HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/05/1977 �r1 Kent, Washington July 5, 1977 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Cary, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Planning Commissioners Holmer and Johnson, and URS representative Jess Abed. Approximately 15 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held June 20, 1977 be approved with the following correction: On page 2, "Special Use Combining District - Paul Stephanus Request," the following motion should be added: "JOHNSON MOVED that the request of Paul Stephanus be denied, Carey seconded. Motion carried." Storment seconded, motion carried. FINAL PLAT Highridge Division #4. At its June 6, 1977 meeting, the Council set the hearing on the Highridge Division #4 Final Plat for July 5, 1977. The Public Works Department has noted that all necessary information has not been received from the applicant and the plat is not ready for acceptance at this time. It is their recommendation that the hearing on this plat be continued until such time as the Public Works Department indicates that all necessary inforamtion has been received and the plat ready for acceptance. Mr. Drake has been notified that it is necessary to complete the hearing by August 1, 1977. Accordingly, JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be continued until August 1, 1977, Just seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Request for Water Service. A letter was read from Ray Franks requesting City water service to his residence located at 24102 - 94th Ave. South and further requesting a waiver for the additional $100 hook-up fee charged outside the City, as the pro- perty is in the process of annexation. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee and the Public Works Department, Just seconded. Motion carried. Water Service. A letter was read from James P. Curran enclosing preliminary approval of a plat for property located east of 94th Ave. South in King County. The letter noted that the two houses at 24322 and 24318 are presently served by City water and that in order to obtain final approval of the plat, availability to public water service must be shown. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Storment seconded. Motion carried. LID 282 - West Valley Highway & Willis Street Sewer. Bids were received on June 24, 1977 for the LID 282 sewer project as follows: Bidder Amount, incl. tax Skip Jacobson Construction $ 93,091.39 Tri-State Construction 103,190.56 Frank Coluccio Construction 112,842.63 Como Contractors 136,864.74 Lundberg Construction 150,573.92 In accordance with the recommendations of the Engineering Department, CAREY MOVED that the best bid of Skip Jacobson Construction Co. in the amount of $93,091.39 be accepted, Just seconded. Motion carried. STREETS A letter was read from Herb T. Mead of Mead-Samuel noting that he represented the ownership of approximately 36 acres lying between the Green River on the South, Willis Street on the North, the Valley Freeway (SR 167) on the West, and the Puget Sound Power & Light right of way on the East. It has been determined that access to the area is so difficult that development is severely restricted. Mr. Mead pointed out that the only relief available appears to be a connection into SR 516 to the north of the property and noted that the matter has been preliminarily dis- cussed with the Kent Engineering Department. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Proposed LID. Ulett reported that a meeting had been held on June 30, 1977 with citizens interested in the formation of an LID for street improvements in the Scenic Hill area for Guiberson Street, Alexander Avenue, Laurel Street, Hemlock Street and Tilden Avenue. He noted that there was good representation at the meeting, especially from Guiberson Street residents. It was noted that the cost of the street improvement is proposed to be assessed to the property on the basis of the formation of an LID and Ulett noted that there was some question as to whether the improvement would include sidewalks. He noted that the improvment to Laurel would provide for widening of the half street from Reiten Road west. He further pointed out that the City is the major property owner on Tilden and Street clarified that this would not be a problem insofar as the formation of the LID was concerned. Ulett confirmed for Storment that owners on Hemlock were not in favor of the improve- ment. McCaughan questioned whether the ordinance covering street improvements required side- walks on one side. Ulett stated that this was not required under the ordinance but that the Subdivision Code does recommend sidewalks. Street further determined that if sidewalks were put in on one side only, the property owners on that side would be paying for them under the LID. McCaughan stated that he wished to go on record as in favor of changing the Subdivision Code to require that sidewalks be placed in all developments, and that the Council should give consideration to this. SW 43rd/S. 180th Renton-Kent Street Improvement Project. It was noted that the bids for this project would be opened on July 20, 1977. 1977 Asphalt Paving Projects. Bids were received on June 24, 1977 for 1977 asphalt paving projects on Meeker, Railroad, 42nd Avenue S. , 96th Avenue S. , and lst Avenue S. , as follows: Lakeside Industries $47,282.80 Hi-Line Asphalt Paving Co. 50,213.00 Associated Sand & Gravel 50,853.20 (Sales Tax Not Applicable.) In accordance with the recommendation of the Engineering Department, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the best bid of Lakeside Industries in the amount of $47,282.80 be accepted, Just seconded. Motion carried. 101st Avenue S.E. & S.E. 260th Street Improvement. Bids were received on June 24, 1977 for the 101st Avenue S.E. and S.E. 260th Street improvement project, as follows: City Transfer of Kent, Inc. $39,879.50 R. W. Scott Construction 43,108.50 Tri-State Construction 49,164.00 Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. 53,021.75 Skip Jacobson Construction 53,905.70 (Sales Tax Not Applicable.) JUST MOVED that the best bid of City Transfer in the amount of $39,879.50 be accepted in accordance with the Engineering Department recommendations, Storment seconded. McCaughan questioned why a street such as this was designed without Curbs, sidewalks and storm sewers. Ulett noted that we acquired the right of way without cost, with the commitment that we would do a grade and gravel job and that the balance of the improvmeent would probably be done at property owners expense. He noted that there was a plat on the east side which would require storm drains, curbs and pavement and a rezone on the west side which would have the same requirements. McCaughan questioned whether a developer would be allowed to put in this same type of road without this requirement. Street pointed out that this requirement did exist but that the Council had reversed the policy in some instances in the past. Just referred to the street the City put in at the City Shops, without these improvments, and Street determined that this was one area where the requirement was wavied in exchange for free right of way. Just opined that at that time it was the opinion of the Council that if we were going to require citizens to put these improvements the City should be required to do the same thing. Harris noted that the Kent Subdivision Code requires paved streets for developments but that this was not necessarily true for an individual lot. McCaughan noted that in the area of the Ring Road development has taken place without curbs and sidewalks, etc. Harris noted that the Planning Department would like to have an ordinance that would require these improvements. McCaughan suggested that the matter be given more consideration at a future workshop. Motion carried. North Second Avenue Street Improvement. On June 29, 1977, bids were received for the improvement of North Second Avenue, Smith Street to Meeker Street, as follows: Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. $75,138.10 Moss Construction 90,813.05 Valley Cement Construction 99,014.00 (Sales Tax Not Applicable) The Engineering Department has recommended that the best bid of Pacific Paving Co. be accepted, and accordingly, JOHNSON MOVED that the best bid of Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. in the amount of $75,021.25 be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Lien. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2035 annexing to the City certain lands contiguous thereto and commonly referred to as the Lien annexation. KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2035 be adopted, Storment seconded. Motion carried. ZONING Lien Annexation. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2036 zoning the Lien annex- ation property as R1-12 (Single Family Residential Zoning District) . STORMENT MOVED that Ordinance No. 2036 be adopted, Carey seconded. Masters commented that she would vote against the ordinance because the people who lived in the area had requested annex- ation with the same type of zoning which they previously had, and R1-12 zoning was a higher density than they wanted. Motion carried, with Masters voting nay. PROPERTY ACQUISITION POLICY The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2037 adopting the Kent Property Acquisition Policy. KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2037 be adopted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. AGRICULTURAL LAND It was noted that Tom Ryan and LeRoy Jones, King County staff members, Street, Ulett, Harris and Mayor Hogan met on June 10, 1977 to discuss the County's agricultural ordinance. The City staff has been reviewing the proposed ordinance and a copy was furnished to the Council members. A discussion of the ordinance will be held at the Council workshop on July 11. KING COUNTY/METRO MERGER A letter was read from Mayor Wes Uhlman regarding legislation enacted authorizing the merger of King County and the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle. The letter noted that the results of the proposed merger could significantly alter the structure, res- ponsibilities and relationships of local government within King County. Uhlman noted that the City of Seattle has adopted a Statement of Principles which it is hoped will guide the development of a merger proposal, and urged that consideration of these principles be given. A copy of the Statement of Principles, along with a copy of this letter, has been distributed to the Council. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred to the committee of the whole, McCaughan seconded. Street noted that a similar recommendation had been received by the Council on June 20 from Metro and suggested that the two plans be compared. Mayor Hogan noted that since she was a member of Metro's Rules and Organization Committee the Council should advise her as to their feelings in regard to this subject. Motion carried. POLICE & FIRE Valley Communications. Storment noted that Valley Communications will be in operation on July 18 for police and fire for Kent, Auburn and Tukwila. Street noted that for the next two-three weeks during the period of changing over to Valley Com, we will be without radio communication facilities for the Public Works Department, so telephone communications will have to be utilized. Storment noted that during transition emer- gency lines may not be answered as promptly as usual and asked that this be made known to the public. MOBILE HOME PARK COMBINING DISTRICT Holowach Request. A letter was read from Malcolm McLeod, attorney for Peter Holowach, requesting background information pertinent to the recent Council decision to deny Mr. Holowach's request. STORMENT MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted and re- ferred to the City Attorney for reply, Carey seconded. Motion carried. HUMAN RESOURCES COMMISSION It was noted that the Human Resources Commission was discussed at the last work session and suggestions received, which will be discussed at the next work session. PARKS & RECREATION Kent Memorial Park. It was noted that the Parks Department has been negotiating with Mrs. Ameny for the purchase of her property to ease the parking and traffic situation at Kent Memorial Park. An original amount of $45,000 was budgeted in 1976 for the purchase, and the negotiating price is $47,500. Both the Finance Committee and the Parks & Recreation Committee recommend the purchase of the pro- perty at $47,500. At the June 22, 1977 meeting the Board of Park Commissioners voted unanimously to recommend purchase, with Mrs. Ameny to be given a life estate on the west 122 feet of the property. The extra $2,500 will come from the Kent Memorial Park Development fund which will have a surplus because of a good bid on Field #2 lighting. KITTO MOVED that the Parks Department be given permission to complete the transaction to purchase the Ameny property, Carey seconded. Kitto noted that the Finance Committee had reviewed the transaction after the Parks & Recreation Committee review and that the purchase price had been arrived at through negotiation. He opined that it was a fair price for the property. Masters stated that she wished to clarify the record by noting that the June 22 meeting of the Committee was supposed to be an orientation meeting to acquaint the three new Park Board members with the functions of the Commission. She noted that the excerpt of the minutes entitled "Park Board Minutes of June 22" contained the unanimous approval to recommend to the Council the purchase of the Ameny property. She further noted that the purchase of the property was con- sidered at a special meeting of the Park Committee on June 29, at which time the Committee concurred. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Ordinance No. 2038 creating the Kent Commons Construction Fund was introduced by the City Attorney. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2038, Carey seconded. Storment referred to Sections 1 and 3, and MOVED to amend Sections 1 and 3 by adding to "Kent Commons Construction Fund, " the phrase: "Phase lA and 1B, " Just seconded. Motion to amend carried, with Kitto voting nay. The motion adopting the ordinance as amended carried, with Masters voting nay. EDA Round II Public Works Funds. Pursuant to regulations regarding these funds, a meeting was held with Kent and Federal Way School District representatives. A report of that meeting was made at the Council workshop which has been furnished to the Council, and has been made a part of the record. Pending further informa- tion concerning the additional funds, the only action required and recommended to the Council is 1) concurrence with the priority rating of the project, 2) authorization to sign the resubmission form of the application in order for the Federal Way School District to proceed with resubmission of their application. CAREY MOVED that the action requested be authorized, Just seconded. Masters questioned whether new projects could be added to these funds and Mayor Hogan noted that it is the City's prerogative to add new projects if we are unable to do the projects we submitted. She further noted that the Federal Way School District had agreed to modify their project. She opined that we could do our project subject to receiving the additional $947,000 of Round I funds. She noted that if we do not receive those funds, the Council would be considering a new project for $265,000. She further noted that Congressman Dicks' office had adivsed that the list of projects to be funded will be made on July 11. Masters stated that she could not accept placing all of these funds into the Kent Commons project when the voters had rejected the proposal. Mayor Hogan noted that when Council authorization was requested for submission of the appli- cation for Round II funds, it was the Kent Commons project which was submitted by vote of the majority of the Council. Motion carried, with Masters voting nay. CENSUS Mayor Hogan noted that the 1977 population figure for Kent of 18,250 reflects a 10% increase since 1970. Street commented that the increase for the same time period for King County was 0.4% and for the State, 7.3%. CLAIMS George A. Tandoo. A claim in the amount of $196.00 has been received from George A. Tandoo. JUST MOVED that the claim be referred to the City Attorney, Storment seconded. In response to Johnson's question, it was determined that the claim was for a broken windshield allegedly caused by a rock thrown by a City mowing machine. Motion carried. SUMMER FESTIVAL Street noted that St. Anthony's Parish is proposinq to hold a Summer Festival for three days in Auqust. A meetinq was held on Friday, July 1, 1977 with re- presentatives of the Church and City Police, Fire, Public Works Departments, City Attorney, City Administrator and the City Clerk. The festival is to be held on the Church parking lot and on the parking lot leased to the City and will feature free entertainment. The Saturday Market will operate in conjunction with the festival. It was noted that the festival will be held about three weeks after the Meeker Days celebration so will not interfere with that event. Representa- tives of the Church have been advised of the requirements of the various City departments. CITY ELECTION It was determined that Council position numbers for the September 20 primary election must be assigned prior to July 15. The Councilpersons drew by lots, with the following results: Position No. 1 Storment Position No. 2 Masters Position No. 3 McCaughan The City Clerk noted that due to changes in the election procedures, only those positions for which three or more candidates have filed will appear on the primary ballot. Positions for which two or fewer candidates file will appear only on the general ballot in November. FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING It was noted that a public hearing has been scheduled for this meeting to receive proposals for use of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds. The amount available is $266,960. A tabulation of proposed projects has been distributed, and has been made a part of the record. The public hearing was declared open by Mayor Hogan. Harlan Bull expressed interest in the Public Works item for acquiring right of way for the improvement of the East Valley Highway from S. 212th to S. 192nd. Upon his question, Ulett noted that the proposed project ended just South of the bridge and that the bridge was not included. Bull commented that this danger- ous left-turn should be included. Ulett stated that it was hoped that another project would continue the improvement to S. 180th. Storment requested that 100 of the total allocation be set aside for Public Works, Planning and Engineering, on the same basis as had been done previously. Mayor Hogan noted that this had been in the amount of $50,000 before and upon McCaughan's question, Ulett determined that these funds had not been used for design purposes. Masters noted that the Fire Department item of $5,000 for a chemical consultant had been deferred the last time allocations were considered and she recommended that it be favorably considered at this time. Street explained the original request was to cover a study for Western Processing. Masters opined that other industries within the City would benefit by studies made by such a consultant. It was determined that the Finance Committee would be asked to prioritize the requested items at their meeting of July 15, and McCaughan suggested that Chief Foster be asked to attend that meeting. Johnson asked that Chief Skewes also be asked to be in attendance. Carey noted that it had been anticipated that other levels of government might become involved in the matter of the chemical consul- tant. Masters commented that the purpose of the request was to assist the Fire Department in handling fires involving chemicals. Upon Storment's question, Ulett noted that the informational signs listed under the Public Works Department would be to direct drivers to different parts of the City, as well as to other areas, such as the hospital, etc. McCaughan questioned the price of office furniture listed under the Public Works Department as compared to the prices of similar items for the Finance Department. It was determined that this matter would be checked before the Finance Committee meeting. JOHNSON MOVED for the hearing to be continued to the July 18 Council meeting. Storment seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED for the Finance Committee to prioritize the projects at its July 15 meeting, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE Utility Rate Relief. It was reported at the last work session that the memo- randum of instructions for Utility Rate Relief had been received with a page missing, which page has now been received. A letter has been sent to the Governor from the Mayor's office noting that Kent supports the project and will furnish the necessary administrative assistance. It was noted that it will be quite costly in time to furnish the information requested. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before July 5, 1977 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. on July 15, 1977 be paid, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting on June 30, 1977 are as follows: Current Expense $ 38,748.44 Parks & Recreation 10,814.62 Library 1,606.57 City Streets 13,840.67 Federal Shared Revenue 5,305.73 Kent Commons Construction 529.26 UAB-12 Central Signal 1,167.67 East Hill Booster Pump 3,976.02 124th/WD #111 Reservoir 34.24 Equipment Rental 17,467.44 Employee Retirement 767.79 Housing & Community Develpmnt 601.05 Firemens Relief & Pension 136.65 Leoff Disability 1,435.69 Sewer 45,574.84 Water 7,810.93 Garbage 546.56 $150,364.17 Interest Bearing Warrants 104th Ave. Street Improvement Fred R. Squire $ 84.00 LID 282 Wash. State Highway Comm. 150.00 $ 234.00 MEETING ADJOURNED: 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk