HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/27/1978 Kent, Washington March 27, 1978 Special meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 o'clock P.M. by Mayor Hogan. All Councilpersons were in attendance, as were City Administrator Street, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director U1ett, and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson and URS representative Ramsey. It was noted that the proper notice has been given for the special meeting and that the purpose of the meeting is to continue consideration of financing the acquisition of Korry Field. PARKS & RECREATION Korry Field. Mayor Hogan noted the purpose of the meeting and explained that at the Special Council Meeting held 3/23/78 the Council had requested Parks Director Wilson, City Administrator Street and Finance Director Winkle to determine if it would be possible to purchase Korry Field on a long term arrangement. Winkle explained that the only alternative would be to issue approximately $1,500,000 of G.O. inside levy bonds during the next 60 days. He explained that the market was as good at this time as it ever has been. He further explained that if this method were used, there would be sufficient revenue to pay for the Korry Field purchase. Winkle also explained that Wilson and his staff had been preparing income projections for the Parks programs and it was his belief that the figures presented would satisfy the requirements of the Council and show that adequate revenue would be received from the Parks programs. Wilson provided the Council with copies of the Parks Department Increased Revenue Proposal for 1979, showing a total expected increase of $40,942.00 through the various projects. A copy has been placed on file. Wilson stated that it was expected that the money received from King County would be increased from the present $20,000 by approxi- mately $10,000, due to the increased population in the area. Responding to Just's query as to how long it would take to pay for Korry Field, Winkle noted that com- bining the street projects, in the amount of about $1.1 million and about $400,000 for the Korry Field project, the proposal would be for a 20 year bond issue. He noted that the Parks Department presently has about $30,000 in unexpended funds and about $20,000 in riverfront projects funds. He noted that this $50,000, plus an additional $20,000, would meet the down payment requirement for the field. In response to Kitto's qustion as to how the matter would be handled from an accounting standpoint, Winkle explained that it would be through the Parks Department budget, and that part of the funds would be from use of the fees that are collected for the various programs. He explained that the project would be reviewed at each budget season. Kitto asked what would happen if out- side funding were obtained for the project at a later date and Winkle explained that the bonds could be structured so they could be called at an earlier date. He also noted that if the grant were for captial purposes, it could be used to apply directly to the purchase price. Just asked whether the maintenance costs were presently covered under the fees set forth on Wilson's fact sheet and Winkle commented that he did not know at this time but would look into the matter. Kitto questioned whether it had in fact been determined that the street projects which would be part of the bond issue would be $1.1 million. Winkle noted that the total street projects would be about $3,500,000 and the $1.1 million would take the City through 1979. He noted that additional grants might be obtained for the 1980-1981 time frame, or bonds will have to be issued for that time frame. Upon Masters' question, Wilson opined that no difficulty would be experienced in raising the fees since some of the programs reflected a needed adjustment. Masters opined that the citizens had in the past indicated that they did not wish to have their tax dollars used for such a purpose, and suggested that the matter should be resubmitted to the voters. She referred specifically to the fact that the West Meeker Street improvement project was dropped from the list of proposed street projects because of the lack of funding while it was now determined that funds were available to purchase additional park property. Wilson commented that the City needed more than street projects--that park property was also a wise investment for the City's future. Masters stated that there was no guarantee that this additional parks money would be coming in, and referred to the Kent Commons project and the unforeseen change orders related thereto. B. Johnson questioned whether any repercussions would be forthcoming if the soccer fee was increased $2.00 per child. McCaughan questioned whether an investigation had been made as to any County property which might be available for athletic purposes. Wilson noted that none was available at this time but that an attempt was being made to develop the Green River Park for soccer programs. He opined that the cost of development was so great that the purchase of Korry Field would cost approximately the same. McCaughan stated that he could not justify taking prime industrial downtown property from the tax rolls when no attempt has been made to investigate other County properties which might be available in the area. KITTO MOVED to remove the item from the table, Carey seconded. Motion carried. At Masters' request the motion from the special Council meeting of March 23 was read into the record as follows: "CAREY MOVED to authorize the City Administra- tor to negotiate for the purchase of Korry Field for a price less than the amount quoted, B. Johnson seconded. " "After discussion, JUST MOVED TO AMEND the motion with the provision that the citizens should support the project through an in- crease of fees for participants in the recreation programs, Masters seconded the proposed amendment." Just asked that his proposed amendment include the fee schedules as presented by Wilson tonight. The Council concurred with this. Masters opined that there was no guarantee that the people would abide by the fee schedule presented. Just opined that the fees suggested were appropriate for the recreation programs offered. Just's proposed amendment carried, with Masters and McCaughan voting nay. Masters commented that the City should seek a reaffirmation from the public to determine that they wished to be committed to this kind of a debt. B. Johnson and Just opined that the matter would be placed on the ballot for approximately 19,000 residents of Kent only, and ex- pressed the opinion that the raising of the fees would provide for County resi- dents paying their fair share. In response to McCaughan's question, Winkle determined that while the field would be owned by the City, it would in essence, be park property. He also noted that the property could be sold at a later date if the City so wished. Kitto opined that he was satisfied with the figures presented by the Parks Department but felt that it was not a good way to raise money for captial expenditures. On a reverse roll call vote, the motion as amended carried, with Carey, B. Johnson, J. Johnson and :Just voting in favor and Masters, McCaughan and Kitto voting against. Winkle noted that a motion was now needed to authorize him to negotiate with the City's bond consultants for a $1.5 million bond issue. B. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. The special meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Betty Gray Deputy City Clerk