HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/06/1978 Kent, Washington February 6, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Billie Johnson, Jon Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Fire Chief Foster, Traffic Engineer Olson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton, and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 35 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES JUST MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held January 16, 1978 be approved as printed, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. PERSONNEL Awards. Public Works Director Ulett presented a Wastewater Collection Personnel Association Grade III certificate to Nelden Hewitt of the Sewer Department and noted that Bill Damey of the Department had received a Grade I certificate. Election of Council President/Mayor Pro Tem. It was noted that at the last Council meeting a motion was passed to table action on the election of the new Council President/Mayor Pro Tem and appointments of the various Council committees until the entire Council was in attendance. MASTERS MOVED that those items tabled at the last Council meeting be removed from the table, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED that Councilperson Carey be nominated for Council President/ Mayor Pro Tem, Masters seconded. JUST MOVED that Councilperson McCaughan be nominated for Council President/Mayor Pro Tem, Kitto seconded. MASTERS MOVED that the nomination be closed, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. The Clerk distributed ballots to the Council members and the following votes were re- corded: Carey - four votes; McCaughan - three votes. Reorganization of Council Committees. As Council President, Carey distributed a written list of his appointments to various Committees, as follows: FINANCE & PERSONNEL Committee BILLIE JOHNSON, Chairperson Jeanne Masters Jon Johnson PUBLIC WORKS Committee ROBERT KITTO, Chairperson Len McCaughan Jon Johnson PARKS Committee GARY JUST, Chairperson Robert Kitto Len McCaughan PUBLIC SAFETY Committee JEANNE MASTERS, Chairperson Billie Johnson Gary Just Carey also distributed a list of Council Policies for consideration and sug- gested they be discussed at the next workshop. MASTERS MOVED that the Committee assignments and the proposed Council Policies be discussed at the next work session, with final determination to be made at the February 21, 1978 Council meeting. Billie Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MOBILE HOME PARK CODE It was noted that the public hearing on the proposed Mobile Home Park Code was continued from the last meeting. Mayor Hogan opened the continued public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and the Clerk reported that no corres- pondence had been received. Several changes to the draft have been proposed by the Planning Department as outlined in their memo of January 23. The proposed changes have been distributed to the Council and have been made a part of the record. Upon Carey's question, Section 1.4 was clarified by Harris, Mirk and Chief Foster as to the inspection requirements. There were no further questions and MASTERS MOVED to close the hearing, Just seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED to approve the Planning Department's recommendations and to adopt the Mobile Home Park Code, Carey seconded. Motion carried. MEDIC I A memo was read announcing a meeting on February 7, 1978 at 7:00 p.m. at the Tuk- wila Fire Department for the purpose of discussing the Medic I program. JUST MOVED to accept the memo, Carey seconded. Motion carried. It was noted that the Councilpersons have each received a copy of a memo from the Fire Chiefs of Provider Group #5, recommending that the responsibility for the continuation of Medic I service be returned to the County as of April 1, 1978. Chief Foster noted that sometime ago he was authorized to vote on behalf of the City in matters relating to the agreement between the Hospital and 5 local juris- dictions, and asked for guidance from the Council on the Medic I question. He that he had recommended that a transportation fee of $65 be charged for ambulance service and that the patient pay drug charges to the Hospital. This idea has been criticized in the newspapers, and he asked that the Council either support this idea or take action to have the Medic I program returned to County juris- diction. Street explained that excess levies could not be passed to support the program because the seven districts involved do not have the same boundaries. He noted he would attend the meeting in Tukwila tomorrow night and urged the Council to also attend. Foster noted that funding was based on population and that Kent was erroneously listed as 11, 320 instead of 18,250, which has resulted in $8,000 being directed to Auburn and Federal Way programs. Upon B. Johnson's question, Street noted that the County could establish an excess levy to cover the various districts, and that such a method of supporting this program had been successful elsewhere. Mirk clarified for the Mayor that only Valley General Hospital, as the lead agency, has the authority to negotiate or cancel the contract with the County and that the agreement among the seven districts and the Hospital is an interlocal agreement. PRELIMINARY PLAT Park-Mar. On December 13, 1977, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Park-Mar Preliminary Plat which lies along 113th Avenue S.E. (Extended) at approximately S.E. 228th Place (immediately north of Eastridge Divisions #2 and #3) , and recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) Construct water lines from the south line of the plat for service of the plat, including fire hydrants if required by the Fire Department. If the plat is developed before the Kent water system is constructed from the south line of the plat to the present system in Eastridge Plat, install water lines north of Park-Mar to connect with Water District #58 and pay all master meter costs. If the latter occurs, the water rates for Park-Mar may be higher than for other uses in Kent. 2) Extend sanitary sewers to serve the plat. 3) Provide an easement for sanitary sewer and water to the Emil Peterson property. 4) Pave 113th Avenue S.E. to collector standards (36 foot pavement width) and S.E. 228th Place to cul-de-sac standards (28 foot pavement width) . 5) Provide street signs and street lighting. 6) Provide sidewalk on one side of 113th Avenue S.E. 7) Provide storm water detention as per King County drainage standards. 8) A ten foot temporary easement should be given to the City on the south edge of Lot 19. This easement should be vacated at the time the City obtains access to the proposed Park area which is located in the Eastridge Plat to the south. The ten foot temporary easement should be fenced to restrict people from walking on Lot 19. 9) Tract B (to serve as a storm water retention area) and Tract A (to serve as a recreation area for park purposes) should be deeded to the City of Kent. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location of the proposed plat and referred to the nine conditions recommended by the Planning Commission. The public meeting scheduled for this date was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. 177 MASTERS MOVED that the Park-Mar Preliminary Plat be approved with the conditions recommended by the Planning Commission, McCaughan seocnded. McCaughan questioned the liability of the City regarding the detention ponds required in developments and asked whether the areas should be fenced. Street noted that many natural areas similar to holding ponds are not fenced, and fencing would preclude public use of these sites. He noted that neither Mill Creek nor Garrison Creek had any fencing and pointed out that King and Snohomish Counties have similar ordi- nances requiring the detention ponds and they do not require that the areas be fenced. Harris referred to the creek which runs through the Park-Mar Plat and noted that the County was proposing to pipe a portion of it and expressed his opposition to the plan, noting that he intended to work further with the County to keep the creek in its natural state. He noted that the County would not fence such an area. He opined that if development was allowed around natural areas such as this, the land should remain open. Masters noted that the water level in detention ponds and open streams varies. Harris noted that the natural swale in the area was such that the water would never come up to flood level and maintained that the creek should remain an open area. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT Randall Park Division No. 2. It was noted that the Final Plat of Randall Park No. 2 has been signed by the Public Works Director and Planning Director. The public hearing, as required by ordinance regulations, was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. In re- sponse to Just's question, Harris confirmed that this was the plat in the vicinity of the peat bog and that all of the peat bog area has been deeded to the City. B. Johnson expressed concern over the building of homes on a bog foundation and Marvin Milosevich, the developer, pointed out that the peat had been removed in the area where the homes were to be built, and that the Building Department had inspected the area prior to issuing the building permits. He further explained that the fill material was used for raodways only. There were no further com- ments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, J. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the Final Plat of Randall Park Div. No. 2 be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Eastridge Divisions #2 and #3 Plat Improvements. It was noted that approval of the Preliminary Plats of Eastridge Divisions #2 and #3 included as a condition the following: "Do not allow Southeast 232nd Street to be improved as a half street." This condition was imposed because the Merit Company, which owns the property being platted, does not own the other half of S.E. 232nd St. in the westerly portion of Division #3. That property is owned by J. A. Gerber and neither the Merit Company nor the City of Kent has been able to acquire the addi- tional right-of-way. Jim Rice of the Merit Company advises they now wish to proceed with their Final Plats and the improvements in accordance with Ulett's suggestion that a two-lane street section can be constructed within the 30-foot right-of-way by moving the sidewalk back to the property line, constructing the curb and gutter adjacent to the sidewalk, and paving the remaining right-of-way. The vehicular section would be approximately 24' wide and would have no on- street parking. When the Gerber property is platted, the additional improve- ment width can be made a condition of the plat, thus making this a full width street where parking would be permitted. In accordance with the recommendation of the Public Works Director, CAREY MOVED that the Merit Company request be approved, Just seconded. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY PLAT Green Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary Plat. On January 24, 1978 the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Green Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary which lies on the west side of Reith Road and recommended approval with conditions. It is now necessary to set a public meeting date to consider adoption or rejection of the Planning Commission's recommendation. JOHNSON MOVED that the Council set a public meeting date of February 21, 1978 to consider adoption or rejection of the Planning Commission's recommendation on the Green Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary Plat, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PUGET SOUND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS King Subregional Plan, Draft Public Utilities and Transportation Policies. A letter was read from Paul Kraabel, Chairman, Committee on Growth and Development, PSCOG, asking that questions or comments concerning the Draft Utilities and Trans- portation Policies previously furnished to the City be submitted to his office prior to the February 9 meeting of the Subregional Council. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Request for Sewer Service Pump Station. A letter was read from Burnstead Construc- tion Co. , developer/builder of Cambridge East. The letter noted that Burnstead was requesting an amendment or waiver of the requirement set forth in Sewer Super- intendent Kristofferson's memorandum regarding future sewage pumping stations, which requirement states that for construction of a sewage pump station "there shall be not less than 75 acres of service area." The letter noted that Burnstead was contemplating the purchase or property containing 22 acres on the northwest corner of South 272nd and Lake Fenwick Road, adjacent to the Cambridge East com- munity, and is proposing construction of a sewage pump station to serve the proposed development. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, B. Johnson seconded. Carey noted that the matter had been dis- cussed at a previous Public Works Committee meeting and Ulett explained that two alternate solutions had come from the discussion, which alternates involved the Department of Ecology. He noted that ODE had been contacted and opined that the matter should be further discussed by the new Public Works Committee. Motion carried. LID 283 Left Turns on West Valley Highway. Representatives of the property owners within the proposed LID 283 met with the Council at the last workshop session. The pro- posed LID is for street, water and sewer improvements on S. 220th, S. 216th and on 72nd Avenue So. The owners have requested reconsideration of the action taken at the December 19, 1977 meeting, prohibiting left turns from the West Valley Highway at S. 220th and S. 216th. The owners have stated that Ulett has, on vari- ous occasions, stated that left turns would be allowed in these locations if the West Valley Highway was widened. The traffic engineer has stated that such turns will not adversely affect the traffic on West Valley Highway and that such turns are necessary for the best use of the 72nd Avenue corridor. A letter was read from Puget Sound Power & Light stating that their property would not be benefitted by the proposed LID, and that they therefore did not wish to participate in the LID. A letter was read from James F. Stengel of Kent Trust stating that the property purchased by Kent Trust was of value only if two way left turn access was to be available from the West Valley Highway. He noted that he had been assured by the seller that the City would permit such terms under long standing policy at intervals of not less than 1/4 mile. Copies of correspondence between the Director of Public Works and Gary Volchok of Coldwell Banker supporting this were included with Mr. Stengel's letter. Mr. Ulett was specifically quoted by Stengel as follows: "The City of Kent will approve left turn access at this intersection after West Valley Highway is widened near the intersection to provide left turn refuge lanes." MASTERS MOVED to accept both letters and the attachments thereto for the record, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that the December 19, 1977 action prohibiting left turns be re- affirmed, Just seconded. Masters stated that Ulett's letters consistently refer to left turns but that they also state WHEN there are fully improved intersections. She said that the 72nd Avenue corridor located in the rear of the Kent Trust property was intended expressly to relief traffic congestion on the West Valley Highway. She opined further that allowing left turns along this portion of the West Valley Highway would greatly impede traffic. Kitto disagreed, stating that after the discussion at the workshop he felt that the recommendation of the engineering staff was proper and should be supported and the left turns allowed. Masters stated that she lived in the area and knew what the congestion could be and she further noted that her motion did not preclude the possibility of left turns in the future. McCaughan stated that he had been in favor of the December 19 action to deny the turns but that after observing the left turns already in existence on the West Valley Highway, he felt a policy had been established, and would not support Masters' motion. B. Johnson stated that left turns should not be per- mitted without traffic lights at these intersections. Carey suggested that one left turn should be allowed at S. 220th with a signal and that further consideration of left turns be held for the future. Joe Street noted that the Comprehensive Plan adopted about a year ago provided for a full intersection with all turns allowed at S. 216th. Masters questioned the term "improved intersection" and opined that this should include traffic lights. Upon Carey's question, Mirk opined that the City had committed to turns at S. 216th and at S. 220th, and noted that prior Council discussion supported this. He pointed out that deeds for the LID had been promised to the City with this understanding. Upon B. Johnson's question, Traffic Engineer Olson stated that certain criteria must be met before the State permits for traffic signals will be given. A representative of Flow Industries asked if their letter of January 19, 1978 had been received by the City. Mayor Hogan acknowleged that she had received the letter as well as one dated January 16. B. JOHNSON MOVED to accept the letters as part of the record, J. Johnson seconded. Motioncarried. Carey opined that the Public Works Department had been inconsistent in that Ulett was now in favor of the left hand turns, but that the August 15, 1977 Council minutes reported he stated "that it was not the intent of the City that there would be left turns from the West Valley Highway at each intersection, that in fact, perhaps none of them would have such turns. " Ulett responded to this, stating that the August 15 statement had reference to the quarter mile points, not each intersection, and further, that the statement was in response to the question "Will there be left turns at each intersection?" He said that he did not think the statement was inconsistent. Upon a roll call vote on Masters' motion to prohibit the left turns, the motion FAILED, with only Masters supporting it. JUST MOVED that left turns be allowed at the intersections, provided the West Valley Highway is widened in a manner acceptable to the Public Works Depart- ment, Kitto seconded. Motion carried, with Masters dissenting. Des Moines Sewer District Projects. The Des Moines Sewer District proposes to construct a number of new sewers and by their Resolution 1978-1 proposes to amend their Comprehensive Sewer Plan. The staff has reviewed the proposed changes and recommends approval by the Council. One sewer is within Kent but no Kent owned property is involved. CAREY MOVED that the amendments be approved, B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Kent Highlands Sanitary Landfill. McCaughan asked that the matter of the gar- bage dump be discussed at the next work session and he referred particularly to the leachate problem. Street noted that he had asked the City Attorney for a determination as to what steps would have to be taken in order for the City to close the Kent Highlands landfill site, because of the odor problems, but that a report had not as yet been received. Street also noted that the time schedule for the leachate pond sanitary sewer called for a completion date of March 15. He opined that the leachate sewer will be constructed approximately three months from now. He noted that the City was demanding that something be done about the odor problem. McCaughan stated that he had spent some time researching the problem and noted that consultants hired to determine the cause and ways of ridding the area of the odor had not been able to suggest a solution. Mayor Hogan noted that she had called Mayor Royer's office and that Seattle was aware of the problem. She pointed out that if the landfill site were closed, it would result in a rate increase for the Kent residents also. The Mayor referred to several possible measures which were being con- sidered to control the odor problem, including using a layer of clay between the layers of the porous gravel. McCaughan suggested that the City continue to pressure the City of Seattle into responding to our demands. STREETS Residential Street Standards. The Standards as described in a memo from the Director of Public Works were reviewed by the Public Works Committee at its meeting held February 1, 1978. Since only one member was at the meeting, a copy of the memorandum was furnished to all Council members. It is the staff recommendation that no streets of less than minimum standards, which includes curb, gutter, storm drainage, 4" of rock and 2" of asphalt be accepted. CAREY MOVED that the minimum standards for streets be adopted to include 4" of rock and 2" of asphalt as described in the staff recommendation, but deleting curbs, gutters and storm drainage, and adding open ditches, in existing residential areas only. Masters seconded. McCaughan stated that adopting such standards was a step backward and would result in streets never being improved. He opined that the staff recommendation should be adopted, Kitto stated that he felt the matter should be further discussed at a workshop session when more information was available to all Council members. Masters noted that some of the owners in residential areas did not have the funds for improving the exist- ing streets to these standards. JUST MOVED to table the matter and refer it to the February 13 workshop. Kitto seconded. Motion carried. 5 F i Guiberson Street Improvement. Information for the Guiberson Street improvement was presented at the January 30 workshop meeting. It is the Engineering Depart- ment's recommendation that if Guiberson Street is to be improved by means of an LID that said improvements shall be to full minimum City standards with curbs and gutters, asphalt paving and storm drainage. CAREY MOVED that the matter be tabled, Just seconded. Motion carried. 2nd Avenue Street Improvement (Smith to Meeker) . Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. has requested a change order for additional work in the amount of $250.00 relating to the field connection of the storm drainage system. It was noted that the matter was discussed with the Public Works Committee and in accordance with their recommendation, JUST MOVED to approve the Change Order, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Central Avenue Signals. Electric Controls, Inc. has requested a change order for additional work in the amount of $2,928 on the Central Avenue Signal Pro- ject. The additional work relates to relocating power service source for signals at Meeker and Gowe Streets, removing and relocating a luminaire pole, installing City furnished luminaire poles, and removing and disposing of a 500 gallon gasoline tank. CAREY MOVED that Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $2,928 for Electric Controls, Inc. be approved, McCaughan seconded. It was noted that this is an item eligible for 90% reimbursement from UAB. Motion carried. LID 281 - 104th Avenue Street Improvement Project. Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. has requested a change order for additional work in the amount of $2,416.72 for the installation of a handrail. In accordance with the Public Works Committee's recommendation, McCAUGHAN MOVED that Change Order No. 3 in the amount of $2,416.72 be approved, Carey seconded. It was noted that this item is eligible for 90% reimbursement from UAB. Motion carried. UAB Authorization for East Valley Highway. The Urban Arterial Board has authorized $27,900 for preliminary engineering, rights of way appraisals and environmental impact analysis for 84th Avenue S. (East Valley Highway) from S. 212th Street to S. 192nd Street. This act is the first step required before construction funding will be granted. The total project will cost approximately 1.8 million dollars. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the project agree- ment, McCaughan seconded. In response to McCaughan's question, Ulett noted that the engineering work has already been completed by City staff. Motion carried. Scenic Hill Walkway and Crosswalk. It was noted that a recent petition requested a walkway along the east side of Woodland Way from the Scenic Hill Elementary School driveway to Highridge Plat, a crosswalk at the school driveway, and "School" signs. The property abutting the requested sidewalk is owned by the City and a gravel walkway has been installed, as well as the painted crosswalk and all necessary signs. Military Road/Kent-Des Moines Road Intersection Improvement. The Department of Transportation has submitted an agreement for the improvement of the intersection of Military Road and Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516) . This matter was discussed with the Public Works Committee, at which time is was recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement. It was noted that this project has been budgeted and involves FAM funds. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement with the Department of Transportation, Carey seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC CONTROL Jason and Clark Streets Closure. The Clerk read a letter/petition containing 11 signatures in opposition to the closure of Jason and Clark Streets to through traffic. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record and referred to the Committee of the whole, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from James P. Curran with an attached petition from residents of 94th Ave. So. asking that the Council reconsider its action and direct the removal of the obstructions on Jason and Clark, or in the alternative, set a public hearing date to give citizens an opportunity to be heard on the matter. MASTERS MOVED that the letter and petition be made a part of the record, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. McCaughan suggested that traffic counts should be available and Traffic Engineer Olson noted that they were being taken at this time. Mayor Hogan opined that the matter should be deferred to the February 27 workshop in order to allow time for more information to be gathered on the entire area plan. KITTO MOVED that the matter be referred to the second workshop in February (Feb. 27) , B. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. 'e RAILROAD CROSSINGS Smith Street/Burlington-Northern Crossing Improvement. It was noted that bids for the street construction portion of the work at this crossing were opened on February 1, 1978, and are as follows: Pacific Construction Co. , Inc. $56,063.00 Valley Cement Construction 67,441.10 West Coast Construction 46,435.50 Gary Merlino Construction 41,992.00 It was noted that the engineer's estimate was $26,260.00. Street pointed out that the staff recommendation was that the low bid of Gary Merlino Construction, Inc. be accepted, even though it was over the engineer's estimate. He noted that there was a sufficient amount of money available in the fund and that the estimate was made two years ago. He added that an attempt would be made to get additional funding for the project. CAREY MOVED that the best bid of Gary Merlino Construction in the amount of $15�,992.00 be accepted and a con- tract awarded, subject to State and Federal approval, Just seconded. Motion carried. STREET VACATIONS 104th Avenue S.E. Partial Street Vacation. The Public Works Committee has re- viewed the Gerry Anderson (East Hill Equities) request for consideration of the vacation of a strip of right-of-way adjacent to the 104th Avenue S.E. property as noted at the last meeting. They recommend that no action be taken without a letter from the Washington Department of Transportation stat- ing that the strip will not be needed for the future widening project. JOHNSON MOVED that the recommendation of the Public Works Committee be adopted, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Burke Avenue. The public hearing on the vacation of a portion of Burke Avenue is scheduled for this meeting. It was noted that the Planning Department has received input from the Public Works Department, Police and Fire Departments and recommends that the request be approved with the following condition: "Reserve utility easement for that part of the sanitary sewer which lies in the intersection of Morton Street and Burke Avenue. " It was also noted that one-half of the appraised value of the property is $6,000. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the request be approved with the condition as set forth by the Planning Department, and that the City Attorney be directed to prepare the necessary ordinance after receipt of payment for the land, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. Portion of S. 210th. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2076 providing for the vacation of a portion of S. 210th Street. It was noted that the peti- tioner has paid the required amount. KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2076 be adopted, Just seconded. Motion carried. ALLEY VACATION Alley Between Temperance and Smith. It was noted that the public hearing on the alley vacation request between Temperance and Smith Streets was continued from the last meeting. It has been determined that the petition submitted was not a valid petition and the petitioners were so advised. The City Attorney has advised that the hearing could be closed without prejudice and that if a proper petition is submitted within the next 30 days, the original filing fee will apply. Street noted that a corrected petition was received on February 3 after the agenda was prepared. In accordance with the recommendations of the City Attorney, KITTO MOVED that a public hearing on the alley vacation be held at 8:00 p.m. on March 20, 1978, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. WATER Release of Water Easement. In 1902, Kent acquired a blanket easement for water mains which then existed in Block 43 of Meeker's Supplemental Plat of the First Addition to Kent. Block 43 includes the property where K-Mart is located and portions of the new SR 516 right-of-way. None of the lines for which the easement was granted are now in use. The Washington Department of Transportation has asked that the easement be released. It has been determined that there is no need for the City to retain it and KITTO MOVED to release the easement for water mains granted by John P. and Caroline E. Hartman by instrument dated January 22, 1902, King County Auditor's File No. 224430, Carey seconded. Motion carried. LAG Water Service Request - Tom O'Connell. It was noted that the Public Works Committee had met with Mr. O'Connell and recommends that water for his property be obtained from Water District #75 until such time as there is an adequate Kent water system. McCAUGHAN MOVED to adopt the recommendation, Carey seconded. Street noted that about five years ago the Boundary Review Board directed that the Valley floor area be served by Kent water supply and they denied Water District #75's request to serve in this area. He noted that if the motion was passed Water District 75 would probably have to ask the Boundary Review Board to change the service area for the district. He noted that if they are granted the request to serve this area for one residential use they would probably ask to serve it for other uses also. Masters noted that O'Connell's request was to serve only one house and opined that the intent of the original agreement was that water service for the area would be reviewed with Water District 75 and the Boundary Review Board in the future. She noted that the District has agreed to serve just this one residence. Mirk stated that the recommendation constitutes a temporary service and therefore does not involve the Boundary Review Board. He pointed out further that a precedent would not be set as this action would cover O'Connell's request only. McCAUGHAN CLARIFIED THE MOTION to include that Water District No. 75 would serve water for this one residence until Kent water is available. Carey concurred. It was determined that the District has a line in the area but they are not serv- ing any other homes. Motion carried. Milwaukee Railroad Water Line Agreement. The Milwaukee Railroad has prepared an agreement supplementing the 1970 agreement for the purpose of relocation by the Railroad of a Kent water line within their right-of-way south of the Green River. Staff has reviewed the agreement and recommends that the Mayor be authorized to sign it. JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Supplemental Pipe Line Agreement, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Kent Springs Chlorination Facility. Ulett reported that the City's application for a DSHS Referendum 27 grant had not been approved for funding. EDA Loan Agreement - Drought Relief Projects. It was noted that it is necessary to submit an agreement to borrow $102,000 from EDA at 5% interest in concluding the Drought Relief Project. JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the EDA Drought Relief loan application, Johnson seconded. Street determined that the Council had already authorized the loan application--that this action was to authorize signing the application. It was further determined that the loan will have to be repaid, and could be included in a bond issue. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Hill. Street noted that the City Attorney has advised that there was an error in the legal description in Ordinance 2010, covering the Hill annexation to Kent. He will prepare an amending ordinance to correct the legal description. LEASE OF CITY PROPERTY Department of Labor and Industries - State Electrical Inspector. Street noted receipt of a letter from the Department of Labor & Industries asking that their lease, which terminates on February 28, 1978, be extended on a month-to-month basis on the exsting terms and conditions. The Department is in the process of negotiating for larger quarters for the State electrical inspectors who are currently housed in the City Shops. Upon the recommendation of the City Administrator, MASTERS MOVED that the lease be continued on a month-to-month basis, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. BILL OF SALE Cambridge East, Division #2. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 1425 linear feet of 8" cast iron water mains, 1330 linear feet of 6" water mains, and approximately 2,065 linear feet of asphalt concrete streets, together with storm drainage, and approximately 2,070 linear feet of 8 sanitary sewer lines which were constructed in conjunc- tion with the development of Cambridge East Division #2. The Engineering Depart- ment recommends acceptance of the said Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement and accordingly, JOHNSON MOVED that the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the water mains, streets and sanitary sewers constructed for Cambridge East, Division #2, be accepted and the cash bond be released upon payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, Just seconded. Motion carried. POLICE Jail Standards. A letter has been received noting that certain monies may be available for upgrading existing jails. Chief Skewes has already submitted the necessary information concerning our jail and assigned Office Jennings the responsibility of follow-up work. JUST MOVED to note receipt of the letter outlining jail standards, Masters seconded. Street noted that the reason for acknowledging receipt of the letter is because of the new jail standards set by the State Jail Commission. He stated that a 70 to 100 million dollar bond issue was to be considered for bringing jail facilities up to standard, and that the City might apply if sufficient funding was available. Upon questions from the Council, Mirk determined that Kent could meet standards by installing a kitchen, so that meals could be other than TV dinners, and by providing indoor and out- door recreation facilities. He suggested that one way to avoid these alterations would be to be sure that all jail sentences were less than 30 days. Motion carried. ANIMAL CONTROL Leash Law. A letter has been received from Mrs. Greetan concerning a leash law for Kent and it is suggested that Kent may want to reconsider such action. An attempt is being made to enforce such a law now in two areas of King County. McCAUGHAN MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted, Just seconded. McCaughan asked that animal control matters be discussed at a work session as soon as possible. Motion carried. CLAIM Dennis David Terry. It was noted that a claim has been received from Dennis David Terry in the amount of $167.00 for alleged damages to his vehicle in the amount of $167.00 for alleged damages to his vehicle in the vicinity of 104th S.E. and S.E. 256th. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the claim be referred to the City Attorney to determine whether it should be forwarded to the City's insurance carrier, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & RECREATION King County Contract. A contract has been received from King County for con- tinued joint recreation programs in the Kent community. King County agrees to pay the City of Kent $20,000 during 1978 and the City agrees to provide recreational programs for fural areas of the Kent School District. CAREY MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the said contract with King County, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Kent Memorial Park Parking, Phase II. Bids for the Kent Memorial Park Phase II parking project were received on February 2, 1978 as follows : Valley Cement Construction $36,791.98 Lakeridge Asphalt Paving, Inc. 64,632.33 City Transfer of Kent, Inc. 41,436.96 It was noted that the architect's (ORB) estimate was $49,883.12. In accordance with the recommendation of the Parks Department, CAREY MOVED that the best bid of Valley Cement Construction in the amount of $36,791.98 be accepted, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Sprinklering of Room 117. Approval of the sprinklering of the Arts & Crafts Room of the Kent Commons, as required by the Building Code, is requested, at a cost not to exceed $3,000. JUST MOVED that the City enter into a change order with the contractor for the sprinklering of Room 117 at a cost not to exceed $3,000, B. Johnson seconded. Upon McCaughan's question, Street explained that this figure included additional required wiring, etc. , and that