HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 08/01/1977 i 7 Kent, Washington August 1, 1977 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett, and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Planning Commissioner Johnson, and URS represent- ative Ramsey. Approximately 40 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held July 18, 1977 be approved with the following correction: On page 16, line 19, the sentence should read: ". . . .entering into a joint preser- vation of agricultural lands. " Just seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Three Year Strategy Plan. It was noted that a public hearing is scheduled for this meeting for the proposed three year plan for utilizing Housing & Community Develop- ment Funds. The public hearing was opened by Mayor Hogan. Raul Ramos, Associate Planner for the City, explained that it was now a requirement of HUD that each par- ticipating city prepare a three year strategy plan. He noted that the plan need not specify a particular project, but may be instead a general plan. He described a portion of the core area as the target area and pointed out the importance of citizen participation, explaining that a citizen review committee has been formed. Upon Kitto's question, Ramos stated that the following amounts were guaranteed under this program as "population" monies: 1978 - $88,000; 1979 - $95,000; 1980 - $105,000 It was noted that the City would also compete for "joint projects" and "needs" funds. Masters asked if the City would have to provide funds for completing or maintaining a project which was started with funds allocated under this program. Ramos stated that the City was not obligated to continue a project begun with Community Development funds. Masters opined that the City was using Block Grant money for Kent Commons and this project would have to be maintained by City funds. Upon Storment's question, Ramos noted that copies of the draft of the three year plan had been distributed and would be made available to any interested citizen requesting same from his office. He further clarified for McCaughan that the City was not committed to complete any project in the plan beyond the money allocated or available. Mirk pointed out that City funds could not be used for any project outlined in the plan with the exception of street improvements. Harris noted that if the plan is adopted and the funds accepted, the City has a commitment to spend the money on one of the projects listed in the plan. McCaughan opined that adoption of the plan should include the proviso that the City will participate "to the extent of the HUD money available." Just concurred with McCaughan on this matter. Upon questions from the Council, Ramos explained that Planning Department staff time expended on the project could be charged back to the project, or could be charged as "in kind" services. He pointed out that the plan had been discussed at a Council workshop meeting and would be further discussed at the August 8 workshop. There were no further comments and no correspondence on the matter has been received. STORMENT MOVED to continue the hearing to August 15, 1977, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Kato Request for Sewer Service. It is the recommendation of the Public Works & Planning Committee that the request of Tadashi Kato for outside sewer service for property on the east side of 108th Avenue S.E. , north of S.E. 224th Street, be granted, subject to the provisions of Resolution No. 822, with annexation determined to be not feasible. STORMENT MOVED that the Kato request be granted, subject to Resolution 822, Carey seconded. McCaughan questioned whether the City's policy for granting outside water service should be reviewed during the present water shortage and Ulett determined the City was working with Keith Anderson, Ground Water Specialist, on the current problems and it was hoped that greater capability to supply water ser- vice to larger parcels of land would result. He noted that it was expected that the current shortage should be made up within six weeks to bring the water supply back to normal and could see no cause for concern or changing of the City's present policy. Motion carried. Dev/Con Request for Sewer & Water Service. The Public Works & Planning Committee met with James McDermott, Dev-Con representative, and have asked that a study be made of potential service for a larger area. Sewage pumping will be required, and the station, if it is to be approved, should be sized and located for greater development than that proposed by Dev-Con. A minimum study will be made by the City based on the new Sewer Facilities Plan and the study reviewed with the Committee. Request for Water Service. The request for outside water service near 24263 - 98th Avenue S. received from Jerry Prouty of Bell-Anderson Real Estate was considered by the Public Works & Planning Committee, who recommended that annexation be required. JUST MOVED that the Prouty request be denied and the property be required to annex, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Request for Water Service. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Snyder, who are the owners of a home located at 10708 S.E. 264th Street outside of Kent, which home is presently served from the City's Kent Springs Transmission Line, have requested permission to receive service from the distribution main on 108th Avenue S.E. , with the meter to be on 108th Avenue S.E. , and a private line installed from the meter approximately 210 feet west to the Snyder home. The Public Works Director recommends approval, provided that the Snyders sign a consent to annexation and pay the estimated cost for one-half of an 8" water main for the Snyder frontage on S.E. 264th Street. Their frontage is 142.63 feet and the front foot estimate is $6.00, or a total of $855.78. The Snyders have expressed a desire to pay such charge over a 5-year period. Ulett explained that the area would be served by an 18" line when the Com- prehensive Water Plan is developed. He further explained that the request for de- ferred payment was in accordance with the policy adopted by the Council on March 1, 1976. STORMENT MOVED that the Snyder request be authorized off the 108th Avenue S.E. main, provided the Snyders execute a consent to annex and pay $855.78, with the payments to be over a 5-year period secured by a note, Just seconded. It was determined for Just that the rate of interest would be 8%. Upon Storment's question, Ulett determined that it would be necessary for the City to install the meter and that Mr. Snyder would be responsible for running the line from the meter to his house. He stated that the matter would be given high priority and accom- plished as soon as possible. Motion carried. Sheirbon Water Request. W. L. Sheirbon is developing an apartment complex consist- ing of seven building east of South Central between S. 266th Street and the Green River. Mr. Sheirbon has requested Council authorization to serve more than one building with a single water meter, a procedure provided for by the terms of Ordi- nance No. 1776, Section 6. In accordance with the recommendation of the Public Works Director, STORMENT MOVED to grant the request, Carey seconded. Motion carried. WATER Street noted that at the last work session he was specifically asked about the source and supply of water for Kent. He noted that over the weekend, much water had been lost because vandals had opened six fire hydrants, and further that due to the hot weather more water had been sold than usual, and that an attempt was being made to keep the six million gallon tank from going below one million gallons. He noted that a request would be made in Wednesday's paper to all Kent water users, both inside the City and outside, to cease sprinkling of lawns for one week to allow time to make up the deficit in the water tank and bring it back to the required level. In response to McCaughan's question, Street noted that the Water Districts which are buying water from the City have already restricted usage of water, due to their pumping and storage facility capacities. Responding to Just, Street noted that the City was presently selling more water than has ever been done in the past and a temporary one-week cut-back would not materially affect the City's revenue. Storment questioned whether the City had any type of warning system that would alert the Water Department of such a tremendous loss of water as was caused by the open hydrants. Street noted that the warning system was located at the City Shops build- ing which was unfortunately not manned 24 hours a day. He noted, however, that Water Department employees and the Fire Department had assisted in turning off the hydrants and in checking the water supply system. STREETS Herb Mead. It was noted that the Public Works Committee had reviewed the request of Herb Mead who requested access to the proposed Kent-Des Moines State Highway. Ulett reported that the State Highway Department had determined that the access for both the Valley Freeway and Willis Street was purchased from the owners, and that it was, therefore, impossible to now grant access to the abutting property owners. JUST MOVED that the City Administrator contact Mr. Mead and so inform him, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Renton/Kent S.W. 43rd/S. 180th Joint Street Improvement Project. Four bids were received by the City of Renton for the proposed street improvement of S.W. 43rd/ S. 180th, as follows: Scarsella Bros. $421,283.08 Tri-State 469,035.67 S. R. Severson 483,048.19 West Coast 490,782.75 (Engineer's Estimate - $452,574.75) . STORMENT MOVED that the best bid of Scarsella Bros. in the amount of $421,283.08 be accepted, subject to approval by EDA and EAA, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Bids - Slurry Seal/Green Valley Heights Area. Bids to furnish slurry seal for the Green Valley Heights area were opened on July 29, 1977. It was noted that only one bid was received, which was approximately $2,000 over the engineer's estimate, and the Public Works Department has recommended that the bid be rejected. It was noted by Ulett that the engineer's estimate was based on a figure of 55 cents per square yard, a 10% increase over last year's costs, but that the bid received was 28% over last year's figure. He noted that the only bidder, Woodworth & Company, Inc. , is a new company which had bought out the old one, and while it was felt that they could do a satisfactory job, the cost was too great to warrant accepting the bid. JOHNSON MOVED that the bid be rejected, Storment seconded. Ulett noted that this was the best time of year to do such type of repair work, but that the project would be abandoned for this year. Motion carried. A letter was read by the Clerk from George Lazzarini regarding a serious problem at Mr. Lazzarini's residence at 1222 East James, caused by the driveway into his home. Mr. Lazzarini charges that his complaints had been dropped and nothing done to correct the situation, which he contends is the fault of the City. Storment noted that the matter has been discussed by the Public Works & Planning Committee several times and with the Public Works Director. KITTO MOVED that the letter be referred to the Director of Public Works and City Administrator for an appropriate response, Carey seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC CONTROL A review of the traffic study concerning traffic control problems on Scenic Hill, namely on the intersections of Crest and Laurel, Crest and Hemlock, and Crest and Chicago, indicates that no further traffic control signs are warranted, due to the fact that they are T-intersections with relatively low volume residential type traffic. SENIOR CENTER PARKING LOT Street noted that Kent Bowl Realty had been contacted in conjunction with the pur- chase of the property proposed for additional parking facilities at the Senior Center. The City has been encouraged to submit an option to purchase the property out of Housing & Community Development funds. Prior to submittal to the owners of the property, the option to purchase will be brought to the Council for approval. ANNEXATIONS East Hill Tire. The Boundary Review Board has approved the East Hill Tire Annexa- tion. Since the Council has already approved submission of the annexation petition, and there was no opposition at the earlier meeting with the property owners involved, it is now necessary to hold a public hearing to compliance with State law. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2039 annexing to the City those certain lands commonly referred to as the East Hill Tire Annexation. KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2039, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Gai Annexation - Williamson Annexation. The final annexation hearings on the Gai and Williamson parcels will be ready for the September 19, 1977 Council meeting. MASTERS MOVED that the final hearings on the Gai Annexation and on the Williamson Annexation be held September 19, 1977, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Wilson Island. A public hearing on the Wilson Island Annexation is scheduled for this meeting. The Boundary Review Board has received a request from more than 50 of the property owners involved and must review this decision approving the annexation. Since they have 60 days in which to accomplish this action, it is recommended that this hearing be continued until October 3, 1977, Carey seconded. Mr. Wilson, who was in attendance at the meeting, noted for Street that he was aware of the reason for continuing the hearing. Motion carried. Wilson Island Annexation. The second hearing on the zoning of the Wilson Island Annexation parcel was scheduled for this meeting. it is suggested that this hearing also be delayed until October 3, 1977, to assure that any decision by the Council is final. A letter from Larry Wilson has been received request- ing Council consideration of certain problems involved in the zoning. KITTO MOVED that the hearing on the Wilson Island Annexation zoning be continued until October 3, 1977, Storment seconded. MASTERS MOVED to amend the motion to include noting receipt of the letter from Larry Wilson, that the letter be made a part of the record, and that the letter be read at the rescheduled hearing. Kitto and Storment agreed to include this in the motion. The motion as amended carried. Gai and Williamson Annexation. Two public hearings are required on the zoning for the Gai Annexation and for the Williamson Annexation. STORMENT MOVED that hearings on the Gai Annexation parcel and on the Williamson Annexation parcel be held on August 15 and September 19, 1977, Carey seconded. Motion carried. East Hill Tire Annexation. On June 20, 1977, the first hearing on the zoning of the proposed East Hill Tire Annexation was held. The recommendation of the Planning Commission was that the area be zoned CC, Community Commercial. The continued public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Storment seconded. Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2040, zoning that certain land annexed to the City as the East Hill Tire Annexation as CC (Community Commercial) . STORMENT MOVED that Ordinance No. 2040 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FAVRO PREZONING The Planning Department has prepared a report, a copy of which has been placed on file and has been furnished to the Council, concerning the Planning Commission's recommendation for appropriate zoning to be applied to the Armand Favro property in the event an annexation petition is filed with the City at some future date. STORMENT MOVED that the Armand Favro prezoning report be made a part of the record, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. It was noted that no annexation petition has been received to date. REZONE Dean Development. In accordance with the directions of the Council, considerable effort has been made to clear all the points of contention discussed at the July 18 hearing on -this proposed rezone. The City Attorney and City Administrator have recommended that a complete review of the history and the requirements which can be made by the Council should be made at the August 8 workshop meeting. Such action would necessitate continuing this hearing to August 15, 1977. JUST MOVED that the hearing on the Dean Development rezone be continued until August. 15, 1977 and that a full review occur at the August 8 workshop, Carey seconded. Motion carried. S. L. Savidge. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2041 approving the re- zone of certain property known as the S. L. Savidge Rezone from M-A (Industrial Agricultural) to M-1 (Industrial Park District) . McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2041, Carey seconded. John Scanlon stated that he had read the ordinance and noted that it did not contain the conditions imposed by the Council at the public hearing on July 18. He asked that approval of the ordinance be withheld until his attorney could be present to speak on the matter. Mirk stated that rezone ordinances did not contain the conditions, but that his office did not send such ordinances to be recorded until he was satisfied that all conditions had been met. He pointed out that until the ordinance is published and recorded, the rezone is not effective. Scanlon expressed concern that through an error, the ordinance could be recorded, and that there would then be no way to ensure enforcement of the conditions. He acknowledged that the minutes of the July 18 public hearing contained a complete list of the conditions imposed upon the rezone. Mirk maintained that the practice he described made the control of the rezones and conditions thereto easier to administer. Mirk advised the Council to not become involved in passing rezone ordinances containing conditions, as enforcement of the conditions then would become the City's responsibilities. Motion carried. Kent West Associates. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2042 approving the Kent West Associates rezone for property located at the northeast corner of 64th Avenue S. and Smith Street, with conditions, from GC, General Commercial, to MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residential. STORMENT MOVED that Ordinance No. 2042 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT Highridge #4. It was noted that the hearing on the Final Plat of Highridge #4 was scheduled for this meeting. The developers have requested, however, that the hearing be continued until August 15, 1977, so that all details can be com- pleted. Accordingly, JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be continued until August 15, 1977, Carey seconded. Motion carried. POLICE WIN Program. It was noted that Position #1 of the WIN program for Police typists runs out of funding September 3, 1977 and Position #2 runs out on August 25, 1977. The Police Department has requested the sum of $4,775 to fund the two police typist positions for the remainder of 1977, which request has been approved by the Finance Committee. KITTO MOVED that $4,775 be transferred from the Current Expense Contingency Fund to Police Salaries, McCaughan seconded. In response to Masters' question, it was determined that the persons funded under the WIN program would continue in their present positions. Motion carried. CITY HALL/LIBRARY Air Conditioning and Heating Contracts. Street noted that proposals had been received from Holaday Parks and Honeywell to provide air conditioning and heating services for the City Hall and Library for the ensuing year starting in August, as follows: Honeywell Holaday Parks City Hall $2,236.00 $3,000.00 Library 1,648.00 3,000.00 He recommended that the proposal of Honeywell be accepted as the lowest and best proposal. JOHNSON SO MOVED, Just seconded. In response to Storment's question as to what services were provided, Street noted that the contract provides for routine maintenance service and quarterly checking to see that the equipment was in the proper working order. Storment questioned whether opening of the windows would throw the entire air conditioning system out of balance and Street noted that the system was not out of balance--that some of the problems encountered were due to remodeling being done and resulting adjustments to the system had not been completed. He noted further that all employees had been requested to keep the doors and windows closed. Motion carried. BUSINESS LICENSES Roadrunner Taxi. A letter was read from Mr. Charles A. Johnson and Mr. Louis J. Krahl noting their desire to apply for a City of Kent taxi license to serve the greater Kent area. The letter noted that the company can put two cars into Kent, with back-up cars from Renton and Auburn. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the committee of the whole, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Charles Johnson addressed the meeting, noting his background in the Kent area and previous employment in the taxicab business. He stated that service for Kent residents was not adequate, and expressed belief that Farwest would not continue to operate within the City of Kent should his company be allowed to obtain a Kent license. Street clarified for Mr. Johnson that the matter would be discussed at a workshop session and the City Attorney would have to give the Council advice as to the legal implications of any action taken by the City. Street noted that there were many items scheduled for the August 8 workshop and that this matter might be held over to the 22nd. AMUSEMENT DEVICES LICENSES At its July 29 meeting, the Finance Committee considered a proposed amendment to the Amusement Device License ordinance. At that time approval was recommended. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2043, repealing Ordinances 1440 and 1665, and creating a new ordinance for the licensing and regulation of novelty amusement devices. It was noted that the proposed Ordinance had been distributed to the Council tonight and passage could be delayed to the next meeting to allow discussion at the next workshop. Storment commented that the ordinance should be passed tonight since it had already been delayed and there had already been input from the Police Department as well as from the Council. STORMENT MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2043, McCaughan seconded. Mirk explained that the ordinance provided for approval of locations of such devices by the Police Chief. Street noted that the Police Department had indicated they wanted an ordinance in a more simple form that was enforceable. Motion carried. (Just was absent during this action.) City Treasurer Drotz noted that this ordinance should also repeal Ordinance 1666. Mirk stated that he would make this minor correction. EQUIPMENT RENTAL Bids - Overhead Hoist. Bids for the overhead hoist were received on July 14, 1977 and reported on at the last Council meeting. Since the bids were $2,000 over the budgeted amount, and it is believed that a better bid can be received, it is recommended that both bids be rejected. McCAUGHAN MOVED that all bids for the overhead hoist be rejected, Just seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES George A. Tandoo. The claim of George A. Tandoo in the amount of $196 for a windshield allegedly broken by a rock flipped by a City mower has been reviewed by the City Attorney, who recommends that the claim be paid. JOHNSON MOVED that the claim of George A. Tandoo in the amount of $196 be paid from the Current Expense Fund, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Danny L. Brocksmith. A claim in the amount of $125, for trees and shrubs, plus an unknown amount for a doctor bill, has been filed by Danny L. Brocksmith. He claims damages done by a contractor, T. W. Traverso Construction Company, during the completion of a City contract. KITTO MOVED that the claim of Danny L. Brocksmith be referred to the City Attorney, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Erhard Weihs. A claim in the amount of $483.00 has been received by the City from Erhard Weihs, claiming damage to his front yard and garden area as the re- sult of a City project being done by T. W. Traverso Construction Co. STORMENT MOVED that the claim be referred to the City Attorney, Just seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH SERVICES On July 26, 1977, Lyn Johns represented Kent at a Governing Board of Group Health Co-op/Health, Education & Welfare Rural Plan 9 meeting. This group furnishes com- prehensive medical and dental care to over 2,000 low income residents of South King County. The purpose of the meeting was to acquaint the communities of the services being offered and to request that each City and urban community select at least one person to represent the City or community on the Board. The Board's duties include adopting policies and procedures. Meetings are held once each month. Among other things, this should reduce the use of the Seattle-King County Health Services, which requires payment by the City for certain services. A suggested representative to represent Kent is requested by the next work session. It was determined that a person willing to serve on the Board would have to be interested in the community and its health care problems. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION The Community Services Committee which developed the "Human Resources Element" of the Comprehensive Plan met on July 20 and 26 with Lyn Johns representing the City, assisted by Mary Savala, who is working for the Planning Department and the Kent Development Association. Written reports of these and future meetings will be presented in the near future. KING COUNTY RAPE RELIEF A letter was read from Caren Adams, Director, King County Rape Relief, requesting that consideration be given to continued funding of the project in the City's 1978 budget in the amount of $2,000. JUST MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Finance Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & RECREATION COMMITTEE McCaughan noted that the Board of Park Commissioners would meet on Tuesday morning, August 9, at 8:15 a.m. In response to Johnson's question as to whether the Council Parks & Recreation Committee was still in existence, McCaughan determined that it had been decided that a representative of the Council would attend the meetings of the Board of Park Commissioners, in accordance with a discussion at a workshop meeting. He noted that it was hoped to have representatives of the School Board and other citizens in attendance at future Park Board meetings. BOARD OF PARK COMMISSIONERS Resignation. The Clerk read a letter of resignation from the Board of Park Commis- sioners received from Mary Loop. The letter noted that Mrs. Loop would continue her commitment as a Board member through the month of August and suggested that a citizen of the Scenic Hill area be considered to fill her vacancy. STORMENT MOVED that the resignation of Mary Loop from the Board of Park Commissioners be accepted with extreme regret, Carey seconded. Motion carried. It was asked by Mayor Hogan that anyone interested in this position submit an appli- cation/resume by Friday, August 16, 1977. The applications will be reviewed by the Council at the August 22 Council workshop, with appointment to be made on September 6, 1977. ARTS COMMISSION There are presently two openings on the Arts Commission. The following individuals have been suggested: Dave Harris, Mark Hendricks, Kirsten Schweitzer, Sheryl McBroom, and Beth Carroll. These applicants, and any others received by August 16, 1977, will also be considered at the August 22 workshop, with appointments to be made on September 6, 1977. PLANNING COMMISSION Resignation. The Clerk read a letter of resignation from Marilyn Jones from the Planning Commission effective July 30, 1977. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the resignation of Marilyn Jones be accepted with regret, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan proposes that the same method of selection as that set forth for the Board of Park Commissioners and the Arts Commission be used in this instance also. PARKS & RECREATION Pea Patch. Mayor Hogan noted that she had contacted the Church of the Latter Day Saints and they had agreed to grant the City permissive use of three acres of their property bordering on James Street for use as a pea patch. JOHNSON MOVED for the Mayor to enter into such an agreement, Carey seconded. Motion carried. The Mayor noted further that the Church would consider allowing the City to use additional property for a soccer field. CABLE TELEVISION The City Clerk read a letter from Clearview Cable TV announcing a rate increase. It is suggested that this item be reviewed at the next workshop. JOHNSON MOVED that receipt of the Clearview Cable TV letter be noted and referred to the City Attorney and City Administrator for review at the next work session, Storment seconded. Johnson requested that City Attorney Mirk bring a copy of the appropriate ordinance covering the TV franchise to the workshop meeting. Motion carried. MEEKER DAYS A letter was read from Mrs. Eileen McDermott, 10633 S.E. 244th, Kent, expressing concern over some purported obscene statues and pictures displayed in various booths at the Meeker Days celebration. The letter urged that the Council take specific action to prevent such offensive displays in the future. JUST MOVED that the matter be referred to the Meeker Days Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KENT VALLEY FESTIVAL St. Anthony's Church. A request from John Scanlon representing the St. Anthony's Catholic Church Festival was furnished to the Council members. A meeting has been held with representatives of the Church and City staff members. Mr. Scanlon and Steve Lahti were in attendance at the Council meeting to answer any questions. Street complimented the Church on the excellent cooperation which has been received and noted that no problems were anticipated. He also noted that during the time the festival is in progress, City employees will be asked to use the City parking lot at the corner of Second and Titus instead of the Catholic Church parking lot normally used. He also noted that the carnival would be set up in the Catholic Church parking lot on Wednesday afternoon at 6:00 p.m. The Festival will be held Aug. 12-14. KITTO MOVED that the request of St. Anthony's Church to hold a Kent Valley Festival be approved, and that the waiving of fees, except the carnival and building fees, be approved, and the use of the parking lot and a block of Titus be approved, Just seconded. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Mayor Hogan reported that at the last Finance Committee meeting she had discussed with the Committee the process we had been going through with the EDA Local Public Works Funds, and stated that she would give a resume so that the Council minutes would reflect pertinent information. She noted that when Round II of the Public Works Funding was made available, we appealed to our Congressional delegation to have the $967,000 Meridian Junior High project not charged against the City. It was the City's understanding from EDA that this was an appropriate appeal. The City found after that project had been placed on a list of corrections, that the information we had received was not accurate. King County is considered an urban county because more than 50% of the people live in cities rather than in unincor- porated areas, so all school district projects are charged against the "balance of county." This includes all cities in King County with the exception of Seattle; therefore, our request to have the Meridian Junior High appropriation for $967,000 withdrawn from the City's planning target did not survive. In the meantime, the City had met with the Federal Way School District and divided our $531,000 planning target equally so that they could move ahead with the Totem Junior High project. In the list of corrections in which we appealed Meridian Junior High, Seattle had appealed the Shoreline School District project of approximately $267,000. That project was ultimately charged against Kent's planning charges because we were the next City on the list from which they were still subtracting projects. Therefore, in effect we ended up with zero planning target, having given Totem Junior High that $265,000. In the interim, we had appealed to Governor Ray for a portion of the State's Local Public Works funds. Mayor Hogan noted that the State automatically gets 8% of the total dollar figure given to the State, which amounts to 8 1/2 million dollars. We asked the Governor for $1,250,000 for Phase 2A of the Commons and went to Olympia on Friday to deliver our applications. We learned later in the day that the State had endorsed our project along with 26 other projects, for a total of $8,500,000. EDA is now reviewing these projects in Seattle. Since our project was initially approved as eligible, we have high hopes of getting this funding. The Mayor fur- ther clarified that there was informal approval at a budget session in November to apply under Local Public Works projects, and this approval was confirmed at the Council meeting of July 18, 1977; therefore, authorization has been given to apply for those funds. She noted that Bellevue, as a major city (over 50,000) had one million dollars set aside for them but they were not able to qualify; therefore, there are additional funds available and we have requested a portion of these additional funds as they become eligible for Washington cities. That decision is bieng made in Washington, D.C. this week, and when we hear more about this, we will report further. Storment asked the Mayor where she got the authorization to request the $1,250,000 of the Governor in June and if she considered the informal authorization in November to cover this. Mayor Hogan replied that this was correct and noted that since November the Council had never questioned the authority to apply for funds. Stor- ment asked if the administration also took to Olympia or provided to EDA a copy of the certified results of the election of last November which had cost $3300 to hold. The Mayor stated that that was not part of the application. Storment asked if it would not be appropriate at this time to make the vote tallies of the bond issue a part of the record. Mayor Hogan noted that the results of the election are a matter of public record, but that such information could be made a part of the minutes if Storment so wished. STORMENT MOVED that a copy of the certified results of the November election be entered into the minutes of this meeting, Masters seconded. Johnson stated that if it was to be entered, she wanted the entire bond proposal as it appeared on the ballot included. Storment concurred with this. Motion carried, with Johnson, Just and Kitto voting nay. Just asked the Mayor if the City might try to get additional funding to complete the gymnasium from the Bellevue share. The Mayor noted that such a decision would have to be made by the Council and it would probably be determined on the portion of the million which might be made available to Kent. She noted that when the bond issued failed the City asked Bower what increment of Phase II we could logi- cally do if we were to get the $967,000 plus the approximately $265,000 left from our split with Totem Junior High which would total approximately $1,212,000. Bower had informed the City that for $1,250,000 we would do what we are calling Phase 2A, which is everything except the large gymnasium. Upon Just's further question about the Bellevue funds, Mayor Hogan explained that Bellevue, as a 1 major city, had one million dollars set aside, but this was not made available to Bellevue as they could now show that they had a "poverty pocket" containing 4,000 people. The guidaines for distributing this million dollars have as yet not been developed in Washington, D.C. , but it is expected that these will be completed this week. She noted that when we see the guidelines we will know what amount we are eligible for, after which the Council will have to make a decision. She noted further, as a word of caution, that in the original application Kent only submitted one project, Kent Commons. Projects were also submitted by Totem Junior High and in our negotiations with them, they agreed that they would take half of the money and would not seek any additional share of any money that the City of Kent was able to secure from other sources. She noted, however, that that agreement was based on the two projects, Totem Junior High and the Kent Commons, and that if we get addi- tional money and we choose to submit a third project, that project would be lower in priority than either of these two projects. (The following is a copy of the bond proposal as it appeared on the ballot on November 2, 1976:) "PROPOSITION CITY OF KENT GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND ISSUE FOR RECREATION PURPOSES Shall the City of Kent borrow $3,000,000.00 and issue its negotiable general obligation bonds therefore, payable by annual tax levies without limitation as to rate or amount, and maturing in from two to twenty years from date of issue, for construction of a community recreation center and for improving other recreation facilities as follows: Kent Commons Phase II, $2,300,000.00; Russell Road Park, $500,000.00; Lake Fenwick Park, $100,000.00; Senior Center Parking, $58,000.00; Glen Nelson Park, $40,000.00; all as provided in Ordinance No. 1990 of said City, passed and approved September 7, 1976?" Certified Results: Bonds, Yes 2,659 Bonds, No 3,090 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING It was noted that the items approved at the Federal Revenue Sharing hearing on July 18 would be covered in the ordinance amending the budget for the 3rd quarter of 1977, namely for the months of July, August and September. FINANCE KITTO MOVED that the bills received on or before August 5, 1977 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. August 15, 1977 be paid, Just seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting on July 29, 1977 are as follows: Current Expense $ 75,151.77 Parks & Recreation 15,060.01 Library 2,099.45 City Streets 19,586.91 Federal Shared Revenue 49,063.53 Kent Commons Construction 1,605.75 UAB-12 Central Signal 143.69 East Hill Booster Pump 432.41 124th/WD #111 Reservoir 860.05 Equipment Rental 26,239.40 Housing & Comm. Dvlpmnt 1,640. 39 Arts Commission 376.15 Firemans Relief & Pension 1,349.53 Leoff Disability 896.12 Sewer 52,451.89 Water 15,060.90 Garbage 578.33 $262,596.28 Interest Bearing Warrants LID 282 Kent News Journal $ 47.08 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 1 Marie Jensen, MC City Clerk