HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/06/1978 �Cf'f i Kent, Washington March 6, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Billie Johnson, Jon Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director Wilson, Traffic Engineer Olson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton, and URS representatives Abed and Ramsey. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES The Clerk noted an omission in the February 21, 1978 minutes on page 17, Lake Fenwick Parking Lot - Bids, and asked that JUST SO MOVED" be inserted after the words " . . .alternates be rejected," . MASTERS MOVED to approve the minutes as corrected, Billie Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Chinberg Request for Outside Sewer Service. Oscar L. Chinberg has requested sewer service at 22631 Military Road. The existing sewer is adequate and annex- ation at this time is not feasible. The Public Works Department recommends approval under the conditions of Resolution 822. JUST MOVED that the Chinberg request for sewer service be granted, subject to the requirements of Resolution 822, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Nyman Request for Outside Sewer Service. Charles F. Nyman has requested Kent sewer service for property on S.E. 223rd Street west of 116th Avenue S.E. An adequate sewer presently exists. Annexation is not feasible and the Public Works Department recommends approval subject to the terms of Resolution 822. J. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. King County Sewerage General Plan. It was noted that King County Executive Spellman has appointed Mayor Hogan to the Review Committee of the King County Sewerage General Plan and that Mayor Hogan has agreed to serve on the said Committee. Dumpster Charges. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2079 amending Ordinance 1933 to provide for changes to General Disposal dumpster charges necessitated by the availability of 4-yard dumpsters. CAREY MOVED that Ordi- nance No. 2079 be adopted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Claim. LID 282 - K-Mart Sewer. A claim in the amount of $1,433.18 has been received from Pipeline Products Co. for non-payment for materials against Skip Jacobson, Contractor on LID 282. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the claim be referred to the Public Works Department since the project has not yet been completed and the required retainage has been withheld by the City. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Des Moines Sewer District Proposed Annexation. The Des Moines Sewer District, by its Resolution No. 1978-9, has approved the annexation of certain areas to their District and have asked for City of Kent approval. It was noted that a portion of the area being annexed is within the Kent service area but not pre- sently served nor anticipated to be served by the Kent sewer system. In accord- ance with the recommendation of the Public Works Department, JUST MOVED that Resolution No. 1978-9 of the Des Moines Sewer District be approved, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Burnstead Construction Co. Sewer System. The Public Works Committee met with representatives of the Burnstead Construction Co. in February to review their request for waiver of the 75-acre and 250 customer minimums for sewage pump stations set by Council motion December 5, 1977. The alternative of construc- ting and operating a private sewerage system was suggested by the Committee. It was noted that Burnstead Construction is to discuss this proposal with the Department of Ecology, after which an amended request may be brought before the Council. Wilson Island Annexation Sewer LID. It was noted that it may be possible to obtain a 90% EPA and DOE grant for this proposed sewer system, but such funding proposal may take an estimated 12 months to determine, during which period of time construction costs will rise. If the grant is not obtained, the increased construction costs will be borne by the LID property owners. The petitioners will therefore be contacted to determine whether they wish to proceed without the grant or delay construction until such a grant determination has been made. `k'/ Meadow Hills Sewer & Water Service. A letter was read from James A. McDermott, Dev-Con, referring to the December 5, 1977 Council meeting at which time it was agreed that sewer and water service would be provided to their plat of Meadow Hills. The letter noted that the sewer service was to be by way of a Cascade Sewer District pressure sewer line adjacent to the Meadow Hills Plat and further, that the District would consider a contract with the City for the use of their line. A request was made to the Council to proceed with such con- tractual agreement at this time. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee for recommendation, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE Bonds - LID 280 - Hughes-Ulleland Sewer. Robert Yeasting of Foster & Marshall presented a proposal to purchase bonds for LID 280 in the amount of $55,665.44 at 6.400. Upon the recommendation of Administration, B. JOHNSON MOVED to accept the proposal and for the City Attorney to draft the ordinance approving the sale of the bonds to Foster & Marshall, Carey seconded. Motion carried. WATER Request for Water Hookups. A letter was read from Edward LaBolle, 11610 S.E. 266th Street, requesting five water hookups to serve his property from the pro- posed water line that is to be constructed along 116th Avenue S.E. The letter further noted that on May 18, 1970 Mr. LaBolle had signed a construction ease- ment for the water line for which he was to be paid the sum of $500 but which amount has not as yet been paid. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the City Administrator for an appropriate response, B. Johnson seconded. Street noted that an investigation was being made as to why the $500 referred to had not been paid. Motion carried. Beck Request for Water Service. Stephen K. Beck and others in the vicinity of 118th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 270th Street have requested Kent water service to replace their present inadequate well service. Annexation is not feasible and the Public Works Department recommends that their request be denied until the 116th Avenue S.E. water main project is under contract. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the request of Stephen K. Beck and others be denied and that following the award of the 116th Avenue S.E. water main construction project, a new request will be considered. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Unruh Realty Request for Water Service. It was noted that the request of Unruh Realty for water service is for a proposed short plat near S.E. 277th Street and 118th Avenue S.E. The water system is inadequate at the present time and annexation is not feasible. The Public Works Department recommends against approval until the 116th Avenue S.E. water main project is under construction. It was noted that this recommendation is contrary to the action taken which allowed water service to the Joseph Tobin property, which approval was based on the erroneous assumption that the 116th Avenue S.E. water main would be con- structed immediately. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the request of Unruh Realty be denied and that a future request be made when the 116th Avenue S.E. water main project is under construction. Carey seconded. Motion carried. _Kato Request for Water Service. Satoru Kato has requested water service for property proposed to be short platted at 94th Avenue S. and S. 228th Street. The Kato property corners on the present Kent City boundary and annexation may be feasible. The water line in the street is not adequate but may be made so with a tie to another main near 96th Avenue S. The Public Works Department recommends denial of the request until annexation feasibility is determined. McCaughan moved that the request of Satoru Kato be denied until the owner has contacted other adjacent property owners to determine whether annexation can be accomplished, Carey seconded. Motion carried. West Hill Pump Stations #3 and #4. Four bids for modification of West Hill Pump Stations #3 and #4 were reviewed at the last Council meeting. JUST MOVED that the best bid of Swain Construction Co. in the amount of $62,800, plus tax, be accepted, subject to approval by DSHS. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Water Revenue Bond Issue. At the last work session a presentation was made by the Finance Director, Director of Public Works, City Engineer and representatives of URS. Apparently the most satisfactory package consisted of completion of the eight projects partially funded by the 1976 Water Revenue Bond Issue and eight new projects listed on page 2 of the Water Project Expenditure Report, a copy of which is on file. The staff has been directed to explore two locations on the West Hill for a possible site for a reservoir. Included in staff direc- tions is a report on the necessary rate structure change to support a bond issue. The projects are as follows: 1976 Continuing Bond Projects 1) Kent Springs Chlorination 2) West Hill Reservoir 3) East Hill Pump Station 4) West Hill Pump Stations 5) 116th Ave. Transmission Main 6) 104th Avenue Water Main 7) W. D. 111 Joint Reservoir 8) Central Avenue Connection Proposed New Projects 1) 98th & 244th Transmission Main 2) 118th & 284th Water Main 3) 256th Avenue Water Main 4) Kent Springs Chlorination, Phase III 5) Upgrade Telemetric Equipment 6) Miscellaneous Service Extensions & Improvement 7) Update Comprehensive Plan 8) Repayment of Federal Loan JUST MOVED for the Finance Director to confer with the City's Financial Consul- tant and Bond Attorney and to report on the actions necessary to fund the above referenced projects. Carey seconded. Storment posed questions from the audi- ence, and Ramsey clarified that portions of the designs prepared for 1976 pro- jects could still be used in other locations. Storment stated that water rates had been increased to support the 1976 bond issue and now some of the same projects were to be completed under the proposed 1978 bond issue, with another rate increase. Street and Abed explained that when the State changed their regulations to give priority to drought related projects, some of the 1976 projects did not qualify for State funds. Motion carried. STREETS Guiberson Street Improvement. Don Cattlett, Guiberson Street property owner, has advised that he intends to institute a private, property-owner financed plan to improve the gravelled portion of Guiberson Street east of Van de Vanter Avenue with rock and asphalt as approved at the last Council meeting. The Public Works Committee has determined that plan review and inspection costs are an obligation of the property owners and will be handled as in all other developer projects. TRAFFIC CONTROL Jason/Clark Street Traffic Diverters. On February 27, 1978 at the Council work session the Mayor and Council, as a committee-of-the-whole, held a pub- lic meeting to receive input concerning the traffic diverters on Jason and Clark. At this workshop meeting, Traffic Engineer Olson showed slides and reviewed the information which had been presented some months previous, and the City Clerk reported on the correspondence and petitions received, both for and against the diverters. The City Attorney gave an opinion that the type of diverters installed was probably illegal. Mayor Hogan opened the meeting to allow for comments from the audience both for and against the diverters, after which the meeting was concluded. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the minutes of the public meeting of February 27 be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded. The City Clerk noted that a letter opposing the diverters was received on March 2, subsequent to the February 27 meeting. MASTERS MOVED TO AMEND the motion to include acceptance of this letter for the record, McCaughan seconded. The amendment to the motion carried. The motion as amended carried. City Attorney Mirk reported that he had been in contact with the City of Seattle regarding their traffic diverters and noted that in one instance the City of Seattle had been sued. The Superior Court ruled that the di- verters were illegal but Seattle has appealed to the Appellate Court. He noted that no decision has as yet been received from the Appellate Court, although one is expected within the next 30 days. He recommended that fur- ther action by Kent be delayed until a ruling is made in the Seattle case. He suggested that if the Appellate Court upholds the decision of the Superior Court in the case involved, the traffic diverters should at that time be removed from Jason Street. JOHNSON MOVED that no action be taken regarding the Jason and Clark Street traffic diverters until a decision is reached by the Appellate Court in the Seattle case, Carey seconded. Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN (72ND AVENUE CORRIDOR) Puget Power Plan. On September 6, 1977, the City Council requested that Puget Power work with the City Engineering Department to produce a plan of sufficient scale to reflect the actual right-of-way they anticipate using. Following receipt of this information, the Planning Commission was to determine if the Puget Power Plan could become a part of the Kent Comprehensive Plan. On February 21, 1978, the Planning Commission determined that the Puget Power Plan should not become a part of the Comprehensive Plan but should be main- tained by the Planning Department and Public Works Department as background information and should be updated annually. FINAL PLAT Parkside Division #2. The Final Plat of Parkside Division #2 has been signed by the Director of Public Works and the Planning Director. The public hearing required under the terms of the Subdivision Ordinance was opened by the Mayor. George Cook, of Subdivision Management, representing Wick Homes, the developer, noted that the development was near completion. In response to Billie Johnson's question, he noted that drainage problems in the area had been resolved. There were no further comments and no correspondence has been received. KITTO MOVED that the public hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the Parkside Division #2 Final Plat be accepted with the same condi- tions contained in the Preliminary Plat approval, Just seconded. Motion carried. SHORT SUBDIVISION APPEAL Orchard Manor. Receipt of a letter from Alejandro 0. Meneses was noted regarding his recent attempt to short plat a portion of property at 11003 S.E. 248th, which application was subsequently denied by the Short Plat Committee. Mr. Meneses is appealing that decision. In accordance with the recommendations of the City Administrator, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the letter be accepted and a public hearing be held on March 20, 1978 on the appeal, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATION Osborne No. 3. A notice of intent for the Osborne No. 3 annexation has been received and certified as representing 100 or more of the valuation of the area. The proposed annexation is located in the vicinity of S.E. 260th to S.E. 264th Street on both sides of 104th Avenue S.E. KITTO MOVED that a meeting with the initiators be held at the March 27, 1978 workshop, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Human Resources Planning for Local Government Conference. A letter was read from Kenneth Hertz, Mayor of Bellingham, inviting Mayor Hogan to participate in a con- ference to be held in Bellingham on March 22 and 23 concerning HUD Block Grant proposals, co-sponsored by the AWC, the Washington State Association of Counties and Western Washington University. It was noted that the Conference is funded with Title I Higher Education Act funds. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Carey seconded. In response to Masters' question, the Mayor noted that the cost for attendance at the Conference was approximately $45.00. Motion carried. BUILDING CODE Certificate of Occupancy. An amendment to Ordinance 2022 adopting the Uniform Building Code has been requested to require that the Public Works Director and Planning Director sign off each Certificate of Occupancy. Ordinance No. 2078, amending Section 1 of Ordinance 2022 relating to Certificates of Occupancy issued under the Uniform Building Code was introduced by the City Attorney. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2078, Carey seconded. In response to Johnson's question, it was determined that the Public Works Director and Planning Director, or their authorized agents, would sign the said certificates. Motion carried. CLAIMS Fred H. Hewitt - LID 281. A claim was filed by Fred H. Hewitt in the amount of $401.47. The City Attorney recommends that the claim be referred to the con- tractor for LID 281, Pacific Paving. McCAUGHAN SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Thomas E. Serr. The Clerk read a letter from Thomas E. Serr requesting that bail money which was paid to the City be returned to him. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the letter be recorded and referred to the City Attorney for disposition, B. Johnson seconded. In response to Masters' question, Mirk noted that he had re- commended that Mr. Serr address his request to the Council since a special ordi- nance would be required to return the money to Serr. Mirk further noted that he was recommending against any refund, since the bail money was applied to Mr. Serr's fine. Motion carried. CITY INSURANCE City Insurance Plan. It was noted that the City's insurance broker has presented an acceptable plan basically within the amount budgeted for this year. The pro- posed plan runs from March 1, 1978 to February 28, 1979. The 1977 rate will apply for January and February, 1978. The combination may be slightly more than the budgeted amount, and the appropriate budget change will be submitted to the Council. ANIMAL CONTROL Leash Law. Bill Gerard of King County Animal Control will be at the workshop on March 13, 1978 to review any proposal that King County might offer concerning Kent's animal control. He has specifically been asked to review the County's operation in those areas where a leash law is in effect. The Clerk noted receipt of letters in favor of a leash law for Kent from C. H. Barton, Jr. , W. A. Moser and N. G. Nelson. MASTERS MOVED that the letters be made a part of the record and referred to the workshop of March 13, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. EQUIPMENT RENTAL Bids were opened on February 27, 1978 to furnish several items of equipment as follows: 1978 1/2 Ton Van Bidder Amount Bowen Scarff Ford $6,092.64 Tom Matson Dodge 6,217. 32 Bill Hazlett Chevrolet 6,277.57 State Quotation 6,559.77 JUST MOVED that the best bid of Bowen Scarff Ford in the amount of $6,092.64, including sales tax, be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. 1978 4-Door Sedan Bidder Amount Tom Matson Dodge $4,530.26 Bill Hazlett Chevrolet 4,627.76 Bowen Scarff Ford 4,749.94 State Quotation 4,891.61 KITTO MOVED that the best bid of Tom Matson Dodge in the amount of $4,530.26, including tax, be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. 1978 Four Door Wagon Bidder Amount State Quotation $4,476.07 Tom Matson Dodge 4,843.65 Bowen Scarff Ford 5,064.95 Bill Hazlett Chevrolet 5,216.46 The Equipment Rental Department recommends acceptance of the bid of Tom Matson Dodge since the State quotation is for an AMC Concord and the local contact for maintenance and repairs is located in N.E. Seattle. In addition to the long travel distance required for the warranty checks, it also appears that the price of parts and service is greater than that of the second low bidder. In accordance with the recommendation of the Equipment Rental Department, JUST MOVED that the best bid of Tom Matson Dodge in the amount of $4,843.65, including tax, be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. 1978 Tractor Loader Backhoe Amount Incl. Trade-In Bidder Craig Taylor Equipment $13,488.46 Smith Tractor 14,400.17 Tool Crib 17,642.84 B. JOHNSON MOVED that the best bid of Craig Taylor Equipment in the amount of $13,488.46, including tax and trade-in, be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Enclosed Cab for 1978 Tractor Loader Backhoe Bidder Amount Craig Taylor Equipment $1,581.00 Tool Crib 1,581.00 Smith Tractor 1,597.86 Since the Craig Taylor bid for the tractor has been accepted, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the best bid of Craig Taylor Equipment in the amount of $1,581.00, including tax, be accepted for the enclosed cab for the 1978 Tractor Loader Backhoe, Carey seconded. Motion carried. It was noted that the total of all the bids recommended for acceptance is $30,536.01 and the amount budgeted was $34,800.00. PARKS & RECREATION Russell Road Park Athletic Field - Phase II. The apparent low bidder at the bid opening held February 28, 1978 to complete the Russell Road Park Athletic Field, Phase II, project was Aldrich & Hedman, Inc. It is the recommendation of the Parks Department and ORB that the City accept the base bid in the amount of $418,814.00 and also alternates 1 through 12 with the exception of alternate #6 which should be rejected. The qualifications of Aldrich & Hedman, Inc. are being reviewed by Heritage Conservation & Recreation Service (formerly BOR) and their approval is expected within the next few days. CAREY MOVED that subject to approval of Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service the best bid of Aldrich & Hedman, Inc. for the Russell Road Park Athletic Field, Phase II, project be accepted, in the amount of $546,938.00, excluding sales tax, for the base bid plus the alternates, except alternate #6, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. It was determined that sufficient funds were available. PERSONNEL Related Employees. The Parks Department, Maintenance Division, is seeking permission to employ a man and wife team for custodial type work. Katie Berreth (age 56) has worked for the Parks Department for five months as custodian of the Senior Center, and Reuben (age 62) has been her unofficial assistant on the 4-hour night shift. The Parks Department wishes to hire them as a team to work 2 hours each at the Senior Center and 2 hours each at the Kent Commons facility. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Parks Department be allowed to hire Katie and Reuben Berreth as part-time help, Just seconded. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Bids - Site Development, Phase IIA. The recall for bids for this project were opened on March 2. Bids (exclusive of tax) were received as follows: D. J. Hopkins Sun Up Construction Base Bid $119,000 $133,500 Alt. 1 (Irrigation System) 12,750 18,000 Alt. 2 (Landscaping) 25,500 15,000 TOTAL $157,250 $166,500 Bower has recommended acceptance of the Hopkins base bid plus Alternate #1, totalling $131,750. It was noted that in the first bid call Hopkins submitted the sole bid, at $149,000, which included the work now designated as Alternates #1 and #2. Upon B. Johnson's suggestion, Street agreed that the City could do the landscaping but recommended that the irrigation alternate be done by the contractor. Upon Masters' question, Street clarified that this project was entirely financed by the Phase II HUD grant. KITTO MOVED to accept the bid of D. J. Hopkins Co. on the base bid of $119,000 plus Alternate #1 for the irrigation system of $12,750, for a total of $131,750, Carey seconded. Motion carried with no dissenting votes. Change Order. Tom Forlan of Ben Notkin & Assoc. , mechanical engineers for Kent Commons Phase 1, stated that after construction had started the engineers dis- covered that they had erred in computing the space for the ductwork. He noted that the ductwork had to be redesigned and the cost for the sheet metal and labor totalled $2200. Upon Masters' question, Forlan pointed out that if their ori- ginal calculations had been correct, the original charge to the City for the ductwork would have been higher, by approximately the amount of this proposed Change Order, $2200. Upon questions from the Council, Forlan noted that there also would be a credit to the City for the change of the grates in the doors in the amount of $350. Just opined that the matter should be considered by the City Attorney, and it was determined that no action would be taken tonight. FIRE DEPARTMENT Medic 1. A letter was read from Elaine and Jim Gregorson expressing their appre- ciation to the Fire Department and Medic 1 personnel for the prompt assistance given to Mr. Gregorson at the time of a recent severe injury. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record with a copy to the Fire Department, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE Masters noted that the Public Safety Committee would meet on Tuesday, March 21, 1978, at 8:15 a.m. COUNCIL Council/Mayor/Department Head Meeting. Carey referred to a scheduled meeting of the Council, Mayor and Department Heads on March 16 and asked that those Council members who would be attending so indicate. Mayor Hogan noted that she would like to have an agenda prepared in order to determine what topics would be dis- cussed. She suggested that one of the subjects be the goals of the Council. Carey indicated that his plans were that the Mayor and Council would first meet and that a meeting of the entire group would then follow. It was determined that the meeting of the Council and Mayor would begin at 10:00 a.m. and that the staff would be included in the afternoon meeting. POLICE DEPARTMENT LEAA 1979 Program. The City of Kent proposes to improve its currently operating Crime Prevention Program by expanding program efforts to include both residential and commercial customers by means of an LEAA Grant. The grant will provide crime prevention materials for a public information campaign, advanced training in crime prevention for program personnel, and purchase of portable detection alarms to prevent or deter commercial burglaries or apprehend suspects. JUST MOVED that the City of Kent apply for LEAA funds for 1979 in the amount of $9,090, to be matched by $505 State and $505 local funds for the purpose of improving its Crime Prevention Program as set forth above, B. Johnson seconded. Street determined for B. Johnson that these funds were anticipated in the 1978 budget but application was being made now for 1979 funds. Upon McCaughan's question, Street noted that no information had been received about our application for five additional CETA personnel for the Crime Prevention Program. He further noted that no additional Law & Justice money will be available and that the LEAA funds are allocated to King County, and are then shared with the various cities in the County. Motion carried. FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before March 3, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting on March 15, 1978 at 3:00 p.m. be paid, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of February 28, 1978 are as follows: Current Expense $ 72,316.53 Parks & Recreation 8,345.51 City Streets 5,624.13 Kent Commons Operating 223.55 Federal Shared Revenue 1,233.91 Reith Rd/Military 603.93 Smith/Central to 4th 145.86 S. 212/WVH Signal 186.88 116th Ave. Trans. Main 24.80 124th/WD 111 Reservoir 89,456.77 Equipment Rental 6,469.54 Housing & Comm Dvlpmnt 580.94 Leff Disability 1,065.00 Sewer 50, 351.19 Water 44,426.32 $281,054.86 Interest Bearing Warrants Kent Commons - Phase II Construction Kent News Journal $ 42.12 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen; CMC City Clerk