HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/17/1977 Kent, Washington
October 17, 1977
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m.
Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan
and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present:
Planning Commissioners Long and Johnson, Parks Director Wilson and URS representa-
tives Ramsey and Abed. Approximately 20 people were in attendance at the meeting.
KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held October 3, 1977 be approved as
printed, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Bill of Sale - Evans Engine & Equipment Co. It was noted that the Engineering
Department has received a Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for sanitary sewers
and water main constructed by Evans Engine & Equipment Co. in the vicinity of S.
222nd Street east of East Valley Highway. The lines have been inspected and are
acceptable for City ownership and maintenance. Upon the recommendation of the
Engineering Department, CAREY MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and
Warranty for the Evans Engine & Equipment Co. sanitary sewer and water main ex-
tensions. Storment seconded. Motion carried.
Bill of Sale - Flow Research. The sanitary sewers constructed by Flow Research
are acceptable for City ownership and maintenance and all necessary documents
have been submitted. Upon the recommendation of the Engineering Department,
JOHNSON MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for
the sanitary sewers constructed by Flow Research at S. 214th Street and the West
Valley Highway and release their $500 cash bond. Carey seconded. Motion carried.
Bill of Sale - Kent Highlands #2. A Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement has been
received by the Engineering Department for sanitary sewers and water lines con-
structed by Jim H. Plemmons in Kent Highlands Division #2. The sewer and water
lines have been inspected and are acceptable for City ownership and maintenance.
In accordance with the recommendation of the Engineering Department, STORMENT
MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement. McCaughan
seconded. Motion carried.
W.D. 111/Kent Joint 124th Ave. S.E. Water Reservoir Project. It was noted that
DiOrio Construction was the lowest of four bidders on Schedule B to furnish and
install pipe, fittings and control units for the Joint Use Water Reservoir con-
tract. That company claims an error in one of the items and it appears obvious
that they did in fact make such an error. It has been determined that the City
cannot lawfully negotiate and allow DiOrio to correct their bid and the second
low bid is unacceptable. McCAUGHAN MOVED that all bids for Schedule B of the
Joint Use Reservoir, opened on September 30, 1977, be rejected and that new
bids be scheduled for November 1. Carey seconded. Motion carried.
Schedule A - Construction of Reservoir. At the Council meeting of October 3, 1977,
the best bid of Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. for Schedule A was by Council action
submitted to the Department of Social & Health Services and the Directors of
Water District No. 111 for approval. Ulett noted that word has now been received
from the Department of Social & Health Services and water District No. 111 approv-
ing the low bid of Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. in the amount of $537,310.00.
He, therefore, recommended that the Mayor be authorized to enter into an agreement
with Chicago Bridge & Iron Co. accordingly. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Carey seconded.
Motion carried.
Park-Mar Plat. Ulett reported that the Park-Mar Plat cannot be developed until
the water mains are installed'in the Eastridge Plat. For this reason, they
have asked to be allowed to connect to Water District #58's water mains which
can be extended from Kenton Firs Mobile Home Park. The District estimates the
cost for such extension at $1250, and Tom Archey has asked that the City accept
his check in this amount to pay for such extension. Ulett noted that the reason
for the request is that the Water District will not contract with the developer,
Tom Archey, but will contract with the City. MASTERS SO MOVED, Carey seconded.
Ulett determined for McCaughan that the City would install the necessary 19
individual water meters and that Water District #58 would bill the City for the
water, with the City in turn billing the customers. The lines will be discon-
nected from Water District 58 when City water service is available. McCaughan
asked why the lines were not installed under the provisions of the Comprehensive
Plan, with the developer entering into a Late Comers Agreement. Ulett noted that
a meeting was scheduled with the new owner of the Eastridge Plat and it is expected
that the plat will now be developed, and if this takes place before the connection
A -
to Water District 58 is needed, it may not be necessary to purchase any water
from Water District 58. Motion carried.
Referendum 27 Funding - West Hill Pump Station. Ulett noted that the City has
been notified by the Department of Social and Health Services that the applica-
tion for funding for the West Hill Pump Station project would be included on
the list of 60 projects to be funded, and that he anticipated securing a grant
of $29,000 of Referendum 27 funds, for a total of $96,000 to rebuild the two
West Hill Pump Stations.
