HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 10/04/1976 Kent, Washington October 4, 1976 Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00 o'clock p.m. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works Director Ulett, and Finance Director. Winkle. Councilperson Carey and City Administrator Street were not in attendance. Also present : Parks Director Wilson and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 15 people were .in attend- ance at the meeting. MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held September 20, 1976 be approved as printed, Storment seconded. Motion carried. PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by Mayor Hogan declar- ing the Week of October 3-9, 1976 as Fire Prevention week and urging all citizens to expend every effort toward the reduction of fires in the community. HEALTH & ; Plemmons' Request for Utilities (Plemmons' SANITATION Kent Highlands Annexation. ) City Attorney Mirk noted that on September 24 Judge Mifflin had reversed the decision of the Boundary Review Board in the Superior Court action brought by Plemmons which means that the City is now free to serve the Plemmons property with sewer and water. He asked if the Council still wanted the Planning Commission to hold the pre-zoning hearings as requested at the September 7 Council meeting. Masters noted that she had seen a letter at the County Council level which directed Mr. Plemmons to hook up 64 houses to sewer and water by October 16 or the houses would be posted with vacation signs. She noted that her purpose in having the pre-zoning hearings was to have the area annexed and under the jurisdiction of the City Codes rather than the County's. It was determined that these homes were within the Cascade Sewer District. Harris noted that Mr. Plemmons may not want to go ahead with annexation now that it has been determined he can hook up to the sewer and water lines. He further pointed out that pre-zoning hearings involved a great deal of work and expense and in this case the annexation may not even take place. Mirk clarified that the Council had agreed to serve the Plemmons' property with sewer and water providing that the Boundary Review Board approval was obtained and that the Council had determined that annexation was not feasible at this time. He also pointed out that sewer and water service being sup- plied was contingent on a covenant being signed by Mr. Plemmons and filed with the Auditor stating that he would sign an annexa- tion petition when the assessed valuation of the area is sufficient. c 56 HEALTH & Based on the earlier decision of the Council , KITTO SANITATION 1ppVED that the Planning Departmenr instructed Just seconded. to go ahead with the pre—zoning pocedures, Storment stated that it was his opinion that the idea of a pre—zone was to have that particular area placed in the proper zone so that it will be zoned in accordance with the surrounding area. He noted that e would hafe I no objection to serving the property further stated that it was inside the City. Storment Mr. Plemmons had stated that he would annex. He noted that Plemmons had stated that no construction would be started in the area this late in the year so if the matter were to go to the Planning Commission for pre— zoning at layin this time it would not be zoningany Kitton struction plans on the part of M'. stated that he felt that such pre—zoning would be a wasted effort of City staff and Planning Commission since as the matter stands now Plemmons has approval for water and sewer, and now only has spto pointed ethatt to the County for approval . Masters the County had approved the plat on the strength that the City would serve it with sewer and water. MASTERS MOVED to table the action until the Council repealed its previous policy as it is inappropriate to reverse a decision which has been followed for some years. Johnson seconded. Masters stated that she felt that properly the entire issue should go before toheccom— mittee of the whole for a review of the City's in regard to utility service outside the City, and that the policy should be repealed or modified ifit his Jcourse, of action is to be pursued. Notion failed, w ust and Masters, and Storment voting aye, and casting thedeciding nay, Y McCaughan voting y, h Johnson, na nay vote. Kitto's original motion carried, with Masters and Storment voting nay, and Kitto, Just and McCaughan voting 'aye, with Mayor Hogan casting the de— ciding vote in favor. LID 278 — Wigton S Sewer. The City Attorney intro— duced Ordinance No. 1991, amending Ordinance 1981 , relating K to the interest rates for LID 278. ITTO MOVED that Ordi— nance 1991 be adopted, Storment seconded. Notion carried. LID 278_- Bonds. The City AttorneybondsodforeLlDr�dlnance No. 278 and the 2 providing of 199 oviding for the issuance Inc. JUST MOVED that sale of same to Foster & Marshall , Ordinance 1992 be adopted, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. Sewer Replacement . Bids were received on October I , 1976 for the sanitary sewer replacement for the alley between 2nd em and 3rd from Titus tat Saar fihe.Counci I meetingtoft this t October 18. would be cons WATER Water Service Re nest. A letter was read from Daniel hook O'Brien, 23122 — 116th S.E. , requesting pe pup to an existing water line directly in front of his resi— would sign a statement indicating dence, and noting that he hts willingness to annex to the City .if and when he was re— quested to do so. STORMENT MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the record, and referred to the Public Works &Utilities Committee, Johnson seconded. In response to Masters' question, Storment noted that this matter would be under discussion at the meeting of the Committee to be held on Wednesday morning, October 6. Motion carried. WATER Kent Springs Transmission Line. Larry Stoffel , who owns property adjacent to the City's Kent Springs Water Transmission Line, has er said transmission requested an easement from the City to cross ov line in the course of developing his property. The Engineering and Water Departments have reviewed the situation. Upon their recommendations, JUST MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to grant one easement for the purpose of ingress and egress across the City's water transmission line property in the vicinity of 28633 - 216th Avenue S.E. upon the grantee taking the necessary precautions as determined by the Engineering Department, now and in the future, to protect the water transmission line. Storment seconded. Notion carried. STsZEETS Central Avenue. Hi-Line Asphalt Paving Co. , Inc. has completed the asphalt overlay contract for Central Avenue. In accordance with the recommendations of the Engineering Department , KITTO MOVED that the contract of Hi-Line Asphalt Paving Co. , Inc. for the asphalt overlay of Central Avenue be accepted as complete and that after receipt of the necessary releases from the State the retainage be released, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. Meeker Street. Storment questioned Mirk as to how the speed limit could be lowered on Meeker Street without changing the ordinance. Mirk stated that it was not possible to legally change the speed limit without changing the ordinance and that 20 mph was the lowest speed permitted legally. He noted that precautionary signs could be posted, such as the existing 15 mph sign, but these were advisory only. He also determined for Storment that the City cannot legally keep trucks from using Meeker Street . Mayor Hogan noted that as a practical matter the traffic was already slowing down on the newly revised street and opined that trucks would not choose this route. Mirk pointed out that Meeker Street is handling more traffic at the present time because of the construction underway on Smith Street . Upon McCaughan's question, Mirk stated that the only legal justi- fication for prohibiting trucks on certain streets is when it is possible to show that they are damaging the street . He noted that truck routes are only advisory, not mandatory. STORMENT MOVED that the City Attorney be directed to draft a new ordinance changing the speed limit to 20 mph, for Meeker Street between Ist and 4th Avenues. Masters seconded. Just spoke against changing the ordinance, stating that the 15 mph sign would serve to slow down traffic even though such a sign was only advisory. Masters concurred, and Johnson noted that if the ordinance is changed new signs would have to be posted. JUST MOVED that the matter be tabled until the workshop of October II so the Traffic Engineer could be in attendance, McCaughan seconded. McCaughan, Just and Johnson voted in favor, and Storment , Masters and Kitto voted nay. The motion to table failed when the Mayor voted nay. The original motion to change the speed limit failed with only Storment and McCaughan voting in favor. RAILROAD Burlington-Northern/Smith Street Crossing. The improvement of Smith Street crossing is to be partially CROSSING the Burlington-Northern financed with Federal Safety Funds but before the kailroad can proceed with the work an agreement between the City and the Railroad is necessary. STORMENT MOVED that the Mayor be author- ized to sign the agreement with Burlington-Northern on behalf of the City, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. METRO TRANSIT The Mayor has received a letter from Metro stating the recommen- dations of their staff for changing the No. 145 - Kent/Renton/ Southcenter rloute and the No. 146 - Kent Local Route, effective in January. These proposed changes and others will go to the Transit Committee on October 7 as an information item and to METRO TRANSIT the Metro Council on October 21st for approval . The names and addresses of any organizations, such as businesses, community, elederly, schools, etc. , that might be impacted by these pro- posed changes have been requested by the Metro staff to enable them to contact those parties before the Kent City Council workshop meeting on October II when the Metro staff will pre- sent these proposed changes. CITY SHOPS Parking Lot Improvements. Bids were received on October I , 1976 for the City Shops Parking Lot improvements as follows: Hi-Line Asphalt $ 14,716.76, incl . tax Klokstad Concrete 14,778.34, incl . tax EP&N Construction 15,653.88, incl . tax Associated Sand & Gravel 15,858.49, incl . tax Lakeside Industries 17,649. 18, incl . tax JOHNSON MOVED to accept the best tbid ax, of Hi-Line s Asphalt in the amount of $ 14,716.76, incl . Notion carried. BIDS Bids were received on October I , 1976 for the Engineers' /Sur- veyors' Theodolite with scale reading and electrical lighting attachment. Public Works Director Ulett reported that this item would be brought back to the next Council meeting. PLAT Cambridge East_Division # I. It was noted that at the last work session consideration was given to the request of Subdivision Management to be relieved from constructing curbs on 46th Avenue South to S. 272nd in the Cambridge East Division # 1 Plat . Those Council members present appeared willing to grant the request and accordingly, JUST MOVED that curbs are not now required to be constructed on 46th Avenue South from the south line of the lots in the Cambridge East Division # 1 Plat to S. 272nd Street, Kitto seconded. Upon Storment 's question, Ulett responded that this street is really an access street--not a street serving the plat as such, and noted that none of the lots abut this street. He further confirmed for Just that curbs and gutters could be required by the Council at the time of final approval for the Plat , and that the Public Works Depart- ment would so recommend. Motion carried. KENT COMMONS On April 20, 1976 the City entered into an agreement with Bower & Nyberg for architectural services for Kent Commons, Phase 11 . Paragraph 1 .2. 1 states that the maximum compensa- tion for schematic design shall not exceed 6/ 10 of one percent (0.6%) of the proposed construction cost of Phase 11 unless authorized in writing by the owner. Additional authoriza- tions shall not exceed 3/ 10 of one percent (o.3%) . Completion of the schematic design required Bower & Nyberg to exceed the maximum compensation of 6/ 10 of 1% of the proposed construction cost and they seek authorization in writing for the additional 3/ 10 of 1% as allowed in the contract. KITTO MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the September 24, 1976 agreement with Bower & Nyberg authorizing additional compensation of 3/ 10 of 1% for completion of the schematic design for Kent Commons, Phase 11 , McCaughan seconded. hbtion carried. PARKS & Senior Center. McCaughan noted that a letter had been received RECREATION from the Area Agency on Aging of Seattle-King County. The Clerk read the letter, which advised that the Agency would be providing $8,000 from Senior Citizens Services Act for the purchase of a congregate meal program in Kent . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the letter be accepted and made a part of the re- cord, Johnson seconded. Mayor Hogan noted that this amount represented matching funds and that the senior citizens each pay a portion of the cost of the meals. Motion carried. letter from Arthur S. Fleming, the Commissioner on Aging, PARKS & A I informing the City that its application for RECREATION HE�J, was read, 9 funding under Title V of the Older American Act of 1965 has been approved. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. In response to Masters' question, Mayor Hogan pointed out that the grant application referred to covered approximately $2,941 funding for renovation of the kitchen at the Senior Center to meet King County Health Standards. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to sign the grantsecon award in order to obtain the money designated, KittoWinkle determined for Masters that this project was a re- imbursable type expenditure. Motion carried. ey NOISE CONTROL o d ngnforNthe hc93 ontWos oftnoiiseewibthinhe City alI areastofnthepCity and designating the Building Department as the noise control office. McCAUGHAN MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance 1993. Just seconded. Kitto expressed concern over recent newspaper editorials concerning the noise control ordinance and Harris opined that the criticism was of the County's ordinance. Storment questioned Harris as to whether the ordinance was enforceable with the staff he now has. It was determined that the Building Department would enforce the ordinance and Winkle opined that the present staff was adequate. Masters noted that the County might be changing their ordi- nance to comply with the State statute. Motion carried, with Storment voting nay. DES WINES The Des Moines Sewer District has submitted its Resolution SEWER No. 1976-32 providing for an addition to the District 's com- DISTRICT prehensive sewer plan by the construction of sewers in areas west of the Kent City boundary. The Director of Public Works has recommended approval as requested. KITTO MOVED to approve Des Moines Sewer District +resolution 1976-32, McCaughan seconded. Motion carried. BUDGET Fire Protection - Station No. 3. A letter was read from Irene Anderson, Secretary, Cambridge Womens Club, endorsing the item in Chief Foster's budget which provides for 24-hour fire pro- tection at Fire Station No. 3 on the West Hill and urging Council support in taking appropriate action on the matter. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record and referred to the Public Works and Finance Committees, Johnson seconded. Motion carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1994 adopting the tax levy for 1977. The levy is based on {06% of the highest of the three previous tax collection years, plus maximum levy on new construction. Tax rate for 1977 Per $ 1000 of Amount Assessed Value Assessed Current Expense $3. 130 $ 1 ,950,000 City Hall .00 89,724 Fire Department .00 14, 194 Library B I & R .00 $2,088,048 KITTO MOVED for the adoption of Ordinance No. 1994, Storment seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received by October 5, 1976 and approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00 a.m. October 15, 1976 be paid, Kitto seconded. Motion carried. FINANCE The following claims were approved by the Finance Committee at its meeting on September 30, 1976: Current Expense $ 42,310.40 Parks & izecreation 12,425,58 Library 2, 155.94 City Streets 12,438.50 Federal ilevenue Sharing 7, 148.00 Kent Commons Construction 4.60 Equipment k ental 12,323.56 Housing & Comm. Dvlpmnt 42.37 Leoff Disability 5.96 Sewer 42,342.83 Water 14,883.77 Garbage 552.65 $ 146,634. 16 Meeting Adjourned: 8:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marie Jensen, CMC City Clerk