HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/20/1976 Kent , Washington
December 20 , 1976
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8 : 00 o ' clock p .m. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey ,
Johnson, Just , Kitto , Masters , McCaughan and Storment . City
Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris , Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle.
Also present: Parks Director Wilson, Planning Commissioners
Johnson, Holmer and Williams , and URS representative Ramsey.
Approximately 15 people were in attendance at the meeting.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting
held December 6 , 1976 be approved as printed,
Storment seconded. Motion carried.
PRELIMINARY Britt Smith Replat Preliminary Plat . At the
PLAT last Council meeting Britt Smith appealed
the decision of the Planning Commission
which, in accordance with the Subdivision
Code, required that each lot front upon a
public street . Mr . Smith was agreeable to
accepting Conditions 1 , 2 and 4 as set forth
by the Public Works Department , but appealed
the provisions of Condition 3 which stated
as follows :
"3) Review access to Lots 2 and 3 . If
Section 3 . 1 . 8 of the Subdivision
Code applies and 'Each lot must front
upon a public street or road, ' pro-
vide a method of meeting that require-
ment , with the location, width and
configuration of the access street
to be approved by the Traffic Engineer . "
The Council at its December 6 meeting set
this date for the public hearing on the
appeal on the Britt Smith Replat Preliminary
Plat . The Mayor opened the public hearing.
There were no comments from the audience and
no correspondence . KITTO MOVED that the
hearing on the appeal of the requirements
of Condition #3 be closed, Carey seconded.
Motion carried .
KITTO MOVED that the Britt Smith Replat
Preliminary Plat be approved, including Condi-
tions 1 , 2 and 4 as follows :
1) Provide utility easement across Lot 3
for the sanitary sewer and for the
water line and storm sewer if they
cross the lot .
2) Furnish preliminary plans showing
water and sewer routing for Lots 2
and 3 , obtain Engineering Department
approval of them, and provide private
or public easements as necessary for
that service .
4) If Section 3 . 1 . 8 does not apply, rework
the private access easement to provide
adequate access to Lot 3 (the proposal
does not provide sufficient turning
space) and prohibit parking in the
easterly twenty feet of Lot 1 . The
latter subject was discussed with Mr.
Bob Kaczor at the time of the Sambo ' s
development on Lot 1 . Traffic Engineer-
ing urges that the access be moved
twenty feet easterly from the location
PRELIMINARY and the action approving the appeal of Britt
PLAT Smith as regards Condition 3 , Storment seconded.
Motion carried.
In accordance with the recommendations of the
Administrator, KITTO MOVED that the public
hearing on the Britt Smith Final Plat be
held on January 3 , 1977 , Carey seconded.
Motion carried .
PLAT Kentrid e Estates Division #3 . A letter was
read rom the King County Boundary Review Board
noting that the City' s request for extension
of Kentridge Estates Division #3 was deemed
approved as of December 5 , 1976 . MASTERS
MOVED that the letter be made a part of the
record, Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
ANNEXATIONS Coppo. The Council acting as a committee of
the whole reviewed the 10% petition of Mr.
Coppo for annexation of certain property adjac-
ent to the northeast City limits . The Public
Works Director noted that the petition included
approximately 82 acres . Those Council members
present indicated a willingness to accept the
proposed annexation in either of the two sizes
presented. KITTO MOVED that the proposed
Coppo annexation is acceptable and that a
lesser area excluding the Stockton Addition
and property north of the Stockton Addition
is also acceptable and that either area will
be required to assume the existing City
indebtedness , Masters seconded. Motion
carried .
Island Annexation. It was noted that the City
has been served with a lawsuit to stop the
proposed annexation of portions of the
"Island" by Robert C. Van Siclen, Attorney
representing some of the area property owners .
STORMENT MOVED that the matter be referred
to the City Attorney, Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
REZONE David Skidmore . A public hearing is scheduled
or this meeting on an application filed by
David Skidmore for a rezone from MR-M, Medium
Density Multi-Family Residential , to NCC,
Neighborhood Convenience Commercial , Zoning,
on property located at the northeast corner
of North Alvord Avenue and Canyon Drive .
Planning Director Harris pointed out the
location of the subject property, noting
that it contained approximately 38 ,000
square feet . It was determined that all
properties along the north side of Canyon
Drive in this area are residentially developed
and the subject property itself is occupied
by three single-family dwellings and a doc-
tor' s office . The Planning Department recom-
mended denial of the application based on
the following findings :
1) The proposed commercial zoning is
inconsistent with both the Comprehen-
sive Plan and the established pattern
of land use in this area and would
constitute a spot zoning.
2) Commercial activities would be
encroaching into an established
residential neighborhood.
3) The additional turning movements
which would occur on Canyon Drive
may be hazardous .
REZONE 4) The lower East Hill neighborhood already
has good access to commercial goods and
services .
5) Approval of this request would set a
strong precedent for allowing commercial
uses all along this section of Canyon Drive .
The Planning Commission concurred with the
Planning Department that the rezone applica-
tion should be denied.
Mayor Hogan opened the public hearing. In
response to Kitto ' s question, it was deter-
mined that the Skidmore property is in the
vicinity of the property for which a rezone
request was recently denied by the Council .
Street added that this request falls into
the same category as the other request re-
cently considered which was denied basically
to prevent strip zoning along the highway
which could be disruptive to traffic. He
stated that he concurred with the Planning
Commission recommendation. There were no
further comments and no correspondence .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed.
Kitto seconded. Motion carried.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the recommendation of
the Planning Commission be approved, Masters
seconded. Motion carried.
Floyd Johnson. A public hearing was held on
November 23 , 1976 by the Planning Commission
on an application filed by Floyd Johnson for
a rezone from R-1 , Single-Family Residential ,
to MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Residen-
tial . Planning Director Harris described the
area, noting that it contained approximately
9 acres located on the southwest corner of
S .E . 256th and 116th S .E . He noted further
that the property lies within a large resi-
dential area. The Planning Commission recom-
mended that the application be denied, and
the Planning Department also recommended
denial , based on the following findings :
1) The sewer line serving this property may
not be adequate to handle 23 units per
acre .
2) A determination regarding the adequacy
of the sewer cannot be made until the
"Sewer Facilities Plan" has been com-
pleted. (March, 1977) .
There were no comments from the audience
and no correspondence. JOHNSON MOVED that
the hearing be closed, Masters seconded.
Motion carried. JOHNSON MOVED that the
recommendation of the Planning Commission
be approved, Masters seconded. Motion
COMPREHENSIVE The continued public hearing on the Compre-
PLAN hensive Plan scheduled for this meeting
was opened by the Mayor . At the first hear-
ing, Planning Director Harris noted that
it would be appropriate to comment on the
Final Environmental Impact Statement at
this hearing. He stated that letters had
been received from different agencies ,
COMPREHENSIVE although it was pointed out that it is difficult
PLAN to comment on this sort of Plan since most cities
have not undertaken a Comprehensive Plan of this
magnitude . There were no comments from the audi-
ence and no correspondence . McCAUGHAN MOVED that
the hearing be closed, Masters seconded. Motion
carried. KITTO MOVED that the City Attorney be
directed to prepare a resolution adopting the new
Kent Comprehensive Plan as recommended by the
Planning Commission, and that the Comprehensive
Plan Map from the 1969 Plan (as amended) be adopted
as part of the new Kent Comprehensive Plan, Carey
seconded . Motion carried .
SIDEWALKS At the last work session the present Kent ordinance
and the three State laws controlling the installa-
tion, maintenance and repair of sidewalks was dis-
cussed. Mayor Hogan urged the Council to take a
positive position on this matter . She pointed out
the poor condition of many walks , both in the Central
Business District and leading to the District . Mayor
Hogan suggested that either the Council should dedi-
cate City funds toward this endeavor or finance the
improvements by assessment to the adjacent property
owners . Councilperson Johnson stated that if City
money is to be used, it should be used just as much
in the residential districts and just as soon. The
question arose as to the liability of the City and
the adjacent property owners . After considerable
discussion, the administration was directed to pre-
pare a project to repair the sidewalks along Meeker
Street from Fourth to Central , with the cost being borne
by the adjacent property owners . The Director or
Public Works will give this project a high priority.
An administrative report on progress will be given
at the first meeting in February, 1977 .
SURPLUS Nike Ajax Site 32-33 . A letter was read from the
PROPERTY Regional Administrator of the General Services
Administration noting that the above referenced
property located about 8 miles northeast of Kent
has been determined to be Surplus Government Pro-
perty and available for disposal . JUST MOVED
that the letter be accepted and a copy sent to all
Department heads , Storment seconded. Motion carried.
HEALTH & Metro Changes . The City Attorney introduced Ordi-
SANITATION nance No . 9 covering the Metro change to certain
industrial customers for Industrial Cost Recovery/
High Strength Surcharge for sewer service and
amending Section 28 of Ordinance 1777 . MASTERS
MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance 2009 , Johnson
seconded. Motion carried.
Bill of Sale . Mr. William Baden has constructed
298 feet of 6" water line and 409 feet of 8"
sewer line at South 262nd Street and 85th
Avenue South. In accordance with the recom-
mendations of the Public Works Department ,
STORMENT MOVED that the Bill of Sale for the
water and sewer lines from Mr. Baden be
accepted and the $500 cash bond and the
$4, 000 certified check given in lieu of
a performance bond be released upon the
payment of any outstanding bills , Just
seconded. Motion carried.
STREETS LID 281 . Resolution No. 816 creating a Local
Improvement District or t e construction and
installation of asphaltic
104th Avenue S .E . to provide
lanes with a fifth lane to provide a two-way
left-turn lane and channelization, together with
the construction and installation of curbs and
gutters , sidewalks , storm drains , illumination
and underground power , was introduced by the
City Attorney. The resolution further set the
public meeting of the City Council to consider
the matter on January 17 , 1977 . KITTO MOVED
that Resolution No . 816 be adopted, Carey
seconded. In response to Storment ' s question,
Ulett clarified that the construction provides
for left turns from east bound traffic on Canyon
Drive to go north on 104th S .E . Responding to
McCaughan' s question, Street noted that side-
walk construction was provided for but it was
not possible to construct bicycle paths in a
commercial , heavily trafficked areas . He noted
that several bicycle paths are proposed for the
City but not in this particular area. Motion
Traffic Signal Rebuild. The Washington Depart-
ment of Highways will provide an emergency pre-
empt system (OPTICOM) as a part of their signal
rebuild at Pacific Highway and Kent-Des Moines
Road, using 80% Federal funding if Kent will
provide the 20% matching funds for the pre-empt
system. The cost to Kent is estimated to be
$760 , which cost can come from an excess unex-
pended balance in the Engineer' s Department .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor be authorized
to execute the agreement , Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
Traffic Lights . The State Highway Department
opened bids for the proposed improved traffic
lights to be installed at S . 212th and West
Valley Highway , as follows :
Bidder Amount
Knoble Electric $92 , 794
Olson Electric 81 , 698
Service Electric 73 , 500
Signal Electric 70 , 998
Totem Electric 71 , 000
West Coast Electric 85 ,430
It was noted that the Kent Engineer' s estimate,
which had been reviewed by the State Traffic
Engineer , was $56 , 300 . Traffic Engineer Olson
is reviewing the specifications again, although
this had previously been done with the State
Highway Department before they were issued.
The Engineering Department is recommending
that the Council recommend to the State High-
way Department that they reject the bids
and readvertise . In response to Masters '
question as to the considerable difference
between the estimate and the lowest bid, it
was determined that a contractor in Kent who
has been receiving most of the bids in Kent
recently did not bid on this particular item
STREETS because of the time requirement, but will submit
a bid the next time . It was pointed out that the
opinion is that the estimate is still a valid one .
It was noted that the contract wording might have to
be changed somewhat if a new call for bids is issued
because some concern was expressed over problems
involved in keeping the present signal operational .
In response to Storment ' s question, it was deter-
mined that even though the signal at West Valley
Highway and S . 212th was going to be used at the
intersection of S .E . 256th and 104th S .E . issuance
of a new call for bids should cause no delay in that
project . KITTO MOVED that the Kent City Council
recommend to the State Highway Department that they
reject all bids and after specification review,
readvertise for this installation, Storment
seconded. Motion carried.
STREET Schwarzenberger Request . A request for the
VACATION vacation of South Central Place North of
Rexford Avenue (So. 266th Street) , except the
south 31 . 13 feet as measured on South Central
Avenue has been received, together with the re-
quired fee of $150 . KITTO MOVED that the City
Attorney be directed to prepare a resolution
setting a date of hearing to consider the vacation
petition, Storment seconded. Motion carried.
CIVIL SERVICE Appointment . R.C .W. 41 . 12 . 030 designates the
COMMISSION Mayor as the appointing officer and does not re-
quire confirmation by the Council . Accordingly,
Mayor Hogan announced that John Selig is her
appointment to the Kent Civil Service Commission,
to complete the term of Hal Cline , who resigned
as of December 1 , 1976 .
DISCHARGE Mr. O' Connell has requested that consideration
OF FIREARMS of his request to hunt ducks on his property
inside the City limits be delayed .
BUSINESS Taxicabs . At the last work session it was reported
LICENSES that the drivers of the Kent , now Far West Taxi ,
are filling one of the paper receptacles attached
to a light pole with empty quart oil cans and when
the receptacle was full leaving them on the curb .
When the owner of the building where the taxi com-
pany has had its offices for years was contacted,
it was discovered that the company no longer rents
office space . All of the operation is now carried
on by radio . Years ago the taxi company paid $150
per year for reserved space for two cabs in front
of 209 Meeker Street . The signs reserving the
space are still there but no fee is being paid.
The present tenants of the building would prefer
to have these spaces available for customer parking.
It was noted that one advantage of having a space
where people can reasonably expect to get a taxi
is the convenience, particularly to senior citizens .
The action on the matter to date is as follows :
1) The owners of the taxi have promised to stop
using the paper receptacle and leaving oil cans
on the curb .
2) It was suggested to the taxi company that they
contact the Burlington Northern Railroad and
rent space from them in the depot parking lot .
This would leave the taxis within 200 feet of
their present location, which is handy to the
Senior Center, but opens up the parking for
customers of the building which extends from
201 to 215 Meeker.
BUSINESS 3) The determination of whether on-street parking
LICENSES should continue is a policy decision.
JUST MOVED that the matter be referred to the
Public Works Committee, Masters seconded. Upon
a roll call vote , the motion failed, with only
Just and Masters voting aye. JOHNSON MOVED that
the Taxi Company be notified to acquire off-street
parking within sixty (60) days , Carey seconded.
Motion carried.
POLICE National Crime Prevention Institute . The Chief
of Police has requested permission to send Officer
McCurdy, Kent ' s Crime Prevention Officer, to the
National Crime Prevention Institute at Louisville ,
Kentucky, to study Crime Prevention Theory and
Practice , for four weeks . The cost to the City
would be his salary and cash expenditures , as
listed below:
Travel $282 . 00
Housing - 27 days at $9/day 243 . 00
Food - 27 days at $10/day 270 . 00
Special Fee 50 . 00
Other Expenses , Books 40 . 00
885 . 00
Less LEAA Travel Reimbursement 217 . 00
The payment of this amount can come from the 1976
unexpended balance in excess of that anticipated
for the 1977 budget . It is recommended that the
request be approved. JOHNSON MOVED that the request
to send Officer McCurdy to the National Crime Pre-
vention Institute , with the costs being paid from
the excess unexpended 1976 balance be approved,
Carey seconded. Officer McCurdy, who was in attend-
ance , was introduced to the audience . Motion
Alcoholism Contract . A contract has been received
from the Division of Alcoholism Services to cover
the first six months of State funds and nine months
of National Institute of Alcoholism funds . These
funds pay for the jailers used in the Alcoholism
project , and are the same as this year' s contract .
The letter from Mr. Kester states that "At appropri-
ate times during the year , amendments will be made. "
JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign
this contract , Johnson secoded . In response to
Masters ' question regarding Mr . Kester' s letter,
Street noted that the program is being funded by
two different funds in King County, with different
expiration dates . Motion carried.
CLAIMS Glenn R. Crawford. A claim in the amount of $150
has been ile by Glenn R. Crawford, 22625 - 105th
Avenue S .E . , Kent , for alleged damage to his property
resulting from sewer overflow into the basement of
his home . Upon the recommendation of the City
Administrator, STORMENT MOVED that the claim be
referred to the City Attorney, Kitto seconded.
Motion carried.
DeVille Homes . The City Attorney and Public Works
Director reported on the claim of DeVille Homes .
Mirk noted that this was a claim filed by a contrac-
tor who builds several homes in Kent . The basis
for his claim was because when several of the homes
were built by him the side sewers were not
located where the City sewer plan showed they
should be . Each particular case was reviewed
and it was determined that the City had done all
the inspections on the projects and there was no
question that the side sewers were not located where
CLAIMS the plans said they were supposed to be . Obviously,
this was the fault of the inspector, and it is the
conclusion of the City Attorney and Public Works
Director that the City is liable and should reim-
burse DeVille Homes for the damages claimed, but
only for those which he can show occurred within
the last three years . It was pointed out that the
statute of limitations has run on those cases prior
to that time . Mirk further stated that the amounts
claimed were not unreasonable and primarily consist
of additional expense incurred by the contractor in
locating the actual side sewers when he was build-
ing the homes . Ulett re orted that the claim would
amount to about $700 to U00 . Just questioned whether
paying the claims would result in like claims being
filed and also questioned what steps were being taken
to rectify the situation. Mirk pointed out that at
the time these particular errors in location of
side sewers occurred, a large amount of building
was taking place and the inspectors were forced to
cover a much larger territory. He noted that
every effort was being made to correct the
situation when an error was discovered. In answer
to McCaughan' s question, Mirk determined that the
claims would probably be paid by the Sewer Department .
In accordance with the recommendations of the admin-
istration , McCAUGHAN MOVED that the claims of DeVille
Homes which were less than three years old in the
amount of $700-$800 be paid, Storment seconded.
Ulett determined for Storment that the work in
question, or a portion of it , was done in 1968 or
1969 and the inspector who may have done the inspec-
tion work was no longer with the City. Motion
METRO Mayor Hogan reported that the Metro Transit people
had sent a representative to Kent on October 11 to
discuss the proposed bus schedule changes in January.
She noted that a demonstration project has been set
up to run from January 22 through May which would
create a Kent Shoppers Special Bus to serve the down-
town area and South Center on Monday, Wednesday and
Friday. She noted that she had discussed scheduling
of some activities by the Senior Center during the
middle of the day on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays
and perhaps the Arts Commission could plan something
for the Library for people who will be utilizing
the service .
BIDS Janitorial Services . Bids to provide janitorial
services for the City Hall , Library and City
Shops were received on December 17 , 1976 , as follows :
_City Hall
Bidder Per Month
Isakson' s Maintenance Service $1 , 348AU
Bill Pittmon Janitorial
Service, Inc . 1 , 900 . 00
Environmental Control 1 ,985 . 00
Quality Maintenance 3 , 109 . 30
Bidder Per Month
George Pringle 60 . 00
Isakson' s Maintenance Service 567 . 75
Quality Maintenance 632 . 40
Valley Maintenance 750 . 00
Environmental Control 735 . 00
Cory' s Janitorial Service 1 , 820 . 00
Bill Pittmon Janitorial
Service, Inc. 678 . 43
BIDS City Shops Amount
Bidder Per Month
Environmental Control 550 . 00
Isakson' s Maintenance 567 . 75
Bill Pittmon Janitorial 615 . 80
Service, Inc . 664. 02
Quality Maintenance
Cory' s Janitorial Service 866 . 67
In accordance with the recommendations of
Administration, STORMENT MOVED that the
best bid of George Pringle for Library
Maintenance , the best bid of Isakson' s
Maintenance Service for the City Hall Main-
tanance , and the best bid of Environmental
Control for the City Shops Maintenance be
accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried.
Horseshoe Acres Storm Water Pumping Station
Equipment . The tabulation of all bids re-
ceived on December 10 , 1976 for the Horseshoe
Acres Storm Water Pumping Station Equipment
installation was distributed at the last work
session. The bids were as follows :
Bidder Tax
E .N . Cascade Constructors 61 , 132 . 00
Sheldrup Construction, Inc . 68 , 193 . 80
Webber Electric , Inc. 79 ,05 _ 0
Ralph Co . , Inc.
Schneider Equipment , Inc . 98 , 097 .89
In accordance with the recommendations of the
Engineering Department , JUST MOVED to accept
the best bid of E . N. Cascade Constructors
in the amount of $61 , 132 . 00 , including tax,
Storment seconded. It was noted that the
adjoining property owner has requested that
the area around the site be landscaped and it
was pointed out that this was provided for in
completion of the project and funds were avail-
able . Motion carried.
PUBLIC WORKS Storment reported that the Committee meeting
& PLANNING which was scheduled to discuss the proposed
COMMITTEE Gai annexation had been postponed until Janu-
ary 5 , 1977 . He asked that Johnson serve as
Chairman of the meeting, with Just as alternate,
since he will be on jury duty during the month
of January. Storment also noted that he, Masters
and Carey had attended the Metro Water Quality
workshop meeting held on December 15 at the
Doubletree Inn in Southcenter.
BOARD OF PARK McCaughan reported that the Parks & Recreation
COMMISSIONERS Committee would meet on December 29 with the
two remaining members of the Park Board. He
noted that the recommendation of the Parks &
Recreation Committee of the Council is that
the Board of Park Commissioners should be
continued, with guidelines developed which
would include meetings at least twice a month,
and that Council members be encouraged to attend.
As soon as this is accomplished, the Board will
become active and at that time the Council Com-
mittee will disband.
PARKS & Russell Road Park. Parks Director Wilson has
RECREATION presente a proposal to improve Russell Road
Park with the following financing :
PARKS & King County $100 , 000 HUD funds
RECREATION Local Funds 150 ,000
IAC-BOR Funds 750 , 000
McCaughan noted that a meeting had been held last
week regarding the $100 ,000 allocation from King
County of Forward Thrust monies and the setting
aside of $150 , 000 of local funds , to be used in
seeking the grant matching funds of $750 , 000 for the
project . He noted that while these figures showed
a reduction in the proposed Russell Road Park com-
pletion amount from two million dollars he felt
that an adequate facility could still be accomplished.
He recommended that the City set aside $150 ,000 ,
identifying the money to be put in a fund with
King County funds for the Russell Road Park pro-
ject , to enable application for the grant matching
funds of $750 , 000 to be submitted by September.
McCAUGHAN SO MOVED, Just seconded. Masters noted
that while the Parks & Recreation Committee viewed
the project proposal favorably, they were seeking
Council advice as to the source of local funding.
She further noted that consideration should be
given to the possibility of jeopardizing some other
project which might have a higher priority. Just
suggested that the Finance Committee should consider
the request , as well as other requests for funding.
McCAUGHAN MOVED to amend the motion to refer the
matter to the Finance Committee for approval of the
Committee recommendation to transfer the funds for
the Park project , Just agreed to the second. Street
determined that there was approximately $174,000
available which is not allocated for any particular
project at this time so the $150 ,000 was available
should the Council decide to set the money aside
for the Russell Road Park project . Motion carried.
BUDGET The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No . 2008
adopting the 1977 Budget for the City of Kent .
STORMENT MOVED that Ordinance No . 2008 be adopted,
Just seconded. Motion carried.
SPECIAL USE Paul Stephanus Request. On November 23 , 1976 ,
COMBINING the Planning Commission held a public hearing to
DISTRICT consider the request of Paul Stephanus for a
Special Use Combining District to allow the mining
of 40 , 000 cubic yards of material on a two-acre
site in an MR-M, Medium Density Multi-Family Zone,
in order to provide additional off-street parking
facilities for the Swiss Gable Apartments . The
property in question is located on the east side
of Lake Fenwick Road, just south of the inter-
section of Lake Fenwick Road and S . 254th Street .
The Planning Commission recommended that the appli-
cation be approved subject to seven conditions ,
which are as follows :
1) Lake Fenwick Road from the site to S . 272nd
Street if used as a haul route shall be
asphalted to a depth necessary to sustain
the truck loadings , as determined by an
Engineering Study - Investigation & Analysis .
Said study shall be the responsibility of
the applicant and shall be carried out under
the direction of and certified by a Licensed
Engineer (licensed in this field) . Said study
shall be submitted to the Engineering Depart-
ment for review and approval .
SPECIAL USE 2) To utilize Lake Fenwick Road from the
COMBINING site to Reith Road as a haul route ,
DISTRICT the applicant shall be responsible for
street maintenance during the life of
the permit . Prior to said utilization,
the applicant shall furnish to the
City a performance bond for street main-
tenance (repairs and/or reconstruction) .
The amount of said bond shall be deter-
mined by the City Engineer or his
representative .
3) Also prior to said utilization, the
applicant shall furnish to the City
a $500 cash bond. The City would use
said cash bond to make immediate re-
pairs should the applicant choose
to ignore them. Release of said cash
bond, or remainder thereof, and street
maintenance bond shall be ninety days
after completion of the mining opera-
tion and shall be contingent upon com-
pletion of any restoration deemed
necessary by the City Engineer or
his representative .
4) The applicant shall provide to the
Engineering Department for review
and approval a soils report prepared
by a licensed soils engineer . Said
report shall indicate the slide
probability resulting from this opera-
tion and recommendations on how to
reduce said probability.
5) Since downstream drainage facilities
consist of an open ditch system which
deteriorates into overland flow, the
applicant shall submit to the Engineer-
ing Department for review and approval
provisions for silt control , and among
other things incorporate the concept
of holding storm water run-off to its
present level . Prior to any excava-
tion, the construction of the approved
drainage and erosion control facilities
must be completed. Said facilities
shall be maintained throughout the
duration of this project and continued
thereafter until full reestablishment of
the natural ground cover has occurred.
Upon submission to the City of said
drainage and erosion control plans , the
applicant shall also submit a $1 , 000
cash bond. Said cash bond shall be used
by the City to make immediate repairs
and/or maintenance to said drainage and
erosion control facilities should the
applicant choose to ignore any re-
quest by the City to do so .
6) Term of this request shall be for a
period of not more than one (1) year .
7) A reclamation landscape plan be submitted
to the Planning Department for approval and
that the adequacy of the hydroseeding be
certified by "experts" in that field. A
reclamation bond in the amount of $10 ,000
be submitted to the Planning Department .
SPECIAL USE Harris pointed out the location of the site in
COMBINING question, using contour maps to show what Mr.
DISTRICT Stephanus is proposing to do . He noted that Mr.
Stephanus had challenged the figure of 40 ,000
cubic yards of material to be removed and that
he had also challenged the contour maps which
were used to clarify the proposal of Mr . Stephanus .
He further noted that the Planning Department had
recommended that the scope of the project be re-
duced and that not more than 10 , 000 cubic yards
of material be allowed to be removed, for the
following reasons :
1) The nature of the hillside and potential
slide and storm drainage problems down
slope from the project .
2) It is doubtful if the applicant can meet
the stringent control systems necessary
to mitigate possible adverse consequences
from the larger mining operation (storm
drainage, slide, silt control) .
3) It is possible the applicant could redesign
the proposed off-street parking layout to
preclude the necessity of mining 40 , 000
cubic yards of earth material .
The public hearing was declared open by the
Mayor. Kitto questioned what would result if
the Council approved the application and later
soils reports show that the operation will cause
great instability. Ulett noted that in addition
to approval by the Planning Commission and the
Council , the applicant would have to obtain an
excavation fill permit which is controlled under
the Uniform Building. If the soil was found to
be unstable, a permit would not be issued. In
response to McCaughan' s question, Ulett noted
this is a matter covered under the Building Code
rather than the hillside provisions of the Sub-
division Code . Masters questioned whether the
City was prepared to monitor the operation on a
daily basis if needed when the excavating activity
is occurring, if it should be approved, because
of the instability of the area . Ulett commented
that it would be difficult to make on-site in-
spections on a regular basis .
