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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/13/1977 4(71 Kent, Washington June 13, 1977 A special meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 7:00 p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons: Carey, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett. City Attorney Mirk and Finance Director Winkle were absent. KENT COMMONS It was determined that proper notice of this special meeting had been given as required by State Statutes and that the purpose of the meeting was to con- sider and award bids for the Kent Commons building. A letter from Ted Bower, architect for the project, dated June 9, was distri- buted to the Council, and has been made a part of the record. Also distributed and filed for the record, was a report dated June 13, entitled "Project Cost Estimate" submitted by the Parks Department. Bids were received on May 27 as follows: Alternates 5 & 6 Base Bid (Coiling Partitions) R. W. Huff Constr. $597,269.00 $13,498.00 McKee Constr. Co. 604,067.00 15,350.00 Federal Constr. 638,682.00 16,121.00 Delguzzi Constr. 680,000.00 37,750.00 Bower explained that on Alternates 5 and 6, the first three contractors bid on "Sonicwall/88" upon the verbal assurance from the manufacturer that this product would meet the specifications. Delguzzi's bid for Alternates 5 and 6 was based upon Dual Coil-Wal", which meets the specifications. Bower recom- mended acceptance of the low bid of R. W. Huff, and to further accept Huff's offer to provide the Dual Coil-Wal at a total cost to the city of $23,509 for Alternates 5 and 6. Upon Just's question, Street noted that he had conferred with the City Attorney and it had been determined that the Council could legally insist on holding the contractor to the amounts in the bid for the partitions, and require that the better grade (Dual Coil-Wal) be supplied as required by the specs. Street pointed out, however, that the courts had found for the contractor in similar instances in the past, based upon the Contractor's affirmation that this was an honest mistake" in his bid. He noted that the three low bidders had ad- vised the city of their error in believing that the Sonicwall/88 would meet the specs, and that the Dual Coil-Wal would cost about $33,000 for Alternates 5 and 6. He suggested therefore that we accept Bower's recommendation, to approve Huff's offer to supply the Dual Coil-Wal and to split the difference in the cost with the City. This would increase the cost for Alternates 5 and 6 to $23,509, approximately $10,000 more than is reflected in Huff's bid. Just expressed concern as to whether the second low bidder, (McKee) had advised the City in writing that their bid for Alternates 5 and 6 was based on the less expensive partitions. He noted that the difference in the base bids of Huff and McKee was less than $7,000. Bower stated that he did not have such a written statement. Just opined- that the Council should have this protection inasmuch as the base bids for the two lowest contractors were less than $10,000 apart. He also stated we should have a statement from Huff. Totals were calculated for Huff and for McKee of the base bids plus the follow- ing alternates: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Ml, M4, M5, and Revised Package C. It was determined that the Huff bid was $656,433 and the McKee bid was $674,692, a difference of $18,259. Street noted that if the Huff offer to split the difference in the price of the partitions was accepted, the total on the Huff proposal would be $666,444 as listed on page 1 of the Project Cost Estimate. He recommended the package as presented on this page be accepted. Just noted that the contingency fund was only $19,000 and that it should be about $30,000 for this project. Upon his question, Street noted that the additional amount could come only from the City's general fund. Bower recommended that Alternate #2 (plantings) in the amount of $12,691 be omitted in the initial contract and added later as a change order or have this work performed by the Parks Department. Street noted that the State will not allow later additions to the project and if we deleted this item we would not receive the matching funds from the State. He advised against deleting the plantings. McCaughan concurred. Bower determined that the cost per square foot for the project was $45.58 and ascertained for McCaughan that water and sewer facilities for rest rooms with outside entrances on the west side of the building were included in the bids. McCAUGHAN MOVED to accept the bid of Huff Construction at $666,444, including Alternates 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, Ml, M4, M5 and Revised Package C. Kitto seconded. Just asked how soon new bids could be received if these were re- jected and a recall issued. It was determined that this would take 30 to 45 days and would delay the project. It was noted that such a delay might cause some tenants to seek other office space. Just opined that he did not like the irregularities in the bids. Masters stated she was against awarding the bid because of the substantial overrun and she was not prepared to commit the City as to where cut backs will be made to offset this. McCaughan and Street agreed that a recall for bids would result in higher bids. Johnson agreed with this but noted that she felt uncomfortable about increasing the contractor's bid to cover the coiling partitions. Storment noted that revenue sharing funds in the amount of $150,000 had already been placed into this project and addi- tional funds would have to be earmarked for the contingency fund. He noted that the Kent citizens should not have to bear this outlay when only 30% of the people will use the facility. The motion carried, upon the following roll call vote: Carey, Johnson, Kitto and McCaughan AYE, and Just, Masters and Storment NAY. Just commented that as a result of the motion, Huff's bid had now been increased by $10,000 and only $19,000 remained in the contingency fund. Johnson suggested that part of the $10,000 could be taken from the Parks Department Capital Improve- ment Fund, which has had $4500 set aside for nine years. The special meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, MC City Clerk