Smith Street Crossing/Burlington-Northern. Storment noted that the Public Works
Committee recommended that when the funds become available, that the work on the
Smith Street crossing proceed without the delay requested by Kent merchants for
Holiday traffic. Responding to McCaughan's question, Ulett noted that no response
has been received from the State as yet as to proceeding with the Smith Street
Crossing improvement. He noted that the plans and specs were ready but that a
call for bids could not be issued until approved by the State.
Gowe Street. In response to McCaughan's question, Ulett noted that it has not
as yet been determined when Gowe Street will be changed to a two-way street.
Jason and Clark Streets. The Public Works Comm. discussed the project for
traffic diverters for Jason & Clark Streets. Ulett stated that the Traffic
Engineer's office was doing the final design work and that some definite action
should be taken at the next Council meeting. Storment noted that discussion
was had regarding several types of diverters.
S 212th St and Valley Freeway Interchange -_Benaroya Property. The Finance
Committee was given a report on the Benaroya property at its meeting held
October 14, 1977. It is recommended that the City proceed with the appraisal
of the property. The need for the interchange is becoming more apparent all
the time because Kent-Kangley has reached its ultimate capacity at peak hours.
KITTO MOVED that the City Administrator be authorized to have an appraisal of
certain Benaroya property to be used in conjunction with the S. 212th inter-
change, Carey seconded. Kitto noted that the matter had been discussed at
the Finance Committee meeting and while this did not constitute approval to
go ahead with the project, it was a necessary step at this time. Motion carried.
72nd Ave. Corridor. A letter was read from R. D. Uhrich, Manager of Industrial
Development, Upland Industries, regarding the recent amendment to the Comprehen-
sive Plan and specifically to the alignment of 72nd Avenue S. extending north
from S. 228th Street. Uhrich pointed out that Upland Industries had constructed
a major portion of 72nd Avenue S. when the street and utility improvements were
completed at the West Valley Industrial Park in the vicinity of S. 190th Street,
planning their development with consideration to the criteria and objectives of
the Comprehensive Plan. His letter noted that Upland owns approximately 33
acres of property lying northerly of S. 228th Street between the Union Pacific-
Milwaukee mainline and the West Valley Highway and directly south of the "Arden-
Mayfair" property. He pointed out that the Comprehensive Plan comtemplates con-
struction of 72nd Avenue S. through Upland's property and continuing north directly
over the Auburn Interceptor. Upland recently provided an easement for the construc-
tion of the Auburn Interceptor, anticipating that to be the alignment of 72nd
Avenue S. as presented in the Comprehensive Plan. He noted that his Company has
now learned that Puget Power had petitioned and been granted an amendment to the
Comprehensive Plan in 1976 which allowed the alignment of 72nd Avenue S. to
"bubble" through their property so construction of their new substation would
not be divided by 72nd Ave. He noted that the Council allowed the request of
Puget Power and recently had endorsed the concept of a 72nd Avenue corridor
rather than an alignment which would stop on the north and south sides of Puget's
property. Uhrich noted that while Upland had no objections to the proposed
concept, they did feel that the alignment of 72nd Avenue S. through their pro-
perty should be along the Auburn Interceptor easement right of way and that the
roadway which was once south of the Puget Power facility should curve back to
its original anticipated alignment. He expressed the opinion that any other
alignment through Upland's property would encumber the property and leave the
remaining property extremely difficult to develop. A copy of a letter from
Mr. Harvey Anderson, owner of the Arden-Mayfair property, dated June 6, 1977,
was included with Mr. Uhrich's letter, in which letter Mr. Anderson agreed to
the alignment of 72nd Avenue in any location and agreed to construction of
said street in 1977 with or without the formation of an LID. Uhrich noted
that Upland is completing plans to develop their property with rail service
and construction of interior streets and utilities, including the construc-
tion of 72nd Avenue S. He requested the City's approval to construct 72nd
Avenue S. over the alignment of the Auburn Interceptor. MASTERS MOVED that
the letter be accepted and referred to the committee of the whole, Storment
seconded. Street noted that the Public Works Department had met with Puget
Power, and Ulett noted he would make a report at the workshop next Monday.
