HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/20/1978 Kent, Washington March 20, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Billie Johnson, Jon Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Fire Chief Foster, Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton, and URS representative Abed. Approximately 15 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held March 6, 1978 be approved as printed, Masters seconded. Motion carried. SISTER CITY Kent/Kaibara Town Affiliation. A letter was read from the Mayor of Kaibara announc- ing that he and a party from Kaibara would be visiting in Washington in April and planned to visit Kent on April 4. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that she would conduct a tour of Kent for the group. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Kent Highlands Sanitary Landfill Site. A letter was read from Mayor Royer of Seattle regarding Kent's request that the City of Seattle apply for a new permit for the Kent Highlands landfill. Mayor Royer states that the original permit was granted to Kent Highlands, Inc. , not to the City of Seattle, and that upon completion of the landfill site Kent was to receive 14 1/2 acres of filled land, landscaped for park purposes. The letter further stated that the landfill operation as provided for in Board of Adjustment Resolution No. 59 has not yet been completed and opined that under the terms of Kent's Ord. 1390 no provision was made limiting the permit to a 10 year period. Royer asked that the City of Seattle be given an opportunity to discuss the matter with Kent to reach a satisfactory solution to the problem. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Mayor Hogan noted she had informed Seattle that the deadline for applying for a place on the Planning Commission's April agenda to seek a special use combining district was March 21. She noted that the 10 year period referred to by Mayor Royer was between the City of Seattle and Kent Highlands based upon a 5 year agreement which was extended for five years. She further noted that neither Seattle nor Kent Highlands has asked to extend the time for operating the landfill site. The Mayor pointed out that a study was underway to determine the increased cost for disposing of the City's garbage should a decision be made to close the landfill site. She noted that when these figures were compiled a determination would be made as to whether the site should be closed. B. Johnson opined that the main issue was the odor from the dump, not the cost factor of closing it. Masters questioned whether the odor problem would disappear once the site was closed and B. Johnson suggested that it would take at least 20 years before the odor was gone, and therefore action should be started at once. Jon Johnson questioned whether Seattle would be required to solve the odor problem upon closing of the site and Mirk determined that the cause of the odor has to be first determined. Motion carried. Fire Station #6 Side Sewer Rebid. Two bids were received on this project and the apparent low bidder is Frank Coluccio Construction. Upon the recommendation of the Engineering Department, CAREY MOVED to accept the best bid of Frank Coluccio Construction Co. in the amount of $20,777.50, including tax, J. Johnson seconded. It was noted that while the Coluccio bid exceeds the engineer's estimate, the rebid is $1,356 less than the single bid received in February. Sufficient funds are budgeted to pay for the project. Motion carried. WATER LaBolle Water Easement. It was determined that the LaBolle and two other water easements given for the construction of the 116th Avenue S.E. Water Main have not been paid for and the Engineering Department will prepare the necessary papers to make the payments to the grantors. Kato Outside Water Request. It was noted that the Kato outside water request was denied at the last meeting to allow time for Mr. Kato to determine whether adjacent property owners would agree to annexation, thereby making annexation of Kato's property feasible. Mr. Kato has advised the City that the adjacent property owner, Charlie Waller, is not interested in annexation. The Public Works Director now recommends that the Kato request be granted, subject to City policy. Accordingly, JUST MOVED that the Kato request for water be granted under the provisions of Resolution 822, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Kent Memorial Park Watermain Intertie, Phase I. It was noted that Como Con- tractors, Inc. has completed the construction of the Kent Memorial Park Water Main Intertie, Phase I, and the Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the project. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the project and for the retainage to be paid after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Metro Water Quality Plan. It was noted that Neil Peterson and John Lampe re- viewed the Metro Water Quality Plan. It will be necessary for Kent to adopt a surface water control ordinance and a grading control ordinance. A formal statement indicating to what degree Kent will enter into the areawide plan is to be submitted to Metro before May 31, 1978. Planning Director Harris has been appointed as the contact person for Kent. Transco Pacific Water Line Bill of Sale. A Bill of Sale & Warranty Agreement has been received for approximately 1300' of 10" water main in and near 80th Avenue South, south of S. 259th Street, from Transco Pacific. JUST MOVED that the said water main be accepted and the cash bond released after payment of any City charges, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Request for Water Service. ordinance No. 1776 requires a separate water meter for each building, except for mobile home parks and condominiums, and except where the Council agrees to allow more than one building to be served by a single meter. Transco Pacific has a new shop building and a separate office building at 7915 S. 261st St. and has asked permission for a single meter to serve both buildings. There is only one property involved and the Public Works Department recommends approval of the request. CAREY MOVED that the Transco Pacific request be granted, Just seconded. Motion carried. FLOOD CONTROL Valley Interim Policy and Regulatory Plan & Basin Side Surface Water Management Program Agreement. At the March 13, 1978 City Council workshop session a pre- sentation was given by Mayor Hogan, Jim Harris and Donovan Tracy concerning: 1) the proposed Valley Interim Policy and Regulatory Plan (a 44-week long work program) , and 2) the Basin Wide Surface Water Management Program (a four-year work program) . It is proposed that Kent, Auburn, Renton, Tukwila and King County enter into an agreement which will bring these jurisdictions together to work toward implementation of these plans. An earlier agreement, signed by the four cities and King County, enabled the Planning Directors of these jurisdictions to draw up the proposed Regulatory Plan and Management Program. It is now necessary for the Council to give authorization to the Mayor to sign this agreement. MASTERS MOVED that Kent participate in the Valley Interim Policy and Regulatory Plan and in the Basin Wide Surface Water Management Program and that Mayor Hogan be author- ized to sign the interlocal agreement, Just seconded. Harris explained the funding available for the proposed projects and the potential availability of grant monies to finance the plans. He also noted that the City would be advised of the long range costs for the projects. Motion carried. DRAINAGE Lower Mill Creek Drainage Consultant Selection. The design of drainage facilities in the lower end of Mill Creek Park should be done by a consultant who will take into account both drainage needs and the development of the park property. The staff suggests that proposals be solicited and that a selection committee be appointed consisting of an employee of the Parks Department, an employee of the Engineering Department, a member of the Board of Park Commissioners, a member of the Public Works Committee, and a representative of the Planning Department, to review the proposals and to select a consultant to do the work. The Public Works Committee concurs with this recommendation. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor appoint the Committee as recommended, Just seconded. Motion carried. STREETS Six Year Construction Plan. It was noted that before the joint Kent/Renton S.W. 43rd/S. 180th Street construction project can be considered for UAB funding, it is necessary that the project appear on the City's Six Year Construction Program. The public hearing to amend the Construction Program was opened by the Mayor. Public Works Director Ulett noted that at the last Six Year Street Construction Plan hearing in June, 1977, the S.W. 43rd/S. 180th Street project was listed as item 20, placing the project in the 1981-83 construction period. It has now been determined that as a result of a possible UAB grant of $2,500,000 to Kent and Renton for the $4,400,000 project, the plan must be amended to move the pro- ject to the 1978 construction time frame. Responding to McCaughan's question, Ulett determined that amending the Six Year Construction Plan to reflect this change would cause no problem if the expected UAB funding should be denied. He noted further that the regular public hearing for the Six Year Street Plan would be held again in June. There were no comments from the audience and no corres- pondence has been received. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Attorney be directed to prepare a resolution amending the Six Year Street Construction Pro- gram to place the S.W. 43rd/S. 180th Street project - $4,400,000, in the first 1978 construction time frame. Kitto seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC CONTROL No Parking Areas. The Traffic Engineer has asked for the preparation or ordi- nances to prohibit parking in an area on West Meeker Street in the vicinity of the Ebb Tide Restaurant and an area on 84th Avenue South in the vicinity of S. 192nd to S. 196th Street. In accordance with the recommendations of the Public Works Committee, B. JOHNSON MOVED that the City Attorney prepare the necessary no parking ordinances, Just seconded. Motion carried. SIDEWALKS Meeker Street Sidewalk Repair. The Director of Public Works has submitted a schedule for a project of repairing the Meeker Street sidewalks and it is recom- mended that the project be commenced immediately. B. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Ulett noted for Carey that the project covered sidewalks on Meeker Street from 4th to Central. Motion carried. STREET VACATION Portion of S. 238th Street. It was noted that a public hearing was held on Janu- ary 16, 1978 on the request of Western Farmers Association and Double LSJ for the vacation of a portion of S. 238th Street. The requested vacation was approved and the City Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance after receipt of payment for the land as required by the City. Such payment has now been received and the City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2081, vacating a portion of S. 238th Street, MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2081, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ALLEY VACATION Alley Between Smith and Temperance Streets. On February 21, 1978 the City Council adopted Resolution No. 839 which set the date for a public hearing on a request to vacate a portion of the alley in Block 5, Clark's 2nd Addition, between Lots 1 and 2, and between Lots 7 and 8. Having received input from the other City Departments, the Planning Department recommends that the request be approved with the following conditions: 1) Retain a utility easement for sanitary sewers, such easement to be wide enough for future reconstruction of the sewer line. 2) Retain a storm drainage easement for storm water runoff. Should the pre- sent open drainage ditch be eliminated, the developer of the property shall be required to provide an alternate storm drainage system capable of carry- ing the required storm water flow. This system shall be subject to Engineer- ing Department review and approval. It was noted that one-half of the appraised value of the property is $2,500. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Street clarified that this matter had been before the Council previously but that this hearing is for vacation of about one-half of the amount originally requested to be vacated. He noted that the property owners were in agreement regarding the proposed alley vacation and that the conditions imposed upon the vacation provided the City with the right to enter the area for utility purposes. Street stated that the intended use of the portion of the alley to be vacated was for additional parking space for a proposed restaurant. There were no comments from the audience and the Clerk noted that no correspondence has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2080, vacating a portion of the alley between Smith and Temperance Streets. MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2080, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Grassi. A petition for this annexation certified as representing 750 or more of the assessed valuation of the area has been received. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the 75% petition be accepted, a Notice of Intention to Annex be filed with the King County Boundary Review Board, and the Planning Commission be requested to begin the initial zoning process, J. Johnson seconded. In response to McCaughan's question, Ulett noted that approximately 100' of the proposed annexation fronted on 104th S.E. McCaughan questioned the cost to the City for the improvement of 104th S.E. and the liability of the property owners in new annexations. Ulett clarified that UAB funding was used for a portion of 104th S.E. , together with an LID, a part of which is paid by the property owners, and that this could also be done in any future improvement projects. McCaughan opined that this should be a factor in considering future annexations. Motion carried. Newton. A notice of intention for this annexation has been received and cer- tified as representing 100 or more of the assessed valuation of the area. This proposed annexation is on the west side of 104th Avenue S.E. and adjoins the recently annexed East Hill Tire Co. area. J. JOHNSON MOVED that a meeting with the initiators be held at the April 10 Council workshop session at 7:00 p.m. , Carey seconded. McCaughan again referred to the matter of frontage on 104th Ave. S.E. and the cost involved if 104th S.E. is to be further improved. Ulett noted that he would have the necessary information available for the April 10 work session. Motion carried. CASCADE SEWER DISTRICT ANNEXATION Cascade Sewer District has proposed to annex an area including a portion of Kent located in the vicinity of S. 208th Street and the Valley Freeway. Sewer service for this area can better be provided by the District than the City of Kent. The proposal has been reviewed by the Sewer Superintendent and the City Engineer, as well as the Public Works Committee, and it is recommended that the City sup- port the proposal for annexation. B. JOHNSON MOVED that a letter be directed to Cascade Sewer District and the King County Boundary Review Board noting Kent's approval to the annexation proposed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT Eastridge Divisions #2 and #3. On April 19, 1976, the City Council approved the Eastridge Divisions #2 and #3 Preliminary Plat. Conditions No. 2 and No. 13 of the Preliminary Plat approval state as follows: "2) Do not allow S.E. 232nd Street to be improved as a half street. 13) Prevent vehicular traffic on S.E. 232nd Street in Division #3 until such time that it is a full-width street, but allow pedestrian use of this street." The applicant wishes to modify these requirements, and at the February 6, 1978 meeting the Council considered the request and approved construction of a two- lane street section within the 30-foot right-of-way, (the sidewalk to be moved back to the property line, curbs and gutters to be constructed adjacent to the side- walk, the remainder of the right-of-way paved, and the vehicular section to be approximately 24 feet wide with no on-street parking allowed) . It has now been determined that this action should have been considered as a public hearing item. Such a public hearing has been advertised for this meeting to consider modifying the conditions of the Preliminary Plat approval as requested. The Mayor opened the public hearing and there were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the public hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the applicant's request to modify the requirements be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT East Hill Commercial Tracts Subdivision. A letter has been received from Kent Realty, Inc. requesting a one year time extension for the East Hill Commercial Tracts Final Plat, which may be granted by the Council. CAREY MOVED that the extension of one year to complete the East Hill Commercial Tracts Final Plat be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Cullop Request. A letter was read from Robert L. Cullop requesting the rezone of certain property located on 132 acres north of James Street, intersected by Russell Road and partially bordered by the Green River for a proposed mobile home park. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Planning Commission, McCaughan seconded. Harris noted that this was a matter which must be considered very carefully by the Planning Commission as it would involve a change to the Comprehensive Plan. He noted that the Commission was working on the Valley Floor Plan for which hearings would probably be held in September. Motion carried. TWP Enterprises, Inc. On February 28, 1978 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on an application filed by TWP Enterprises, Inc. for a rezone from CM, Commercial Manufacturing, to M-2, Limited Industrial, zoning. Harris pointed out the location of the proposed rezone, noting that it encompasses approximately 10 acres lying south of S. 218th Street, extending westerly from SR 167, a dis- tance of 630 feet. Harris also referred to various other land uses in the vicinity. He noted that the recommendation of the Planning Commission was to deny the rezone. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audi- ence and no correspondence has been received. In response to Masters' question, Harris noted that the matter of the severe surface water problem was the subject of discussion at the Planning Commission hearing. McCaughan referred to the condition of the road on S. 218th in the vicinity of the proposed rezone and Harris noted that it was a narrow street with a matt paving. He noted further that it was not a street designed for heavy traffic, but was sufficient for residential uses, although the Fire Department favored a paved street with at least 20 feet improved down the center. B. Johnson noted that she had inspected the area recently and noted a large amount of standing water. There were no further comments and B. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted and the request for the rezone be denied, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. APPEAL Orchard Manor Short Plat. On February 23, 1978 the City of Kent Short Subdivision Committee held a meeting to consider the Orchard Manor Short Subdivision applica- tion for property located at 11003 S.E. 248th Street. At that time the applica- tion was denied and the applicant, Alejandro Meneses, is appealing the decision of the Short Subdivision Committee. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Planning Director Harris reviewed the action of the Short Plat Subdivision Com- mittee and pointed out the location of the proposed four lot short subdivision on the south side of S.E. 248th Street approximately 1900 feet easterly of 104th Avenue S.E. He noted that there were no sewer lines in the vicinity and that at least two of the lots would not perc satisfactorily. Harris noted further that the Fire Department had noted the hazard caused by the lack of an adequate water supply to the area. The lack of an adequate street system plan was also dis- cussed and these factors all contributed to the denial of the application. Alejandro Meneses, the applicant, addressed the Council and noted that the water main in the area was a 4" line, instead of the 2" line reported in the Short Plat Committee minutes. He pointed out that he did not plan to build on the lots now but wanted to begin the lengthy process of short platting. He noted that it was his plan to have an adequate water and sewer system before any attempt was made to develop the property. He stated that he would have no objection if the City decided to put streets through his property. Mayor Hogan determined for Mr. Meneses that the denial of the application was based largely on the lack of ade- quate sewer and water facilities. There were no further comments and no corres- pondence. JUST MOVED that the hearing be closed, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the appeal be denied, J. Johnson seconded. Kitto clarified that he was against granting short plat approval on a speculation basis only. Masters opined that approval of this Short Plat would set a pre- cedent. Meneses stated that he had planned to connect to utility lines on the adjacent property when they were completed by the developer. J. Johnson noted that he agreed with the decision of the Short Plat Committee due to 'the lack of an adequate water supply for fire protection reasons and also the lack of streets. Masters opined that if the property adjacent to Mr. Meneses' was going to be developed, perhaps his property could be developed in conjunction with that proposal. Motion carried. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT HUD "701" Funding for Fiscal Year 1979. A letter was read from the Office of Community Development explaining the proposed method of funding from HUD "701" funds for the fiscal year 1979 and setting the date of April 3, 1978 as the date for the various jurisdictions which were prior recipients to submit letters of intent for the funding. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, B. Johnson seconded. The Mayor and Harris clarified that the City was a prior recipient of "701" funds about 10 or 12 years ago for developing the John Graham Compre- hensive Plan for the City. It was noted that the matter would be discussed at the next work session. It was clarified by Masters that no official action could be taken at that time but could be done at the April 3 Council meeting if the Council was interested after receiving Harris's report on the proposed funding and time schedule. Harris determined that this was not a matching fund project but an outright planning grant. Motion carried. PUGET SOUND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS Housing Opportunity Plan. It was noted that at the last work session, a letter from Ed Hudson, President of PSCOG, requesting a letter of approval of the re- vised. Housing Opportunity Plan was discussed. A letter indicating Kent's willingness to participate in the Housing Opportunity Plan under the revised Federal regulations has been requested. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to submit a letter of approval for the revised Housing Opportunity Plan, Masters seconded. Motion carried. POLICE & FIRE Valley Com. A letter was read from Lewis M. Hitchcock, Public Safety Committee Chairman, City of Auburn, inviting the Mayor and Fire and Police Chiefs to attend a series of public meetings beginning April 12, 1978 at the Auburn Police Station at 7:30 p.m. regarding Auburn's participation in the Valley Communications Center. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a matter of record, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT Smoke Detector Ordinance. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2082 relating to the installation and maintenance of smoke detectors in occupancies that are rented, leased or let. MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2082, McCaughan seconded. In response to McCaughan's question, Mirk stated that the City incurred no liability if owners failed to install detectors. He noted that since the City could not inspect the premises, the only way to enforce the ordi- nance was if tenants reported that the owners had not installed the detectors. Motion carried. ANIMAL CONTROL Leash Law. A letter was read from Mr. Huber regarding the problem of dogs running loose within the City. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record and referred to the Public Safety Committee, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. King County Services. It was noted that at the work session, Bill Gerard of King County Animal Control reported on the manner of operation should Kent decide to utilize the services of King County. He noted that they give 24-hour a day service, seven days a week, and the City could save the $10,000 a year subsidy that it now pays. King County will not guarantee any number of hours of service, however. MASTERS MOVED that the matter be referred to the Public Safety Committee for a recommendation sometime this year, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Shelter Service Contract. King County has submitted a new contract for use of the Animal Shelter covering April 1, 1978 to April 1, 1979. Most of the terms of the contract are the same as last year except that the payment for euthanasia service has increased from $50 to $100 per month. It is recommended that the con- tract be accepted and accordingly, JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign an Animal Control Shelter Service contract with King County, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Mark Sheldon Lemburg. The Clerk noted receipt of a claim in the amount of $275.00 received from Mark Lemburg for alleged damages to his vehicle in the parking lot vicinity of the Stop-N-Go Store at 10602 S.E. 256th Street, Kent. MASTERS MOVED that the document be accepted and considered by the Council, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Mirk noted he had reviewed the claim and recommended that it be denied. JUST SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. BEAUTIFICATION 1978 Annual Spring Cleanup Program. The following is the proposed schedule for the City's annual Spring cleanup program: Downtown April 10, 11 and 12 East Hill April 13 and 14 Scenic Hill April 17 and 18 West Hill April 19, 20 and 21 Residents may deposit rubbish into large containers, placed through the courtesy of General Disposal, at the following locations: West Hill National Guard Headquarters 38th Avenue So. & So. 248th Street 6th Avenue & Smith Street The guidelines established for 1976 and 1977 will be followed. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Appointment. Mayor Hogan advised the Council at the last work session that she would appoint Beverly A. Schlaeppi, 25628 Cambridge Drive, to the Board of Park Commissioners. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the appointment of Beverly A. Schlaeppi be confirmed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL Specific approval is requested for travel and registration expense for the Finance Director and Accounting Supervisor to attend the Municipal Finance Officers Con- vention to be held in May in Texas and for the City Clerk to attend the Inter- national City Clerk's Conference in New York. Funds are budgeted to cover the expense but were not specifically identified in the 1978 budget narratives due to the fact that it could not be determined whether work schedules would allow attendance. JUST MOVED that the out of State travel requested be approved, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING Mayor Hogan noted that there will be a special meeting of the Kent City Council at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 23, 1978, in the Council Chambers. The purpose of the meeting will be to consider the financing of various street projects and financing for Korry Field. COUNCIL Public Safety Committee. Masters distributed an agenda for the Public Safety Committee meeting to be held at 8:15 a.m. on Tuesday, March 21. FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before March 20, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held on March 31, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. be paid, Just seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of March 15, 1978, are as follows: Current Expense $ 29,760.07 Parks & Recreation 8, 715.57 Library 320.10 City Streets 4, 387.38 Alcoholic Rehabilitation 948.10 Kent Commons Operating 488.33 Federal Shared Revenue 18,044.06 Russell Road Park, Ph. II 16,691.80 Kent Commons, Ph. I Constrct. 96,204.63 UAB-12 Central Signal 6,184. 30 S. 180th - WVH/EVH 56.67 Kent Commons, Ph. II Constrct. 8,496. 30 k West Hill Booster Pump 111.25 124th/WD 111 Reservoir 39,115. 33 Equipment Rental 5,427.29 Employees Retirement 767.79 Housing & Comm. Devlpmnt 4,571.31 Arts Commission 50.00 Leff Disability 250.00 Sewer 715.85 Water 16,713.24 Garbage 40,246.58 $298,265.95 Interest Bearing Warrants 104th Ave. Street Improvement - LID 281 Pacific Construction Co. $ 43,319.34 Rainier National Bank 2,279.97 $ 45,599. 31 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jerisen, CMC City Clerk