HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/16/1978 X fi1 Kent, Washington January 16, 1978 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Jon Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett, and Finance Director Winkle. Councilperson Billie Johnson was absent. Also present: Deputy Fire Chief Freelove, Planning Commissioners Long and Hamilton, Assistant City Engineer Wickstrom, and URS re- presentatives Abed and Ramsey. Approximately 35 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve as printed the minutes of the special meetings held December 28 and December 29, 1977 and the regular meeting held January 3, 1978, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Mayor Hogan referred to page 4 of the Council minutes of January 3, 1978 and noted that EDA has notified the City that the Kent Commons project has been selected for additional work. She referred specifically to the efficient manner in which Helen Adams of the Parks Department has handled the paper work for EDA, the contractor and the architect. Sprinkler System. Dave Ernst of Bower & Nyberg reported that three proposals had been received for providing sprinkler protection for the Arts & Crafts room in Phase I of the Commons and that the cost would be between $4,000 and $4,500 Upon Just's question, it was determined that this was $4.00 to $4.50 per square foot. Just pointed out that the architect had quoted the price as about $1.75 per square foot all along, and opined that the price had doubled now that it had been determined that sprinklering of this room was mandatory. McCaughan asked why the Kent sprinkler firms had not been asked to submit a proposal. Ernst stated that time had been of the essence and the four firms he had contacted had been recommended by his firm's mechanical engineer. Masters asked if the prices might have been more realistic if the proposal had been for sprinklering the entire building. Ernst stated that it was true that some of the equipment required for the one room would amply serve a much larger area. Masters sug- gested that the matter be reviewed, that the Kent firms be invited to participate and that consideration be given to proposals for the entire building. Mr. Oakes noted that his letter to the City on this matter was on file. He spoke in favor of sprinklering the entire building and stated that if the plan had been such from the beginning, that other costly fire safeguarding conditions could have been eliminated. He noted that Superior Fire Protection of Kent should have been invited to make a proposal along with the other four firms contacted by Ernst. He noted that he was not affiliated with Superior. KITTO MOVED to accept Ernst's report, McCaughan seconded, and asked about Oakes' allegation that there had been a suggestion that 400 square feet of the gym in Phase II be designated as a storage area in order to make the square footage for the gym under 12,000 square feet. Deputy Fire Chief Freelove stated that a gym area over 12,000 square feet required sprinklering, and even if 400 square feet were earmarked for storage, the hazard would not be reduced. A roll call vote was taken on the motion to accept Ernst's report, resulting in a tie, as follows: Carey, Johnson and Masters NAY, and Just, Kitto and McCaughan, AYE. The motion carried, when the Mayor voted in favor. Upon Just's question, Street determined that the contractor had a(:vised that the portion of the building to be leased will be ready for occupancy on time, (March 1st) , even if the Arts & Crafts room is not ready. He noted that within a short time the contractor will start charging the City if he is delayed on the project. McCAUGHAN MOVED for Ernst to supply the drawings to the local sprinklering firms so that they may make a proposal with a time limit of two days. Just seconded. MASTERS MOVED TO AMEND the motion to have the new proposals include a cost factor for sprinkler systems for the entire facility, Carey seconded. The amendment FAILED with only Masters and Carey supporting it. McCaughan's motion CARRIED with no opposition. SISTER CITY . Kent-Kaibara Report. Glenn S. Tomai presented the Annual Report and Proposed Budget for the period May, 1977 - April, 1978 for the Kent-Kaibara Town Affiliation Com- mittee. JUST MOVED that the report be accepted as presented, McCaughan seconded. It was noted that a copy had been furnished to all Council members. Motion carried. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Hogan proposes to make the following appointments to the Planning Commission for three year terms: 1) Reappoint - Gloria Brown who has been filling Marilyn Jones' unexpired term to January, 1978. 2) Appoint - Barbara Bell to fill Cole's position which expires January, 1978. 3) Appoint - Bernard Chillquist to fill Long's position which expires January, 1978. 4) Appoint - Donald Baer to fill Jon Johnson's vacated position which will run to January, 1980. KITTO MOVED to confirm the Mayor's appointments, Just seconded. Upon Masters' ques- tion, Mayor Hogan pointed out that there was no requirement that a Planning Com- missioner be reappointed, and that the Ordinance provided for such appointments to be made by the Mayor with confirmation of the Council. JON JOHNSON MOVED TO AMEND the motion to provide for voting on each appointment individually, Just seconded. The motion to amend carried, with Kitto and Just voting against it. KITTO stated that his motion was now inappropriate and WITHDREW it. JON JOHNSON THEN MOVED to vote on each appointment individually, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried unanimously. MASTERS MOVED to confirm Brown's reappointment, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried unanimously. MASTERS MOVED to confirm the appointment of Bell, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried unanimously. JON JOHNSON MOVED to confirm Baer's appointment, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried unanimously. KITTO MOVED to confirm the appointment of Chillquist, Just seconded. Upon a roll call vote, Carey, Jon Johnson and Masters voted NAY, and Just, Kitto and McCaughan voted in favor. The motion CARRIED when Mayor Hogan voted in favor. Long stated that the City Council minutes in April, 1977, as well as the list from the Planning Department, showed that his term did not expire until December, 1978, and that he had therefore assumed that his term ran until that time. He noted that Mr. Cole, who recently resigned from the Commission, was also under the im- pression that his term ran until December, 1978. Long stated that he was shocked when the Mayor's memo informed him that she did not intend to reappoint him as a Commissioner, although he recognized her right to do so. He noted the many meet- ings he had attended and the projects he had been involved with in his 0-2 years as a Planning Commissioner. It was determined that the Planning Commission was comprised of five City residents and four who lived within the sphere of interest. Masters asked for a definition of "sphere of interest." Mayor Hogan noted that Commissioner Holmer had moved since his appointment, and asked if the Council desired therefore to have him replaced. JUST MOVED to refer this matter to the City Attorney, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried, and Mirk stated that he would have a report for the Monday workshop. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Resignation. The Clerk read a letter of resignation from the Board of Park Commis- sioners from Linda Helgerson, who is moving from the area. She suggested that a resident from the West Hill be appointed for her replacement. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Just seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that Ms. Helgerson had served for only a short time. Motion carried. MOBILE HOME PARK CODE It was noted that the Planning Commission has held public hearings on the proposed City of Kent Mobile Home Park Code, and has recommended that the Code be adopted. Copies of the proposed Code were given to the Council members at the January 9, 1978 Council workshop. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. The Clerk noted there was no correspondence on the matter. Harris noted receipt of memos dated January 12 and 13 from Building Director Jim Chandler and Lt. Opel of Fire Prevention expressing concern over certain parts of the proposed Code. Harris suggested that a review of the items contained in the memos should be discussed by the Council at a work session. MASTERS MOVED to continue the public hearing to the next Council meeting, McCaughan seconded. Harris noted that all Council members would be furnished with copies of the memos and it was determined that the matter will be discussed at the next work session. Motion carried. PUGET SOUND COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS King Subregional Plan, Draft Public Utilities Policies. A letter was read from Paul Kraebel, Chairman, Committee on Growth & Development, Puget Sound Council of Governments, regarding subregional plan policies and asking that comments be received from the City by January 31 to be utilized at a planned February 9 meeting. MASTERS MOVED that the letter and report be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that she would like to have the matter discussed at the next workshop session. She referred to a discussion held between herself, Harris, Street and Ulett regarding the Valley Floor Plan, Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan, all of which are related to this subject. Motion carried. HEALTH SERVICES 1978 Contract. The contract for health services for 1978 has been received and reviewed by the City Attorney and staff. The charge is consistent with the fact r of individuals has greater emphasis finding report of Renton, wherein the numbe than other factors. In 1977 the amount was $21,153 and the amount for 1978 is $21,590. CAREY MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1978 Health Contract, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. CENSUS The Clerk noted receipt of a letter from the Office of Fiscal Management asking if the City of Kent intended to take a census in 1978. Street recommended that the method of estimating used last year be utilized again and that an actual census not be taken. MASTERS MOVED to accept Street's recommendation and to so inform the State, Just seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Robert L. Morton. A claim has been filed by Robert L. Morton in the sum of $192 for damages to his vehicle allegedly caused by negligence of a fire truck operator. Upon the City Attorney's recommendation, KITTO MOVED that the claim be referred to the City's insurance carrier, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Garrey Hayes. It was noted that the City Attorney has referred the claim of Garrey Hayes to the Traverso Construction Co. who have been in contact with Mr. Hayes on this matter. PRELIMINARY PLAT Park-Mar. On December 13, 1977, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the Park Mar Preliminary Plat which lies along 113th Ave. S.E. (extended) at approximately S.E. 228th Place (immediately north of Eastridge Divisions #2 and #3) , and recommended approval with conditions. KITTO MOVED that the Council set a public meeting date of February 6, 1978 to consider adoption or rejection of the Planning Commission's recommendation on the Park Mar Preliminary Plat, Just seconded. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT Randall Park, Division #2. The Planning Department has received the Final Plat of Randall Park, Division #2, and a Council hearing date should now be set. McCAUGHAN MOVED that such a public hearing be scheduled for February 6, 1978, Carey seconded. Motion carried. STREETS LID 281 - 104th Avenue S.E. Street Improvement. Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. has re- quested a change order for additional work in the amount of $6,065.65 for work relating to a rock retaining wall and additional storm drainage. This matter was discussed with the Public Works Committee and authorization was recommended. Accordingly, KITTO MOVED that Change Order #1 in the amount of $6,065.65 be approved, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Scenic Hill Street Improvements. It was noted that property owners have been notified of a meeting to discuss the street improvement project to be held at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 18, 1978 in the Council Chambers. Bill of Sale - Parkside Plat, Div. #1. At the last Council meeting, the accept- ance of streets, sidewalks and storm drainage improvements for the Parkside Plat, Division #1, was delayed pending assurance that the storm drainage system was completed. The Public Works Department reports that it is complete and that the improvements are acceptable. JUST MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the plat of Parkside, Division #1, for those improve- ments described thereon, and that the cash bond be released upon payment of any outstanding City bills against the project, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Hazel Avenue and Cedar Street. A letter was read from Thomas H. Waller and Iver Iverson asking that they be allowed to quit claim to the City enough property from the front of their properties to enable the City to straighten the center line of Hazel Avenue. In exchange, Waller and Iverson asked that all fees be waived and the said individuals allowed to improve Cedar Street enough for them to use it as their private driveway. The further asked that the City survey their front property line without cost to them. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be referred to the Public Works Committee, Kitto seconded. Street noted that the proposal would have to be evaluated and might not be ready for this week's Public Works Committee meeting. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Downtown Sewer Replacement. Tri-State Construction, Inc. has completed the sani- tary sewer replacement in the downtown area in the vicinity of First Avenue, Second Avenue, Sixth Avenue, Gowe Street and Meeker Street, and the Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the project. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the contract as complete and to release the retainage after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Sewer Facilities Plan. Representatives of URS met with the Director of Public Works and Sewer Superintendent on January 12, 1977. A proposal from URS concerning completion of the Sewer Facilities Plan was reported by the Public Works Director and it was noted that the Planning Department has advised that they can get the Environmental Impact Statement ready in about 30 days with a maximum charge of $300. Public Works Director Ulett recommended that the Planning Department be directed to prepare the necessary EIS. JUST SO MOVED, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Bill of Sale - Kentridge Estates #3 Utility Extensions. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for approximately 3108 linear feet of sanitary sewers and approximately 3724 linear feet of water mains constructed in conjunction with the development of Kentridge Estates #3 in the vicinity of 124th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 277th Place. In accordance with the recom- mendation of the Engineering Department, KITTO MOVED to accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the water mains and sanitary sewers constructed for Kentridge Estates #3 and for the cash bond to be released upon payment of any outstanding City bills against the project. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Cascade Sewer District Annexation. The Cascade Sewer District proposes to annex an area which includes a portion of Kent and a portion of our franchised area, bounded by S. 208th Street, S. 212th Street, the Valley Freeway and 96th Avenue So. The Public Works Committee recommends that we support the proposed annexation inasmuch as Kent cannot economically serve the area. JOHNSON MOVED that a letter be written supporting the annexation, Carey seconded. Motion carried. A letter was read from Richard A. Southworth, Manager, Solid Waste Division, King County Department of Public works, enclosing a copy of a new proposed County ordinance authorizing a rate increase at all King County solid waste transfer stations or landfills, to become effective February 2, 1978. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Street noted that the City does not use King County garbage dumps so the proposed rate increase will not affect the City's customers. Motion carried. WATER Water Service Area Release to Water District 58. An area within the Kent water franchise area near Kenton Firs Plat can better be served by King Co. Water District No. 58. The area is bounded by the plat, 108th Avenue S.E. , the Stockton Plat, and the Plat of Hines Addition No. 3, and consists of 20 acres. The District is receptive to annexing it and such action is recommended by the Public Works Committee. CAREY MOVED that a letter be written to the District supporting the annexation, Masters seconded. Motion carried. Water Service Request - Tom O'Connell. A letter was read from Tom O'Connell re- questing that he be allowed to hook up to an existing water supply to service a house located on a one-acre site. The letter noted that the proposed water supply is located approximately 300' away from the house in question and easily accessible. KITTO MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Just seconded. It was determined that Carey would chair the Public Works Committee and that all committees will meet as usual until new committees are assigned after the election of the Council President. Motion carried. !1T Kent Springs Well Drilling. Burt Well Drilling has completed their contract to drill two wells at Kent Springs. The final cost was $35,679.90 and acceptance of the contract as complete is requested. JUST SO MOVED and for final payment to be authorized upon receipt of the necessary releases from the State, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. Kent Springs - Pumps and Motors for 2 Wells. Bids were received on January 13, 1978 for the purchase of two pumps and motors for the Kent Springs wells, as follows: Schedule A - Pumps Paramount Electric $24,828.00 Byron Jackson Pump Division 18,360.00 Schedule B - Pipes and Fittings H. D. Fowler, Inc. $36,763.52 Hallgren Co. , Inc. 37,057.85 Western Utilities Supply 39,679.22 Ulett noted that one-half of the project would be financed by the Drought Relief Grant. In accordance with the recommendations of the Engineering Department, KITTO MOVED to accept the best bid of Byron Jackson Pump Division for Schedule A, and the best bid of H. D. Fowler, Inc. for Schedule B. Carey seconded. It was noted that both low bids were below the Engineer's estimate. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Grassi. The Council reviewed the proposed Grassi annexation with representatives of the area at the last work session. CAREY MOVED that the proposed annexation is acceptable, that assumption of the existing City indebtedness is required, and that authorization is granted for the circulation of an annexation petition. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Okimoto. The City Attorney reported that he had met with Mr. McNae and his attorney, and that a preliminary draft of an agreement has been completed. Mirk noted that he was waiting for a copy of the title report and a copy of an agreement which shows that Mr. McNae is authorized to sign for the other property owners involved. When this has been done and the agreement completed in final form and signed, the ordinance will be drafted and returned to the Council for approval. Mirk pointed out that the proposed agreement is very favorable to the City and con- tains all the required conditions. He stated that recording of the agreement will make the terms a covenant which will run with the property. PLANNING COMMISSION Western Processing. A letter dated January 5, 1978 was read from Garmt J. Nieuwen- huis, President, Western Processing, appealing the June 2, 1977 decision of the Kent Planning Commission in denying Western's request for a conditional use permit to expand his operations to property owned by Mrs. Carrie Costello. The letter also asks for a rezone for the property. It was pointed out that Harris has written a memo which has been distributed to the Council explaining that Nieuwenhuis had never actually made application for a conditional use permit and that the Planning Department interpreted Mr. Nieuwenhuis's May 10, 1977 letter as one of inquiry only. It was also determined that while Mr. Nieuwenhuis's letter of January 5 requests a rezone he has never actually filed a rezone application. It was determined that the Planning Commis- sion has therefore not denied any of Mr. Nieuwenhuis's requests since he has never made formal application. The Mayor asked that the letter be made a part of the record. KITTO SO MOVED, Just seconded. Motion carried. SPUR REQUEST Street noted that Mr. Nieuwenhuis has asked the City to allow him to place a rail spur upon a 30' public right of way from S. 192nd to S. 196th, which area will be part of the drainage ditch. It was also noted that if such a line were constructed portions of it would have to be bridged. It was determined that Street would respond to this request. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT Reappointment. Mayor Hogan proposes to reappoint Phyllis Mauritsen to the Board of Adjustment for a five (5) year term. Her present term expires in February, 1978. JUST MOVED to confirm the reappointment, Masters seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & RECREATION Senior Center Grant Offer. The City has received a grant offer in the amount of $9,029 from the Seattle Department of Human Resources for a continuation of nutrition programs at the Kent Senior Center. The Parks Department recommends that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement immediately so as not to disrupt the on-going program. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract with the Seattle Department of Human Resources for the $9,209 grant, Carey seconded. Motion carried. POLICE DEPARTMENT Extension of Agreement for Public Defense Services. It was noted that the re- quested extension of the agreement for public defense services would allow for utilization of the King County Office of Public Defense to furnish attorney services for indigents at the same rate in 1978 as in 1977. MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Public Defense Contract Extension for 1978, Carey seconded. In response to Masters' question, Mirk noted that the rate is $110 per case. Motion carried. Contract for Jailer Personnel through King County Alcoholism Program. It was noted that the proposed contract is an extension of an existing contract adjusted to 1978 wage costs. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract extension for jailer service personnel through the King County Alcoholism Program, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. FIRE DEPARTMENT 1978 Emergency Medical Service (Medic 1) . A contract between King County and Valley General Hospital, the Cities of Renton, Kent, Tukwila, and Fire Districts 20, 25 and 40, has been received, and reviewed by the City Attorney and City staff. King County agrees to fund $163, 351 of the $303,700 budget. The provider group must decide upon a method of raising this balance, either by charges for services or grants. MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1978 Emergency Medical Services contract, Just seconded. In response to Kitto's ques- tion regarding the City's responsibility for funding, Street noted the Fire Chiefs have recommended that a charge should be made for services. He noted that if the $163, 351 funding is depleted, the funds will have to come from the City and pointed out that we have not budgeted for this. He also noted that both Bellevue and one other District are funding this through excess levies but that Kent could not operate under a similar plan until 1979. He noted, however, that legally the City does not have to put out any funds. Motion carried. A letter was read from Edward H. Kosnoski, O.D. , Kent Vision Clinic, thanking the Fire Department for conducting CPR classes and noting that the training he had received had resulted in the saving of the life of a family member. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. CITY HALL Elevator Maintenance Contract - 1978. The 1978 contract has been received for complete maintenance on the two City Hall elevators in the amount of $160.00. It was noted that during 1977 the cost for one elevator was $94.20, with the maintenance on the second elevator free for that year. In accordance with the recommendation of administration, CAREY MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1978 Sound Elevator contract, Just seconded. Motion carried. CITY HALL/LIBRARY Heating & Air Conditioning Maintenance Contract. Last July the City called for bids for a preventive maintenance contract on heating and air conditioning for the City Hall and Library. At that time the contract was awarded to Honeywell. The City has not been satisfied with their service and they have agreed to cancellation of the contract. Holaday Parks, the company that had the prior contract, has agreed to provide service in 1978 at the same rate as they bid in 1977, which was only a few dollars per month more. This service does not require a new bid call. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Holaday Parks contract, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. COUNCIL In accordance with the provisions of Resolution No. 716, as amended, the Presi- dent of the Council, who is Mayor Pro Tempore, is to be elected by the Council at the second regular meeting in January on even numbered years, after which the new Council President selects the committee chairmen and designates membership for the various committees. MASTERS MOVED to table action on these two items until the entire Council is present, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. First Work Session in February. In accordance with City policy, City Hall will be closed in honor of Lincoln's birthday on Monday, February 13, and the Council should determine whether the usual work session will be held on Monday or delayed to Tuesday, February 14. MASTERS MOVED that the first work session be held on Monday, February 13, 1978 at 7:00 o'clock p.m. , Carey seconded. Motion carried. STREETS A letter was read from G. M. Anderson, Bell-Anderson Real Estate, enclosing a copy of a quit claim deed for certain property in the vicinity of 104th Avenue S.E. The letter noted that East Hill Equities was starting construction on a new office building located immediately east of the property described in the deed. The letter also noted that it has now been determined that 13' of the 20' which was deeded to the City may not be used for road right of way and the partnership is therefore requesting that the land be deeded back to allow additional off street parking spaces for the proposed building. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Director for clarification and to the Public Works Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ALLEY VACATION Alley between Temperance and Smith Streets, running from Kennebeck to Clark. The Planning Department has received input from the staff and recommends that this vacation request be approved, with the following requirements: 1) Retain a utility easement for sanitary sewers--such easement to be wide enough for future reconstruction of the sewer line. 2) Retain a storm drainage easement for storm water runoff; should the present open drainage ditch be eliminated, the developer of the property shall be re- quired to provide an alternate storm drainage system capable of carrying the required storm water flow. This system shall be subject to Engineering Department review and approval. It was noted that one-half of the value of the property involved is $4,489.20. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor, and the Clerk reported that no corres- pondence had been received. Frank Nowak noted that he owned property to the east of the proposed vacation and expressed concern that development of the alley would create additional drainage problems. Harris noted that this problem is addressed in #2 above as suggested by the Public Works Department. Norm Heutmaker, representing the applicant, the First Church of the Nazarene, noted that the alley cuts the owner's property in half and that it was intended that the entire property would be improved. He noted that the area was zoned Commercial from Smith to Temperance and that it has no residential value. Mr. Marlatt, the owner of adjoining Lots 5 and 6, noted that the alley could be used for delivery trucks, etc. , in the future. He expressed concern also about drainage problems. Responding to Masters' question as to the impact of vacation on adjacent property owners, Ulett determined that the property is proposed for some type of commerical operation and he noted that since the pro- perty is higher than Mill Creek, the water run-off could be handled by the Creek. Harris noted that he was not aware what the development plans for the proposed vacation area were but it was obvious that there is storm water runoff in the alley. Masters questioned whether the Engineering Department would find some means of monitoring the project under the requested drainage easement. Heutmaker noted that a site plan was available for the intended use of the alley showing that there would be no building on the alley site, but that it would be covered with asphalt with appropriate storm drains. Street noted that the property valuation was based on the entire alley from Kennebeck to Clark. Street determined for McCaughan that the City's vacation ordinance provides that the owners are required to pay 1/2 of the appraised value, in this case $4,489.20, and that the ordinance order- ing the vacation is not passed until the money is paid to the City. Marlatt questioned whether it would be possible to vacate one-half of the alley. Street noted that the request was for the entire alley to be vacated. Heutmaker noted that while the original application was for the entire alley, the property owned by Marlatt was not necessary for the applicant's purposes. McCaughan sug- gested that a new legal description could be prepared and Heutmaker noted the applicant was concerned only with the westerly portion of the alley. Street sug- gested that if the request was going to be changed the matter should be continued for two weeks. Mirk noted that the description could be changed, as long as the area in question was not larger than that shown on the original application. Marlatt noted that while he was not completely against the idea of the vacation, he would still prefer to have additional time to give it further consideration. MASTERS MOVED to continue the hearing to the February 6 Council meeting, McCaughan seconded. Masters noted that she has had problems with surface water runoff caused by land development in the vicinity of her home and was concerned that adjoining property owners might be adversely affect in this regard. Motion carried. �.s s •"� STREET VACATION Portion of S. 210th Street (O'Brien Street) . The Planning Department has re- ceived input from the various departments and recommends approval of this re- quest for vacation of a portion of South 210th Street submitted by Metro Haul- ing. It was noted that one-half of the value of the property involved is $2,052. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments and no correspondence. JUST MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the request be approved and the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance after receipt of payment for the land, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Portion of S. 238th Street. It was noted that the Planning Department has re- ceived input from the various City departments and recommends that this appli- cation by Western Farmers and Double LSJ be approved. It was determined that 1/2 of the value of the property involved is $2,520. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Alex Baden of Western Farmers Association noted that S. 238th Street was deeded to the City with the cul-de-sac at the end and that it became evident later that the curbing around the cul-de-sac would come right in front of the loading dock of the building. He requested that the Council allow some consideration for the cost of deeding the property back to Western Farmers and Oberto Sausage, due to the unusual circumstances. Street reminded the Council that the policy of the City has consistently been that a property owner was charged for right of way unless there was an exchange of property and that an exception in this case would be contrary to City policy. There were no further comments and no correspondence was received. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the request be approved and the City Attorney directed to prepare an ordinance after receiving payment for the land, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Harold Hill Sewer. Walt Ramsey noted that URS has completed the analysis of the carrying capacity of the 15" sewer main on S. 192nd from the EVH to 80th Ave. S. He reported that the sewer line can serve 167 acres, as follows: Area 1 - S. of S. 192nd - 90 acres Area 2 - Adj. to S. 192nd-22 acres Area 3 - N. of S. 192nd -55 acres Masters noted that reference has been made to the Cascade line project and MOVED for Street to secure a written commitment from Cascade as to the date they expect to have their line in service. Just seconded. Ulett noted that a meeting was scheduled for tomorrow with John Roth, Cascade's consulting engi- neer, and that Roth had indicated that the line would be built during the summer of 1978. He pointed out that he would report further at the Wednesday morning Public Works Committee meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hill commented on Ramsey's report, objecting to the designation of only 55 acres in area #3. Mirk stated that it was his understanding that the URS report would be accepted as final, and he opined that it should be accepted by the Council and by Hill. Street noted that the Council was concerned as to the capacity of the line, and the URS report has shown that the line will serve 167 acres, and that the actual area designations were not the prime concern at this time. He recommended that the report be accepted, noting that he would secure a report from Cascade, in accordance with the Council's re- quest. He further recommended that the existing lines be accepted upon approval of Metro and DOE. He noted that this would accomplish what Hill originally requested -- to secure service for approximately 50 acres now. Masters stated that we now have a recommendation from the Administrator and a recommendation from the Public Works Committee. She noted that the URS report refers to the Sewer Facilities Plan, which has not yet been adopted. She sug- gested that the Public Works Committee should now review all this material, in- cluding the commitment from Cascade, when it is secured, so that the Committee can amend or update their recommendation accordingly. Kitto stated that he was in favor of Street's recommendation, and MOVED to accept it. The motion was clarified as follows: to accept the URS report which shows that the 15" line has the capacity of serving 167 acres and that Hill's lines be accepted as city sewer lines after approval by DOE and Metro. Just seconded. Kitto stated that he did not intend by his motion to necessarily limit the areas to the exact format shown on the map accompanying the URS report. Carey objected to the motion, opining that we should show where we will serve within the 55 acres in question. Masters stated that approval of the motion would be a con- tinuation of the violation of the City's policy. Jon Johnson opined that new information had been received tonight and the matter, therefore, should be i . referred to the Public Works Committee again. The following roll call vote was recorded: Carey, J. Johnson & Masters NAY: Just, Kitto & McCaughan AYE. The motion CARRIED when Mayor Hogan cast an affirmative vote. FINANCE JUST MOVED to pay the December bills received through January 20, 1978 and the January bills received through January 23, 1978 after approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. January 31, 1978, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its January 31, 1978 meeting are as follows: Current Expense $ 6,053.15 Parks & Recreation 24,101.17 Library 16.86 City Streets 1,373.83 Alcohol Rehabilitation 987.08 Kent Commons Operating 28.00 Federal Shared Revenue 43,123.86 Kent Commons Ph. I Constrctn 1,801.23 Reith Rd./Military 1.44 124th/WD 111 Reservoir 1,949.51 Equipment Rental 3,719.20 Housing & Comm. Development 223.42 Arts Commission 60.00 Firemen's Relief & Pension 39.27 Leff Disability 1,915.08 Sewer 737.69 Water 7,444.83 Garbage 38,721.04 $132,296.66 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 281 - 104th Ave. S.E. Street Improvement Pacific Paving Co. $ 16,404.87 Rainier National Bank 863.42 $ 17,268.29 LID 282 - K-Mart Sewer Skip Jacobson Construction $ 2,424.90 $ 19,693.19 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, f v Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk