HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 12/06/1976 398 Kent, Washington December 6 , 1976 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8 : 00 o' clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administra- tor Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle. Councilperson Just was absent. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director Wilson, and Assistant Fir Chief meeting. Approximately 50 people were in attendance e MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting ted, held November 15 , 1976 be approved as printed, Storment seconded. Motion carried. STREETS Smith Street Improvement. The Public Works & Planning Committee has reviewed the additional expense of $13 , 892 . 89 requested by Pacific Paving Co. , Inc. for extra work resulting from 1) unforeseen obstructions and 2) adjustment of water mains. The Committee recommended approval of the request. JOHNSON MOVED that Change Order #1 in the amount of $13 , 892 . 89 be approved, Masters seconded. In response to Masters' question, Ulett noted that several obstacles had been encountered during the street construction project which were not anticipated but which have now been resolved. Ulett determined for Mayor Hogan that the project was still within the budgeted amount. Motion carried. PLATS Randall Park Division '#l. The Engineering Department has received the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the sanitary sewers (including the off-site drains, water mains, streets and sidewalks) which were constructed in conjunction with the development of the plat of Randall Park Division #1. The monumenta- tion has not been completed but is covered by the plat bond. The Engineering Department recommends acceptance of the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement. Accordingly, McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Ctiy accept the Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the plat of Randall Park Division #1 for those improvements described thereon. Storment seconded. Motion carried. Cecelia Hills Plat. The Bill of Sale and Warranty Agreement for the sanitary sewers, storm drains, water mains and streets which were constructed in conjunction with the development of the plat of Cecelia Hills has been received by the Engineering Depart- ment. The sidewalks and monumentation have not been completed but are covered by the plat bond. In accordance with the recommenda- tions of the Engineering Department, MASTERS MOVED that the City accept the Bill of Sale _ and Warranty Agreement for the plat of Cecelia Hills for those improvements described thereon. Johnson seconded. Motion carried. SALE OF CITY Power Transformers. Puget Sound Power & PROPERTY Light Co. has transmitted an offer to pur- chase power transformers owned by the City of Kent Water and Sewer Departments. The purchase will include 15 transformers cur- rently owned by the City for a purchase price of $3 , 847 . 30 , including sales tax. KITTO MOVED that the City accept the offer to pur- chase the aforementioned power transformers owned and currently in use by the Water and Sewer Departments , with credit from the sale to be receipted into the Water and Sewer Department funds. Storment seconded. Motion carried. WATER At the last work session, a request from the Water Department to purchase an earth com- $1 , 000-$1 , 500 , with such pactor at a cost of funds coming from the 1976 budget, was reviewed. The requested earth compactor is to replace a 1964 unit which cannot be repaired. Approval of the budget transfer was recommended. Accordingly, JOHNSON MOVED that after receipt of quotations and determination of the purchase price of the earth compactor, a budget transfer in the Water Department 1976 budget be approved. Kitto seconded. Motion carried. PARKS & Russell Road Park. Notification has been RECREATION received that King County has allocated the sum of $100 , 000 toward the Russell Road Park. At the present moment the Park Board and Council Park Committee are in a state of change and the Parks Department has, therefore, submitted a proposal for consideration. It is suggested that this proposal of a matching funds project to develop Phase 2 of the Rus- sell Road Park be considered at a workshop session in the near future. In accordance with this suggestion, MASTERS MOVED that the matter be referred to the Council Park Com- mittee for consideration at its December 8 8 : 15 a.m. meeting, and that the Board of Park Commissioners be so advised. Masters noted that since there are only two members presently serving on the Park Board she felt it was appropriate for the Council Park Committee to consider the matter. Motion carried. Parks & Recreation Committee. McCaughan noted that the Parks and Recreation Committee had met with the Mayor and other City officials and the Park Board members recently and had discussed strengthening the Park Board and perhaps doing away with the Council Parks & Recreation Committee. It was suggested that the Park Board may be more effective by meeting twice monthly. McCaughan further noted that the vacancies on the Park Board would have to be filled before any definite action could be taken. Meeker Street Bike Trail Underpass. Bids were opened on November 24 , 1976 for construc- tion of the Meeker Street Bike Trail Underpass , as follows : t , PARKS & BIDDER AMOUNT RECREATION 9 , 348 . 98 10 , 756 . 07 1 Doolittle Construction $ Moss Const. Inc. Skip Jacobson Construction 13 , 327 . 83 1,756241. 07 96 D. L. Hopkins, Inc. Joint Venture , Inc. 13 , 570 . 25 McCAUGHAN MOVED that the best bid of Doolittle Construction in the amount of $9 , 348 . 98 be accepted, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that Federal Revenue Sharing funds in the amount of $2 , 500 be allocated to this project, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. KENT Referendum 29 Funds. Notice has been received COMMONS confirming the financing of Phase lA of the Kent Commons by Referendum 29 funds in the amount of $448 , 500 . It will be necessary for the Mayor to be authorized to sign a contract within one year of November 9 , 1976 . At the workshop to be held January 10 , 1977 , a review of this funding will be made . A representative from the Department of Social & Health Services will be in attendance. KITTO MOVED that notification of Referendum 29 funding in the amount of $448 , 500 for Phase lA of Kent Commons has been received, Johnson seconded. Motion carried, with Storment voting nay. METRO PARK & A contract has been received from Metro RIDE LOT authorizing use of the south end of the Kent Park and Ride lot for recreational purposes. In connection with this contract, it is pro- posed to exchange a portion of Lincoln Avenue so that an eventual flyer bus stop may constructed. The City Attorney has approved the contract and the property exchange as to form. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract and quit claim deed, and for the City to accept Metro' s deed which completes the exchange. Carey seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan noted that at the last Metro meet- ing it was reported that the contract for the Metro Park and Ride Lot should be let in January with the opening of the lot hopefully scheduled for September, 1977 . CIVIL SERVICE Mayor Hogan reminded the Council that December COMMISSION 6 is the last day for submittal of names for consideration for appointment to fill the vacancy existing on the Civil Service Commis- sion. ANNEXATIONS Coppo. A 10% petition requesting annexation of certain property adjacent to the northeast City limits has been received. MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the Coppo 10% annexation petition be acknowledged and that a meeting with the property owners be held at 7 : 30 p.m. on December 13 , 1976. Carey seconded. Motion carried. ANNEXATIONS Island Annexation. A letter from Edmund Ullrich addressed to the Council, together with a copy of his letter to the Kent News Journal, regarding the circulation of a new petition for the "Island" annexation was read. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Kitto seconded. Upon Masters' question, Street stated that he would respond to the Ullrich letter. Motion carried. Gai ' s. A 75% annexation petition of 13 . 24 acres adjacent to the northwest corner of the City has been received and verified. The ori- ginal 10% petition was for 92 acres. Public Works Director Ulett commented that this annexation was discussed briefly at a Public Works Committee meeting some time ago. He suggested that the matter be referred to a Council workshop for further clarification before any action is taken to approve the annexation and submit it to the King County Boundary Review Board. In response to Storment' s question, Ulett determined that the matter could be referred to the Public Works & Planning Committee. MASTERS SO MOVED, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. HEALTH & Horseshoe Acres Storm Water Pumping Station. SANITATION It was noted that the bid opening for equip- ment installation for the Horseshoe Acres Pumping Station has been delayed to December 10, 1976 . METRO Water Quality. A letter from Carl A. Johansen, Clerk of the Metro Council, was read announc- ing a special workshop for local elected officials sponsored by Metro' s Water Quality Committee. The workshop will be held at the Doubletree Inn at Southcenter on December 15 , 1976, from 8 : 30 a.m. to 1 : 30 p. m. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a matter of record, Storment seconded. Motion carried. BIDS Equipment Rental . Bids were received on November 24 , 1976 for the purchase of one cab and chassis by the Equipment Rental Division as follows: Bidder Bid, including tax Bill Hazlett Chevrolet $5 ,156. 60 State Bid (Including neces- sary options and addition of power take-off unit and labor to install) 5 , 303 . 10 Bowen Scarff Ford 5 ,451. 96 Tom Matson Dodge 5 , 517 . 89 Valley Pontiac 5, 586 . 20 KITTO MOVED that the best bid of Bill Hazlett Chevrolet for one (1) ton cab and chassis in the amount of $5 , 156 . 60 be accepted, Storment seconded. Motion carried. BIDS The second item for which bids were received was a 7-gang tractor mower. Only one bid was received as follows: Bidder Amount Turf & Toro $11, 540 . 93 However, two comparative bids were reviewed. Since this item was to be financed by Federal Revenue Sharing funds, for which $10 , 000 had been allocated, a change in allocation is necessary. JOHNSON MOVED that the best bid of Turf & Toro in the amount of $11 , 540 . 93 be accepted, Masters seconded. Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that the Federal Revenue Sharing allocation to this purchase be increased by $1, 540 . 93, Kitto seconded. In response to Masters ' question, Street determined that there is approximately $500 , 000 remaining in Federal Revenue Sharing funds. FEDERAL Street reported that the public hearing on REVENUE expenditures from Federal Revenue Sharing SHARING Funds would be held on December 20 , 1976 at 8 : 00 p.m. STREET Willis Street. The City Administrator reported VACATION that Mr. Williams, who represents the property owners seeking vacation of a small portion of Willis Street, has requested that he be given an additional 60-day time extension to complete acquisition of land necessary to make the exchange of properties required for the street vacation. KITTO MOVED that the request be granted, Storment seconded. Motion carried. POLICE A letter was read from L. R. Baldyga of Renton commending Officer Randee Kerns for his out- standing assistance at the time of Mr. Baldyga ' s recent automobile accident. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a matter of record, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. FIRE A letter addressed to Chief Foster from Lynne Kays, Coordinator , Child Development Center, Highline Community College was read. The letter expressed thanks to Steve Svenvold of the Kent Fire Department for a program recently presented by him. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Carey seconded. Motion carried. KING COUNTY A letter was read from the Membership Chairman HEALTH of the King County Health Planning Council, PLANNING inviting a representative of the Suburban COUNCIL Mayors ' Association to become a member of the 35-person Board. The letter noted that the Puget Sound Health Systems Agency has been designated the agency responsible for health planning in Northwest Washington and KCHPC is the King County affiliate of this group. The letter further requested that the name of the representative be submitted by January 10 , 1977 . STORMENT MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Masters seconded. KING COUNTY Masters noted that she had attended meetings HEALTH of the KCHPC while they were reviewing their PLANNING by-laws and commented that a problem seems COUNCIL to exist whereby elected officials who were to serve on the Board did not attend the meetings but sent a staff member in their place. She suggested that this might be a consideration when the Suburban Mayors Association makes its appointment. Motion carried. TRAFFIC No Parking Zones. Ord. No. 2007 was introduced by the City Attorney, consolidating the "no parking" zones into one ordinance and repeal- ing Ordinance No. 1956 . In addition to the "no parking areas" previously established, the ordinance provides that parking be pro- hibited on both sides of 104th Ave. S.E. from S .E. 236th Place to S.E. 240th Street and on the west side of East Valley Highway from S. 192nd St. to a point 370 ' south of S. 194th Street. It was noted that this is in accord- ance with a request by the Traffic Engineer which was reviewed by the Public Works Com- mittee. KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 2007 , Johnson seconded. Mirk determined for Storment and Masters that signs have not as yet been placed in the areas referred to. Motion carried. REZONE National Construction Company. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 2006 providing for the rezone requested by National Construction Company for property located at approximately 23011 Military Road S. from CC (Community Commercial) to HC (Highway Commercial) . KITTO MOVED that Ordinance No. 2006 be adopted, Storment seconded, motion carried. P A L Company. The hearing on the PAL Company rezone request was held at the last Council meeting and the City Attorney directed to pre- pare an ordinance granting the requested rezone from HC (Highway Commercial) to M-3 (General Industrial) for the property located at 22225 East Valley Highway. MASTERS MOVED that the Council reconsider the matter, Johnson seconded. Mayor Hogan explained that opponents of this rezone, several of whom were in attendance at this Council meeting, had appeared at the Plan- ning Commission hearing and felt that they had prevailed when the Planning Commission denied the request for the rezone. At the public hearing held by the Council, the Planning Com- mission decision was reversed and the rezone request granted. Mirk stated that reconsideration of the matter would necessitate reopening the Council public hearing, setting the date for the public hearing and readvertising the same. Masters commented that she was not prepared to vote for passage of the ordinance .at this time, although she had voted to reverse the decision of the Planning Commission. The motion to reconsider the matter carried. Street opined that the matter could not be heard because of the time factor involved. Mirk pointed out that notice of the hearing would have to be published 10 days before the date set for the hearing. MASTERS MOVED that the public hearing on the P A L Company rezone Y REZONE matter be scheduled for January 3 , 1977 , Carey seconded. Masters pointed out that this action by the Council then reopens the hearing and those interested parties would be entitled to speak again on the rezone issue. It was deter- mined for Kitto that a letter would be sent to the applicant for the rezone, the P A L Company, notifying them of the new hearing. Motion carried. COMPREHENSIVE The first of two scheduled public hearings on PLAN Kent' s new Comprehensive Plan is scheduled for this meeting. The Planning Commission completed their hearings on the Plan on September 8 , 1976 and recommended approval. Three workshop sessions have been held by the Council to consider the Plan. The primary function of this hearing is to receive public input. The Mayor opened the public hearing on the Comprehensive Plan, in- cluding the Final Environmental Impact Statement, as requested by Planning Director Harris. Mr. G. B. Ward of Seattle addressed the Council and questioned two items appearing on page 25 of the Plan, Economic Element, under Goal No. 1, which states: Promote diverse industrial develop- ment in industrially developed areas. Mr. Ward referred specifically to Policy 2 and Policy 5. Regarding Policy 2 , "Promote industrial subdivi- sions. " , Harris explained that this policy state- ment refers basically to larger parcels of land in the Valley. He noted that there had been at least three industrial subdivisions in the Valley and the result has been a more satisfactory method of development for all concerned. Referring to Policy 5, "Review the zoning of all unused industrially classified land to determine the desirability of the industrial zoning classifications. " , Harris pointed out this policy statement merely provides for a review of the zoning from time to time and if a change is deemed necessary, the Planning staff could make such a recommendation. He added that the Planning Commission was insistent upon the use of the word "review. " There were no further comments and no corres- pondence. STORMENT MOVED that the hearing be continued until December 20 , 1976 , Kitto seconded. In response to Masters ' question, Harris stated it would be appropriate to comment on the Final Environmental Impact Statement at the continued public hearing. Harris added that copies of the Comprehen- sive Plan and the Final Environmental Impact Statement were available to those wanting copies. Motion carried. PRELIMINARY Britt Smith Replat Preliminary Plat. The PLAT public meeting on the Britt Smith Replat Preliminary Plat is scheduled for this meeting. At the last Council meeting when the date for this hearing was set, it was noted that Mr. Smith was appealing one of the Planning Commission requirements. A letter of appeal was directed to the Council in accordance with the provisions of the Subdivision Code. According to the City Attorney, all requirements have now been met and the appeal may be heard. The Mayor opened the public meeting on the appeal. PRELIMINARY Planning Director Harris pointed out the PLAT location of the plat, noting that it consisted of four lots on a five-acre tract, on the north side of S.E. 256th Street east of Kent-Meridian High School and just north of the intersection of 101st Ave. S.E. & S.E. 256th St. At the Planning Commission hearing, the following Public Works Department recommenda- tions were considered: 1) Provide utility easement across Lot 3 for the sanitary sewer and for the water line and storm sewer if they cross the lot. 2) Furnish preliminary plans showing water and sewer routing for Lots 2 and 3 , obtain Engineering Department approval of them, and provide private or public easements as necessary for that service. 3) Review access to Lots 2 and 3 . If Section 3. 1. 8 of the Subdivision Code applies and 'Each lot must front upon a public street or road, ' provide a method of meeting that requirement, with the loca- tion, width and configuration of the access street to be approved by Traffic Engineering. 4) If Section 3. 1. 8 does not apply, rework the private access easement to provide adequate access to Lot 3 (the proposal does not provide sufficient turning space) and prohibit parking in the easterly twenty feet of Lot 1. The latter subject was discussed with Mr. Bob Kaczor at the time of the Sambo ' s development on Lot 1 . Traffic Engi- neering urges that the access be moved twenty feet easterly from the location shown. " The Planning Department recommended that the application be approved with Conditions 1 , 2 and 4 as specified by the Public Works Depart- ment. Harris pointed out that it was Condition #3 of the Public Works Department that was being appealed by Mr. Smith. Ulett clarified that condition #3 was dependent on the interpreta- tion of the Code as to whether the lots must front on a public street. He noted that it was never the intent of the Public Works Depart- ment to state that there must be a street to the two back lots. He further explained that they could see no public need for such a street and explained that if such a street were put in it would result in additional expense to the City for maintenance and upkeep. Respond- ing to Mayor Hogan' s question, Ulett noted that if the street were extended to the two lots in question, it would be a dead-end street. PRELIMINARY In accordance with the City Attorney' s recom- PLAT mendation, the letter of appeal from Britt Smith was read into the record. MASTERS MOVED that the Council note receipt of the letter and that it was made a part of the record during the hearing. Storment seconded. Motion carried. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the hearing be closed, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that the appeal be approved and the public hearing on the Britt Smith Replat Preliminary Plat be held December 20 , 1976, Carey seconded. In response to Kitto, Ulett determined that this motion was in accordance with his recommendations. Motion carried. PERSONNEL A letter was read from Mark A. Cook, Secretary, Washington Finance Officers Association, announcing that Margaret Drotz has been elected First Vice-President of the Associa- tion for the 1976-77 year. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a matter of record and congratulations extended to Mrs . Drotz . Motion carried. BUDGET The public hearing on the 1977 budget was opened by Mavor Hoqan. Citv Administrator Street presented the budget, pointing out specifically that each Department budget was assigned to a Council committee for review, with staff available for clarifica- tion. He noted that the committee held public meetings on each budget and citizens participated in these discussions. Upon completion of the reviews, a written recom- mendation was given to the Finance Committee. Street reviewed the various sources of revenue expected to be received during the ensuing year, noting that the total general fund of $5, 003 ,476 for 1977 shows a reduction of 1% over the 1976 figure. He noted further that the reduction of service capability is greater because of inflationary costs of 6% and salary adjustments of 5 1/2% plus 1 1/2% medical insurance costs are included. He pointed out that almost all capital out- lay has been removed from this budget and will be considered at the hearing on Federal Revenue Sharing Funds scheduled for the Council meeting of December 20 . He reviewed the proposed budget for each department, noting any proposed changes which have occurred since printing of the budget. One additional items pointed out was an expenditure of $3500 to be considered by the Council for a seminar workshop session for the Council and key Department heads. He indicated an increase in cost for the Valley Communications System for 1977 over the present communications system costs, an increase of approximately 13% in Social Security costs, and an increase of 37 . 5% as of January 1 for industrial insurance, with an additional 37. 5% increase as of July 1. BUDGET Street noted that the final figures for the Police Department are not available at this time since arbitration has been requested to determine the salaries of Police Guild members. He noted that one officer will be added to devote full time to a crime prevention program, that one position of Lieutenant would not be filled, but that a patrolman would be placed in the rotation . Street explained that the major increase in the Fire Department budget was being financed by Fire District #37, the citizens in the area having voted to remove the 106% ceiling on their taxes which would allow for an additional station, with two men stationed there eight hours per day. Three firemen will be added for this purpose. The West Hill Fire Station will be manned with two firemen 24 hours per day. This is to be accomplished by the reduction of manpower at Station #1 and an increase in the overtime budget to allow for calling in off-duty firemen when needed. In explaining the various changes which have occurred in budget figures, Street noted that in accordance with recommendations made by the State Auditor, it has been suggested that $44, 000 Countercyclical funds received will be placed in the Library Fund, with the additional $44, 000 to be received to be handled in a like manner. This would result in a reduc- tion in the amount of transfer of funds to the Library from the General Fund and the $88 , 000 thereby returned to the General Fund would be placed in the Firemens ' Relief and Pension Fund to further increase that fund. With the changes outlined , Street determined that the total budget again in balance showed a total of $17 , 924 ,540. Phil Fenner spoke from the audience, questioning the wisdom of a staff reduction at Station #1. Responding to Fenner, Street noted that Chief Foster has indicated that three men will man Station #1 and during emergencies off-duty firemen will be called in. In answer to Fenner' s question, he noted that this item is covered in the General Fund. Referring to the Kent Commons $58 , 000 expendi- ture item listed on page 4, Fenner questioned whether this was for land acquisition for Phase lA and 1B. Street explained that the Kent Commons property has already been acquired. For Phase lA $448, 500 of State monies and $150 , 000 of City funds are being used. Fenner also questioned the completion date of the Kent Commons facility of September 1, 1977 for Phase lA and 1B, referring specifically to the statement that HUD and State funds in the amount of $698 , 500 , plus local funds of $92 ,000 , would be utilized, and further, BUDGET that it was anticipated that revenue from the facility would match maintenance expendi- tures . Street noted that several prospective tenants have been contacted and it is expected that all available space will be rented. He pointed out that most of the prospective tenants were service-oriented, non-profit type organiza- tions supported by County or County-City funds , such as the South King County Alcoholism Center, the Community Service Center, and Planned Parenthood. A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Erdahl , 3911 Cambridge Court, regarding 24 hour manning of the West Hill Fire Station and the placing of stop signs on Cambridge Way. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be ac- cepted and made a part of the record, McCaughan seconded. Street noted that the letter had obviously been written before it was determined definitely that the West Hill Fire Station would be manned 24 hours per day. He also pointed out that "Yield" signs had been put in place in the area in question and that the Traffic Engineer would be meeting with a group in the area within a short time to determine the effective- ness of the signs . In response to Storment' s question, Street noted that there were "Stop" signs on Hampton Way coming into Cambridge. He added that the Police Department was also checking traffic patterns in the area. He noted that the matter was still under study and that if it was determined that the present signs did not solve the problem other solu- tions would be considered. Motion carried. Ed Nelson of the Cambridge area of West Hill addressed the Council regarding the accelera- ting cost of industrial insurance and ques- tioned whether any consideration had been given to self-insuring or qualifying for self-insurance under Washington State laws . Winkle noted that this concept for cities the size of Kent has been under consideration for a couple of years and it has been deter- mined that it is not feasible at this time. Street noted further that six small cities in California had gone to the California Legislature for specific legislation to do this. He noted that at such time as further studies have been completed it may be possible for South King County cities to undertake such a program. In response to Kitto' s question, Street deter- mined that the contingency fund as listed on page 4 is the same , with the exception of the increase in industrial insurance. JOHNSON MOVED that the hearing be closed, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the Attorney be directed to prepare an adopting ordinance including any items or changes as discussed at this hearing, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Mayor Hogan expressed appreciation to the Council and staff for their efforts in review and preparation of the budget. on FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received the r before December 3 , 1976 and app be held Finance Committee at its meeting to aid,held at 8 :00 a.m. December 15 , 1976 be p KittO seconded. Motion carried. Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting of November 30 , 1976 are as follows : Expense Current $ 56, 728. 43, 544. 68 Parks & Recreation g , 544 . 8 Library 11, 307. 59 City Streets 11 , 307. 9 Federal Shared Revenue 4, 88 . 32 Kent Commons Construction 879 .23 East Valley Construction 2 , 726 . 08 Reith Road/Military 494 . 69 101 S.E./S .E. 256th Signal 16 , 497 . 20 Smith - Central to 4th 350 .94 So. 180th (WVH-EVH) 365 . 77 East Hill Booster Pump 1,603. 81 Equipment Rental 42 Housing & Community Development 1, 2451 Arts Commission 0-. 00 2 ,0 Firemens Relief & Pension 871 LEOFF Disability 5 ,,010 .. 21 LID No. 278 98 ,107. 62 Sewer 10 , 616 . 82 Water 569. 00 Garbage $239 , 589 . 02 MEETING ADJOURNED: 10: 00 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Betty Gray City Clerk Pro tem