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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/20/1977 Kent, Washington June 20, 1977 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan, and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris and Public Works Director Ulett. Finance Director Winkle was not in attendance. Also present: Sewer Superintendent Kristofferson, Planning Commissioner Williams, and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 60 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meetings held June 6, 1977 and June 13, 1977 be approved as printed, Storment seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & SANITATION Bill of Sale - Kent West Development. Dura Development, Inc. has constructed approxi- mately 174 LF of 12' water main, 2055 LF of 6" water main, 306.3 LF of 12' sanitary sewers, and 260 LF of 8" sanitary sewers located at 1414 West James Street. All con- struction was accomplished in such a manner that the line is now ready for acceptance. KITTO MOVED that the Bill of Sale for the water line and sanitary sewers installed at 1414 West James Street be accepted and that the $500 cash bond be released upon pay- ment of any outstanding City charges against the project, Storment seconded. Motion carried. HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Housing Rehabilitation Assistance. As discussed at the last work session, the 1976 Rehabilitation program has only provided funds for repairs to three homes through one interest subsidized loan and two grants. The interest subsidy element has been under- utilized because of the inability of some homeowners, particularly senior citizens, to repay such a loan. Therefore, in order to spend out these unexpended 1976 Rehabilita- tion monies by November 30, the balance of the interest subsidy allocation should be changed into repair grants. City Attorney Mirk introduced Resolution No. 828 estab- lishing such revisions in the 1976 Housing Rehabilitation Assistance Program under the Housing & Community Development Act of 1974 and adopting program guidelines. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 828, Carey seconded. Motion carried. STREETS 1977 Six Year Arterial Street Plan. City Attorney Mirk introduced Resolution No. 827 adopting the 1978 through 1983 revision of the City of Kent's Six Year Comprehensive Street Program and Arterial Street Construction Program. JUST MOVED for the adoption of Resolution No. 827, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. SPECIAL USE COMBINING DISTRICT CORRECTED-REFER TO MINUTES OF 7-5-77 Paul Stephanus Request. On December 20, 1976, the City Council tabled the hearing on the request of Paul Stephanus to allow the mining of 40,000 cubic yards of material in an MR-M zone, adjacent to the Swiss Gable Apartments on Lake Fenwick Road. The hearing was tabled to enable Mr. Stephanus to provide additional engineering data, which data has not yet been submitted. Mr. Stephanus was notified by letter on May 25, 1977 that the Planning Department would bring the application back to the Council no later than June 20, 1977. It is the recommendation of the staff that since no information has been received to date, the hearing should be removed from the table, the hearing completed, and the request denied for lack of the required information. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the tabled hearing be reconvened, Carey seconded. Motion carried. The continued public hearing was opened by the Mayor. It was determined that no fur- ther material has been received from Mr. Stephanus. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. In response to Kitto's question, Harris confirmed that Stephanus had been duly notified that the matter would be brought before the Council by this date. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Undergrounding. It is necessary to grant an easement to Puget Power for the under- ground service to Kent Commons. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign an easement to Puget Power for underground service to Kent Commons, Johnson seconded. Motion carried, with Carey abstaining. It was noted that Mayor Hogan had met with representatives of the Cambridge Women's Club and the Kent Soroptomist Club to discuss opening day ceremonies for the Kent Commons facility. The Clubs have agreed to a joint effort for the official ceremony and to provide some furnishings for the building. A meeting is to be scheduled in the near future to begin planning for the ceremony. MEEKER DAYS A request has been received from Jim Chandler, co-chairman of the annual Meeker Days celebration, to be held July 15, 16, and 17, 1977, as follows: 1) Request for free blanket permit for booths for the Street Fair and platform for entertainment. Any booth requiring electrical power may be subject to inspection by State Electrical Inspectors. All booths will be adjacent to curbs with a ten foot clearance from fire hydrants. Any booth using hazard- ous materials, processes, or storage or handling of flammable liquids will be required to obtain a Fire Department permit. Prior to operation of the carnival, a combination Fire/Building Department inspection will be requested. 2) City Properties requested: (a) Railroad Parks (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) (b) Borden Field and Russell Road Park (Hot Air Balloon Rally) (c) Kent Memorial Park (Sunday Picnic) 3) Equipment Requested: (a) Six Portable Toilets (1) Two at Railroad Park (2) Two near 4th and Meeker (3) Two in the carnival area (b) Street Clsoed Signs (1) 4th and Meeker East (2) 2nd and Gowe North (3) lst and Gowe North (Saturday & Sunday) (4) Meeker west of Pacific National Bank (Friday only) (c) No Parking signs on parade route Sunday (d) Extra Trash Cans (1) Two at Railroad Park (2) Two at Borden Field (3) Two at Russell Road Park (4) As needed on the streets 4) The use of the NE 1/4 of the parking area between 2nd and 4th and Smith and Harrison through Sunday, July 17, 1977, for use by the Ray Barber Carnival. 5) Request suspension of requirement for Kent Business Licenses for street fair and art show participants. 6) Approval of certain amusement games conducted by the Ray Barber Carnival as required by the State Gambling Commission. It was noted that these requests have been checked with the appropriate City depart- ments and other than a conflict on Friday, July 15, concerning Borden Field, all activities seem appropriate. A substitution of Korry Field for Borden Field has been agreed upon. Accordingly, KITTO MOVED that the requests of the Meeker Day Committee be approved, Carey seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Gary B. Hanson. A claim has been submitted by Gary B. Hanson for damages and false arrest. KITTO MOVED that the claim be referred to the City Attorney for submittal to the appropriate insurance carrier, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PERSONNEL Sewer Department. It was noted that two members of the Sewer Department have com- pleted the necessary education, experience, special training and written examinations to entitle them to receive special awards. Mayor Hogan presented Glenn E. Caron with a Wastewater Collection Specialist I certificate. Sewer Superintendent Kristoff- erson was presented with a certificate for Wastewater Collection Specialist IV. It was noted by Ulett that this is the highest certificate issued and that Kristofferson was one of the few persons in the State who have earned this award. COMMITTEE MEETINGS Parks & Recreation. McCaughan noted that the Parks & Recreation Committee would meet with the new Park Commissioners on Wednesday and that the regular Committee meeting would be postponed to Wednesday, June 29. UTILITY RATES Street noted that a letter had been received regarding possible reduced utility rates for senior citizens and indigent persons. He noted that an attempt had been made to reach Representative Bagnariol in Olympia but as yet no answer to requests for further information had been received. He further noted that the matter would be brought to the Council as soon as the information was available. ANNEXATIONS Park-Mar. A petition for the 4.83 acre Park-Mar annexation has been received and certified as containing 75% of the assessed valuation. JOHNSON MOVED that the Park- Mar annexation petition be accepted and the filing of a Notice of Intent with the King County Boundary Review Board be authorized, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Gai's Annexation #2. A petition for the Gai's Annexation #2 has been received and certified as representing 75% or more of the valuation of the area. JOHNSON MOVED that the petition be accepted, the filing of a notice of intention with the King County Boundary Review Board be authorized, and the Planning Commission be requested to begin the initial zoning process, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Blecker Island. It was noted that the Council reviewed the proposed Blecker Island Annexation with representatives of the area at the last work session. KITTO MOVED that the proposed annexation is acceptable, that assumption of the existing City indebtedness is required, and that authorization is granted for the circulation of an annexation petition, Storment seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS ZONING East Hill Tire Annexation. On May 24, 1977, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the initial zoning for the East Hill Tire Annexation which encompasses 4.58 acres lying along the west side of 104th Avenue S.E. , north of S.E. 252nd Street. The Planning Commission recommended that the area be zoned CC, Community Commercial. Planning Director Harris pointed out the area on the map. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence has been received. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be continued until August 1, 1977, in accordance with the provisions of the Zoning Code, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Lien Annexation. It was noted that the public hearing to consider the initial zon- ing for the Lien Annexation was opened on May 16, 1977 and was continued to this meeting. The Mayor opened the continued hearing. Harris described the area as approximately 60 acres located between S. 218th and S. 212th, bordered by 92nd Avenue S. and 95th Avenue S. He noted that the Planning Commission has recommended R1-20 zoning (Single Family Residential, with a minimum lot size of 20,000 square feet) . The Clerk noted correspondence received since the May 16 Council meeting from the following: 1) Art and Vi Lien; 2) Art & Vi Lien (with petition) ; 3) Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Hannon; 4) Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gifford; 5) Daniel Mayer; 6) Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schuck; 7) Wesley Fitzsimonds; 8) Petition from Westview Terrace residents; 9) Petition from residents within the proposed annexation. It was determined that the Council had been provided with copies of each item, and MASTERS MOVED that these items be filed as part of the official record. Just seconded. Motion carried. James Flick stated that the owners of property consisting of more than half of the assessed valuation for annexation were in favor of R1-20 zoning. He further opined that these owners would not have signed the annexation petition if they had known that R1-12 (12,000 square foot lots) zoning would be sought. Mr. Townsend stated that he had been retained by some of the property owners to analyze 3 parcels. He opined that the cost of developing would be prohibitive at R1-20 zoning. Dennis McKillip of Westview Terrace stated that schools and the existing streets would become overcrowded if the area was developed. Mrs. Lien opined that R1-12 was not high density zoning and stated that the cost of sewers would be prohibitive at R1-20 zoning. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Gifford commented on the traffic problems and the existing drainage problems. Charles Mays and Gary Neilsen noted that S. 218th was a narrow curving road with no sidewalks and that the City park attracted many children to the area. Mays further agreed with the Giffords regarding the drainage problem. Gerry Pieper spoke in favor of R1-12 zoning, noting that much of Westview Terrace had lots smaller than 12,000 square feet. He stated that the high cost of sewers would make it necessary for him to sell to a developer if R1-20 zoning was required. Richard Schurk stated he was in favor of preserving the woods and having no development, but if any development was to take place, it should be R1-20. Norberto Caoili spoke in favor of the larger lots. Charles Burks, who lives in the lower left hand corner of the area proposed for annexation stated that he was not interested in having his property annexed at all and that he feared some of his 4 1/2 acres might be condemned for a green belt or public walkway. Wes Fitzsimonds suggested that R1-20 zoning could be accomplished through a planned unit development process. McKillip asked if sewers would be necessary for 20,000 square foot lots. Ulett stated that this would depend on the results of percolation tests. He pointed out that residents of the area had had difficulty with septic tanks and had asked for City sewer service. Jim Flick quoted from the petition (#9, which has been made a part of the record) . He pointed out the traffic congestion in the area and the drainage problem which would be compounded if the land was cleared for a large number of homes. Mr. Pieper opined that some of the proponents of the annexation would not have been in favor of the annexation if they had thought they would be faced with the possibility of paying for sewers. Mayor Hogan noted that the proposed zoning hearing was being conducted before the annexation hearing at the request of the Liens, the initiators. Upon a question from Caoili it was determined that none of the Councilpersons owned property in the area under discussion. There were no further comments or questions, and JUST MOVED to close the hearing. Carey seconded. Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning Commission be accepted, Just seconded. Masters noted that she once lived in the area, before Westview Terrace was developed, and also that she know from personal experience the effect of a large sewer assessment. She stated that she was not in favor of allowing someone to come in and develop property as expeditiously as they can for the most dollars they can get to the detriment of the neighborhood and for this reason she supported the R1-20 zoning. Kitto stated he was in favor of R1-12 zoning after having heard all of the comments and that he thought the development would be better controlled if it was a part of the City. McCaughan stated that he was in favor of R1-12 zoning, noting that these questions were raised when Westview Terrace was developed and that streets would be developed and storm water would be controlled. He noted that the City's hillside subdivision code would exercise some control over the development. Upon Masters' question, it was determined that Mr. and Mrs. Lien did actually reside in the area proposed for annexation. Motion failed, with only Masters supporting it. KITTO MOVED for the zoning to be R1-12, Storment seconded. Motion carried, with Masters dissenting. It was noted that the public hearing on the annexation of this parcel has been scheduled for this meeting. The Boundary Review Board has not invoked jurisdiction. Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. Mr. Pieper and Charles Burks stated that they were against being annexed. Burks noted that he couldn't connect to the sewer, and that he had a well and didn't require City water. Johnson asked Ulett to explain to the citizens just how you go about getting a sewer once you are annexed. Ulett stated that ordinarily a group of property owners who are interested in that service petition the City Council, following which there is an estimate made of what the cost would be, the individual prop- erty owners are notified and there is a public hearing to determine whether the majority of the property owners are for or against it. Then based on their re- sponse, the project goes ahead or is stopped. He noted that there have been some studies made of a sewer system in this area. He noted that a sewer system for this annexation, although it might be extended into Westview Terrace, would not go through Westview Terrace, and so these properties would not be assessed nor would they be able to use the sewers. He pointed out that sewer service for Westview would be a separate action at some future time, if, in fact, those residents wanted sewer service. There were no further comments and JUST MOVED to close the hearing, Storment seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED for the attorney to be instructed to prepare an ordinance annexing this property to the City, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Wilson Island Annexation. It was noted that on May 24, 1977, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on the initial zoning for the Wilson Island Annexation which encompasses 21.8 acres lying between 36th Avenue S. and 43rd Avenue S. , and between S. 242nd Street and S. 238th Street. It is the Planning Commission's recommendation that the properties lying north of S. 239th Street (Lots 1 through 7, Suburban View; Lots 1 through 7, Valley Vista No. 2; and Tax Lots 111, 114, 116 and 121 of Section 15-22-4) be zoned R1-12, 12,000 square foot minimum lot size; and that the remainder of the properties be zoned R1-9.6, 9600 square foot minimum lot size. This recommendation is based on the follow- ing findings: 1) This zoning is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2) The R1-9.6 and R1-12 zonings are consistent with the development pattern in this area. Harris described the area on the map and Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. Mr. Doty of 3932 S. 238th Street stated that he had been approached about signing a petition for zoning the area, but hadn't heard anything more about it until he received a notice of this hearing from the City Clerk. Harris and Ulett determined that Mr. Doty's property was not a part of the annexation, but since he resides within 200 feet of the area proposed to be annexed he received notice of the hear- ings. Tim Smith, who resides within the area proposed to be annexed, stated that he didn't see why the zoning would be changed, and that the proposal under consid- eration would allow for smaller lots than those existing now. Harris explained that the City attempted to apply similar zoning to that which existed prior to annexation. Smith and Doty stated that their deeds stated expressly that the par- cels could not be subdivided, and that they were against permitting zoning which would allow smaller lots than those existing now. It was determined that this hearing would be continued to August 1 and that the deeds could be examined in the interim. Mrs. Doty concluded that even though they were not included in the area proposed for annexation, that they would be in the general area to be assessed for sewers. Larry Wilson noted that only the owners in the actual annexation parcel would be approached on the sewer issue. Ulett determined for Smith that several proposed routes for sewers for only the parcel to be annexed were available for inspection in his office. There were no further comments and JOHNSON MOVED to continue the hearing to August 1, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before June 20, 1977 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. on June 30, 1977 be paid, Just seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting on June 15, 1977 are as follows: Current Expense $ 27,008.23 Parks & Recreation 6,854.63 Library 74,226.49 City Streets 7,647.07 Alcohol Rehabilitation 926.29 Federal Shared Revenue 22,139.22 Kent Commons Construction 18,365.19 Smith/Central to 4th 1,365.35 104th Ave. Street Improvement 36,028.01 East Hill Booster Pump 437.28 Equipment Rental 2,403.05 Housing & Community Developement 3.67 Arts Commission 45.00 Firemens Relief & Pension 2,808.30 LEOFF Disability 3,816.84 Sewer 2,205.64 Water 16,669.22 Garbage 43,648.50 $266,597.98 Interest Bearing Warrants 104th Ave. St. Improvement Pacific Paving $ 52,241.09 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4 I Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk