HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/17/1977 Kent, Washington January 17 , 1977 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 . 00 o' clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Just, Kitto, Masters and Storment, City Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Ulett, and Finance Director Winkle. Councilpersonesent• Johnson and McCaughan were absent from the meeting. Also pre in Planning Commissioner Johnson. Approximately25 people attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve the minutes of the meeting of January 3 , 1977 , with the follow- ing correction: On Page 1, "Ripley. " Instead of " . . .completed the water main on S.E . 267th Street between 104th Avenue S.E. and Eastridge Plat. . . " the minutes should read " . . . completed the water main on S .E. 267th Street between 104th..Avenue S.E. and Highridge Division #4 Plat. . . . Carey seconded. Motionccarried. FINAL PLAT Britt Smith Final Plat. At the January 3 meeting the public hearing on the Britt Smith Final Plat was continued. It was noted that the necessary papers were not submitted in sufficient time for consideration tonight. JUST MOVED that the public hearing on the Britt Smith Final Plat Replat be continued to the Council meeting of February 7 , 1977 , Carey seconded. Motion carried. Westview Trace. The public hearing on the Westview Trace Final Plat is scheduled for this meeting. Public Works Director Ulett and Planning Director Harris noted that everything was in order and they had both signed the plat. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. KITTO MOVED that the hear- ing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the Westview Trace Final Plat, Storment seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Gai. The 75% annexation petition for 13. 24 acres of the originally proposed 92 acres for the Gai annexation has been verified and the Public Works and Planning Committees have recommended acceptance of same. JUST MOVED to accept the revised area petition and for a notice of intent to annex to be filed with the Boundary Review Board. Storment seconded. Henry Gai noted that on December 28 the Plan- ning Commission considered zoning classifica- tions for the proposed annexation, and had recommended that the property on the west side of Military Road be classified HC (High- way Commercial) and that the property east of the Military Road be classified R-1 (Single Family Residential) . He objected to this recommendation, stating that if the Council intended to accept the Planning Commission' s recommendation, then he might want to withdraw the annexation proposal. c ANNEXATIONS Street explained that the action before the Council was to accept the annexation petition, and that the zoning of the area could not be considered until the petition was accepted. He noted that the Council would hold hearings later at the proper time on both the annexation and the proposed zoning of the annexation. Harris explained that under the recommendation of the Planning Department and Planning Commis- sion, the Gai business would be a legal non- conforming use, but that the business could not be expanded as Mr. Gai planned. He opined that there was no commercial zoning to fit Gai ' s warehouse-type operation, nor that of the adjoining business, the Glass Doctor. Harris defined the Gai operation as a semi-industrial type use. Mr. Gai opined that 250 of the busi- ness was retail and that it was not a warehouse use. Harris stated that there were approximately 7 square miles on the valley floor now zoned for this type of operation. It was determined that under county jurisdic- tion the Gai business was now operating under a special use permit, and would be allowed to expand. Upon question, Ruth Gross stated that she had circulated the annexation petition for owners of property across from Gai ' s and she determined that sewers were needed by the resi- dents as well as by the businesses located within the area. Upon questions from the council , Harris opined that this distribution center was a quasi- industrial use and had no place in a neighbor- hood residential area and further that commercial zoning should not extend along Military Road other than the node of Community Commercial at the intersection. It was determined that the council would have a public hearing on the zoning for this parcel at the proper time and was not prepared to make any commitment to Mr. Gai now. Discussion was had on tabling the motion for acceptance of the annexation petition to allow Mr. Gai time to consider whether he wants to withdraw the peti- tion. STORMENT MOVED to table the matter to the February 7 council meeting, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. Hill. The time has now expired during which the King County Boundary Review Board can take jurisdiction over this proposed annexa- tion and they have not done so. A public hearing is scheduled for this meeting. Planning Director Harris described the proposed annexation area as being bounded by East Valley Highway, the Valley Freeway, S. 192nd Street and S. 180th Street. The area consists of about 125 acres with a 1976 assessed value of $1, 003, 540 . It was noted that included in the area are a bank, a service station, and one single family occupied dwelling. ANNEXATIONS The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2010 annexing to the City certain lands contiguous thereto and commonly referred to as the Hill Annexation. JUST MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2010 , Kitto seconded. Motion carried. ZONING Hill Annexation. On December 28 , 1976 , the Planning Commission held a public hearing to consider the initial zoning of the Hill Annexation, which encompasses approximately 125 acres lying between the East Valley Highway and the Valley Freeway south of S. 180th Street and north of S . 192nd Street. The Planning Commission has recommended that the area be zoned as follows: The northern 600 feet of the subject property be zoned HC, Highway Com- mercial; the remainder be zoned M-2 , Limited Industrial , with the excep- tion of a 150 ' wide buffer strip along the western edge of the Valley Freeway and a 50 ' wide strip along Springbrook Creek, which would be zoned RA, Residential Agricultural. Harris noted that a Draft Environmental Impact Statement had been furnished to the Council and is on file with the City Clerk. He noted that the Final Environmental Impact Statement would be prepared in time for the second hear- ing on the proposed zoning, scheduled for February 22 , noting further that input is expected from State agencies as well as the City of Renton. Harris pointed out the reasons for recommending the RA zoned strips on the East and South sides of the property were because of the Type VII and Type II wetlands found within these areas. Type VII Wetlands "Wooded Swamps - the soil is water- logged at least within a few inches of its surface during the growing season, and is often covered with as much as one foot of water. " Type II Wetlands "Inland Fresh Meadows - the soil is usually without standing water dur- ing most of the growing season, but is waterlogged within at least a few inches of its surface. " Harris noted that much of the property is undeveloped, with a bank, service station and one dwelling along S. 180th. ZONING The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. Mr. Hill noted that a considerable amount of land was involved in the 150 ' strip and the 50 ' strip proposed to be zoned RA (approxi- mately 10 - 11 acres) , with additional acre- age at the juncture of the slough and S. 190th and about 3 1/2 acres on the other side of the Freeway, making a total of about 15 acres for open space or wetlands. He stated that he wished to go on record that while he did not object to that amount of land being designated as open space, he asked that some consideration be given to a portion of the open space area gforretained areawithin instead development proposed of all on the perimeter. He asked that the Council give the Planning Department the opportunity to work with him in this regard when the property is being developed. In response to Masters ' question, Harris pointed out that it was proposed to create more commercial area around the intersection. He further noted that fill will be required for any building in the area. He pointed out for Masters that it was felt there was some type of drainage coming under the free- way which resulted in the high water table. Masters further questioned whether it would be appropriate to make any allowance for open space within the proposed project and Harris noted that this could be done with proper planning of the area involved. He further noted that the 150 ' strip and the 50 ' strip might not be that wide in some areas , but pointed out that the wooded area is directly adjacent to the freeway and pro- vides a natural buffer zone. In response to Just ' s question as to whether Kent has Qualified for maintaining the necessary amount of wetlands within the area, Street noted that by utilization of the sewer lagoons, which the City has agreed to retain until they can be replaced with other lands, the requirements are being met. He noted that King County has not yet come up with a method for financing the acquisition of wetlands and consequently nothing has been done regarding further acquisition. He pointed out that the rail- roads are willing to do some negotiating with regard to wetland areas. Just opined that this particular area sounds like an area that could be designated as wetlands. Hill suggested that the wetlands which are to be acquired were to be open space, not wooded areas . There were no further com- ments and no correspondence. KITTO MOVED that the hearing be continued until Tues- day, February 22, 1977 , Masters seconded. Motion carried. REZONE Ware. The Planning Commission held a public hearing on December 28 , 1976 on an applica- tion filed by John Ware for a rezone from CC , Community Commercial, to HC, Highway Commercial, on property located between Military Road S . and Interstate Highway 5 , approximately 1, 000 feet north of the Kent- Des Moines Road (23013 Military Road S. ) REZONE The Planning Commission recommended thatthe rezone request be approved. Harris pointed out the location on the map. The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. KITTO MOVED that the hear- ing be closed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the recommenda- tion of the Planning Commission be accepted and the Attorney directed to prepare the necessary ordinance. Just seconded. Motion carried. FEDERAL The Finance Committee has completed its REVENUE study of proposed expenditures of Federal SHARING Revenue Sharing funds for 1977 . Copies of their report and recommendation have been distributed to the Council and placed on file with the City Clerk. Items approved for 1977 total $261 , 600 . KITTO MOVED that the priority list of proposed expenditures of Federal Revenue Sharing funds be adopted and made a part of the 1977 budget, Storment seconded. Referring to item 14 , Public Pur- pose Plans, in the amount of $50 , 000 , it was determined by Winkle that there had been some discussion as to whether this item should come from Utilities but it had been decided that it could be left in the Federal Revenue Sharing priority list for use if necessary. Storment pointed out that this item had been reduced from $52 ,000 to $50 , 000 . Motion carried. ZONING CODE Sign Regulations. It was noted that at the last work session a discussion was held on the sign regulation portion of the Zoning Code. The Planning Director will develop some further guidelines and their effect within a small area of the City for Council consideration. FINAL PLAT Parkside Final Plat. In accordance with the recommendations of the Administration, STORMENT MOVED that the public hearing on the Parkside Final Plat be held on February 7 , 1977 , Just seconded. Motion carried. CENSUS 1977 Census. The Planning Department, the City Clerk and City Administrator have re- viewed the possible value of taking an actual census and believe that the methods used last year for estimating are the most practical . It is proposed to take a census in 1978 , the mid-point between the last actual Kent census and the Federal census year of 1980 . MASTERS MOVED that the Office of Pro- gram Planning and Fiscal Management be noti- fied that Kent will not take a census in 1977 , Carey seconded. Motion carried. CLAIMS Glenn R. Crawford. The City Attorney has recommended that the claim of Glenn R. Craw- ford in the amount of $150 for alleged damage to his property resulting from sewer over- flow into the basement of his home be denied for the reason that the City sewer was cleaned within two days of the incident, and there is no indication that the alleged damage was the result of City negligence. STORMENT MOVED that the claim of Glenn R. Crawford be denied, Kitto seconded. Motion :carried. Requests for Water Service. Three requests WATER for serving water to properties located out- side of Kent were considered at the January 5, 1977 Public Works and Planning Committee meeting. Two of the requests , that of David Hemboldt and Dennis Winecker, involve unde- veloped properties which abut the Kent City boundary. The third request of Kenneth Shannon is for an undeveloped property which does not abut the City boundary. The Com- mittee recommends that none of the three requests be considered for approval until after the Committee and Council have reviewed and considered an amendment of present policy for outside utility service. JUST MOVED that no action be taken on the requests at this time, Carey seconded. Motion carried. POLICE & Ambulance Service. The Police Chief and FIRE Fire Chief have recommended that for the Council to receive the best information concerning the possibility of contracting for ambulance service when the City is involved, the Council should review this proposal with both ambulance operations at a work session. STORMENT MOVED that the Administrator arrange for the review of the proposed ambulance contract service at a work session, Masters seconded. Storment questioned whether the City had an ordinance to cover entering into a contract for such service. Mirk noted that an ordinance would have to be adopted encompassing the State standards. He noted that the State has adopted regulations but has no means of enforcing them. He stated that the City would be in a better position to enforce the necessary standards and could make their own inspections. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS Referendum 29 Funding. It was noted that at the last work session Mr. Leonard of the Department of Social and Health Ser- vices had reviewed the Referendum 29 funding of Phase 1A, Kent Commons . The State Department is attempting to make the reporting procedure very simple. Mr. Leonard also suggested a method of divid- ing costs between Phase lA and 1B. SATURDAY Parking Lot Use. At the last work session MARKET a letter was read to the Council from Pat Curran, President of the Kent Saturday Market, relative to using the parking lot immediately east of the City Hall for the 1977 Saturday Market functions . Since the lot belongs in joint ownership to the King County Library and Kent Library, it was suggested that the letter be forwarded to the Kent Library Board. JUST SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. PERSONNEL Awards. Mayor Hogan presented Washington Association of Wastewater Collection Personnel certificates designating Bob Kristofferson, Sewer Department Superintendent, as Specialist II , and Alex Senecaut, Jr. of the Sewer Department as Specialist I . Ulett noted that the certificates were presented for completion of study and examination within their professional field. PARKS & Russell Road Park. A matching funds develop- RECREATION ment project has been proposed for Phase 2 of Russell Road Park. King County has allocated $100 , 000 toward the project, anticipating that Kent will contribute $150 ,000 toward the local share for a total of $250 ,000 . A 75% matching fund grant will be applied for in 1977 . The Parks Department anticipates spending $10 , 000 of the $150 , 000 allocated funds for planning prior to the application to IAC. All monies spent for planning are applied as local share costs if the project is approved. MASTERS MOVED that the Parks Department be authorized to make proper application to IAC for a 75% matching funds grant for Phase 2 of Russell Road Park, and that $150 ,000 be allo- cated as the City of Kent' s share of the pro- ject, Kitto seconded. CAREY MOVED TO AMEND THE MOTION to use the $55, 000 of Forward Thrust Bond Issue money now in the Parks Department budget for this purpose, along with $95 , 000 of grant matching funds. Storment seconded. In response to Just' s question, Street noted that $55,000 of Forward Thrust funds is avail- able and may only be used for park acquisition and development. Storment explained that Carey' s proposal for use of this $55 ,000 would free some of the grant matching funds to be used for some other projects. Masters determined that the Committee had discussed this proposal and felt that this was a good place to use these Forward Thrust funds . Wilson noted that he had not anticipated spending the $55 , 000 on the Russell Road Park project. He noted that this was the last of the Forward Thrust monies available and it was hoped that the money could be held aside so that if a superior project was found that money would be available for such purposes. He noted that he had hoped the City' s share for the Russell Road Park could come from Federal Revenue Sharing funds. Street pointed out the Federal Revenue Sharing funds could not be used for matching funds. Upon Kitto' s question, Masters opined that the question of the use of Forward Thrust money seemed to lie in a difference of opinion between the Council Committee and the Parks Director. Street determined for Kitto that approximately $179 , 000 was available in grant matching funds , and since it had been decided that some projects could be financed in 1978 , the $150 ,000 could be used for the Russell Road Park project. In response to Just ' s question, Masters suggested that use of the $55 , 000 from Forward Thrust monies now would probably buy more at this time than it would for some other project at a future date, and using it for the Russell Road Park project would mean using it in a lump sum instead of breaking it up into small amounts for more than one project. Carey' s proposed amendment carried, with Just and Kitto voting nay. The motion as amended carried unanimously. PARKS & Joint Recreation Programs - King County. A RECREATION contract has been received from King County for continued joint recreation programs in the Kent community. King County agrees to pay the City of Kent $20 ,000 during the year 1977 and the City of Kent agrees to provide recreational programs for rural areas of the Kent School District. The contract was reviewed by the Board of Park Commissioners and Park Committee on January 12 , 1977 , and acceptance of the contract recommended. Accordingly, MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor and City Clerk be authorized to sign the contract, Kitto seconded. It was determined for Just that the $20 , 000 figure is the same as it has been for the past years. Storment commented that in his opinion the amount was about $80 ,000 less than it should be. Motion carried. Bids. Two bids were received on January 10 , 1977 for the renovation and upgrading of Kent area Kiwanis tot lots , as follows: Vanco Recreation, $27 , 821. 85; and Westerra, Inc. , $34 ,033 . 66 , both bids including tax and without alternates . It is the recommendation of the Parks Depart- ment and the Parks Committee that the low base bid of $27 , 821 . 85 be accepted, and that $8 , 000 of the $35, 000 Revenue Sharing monies set aside for lighting of Ballfield #2 at Kent Memorial Park be reallocated and combined with the pro- ject budget of $20, 000 in Community Development Block Grant monies for the tot lot renovation and upgrading. The utilization of present light standards on Field #1 and #3 at Kent Memorial Park, plus trenching work to be done by Parks Department personnel , resulted in a lower bid than anticipated on the field light- ing project. Accordingly, CAREY MOVED that $8, 000 of the $35, 000 Federal Revenue Sharing funds allocated for Kent Memorial Park light- ing be rebudgeted for tot lot improvement, Masters seconded. Motion carried. CAREY MOVED, Masters seconded, that the low base bid of Vanco Recreation, Inc. of $27, 821. 85, including tax, be accepted for the tot lot renovation and upgrading. In response to Kitto' s query, Street noted that it was not anticipated that there would be any problem with using Federal Revenue Sharing funds with Community Development Block Grant funds. Masters clarified that the $8 , 000 would be used as needed for each of the 4 lots involved. Wilson noted that these tot lots were located at 2nd and Cloudy, 5th and Crow, 1st and Crow, and on Alexander Avenue. Motion carried. HEALTH & Kent Highlands Leachate Facilities. A letter SANITATION was read from Seattle Mayor Wes Uhlman, giving a progress report on Seattle' s proposed leach- ate collection and sewer facilities. He noted that the review of the proposed agree- ment between the two cities has been completed for the construction of the facilities and a draft agreement will be submitted shortly. HEALTH & The letter also referred to the project SANITATION schedule , which calls for submitting the Federal grant package to the Environmental Protection Agency in late March, and plans for necessary rights of way and property acquisition. Referring to the odor problem, the letter noted that an environmental con- sulting firm, Alsid, Snowden & Associates , has been contacted regarding analysis of the air in and around the landfill in an effort to identify and abate the contaminants caus- ing the odor problems. In addition, the consulting firm of Construction Aids Tech- nology, Inc. , Mercer Island, is continuing i to test the leachate. The letter pointed out that the project has number one priority in the Seattle Engineering Department and work is progressing on schedule. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that copies of the letter had been for- warded to the City Attorney, Ted Mallory of Metro, the Kent News Journal , and Mr. Morris , representative of a group of residents on the West Hill who had recently contacted the City regarding the odor problem. Mayor Hogan noted that Seattle will hold another public hearing on the leachate interceptor in the Kent Coun- cil Chambers on January 26 at 7 : 30 p. m. Upon Masters ' question, Street explained that Seattle will work with Kent in acquiring the rights of way which will be in areas most advantageous to Kent. He noted that Kent' s sewer and water lines must be placed in areas accessible for maintenance. Motion carried. 102nd Ave. S .E. Storm Sewer. Jim Bailey Construction . has completed the storm sewer in 102nd Avenue S .E . (S .E. 239th Street to S.E. 236th Street) . In accord- ance with the recommendation of the Engi- neering Department, STORMENT MOVED that the Jim Bailey Construction Company con- tract for the 102nd Avenue S .E . Storm Sewer be accepted as complete and that the retain- age be paid after receipt of the necessary releases from the State, Carey seconded. Motion carried. STREETS LID 281 - 104th Ave. S.E. Street Improvement. The public hearing on the preliminary assess- ment roll for LID 281 , the street improvement project of 104th Avenue S.E. from S.E. 252nd to S .E . 260th Street is scheduled for this meeting. Public Works Director Ulett pointed out the location and described the improvement as the construction and installation of asphaltic concrete surface on 104th Avenue S .E . to provide four through traffic lanes with a fifth lane to provide a two-way left-turn lane and channelization, together with the construction and installation of curbs and gutters, sidewalks , storm drains , illumination and underground power. Ulett noted that the major portion of the project would be covered by funds received through a UAB grant, with additional funding to be borne 1/2 by the City and 1/2 by the Local Improvement District. He noted that the cost to property owners would be slightly less than 7 cents per square foot and that written notice of the hearing had been sent to all property owners who would be affected. STREETS The public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There were no comments from the audience and no correspondence. City Administrator Street explained the method of financing the project, noting that it would be done by the issuance of LID bonds after the completion of the pro- ject. JUST MOVED that the hearing be Storment seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to prepare an ordinance creating LID 281, Just seconded. Motion carried. A letter was received from Dr. George Daniel , Superintendent, Kent Public Schools, noting the proposed improvement of 104th S .E. by the City and urging the City to consider installation of a left-turn signal for the East-West juncture where 104th meets Kent- Kangley. STORMENT MOVED that receipt of the letter be noted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Just seconded. It was noted that at the present time the installation of the left turn signal is scheduled for 1978 with the use of FAM funds and a local share. The Traffic Engineer has been directed to develop the plans for this signal so that installation may be possible in late 1977 near the completion date of the widening of 104th S.E. This work is necessary before the left-turn light will have its proper effect. Motion carried. Smith Street Improvement. The Public Works Committee has reviewed the request for Change Order #2 of Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. , for the Smith Street project, in the amount of $3 , 130 for work related to the removal of unforeseen abandoned pipe and the saw cutting of sidewalks, and has recommended approval thereof. JUST MOVED that Change Order #2 in the amount of $3 , 130 for Pacific Paving Co. , Inc . be approved, Carey seconded. In response to Masters' question, Ulett noted that the contract still has several months to run on completion of the street improve- ment but it was possible that the paving would begin on the portion west of Central this week. Motion carried. Gowe Street. Storment questioned when the barricades would be removed from Gowe Street and Street noted that all that is needed is an additional coat of asphalt and the street will be completed. TRAFFIC Masters noted that there seemed to be a traffic problem at the intersection by Sequoia Junior High on the Black Diamond Road and questioned what the City' s responsibility was relative to a traffic signal. Harris noted that the area is within the City limits of Kent. It was determined that the road is a State Highway; therefore, the City would be responsible for minor maintenance and for signalization. Masters noted that apparently the traffic was so heavy in the school area that traffic was blocked by cars discharging children. Street noted that the Traffic Engineer would be consulted regarding possible solutions. CITY BUILDINGS Electrical Inspector Lease. The lease of a small room at the City Maintenance Shop to the State of Washington for housing electrical inspectors expires February 28 , 1977 . The rental is $75 per month and is in line with the proposed rent schedule at Kent Commons . The lease is for one year. In accordance with the recommendation of administration, STORMENT MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the above des- cribed lease at the same rental, Carey seconded. Motion carried. City Shop Improvements - Parking Lot. Hi-Line Asphalt Paving Co. , Inc. has completed the parking lot contract for the City Shops . In accordance with the recommendations of the Engineering Department, KITTO MOVED that the Hi-Line Asphalt Paving Co. , Inc. con- tract for City Shop Improvements - Parking Lot be accepted as complete and after receipt of the necessary releases from the State , the retainage be paid. Masters seconded. Motion carried. UNIFORM Each councilperson received a copy of a letter BUILDING CODE from the Seattle Master Builders Association requesting delay in the adoption of the 1976 Edition of the Uniform Building Code. An answer was sent to the organization noting that the Building Director is off duty for the next three weeks and upon his return, a review of the proposed action will be made by the Council before adoption of the Code. BILL OF SALE Kentwood Hills Division #4 . All improvements have been constructed and accepted within the Kentwood Hills Division #4 Plat and the Department of Public Works recommends that a Bill of Sale be accepted, the Plat Bond be released, and the $500 cash bond be released. KITTO SO MOVED, Carey seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE LID 256. A segregation request has been received from Richard B. Beresford, attorney for Apolonio C. Penor, for the segregation of Assessment #6 , LID 256 (North Kent Water) . It is the recommendation of the Director of Public Works that because of the circumstances involved, no charge be made for the segregation. KITTO MOVED that the segregation request be approved and the City Attorney directed to prepare the necessary resolution, Storment seconded. Motion carried. STORMENT MOVED that the bills received on or before January 21, 1977 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held January 31 , 1977 at 8 : 00 a.m. be paid, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of January 14 , 1977 , are as follows: FINANCE Current Expense $ 23 , 472 . 05 Parks & Recreation 9 , 857 . 26 Library 285. 63 City Streets 21 , 520 . 48 Federal Revenue Sharing 55, 443 . 05 Kent Commons Construction 5 , 029 . 87 Canyon Drive 175. 45 Smith/Central - 4th 53 , 928 . 66 S. 180th (WVH-EVH) 49 . 05 Equipment Rental 8 ,154 . 95 Housing & Community Dev. 3 , 245 . 31 Firemans Rel & Pension 99 . 74 LEOFF Disability 2 , 354 . 64 LID 259/264 180 . 76 Sewer 7 , 251. 66 Water 9 , 749 . 82 Garbage 40 , 339 . 55 $241 ,137 . 93 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 : 25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk