HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/19/1978 Kent, Washington June 19, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, and Public Works Director Ulett. Councilperson Just and Finance Director Winkle were absent from the meeting. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 60 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the regular meeting of June 5, 1978 be approved as printed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. VISITORS Mayor Hogan welcomed Karen Borst and Thomas Wiegner, German Exchange Students attending Kentridge High School, together with their host student, Andrea Ryan. Ms. Borst and Mr. Wiegner explained their trip to the United States and told of their plans for the future. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Amendment to City of Kent Comprehensive Plan. It was noted that on May 23, 1978, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider amending the Kent Com- prehensive Plan land use designation for that area generally lying between the Green River and the West Valley Highway, and between James Street and South 228th Street. It is the recommendation of the Planning Commission that all of the area lying easterly of the open space designation along the Green River to the S.L. Savidge property, including the MHP zoned property, and excluding the GC zoned property, be designated as Residential. Harris noted that hearings would be held on the Valley Floor Plan in September but it was felt that now was the time to amend the Comprehensive Plan to redesignate the area from Industrial to Resi- dentrial. He referred to the draft Environmental Impact Statement on the pro- posed Amendment and noted that the area in question did contain a historical site, the David F. Neely residence. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. McCaughan questioned whether the area would automatically be zoned Residential if the Council were to approve the proposed Amendment. Harris pointed out that the Amendment to the Plan was merely to designate the change from Industrial to Residential--that any requests for an actual rezone would have to come to the Planning Commission and to the Council. He noted that if the Amendment were approved, it would merely indicate that the area should be zoned Residential. McCaughan stated that while he agreed that the Comprehensive Plan should probably be amended as requested, he had not had the opportunity to review the Environmental Impact Statement and felt he needed time to do this before making any decision. B. Johnson questioned whether there was some time factor involved which required a decision by the Council immed- iately. Dick Moultrie noted that a group of developers had been planning a pro- ject for this area for quite some time and that the Council decision would affect their plans to begin building, since there is only a limited time during the year when weather permits construction on the Valley floor. Mirk pointed out that since the proposed Amendment did require an Environmental Impact Statement the Council should have the opportunity to review it before making any decision and suggested that the matter be continued to the next Council meeting. Dave Uhrich of Upland Industries noted that while he had no objection to the pro- posed amendment in the area where suggested, he did have some concerns. He re- ferred to page 27 of the Environmental Impact Statement, which reads as follows: "BENEFITS OF RESERVING IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PLAN VS. APPROVAL OF THE PLAN AT THIS TIME. If the Comprehensive Plan land use map designation for industrial use, in the subject area, is not changed to residential at this time, then the City will be faced with the potential for industrial development in an area not ideally suited for it. The City desires to contain, to the extent possible, industrial development to the east of West Valley Highway. "The area north of Meeker Street to S. 228th Street and between the Green River and West Valley Highway is developing as a recreational, residential and commer- cial area. By changing the Comprehensive Plan to residential, this trend will continue." He noted that existing industrial development is continuing to the north of S. 228th and already established along West Valley Highway, referring specifically to the Boeing Space Center and the Upland Industries property of approximately 400 acres. He indicated Upland's intent to maintain industrial use of their property. He questioned whether the intent of the City was to change every- thing on the west side of the West Valley Highway from industrial designation, and voiced his objections to this. Masters pointed out that she had attended the Planning Commission hearings and was not in agreement with the proposed Amendment. She noted that the area was annexed to the City almost twenty years ago and that about ten years ago water and sewer LIDs provided service for po- tential industrial development. She pointed out that since the area had been designated for industrial usage for approximately the past 10 years it did not appear necessary to change it now for residential purposes. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be continued to July 3, 1978, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Street explained that since there would not be a quorum present on July 3, the meeting would be continued to July 5. LAND USE Proposed Condominiums. It was noted that at the last meeting a petition was introduced questioning the suitability of construction of condominiums on a curve in the Summit, Alvord, Smith Street vicinity. The petition was referred to the Public Works Committee, and the Committee has scheduled a public hearing for this Council meeting. Mirk explained that the Council's only action was to determine if the Environmental Impact Statement is adequate and that the question of any additional mitigating factors is to be considered solely by the City's building official. Harris explained that, pursuant to the Washington Administrative Code, a public hearing is held when the lead agency (in this case, the City) deter- mines that such a hearing would assist the City in meeting its responsibility to implement the purposes and goals of SEPA, or when 50 residents of the area request such a hearing. He noted that the petition was signed by 44 residents, and that this was significant. He noted that the proposed development consisted of approximately 3 1/2 acres which was zoned MR-M (23 units per acre) and that the development was planned in two phases: one to have access only from Summit Street and one to have access only from 94th Ave. S. He referred to the draft Environmental Impact Statement, referring particularly to pages 11, 12 and 13 covering the impact of the proposal on the environment. The public hearing was declared open by Mayor Hogan. The petition was read into the record and MASTERS MOVED to accept it for the official record, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Clinton Bostwick referred to the surface water problem in the area, noting that the fill material used was inappropriate for the area and noted that such a development would cause severe traffic problems. Concern over the drainage problems were voiced by Ms. Spaulding and Shirley Feroe. Mr. and Mrs. Churchill opined that the increased traffic would be hazardous, and noted that the Public Works Department had inspected the drainage problems in the area several times in the past year. The developer, Mr. Williams, stated that the area had been filled before Sherstad & Williams, Inc. had purchased the property. Jim Goldsmith and the architect for the project explained the plans for sewers and the adequacy of the water flow for fire protection. They noted that the grade difference between Phase I and Phase II of the proposal would not permit any traffic between the two phases, so ingress and egress for each phase would be as specified from one street only, either Summit or 94th Avenue S. Upon questions from the Council, Goldsmith stated that the water problem would be controlled by a retention chamber, and through drainage into Mill Creek. The Soils Engineer stated that this will also handle the water from the springs and noted that the project will be built only on soil suitable for such a project. John Cogan, attorney for Sherstad & Williams, stated he would be available after the meeting to answer questions. It was determined that information was not readily available as to whether fill permits had been obtained when the site was originally filled, prior to ownership by Sherstad & Williams. Mr. Williams noted that the City's Traffic Engineer was satisfied with the traffic plan as proposed. He noted for Mrs. Churchill that the condominiums proposed would be in the medium price range - from $42,500 to $59,000. Bostwick opined that the number of units proposed was too great considering the traffic which would be generated, and the drainage problems. After all who wished to speak had been afforded the opportunity, B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the hearing, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the draft Environmental Impact Statement adequately assesses the impact on the environment. McCaughan seconded. Harris explained that all of the comments made tonight would become a part of the Final Environmental 0 CJ Roy Benish, 23417 100th Avenue S.E., addressed the. Council and referred to the problem of surface water runoff on his property which has resulted from the development of the nearby Shopping Centers. He noted that while he was not objecting to the development of the property, he did want some assurance that consideration would be given to surface water drainage problems. Will Rydberg, one of the property owners in the property annexation area, referred to the natural creek running through the area and noted that he had observed no measurable increase in water runoff with the shopping center development. He stated that he was in disagreement with the zoning as proposed by the Planning Commission and asked that the zoning be kept as it now is zoned by the County. Harris pointed out that the zoning suggested by the Planning Commission did not result in any measurable decrease in the density requested. Harris also referred to the drainage problems in the area and sug- gested that leaving the stream course open and in its natural state would alle- viate some of the problem. Responding to McCaughan's question, Harris noted the zoning recommended by the Planning Commsion was in conformance to the Kent Comprehensive Plan. There was no correspondence and no further comments were made. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be continued to August 7, 1978, Carey seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Williamson. On May 23, 1978, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application filed by Williamson, etal, for a rezone from R-1, Single - Family Residential, to CC, Community Commercial, 0, Professional and Office, and MR-M, Medium Density Multi -Family Residential zoning. The subject property encompasses 12.9 acres lying south of S.E. 240th Street, east of 100th Avenue S.E. The northwestern 2.23 acres of the site is proposed for "0": the north- eastern 3.45 acres for "CC"; and the southerly 7.22 acres for "MR-M." The Planning Commission recommends that the rezone application be approved as follows: "CC" zoning from the easterly boundary adjacent to the Belanick property to the center of 102nd Avenue S.E.; "0" zoning from 102nd Avenue S.E. to 100th Avenue S.E.; "MR-G" zoning for the southern half of the property with the following conditions: 1) Driveway access within the "CC" area be restriced to coincide with the alignment of 102nd Avenue S.E. (limited to right-hand turns exiting only.) That 102nd Ave. S.E. be carried through to cul-de-sac a minimum of 30 feet wide and 100th Ave. S.E. be developed into a full street 36 feet wide with curb to curb improvement. 2) Cul-de-sac to be as shown on display map. 3) A storm water drainage plan for the site shall be subject to review and approval by the City Engineering Department and shall comply with the conditions of King County Ordinance No. 2281 or applicable City version. Harris explained that the area was annexed to the City in 1977 and was zoned Single Family Residential (R-1). The final Environmental Impact Statement has been compiled and distributed. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. The Clerk read a letter from Clark, Frances and Lois Williamson, requesting that the rezone be withdrawn from tonight's agenda and heard on November 6, 1978. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter for the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. 0 ►- X Mr. Rheinholt, attorney for Dr. Ranniger and the Williamsons, stated that the � U_ Lh Williamsons owned the major portion of the area in question, that they di not I_ agree with the recommendations of the Planning Commission, and wanted some °w o time to reconsider the matter. He stated that they wished to have a traffic 0 w expert study the area to determine whether they should ask for an intersection UJ W z to be made at James and 102nd Avenue S.E. through an LID. 0 James Curran stated that he represented ABC Properties, owners of Lot 3 (the easterly 5 acres) and that his client was satisfied with the Planning Commis- sion recommendations, and suggested that this portion of the area be deleted from the Williamson portion so as not to delay the matter. Mirk noted that in order to do this, the ABC portion would have to be reconsidered by the Planning Commission, and that Rheinholt's request could be handled by denying the rezone without prejudice. B. JOHNSON MOVED to close the hearing, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED to refer Lot 3 of the parcel back to the Planning Commission for a hearing on this portion only and to deny the rezone application request for the remainder of the parcel without prejudice. Carey seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION LID 287 - 94th P1. S. Sewers (S. 218th-S. 212th). The public hearing on the Preliminary Assessment Roll for LID 287, 94th Place So. Sanitary Sewers, is scheduled for this meeting. Public Works Director Ulett described the proposed project in the vicinity of 94th Place S. north of S. 218th Street and noted that the estimated cost was $232,639.02, which included construction costs, easement acquisition, and other related costs of the project. He explained the method of calculating the assessments for each parcel. The public hear- ing was opened by the Mayor. Reverend Everett Ostrom, 21425 - 94th Place So., asked several questions. Ulett explained that this was the first formal proposal to the Council, that prior meetings with area residents were informal information -gathering meetings, and that the proposal before the Council tonight was the one favored by the majority of the property owners. He explained the method of assessing the property owners on a per lot basis plus an area charge. In response to Ostrom's further question, Ulett noted that those parties who expressed no opinion either for or against the improvement were considered to be in favor of the project. Ostrom contended that many of the property owners were not aware of what was being planned. Ulett responded by noting that all property owners were sent a copy of the notice of this hearing, together with a copy of the assessment costs to be considered against the property. The Clerk noted that two letters of protest had been received. A letter was read from Harold Coleman, noting that the property for which he had been assessed had been sold to Karla Ingram in 1974. A letter was read from Karla Ingram also, both letters protesting the assessment against the property and against the project. MASTERS MOVED that the letters be made a part of the record, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Street explained the proposed method of financing the project by the sale of LID bonds, payable over a ten year period. There were no further comments, and CAREY MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Council, meeting as a Committee -of -the -Whole, meet with the protestors at 7:30 p.m., Monday, June 26, 1978. Carey seconded. Motion carried. LID 283 - Streets, Sewer and Water - S. 220th, S. 216th and 72nd Avenue S. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2102 ordering the improvements and creating LID 283. KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2102 be adopted, Carey seconded. It was noted that Mr. and Mrs. Barnier had attended the work session held June 12 and raised questions concerning their assessment. It was pointed out that they had not submitted a written protest prior to or at the preliminary hearing. Mirk noted that no protests had been filed at the time of the hear- ing and if any had been, the City Council would then have referred the matter to the Committee -of -the -Whole to meet with such protestors. Barnier was pre- sent and noted that he had consulted with the City Clerk regarding the assessment notice she had sent and it had been verified, but Barnier stated that he had not received the notice. He stated that he had attended prelim- inary meetings held while the formation of the LID was under discussion. In response to B. Johnson's question, Mirk noted that the open space designation for land was for tax purposes only and did not affect LID assessments. Regard- ing Barnier's statement that he had not received the letter, Mirk noted that he had been in contact with Mr. Barnier's attorney regarding the assessments prior to the June 5 preliminary hearing and contended, therefore, that Barnier was aware of assessments for the LID. McCaughan opined that he was uncomfort- able about assessments levied on land designated open space. Motion carried. Kent Valley Industrial Park Plat. Three lots in the Kent Valley Industrial Park Plat have been short platted as Kent Valley Short Plat No. 1. The origi- nal plat provided utility easements across Lots 39 and 40 for future extension of water and sewer. The developer of the Short Plat wishes to substitute another easement for the existing easements so that a new building can be constructed, which is acceptable to the Public Works Department. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the utility easements across Lots 39 and 40 of Kent Valley Industrial Park Plat be released when the acceptable substitute easement is received by the Public Works Department, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. r�• Norpac Industrial District #1 - Bill of Sale. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for improvements in the Plat of Burlington -Northern Norpac Industrial District #1, consisting of streets, storm drains, sanitary sewers and water mains, as constructed by Frank Coluccio Construction Company. KITTO MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the said improvements, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Meadow Lane Plat - Bill of Sale. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for water mains and sanitary sewers construc- ted by Mac -Land, Inc. in the Meadow Lane Plat. CAREY MOVED to accept the docu- ments and for the cash bond to be released after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. WATER Request for Water Service. A letter was read from Polly Wilson, Board of Directors, Crestview Tracts No. 3, regarding the possibility of connecting the water system servicing the Crestview Addition to Kent on the east side of 112th Ave. S.E. on both S.E. 284th and S.E. 286th to the Kent water system. KITTO MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works De- partment, Masters seconded. Motion carried. LID 286 - 76th Ave. So. Water Mains. It was noted that the Council, meeting as a Committee -of -the -Whole, reviewed the protests of Central Premix and that of the Brooks brothers. It was determined that Central Premix is not being assessed for property which already has water service, and that this protest should be denied. The protest of the Brooks brothers notes that since their land is in open saace, that they cannot be benefitted by the LID at the present time. The City Attorney has been asked to comment on this. Mirk stated that the current use of the property had nothing to do with LID assessments; that the question was whether the property would be benefitted by the proposed improvement. Harris noted that he had sent copies of the Brooks' open space agreement to the Council, and opined that the staff should advise the Council when open space requests were pending, so that the exact location of such parcels would be known when LIDS were proposed. He stated that some open space requests might not be granted if they were known to be in an area proposed for an LID. Mirk stated that open space designations were not a tax write-off, but were merely a tax deferral. KITTO MOVED to deny the protests, and to instruct the City Attorney to prepare the ordinance to create LID 286, Carey seconded. Motion carried. West Hill Kent Springs Pump Stations #3 and #4. Swain Construction Company has requested a change order for additional work in the amount of $550.00 for the addition of two steel doors which will facilitate future maintenance and can be funded from present project funds. The Public Works Committee has reviewed the said change order and in accordance with their recommendation, KITTO MOVED that Change Order No. 2 in the amount of $550.00 be approved, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. River Front Park Apartments - Bill of Sale. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for water mains on South 259th Street from the existing fire hydrant 1 1/2 blocks east of Central to a distance of 670 feet east, constructed by Overson Construction Company. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the City accept the documents and for the cash bond to be released after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, Carey seconded. Motion carried. River Front Park Apartments - Late Comers' Agreement. The Engineering Depart- ment has received a request from Overson Construction for a Late Comers' Agree- ment for the water main extension constructed for the River Front Apartments on South 259th Street east of Central Avenue. The Engineering Department is of the opinion that the Overson Construction line is eligible for a Late Comers' Agreement and recommends preparation of such agreement. KITTO SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Norpac Division No. 2. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for water main extension on South 180th Street from 80th Avenue S. to 1300 foet west of 80th Avenue S. and sanitary sewers on S. 180th Street from 80th Avenue S. to 1220 feet west of 80th Avenue S. con- structed by Morris Construction Co. and recommends acceptance. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City accept the Bill o.f Sale and Warranty Agreement for the utility extensions in the Norpac Industrial Park Division No. 2, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. Water Main Relocation - S. 259th Street & Milwaukee Railroad - Bill of Sale and Supplemental Agreement. The water line relocation at S. 259th Street and the Milwaukee Railroad has now been completed by Como Contractors. A Supplemental Agreement to the original Bill of Sale covering the new property description has been executed. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the water line relocation under the original Bill of Sale and Supplemental Agree- ment. CAREY MOVED for acceptance and for cash bond release after payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. 124th Avenue S.E. 3,500,000 Gallon Joint Use Reservoir - Kent/Water District #111. Bert Robison Construction Co., Inc. has completed Schedule B of the Joint Use 124th Avenue S.E. Reservoir. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the project. KITTO MOVED that the Bert Robison Construction Co., Inc. contract be accepted as complete and that after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, the retainage be released. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. STREETS Intersection Improvement - LID Request. A letter was read from Clark and Frances Williamson requesting that an LID be formed for the improvement of a signalled intersection at S.E. 240th Street and 102nd Avenue S.E. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from Dan E. Ranniger, M.D., asking for the formation of an LID to accomplish the following changes: 1) Widening of James Street to provide for a fifth (turn lane) continuously from 100th Avenue S.E. to 104th Avenue S.E. 2) Construction of a proper street on 102nd Avenue S.E. from S.E. 239th Street to S.E. 242nd Street. 3) A traffic signal light at the intersection of 102nd Ave. S.E. and James Street. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Cedar Street. A letter was read from Thomas Waller, 422 Hazel Avenue North, noting that he wished to sell a portion of property which he owns on Cedar Street which does not conform to the City's basic requirements. MASTERS MVOED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Kent -Des Moines Road. Street noted that a hearing had been held before the State Senate Safety Committee regarding this proposed project and that responses had been heard both for and against. He noted that following the hearing, he had contacted Spellman, who had promised an answer to the City by last Tuesday. No response has as yet been received. He noted further that Mayor Hogan had attended a meeting in Jack Lynch's office, at which time she was informed that Spellman's office would be responding by Wednesday or Thursday of this week. He suggested that the Council authorize the Mayor to request the State to withhold funding of the SR 516 project from the Reith Road to the West Valley Highway until an answer is received from Spellman's office regarding the appli- cation for a Shorelines Permit. CAREY SO MOVED, McCaughan seconded. In response to Masters' question, Mayor Hogan noted that if the next meeting is held within a few days she would personally deliver the request to Olympia. Motion carried. Reith Road Pit Site. The proposed plan to remove the rock to be used on the extension of the Kent -Des Moines Road was reviewed. The Administrator was directed to have a public hearing on this matter and to have a representative of the State Highway Department in attendance. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the public hearing on the excavation of the Reith Road Pit Site be held at 7:00 p.m. Monday, June 26, 1978. Carey seconded. Motion carried. 84th Avenue (EVH) Street Improvement - S. 212th to S. 192nd Project. The Engi- neering Department has received an estimate in the amount of $55,500 for the track crossing and upgrading of signals near South 208th Street from Burling- ton -Northern. The Engineering Department recommmends this estimate be accepted and construction and maintenance agreements be prepared. McCAUGHAN SO MOVED and for the petition to be processed with the Washington Utilities & Transportation Commission. Carey seconded. In response to Masters' question, Street noted that the $55,500 figure was the best estimate available at this time. Motion carried. Six Year Comprehensive Street Program. The City Attorney introduced Resolu- tion No. 845 adopting the 1979 through 1984 Revision of the City of Kent's Six Year Comprehensive Street Program and Arterial Street Comprehensive Pro- gram. KITTO MOVED that Resolution No. 845 be adopted, B. Johnson seconded. Dave Uhrich of Upland Industries referred to item #18 of the Comprehensive Street Plan regarding the S. 196th Street improvement, EVH to WVH, and re- ferred to discussion held at the time of the public hearing regarding prob- lems involved in the construction project, as well as the cost. He noted that until such time as it was determined that S. 196th Street could in fact be im- proved, industrial development planned for the area could not be completed. Ulett pointed out that it was felt the problem could be resolved when it was determined how the 72nd Avenue project would be handled. He also noted that if it was not put on the plan at this time it could not be added later, and further, the fact that it was included did not mean that it definitely would be done. Masters stated that she could see no justification to including it in the plan and opined that there might be some engineering problems which could never be overcome. She stated that she felt that it should be deleted at this time. Motion carried, with Masters voting nay. SIDEWALKS Sidewalk Ordinance. A proposed sidewalk ordinance was discussed at the work session held June 12, 1978. Several alternates concerning widths of sidewalks and policy were presented. This subject should be discussed and the admini- stration directed to prepare an ordinance. The suggested date of the workshop discussion is June 26. TRAFFIC CONTROL South Second Avenue. The Public Works Committee considered the request for a four-way stop at S. Second Avenue and W. Crow Street, and rejected the request as not being justified. A letter advising of the action has been sent to the petitioners. STREET VACATION S. 206th Street. A petition for the vacation of a portion of S. 206th Street east of the Burlington -Northern right-of-way has been received. KITTO MOVED that the City Attorney prepare the necessary resolution setting the hearing for August 21, 1978, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CONDEMNATION Kent Memorial Park Watermain Intertie Easement. The Engineering Department and the City Attorney have been unable to obtain an easement across the property located at Jason Avenue, 361 feet north of East James Street, owned by the Verla D. Little estate, whose guardian is Glenna R. Little. In accordance with the recommendation of the Engineering Department, KITTO MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary condemnation ordinance for the next Council meeting for the Kent Memorial Park Watermain Intertie project. Carey seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Pacific Northwest Bell. A claim against the City of Kent in the amount of $460 for alleged damage to underground cable located at 15629 Kent-Kangley Road in Kent has been filed by Pacific Northwest Bell. The claim contends negligence on the part of the Kent Water Department. On the recommendation of the City Attorney, KITTO MOVED that the claim of Pacific Northwest Bell in the amount of $460 be denied, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. CABLE TELEVISION C.A.T.V. Extension in New Areas. A proposal from Jim Hurd to require that con- duit for C.A.T.V. be required in each new subdivision was discussed at the last work session. It was agreed that until the two present operators have submitted their proposed extensions the proposal be held in abeyance. POLICE DEPARTMENT Public Bid Auction - Surplus Vehicles. Equipment Rental will offer excess old police vehicles for sale to the general public on a sealed bid basis to deter- mine the highest and best bid per item. The units are as follows: Unit #70 1976 Dodge Monaco Unit #71 1976 Dodge Monaco Unit #72 1976 Dodge Monaco Unit #73 1976 Dodge Monaco Unit #74 1976 Dodge Monaco Unit #75 1976 Plymouth Fury Unit #76 1976 Dodge Monaco Unit #77 1972 Ford Torino APPOINTMENTS Board of Park Commissioners. Mayor Hogan proposes to reappoint Beverly Schlaeppi to the Board of Park Commissioners. Her new term will expire June, 1981. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor's reappointment of Beverly Schlaeppi to the Board of Park Commissioners be approved, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. Arts Commission. The Mayor proposes to appoint three persons to the Kent Arts Commission, as follows: Sally Couch Fill unexpired term of Marie Crew (10/79) Janis Thompson Fill unexpired term of Pat Crawford (10/79) Alan Bentz Fill unexpired term of Wes Soderberg (10/81) CAREY MOVED to confirm the Mayor's appointments, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. COUNCIL COMMITTEES Public Works Committee. Kitto noted that the Public Works Committee would meet on Wednesday morning, June 21, at 8:15 a.m. Public Safety Committee. Masters noted that a meeting of the Public Safety Com- mittee would be held on Tuesday morning, June 20, at 8:15 a.m. TRAVEL EXPENSE Travel Expense Policy. The Finance Committee at its last meeting discussed the matter of travel expenses, and particularly whether elected officials are governed by the same policies as other City employees. It is the opinion of the Finance Committee, after reviewing the travel expense policy and travel expense advance policy in the City Policies and Procedures Manual, together with Ordinance No. 1818, that all persons, whether elected or appointed, are deemed to be "employees" of the City. At the Mayor's request, KITTO MOVED that the matter be referred to the workshop meeting of July 10, 1978, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE Budget Review Committee. Mayor Hogan and Council President Carey noted that the following persons are proposed for a Citizen Budget Review Committee (formerly 106 o Tax Lid Review Committee) : Bill Elliott Dave Leonard Dr. Barnier Dr. Drangsholt Bert Locke Tom O'Connell Judy Stiles CAREY MOVED that the appointments be made, Masters seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the bills received through June 20, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of June 30, 1978 be paid, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of June 12, 1978 are as follows: Current Expense $ 1,058.47 Mayor 33.25 Administrator 167.00 Non -Departmental 30,322.67 City Attorney 1,268.54 Planning 70.90 Police 7,105.60 Fire 2,492.58 Engineering 380.76 Finance 2,064.80 Civil Service 349.13 Fed/State Grant Fd Fund 2,472.32 Parks & Recreation 20,415.98 Library 1,505.33 City Streets 14,814.70 Kent Commons Operating Fd. 605.49 Fed Shared Revenue 9,519.08 Russell Rd Prk Ph. II 1,305.00 Kent Commons Ph. I Con Fund 2,353.28 UAB-12 Central Signal Fund 13,506.15 Smith/Central to 4th 4th Ave. Signals Kent Commons Ph. II Con. Fund 78 Acq & Cons Fund 78 Street Const Fund East Hill Booster Pump Fund West Hill Booster Pump Fund Equipment Rental Housing & Comm Dev LID #280 Sewer Water Garbage Interest Bearinq Warrants 124th/WD #111 Reservoir Chicago Bridge & Iron Bert Robison Construction URS Company LID 280 - Hughes-Ulleland Sewer Skip Jacobson Construction MEETING ADJOURNED: 11:20 p.m. 7,721.00 335.42 60,259.74 49.41 135.84 889.44 21,088.17 21,297.39 512.59 -680.36 2,600.07 12,034.39 48,017.15 $287,432.00 $110,207.38 3,801.23 2,050.05 $116,058.66 2,299.14 $118,357.80 Respectfully submitted, Marie JensLa; CMC City Clerk