HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/03/1977 Kent , Washington January 3 , 1977 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 o' clock p .m. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters , McCaughan and Storment , City Administrator Street , City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Ulett , .and Finance Director Winkle . Also present : Planning Commissioner Johnson. Approximately 35 people were in attendance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held December 20 , 1976 be approved, Just seconded. Motion carried . VISITORS The Mayor welcomed Scout Leader Frank Jarosz and five Eagle Patrol scouts from Troop 406 to the meeting. HEALTH & Mayor Hogan noted that the Seattle Times had SANITATION reported that the Seattle Engineering Depart- ment had arranged for a public hearing to be held in Kent on January 26 at 7 : 30 p .m. regard- ing the Kent Highlands Leachate Interceptor . WATER Request for Service . A letter was read from David L. Hemboldt , 22521 - 94th S . , Kent , requesting City water hookup for his single family dwelling on 94th S . STORMENT MOVED that the letter be noted and referred to the Public Works Committee, Carey seconded. Motion carried. Cambridge East Division #1 . The water mains or Cambridge East Division #1 have been con- structed and are acceptable for City owner- ship and maintenance. All necessary documents have been submitted. In accordance with the recommendation of the Public Works Department , KITTO MOVED that the City accept the water main constructed to serve Cambridge East Divi- sion 7t1 , Storment seconded. Motion carried. Ripley. It was noted that Ted Ripley has completed the water main on S .E . 267th Street ,. between 104th Avenue S .E . and Eastridge Plat CORRECTED • REFER TO except for a minor amount of pavement restora- tion. The City previously agreed to participate MINUTES OF -/7-79 in one-half of the cost . Upon the Public Works Department ' s recommendation, JUST MOVED that the water main be accepted for City maintenance and operation, with no City .funds to be released until the pavement restoration is completed, Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Hill Annexation. The Hill annexation will & ZONING clear the King County Boundary Review Board on January 4, 1977 . In accordance with the recommendation of the Public Works. Department , McCAUGHAN MOVED that the annexation hearing be held on January 17 and that the annexa- tion ordinance be available for adoption at that meeting and that public hearings be held to consider the zoning for this annexa- tion on January 17 and February 22 , Carey seconded. Masters questioned whether the ANNEXATIONS Hill request for annexation had come to the & ZONING City before the County had placed a moratorium on rezoning of agricultural land. Street noted that the petition had been received about a year ago as soon as Mr. Hill acquired the property. Masters opined that the City would be receiving a letter from the County relating to this . Mayor Hogan pointed out that King County Councilman Mooney had discussed the matter with her office and it was his opinion that the moratorium would be lifted as of December 31 . Motion carried, with Masters voting nay. STREET Schwarzenberger Request . The City Attorney VACATION introduced Resolution No . 818 regarding the vacation of a portion of South Central Place north of Rexford Avenue (So . 266th Street) , and setting the public hearing on said vaca- tion request for February 7 , 1977 at 8 :00 p .m. KITTO MOVED that Resolution No. 818 be adopted, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE All required public hearings have now been PLAN held concerning the new Kent Comprehensive Plan. Resolution No . 817 adopting the new Comprehensive Plan for the City of Kent was introduced by the City Attorney. McCAUGHAN MOVED to approved the Resolution, Storment seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & Lake Fenwick Park Master Development Plan. RECREATION The Lake Fenwick Park Master Development Plan prepared by Richard Carothers has been reviewed and approved in concept by the Park Board. The Council reviewed the plan at a recent workshop . KITTO MOVED that the Lake Fenwick Park Master Development Plan be adopted, Storment seconded. Motion carried. Kent Area Activities Council . It was noted that the Kent Area Activities Council has approved a $16 , 448 contribution to the City of Kent Parks & Recreation Department for 1977 programs . The revenue was antici- pated in preparation of the 1977 budget . McCaughan noted that the Parks & Recreation Committee had met on December 17 . He stated that a comprehensive report on Parks main- tenance program was furnished to the Committee. POLICE & FIRE A letter of appreciation was read from Roy A. Ferguson, Bellevue Councilperson, o assistance rendered to him by fire and police personnel at the time of a recent car/pedestrian accident in Kent . MASTERS t ' MOVED that the letter be accepted and copies forwarded to the proper personnel , Just seconded. Motion carried. POLICE Fin er rintin . The Police Chief has advised t e A ministrator that his Police personnel are spending considerable time fingerprinting City of Kent citizens as well as others for employment applications and other personal reasons . Chief Skewes has recommended that a charge of $3 . 00 be made for fingerprinting persons who do not live in Kent . Winkle noted that the Finance Committee has recommended that a charge of $3 . 00 be made for the first fingerprint card and $1 . 00 for each additional set for City and County residents alike . POLICE McCAUGHAN SO MOVED, Just seconded. In response to Storment ' s question, Johnson determined that the reason for charging City and County residents the same was because of the difficulty in determining whether a person was a resident of the City or not . Mirk pointed out that copies of all prints had to be sent to the Criminal Information Center in Olympia , which entailed additional expense. In response to Masters ' question, Mirk noted that the $5 . 00 charged by Seattle was the maximum allowed by law. Motion carried, with Storment voting nay. CIVIL SERVICE Mayor Hogan noted that since her appointment COMMISSION of John Selig to fill the vacancy on the Civil Service Commission at the last Council meeting, it had been brought to her atten- tion that State statutes provide that in order for a person to serve on the Commis- sion he must have been a City resident for at least three years . Since Mr . Selig cannot meet this requirement , his appoint- ment was withdrawn by the Mayor until such time as the matter can be further discussed. SISTER CITY Bicentennial Gift . A letter from Bruce PROGRAM Chapman, Secretary of State , was read announcing approval by the Governor' s office of Kent ' s application for a portion of the $10 ,000 Bicentennial gift donated by Ex-Speaker Toraichi Nakabayashi of the Hyogo Prefecture . The letter noted that $540 would be forwarded to the city within the next two weeks to be applied toward purchase and/or planting of cherry trees in the community. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. BEAUTIFICATION Christmas Tree Pickup . It was noted that the Christmas tree pickup schedule for 1977 is as follows : Valley Floor January 5 West Hill January 6 East & Scenic Hills January 7 LIBRARY At the last Council meeting the low bid of MAINTENANCE George Pringle was accepted to furnish jani- torial service at the Library. Street noted that in spite of the fact that he had checked with Mr . Pringle before bringing the matter to the Council , Mr . Pringle had come in on December 21 , 1976 and claimed that he had made a mistake on his bid. Street recommended that the withdrawal of Mr . Pringle ' s bid be accepted and the bid awarded to the second lowest bidder, Kris Isakson, in the amount of $567 . 75 per month. KITTO MOVED to allow the withdrawal of the George Pringle bid to furnish janitorial service at the Library for 1977 and for the bid of Kris Isakson to be accepted in the amount of $567 . 75 per month, Carey seconded. In response to Storment ' s question, it was pointed out that Mr . Pringle could be held to his bid unless he could prove he had made a mistake . Responding to Johnson' s question, Street noted that the bid of Kris Isakson was about $10 per month over the 1976 cost of library maintenance. Motion carried. INTERLOCAL King-Snohomish Manpower Consortium Interlocal AGREEMENTS Government Agreement. A memorandum to Gerry Winkle from Bob McPherson of the King-Snohom- ish Manpower Consortium was read regarding a proposed amendment to the agreement whereby provision would be made for a Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee to sign necessary grant agreements in the absence of the Chair- person. KITTO MOVED that the letter be accepted, Masters seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the proposed amendment to the King- Snohomish Manpower Consortium Interlocal Government Agreement authorizing the Deputy Chairperson to sign grant agreements in the absence of the Chairperson, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. 1977 Health Services Agreement . The City has receivecTthe 1977 Hea3th Services Agr(-cment completed by Seattle and King County. Under the terms of this agreement , the City of Kent will satisfy its public health requirements as specified by State law. It was noted that the 1977 billing in the amount of $21 , 153 is based on the average billings for the years 1975 and 1976 . JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the 1977 King County Health Services Agreement , Carey seconded. Motion carried. FINAL PLAT Westview Trace . The Final Plat of Westview Trace has been received by the Planning Department and a public hearing should now be held to approve , disapprove or return the plat to the applicant for modification or correction. JUST MOVED that a public hearing be held on January 17 , 1977 to con- sider the Westview Trace Final Plat , Storment seconded. Motion carried. Britt Smith Replat Final Plat . The public hearing on the Britt Smith Replat Final Plat is scheduled for this meeting. Planning Director Harris noted, and Public Works Director Ulett concurred, that as of this date the plat was not ready for acceptance . Mr . Smith addressed the Council asking that clarification be given to certain items which he was given to understand were not completed to the City ' s satisfaction. He referred specifically to Public Works Con- ditions 1 , 2 and 4 as set out at the Plan- ning Commission hearing and as contained in approval of the Preliminary Plat . Condition 1) "Provide utility easement across Lot 3 for the sanitary sewer and for the water line and storm sewer if they cross the lot . " Mr. Smith noted that the terms of the condi- tion had been complied with. Ulett concurred with Smith that Condition 1 has been resolved satisfactorily. Condition 2) "Furnish preliminary plans show- ing water and sewer routing for Lots 2 and 3 , obtain Engineering Department approval of them, and provide private or public easements as necessary for that service . " Smith pointed out that these services have already been installed. Ulett concurred and noted further that no bond is required. FINAL PLAT Condition 4) . Smith pointed out that this condition contains three requirements : "If Sec . 3 . 1 . 8 does not apply rework the private access easement to provide adequate access to Lot 3 (the proposal does not pro- vide sufficient turning space) and prohibit parking in the easterly twenty feet of Lot 1 . " Smith and Ulett concurred that the easement for Lot 3 would show in the redrafting of the plat , now underway. "Traffic Engineering urges that the access be moved twenty feet easterly from the loca- tion shown. " Referring to the request that the access be moved twenty feet easterly, Smith asked that this not be demanded at this time because the existing 30 ' easement is part of a long term lease and would result in an expense of time and money to rework the easement . He opined that the condition required could be accomplished by restricting parking in the easterly 20 feet of Lot 1 . Ulett pointed out that the Public Works con- dition was concerned primarily with prohibit- ing parking in the 20 feet referred to and not with the easement . In response to Mayor Hogan' s question, Ulett commented that he did not know how the parking could be prohibited unless such a statement was made on the face of the plat . Mirk com- mented that the question was brought up sometime ago when the short plat was pre- sented to the City and that the parties were advised not to enter into such an agreement . He noted that this was a private easement on private property and there was no way for the City to enforce the condition of no parking. Smith noted that the lease does not prohibit parking, and further that the lease existed before the plat was ready for submission. Smith suggested that per- haps some compromise could be made , noting that as he understood the problem from the Traffic Engineer' s point of view, he was concerned with perpendicular parking in the 20 ' easement which might result in a parking problem, if cars attempted to back into Kent-Kangley from Sambo ' s . He sug- gested that in view of the fact that there is a 50 ' strip , perhaps parallel parking could be used to avoid traffic backing up on the highway. Ulett commented that he would prefer that Traffic Engineer Olson respond to this sug- gestion. Bob Kaczor noted that he had attended short plat meetings concerning the easement . He noted that at the time of the short plat discussions , it was noted that if the area became heavily trafficked to the back property, parking might have to be restricted. He noted that the area in back of Sambo ' s will not be developed immedi- ately. He suggested that perhaps it would FINAL PLAT be possible to wait and see how the traffic situation develops . He referred to the mat- ter of left-turns out of the driveway and noted that it may result in left turns being prohibited during certain hours . He opined that the matter could be worked out other than moving the easement , which would require two new easements and work on two mortgage documents . Ulett noted that the phrase " . . . the Traffic Engineer urges . . . " did not constitute a requirement , but a suggestion that should be considered. He opined that the matter should have been resolved at the Planning Commission level or at a prior Council meet- ing. Mirk pointed out that if action is going to be continued to a future meeting, the motion should include that considera- tion will be given to prohibiting parking on the easterly 20 ' in question. He noted that such prohibition might not be neces- sary, and that this action would allow the Traffic Engineer to study the problem and perhaps suggest an alternate plan. JOHNSON MOVED that action on the final plat be continued to January 17 to allow time to consider prohibitng parking in the easterly 20 ' , Masters seconded. Street suggested that Mr . Smith meet with Traffic Engineer Olson on Tuesday to resolve the problem. In response to McCaughan' s question, it was determined that there is already more parking space provided for the restaurant than the Code requires . Ulett advised Storment that no survey has been made as yet as to what hours the traffic load might require that left turns would have to be prohibited to Kent-Kangley. He noted that a traffic study might very well show that the hours during which left turns might be prohibited for entrance into Kent-Kangley would be at dif- ferent times for Sambo ' s on one side of the street and for Shakey' s on the other . Motion carried. REZONE PAL Company. It was noted that on November 15 , 1976 the Council held a public hearing on the PAL amended application for a rezone from HC to M-3 , and approved such request . The approving ordinance was presented at the December 6 Council meeting, and as a result of Council action to reconsider the matter , a new public hearing date was set for this meeting. Proper notice of the new hearing date has been given to all inter- ested parties . The public hearing was opened by the Mayor . Harris explained the location of the area, noting that the original application was amended and the area now to be considered for rezoning to M-3 consisted of the western portion (approxi- mately 332 feet) west of the East Valley Highway and South of S . 222nd. He pointed out that the subject property was adjoined by HC and M-3 zon- ing. REZONE Upon questions from the Council , Harris deter- mined that the Northwest Steel Rolling Mill , Ranch Motel , Spaghetti Barn, State offices and about seven residences were in the area. He opined, therefore, that M-3 would be a proper zoning for this area, noting that many uses were permitted under M-3 zoning. He further noted for Masters that if a conditional use permit was required, the matter would be heard before the Planning Commission. He pointed out that certain safeguards were covered under Kent ' s noise control ordinance and under the EPA. Mrs . Mauritsen stated that the residents were fearful that the plastics plant proposed for the site would cause air pollution, and that they were already subjected to pollution from the rolling mills . Mrs . Tonelli opined that this parcel was not large enough for such an operation and that manufacturing would generate truck traffic . Mr . Lewis , owner of the Ranch Motel , noted that his business was close to the site , and that he had visited the Orn Tec Fabricating Co . at their present location at 1819 S . Central . He stated that he had not noticed a noise problem in the manufacturing process , but that there definitely was an odor problem. Mr. Vern Orn described the manufacturing pro- cess of his plant , and stated that the odor was that usually associated with plastics , and that the odor could be noticed 20 to 30 ' away from the plant but certainly not at 100 feet . He pointed out that vinyl vapor is non-toxic and that his present operation had not been cited by the Air Pollution Board. He noted that the University of Washington monitored the operation and had given the plant a clean report , as had the State Health office. Mr. Lewis noted that the new plant would be four times larger than the existing plant . Mrs . Tonelli noted that she had visited the plant when it was not in operation and that the odor was still strong. Kitto commented that the question had to do with approval of the rezone , not with appro- val of the particular business . Harris deter- mined for him that the City Department heads would go over applicable codes and ordinances to determine if a conditional exception was needed for a particular type of business . He pointed out that there was no provision for a conditional use permit for this under the HC zoning; therefore , the area would have to be zoned M-3 before a conditional use permit could come under discussion. He noted for McCaughan that the City would have more con- trol over a business under a conditional use permit . There were no further comments and McCAUGHAN MOVED to close the hearing. Storment seconded, motion carried. MASTERS MOVED for the request for a rezone to M-3 to be denied, McCaughan seconded, Masters noted that granting of the rezone would not be fair to the residents , t' REZONE that the plant operation might cause traffic congestion and that air pollution might occur due to the atmosphere in the Valley. Just spoke in favor of the motion to deny, noting that he considered the location too close to the Ranch Motel and opined that other businesses could utilize this parcel under the existing HC zoning. Johnson and Storment agreed that the rezone should be denied in consideration of the people who live in the area who have objected. Kitto spoke in favor of granting al the rezone , stating that he felt the proposal was reasonable in view of the safeguards the City could apply. He pointed out that a less desirable business might locate on the parcel under the existing HC zoning. Motion to deny the rezone carried, with Kitto voting nay. FINANCE Kitto reported that the Finance Committee would continue review of the Federal Revenue Sharing requests on January 14 and the Public Works Committee would consider items which were referred to that Committee at 8 : 15 on January 5 . JOHNSON MOVED that bills received on or before January 5 , 1977 be paid upon approval at the Finance Committee meeting to be held at 8 :00 a.m. on January 14, 1977 , Storment seconded. Johnson noted that she would not be able to attend the Committee meeting on January 14 and requested that Councilperson Just attend in her place. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of December 30 , 1976 are as follows : Current Expense $ 26 , 294. 17 Parks & Recreation 5 , 611 . 14 Library 1 , 953 . 63 City Streets 14 , 733 . 35 Federal Revenue Sharing 1 , 206 . 18 Kent Commons Construction 5 , 984. 95 Equipment Rental 4, 615 . 62 Employees Retirement 744. 43 Arts Commission 110 . 00 Firemans Relief & Pension 157 . 74 Leoff Disability 2 , 635 . 17 Sewer 124, 304. 32 Water 7 , 009 . 46 Garbage 497 . 77 $195 , 857 . 93 MEETING ADJOURNED: 9 :40 p .m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk