HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 04/17/1978 Kent, Washington April 17, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Billie Johnson, Jon Johnson, Just, Kitto and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, and Public Works Director Ulett. Councilpersons Masters and Finance Director Winkle were not in attendance. Also present: Fire Chief Foster, Assistant Fire Chief Freelove, Planning Commissioner Hamilton and URS representa- tive Abed. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the regular meeting held on April 3, 1978 and the special meeting held on April 10, 1978 be approved as printed, Just seconded. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan declaring Saturday April 22, 1978, as Kentridge Bike-A-Thon Day and inviting Kent area residents to participate in this 3rd annual fund raising event sponsored by the Kentridge High School Music Booster Club. The Bike-A-Thon will be held between the hours of 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the Green River Bike Trail. FINAL PLAT Eastridge Division No. 2. A public hearing has been scheduled for this meeting on the Eastridge Division No. 2 Final Plat. Planning Director Harris noted that all requirements for approval had been met and the Final Plat had been signed by Harris and Public Works Director Ulett. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence was received. CAREY MOVED that the hearing be closed, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the Final Plat of Eastridge Division No. 2 be accepted with the conditions of the Preliminary Plat approval, Just seconded. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLATS Uplands Corporate Park Preliminary Plat. On March 28, 1978 the Planning Commis- sion held a public hearing on the Uplands Corporate Park Preliminary Plat, a 12 lot, 33 acre, industrial subdivision lying along the north side of South 228th Street between the West Valley Highway and the Puget Sound Power & Light Company right of way. The Planning Commission recommended approval with condi- tions. KITTO MOVED that the Council set a public meeting date for May 1, 1978 to consider adoption or rejection of the Planning Commission recommendations on the Upland Corporate Park Preliminary Plat, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Kent Vista Preliminary Plat. A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on March 28, 1978 on the Kent Vista Preliminary Plat, a 35 lot residential sub- division located along the east side of 112th Avenue S.E. at S.E. 232nd Street. The Planning Commission has recommended approval with conditions. CAREY MOVED that the Council set a public meeting date of May 1, 1978 to consider adoption or rejection of the Planning Commission recommendation on the Kent Vista Prelimi- nary Plat, Just seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS (Hill) Hill Annexation Ordinance. It was noted that the original property description for the Hill annexation was written by King County Engineering. Following adoption of Ordinance No.2010 annexing the Hill property to the City of Kent, the County acknowledged that an error had been made. In addition, the Boundary Review Board suggested that the Renton and Kent boundary between S. 192nd and S. 180th be con- tiguous. To do this requires that Kent annex the northeast leg of the Valley Freeway interchange. Under policy implemented some years ago, Kent did not expect to go east of the centerline of the Valley Freeway in this area. Since the State law now precludes using the center of a street as a City limit line, it is rea- sonable to match Renton's City limits in this area. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2086, amending Section 1 of Ordinance No 2010 of the City of Kent, and establishing a new legal description for the Hill annexation. CAREY MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2086, Just seconded. Motion carried. Uplands. The Council reviewed the proposed Uplands annexation, which is the former Briscoe School property, at the April 10 work session. Because this annexation is essentially a one ownership annexation, processing of the annexa- tion and zoning procedures can be expedited. JUST MOVED that the proposed annexa- tion is acceptable, that assumption of existing City indebtedness is required, that authorization is granted for the circulation of an annexation petition, that the filing of a notice of intent with the Boundary Review Board is authorized, and that the Planning Commission be requested to begin the initial zoning process. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Newton. The proposed Newton annexation located at approximately S.E. 250th Street and 104th S.E. was reviewed by the Council at the last work session. KITTO MOVED that the proposed annexation is acceptable, that assumption of the existing indebted- ness is required, and that authorization is granted for the circulation of an annex- ation petition, Just seconded. Ulett noted that another 10% petition, the Rowley annexation petition, covering property to the west and almost adjoining the Newton annexation, was received by the City last week. He pointed out that because of the close proximity of this area to the Newton annexation and the size of the area involved, approximately 34 acres, it appeared possible that a single annexation could be put together which could cover the entire area along S. 248th. He noted that this would fill in a substantial part of the City boundary. Ulett advised that he had checked this proposal with the City Attorney and it was determined that there was ample time to give Council consideration to combining the two areas. He recommended that action on the Newton annexation be tabled until after the meet- ing with the initiators of the Rowley annexation is held, and accordingly, JUST MOVED to table action on the Newton annexation until the next Council meeting, B. Johnson seconded. Street pointed out the location of the two proposed annexations on the map. Motion carried. Bartow/Fite. A notice of intention for this annexation which is located north of South 212th Street and east of 92nd Avenue S. has been received and certified as representing 10% or more of the valuation of the area. JUST MOVED that a meeting with the initiators be held at the May 8 Council work session at 7:00 o'clock p.m. , Carey seconded. Motion carried. Contemporary Construction. A notice of intention for this annexation has been received and certified as representing 10% or more of the valuation of the area. McCAUGHAN MOVED that a meeting with the initiators be held at the May 8 Council work session at 7:00 o'clock p.m. , Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION LID 825 - Island Sewer. Upon polling the petitioners of the Island Sewer LID, the response was that 67% of the petitioners elected to proceed with a grant application. In accordance with these results, the City will proceed with pre- paration of the grant application. Rainier Pacific Industries Sewer Service Request. A letter was read from D.W. Morrison of Rainier Pacific Industries enclosing a plan of Rainier Pacific Indus- tries enclosing a plan showing a 17 acre parcel of land on which Rainier Pacific Industries has an offer to purchase for a proposed development for single family housing. The letter noted that the area of land, located in King County but immediately south of the southerly boundary of the City of Kent, is bounded by Military Road on the west, 42nd Avenue S. on the east, S. 268th Street on the north, and S. 272nd Street on the south. The letter further noted that potential serving of the property by the City of Kent for sewer service has been discussed with the Public Works Director, who suggested that the request be made to the Council and particularly to the Public Works Committee. JUST MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. WATER Kent Springs Water Main. The Robison Construction Company, Inc. has requested a change order for additional work in the amount of $763.50, which work involves a water level sensor and time and materials to remove a double casing at Well No. 1. In accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Committee, KITTO MOVED that Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $763.50 for the Robison Construction Company, Inc. be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. LID 286 - 76th Avenue S. Water Main. The Public Works Committee has reviewed the proposed water main LID for 76th Avenue S. and the events pertinent thereto and recommend passage of the necessary resolution to create the local improvement district. Resolution No. 841 was introduced by the City Attorney declaring the City's intent to improve a part of the City by the construction and installation of a 10" water main along the alignment of 76th Avenue So. from S. 208th Street to S. 194th Street, together with lateral 10" mains at S. 206th Street and at the approximate alignments of S. 196th Street and S. 194th Street, creating the said local improvement district, and setting a public hearing date on the Preliminary Assessment Roll for June 5, 1978. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 841, Carey seconded. Motion carried. <aG� STREETS LID 281 - 104th Avenue S.E. Street Improvement. Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. has requested a change order for additional work in the amount of $254.04 relat- ing to the installation of five conductor cables in order to separate phasing pedestrian heads. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Change Order #4 in the amount of $254.04 for Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. be approved, Just seconded. Motion carried. It was noted that Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. has completed the street improve- ment of 104th Avenue S.E. (LID 281) , Southeast 252nd to Southeast 260th Street, and the Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the project. Accordingly, B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. contract for LID 281, 104th Avenue S.E. Street Improvement, be accepted as complete and that after receipt of the necessary releases from the State the retainage be released, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Reith Road Haul Agreement. It was noted that at the last work session the repre- sentative of the Department of Transportation who was to be in attendance failed to appear and as a result the questions relating to the plan to remove gravel to be used on the Kent-Des Moines Road were not answered. The District Engineer for the Department of Transportation has been contacted and informed that the City will submit the questions raised and the answers will have to be forthcoming before approval of the Haul Road Agreement by the City. Kent Area Proposed Street Improvements. A letter was read from Cheryl McGuire, 26505 187th S.E. , objecting to the stand taken by the Mayor and Council with regard to proposed future street improvement projects in the Kent area and the taking of agricultural lands for such purposes. JUST MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC CONTROL Traffic Pre-Emption Equipment. The Traffic Pre-Emption Equipment has now been received from the 3M Company and the Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the equipment contract awarded to said company on November 7, 1977 as complete. CAREY MOVED that the 3M Company contract for the Traffic Pre-Emption Equipment be accepted as complete, Just seconded. In response to McCaughan's question, Ulett noted that this was the OPTICOM system. Motion carried. Jason & Clark Street Traffic Diverters. Mayor Hogan noted that the City Attorney had received a copy of the Court decision on the Seattle traffic diverters and asked for his comments. Mirk noted that basically so far as the City of Seattle was concerned, it was determined that closure of the streets by Seattle was proper. The Mayor then pointed out that the Council had deferred action on its decision regarding the Jason and Clark Street diverters pending receipt of a ruling in the Seattle case and opined that it would now be appropriate to consider the matter at this time or refer it to the next workshop session for discussion before it was returned to the Council for action. She noted that the diverters have not yet been completed as envisioned and that they were a part of the traffic plan that is now being put into operation, which also includes the two-way traffic system on Gowe Street and the proposed improvements to Smith Street. She sug- gested that it seemed appropriate to try the diverters for a period of time to determine their success in accomplishing what they were intended to do--that of maintaining the residential character of that part of Kent and as a part of the overall traffic revision program. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the matter be discussed at the next workshop with action to be taken at the May 1 Council meeting, Carey seconded. Just questioned what new information would be revealed at the next work session regarding the diverters. Mayor Hogan noted that there are now two types of diverters--the one on Jason Street which completely cuts off traffic and the one on Clark which allows the traffic to move through the area slowly. She suggested that three options remain open to the Council: 1) to remove the diverters entirely; 2) leave them as they now are; or 3) modify them in some manner. Just asked that new traffic counts be available for the work session and Street noted that an attempt would be made to have this information available. Motion carried. REZONES Okimoto Rezone. It was noted that the agreement required by the Council on the Okimoto rezone has been received, approved by the Attorney, and upon his recom- mendation, signed by the Mayor. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2087 rezoning that property consisting of approximately 27.93 acres, lying south of Meeker Street between Russell Road and 64th Avenue S. (extended) and known as the Okimoto rezone, from RA to MR-M and CC. KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2087 be adopted, Just seconded. Motion carried. Jay K. and Jeanne Anderson Rezone Request. On March 28, 1978 the Planning COmmiS- sion held a public hearing on an application filed by Jay K. and Jeanne Anderson for a rezone from R-1, Single Family Residential, to MR-M, Medium Density Multi- Family Residential, for property lying south of S.E. 248th Street, 1300 feet west of 116th Avenue S.E. , and encompassing approximately 9.58 acres. The Planning Commission recommended that the application as submitted not be approved, but that the northerly one-half (1/2) remain R-1, Single Family Residential, and that the southerly one-half (1/2) of the rezone request be approved for MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential, with the following conditions: 1) The applicant shall show, to the satisfaction of the Public Works Department and Fire Department, that the property can be adequately served with sanitary sewers and water. 2) A street system for this general area (S.E. 248th Street to S.E. 256th Street, 104th Avenue S.E. to 116th Avenue S.E.) be planned, and the applicant deed to the City all the proposed rights of way which are located on the property. 3) Drainage will comply with King County Ord. No. 2281 or appropriate City ordi- nance. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the proposed rezone on the map. He also referred to condition No. 2 regarding a street circulation system to be worked out for the area and the acquisition of rights of way for such streets. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. In response to McCaughan's question, Harris noted that the Comprehensive Plan generally provided for multi-family dwellings in the area. Responding to Mayor Hogan's question, Ulett noted that the City presently has a water system on S.E. 256th but that the only water available on S.E. 248th was that furnished by the East Hill Com- munity Well Company from a small diameter line. He stated that it was expected sewer service would be provided by a gravity system coming to the south but might require some offsite construction off Mr. Anderson's site. Mayor Hogan questioned whether the line served by the East Hill. Community Well Co. would be adequate to satisfy the requirement of the Planning Commission and Ulett noted that this would be dependent upon the use of the line. He explained that mul- tiple family dwellings would probably require extending a line along SE 248th from 116th Avenue S.E. back or perhaps all the way from 104th S.E. to 116th S.E. He pointed out that the main problem with the East Hill Community Well Co. line and system was the lack of any storage except for a few hundred gallons under pressure. There were no further questions and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the request for change of zone for the northerly one-half of the property be denied, and the request for change of zone for the southerly one-half of the property be approved with the conditions as set forth above. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Team Research & Engineering and Upland Industries Corporation. A public hearing was held on March 28, 1978 by the Planning Commission on an application filed by Team Research & Engineering and Upland Industries Corporation for a rezone from M-1, Industrial Park, to M-2, Limited Industrial, zoning. The property in ques- tion encompasses approximately 13.4 acres lying north of S. 228th Street, immediately east of 72nd Avenue S. extended. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezone request. Planning Director Harris pointed out the loca- tion of the rezone area and noted that on May 1 the Council would be hearing the Uplands Corporate Park Preliminary Plat located in that vicinity. He noted that Team Research & Engineering was now in the process of constructing 72nd Avenue S. or obtaining permits for that development, and that the Planning Commission was of the opinion that the requested zoning was logical for the area involved. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission be accepted and the request for change of zone be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Lyman Higgins. An application filed by Lyman Higgins for a rezone from GC, General Commercial, to MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential zoning, was heard by the Planning Commission on March 28, 1978. The subject property lies north of West James Street approximately 200 feet west of the West Valley Highway and encompasses approximately 1.04 acres. At its hearing, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezone request. Harris pointed out the location of the proposed rezone and noted that it would be consistent with past rezones from GC to MR-M in that area, which includes the Court I and II Apartments, as well as a mobile home park. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Chris Lieper, of All Points Realty, addressed the meeting on behalf of the applicant and noted that he was in attendance to answer any questions regard- ing the requested rezone. There were no further comments and no correspon- dence has been received. JUST MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the request for a change of zone be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. McLean & Associates. A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on March 28, 1978 on an application filed by McLean & Associates for a rezone from HC, Highway Commerical, to GC, General Commercial, for property lying on the west side of Pacific Highway S. approximately 300 feet north of S. 240th Street. The subject property encompasses approximately 2.11 acres. The Plan- ning Commission recommended approval of the requested rezone. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the property in question and noted that the property was zoned HC, Highway Commercial, with the adoption of the Zoning Code in 1973. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the requested rezone be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Ruth E. Chadwick. Receipt of a claim from Ruth E. Chadwick in the amount of $35,000.00 was noted for alleged injuries sustained while Ms. Chadwick was participating in a Parks & Recreation program. Upon the recommendation of the City Administrator and City Attorney, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the claim be forwarded to the City's insurance carrier, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Charles Norris Marringer. A claim has been received from Charles N. Marringer in the amount of $25.82 for charges incurred in towing his automobile from a roadway which had given way. On the advice of the City Administrator, McCAUGHAN MOVED to acknowledge receipt of the claim and refer it to the City Attorney for investigation, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. Puget Power Claim. A claim received from Puget Power was read at the April 3 Council meeting and referred to the City Attorney. The amount of the claim is $154.52 and the Water Department has reported that they did dig up a line near 4515 South 263rd Street and are responsible for the break. JUST MOVED that the City pay this claim directly, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried, with Carey abstaining. Pacific Northwest Bell. On January 30, 1978, a Sewer Department employee damaged a buried phone cable. The Sewer Superintendent recommends payment of the claim. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the claim of Pacific Northwest Bell in the amount of $85.60 be paid, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. LIBRARY BOARD The Mayor proposes to appoint Jack Meredith to the Library Board to fill the unexpired term of Ronald Johnson, which term will expire in December, 1982. KITTO MOVED that the appointment of Jack Meredith to the Library Board be approved, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ARTS COMMISSION Resignation. A letter has been received by the Mayor from Wes Soderberg announcing his resignation from the Kent Arts Commission due to a conflict in scheduling. His present term will expire in October, 1981. KITTO MOVED that the letter of resignation of Wes Soderberg from the Kent Arts Commission be accepted with regret, Just seconded. Motion carried. Kent Commons. A letter was read from Jerry Allen, Visual Arts Coordinator, King County Arts Commission, informing Mayor Hogan that the King County Arts Commission has approved the request from Kent for the sum of $450.00 to match the $450.00 allocated by the City of Kent Arts Commission for a circular tapestry designed by Marie Reister, Sharon Moskowitz and Cheri Uher to be displayed in the Kent Commons building. JUST MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Phase II. McCaughan referred to the time schedule on the Kent Commons Phase II project as previously outlined by Bower & Nyberg and noted that it appeared it was already 3 weeks behind schedule. He stated that he was of the opinion that the contract documents were to be presented by Bower to the Council at this meeting. Street concurred but noted that the contracts were submitted to the Building Department inspectors only last Wednesday and did not include the specifications. He reported that Bower had advised him today that his present plans were to issue the Call for Bids on April 26 or 27, with the bid opening to be held the last week in May and award of the contract scheduled for the lst Council meeting in June. He clarified for McCaughan that the project was not being held up at the City level--that the original schedule provided for three weeks for the City to review the plans and now that review must be accomplished in eight or nine days. He further noted for McCaughan that no Council action could be taken against the architect for his delay in the time schedule for the project. McCaughan opined that the Council should be aware of the project being behind schedule. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kent Commons, Phase IB Cost Over-runs. It was noted that at a recent Council workshop, discussion was held for consideration of a project under $50,000 to be submitted to Housing & Community Development. At that time, preliminary eligible cost over-runs on Kent Commons, Phase IB, were presented and are now recommended for the project to be submitted by Kent for funding. An amended statement showing cost over-runs in the amount of $10,045.44 was presented to the Council, together with a financial summary of Phase IA and IB. The Mayor noted that the application must be submitted no later than April 18. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to submit the request for funding, Carey seconded. In response to Johnson's question, it was noted that the matter of top soil had been the subject of discussion at a recent Finance Committee meet- ing and a recommendation was made at that time to approve the amount of $1500 for landscaping. Subsequently, after such approval was given and the landscap- ing was underway, it was determined that it would be necessary to include an additional $1,000 item. At Johnson's request, Street explained that the addi- tional work involved included rototilling, hand removal of rocks, and the addi- tion of 6" of top soil. The Parks Department advised that they could not do the work for the amount involved and since the D.J. Hopkins Company was about to finish the project, it was necessary to approve the additional amount to allow the Hopkins Company to complete the work and finish the landscaping portion of the project. Mirk questioned the $1300 item listed as a Building Department requirement for lowering the drinking fountain and noted that he had talked with Building Inspector Howard Gorst about this matter. Gorst informed him that he had advised the contractor that the drinking fountain was too high to meet the requirements for handicapped persons before it was installed. Mirk opined that the City should not have to bear the cost of this item since the contractor was aware of the requirement. Street determined that the item had been removed but stated he would verify this fact. Motion carried. Block Grant Housing Repair Program. A letter was read from Peter Shepherd, Coordinator, Housing & Community Development for King County, regarding plans by the County to improve the Block Grant Housing Repair Program. JUST MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES Convention. It is necessary to designate three delegates as voting delegates to the AWC Convention to be held in Yakima June 13-16, 1978. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Councilpersons Jeanne Masters, B. Johnson and a third member to be named at a later date be designated as voting delegates to the AWC Convention, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT Emergency Use of Kent Vehicle by Medic-1. Valley General Hospital, as lead agency for Medic-1, is asking that each of the provider groups allow the use of an aid car should the Medic-1 vehicle be out of service. This is necessary because the revised budget did not include the purchase of a second vehicle. The City Attorney and Fire Chief have reviewed the proposed contract and it is recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign a contract approved as to form by the Attorney. J. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract drawn by the City Attorney, Carey seconded. In response to Just's question as to the City's liability for the use of such vehicle, Mirk and Foster clarified that the City would loan the vehicle to Medic-1 who would provide the necessary insurance to cover such vehicle and personnel. Foster clarified further for B. Johnson that the City would not loan either of its aid cars. Motion car.-fied. i}r BUSINESS LICENSE Patrick Burke. It was noted that each member of the Council has received a full report on the request from Patrick R. Burke for special consideration to have a business license granted without compliance with the Kent Fire Code. It is re- commended that the Fire/Building Department be upheld in this decision and that Mr. Burke be required to comply with the Code before a business license is issued. JUST MOVED that the request of Pat Burke for special consideration in his business license application be denied, Carey seconded. Mr. Burke addressed the Council and asked to make a clarification of his statement at the April 3, 1978 Council meeting regarding construction of a 24' x 24' building. He noted that he did not intend to imply that the building was actually under construction but in the planning stages only. He referred to conversations between Mr. Stokes and former Kent Building Director Paul Edgerton on the subject of paint booths and sprinklers. He noted that Mr. Stokes was administered a polygraph test on April 15 by John Q. Cooper Associates, professional polygraph examiners, regarding these conversations. The report of the examiners was read by Burke and a copy furnished to the City Attorney and JUST MOVED to accept the report of the poly- graph document as part of the record, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Burke contended that the City was misrepresented by its former Building Director Edgerton and that this misrepresentation drastically affected the outcome of his proposed business venture. He also quoted from sections of the City's Fire Code which he maintained lead to the disapproval of his request for a business license by the Kent Fire Department. Burke maintained that the provision of the Code providing that spray painting must be conducted in a spray booth was not policed efficiently and further opined that spray painting was not the hazard the Code implied. He suggested that the Council give further consider- ation to this Code and its effect on business ventures of the type he has in mind. Kitto stated that it was his opinion that the Council must accept the report given by the City staff regarding Mr. Burke's application since it is dealing with a Code that is in existence and whether or not that Code needs modification, as Burke contends, is a separate issue. The motion to deny the request carried unanimously. URBAN DEVELOPMENT Phase Development Program. Mayor Hogan noted that it was time the Council con- sidered some phased development for the Green River Valley, either at the Council workshop on the 24th or at a special Council meeting if necessary. She explained that she had attended her first meeting of the King County Sewerage Plan Committee, which is made up of Sewer District Commissioners from the County and representa- tives of the various Cities in the County, and that the Committee was expected to approve a King County Sewerage Plan within 90 days from March 30, or approxi- mately the end of June. She noted that this Plan is theoretically based on a King County Land Use Plan and puts the City in a position whereby the County, by law, has the right to develop a plan for the entire King County area, includ- ing incorporated areas. She noted further that this would mean those cities and districts involved would be expected to submit existing sewerage plans, indicating the location of lines that are to be put in, and all of this informa- tion will be put together into one plan to be taken to the King County Council for review and possible amendment. She expressed her concern over the fact that the City has handled over 100 acres of development in the area during the past year, which is about all the City can physically handle with present staff. She questioned how the City could realistically cope with more demands for development and referred to Spellman's announcement of an agricultural bond issue which may come before the voters in September or November, if approved by the King County Council. She noted that passage of such a bond issue would enable the County to buy the development rights on prime agricultural land in the County, including some in the City of Kent, and felt that it was imperative for the City to develop a phased development plan for the Valley immediately. She pointed out that unless the City was on record as having a plan for develop- ment in the area, we would be unable to cope with the requests for development that were sure to be forthcoming. The Mayor also noted that several of the sewer districts had expressed concern about commitments they had made to extend lines and anticipated service areas. Planning Director Harris noted that it was also time for the Council to review the "201 Wastewater Facilities Plan", since this plan shows the sewer lines being proposed for extension to different areas of the City and is pertinent to the King County Sewerage Plan referred to by the Mayor. PUBLIC WORKS COMMITTEE Kitto noted that the Public Works Committee would now meet at 8:00 o'clock a.m. on the Wednesday morning following every regular Council meeting. PARKS COMMITTEE Just noted that the Parks Committee would meet on Tuesday morning, April 18. BUDGET Mayor's Salary Increase Request. Mayor Hogan distributed information sheets show- ing the salaries of various City officials in surrounding municipalities. She asked that the matter of her request be discussed at the April 24 workshop, with Council consideration to be given at the May 1, 1978 Council meeting. FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received through April 18, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of April 28, 1978, be paid. Just seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of April 14, 1978 are as follows: Current Expense $ 35,502.57 Parks & Recreation 54,276.96 Library 1,636.63 City Streets 11,290.34 Kent Commons Operating 175.88 Federal Shared Revenue 110,251.24 Kent Commons Ph. I Construction 129,880.12 UAB-12 Central Signal 16,957.60 Reith Rd/Military 578.79 Smith/Central to 4th 13.10 104th Ave. Street Improvement 7,260.00 124th W.D. 111 Reservoir 87,287. 39 Equipment Rental 6,934.05 Housing & Comm. Development 8,702.77 Firemans Rel & Pension 33.45 Leff Disability 3, 338.92 Sewer 3,761.91 Water 106,037.97 Garbage 44,291.19 $628,210.88 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Betty Gray Deputy City Clerk