Motion carr d.
Proposed Plat - Meadow Lane. A letter was read from Peter A. Frame of Mac-
Land, Inc. , petitioning the City Council to consider accepting the billing
for street lights to be installed in the proposed plat of Meadow Lane. It
was noted that the 28 lot plat lies within King County but will be served
by City of Kent water and sewer lines which would be billed by the City.
The letter noted that the street light billing for the surrounding Park
Orchard community was served by a special County road improvement district
but that Mac-Land has been unable to establish such a plan with the County for Meadow
Lane. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and discussed at this time. Johnson
seconded. Plasters noted that the County does have a policy about such billings and
generally assign this type of request to the water district serving the area or an organiza-
tion such as a community club. Upon her question, it was determined by Mirk
and Ulett that development of the plat is just beginning and that the water
and sewer lines are already in. It was noted that it has taken approximately
a month for King County to respond negatively and that Water Districts 58
and 111 have provided this service for customers in their service areas in the
past. Ulett noted that the City provides street lights inside the City limits
so the problem has not arisen before. He noted that he hoped to have a report
from Puget Power tomorrow and to have a report for the Public Works Committee
on Wednesday. Street noted that it was possible that the City could not
legally include billing of this type since it involved use of City credit.
Masters noted that Water Districts are allowed to do this. MASTERS changed
the motion to include referral to the Public Works Committee, Johnson con-
curred. Motion carried.
Cambridge East, Division #2. The continued public hearing on the Final Plat
of Cambridge East, Division #2, is scheduled for this meeting. In response
to Mayor Hogan's question, Ulett noted that the Final Plat is now acceptable
and ready for signature and recommended that it be accepted by the Council.
Planning Director Harris concurred. The public hearing was opened by the
Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has
been received. MASTERS MOVED to close the public hearing, Kitto seconded.
Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that the Final Plat of Cambridge East, Division
#2, be accepted, Kitto seconded. In response to Johnson's question, Ulett
noted that the road has been completed to the City's specifications. Motion
Jay Krom/Montgomery. On September 27, 1977, the Planning Commission held a
public hearing on the Jay Krom/Montgomery Replat Preliminary Plat which lies
east of the West Valley Highway at approximately S. 210th Street (Lot 1 of the
Montgomery Short Plat) , and recommended approval with conditions. It. is now
necessary for the Council to set a public meeting date to consider acceptance
or rejection of the Planning Commission recommendation and KITTO MOVED that
such a public meeting be held November 7, 1977. Johnson seconded. Motion
Edna B. Huddlestone. On September 27, 1977, the Planning Commission held a
public hearing on an application filed by Edna B. Huddlestone for a rezone
from MHP, Mobile Home Park Combining District, to MR-M, Medium Density Multi-
Family Residential zoning, for property lying between S. Central Avenue and
S. Central Place, south of S. 266th Street and north of the Green River. The
Planning Commission recommended that the application be approved. Planning
Director Harris pointed out the location of the subject property on the map,
noting that the rezone area contains approximately 3.29 acres. The public
hearing was opened by the Mayor. Thelma Crockett, representing the applicant,
stated that the applicant did not feel that MHP zoning was complimentary to the
surrounding area, and would create additional traffic problems. There was no
correspondence and no further comments. CAREY MOVED that the hearing be closed,
Johnson seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the recommendation of the
Planning Commission be accepted and the attorney prepare an amending ordinance,
Carey seconded. Motion carried.
Jerry Logg. A public hearing was held by the Planning Commission on September
27, 1977, on an application filed by Jerry Logg for a rezone from GC, General
Commercial, to MR-H, High Density Multi-Family Residential, for property located
at the northeast corner of State Street and East Titus. The Planning Commission
has recommended that the rezone be approved. Planning Director Harris pointed
out the location of the property and noted that it contained approximately 15,000
square feet. He noted that MR-H zoning allowed 40 units per acre and that the
property in question, because of the slope of the land and allowing for off-
street parking, would accommodate no more than 10 units.
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Chris Leiper of All Points Realty
noted that he was in attendance on behalf of the applicant. In response to
Johnson's question, Harris noted that the rezone requested did not constitute
spot zoning since much of the surrounding area was presently zoned MR-H. Respond-
ing to Mayor Hogan's request, Harris described the topography of the area, noting
that the property is located on a steep hillside. McCaughan opined that for this
reason it was a good location for an apartment complex and Masters concurred.
There was no correspondence and no further comments. KITTO MOVED that the hearing
be closed. Carey seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED that the recommendation
of the Planning Commission be accepted and the attorney directed to prepare an
amending ordinance, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Patrick L. and Patrick D. Hart. On September 27, 1977, the Planning Commission
held a public hearing on an application filed by Patrick L. Hart and Patrick D.
Hart for a rezone from R1-9.6, Single Family Residential, (9,600 square foot
minimum lot size) , to MR-G, Garden Density Multi-Family Residential, zoning for
property located at the southwest corner of S.E. 256th Street and 116th Avenue
S.E. , adjacent to the Comstock Club. The Planning Commission recommended that
the rezone request be denied. Planning Director Harris pointed out the location
of the requested rezone area containing 4.5 acres and noted that the present
zoning of R1-9.6 was the zoning recommended and approved for this recently
annexed area. He noted that this request for MR-G zoning would allow 16 units
per acre and that this property had been a part of a rezone application for MR-M
zoning a year ago. The Planning Commission and the Council had both disapproved
of MR-M zoning. Harris noted for Mayor Hogan that the County zoning for the
property abutting the area was Suburban Residential, 7,200 square foot minimum
lot size for property with sewers and 9,600 square foot minimum lot size for
property with septic tanks.
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Noel Townsend of Townsend & Associates,
Development Consultants, noted that he represented the applicant. He referred to
his letter addressed to the Council dated October 7, 1977, and opined that the
traffic situation in the area was the major objection to the rezone. He further
opined that it would be possible for traffic to enter and exit the area in ques-
tion without the necessity of left-turns. Karen Warden addressed the meeting,
noting that she lived in the vicinity of 129th S.E. and S.E. 256th and that the
traffic conditions were extremely bad at this time.
The Clerk read Mr. Townsend's letter in which he opined that the rezone was in
conformance with the City of Kent Comprehensive Plan and that development of the
MR-G zoning classification would provide a buffer zone between the Comstock Club
Apartments and the surrounding single family residential area. Townsend's letter
also referred to the existing arterial street (S.E. 256th) and a neighborhood
collector street (116th Ave. S.E.) The letter noted further that the applicants
do not intend to build the maximum number of units allowable under the zoning
requested (16 per acre) but planned instead on 8 units per acre. His letter
pointed out that no Kent zoning classification fits such a development, which
necessitated seeking MR-G zoning. He asked that the Council approve the zoning
requested, with the ordinance being adopted after approval of a development plan
by the Kent Planning staff to show a density of no more than 8 units per acre.
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Storment seconded.
Motion carried. The Clerk noted that no further correspondence had been received.
Responding to McCaughan's question, Harris noted that the Comprehensive Plan
designated the area in question as Multi-Family dwelling but at the time of
annexation Single Family Residential zoning existed in the surrounding area and
it was felt that the newly annexed area should contain similar zoning. He noted
that the County zoning was similar and that the residents of the area objected
to more apartments in the area. Harris also determined for Storment that if the
rezone were granted, the only buffer would be trees which would be left in the
area. Masters noted that she had attended the Planning Commission hearing and
asked if the traffic problem could be resolved. Harris noted that at the time
of the Planning Commission hearing a traffic count was not available. He noted
that the Planning staff had recommended approval and that the Planning Commission
recommendation for denial was based on the traffic situation and statements made
by citizens at the time of the Planning Commission hearing. Masters questioned
whether the Planning staff recommendation would have been different had a traffic
count been available at the time of the hearing before the Planning Commission
and Harris opined that it might well have been. He stated that the Planning
staff recommendation for approval was based on the fact that the rezone request
met the minimum requirements. He noted that the Planning Commission recommenda-
tion for denial was based on additional testimony received at the hearing which
was not available to the Planning staff at the time of their recommendation could
be placed on the rezone requiring that no left turns be made off S.E. 256th
and Harris noted that this was a decision to be made by the Engineering Depart-
ment, although most rezones do not contain conditions regarding traffic. At
Mayor Hogan's question, Ulett noted that left turns could be prohibited but
that such a condition was hard to enforce without installing a physical barrier.
There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed,
Masters seconded. Motion carried.
MASTERS MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted
and the rezone be denied, Carey seconded. Motion carried.
Williamson Annexation. At the last Council meeting Ordinance No. 2052 approving
the zoning of the Williamson annexation property was adopted. An error in the
ordinance has been discovered by the City Attorney and to correct such error,
the City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2057, zoning the Williamson annexation
property as R1-7.2 (Single Family Residential District) and repealing Ordinance
No. 2052. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance No. 2057 be adopted, Masters seconded.
Motion carried.
S.L. Savidge Rezone - Ordinance No. 2041. A letter was read from Susan R. Agid,
attorney for John Scanlon and the Circle K Mobile Home Park, objecting to the
procedure used by the Council in approving the S.L. Savidge rezone, Ordinance No.
2041, by not listing in the ordinance the conditions for development of the Savidge
property. Ms. Agid requests that Ordinance No. 2041 be amended to incorporate
the conditions approved by the Council. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be
accepted and referred to the committee of the whole, Carey seconded. Motion
Home Index - Revocation. A public hearing is scheduled for this meeting to con-
sider the revocation of the business license of Home Index. City Attorney Mirk
noted that new information has been received on this matter and that he would
like it tabled. He pointed out the difficulty of getting witnesses to attend
the hearing because of absences from the City. He further noted that the busi-
ness has apparently changed its mode of operation and that the Consumer Protection
Division has advised that no further complaints have been received concerning the
operation of the Kent office. He noted that he was meeting with the attorney for
Home Index on Wednesday morning at 9:30 and that the attorney had informed him
the books of the Home Index operation in Kent would be open for City inspection.
At his suggestion, MASTERS MOVED that the matter of the revocation hearing of
the Home Index business license be tabled until a written report has been received
from the City Attorney, Storment seconded. Motion carried.
Mayor Hogan reported that the Associated Student Body of Kent-Meridian High School
has agreed to complete the gazebo and recommended that the City be authorized to
enter into a contract with said group to complete the construction of the gazebo.
MASTERS SO MOVED, Carey seconded. In response to Carey's question, Mayor Hogan
noted that Burlington-Northern had been contacted about placing the gazebo on
their property and it now appears that such an arrangement will be made. She
noted further that due to the time involved in negotiating with the Burlington-
Northern, it may be necessary for the students to complete the project at its
present site, and then move the gazebo to the Burlington-Northern property.
In response to Winkle's question, Mayor Hogan noted that although the Chamber
of Commerce will pay the $500, the contract with the Associated Student Body
is with the City because the City and the Associated Student Body have the
same insurance carrier. Motion carried.
A letter was read from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Fire Prevention
and Control Administration, expressing appreciation for the participation of
Fire Inspector Hank Opel in the 3rd Annual Public Fire Education Planning
Conference held in Airlie, Virginia September 19-23, 1977. STORMENT MOVED
that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, Carey seconded.
Motion carried.
Burning Permit. A letter was read by the Clerk from Braunschweig Construction
Co. requesting that a burning permit be issued to them for clearing eight lots
in Highridge #4 Plat. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record,
Storment seconded. Motion carried. The Fire Department recommends that the
request be denied, inasmuch as over 75 lots in the same area have been cleared
without burning and to allow this permit would be unfair to everyone. CAREY
MOVED that the request of Braunschweig Construction for a burning permit be
denied, Johnson seconded. Storment questioned the "unfair" statement, noting
that County residents who live adjacent to the City limits may obtain County
burning permits from Kent Fire Stations. Street noted that burning permits
are issued to County residents by the Fire Stations but that no burning permits
have been issued for areas inside the City limits since the adoption of the
City's anti-burning policy. He noted that the County Fire permits are issued
only in compliance with County rules and regulations. Kitto stated that he
did not feel the City could grant any burning permits inside the City after
the burning permit requested on the West Hill was denied last year. Motion
carried, with McCaughan abstaining.
Federated American Insurance Co. A claim submitted by Federated American
Insurance Co. in the amount of $129.67 has been reviewed by the City Attorney
and it is his recommendation that the claim be denied. STORMENT SO MOVED,
Johnson seconded. In response to Johnson's question, Mirk determined that
the claim arose out of an automobile accident involving Federated's insured,
Kathleen Dove, and Arlene Snyder. The Company is seeking partial payment
from the City, claiming that a City vehicle changing lanes was responsible
for the accident. Motion carried.
Housing Rehabilitation Program. The City Attorney has reviewed the interlocal
agreement for housing inspection under Section 312, Housing Rehabilitation
Program. This agreement authorizes King County Building Inspectors to inspect
improvements made in Kent under this low interest rate program. McCAUGHAN
MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Interlocal Agreement of Housing
Inspection Services between King County and the City of Kent, Carey seconded.
Motion carried.
Pedestrian Walkway. A proposal was read from Dennis Neifert, Architect, to
provide architectural/planning services to the City for preliminary design
for a pedestrian walkway at the alley running from Titus to Meeker Street, at
a cost of $1,200 to $2,000. MASTERS MOVED to accept the letter and refer it
to the Finance Committee. Johnson seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that funds for
the other walkway were covered under the Population funds of Housing & Community
Development, and that use of these funds would be discussed at the next work
session. JOHNSON SO MOVED TO AMEND the motion to have the matter discussed
at the next workshop meeting before consideration by the Finance Committee.
Kitto seconded. Amendment carried. Motion as amended carried.
Street noted that on October 14, Bower had presented to the Finance Committee
a revised contract to cover the addition of Phase II of the Kent Commons pro-
ject. The proposal provides for revisions to be done on an hourly basis, not
to exceed $3800, for the revisions to the parking lot, and other items which
are necessary for combining the Phase I and Phase II projects. An increase
is proposed for Phase IIA and IIB based upon the change to two contracts, two
bid calls, and possibly two contractors. Street noted, however, that the total
is still very close to the amount we originally anticipated and is still below
the estimate the City listed for the architect's fees on the EDA application.
A copy of the proposal is on file in the City Clerk's office. It was determined
for Masters and McCaughan that the Finance Committee has reviewed the proposal
and recommends that it be approved. McCAUGHAN SO MOVED, Johnson seconded.
Storment noted that he would vote against the motion for reasons stated at the
last Council meeting. Motion carried, with Masters and Storment voting against.
Street noted that the City was still attempting to have both Phases combined
into one contract.
Change Order - R.W. Huff Construction Co. Kitto referred to the change order
requested at the last Council meeting in the amount of $924.00 to cover the
cost of changing 32 rotary cut red oak doors to plain sawn red oak doors which
was denied. He noted that at his request, Street had contacted Ted Bower, and
that Bower had agreed to pay $400 toward the change order since the error in
the specs had been made by his firm. It was determined that the requested
plain sawn doors are worth the difference in cost and recommended that the
requested change order be approved, with the architect to bear $400 of the
cost. McCAUGHAN SO MOVED, Masters seconded. Motion carried.
Kent Memorial Park - Consolidation of Funds. The Parks Department has requested
permission to combine the following funds into one project:
$18,000 Housing & Community Development Block Grant Funds granted for parking
lot improvements at Kent Memorial Park
$18,237 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds (budgeted for Kent Memorial Park improvements)
$ 1,807 Federal Revenue Sharing Funds budgeted for sidewalks at Kent Memorial Park
The total of $38,044 will allow the development of the much needed south parking
lot at Kent Memorial Park. The Board of Park Commissioners, Council Committee
on Parks & Recreation, and the Finance Committee have approved the request.
The project will include the construction of sidewalks. JOHNSON MOVED that the
Parks Department be allowed to combine previously budgeted Federal Revenue
Sharing monies in the amount of $20,044 with $18,000 Block Grant monies to
develop the south parking lot at Kent Memorial Park, Kitto seconded. Wilson
explained for the Council how the consolidation of funds was possible, noting
that the $18,237 Federal Revenue Sharing figure was a surplus in the Kent
Memorial Park improvement project due to some of the work being done by the
City maintenance personnel. He referred to the $1,807 budgeted from Federal
Revenue Sharing for sidewalks and it was determined that the sidewalks would
not be completed until the parking lot was finished. He noted that the Housing
& Community Development Block Grant funds in the amount of $18,000 would not be
enough for the parking lot as storm drains were needed which would cost approxi-
mately $9,995. He pointed out that the combining of existing Park property
with the recently purchased Ameny property will increase the number of parking
He referred to the project for replacing the back stops which cannot be done
at this time because of lack of funds. Storment questioned the disposition
of the bleachers which were purchased for approximately $10,000 in Federal
Revenue Sharing funds. Wilson noted that the bleachers are presently at the
City maintenance shop being assembled and noted that it had been hoped that
pads could be built before the bleachers were installed. Motion carried.
Russell Road Phase II Project. It was noted that a letter has been received
from I.A.C. to confirm the approval of Referendum 28 Funds ($62,500) and L.W.C.F.
funds ($312,500) for Russell Road Park Phase II. It is recommended that approval
be given to signing of the I.A.C. project agreement when received so that bid
documents for Winter or early Spring construction can be prepared. CAREY MOVED
that Mayor Hogan be authorized to sign the I.A.C. project agreement for Russell
Road Park Pahse II when received, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Russell Road Park Phase II - Transfer of Funds.
The Parks Department has requested authorization to transfer $18,400 of Federal
Revenue Sharing monies (now budgeted for the parking lot at Russell Road Park
in conjunction with the City maintenance shed) to Russell Road Park Phase II
development. CAREY MOVED that the Revenue Sharing Funds ($18,400) budgeted
for parking at Russell Road Park be transferred to the Russell Road Park Phase
II Development Construction Funds, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
City Administrator. The City Administrator has requested permission to attend
the ICMA Conference in Atlanta, Georgia on October 29 through November 3, 1977.
The item is included in the Administrator's budget. MASTERS MOVED that the Ad-
ministrator be authorized to travel out of State to attend the ICMA Conference,
Carey seconded. Motion carried.
The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2059 setting the tax levy for 1978.
MASTERS MOVED for adoption of the ordinance, Storment seconded. Upon McCaughan's
question, Street noted that the current assessed valuation figure for 1978 is
$673,224,155, an increase of approximately $55,000,000 from last year's figure.
Motion carried.
Criminal Justice Training Fund. A State law enacted this year requires that a
Criminal Justice Training Fund be established in the City Treasury. The City
Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2058, creating a new fund to be known as the
Criminal Justice Training Fund. STORMENT MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance
No. 2058, Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before October 20, 1977 and
approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 o'clock
A.M. on October 31, 1977 be paid, Storment seconded. Motion carried.
Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting held October 14, 1977
are as follows:
Current Expense $ 36,435.24
Parks & Recreation 7,510.96
Library 1, 354.41
City Streets 6,338.60
Federal Shared Revenue 6,802.39
Kent Commons Construction 59,986.25
Smith/Central to 4th 47.43
S. 18Oth/WVH-EVH 192.82
West Hill Booster Pump 2.30
124th/WD #111/Kent Reservoir 110.00
Equipment Rental 4,039.68
Housing & Comm. Dev. 579.30
Arts Commission 50.00
Firemans Rel. & Pension 2,820.35
Leff Disability 4,390.24
Sewer 919.56
Water 18,944.77
Garbage 41,250.66
Interest Bearing Warrants
104th Ave. Street Improvement
Pacific Paving $ 49,224.13
Rainier National Bank 2,591.80
$ 51,835.93
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jen§�CMC
City Clerk