possibility of merging services, one at a time. The Mayor also referred to her recent trip to Toronto, Canada where a similar type venture-has been successful, employing the formation of boroughs. She concurred with Carey that such a merger should be discussed by the staff of all three cities. J. Johnson noted that the intention of his suggestion was that at some time in the future the merger of the three cities could take place and suggested that his idea was that the first step involve fire and police departments or water and sewer departments. He also concurred that the staff of all three cities would have to be involved in the merger study. Motion carried. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL Police Department Budget. It was noted that a memo had been received from Chief Skewes requesting approval of his attendance at a conference in San Francisco October 23-27, 1978 on manpower allocation and distribution, in lieu of the New York conference already approved. Approval of the request was recommended and B. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Masters seconded. Motion carried. PERSONNEL Washington Finance Officers Association. A letter was read from Gale Craddock, WFOA, announcing the appointment of Margaret Drotz as State Chairman for 1979. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted with compliments to Ms. Drotz, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEES Public Safety. Masters noted that the Public Safety Committee would meet on Tuesday morning, October 3, at 8:15. FINANCE 1978 Water Revenue Bond Issue. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2118 providing for the issuance of $2,000,000 par value of Water Revenue Bonds, 1978" and confirming the sale of same to Foster & Marshall, Inc. CAREY MOVED that Ordinance No. 2118 be adopted, Just seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received through October 2, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of October 13, 1978 be paid, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of September 29, 1978 are as follows: Current Expense $ 64,075.09 Parks & Recreation 14,844. 30 Library 2,184.39 City Streets 14,511.25 Alcoholic Rehabilitation 1,194.45 Kent Commons Oper. Fund 2,117.74 Fed. Shared Revenue 4,843.72 Russell Rd. Park Ph. II 104, 367.81 Kent Commons Ph. I Const. 210.80 UAB-12 Central Signal 13,992.17 Central/Meeker Inter 2,616.67 S. 180th/WVH-EVH 26,065.93 104th Ave. Street Imp. 105.40 Kent Commons Ph. II Const. 5,065.70 72nd Ave. Street Const. 234.30 Equipment Rental 14,537.48 Employee Retirement 767.79 Housing & Comm Dev. 11,931.45 Arts Commission 100.00 Sewer 51,772.61 Water 23,069.48 Garbage 617.17 $359,225.70 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk