HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/07/1977 L Kent, Washington February 7 , 1977 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 o' clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters , McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioners Johnson and Williams, and URS representative Ramsey. Approxi- mately 15 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held. January 17 , 1977 be approved as printed, Storment seconded. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT Britt Smith Replat Final Plat. The Britt Smith Final Plat continued public hearing is scheduled for this meeting. On January 19 , 1977 , the Plat was returned to the Engineer, Mr. Barnard, for corrections. Mr. Smith and Mr. Barnard were informed by letter that the Plat should be re- turned by January 31, 1977 . Ulett noted that the Plat has been returned and that one minor changed in the wording on the face of the Plat was needed; however, acceptance of the Plat was in order at this time and accordingly, Harris and Ulett recommended approval subject to the one item which was to be changed. The continued public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no corres- pondence. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the Britt Smith Final Plat be accepted subject to the condition set forth by the Public Works Director, Storment seconded. In response to Just' s question, Mr. Smith noted that he was aware of the change which had to be made and was agreeable. Motion carried. Parkside Final Plat. Public Works Director Ulett and Planning Director Harris noted that the Parkside Final Plat and required bond have now been received and are acceptable. Accordingly, the public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments and no correspondence. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Stor- ment seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Final Plat of Parkside be accepted, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. STREET VACATION Schwarzenberger Request. On January 3, 1977 , Resolution No. 818 was adopted setting the public hearing on the Schwarzenberger South Central Place street vacation request for February 7. The Planning Department has re- ceived input from the Engineering, Traffic, Police, Fire, Sewer, Street and Water Depart- ments, and also from the Washington Natural Gas Company, and recommends approval of the pro- posal as follows: STREET 1) The City retain an easement or the right VACATION to exercise and grant easements in res- pect to the vacated street for the con- struction, repair and maintenance of public utilities and services. Administration further recommends : 2) That the petitioner pay for the property in accordance with Ordinance No. 1934 . At the time of the widening of South Central, the City paid the owner of this property $1. 15 per square foot. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Mr. Hugh Leiper of All Points Realty spoke from the audience, noting that he was appearing on behalf of the applicants. Street pointed out that con- dition No. 2 was based on figures supplied to 'him by the Property Manager of the City. He noted that if the application for the street vaca- tion was approved, then the Schwarzenbergers should be charged one-half of the appraised value of the property, as provided by the Ordinance. a e 1 wners were aid r a r e c �� -sgtra-r-e !Eeot-,—and-that -77 _ f �� -hat: 1do i x a,aunt—way—$3;6 2— Mr. Leiper stated he had a copy of a deed from the Schwarzenbergers to the City dated in 1973 which showed that the City paid $600 for that particular parcel. Ulett and Street determined for Leiper that acquisition of land for the project could have been as early as 1972 or as late as 1974 , and that the date could be verified. Street noted that the figure shown on the deed represented $1 . 15 per square foot. Mr. Leiper stated that as long as the date of acquisition of the property could be verified, there was no problem. It was determined for Masters that. the CB monument was not included in the street vacation area. There were no further comments and no correspondence. ' KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed, Just seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance vacating the street and filing the said ordinance upon receipt of the cost based on $1. 15 per square foot, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried*. ANNEXATIONS Gai. At the last Council meeting action on the proposed Gai annexation was tabled to allow Mr. Gai to make a decision as to whether he still desired annexation. Mrs. Grosz spoke from the C• audience on behalf of Mr. Gai and stated that Planning Director Harris had indicated to Mr. Gai that he would be allowed to continue his ' operation as it presently exists if annexed and would be so informed in writing, and in that event, Mr. Gai was willing to proceed with the annexation. In response to Just' s question, Harris concurred with Mrs. Grosz ' s statement that such a letter would be forthcoming from his Department. STORMENT MOVED that the Gai annexation be removed from the table, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. STORMENT MOVED that the revised area petition be accepted and that a Notice of Intent to Annex be filed with the King County Boundary Review Board, Just seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Hulk. A 10% notice of intent to commence annexation has been filed for a 5-acre tract on the west side of 104th Avenue S .E. and the north side of S.E. 244th Street. JOHNSO MOVED that a meeting be held at 7 : 30 p.m 14 , 1977 with the initators of the Hulk annexa- tion, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Upon McCaughan' s question, Ulett noted that an attempt to enlarge the area had been unsuccessful. HEALTH & Leachate Contract. The City Attorney, Director SANITATION of Public Works , Sewer Superintendent and City Administrator have reviewed the contract pro- posal of Seattle concerning the installation of the leachate landfill. Several changes have been made by the City and it is recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract and submit it to Seattle. JUST MOVED that the pro- posed leachate contract be signed by the Mayor and submitted to Seattle , Carey seconded. In response to Masters ' question, Mirk noted that the changes made gave the City more control over various provisions of the contract. Motion carried. Des Moines Sewer District. The Des Moines Sewer District proposes to construct a number of new sewers and has adopted a resolution amending their comprehensive sewer plan for that purpose. Review of the proposal shows that none of the sewers affect City owned property nor property within Kent. In accordance with the recommenda- tions of the Public Works Department, STORMENT MOVED that the Des Moines Sewer District Resolu- tion 1977-2 be approved, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Bill of Sale - Water and Sewer Lines. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the water main and sanitary sewers which were constructed in Guiberson Street by Mr. Miller and recommends acceptance of the same. MASTERS MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agree- ment for the sanitary sewers and water main which were constructed in Guiberson Street in the vicinity of Alexander Avenue, Carey seconded. In response to Masters' question, it was noted that an LID had been proposed hfor t the he surfacing of Alexander Avenue along treets in the area, but a petition has not yet been filed by the property owners . It was determined for McCaughan that the unimproved portion is not considered a City street. Motion carried. Soil Conservation Service. The Soil Conserva- tion Service project was reviewed at a meeting held January 27 , 1977 . Mr. Jernstad reported that at present the S.C.S. is considering drop- ping the project west of the Green River and curtailing the channels in the east project from the original 22 miles to 10 to 12 miles. The concern as expressed by the Council members present was the possibility that thethelVaast channel might stop before it g Freeway. It is suggested that a resolution be passed which encourages the S.C.S. to plan for the P-1 channel to the south side of the Valley Freeway as a minimum. STORMENT MOVED that the Attorney be directed to prepare said resolution, and the Mayor be authorized to sign this resolution. Carey seconded. Just stated that this would be an 8-year project and that as sponsors Kent should insist that HEALTH & the channel go under the freeway and should go SANITATION up to Mill Creek. He noted that the commitment of funds for the project was enormous. Street explained that the original plan was for the SCS to cover just past S. 228th and that the City would be responsible for the area from the bottom of Mill Creek to approximately S. 228th. Storment stated that Wannamaker had suggested that the Council go on record in favor of the P-1 East Channel going as far as the south side of the Valley Freeway, and that possibly the City could arrange to continue it to the area of Mill Creek at the Memorial Park. Street agreed that the City should request that the project be done as originally planned by S.C.S . Just noted that the Mill Creek ara should be included, as it was not possible to develop the hillside without this. McCaughan expressed concern over the west side. It was determined that the west and east ties are separate projects, and that the proposed resolution would have no effect on the west side status. The original motion was withdrawn. STORMENT MOVED to request that the S.C.S. install the P-1 channel as originally planned, which would include the Mill Creek channel. Carey seconded. Storment clarified that the S .C.S . original plans were for the P-1 west channel to come to the S . 212th area and for the P-1 east channel to come to the area of S. 222nd, and this reso- lution would tell the S .C.S . thet Kent Valleywants Freeway the east channel to go to pick up Mill Creek. Just stated that his understanding was that roxi- the east channel project would take approxi- mately eight years to complete, before they would be ready to undertake the west side pro- ject. Street stated that Jernstad had indicated that the west side project would be dropped this time. Harris noted that the Planning Department had been in contact with Wannamaker' s office and that the west side project was dead. He noted that information for developers regard- ing pumping and storage of water would be received from the Corps of Engineers . It was determined for McCaughan that there had been no indication that the Corps would raise the levee so more water could be pumped. Motion carried unani- mously. WATER 124th Avenue S.E. Reservoir. The Department of Social & Health Services has offered $215, 252 from Referendum 27 funds for the construction of a 3 1/2 million gallon reservoir and associa- ted pipes on 124th Avenue S.E. The balance of the cost is to be jointly financed by the City and King County Water District No. 111. Accept- ance of the offer must be made by March 1, 1977 . Prior to that time a full report on the 1976 Water Revenue Bonds projects will be made. JOHNSON MOVED that receipt of the offer be recorded, Storment seconded. Motion carried. WATER East Hill Well Company. The East Hill Well Company has requested authorization to install four fire hydrants on Kent water mains in or adjacent to the area which the Company serves. The hydrants would meet Kent specifications and would become Kent' s after installation. Kent would then maintain the hydrants. An annual fee of $20 per hydrant is recommended by the Public Works Director as sufficient to offset maintenance costs. STORMENT MOVED that the hydrant installations be authorized, Just seconded. Motion carried. Storment noted that the colors on the tops of fire hydrants denoted the size of the main and therefore citizens should be informed that fire hydrants cannot be painted other colors. Kent Springs Water Transmission Line. The Kent Springs Water Transmission Line crosses property owned by Lawrence V. Stoffel west of 216th Avenue S .E. and is not constructed within the City' s right-of-way. Mr. Stoffel is short platting his property and will grant the City an easement for the actual transmission line location in exchange for rights to cross the right-of-way in another location which he has been using for that purpose. The rights will include Mr. Stoffel ' s obligation to protect the line in a manner approved by the City Engineer. STORMENT MOVED that the easement be accepted and the rights be granted as writ- ten above. Carey seconded. Motion carried. STREETS 104th Ave S.E. Street Improvement Project - LID 281. The City Attorney introduced Ordi- nance No. 2011 , creating LID 281 for the improvement and installation of asphaltic concrete surface on 104th Avenue S.E. to provide four through traffic lanes with a fifth lane to provide a two-way left turn lane and channelization, together with con- struction and installation of curbs and gutters, sidewalks, storm drains, illumina- tion and underground power, and providing for the method of payment therefor. STORMENT MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2011 , Just seconded. Motion carried. LID 281. In connection with the 104th Avenue S.E. Street improvement project, the overhead electrical distribution system will be converted to underground. As such, the City must enter into a formal contract with Puget Power and the Engineering Depart- ment requests that the Mayor be Given the necessary authorization to do so. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to enter into a contract on behalf of the City with Puget Power for the electrical underground- ing of 104th Avenue S.E. from South 252nd Street to South 260th Street. Storment seconded. In response to Masters ' question, Ulett noted that the cost of such under- grounding would be covered 90% by UAB funds and 10% by the City and affected property owners. Motion carried, with Carey abstaining. Central Avenue Signal System Grant. UAB has now offered a 170 , 060 grant in construction funds for the Central Avenue signal modification at Smith, Meeker, and Gowe Streets, installa- tion of a new signal at Willis Street, and adding 2 phases and coordination at James St. STREETS The offer covers 90% of the estimated construc- tion costs . Authorization to accept thoffer is recommended. The plans for the project are virtually complete and it is anticipated that the call for bids can be made in May. Acquisi- tion of necessary rights of way still must be completed. STORMENT MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the construction project agreement, Just seconded. Motion carried. TRAFFIC Parking. Parking on Railroad Avenue from James Street to Smith Street is interfering with street sweeping operations. In order to comply with parking restrictions on other streets in the area, it has been requested that an ordinance be prepared to prohibit parking from 4 a.m. to 7 a.m. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the City Attorney prepare such an ordi- nance, Carey seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Ware. Ordinance No. 2012 was introduced by the City Attorney providing for the rezone of certain property from CC (Community Com- mercial) to HC (Highway Commercial) . JOHNSON MOVED that Ordinance No. 2012 be adopted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. POLICE & Ambulance Service. At the last work session FIRE a full review was made of the present ambul- ance service. In accordance with the recom- mendations of the Administrator, STORMENT MOVED that the present two ambulance companies be notified that the present mode of assigning calls will be continued, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. ANIMAL At the last work session, the present King LICENSING County ordinance which allows senior citizens to purchase a dog or cat license good for the life of the animal at $8 for a dog and $4 for a cat was discussed. A maximum of 3 licenses can be issued to any person or family. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare such an ordinance, Carey seconded. Storment noted that approxi- mately 600 animal tags for 1977 had already been sold, and those senior citizens who already had such licenses would have to exchange the tags for lifetime tags, and in some cases , pay the difference in the fee. HE MOVED to table the matter until 1978 , Kitto seconded. Motion to table failed, with only Storment, Kitto and Johnson voting in favor. Street clarified for Just that the King County ordinance had been received only a week ago, and if Kent passed such an ordi- nance it would not affect those who had already purchased licenses for 1977 . Masters noted that Kent' s licensing was on the calendar year, and the County' s year ran from April to April. She suggested that tags already purchased by senior citizens in Kent could have the fees adjusted, and be issued the proposed lifetime tags. Street stated that this could be done by making the effective date of the proposed ordinance January 1 , 1977 . Just opined that the ordinance would be easier to administer if the effective date was January 1 , 1978 . JUST MOVED to amend the motion to make the effective date January 1, 1978 , Johnson seconded. ANIMAL Masters commented that it was possible that LICENSING many seniors waited until close to the April 30 penalty date before purchasing their tags, and so many could still take advantage of the lifetime tags. Storment suggested that it would not be fair to issue lifetime tags to such seniors when other seniors had already purchased tags which would be valid only for 1977 . The City Attorney suggested that an ordinance should not be passed now with an effective date of 1978 . JUST WITHDREW the motion to amend and Johnson concurred. The original motion carried, with Carey, Just, McCaughan and Masters voting in favor and Storment, Johnson and Kitto voting against. ANIMAL The contract between Kent and King County for SHELTER use of their animal control facilities has been received. It is the same as the present contract and it is recommended that the Mayor be authorized to sign the agreement. JUST MOVED that the contract be accepted and that the Mayor be authorized to sign the same, Masters suggesting that Kent' s animal control policy be discussed at the next workshop meet- ing. Storment seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & Lake Fenwick Rehabilitation. The 1977 Park RECREATION Department budget has $12 , 000 earmarked for the development of a plan for the rehabilita- tion of Lake Fenwick. A contract for said amount has been prepared by URS Company for the study and printed report to be completed by October 21, 1977. The contract has been approved as to form by the City Attorney. MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign said contract with URS , Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Russell Road Park and Athletic Field, Phase II. An Owner/Architect agreement has been received from ORB for professional services on the Rus- sell Road Park and Athletic Field, Phase II , project. The agreement, which covers the total project, allows that the pre-application phase only, in the amount of $7 , 600 , is in effect until IAC approval of the project is obtained. The agreement has been approved from a legal standpoint by the City Attorney. JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Owner/Architect agreement with ORB for pro- fessional services on the Russell Road Park and Athletic Field, Phase II, project, McCaughan seconded. In response to Just' s question, as to whether the money was budgeted, Wilson pointed out that the original request for planning money was $10 , 000 , now reduced to $7 , 600 , which was to have come from match- ing funds set aside for the Russell Road Park project. He determined that it could come from Forward Thrust funds. He noted that there was $55, 000 in Forward Thrust funds, $95, 000 in matching funds, approved at the last Council meeting, and that the County had $100, 000 committed. Motion carried. P: KENT COMMONS Bids - Site Preparation. Five bids were received on February 4 for the Kent Commons site preparation project, as follows : City Transfer $15 , 750 . 97 incl. tax Segale 21, 094. 76 , Boulevard Excavating 26 , 291 . 24 , " Grice & Sons 26 , 303. 62 , " Iddings 27 , 126 . 79 , In accordance with the recommendations of the Architect and Engineer, KITTO MOVED that the low bid of City Transfer in the amount of $15, 750 . 97 , including tax, be accepted, Carey seconded. It was noted that the Engineer' s estimate was $12 , 000 , plus tax. Street explained the process and type of material to be used for the project for Johnson. Masters noted that she would vote against the motion in keeping with her stand against the entire project. In response to Storment' s question, Street noted that the cost of the project came to about $4 . 00 per cubic yard. Motion carried, with Storment and Masters voting nay. SOCCER A letter was read from Steve Wallace, Director of Community Relations , Seattle Sounders Soccer Club, suggesting that a Kent Community Night be held at one of the 1977 Seattle Sounders Soccer games . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted, McCaughan seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that the letter was written in January and since that time Mr. Wallace had come to meet with various members of the community. She noted that a great deal of interest had been expressed in the idea presented and it was thought that perhaps the Kent Community Night could be held sometime in May while school was still in session. Motion carried. KING COUNTY A letter was received from Caren Adams , Director RAPE RELIEF of King County Rape Relief, thanking the City of Kent for its financial support of the program for 1977 in the amount of $1, 100 . A report for the last quarter is on file. ASSOCIATION A letter has been received from the AWC, OF WASHINGTON announcing the 1977 NLC Congressional-City CITIES Conference to be held in Washington D.C. March 6 - 8 , 1977 . FINANCE LID 256 Segregation. Resolution No. 819 was introduced by the City Attorney, direct- ing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of a certain assessment levied under LID 256 as requested by A. C. Penor. JUST MOVED that Resolution No. 819 be adopted, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Finance Committee. Street reported that at the last Finance Committee meeting authorization was given to him to approve a necessary change order for completion of the 3rd and 4th floor remodeling works. FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or before February 4 , 1977 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8 : 00 a.m. on February 15 , 1977 , be paid, Just seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of January 27 , 1977 are as follows: Current Expense $ 39 ,803. 67 Parks & Recreation 11,999 . 34 Library 1, 740 . 87 City Streets 11 , 072 . 13 Federal Shared Revenue 52 , 762 . 47 Kent Commons Construction 217. 92 Smith - Central to 4th 126 . 48 Equipment Rental 1 , 798 . 65 Housing & Community Devlpmnt 25. 32 Firemans Relief & Pension 414 . 96 Sewer 3 , 880 . 49 Water 7 , 699 . 70 Garbage 881 . 67 $132 ,423. 67 Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of January 31 , 1977 are as follows: Current Expense $ 35 , 823 . 70 Parks & Recreation 2 , 605. 56 Library 567. 75 City Streets 1 , 141. 95 Federal Shared Revenue 2 , 778 . 71 S. 180 (WVH-EVH) 58 . 30 Equipment Rental 399 . 38 Housing & Community Dvlp. 1 ,110 . 05 Firemans Relief & Pension 2 , 619 . 94 LEFF Disability 3, 815. 08 Sewer 43 ,932 . 25 Water 3 ,072 . 64 $ 97 , 925. 31 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 00 o ' clock p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk