HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/01/1976 Kent, Washington
November 1 , 1976
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8 :00 o' clock p .m. by Council President/Mayor Pro Tem Just . Pre-
sent : Councilpersons Johnson, Just , Kitto, Masters , McCaughan
and Storment , City Attorney Mirk, City Administrator Street ,
Planning Director Harris , Public Works Director Ulett and Finance
Director Winkle . Councilperson Carey was not in attendance .
Mayor Hogan arrived at 8 :06 p .m. Also present : City Treasurer
Drotz, Planning Commissioners Johnson and Williams , and URS repre-
sentative Ramsey. Approximately 15 people were in attendance at
the meeting.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held
October 18 , 1976 be approved as printed, Storment
seconded. Motion carried.
HOUSING & 1977 Housing Assistance Plan. The Council held
COMMUNITY the first public hearing on the 1977 Housing Assis-
DEVELOPMENT tance Plan on October 18 , 1976 . The second hearing
is scheduled for this meeting, for input from the
HOUSING public . Harris explained that the Planning Depart-
ASSISTANCE ment has recommended:
Goals for Persons and/or Units to be Assisted
a) First priority is for new construction of
elderly assisted housing units and leasing
of existing units for families .
b) Second priority is for substantial rehabili-
tation of housing units for the elderly.
The locations for new construction and substan-
tial rehabilitation projects were shown on a map
which has been distributed and has been placed on
file . Background data for the 1977 Housing Assis-
tance Plan has been made a part of the record and
is on file with the City- Clerk. The Mayor opened
the public hearing. There was no input from the
audience , and no correspondence has been received.
KITTO MOVED to close the hearing, Storment seconded.
Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced
Resolution No . .814 adopting the 1977 Housing
Assistance Plan under the Housing & Community
Development Act of 1974. McCAUGHAN MOVED for
adoption of the Resolution, Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
HOUSING & Housing & Community Development Projects . Harris
COMMUNITY noted that the Planning Department staff had pre-
DEVELOPMENT pared a priority list and summary proposals for
PROJECTS the 1977 Community Development projects , which
was discussed at the October 25 workshop . Public
C; hearings will be held tonight and on November 15
to receive . additional input and to make final
prioritization. After the November 15 hearing,
the Council will adopt the 3-year plan for the
Housing & Community Development program, which
will include the prioritization for 1977 . Harris
explained the recommended priorities for the
Population category :
A. Housing Rehabilitation $25 , 000
B. Old City Hall Park 24,000
C. CBD Pedestrian Parkway 20 ,000
D. Memorial Park Tot-lot 11 , 000
E . CBD Pedestrian Walkway -
Phase II 8 ,000
F. Fire Prevention/Smoke
Detectors 3 , 000
G. Planning Monies for 1978 3 , 331
H. Optional Reserve 1, 000
HOUSING & He noted that the Needs/'Joint monies had been
COMMUNITY prioritized as follows :
PROJECTS. 1 . Kent Commons (Phase 1B(J) $73 ,000
2. Housing Rehabilitation (N) 50 ,000
3 . Green River Trail System
(J) 100 ,000
4. Communication Dispatch
Center (J) 30 ,000
5 . Memorial Park Parking Lot(N) 18 ,000
6 . Garrison Creek Park (J) 50 ,000
'He noted that the 3-year plan had been re-
vised to reflect the proposed projects for
1977-79 . The Mayor opened the public hear-
ing. There was no input from the audience .
KITTO MOVED that this hearing be continued
to November 15 , 1976 , and that the City
Attorney be directed to draft a resolution
for consideration following the hearing.
Masters seconded. Storment spoke in favor
of reversing the order of items #3 and #4
under the "needs" category, noting that
the Communications Dispatch Center was a
joint program with other emergency agencies ,
and that money and time had already been
invested in this project . He stated that
the welfare of the citizens was more import-
ant than the Green River Trail System, al-
though he was not against the idea of the
trail system. Johnson concurred. Mayor
Hogan noted that there would be further
discussion on this matter at the next work-
shop meeting. and stated that the Council
might also want to discuss further the
proposal for the Old City Hall Park. Upon
Masters ' question, it was noted that the
City lease for parking in the Catholic
Church lot was a firm lease and had approxi-
mately six years to run. Motion ,-carried.
HEALTH & King Co . Solid Waste Management Plan. On
SANITATION July 26 , 1976 Richard Sout wort , Manager
of the King County Solid Waste Division,
presented the King County/City of Kent
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.
This Plan is required by the Washington
State Solid Waste Management Act . In 1971 ,
the City of Kent determined that it would
be to its advantage to consolidate its plan
with King County, as did 27 other King
County cities . The Plan establishes the
following :
General Policies :
1 . Collection of solid waste and delivery
to the transfer station should remain
the responsibility of local government
and private haulers .
2 . A regional management board should be
established within 60 days of adoption
of the plan.
3. Incentive guidelines for consumers to
reduce the amounts of wastes they pro- {
duce should be provided by the regional
HEALTH & 4. Recycling programs should be encouraged
SANITATION by the regional board.
5 . The regional board should encourage
demonstration programs to determine
acceptable methods of home separation,
collection and recycling of wastes .
6 . Opportunities should be encouraged for
public utilities , private corporations
and governmental agencies to work to-
gether .
7 . The entire system must meet minimum
functional standards (Health and
Safety) .
8 . Financial arrangements must be made to
assure upgrading of facilities in pro-
portion to the costs of the improvements .
9 . Regional board should insure adequate
planning and intergovernmental coopera-
10 . A minimum mandatory fee for the collec-
tion of solid waste should be required
of all urban areas .
11 . Regional sanitary landfills should be
used as an interim measure . (Kent
Highlands is one of the designated
temporary landfills . )
Following acceptance of the plan it will be
necessary for the City to enter into an
intergovernmental agreement covering the
implementation of the program. The public
hearing was opened by the Mayor. Mr . Street
noted that Mr. Southworth was in attendance
at the meeting to answer questions . There
were no comments from the audience and no
correspondence . JOHNSON MOVED that the
hearing be closed, McCaughan seconded.
Storment referred to item 11 of the policies
to be adopted and questioned whether any
solution could be reached as to the leach-
ate problem at the Kent Highlands Sanitary
Landfill site . Street noted that on Octo-
ber 19 he sent a letter to the City of
Seattle recommending that they either enter
into a firm contract within two weeks or
close the operation. He noted that the
two weeks time limit would expire tomorrow
and that he expected some response from
Seattle. Storment questioned how long
it would take to close the operation and
Street noted that this was for the City
Attorney to determine . Masters expressed
concern over the apparent lack of interest
on the part of local citizens with regard
to the Solid Waste Management Plan. The
motion to close the hearing carried.
Mayor Hogan noted that at the Suburban Mayors
Meeting to be held Wednesday evening at the
Auburn Elks they will be discussing the manage-
ment board to be created under the Plan.
HEALTH & The City Attorney introduced Resolution No . 813
SANITATION approving a Joint Comprehensive Solid Waste
Management Plan and authorizing an inter-
local agreement with King County. JUST
MOVED for the adoption of Resolution 813 ,
Johnson seconded.
Citizens ' Water Quality Advisory Committee .
A letter was read from C. Carey Donworth,
Chairman of the Metro Council , noting that
there were now 16 vacancies on the Citizens '
Water Quality Advisory Committee due to
resignations and enlargement of the Com-
mittee . The letter noted that nominations
should be made to Lois Munson, Metro Com-
munity Involvement , by November 10 .
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a
part of the record, Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
Sanitary Sewer Regiment . Ulett noted
that at the last Council meeting the bid
received for the sanitary sewer replace-
ment in the alley between Second Avenue
and Third Avenue from Titus to Saar was
rejected because it exceeded the Engineer' s
estimate by more than $1400 . The Public
Works Department was authorized to con-
struct the project by force account . Ulett
reported that the project has now been com-
pleted utilizing a new method of repair
whereby the sewer was relined instead of
digging it up and replacing it . He deter-
mined that the cost was approximately
$3 , 000 and noted that the bid was $17 ,000
for replacing the line. It was pointed
out that the sewer line in question was
the one in back of the Catholic Church.
McCaughan noted that many favorable com-
ments had been received about the timely
progress on the Downtown Sewer Replacement
project .
LID 280 - Hughes-Ulleland Sewer . The City
Attorney introduced Ordinance No . 1995 ,
creating LID 280 , ordering the improvement
by the installation of sewers and providing
for the method of payment . KITTO MOVED
that Ordinance 1995 be adopted, Storment
seconded. Motion carried.
102nd Avenue S .E . Storm Sewer. Thirteen
bids were received on November 1 , 1976 for
the 102nd Avenue S .E . Storm Sewer (S .E .
239th Street to S .E . 236th Street) . In
accordance with the recommendation of the
Public Works Department , STORMENT MOVED
that the best bid of Jim Bailey Construction
Company in the amount of $16 , 298 be accepted,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Sanitary Sanitar Sewer Facilities Plan. In order
to meet t e EPA requirements , our engineer-
ing agreement with URS to prepare a facili-
ties plan must be modified by removing the
storm sewer portion and by including Federal
HEALTH & requirements for consulting engineering ser-
SANITATION vices . The contract amount will be reduced
by $7 , 090 to $37 , 500 , 90% of which will be
funded by State and Federal grants . The storm
sewer plan will be prepared without grants .
MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor be authorized
to sign an amended agreement for the sanitary
sewer facilities plan with URS , Storment
seconded. Motion carried.
STREETS Smith Street Project . In response to Kitto ' s
question, it was determined that the Smith
Street project involved installation of storm
drainage, sewer replacement and paving of the
street . In addition, the telephone and light
companies are undergrounding their utilities .
WATER 124th Ave. S .E . Reservoir . King Co . Water
District No . Ill is proceeding with an appli-
cation for Federal funding of the Joint
Reservoir on 124th S .E . The grant application
costs are estimated to be $3 , 200 . Kent will
share in the costs using the 57% and 43%
District No . 111 ratio which is based on
storage needs . Funds are included in the
water bond issue and the Public Works and
Planning Committee concurs in this action.
King Co . Water District No . 105 . King Co .
Water District No . 105 has notified the City
that they do not wish to renew the agreement
under which Kent supplies them with surplus
water from the Clark Springs transmission
line . The agreement was for five years and
will expire December 31 , 1976 . JOHNSON
MOVED that receipt of notice of cancellation
of Water District No . 105 contract effective
December 31 , 1976 be recorded. Storment
seconded. Street noted that the District
has developed an additional supply, and
that termination of the contract was mutually
agreeable since Kent has had to discontinue
service to the District in our peak load
period during the summer. Upon Just ' s
question, Street noted that the contract
provided for a minimum of $250 per month
to be paid by the District to the City, and
that the District had been using that amount
of water . Motion carried.
REZONES Jackson. On October 26 , 1976 , the Planning
Commission held a public hearing on an appli-
cation initiated by the City of Kent for a
rezone from MR-H, High Density Multi-Family
Residential , to GC , General Commercial ,
zoning for property located on the west side
of E . Titus Street where it intersects with
Reiten Road. The Mayor opened the public
hearing. Planning Director Harris described
the area and noted that it was located at
the bottom of Mill Creek Canyon, and covered
approximately 16 , 000 square feet . He noted
that the City Council had initiated the
rezone and the Planning Commission had approved
the request . He explained that the property
had originally been zoned GC years ago but
had never been so indicated on the zoning
maps of the City and was zoned MR-H when
the new Zoning Code was adopted in 1973 .
REZONES There were no comments from the audience
and no correspondence . KITTO MOVED that
the hearing be closed, Storment seconded.
Motion carried. KITTO MOVED that the recom-
mendation of the Planning Commission be
accepted and the City Attorney directed
to prepare an ordinance amending the Zoning
Code to reflect this rezone . Storment
seconded. Motion carried.
James . On September 28 , 1976 , the Planning
Commission held a public hearing on an
application filed by Harold and Patricia
James for a rezone from RA, Residential
Agricultural , to MR-M, Medium Density
Multi-Family Residential , zoning on a
5-acre parcel located at the southeast
corner of the intersection of S . 212th
Street and the Valley Freeway. The Plan-
ning Commission recommends MR-G zoning
be permitted on this site which allows
a density of no greater than 16 units per
acre . Harris noted that the final draft
Environmental Impact Statement has been
completed and distributed and that two
letters have been received from the State
agencies expressing concern over the condi-
tion of the hillside . The public hearing
was opened by the Mayor . Masters suggested
that the Environmental Impact Statement
be made a part of the record. Harris noted
that plans for the area are only tentative
and that any proposed construction and develop-
ment would be given careful consideration,
especially with regard to storm drainage .
In response to Storment s question, Harris
explained how Garrison Creek was diverted
through a channel . McCAUGHAN MOVED
that the hearing be closed, Just seconded.
Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED that the
Final Environmental Impact Statement re-
lating to the James rezone be made a part
of the record, Johnson seconded. thetion
carried. KITTO MOVED to approve
mendation of the Planning Commission to re-
zone the area MR-G and for the City Attorney
to be directed to prepare an amending ordi-
nance to the Zoning Code , Masters seconded.
Motion carried.
Jiles . The City Attorney introduced Ordinance
No . 1996 providing for the rezone of the
Wilma Jiles property from R-1 to MR-M.
McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordi-
nance No . 1996 , Masters seconded. Motion
MOBILE HOME Wilma Jiles/Valley Mobile Manor No . 2 .
PARK COMBINING Ordinance No . 1997 was introduced by the
DISTRICT City Attorney providing for approval of
the Wilma Jiles/Valley Mobile Manor No .
2 Mobile Home Park Combining District ,
with four certain conditions as listed
therein. MASTERS MOVED that Ordinance
No . 1997 be adopted, Johnson seconded .
Motion carried.
REZONE Kleweno . The City Attorney introduced
Ordinance No . 1998 providing for the Kleweno
rezone from MR-D to MR-G as recommended
by the Planning Commission. MASTERS MOVED
that Ordinance No . 1998 be adopted, Stor-
ment seconded. Motion carried.
FINAL PLAT Parkside Division #1 . At its October 18 ,
1976 meeting the City Council set November
1 as the date for a public meeting on the
Parkside Division #1 Final Plat ; however,
the required improvements or bonding to
assure completion has not been completed.
On Street ' s recommendation, STORMENT MOVED
that the public meeting on the Parkside
Division #1 Final Plat be continued to
November 15 , 1976 , Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
Cecelia Hills (formerly Suncrest Lane) .
The Cecelia Hills Final Plat has been
received and a date for a public meeting
to consider the final plat should now be
set , at which time the final plat should
be approved, disapproved or returned to
the applicant for modification or correc-
tion. STORMENT MOVED that a public meeting
to consider the Cecelia Hills final plat
be held on November 15 , 1976 , Johnson
seconded. Motion carried.
ANNEXATIONS Williamson 10% Petition. A notice of intent
to commence annexation of 14 . 5 acres on
the south side of S .E. 240th Street between
100th Avenue S .E . and 104th Avenue S .E .
has been received and certified as sufficient .
A meeting with the initiators may now be
scheduled to determine whether the annexa-
tion is acceptable and whether the full
City property tax will apply. McCAUGHAN
MOVED that the meeting with the proponents
be scheduled for 7 : 30 p .m. on November 8 ,
1976 in the Council chambers . Masters
seconded. Street determined for Storment
that such a meeting could be assigned to a
committee if the Council wished, with the
committee report then presented to the
Council . It was noted that procedure had
been used in the past but that usually
annexation proponents preferred evening
meetings rather than afternoon committee
meetings . Motion carried.
Rights of Way Annexations . It has been
determined it is in Kent s interest to annex
the south half of Kent-Kangley Road from
Sequoia Junior High School to 116th Avenue S .E .
before the State widening project takes
place so that utility adjustment costs
will be borne by the State . The annexation
of the north half of S .E . 256th Street
from west of lllth Avenue S .E. to east
of 113th Avenue S .E . will permit Kent to
do sewer and water work in that street to
Kent standards rather than those imposed
by King County. The Public Works & Planning
Committee recommends these annexations .
The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No .
1999 , providing for the City boundaries to
be revised to include these rights of way
and requesting King County to take the
necessary action. STORMENT MOVED for the
adoption of Ordinance 1999 , McCaughan
seconded. Upon Masters ' question, Mirk
noted that the ordinance provided for
notification to the County. Motion carried.
ANNEXATIONS Lien Annexation. A 10% notice of intention
to commence annexation of 70 acres north of
S . 218th Street on both sides of 94th Place
South has been received and certified as
sufficient . A meeting may now be scheduled
to determine whether the annexation is
able and whether the full City property
will apply. McCAUGHAN MOVED that a meeting
with the initiators be scheduled for 7 : 30 p .m.
on November 8 , 1976 in the Council Chambers ,
Storment seconded. Motion carried.
SIDEWALKS It was noted that the three State laws per-
taining to sidewalk construction and repair
will be discussed at the next work session.
UPPER MILL The City Attorney determined that acquisition
CREEK STORM of certain properties in connection with the
WATER DETENTION Upper Mill Creek Storm Water Detention Basin
BASIN has reached a stalemate . He noted that the
City has exhausted every effort to negotiate
with the property owners involved and there
is no choice left but to condemn the proper-
ties . JUST MOVED that the Attorney be direc-
ted to prepare an ordinance authorizing con-
demnation of the properties necessary to com-
plete the detention basin project , McCAUGHAN
seconded. Mirk determined for Masters that
even though some of the parcels of land
involved were small , it was necessary to
have them to complete the project . Motion
METRO It was noted that the MetroTRANSITion After
1980 Plan of Action will be presented by
Metro at a uture workshop meeting.
CABLE TV It was noted that the Seattle Cable TV
contract will be ready for the next Council
KENT COMMONS A discussion of the assignment of the opera-
tion of Kent Commons will take place at the
work session to be held November 8 , 1976 .
BOARD OF PARK A letter of resignation from Park Commissioner
COMMISSIONERS Bernie Biteman was read, effective November 2 ,
1976 . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made
a part of the record and accepted with regret ,
Storment seconded. McCaughan asked that a
copy of the letter be sent to him. Motion
A letter was read from Father John Gretz
noting his resignation as Chairman and
member of the Board of Park Commissioners
effective October 22 , 1976 . MASTERS MOVED
that the letter be made a part of the
record and the resignation accepted with
regret , Johnson seconded. Motion carried.
Mayor Hogan noted that at the meeting of
the Board of Park Commissioners held today
Mary Loop had requested that a meeting of
the Board, including Gretz and Biteman, the
Council , and City Administration be held at
the conclusion of the workshop meeting on
November 22 to discuss what the role of the
Park Board should be , if it is to be con-
tinued. In response to Storment ' s question,
it was determined by the Mayor that it would
be an open meeting.
� r
PARKS & Masters reported that the Parks & Recreation
RECREATION Committee had met last Wednesday morning,
at which meeting Mr . Beck had presented his
Master Plan for Lake Fenwick and it was
agreed that the Park Board and Council
committee of the whole should have a joint
meeting for Mr . Beck' s final presentation.
She noted that the Plan for Lake Fenwick
included probable costs of maintenance and
operation. Masters stated that Mrs . Dorband
also attended the meeting to suggest that
some constructive action be taken with re-
gard to the gift of the cherry trees to save
the trees in the event of surface water prob-
lems . Mayor Hogan noted that we would not
actually receive the trees but rather the
money for their purchase , together with a
list of nurseries where they should be pur-
chased. Masters further reported that Mr.
Biteman had attended the meeting and had
suggested that the Board of Park Commis-
sioners concept should be reviewed at a
committee meeting of the whole with the
Park Board as the Mayor had suggested for
the November 22 workshop . Masters noted
receipt of a packet containing the park
projects now underway which will be sent
to each Council member. McCaughan also
noted that the bike underpass on Meeker
Street is at last underway.
TRAFFIC No Parking Ordinance . The Traffic Engineer
CONTROL has recommended that an ordinance be pre-
pared to prohibit parking on both sides
of 104th Avenue S .E . from S .E . 236th Place
to S .E . 240th Street and on the west side
of East Valley Highway from S . 192nd Street
to a point 370 ' south of S . 194th Street .
STORMENT MOVED that the City Attorney be
directed to prepare an ordinance authorizing
the described parking prohibitions ,
McCaughan seconded. In response to
Masters ' question, Ulett noted that the park-
ing prohibition was advisable due to the
restricted sight distance factor caused
by parking of automobiles in these areas .
Motion carried.
Storment reported that a traffic problem
exists at the corner of Gowe and State
Streets at the rear of the Bargain Center.
He noted that delivery trucks block the
southbound lane on State Street during
peak hours .
CLAIM AGAINST Helen Jones . A claim in the amount of $300
CITY has been received from Helen Jones for
alleged injuries sustained when she fell
in the alley on Gowe Street near the Post
Office during the recent street construc-
tion. The City Attorney has recommended
that the claim be denied and referred to
the City' s insurance carrier, JOHNSON SO
MOVED, Storment seconded. Motion carried.
DISCHARGE OF A letter was received from Tom O' Connell re-
FIREARMS questing an exception from Ordinance 1768
which outlaws hunting inside the City limits
so that he may hunt ducks on his property.
s ;
DISCHARGE OF It is suggested
whole . JUSTbMOVEDethat
receipt of the O' Connell letter be noted
and referred to the Committee of the whole,
McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
EDUCATION/ It was noted that a discussion of the Peter
PERSONNEL Gregg proposal to the Council will be dis-
cussed at the next work session.
BUDGET West Hill Fire Station #3 . The City Clerk
noted that nine letters were received on
October 20 and one on November 1 asking
that 24-hour salaried personnel be put on
duty at Fire Station #3 on the West Hill .
JUST MOVED that the letters be accepted
and referred to the Finance Committee ,
Johnson seconded. Motion carried. It was
determined for Storment that all of the
addresses on the letters were inside the
City limits .
Kitto noted that the Finance and Personnel
Committee had completed its preliminary budget reviews . In response to Just ' s ques-
tion, Street determined that budget hearings
were on schedule, and that the public hear-
ing on the budget would be held December 6 .
It was agreed that meetings on the final
draft of the budget would begin next Monday
at 3 : 30 . Storment noted that the Public
Works & Planning Committee would meet at
8 : 15 a.m. on Wednesday, November 3 .
FINANCE Cit De sitor . The Finance Committee has
recommended that Peoples National Bank be
appointed the official depository for the
City' s regular checking account. Such
appointment shall be effective from January
1 , 1977 through December 31 , 1978 , said
appointment being in accordance with the
provisions of Ordinance 1803 . KITTO MOVED
that the Attorney be directed to draft an
ordinance appointing Peoples National Bank
as the official depository for the City' s
regular checking account from January 1 ,
1977 through December 31 , 1978 , McCaughan
seconded. Masters noted that she thought
Ordinance 1803 provided for a policy of
rotating the City' s business with local
banks , and questioned going back to a bank
with which the City had done business for
35 years in the past and overlooking the
new Seafirst Bank. She opined that the
policy established by the ordinance should
not be ignored. Just commented that the
ordinance does not say that the City' s
depository should be rotated from bank
to bank but merely that it should be
changed every two years . It was determined
that the Finance Committee has recommended
Peoples Bank. McCaughan noted that the
35 years that the Peoples Bank was the
City' s depository were not always enjoyable
years for the Bank. Storment noted that
he was on the Finance Committee when the
banks were interviewed and that he was
under the impression that the next time
the City' s depository was changed it would
be changed to Seafirst as their location
FINANCE would be changed to the downtown area by
that time . Masters concurred that the
reason Seafirst was overlooked before was
because their location was not downtown .
She noted that now that they were located
in the downtown area and had become part
of the City they should be considered. She
stated that unless there was some obvious
benefit to be derived from going to Peoples
she felt that in fairness Seafirst should
be given their chance . Motion carried,
with Storment and Masters voting nay.
KITTO MOVED that the bills received on or
before November 5 , 1976 and approved by
the Finance Committee at its meeting to be
held at 8 :00 a.m. , November 15 , 1976 , be
paid. Storment seconded. Motion carried.
The following claims were approved by the
Finance Committee at its meeting on Octo-
ber 29 , 1976 :
Current Expense $ 38 ,056 . 99
Parks & Recreation 12 , 817 . 59
Library 1 ,448 . 10
City Streets 10 , 673 . 68
Federal Revenue Sharing 10 , 996 . 03
Kent Commons Construction 21 . 85
Reith Rd/Military 8, 073 . 17
Smith St - Central to 4th 4, 154. 40
S . 180 (WVH - EVH) 81 . 64
Equipment Rental 5 , 064. 15
Housing & Comm.Development 28 . 68
Firemens Relief & Pension 64. 22
Leoff Disability 3 ,483 . 92
Sewer 43 , 598 . 29
Water 8 ,493 . 24
Garbage 472 . 80
$147 , 528 . 75
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen CMC
City Clerk