this was the low proposal. Masters opined that the entire facility should be sprinklered. Motion carried, with Masters and Carey voting nay. Completion Date - Phase I. It was noted that R. W. Huff, the contractor for Kent Commons, Phase I, has requested an extension of the completion date of the project to February 16, 1978. The Architect recommends approval, and JUST SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Street explained that the work had been held up approximately 10 days because of the matter of sprinklering a portion of Phase I. Motion carried. Phase IIA - Site Development. Only one bid was received for the Kent Commons - Phase IIA Site Development, as follows: D. J. Hopkins Company, Inc. $157,046.00 The estimate of the architect, Bower & Nyberg, was $120,109.63. The Architect recommends that no action be taken on awarding of the bid at this time. Accord- ingly, KITTO MOVED that the bid be referred to the workshop for further study, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. L84 CABLE TELEVISION Seattle C.A.T.V. Contract. The City Attorney has reviewed the proposed contract to have the Seattle Board of Public Works, Cable Communications, provide necessary professional help concerning C.A.T.V. The Council previously approved entering into such a contract. JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the C.A.T.V. contract for services with the City of Seattle, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Appointments. The Mayor has received letters of resignation from Kent Yahn and Bob Hankins from the Civil Service Commission because of change of resi- dence from the area. She has recommended T. Richard Ried be appointed to replace Kent Yahn, which term will expire March, 1981; and Don Whitener to replace Bob Hankins, which term will expire in April of 1978. The letter of resignation from Kent Yahn was read by the Clerk. JUST MOVED to accept the letter, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. The letter from Bob Hankins was read. KITTO MOVED that the letter be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor's appointment of T. Richard Ried to the Civil Service Commission to fill the unexpired term of Ken Yahn be approved, Just seconded. In response to Carey's question, Mirk clarified that there was in fact a requirement that not more than two of the members of the Civil Service Commission be of the same political party affiliation. In order to determine the political preferences of the Civil Service Commission members proposed to be appointed, JOHNSON MOVED to table action on the appointments until February 21, 1978, Carey seconded. Motion carried, with Just and Kitto voting nay. PLANNING COMMISSION William Helmer. The Clerk read a letter of resignation from the Planning Com- mission from Bill Holmer who has moved outside of Kent's sphere of influence. CAREY MOVED that the resignation of William Holmer be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED to approve the Mayor's appointment of Thomas Sharp to the Planning Commission to fill Holmer's unexpired term to January, 1980, B. Johnson seconded. In response to McCaughan's question, the Mayor noted that letter of appreciation for members serving on the Boards and Commissions were routinely sent by her office. Motion carried. OUT OF STATE TRAVEL Sewer Superintendent. Bob Kristofferson has been invited to teach a class in pump station management and administer a certification exam for Washington residents on April 12 and 13 at Albany, Oregon. The estimated cost to Kent is $50. B. JOHNSON MOVED that Bob Kristofferson be granted travel authorization and subsistence to take part in meetings in Albany, Oregon on April 12 and 13, 1978, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE JOHNSON MOVED that the bills received on or before February 2, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting at 8:00 a.m. on February 15, 1978 be paid, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Johnson noted that the time of the meeting might be changed from 8:00 a.m. FINANCE December, 1977 claims approved by the Finance Committee at its January 31, 1978 meeting are as follows: Current Expense $ 42,211.56 Parks & Recreation 8,025.42 Library 1,726.17 City Streets 18,713.88 Central Business District 1,111.89 Kent Commons Operating 194.87 Federal Shared Revenue 1,368.84 Smith/Central to 4th 78.00 Equipment Rental 3,951.52 Housing & Comm. Development 479.25 Arts Commission 300.50 Fireman's Relief & Pension 63.87 Leff Disability 37.01 Sewer 4,147.74 Water 21,400.97 Garbage 1,067.55 $104,879.04 Interest Bearing Warrants Kent Commons - Phase II Construction Bower & Nyberg $ 8,400.72 Bower & Nyberg 4,343.00 $ 12,743.72 January, 1978 claims received through January 23, 1978 and approved by the Finance Committee at its January 31, 1978 meeting are as follows : Current Expense $ 36,583.99 Federal/State Grant 839.41 Parks & Recreation 11,540.67 Library 224.00 Streets 3,436.55 Kent Commons Operating 128.68 Federal Shared Revenue 842.21 Russell Road Park Construction 9,696.40 Kent Commons, Phase I 90,085.38 UAB - 12 Central Signal 55,082.24 104th Ave. Street Imprvmnt 11.07 116th Ave. Trans. Main 45.00 Equipment. Rental 5,156.51 Hsng & Comm. Dvlpmnt 14,013.00 Fireman's Relf & Pension 3,031.68 Leff Disability 4,044.16 Sewer 57,251.95 Water 9,891.87 $301,814.77 Interest Bearing Warrants Kent Commons--Phase II Construction Quality Electric $ 5,157.22 Paul Weber & Assoc. 617.00 $ 5,774.22 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jens, CMC City Clerk