Storment referred to the performance bond for
street maintenance and questioned whether any
provision was included for cleaning the street on
a daily basis to catch the spillage . Ulett noted
that this item was covered by City ordinance and
State law and the bond referred to structural fail-
ure of the street which might occur . Ulett also
noted that the haul route has as yet not been
determined and the amount of the performance bond
would be set when such facts are known. In
response to Just , Ulett noted that the $500 cash
bond was for minor repairs for immediate use, with
such bond being replenished as the need arose.
In response to McCaughan' s question, Harris noted
that the apartment units in existence do not have
two spaces per apartment unit but if more apart-
ments were added, two spaces would be required
for parking. It was determined that the request
is not for additional parking spaces for the
apartment units in existence . Off-street parking
is available under the units in existence and the
proposal is to fill in this area and build addi-
tional units , in which case more off-street park-
ing facilities will be required.
SPECIAL USE Storment suggested that the problem of
COMBINING cleaning up spillage should be added to
DISTRICT item #3 to be covered under the $500
cash bond provision. Ulett concurred
and noted that even though the law pro-
vides for controlling spillage on public
streets it is not easy to enforce it .
In response to McCaughan' s question, Harris
stated that it was his opinion that Mr.
Stephanus could present a better plan for
the proposed off-street parking if a qual-
ified engineer had prepared the plans . He
questioned the need for the amount of
space which Mr . Stephanus claims is needed.
In response to Johnson' s question, Harris
noted that before Mr . Stephanus could
build more apartment units , he would have
to make a new application to the City.
He also determined that the State requires
a mining permit for anything over 10 , 000
cubic yards of earth removal and such
permit would not be issued without City
approval .
Harris determined for Masters that Mr .
Stephanus proposes to begin the project
sometime in the Spring, weather permitting.
Harris further determined for McCaughan
that Mr. Stephanus has not presented a
plan showing where the earth to be removed
will be put but noted that County has required
that an environmental impact statement be
furnished. Mirk noted for McCaughan that
the only City ordinance Stephanus must follow
is contained in the Zoning Code and he has
followed all the necessary procedures thus
far. Mayor Hogan noted that there seemed to
be a great deal of hesitancy on the part of
the Council to accept the plan without its
being based on a professional engineering
Masters opined that while Mr. Stephanus may
be complying with the provisions of the Zoning
Code, perhaps more stringent regulations should
be imposed on the operation because of the nature
of the soil and the fragility of the area. She
expressed concern over the City' s inability to
monitor the operation as closely as it should be .
Kitto referred to Condition #4 of the Planning
Commission and questioned whether the hearing
could be continued until the soil reports were
completed. Mirk noted that one of the condi-
tions of obtaining the permit was to satisfy
the engineering. Mayor Hogan suggested that
perhaps this condition should be made #1 on
the list . Masters stated that the City should
still be prepared to monitor the operation on
a daily basis . Carey stated that until the
City was shown a parking plan drawn up by an
expert in that field, it was his opinion that
the permit should not be granted.
JUST MOVED that the hearing be closed, Johnson
seconded. Motion carried.
SPECIAL USE CAREY MOVED that the recommendation of the Planning
COMBINING Commission to approve the application be denied,
DISTRICT Just seconded. In response to Kitto ' s question,
Mirk noted that if the reason for denying the
application was merely to obtain more information,
then the hearing should be continued. Carey Just
WITHDREW the motion to deny the application,
the second.
MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be continued, John-
son seconded. In response to Mayor Hogan' s sugges-
tion for a definite date to hold the continued
public hearing, Kitto and Masters opined that it
would take some for Stephanus to co pile mile the
necessary information. Street suggested
view of the material that would have to be furnished
the hearing could be continued indefinitely and
Mr. Stephanus provide the Council with a date in
which he could furnish the necessary engineering
information about soil removal , together with his
proposed parking plan.
Johnson the second.
MASTERS MOVED that the hearing be continued indefinitely
until such time as Mr. Stephanus can respond to the
questions raised by the Council , Johnson seconded.
In response to McCaughan' s question, Mirk noted
that a hearing could not be continued indefinitely;
that it should either be tabled or continued to a
definite date. Masters agreed and AMENDED the motion
to table the hearing until the specific information
required from the engineers was received, Johnson
agreed to the second. Storment suggested that the
Planning Commission requirements be reprioritized
and item #4 given #1 priority in order to satisfy
the Council requirements . Masters opined that
Stephanus would still be looking at the conditions
imposed by the Planning Commission . Mirk deter-
mined that the motion to table the matter was
merely to request more information from Mr .
Stephanus before it was brought back to the Council
again. Motion carried.
FEDERAL The public hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing funds
REVENUE is scheduled for this meeting. The Finance Depart-
SHARING ment has compiled a list of requests from various
Departments , several of which were submitted upon
the director of the appropriate Council committees .
The requests submitted are as follows :
A. Overruns on Previously Budgeted Expenditures
1 . Police Polaroid Film Pack $ 72 . 00
2 . Two Portable Police Radios 413 . 00 $ 485 . 00
B. Additions to PreviouslyA roved
Ex en itures
1 . Kent
-Au urn Community Care
Center $3 , 000 . 00
2 . King Co . Rape Relief 1 , 100 . 00
3 . Auditing & Examination 350 . 00
4. Meeker St . Bike Underpass 2 ,500 . 00
5 . 7 Gang Tractor Type Mower 1 , 541 . 00 $ 6 ,491 . 00
FEDERAL C . New Requests
REVENUE 1 . Council $ 3 , 750 . 00
SHARING a. Training Seminar
2 . Non-Departmental 3 , 500 . 00
a. Weather-proofing City Hall
3 . Attorney 175 . 00
a. Small Calculator
4. Planning
a. Desk top printing 127 . 00
calculator $
b . Portable calculator 37 . 00
a/case , batteries
Pages 214. 00
d. Draftingp
machine new/sccales 181. 00
$ 559 . 00
5 . Police
a. Field Dictation 2 ,000 . 00
Reporting System $
b . Multiple-use Camera 2 , 000 . 00
System 975 . 00
C . Photo enlarger 0 . 00
d. 4 Instamatic Cameras 24 240 . 00
e. Fingerprint Camera
f . Polaroid SX-70 Camera 95 . 00
g. Varda Silent Radio Alarm 1 ,000 . 00 $ 6 , 710 . 00
6 . Fire 3 ,000 . 00
a. Life Pack V $
b . Chemical Consultant 5 , 000 . 00
C . 10 Ton Wheeled Floor 850 . 00
Jack 450 . 00
d. Microfilm Reader
e. Cab & Chassis for New Aid Car 15 , 000 . 00
f. Automatic Controls for
Six Overhead Doors 4,000 . 00
g. Ten Plectron Home 1 , 500 . 00
Receivers $ 29 , 800 . 00
7 . Engineering
a. Opticom Fire Pre-emption10 , 560 . 00
b . Section corner control
survey (11 sections) 76 , 700 . 00
C . Section corner control
survey (all 29 secs . )222 ,000 . 00
d. City street monumenta- 112 , 000 . 00
tion $421 , 260 . 00
8 . Finance
a. Univac 90/30 Computing 175 ,000 . 00
b . IBM Correcting Selec-
tric II Typewriter 750 . 00
C. Disc Packs & Storage 700 . 00
d. Freight & installation
costs for new computer 3 , 000 . 00
e. Small table (Clerk) 100 . 00
f. Two Kardex files (Clerk) 2 ,000 . 00
g. Logos 75B Calculator 412 .00
h. Two Filing Cabinets 200 . 00
i . Multi-Media Library 165 .00
Unit (Treasurer) $182 , 327 .00
FEDERAL 9 . Parks & Recreation
REVENUE a. 3 Stainless Steel
SHARING toilet units 980 . 00
b . Water lines at three
locations 1 , 600. 00
C. 2 gasoline powered
weed-eaters 550. 00
d. 21" trim mower 370 . 00
e. IBM Selectric Type-
writer 800 . 00
$ 4, 300 . 00
10 . Street
a. Wheel Mounted Chemical
Sprayer 1, 800 . 00
b . Polaroid Camera 150 . 00
C . Metal Detector 200 . 00
$ 2 , 150 . 00
11 . Equipment Rental
a. Jib Crane Overhead
Hoist 10 ,000 . 00
b . Electronic Calculator 200 . 00
$ 10 ,200 . 00
12 . Construction Projects
a. James St/Burlington
No . RR Signal 8 , 100 . 00
b . Engineering for EVH
Street Improvement 30 , 000 . 00
C. Engineering for 104th
Ave. SE 25 ,000 . 00
d. 4th Ave. Signals
(Matching FAM funds)22 ,000. 00
e. Kent-Kangley Road/
114th Ave . Fire
Signal 4, 000 . 00
f. Gowe St . Conversion
to 2 way traffic 7 ,500 . 00
g. Widening south leg of
Military Rd/Kent Des
Moines Rd. Intersec-
tion (Matching FAM
funds) 11 , 000 . 00
h. Lower Mill Creek Re-
tention Basin and
Park Imp . 316 , 000 . 00
423 , 600. 00
13 . City Hall Improvement
Furniture & Equipment $ 14,053 . 00
TOTAL 1977 ITEMS PROPOSED $1 , 111 , 360 . 00
Because of the uncertainty concerning the utilization
of Federal Revenue Sharing funds for matching
other Federal funds , Winkle reported on the latest
information on the subject . He noted that the
total cash on hand in Federal Revenue Sharing
funds as of November 30 , 1976 was $1 , 078 , 589 . 38
and the total amount available for appropriation
for 1977 was $524, 524. 07 . It was noted that the
requests listed above totalled $1 , 111 , 360 . 00 .
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor.
FEDERAL Barbara Pistoresi spoke from the audience on behalf
REVENUE of the King County Rape Relief Center and noted
that in order to get an appropriation from the
City of Kent for this activity, the funds must
come from Federal Revenue Sharing, aiahidera-
made a request that this matter be given cons
tion. It was determined that the amount requested
was $1100 , which is the same amount as that sought
last year. In response to Just ' s question, Street
determined that the City did fund that item last
year. Just noted there was some discussion about
whether King County would be funding the program.
Ms . Pistoresi noted that King County did provide
funding last year and will do so this year .
She noted amounts being funded by other cities
in the area and also pointed out that a grant
in the amount of $2500 was under consideration
by King County. She also indicated the pos-
sibility of receiving some countercyclofalheunds .
It was determined for Just that a copy
Rape Relief budget was not available at this meeting
but such information would be furnished to the
City immediately. In response to questions from
the Council , Ms . Pistoresi noted that a proposal
for formation of a State agency office will go
before the Legislature so that some of the services
that each organization performs can be done by a cen-
tral organization. She pointed out that individual
organizations can do what is best for their particular
community. If the organization was to consolidate
with the Seattle the personal contact which is vital
to the success of the operation would be lost. In
response to Masters ' question, Ms . Pistoresi noted
at the present time the agency is located in the
UGN Building near the Valley General Hospital .
She noted that further answers to any questions
the Council might have could be answered by the
Chairman of the Board.
Storment noted that he would like the Finance
Committee to give consideration to the request
from the Public Works Committee which was dis-
cussed during the budget hearings to take a flat
10% of Federal Revenue Sharing funds available
in 1977 to set aside for public works plans , in
light of the recent Public Works bill passed by
the Congress . With this money it was hoped that
it would be possible to have plans for public
works projects so that they would be ready and
available if such a bill should again be passed
by Congress . He also noted that each time a new
project is started and funded, plans for the next
project should be under preparation. He noted
that e wouldnlikegthated was rrequest5placced before the
that he
Finance Committee .
Mayor Hogan noted that she would like to suggest
that the City set aside approximately $75 ,000
for the purchase of the Burlington-Northern
station. She noted that an attempt has been
made to lease the station for $1 per year.
She noted that the Railroad does have a small
skeleton crew working out of the station .
She pointed out that the figure of $75 ,000
was the value placed on the land and building
and that acquisition of the station would add
much to the downtown core area and suggested
several possible community uses for the prop-
erty. She noted at the present time any upkeep
to the building has to be done by the Railroad
maintenance crews and it was impossible for the
City to improve the station until we own it .
FEDERAL In response to Kittois question, Mayor Hogan pointed
REVENUE out that more space was needed for arts and crafts ,
SHARING even with the completion of the Kent Commons project,
and the station could also be used for a Visitors
Information Center or as headquarters for the Chamber
of Commerce. She also noted that acquisition of
the station would provide much needed restrooms
for the downtown area, and that the site would
provide additional parking space for the downtown
area. It was determined that the station does not
have much value as a commercial property.
McCaughan suggested that consideration should be
given to acquisition of the Soames property as it
might be possible to make a deal with the owners if
the funds were available . It was determined that
the Soames property in question is located on the
River, the Neely house , which is the one historical
site the City has .
It was noted that this hearing is essentially for
all 1977 funding. Just questioned whether another
Federal Revenue Sharing hearing would be held in June .
Winkle pointed out that new Revenue Sharing regula-
tions will require that all Revenue Sharing hearings
will be held at least ten days prior to the regular
budget hearing . He noted that the reason for this
was because budget items were often set over to
Federal Revenue Sharing fund requests .
McCaughan asked if the Russell Road Park amount of
$150 , 000 was proposed to come out of matching funds ,
in view of the new regulations about co-sharing, or
if it would come from the General Fund . Street
stated that he had attended several meetings and noted
that the money that we have on hand and that which
will be received through 1977 cannot be used for
matching Federal projects--it must be used for other
than Federal projects . He noted that the problem exists
because the majority of cities in the United States
have budget years running from either July 1 or
October 1 , and in this State our budget years runs
from January to December . He noted that for this
reason the cities in Washington hope to get an exemp-
tion, and that an appeal has been made . It is hoped
that an exemption will be obtained from HUD. He
noted two items which would not be allowed: Item 12 (b)
- 4th Avenue Signals , and 12(g) - Widening of Military
Road, both of which call for matching FAM funds .
Regarding Russell Road Park, he noted that we do
have $174, 000 of matching money that is not Federal
Revenue Sharing funds , and if the Council desired
to use $150 , 000 of that for the Park it would be
possible to do so . If relief is obtained by an
exemption then it would be possible to make use of
Federal Revenue Sharing funds for matching. It was
noted that there certainly were enough projects on
which to invest . He noted that items 12b and g
should be considered because they both involve safety
factors . It was determined that most other projects
do not fall into this category but that Federal
Revenue Sharing funds cannot be used for matching
funds .
Beginning next year the Federal Revenue Sharing
hearing will be held the first or second meeting in
November, and decisions for use of the funds must
be made at that time . Just suggested that Revenue
FEDERAL Sharing might be put into the general fuid was
REVENUE then taken from that fund when needed.
SHARING determined that the City has to certify as to
the origin of the funds . It was determined hat
while this procedure is being practiced by o
cities , there has been no audit of Federal
Revenue Sharing funds and no penalties have been
established as yet . Winkle further pointed
that interim hearings could be held but no
specifications have as yet been established for
this . He also noted that the Council for the
office of Federal Revenue Sharing is studying
the problem. He noted that some relief may be
established for the benefit of those cities
whose budgets are adopted prior to the first
of the year. He also noted that
sTnot was
possible to amend last ybudget .
no correspondence and no further comments .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed,
Carey seconded. Motion carried.
KITTO MOVED that the Finance Committee review
and prioritize the requests and present their
findings at the January 17 Council meeting, Just
seconded. In response to McCaughan' s question,
it was determined that there is no time limit
set for such review. Motion carried.
FINANCE Kitto reported an informative review on our
current insurance plans and the reasons for
increases in premiums was held at the last
Finance Committee meeting with our non-Council
insurance expert , Dick Adams .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or
before December 20 , 1976 and approved by the
Finance Committee at its meeting to be held
at 8 : 00 a.m. on December 302 1976 be paid,
Storment seconded. Motion carried.
Claims approved by the Finance Committee at
its meeting of December 15 , 1976 are as follows :
Current Expense $ 24,498 . 95
Parks & Recreation 5 ,405 . 32
68 , 260 . 15
1 , 519 . 55
City Streets 519 .55
Alcoholic Rehabilitation 51 ,914 . 14
Federal Shared Revenue 51 ,697 . 61
Smith/Central to 4th 4118 .51
E-H Booster Pump 047 .14
Equipment Rental 36 . 07
Housing & Comm. Devlpmnt 2 , 030 .33
Firemans Relief & Pension 2 , 039 . 71
Leoff Disability 5 : 060 . 54
Sewer 7 , 245 . 99
Water Garbage 36 , 781 . 09
$294 , 964. 00
Respectfully submitted,
Betty Gray
City Clerk Pro Tem