HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/21/1978 Kent, Washington February 21, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Billie Johnson, Jon Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton and URS representative Abed. Approximately 25 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held February 6, 1978 be approved as printed, Just seconded. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION Sister City Week. A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan declaring the week of March 6-10, 1978 as Sister City Week. PRELIMINARY PLAT Green Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary Plat. On January 24, 1978 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Green Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary Plat and recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) Furnish a deed prior to final plat approval or dedicate the area for the Reith Road right-of-way as shown on the approved Reith Road Engineering plans. 2) Reserve or furnish drainage, sewer and water and ingress and egress easements within the plat as required by the Public Works Department. 3) Commit to the condition that vehicular access to Lot 2 cannot be from Reith Road. 4) Commit to the condition that paved turn-arounds will be provided for Lots 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 so that backing into the street will be eliminated. 5) Prior to issuance of any permit, submit a soil and slope stability analysis as completed by a licensed soils engineer for each of the lots to demonstrate that each is a suitable building site. 6) Each lot to retain the native vegetation except for the actual site of the dwelling to be placed on the lot. 7) The developer of this subdivision enter into a contract with the Soil Con- servation Service to develop an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. 8) Sidewalk be extended along the southern boundary of Lot 1 and 2 (required prior to issuance of any permit on Lots 1 and 2) . Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the proposed replat at the northwest corner of the intersection of S. 253rd Street and Reith Road and noted that the proposed plat encompasses approximately 4 acres. He reviewed the his- tory of the original plat, as well as the eight conditions established by the Planning Commission. The Public Meeting was opened by the Mayor. Douglas Hartwich, attorney for Associated Mortgage Investors, the applicant, addressed the Council and noted that while the applicant was in agreement with the con- ditions imposed by the Planning Commission, he suggested that Condition No. 5 be changed to read as follows: "5) Prior to issuance of each permit. . . . " He pointed out that such change would merely mean that if the developer chose, he could have a soils anaysis made of each lot as it was being built upon rather than having such soils investigations made of the entire plat before any development began. Mirk clarified that it was the intent of the Planning Commission that this could be done and so it was not necessary to change "any" to "each." The Clerk noted that no correspondence had been received and there were no further comments. KITTO MOVED that the public meeting be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the Green Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary Plat be approved as presented, including the conditions, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT Parkside Division #2. The Parkside Division #2 Final Plat has been received by the Planning Department and a hearing date should now be set to consider same. B. JOHNSON MOVED that a public hearing be held on March 6, 1978 to con- sider the Parkside Division #2 Final Plat, Carey seconded. Motion carried. MOBILE HOME PARK CODE The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2077 adopting by reference the Kent Mobile Home Park Code and repealing Ordinance No. 1118. B. JOHNSON MOVED that Ordinance No. 2077 be adopted, Just seconded. Motion carried. ZONING CODE Amendment. On February 6, 1978 the City Council approved the new City of Kent Mobile Home Park Code. It is also necessary to amend Section 3.7.3, Develop- ment Standards, of the Kent Zoning Code upon approval of the Ordinance adopting the Mobile Home Park Code, which section reads as follows: "The standards and procedures of the Kent Mobile Home Park Ordinance No. 1118 shall apply." to read as follows: "The standards and procedures of the Kent Mobile Home Park Code shall apply." KITTO MOVED that Section 3.7. 3, Development Standards, be amended to read as above stated, Just seconded. Motion carried. ALLEY VACATION Smith & Temperance. The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 839 setting the date of March 20, 1978 for a public hearing to consider the vacation of a portion of the alley between Temperance and Smith. B. JOHNSON MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 838, Carey seconded. Motion carried. SIDEWALKS Scenic Hill Walkway. A letter was read from Grace Hiranaka and Karen Hatch of Scenic Hill Pre-School thanking the Council for the prompt attention to the recent request for sidewalk installation along Woodland Way S. and traffic markers at the entrance to Scenic Hill Elementary School. JUST MOVED to accept the letter, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Appointments. At the last Council meeting the Mayor's proposed appointments to the Civil Service Commission were tabled to determine that all three members would not belong to the same political party. Both of the proposed applicants replied that they did not belong to either major political party. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the proposed Civil Service Commission appointments be removed from the table, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the appointment of T. Richard Ried to fill the unexpired term of Ken Yahn and the appointment of Don Whitener to fill the unexpired term of Bob Hankins be approved, Carey seconded. Jon Johnson noted that he would not vote in favor of either appoint- ment since he had not had the opportunity to meet either of the appointees and opined that they should have appeared at a Council meeting or workshop session. Motion carried, with J. Johnson voting nay. COUNCIL Organization and Policies. The meeting dates and times for the various Council Committees are as follows: Finance and Personnel Committee Meeting Time: 3:00 o'clock p.m. (Approximately 15th & 30th of each month) Membership: BILLIE JOHNSON, Chairperson Jeanne Masters Jon Johnson Public Works Committee Meeting Time: 8:00 o'clock a.m. 1st and 3rd Wednesday, beginning March 1 Membership: ROBERT KITTO, Chairperson Len McCaughan Jon Johnson Parks Committee Meeting Time: 8:15 a.m. 2nd Tuesday of each month Membership: GARY JUST, Chairperson Robert Kitto Len McCaughan Public Safety Committee Meeting Time: 8:00 a.m. 1st and 3rd Tuesday - when called by Committee Chairperson Membership: JEANNE MASTERS, Chairperson Billie Johnson Gary Just CAREY MOVED that the Committee meeting times as designated be adopted, Masters seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that adoption of Council policy be delayed until the Mayor/Council/ Department Head meeting as requested by the Department Heads is held, Just seconded. Motion carried. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Just reported that the Parks Committee had met with the Board of Park Commissioners and a discussion had ensued regarding the soccer program. He noted that the City was in jeopardy of losing some of its fields unless an agreement could be reached between the groups involved. He noted that further meetings would be held regard- ing the matter. INSURANCE City Insurance Policy. At the last work session, Carl Hart of Bell-Anderson, the City's insurance carrier, reported that he would have a written proposal covering the insurance requirements of the City prepared within the next few days. Street noted that he had received a telephone call from Hart advising that the report will be available within the next 2 to 3 days, showing the cost of having coverage with a $250 deductible clause, full coverage on City vehicles, within the budgeted amount for 1978 insurance, or a $50,000 deductible policy. Street suggested that if the full coverage policy amount falls within the bud- geted amount that the City continue with that program for 1978. He opined that more time be allowed for consideration of proper management procedures for a plan with a $50,000 deductible clause. ANIMAL CONTROL Leash Law. It was noted that the present costs of animal control were discussed at the last work session, as well as the possible consideration of a leash law. The City Administrator has been directed to have a member of King County Animal Control attend a future work session to explain their operation. KENT COMMONS Phase IIA, Site Development Contract. At the last Council meeting it was noted that only one bid was received for the Site Development portion of Phase IIA, which bid was 30o above the architect's estimate. The architect has contacted several potential bidders and assured that at least three bids would be received if the proposal was rebid. The Council was furnished with this information at the last work session. KITTO MOVED that the only bid of D. J. Hopkins Co. be rejected and a new call for bids authorized, Just seconded. Motion carried. Phase I. Street reported that a letter had been received from Bower, architect for the Kent Commons project, noting that the contractor, R. W. Huff Construction, has asked that the completion date of February 16, 1978 for Phase I of the Kent Commons, as approved by the Council at its meeting of February 6, 1978, be extended to February 28, 1978. In accordance with the recommendations of the City Administrator, JUST MOVED that such extension be granted, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Kent Commons Contracts - Changes and/or Additions. It was noted that Ted Bower, architect for the Kent Commons, presented several proposed changes and/or addi- tions to the contracts for the Kent Commons at the last Finance Committee meet- ing. The Committee recommended approval of the following items: 1) Placement of sleeves for irrigation (Phase II) $ 1,162.00 2) Reinstatement of stucco and metal roofing (Phase II) 1,647.00 3) Installation of venetian blinds instead of roll type shades (Phase I) 213.00 4) Installation of microwave oven (Phase I) 656.00 5) Installation of kitchen cabinet locks (Phase I) 131.00 6) Installation of plastic laminated counter cover (Phase I) 42.00 JOHNSON MOVED that the changes as listed be approved, Kitto seconded. In res- ponse to McCaughan's question, it was determined by Street that if approved, an additional $6,500 would be needed from City Reserve Funds for Capital Im- provements. Johnson noted that some of the items, as designated, would come from Phase II funds. In response to Just's question, Johnson noted that item 4 included the cost of the microwave oven and its installation in a locking cabinet. Street clarified for Masters that items 3, 4, 5 and 6 were changes and/or additions requested by the City, and items 1 and 2 were items which could not be covered in the contract until it was determined that Phase II would actually be built. It was noted that both of these items are expenses chargeable to Phase II. Motion carried. STREETS Kent Development Association. Members of the Council were furnished with a copy of a letter from the City Administrator to KDA regarding various improve- ments to the downtown area of Kent and in particular, streets and sidewalks, and answering questions posted by Mr. Strain of KDA in his letter of November 10, 1977. It was noted that the letter asks that KDA respond to the City Administrator's letter regarding the Meeker Street parking installations and the wishes of Kent merchants in this regard. 2nd Avenue Improvement - Meeker to Smith Street. Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. has completed the street improvement of Second Avenue, Meeker to Smith Street, and the Engineering Department has recommended acceptance of the project. Accordingly, KITTO MOVED that the Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. contract for the 2nd Avenue Street improvement project be accepted as complete, and that after receipt of the necessary releases from the State the retainage be released, Just seconded. Motion carried. Hazel Avenue and Cedar Streets. A memorandum from the Public Works Director was distributed to the Council in response to the request of Thomas Waller and Iver Iverson to quit claim property to the City sufficient to enable the City to straighten the center line of Hazel Avenue, along with a request for a waiver of all fees and for the individuals to be allowed to improve Cedar Street to enable its use by them as a private driveway. The memorandum noted that the staff recommendation is to advise Mr. Waller that the City does not wish to exchange engineering or other services for the proposed deed to the property. JUST MOVED that the Director of Public Works notify Mr. Waller of this decision, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Guiberson Street. It was noted that at the last workshop session the City's street improvement standards and policies were reviewed and discussion was had on the possibility of improving Guiberson Street without curbs and gutters. The staff recommends that concrete curbs and gutters and a closed drainage system be required for any new street to be maintained by the City. The Clerk introduced a letter from eight residents of Guiberson Street asking that the improvements of Guiberson Street be allowed under the same standards as the Ring Road was improved, at the expense of the residents and with the understanding that it would not be accepted for maintenance by the City. The letter also stated that the signators would support an LID for full improvement for the street in the future. The letter further asks that if the City decides that a full improvement be made to this portion of Guiberson that the City share in the cost for the amount greater than the improvement made to the Ring Road. MASTERS MOVED to make the letter a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Street determined for Kitto that Guiberson is already a dedicated City street, so there is no question of accepting it as such, but that the Council could elect to decline maintenance of the street. It was determined for McCaughan that the City permits homes to be built on unimproved streets. Street noted that the City could cease maintaining oiled streets at any time by so advising the residents along any such street. Ulett stated that improvement for the West end of Guiberson would cost about 25% less if done without curbs and gutters and with open ditches. This would cover about 860' east of Van de Vanter and would cost about $21.50 per front foot, which would include 2" of asphalt, 4" of crushed rock, excavation, some 18" culvert and hydroseeding. He noted that some portions of this proposal could be dropped if the property owners could finance it in some other way. CAREY MOVED to allow the street to be built to the engineer's standards which is 2" of asphaltic concrete over a 411 crushed gravel base, without curbs and gutters and with open ditches. Masters seconded. Upon the Mayor's question, Carey stated that if this was up to the engineer's stand- ards, that the City would then maintain the street. Upon McCaughan's question, Ulett noted that the Subdivision Code states that "curbs may be required" and he noted that curbs HAD been required in all new subdivisions except Highridge. Just stated he could support Carey's motion, but that the City could cease to be responsible for maintenance of the street when maintenance became too ex- pensive. Kitto opined that the City incurred a liability if maintenance of the street is accepted. MASTERS MOVED TO AMEND the motion to suggest that the City pick up the cost between the proposed improvement suggested by Carey and that of an acceptable street improvement as defined by the Public Works Depart- ment. B. Johnson seconded. Masters stated that the minimum street improve- ment would probably not bear the amount of increased traffic, and that the resi- dents should have some monetary relief. Mayor Hogan clarified that this would provide for the City to pay for curbs, gutters and closed storm drainage. She asked if the City would then be expected to provide such service in other streets. Masters opined that this was a unique situation. Street suggested that the residents of the other end of Guiberson would then have a right to ask for a similar project and that many other streets would also seek similar projects. The proposed amendment failed with only Masters supporting it. Upon Carey's question, Ulett stated that the construction of the street would be the same whether curbs and gutters were included and that it therefore would be ample for increased traffic. Upon Just's question about financing the project, Street pointed out that the letter had suggested that the residents would pay the costs of the lesser im- provement if the City allows this type of improvement. He suggested that this be allowed and noted that there are several types of financing available to the residents to accomplish this. He noted that if the residents then decided later that they wanted an LID that this could be accomplished on a restricted LID, perhaps over an eight year period. JUST MOVED to amend the motion to include that the City would not maintain the street, Kitto seconded. The amendment failed with only Just and Kitto supporting it. Kitto expressed concern over the problem of maintenance, and as to whether a precedent would be set. Street opined that if the City is to maintain this portion of Guiberson they would also have to maintain the east end until such time as an established policy is adopted to no longer maintain oiled streets. He suggested that each case be considered separately. Kitto stated that it should be expressly stated and understood that this was a uni- que situation, and that such streets would not ordinarily be maintained by the City. Carey agreed that the reference to maintaining the east end of Guiberson should be left out of this action so that such maintenance would not be expected forever. McCaughan noted that the Subdivision Code allowed open ditches and that review of the Code was scheduled soon. Mrs. Miller, a resident of Guiberson Street, gave a brief history of the pro- blem at the end of the street. Motion carried unanimously. Street Improvement - Kent-Kangley Road from 104th S.E. to 132nd S.E. - Kent/ Department of Transportation Joint Project. The Director of Public Works has received a proposed letter of understanding wherein the City would enter into a joint contract with the Department of Transportation for the improvement of Kent-Kangley Road from 104th S.E. to 116th S.E. , with the State to improve the said highway from 116th S.E. to 132nd S.E. The estimated cost to the City of Kent is $496,700. At the last work session, the Finance Director was asked to report on methods of financing to the Finance Committee meeting on February 15. It was reported by Winkle that these funds could come from the matching fund reserve or from the issuance of inside levy (Councilmanic Bonds) . The Finance Committee indicated that they would like more time to study this pro- position as it fits in with other proposed projects. JUST MOVED that receipt of the letter of understanding be noted and that a report from the Finance Committee will be made as soon as all factors have been considered. B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. WATER 124th Ave. Joint Kent/W.D. 111 Reservoir. A change order for Schedule B of the contract with Bert Robison Construction Co. , Inc. has been requested. The changes include 1) a different detail for a meter vault, and 2) the use of PVC pipe instead of asbestos cement. Neither change will affect the cost of the project nor the time for completion. KITTO MOVED that Change Order #1 for Schedule B of the Bert Robison Joint Reservoir contract be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Water District No. 111 Bill of Sale. Water District 111 has submitted a Bill of Sale for the master meter which they constructed at the water main intertie on S.E. 256th Street between their system and Kent's. The Public Works Depart- ment recommends acceptance and JOHNSON MOVED that the master meter be accepted as Kent's, Just seconded. motion carried. West Hill Pump Stations #3 and #4. Bids to upgrade West Hill Pump Stations #3 and #4 were received on February 17, 1978 as follows: Swain Construction $ 62,800.00 Sheldrup Construction 63,900.00 Lindbrook Construction 83,800.00 Water Works, Inc. 104,000.00 (Engineer's Estimate--------- ------------------ 70,200.00) In accordance with the recommendation of the Engineering Department, MASTERS MOVED that award of the bid be made at the next Council meeting to enable the Engineering Department to obtain additional information regarding the two low bids. Motion carried. _Kent Springs Water Supply Improvement. Bids to install valves and piping at Kent Springs were received on February 15, 1978 as follows: Robison Construction Co. $ 73,817.00 Lindbrook Construction 148,980.00 (Engineer's Estimate--------------------------- 72,700.00) Upon the recommendation of the engineer, CAREY MOVED that the best bid of Robi- son Construction Co. in the amount of $73,817.00 be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Kent Springs. A change order for pipes and valves in connection with the H.D. Fowler Company, Inc. contract for Kent Springs has been requested. The changes involve 1) a change in six valve types; 2) a change in a tee size; 3) the dele- tion of two adapters; and 4) a reduction in quantity of 18" pipe. The changes requested will not change the completion time for the project and will decrease the contract amount by $1,680.90. KITTO MOVED that Change Order #1 to the H.D. Fowler Company, Inc. be approved, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION LID 280 - Hughes-Ulleland Sewer. A letter was read from the City Treasurer noting that the amount of assessments collected for LID 280 is $7,194.60 and that there remains an unpaid balance of $55,665.44. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Just seconded. Motion carried. Sanitary Landfill - Kent Highlands/Seattle Contract - Odor Problem. It was noted that copies of the City Attorney's memo containing suggestions as to how enforce the conditions imposed upon the landfill operation have been distributed to the Council and has been made a part of the record. It was further noted that on February 15 Jerry Fairbanks called and reported that Seattle believes that they are solving the odor problem. It is recommended that the necessary steps be implemented and that the attorney approve all correspondence before mailing. KITTO MOVED that the report be accepted and the suggested courses of action implemented, Carey seconded. Mayor Hogan read portions of the memo for the benefit of interested citizens in the audience. Upon questions from Dave Dunning, Lloyd Erdahl, and Don Knapp, it was determined that the original contract was for 5 years, was renewed for an additional 5 years, and terminated on May 31, 1977. Mayor Hogan noted that Mirk's memo referred to a letter from Mayor Hogan stat- ing that an environmental consulting firm had been engaged to determine the source of the odor and that a program for abating the odor would be recommended by the firm. She noted that last week she had been told by the Seattle Public Works Department that the testing has been completed and that they were waiting for a report. It was further determined that Kent had no copy of any further agreement between Seattle and Kent Highlands which might have extended the operation date beyond May 31, 1977. B. Johnson stated that the City was entitled to a public hearing on the matter before any such extension was made. Motion carried unanimously. Added Garbage Services. General Disposal has informed the City that they now have 4-yard dumpsters available for any customer desiring that size. The charge will be $12 per month rental and $8.75 per dump charge. The Utilities Department has advised that this is an appropriate charge. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the Attorney be directed to prepare an amending ordinance to the present contract, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Fire Station No. 6 Side Sewer Bids. It was noted that only one bid was received and that bid exceeded the engineer's estimate by 46%. The Public Works Depart- ment recommends that the bid be rejected and the project rebid. The Bid received was from Robison Construction in the amount of $22,134.00, including tax, and the engineer's estimate was $15,176.55, including tax. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bid be rejected and that new bids be solicited, B. Johnson seconded. Mark Robison questioned whether bids were rejected automatically if a certain percentage over the engineer's estimate. Ulett noted that when only one bid was received, it was difficult to determine if the engineer's estimate was inaccurate or whether the bid was in fact high. Motion carried. PARKS & RECREATION Proposal to Consider Possible Purchase of Korry Field. A proposal to consider the possible purchase of Korry playfield was presented to the Council at the last work session. After a lengthy discussion it was determined that the proposal had merit and the matter was referred to the Finance Committee to determine the feasibility of such a venture based on the financial status of the City. The Park Board has recommended by motion that the City Council research all avenues for the purchase of the field. CAREY MOVED that the City attempt to acquire an option to consider purchase of the Korry property, J. Johnson seconded. Kitto stated he understood that the recommendation of the Finance Committee was for the City to begin negotiations with the property owners for the possible purchase of Korry Field. Street noted that at the end of the Finance Committee meeting he was directed to have the motion brought to the Council as stated by Carey. B. Johnson noted that an option would allow time to study methods of paying for the property and that the Committee was not committing to the project. Just stated that he was opposed to seeking an option as the money would be lost if it was found the option could not be exercised because of lack of funds. Street noted that the motion would not require any expenditure, that he would be authorized to find out how much an option would cost, the time period, etc. McCaughan stated that in the past similar steps had been taken which resulted in the City being committed to a large project and that this was a step toward commitment, and he was not in favor. He stated that the point seemed to be whether the City wanted to take a manufacturing site from the downtown area of Kent and make it into a park, which would remove it from the tax rolls. He opined that there was other land available in the Valley area which could be used for park purposes. Masters stated that even though the motion was merely to direct the Administrator to investigate the matter of an option, she con- curred with McCaughan. She referred to the different methods suggested for ob- taining the money to pay for the property, including an inside levy or Council- manic bonds, and noted that the Council had previously denied street improve- ments for lack of funding. She suggested that street improvements were needed more than another park. Kitto stated that he would vote for the motion to see what fur information could be obtained, since all the necessary facts were not available at this time. Motion carried, with Masters, Just and McCaughan voting nay. Lake Fenwick Parking Lot. The Parks Department made a proposal at the February 15, 1978 Finance Committee meeting to budget $25,500 of their unbudgeted, un- expended balance for the purpose of constructing a parking lot at Lake Fenwick Park. The $20,000 project is a carryover from the 1977 budget, and $5,500 is a new request from unexpended balance. CAREY MOVED that the budget change request be approved to allow the Parks Department to spend $25,500 of its 1977 unbudgeted unexpended balance for construction of a parking lot at Lake Fenwick Park, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Lake Fenwick Parking Lot - Bids. Bids for the Lake Fenwick Parking Lot were opened on Wednesday, February 8, 1978 at 9:00 a.m. The architect has recom- mended that the contract be awarded to the only bidder, City Transfer of Kent, Inc. , for the base bid of $23,244.92, including tax, and that both alternates be re- jected, Carey seconded. It was noted that the architect's estimate of $20,185.00 was two years old and that construction costs had been rising at about 1% per month. Motion carried. CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 3-6-78 HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Senior Center Parking Lot- Acquisition of Land. King County has tentatively approved Community Development funds for acquisition of a 10,000 square foot parcel of land located on the northeast corner of N. State Avenue and E. Meeker Street for the Senior Center parking lot. Local, State and Federal regulations on Real Property Acquisitions require that the City Council officially declare its Intention to Acquire the above property. This action would permit the City staff to begin negotiations and to acquire the property in compliance with perti- nent laws. CAREY MOVED that the Planning Department, with assistance from the Property Manager and City Attorney, be authorized to negotiate for, acquire or condemn, if necessary, said property, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. AGRICULTURAL PLAN King County. At the last work session, Tom Ryan of King County explained the proposed County action to acquire development rights to certain agricultural lands. As was explained at that time, it will be necessary for the Kent City Council to enter into an agreement with King County, if this plan is to be implemented within the Kent City limits. Mayor Hogan stated that the City had sent the County a letter of interest only. JUST MOVED that the City of Kent is interested in the King County Agricultural Plan and will review the adopted proposal of the County for a cooperative effort to inaugurate this plan, McCaughan seconded. B. Johnson stated that she was not in favor of the City entering into an agreement until it was determined that the County would first submit the matter to the vote of the people for approval. Street stated that at the work session, Tom Ryan had stated that the Council had the right to issue Councilmanic bonds without a vote of the people. He further opined that Ryan had indicated that Spellman was recommending that such purchases be made prior to approval by the voters. Johnson stated that she did not wish the City to participate in any such agreement until the electorate could voice their opinion. MASTERS MOVED TO AMEND the motion to add that this implementa- tion is approved by a vote of all King County residents, B. Johnson seconded. McCaughan noted that the original motion only commits the City to review the proposal. The amendment carried. The motion as amended carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT Medic I. On February 1, 1978, a meeting was held at the Tukwila Fire Hall to consider Medic I. The City of Kent was represented by Councilpersons Billie Johnson and Jon Johnson, Fire Chief Foster, and City Administrator Street. No decision was reached at that time but another meeting was scheduled for February 17, 1978 with King County Executive Spellman. B. Johnson reported that the meeting of the 17th had been cancelled and had not as yet been re- scheduled. The Clerk noted receipt of a letter from the Greater Kent Demo- cratic Club, proposing that the City of Kent assist the Valley Medic I program by allocating $20,000 to alleviate the current financial difficulties. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Smoke Detector Ordinance. Street noted that it is anticipated that further information regarding the proposed smoke detector ordinance and a final draft thereof would be available for the workshop of February 27. TRAFFIC CONTROL Jason & Clark Streets Traffic Diverters. It was noted that at the last Council meeting on February 6, this matter was referred to the February 27 workshop meeting. On Tuesday, February 14, Mrs. Mullen requested that the matter be delayed to the March 13 workshop. The City Attorney informed the Administrator on February 14 that it was his opinion that the diverters, as installed, form blockades on both streets and are therefore illegal. It is recommended that this point be clarified before any further Council action is considered. Letters protesting the diverters were read from Russell Jones, Glenna Little and Mrs. Stephen Dowell. MASTERS MOVED to make the letters a part of the record, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. An unsigned letter was also read. Upon a question from Planning Commissioner Hamilton, Mirk stated that closure of a street is covered by State statute, providing for such closure if the condition of the road is such that traffic might damage it or damage vehicles travelling on it. Under these circumstances, notice of intent to close the road must be published and the period of the proposed closure given. Mirk stated further that he had asked that the matter not be brought to Council while he attempted to gain information from Seattle as to how they have managed a similar situation. • U ;e B. Johnson asked that when the public meeting is held that the map used at previous meetings and shown to the Public Works Committee be displayed showing the designs for the diverters. Street stated that he would do so. Just noted that we had also received a petition asking that the streets be opened to traffic, and requested that Street bring this to the meeting also. Street noted that Mrs. Mullen's group would have a petition and information ready for the meeting of February 27. LIBRARY BOARD Resignation. Ronald D. Johnson is being transferred by Boeing to Oklahoma City and is resigning from the Library Board. He has been an active member for approximately the past two years and his present term will expire December, 1982. CAREY MOVED to accept the resignation with regret, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Fred H. Hewitt. A claim in the amount of $401.47 has been filed by Fred H. Hewitt against the City for alleged negligence relating to a guy wire in the driveway at 25451 - 104th Ave. S.E. JOHNSON MOVED that the claim be referred to the City Attorney, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Dennis Terry. it is the recommendation of the City Attorney that the claim filed by Dennis Terry for $167.00 in damage to his vehicle be referred to the contractor. J. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Just seconded. Motion carried. PERSONNEL Reclassifications. A number of position reclassifications were requested by Department Heads. These requests were reviewed at the Finance Committee meet- ing on February 15, 1978. The following are recommended for approval: Present New Present New Job Job Range/ Range/ Title Title Step Step Public Works Department Maint. I T.V. Technician 17 D/E 20 C/D Secretary Same 8 D/E 10 D/E Adm. Secretary Sec./Acct. Spec. 14 E 19 D Asst. Engineer City Engineer 40 E 45 E Survey Aide I Survey Aide II 20 E 23 E Eng. Spec. Same 22 E 26 D Property Mgr. Same 31 E 37 C Traffic Spec. Same 24 E 26 E Traffic Engr. Same 37 E 39 E Parks & Recreation Adm. Asst. Same 24 D/E 32 A/B Rec. Super. Supt. of Rec. 32 D/E 35 D/E Clk/Recept. Secretary 7 C/D 10 C/D Fire Department Asst. Chief Same 35 E 39 D Finance Department Acct. Spec. Util. Acct. 20 E 26 C Planning Department $3.00 hr. $3.25 hr. PT Clerk Same The cost is approximately $13,000, which amount is available in the Contingency Fund. B. JOHNSON MOVED that the reclassification requests be approved and made effec- tive February 16, 1978, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON CITIES Convention. Notice has been received that the annual convention will be held in Yakima June 13 - 16, 1978. Housing close to the Convention Center is scarce and it is recommended that those planning to attend contact the City Clerk. A room deposit will be necessary. 19 FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before February 15, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 3:00 P.M. on February 28, 1978 be paid, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of February 15, 1978 are as follows: Current Expense $ 37,567.56 Parks & Recreation 4,538.68 Library 2,316.63 Streets 9,660.74 Kent Commons/Operating 94.38 Federal Shared Revenue 6,008.18 Kent Commons/Ph. I Construction 717.77 UAB-12 Central Signal 15,123.45 Smith/Central to 4th 172.50 S. 180th - WVH - EVH 1,907.88 Equipment Rental 1,090.37 Housing & Comm. Devlpmnt 220.20 Firemans Relief & Pension 30.00 Leff Disability 3,123.26 Sewer 1,419.22 Water 7,223.55 Garbage 40,574.96 $131,789.33 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 281 - 104th Ave. Street Improvement Pacific Construction Co. $ 13,113.94 Rainier National Bank 690.20 $ 13,804.14 Kent Commons--Phase II Construction City Transfer 24,422.40 Otto Rosenau & Assoc. 82.82 Paul Weber & Assoc. 547.15 Daily Journal of Commerce 80.00 $ 25,132.37 TOTAL Interest Bearing Warrants $ 38,936.51 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Y i„' L� _ _z Y Marie Jeer}, CMC City Cle'rk'