HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/07/1976 Kent, Washington
September 7, 1976
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at 8:00
o'clock p.m. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson,
Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, Assistant City Engineer Wickstrom, Planning Director
Harris, and Finance Director Winkle. Also present : Planning Commissioners
Williams and Johnson, Parks Director Wilson and URS representative Ramsey.
Approximately 55 people were in attendance at the meeting.
VISITORS Mayor Hogan introduced Mrs. Dorband of the
Kent—Kaibara Committee. Mrs. Dorband gave
a report on the exchange student from Kent
to Japan, Jaylyn Powell. She then introduced
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Walker, this year 's host
parents to Japan's exchange student, Yoshiki
Nakanishi . Yoshiki was introduced by the
Walkers and spoke to the Council about his
expectations for the upcoming year as an
exchange student and presented Mayor Hogan
with a gift from the Mayor of Kaibara.
Mayor Hogan introduced Ted Serres, a student
at Meridian Junior High School , who was a
recent third place winner in an essay con—
test sponsored by the Washington State
Bicentennial Committee. Ted read the
essay aloud and presented a copy to the
MINUTES KITTO MOVED to approve as printed the minutes
of the meeting held August 16 and the minutes
of the committee of the whole public hearing
on the Kent Commons Phase II held August 23,
1976. Storment seconded. Notion carried.
ANNEXATION Johnston. The Johnston annexation petition
was filed with the Boundary Review Board on
July I , 1976. Since more than sixty days
have elapsed and no action has been taken,
the Council has scheduled a public hearing
for this meeting on the annexation. Wick—
strom described the area of the proposed
annexation as lying between S. 218th Street
and S. 222nd Street along 93rd Avenue South
and encompassing approximately 25 acres. The
public hearing was opened by the Mayor. There
were no comments from the audience and no cor—
respondence. STORMENT MOVED that the hearing
be closed, Just seconded. Notion carried. The
City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1986
annexing to the City certain land contiguous
thereto and commonly referred to as the John—
ston annexation. KITTO MOVED for the adoption
of Ordinance No. 1986, McCaughan seconded.
Notion carried.
ZONING OF Johnston Annexation. The second and final
ANNEXATIONS hearing on the proposed zoning of the John—
ston annexation property was opened by the i
Mayor. The Planning Commission has recommended
the area be zoned RI-20, Single Family Zoning
(20,000 square foot minimum lot size). There
were no comments from the audience and no
correspondence. STORMENT MOVED that the
hearing be closed, Kitto seconded. Notion
carried. The City Attorney introduced Ordi—
nance No. 1987 zoning that certain land
. annexed to the City known as the Johnston
annexation as RI-20 (Single Family Residential
District ) . McCAUGHAN MOVED that Ordinance
No. 1987 be adopted, Johnson seconded. Notion
ZONING OF Revised Plemmons Annexation. At its hearing
ANNEXATIONS on July 27, 1976, the Planning Commission
recommended RI-9.6 zoning for the Revised
Plemmons annexation. The second and final
hearing on the zoning of the Revised Plemmons
annexation was opened by the Mayor. There
were no comments from the audience and no
correspondence. JUST MOVED that the hearing
be closed, Storment seconded. Notion carried.
Ordinance No. 1988 was introduced by the City
Attorney, zoning the Revised Plemmons Annexa-
tion as Rl-9.6 (Single Family Residential
Zoning District ) in accordance with the recom-
mendations of the Planning Commission.
STORMENT MOVED that Ordinance No. 1988 be
adopted, McCaughan seconded. Notion carried.
Roberts a_ nd Williams Annexation. The second
and final public hearing on the zoning of the
Roberts and Williams annexation is set for
this meeting. The Planning Commission, at
its hearing held June 22, 1976, recommended
that the area be zoned CC (Community Commercial ) .
The public hearing was opened by the Mayor.
There were no comments from the audience and
no correspondence. KITTO MOVED that the hear-
ing be closed, Storment seconded. Notion
carried. Ordinance No. 1989 approving the
zoning as recommended by the Planning Commis-
sion, CC (Community Commercial ) , for the Roberts
and Williams annexation was introduced by the
City Attorney. JOHNSON MOVED for the adoption
of Ordinance No. 1989, Carey seconded. Motion
ZONING Edward L. Jackson. A letter was read from
Mr. and NY�s. Edward L. Jackson requesting
that the Planning Commission re-evaluate
the zoning of their property at 627 East
Titus Street. It was noted that this property
was zoned C-3, General Commercial , at their
request in 1965 in order to enable them to
conduct a business in the basement of their
home. When the house was advertised for
sale last month as commercial property, it
was determined that the property was no longer
zoned C-3 but was now zoned MR-H, High Density
Multi-Family Residential . It was determined
that when the zoning was updated for the City
in 1973, the fact that this property was com-
mercial was overlooked, so the Jacksons were
not advised of the Zoning Code hearings.
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part
of the record and referred to the Planning
Department for consideration, Just seconded.
Notion carried.
ANNEXATION Pro_posE�Island (Suburban View) Annexation.
Street noted that a few months ago the Council
had directed the individuals who were attempt-
ing to annex the "Island" area to put some
petitions together for the possibility of
annexation. He has now been notified by the
parties working on this annexation that they
have determined that three portions of the
area which are contiguous can be annexed if
the Council will accept the three individual
petitions. Street recommended that such
acceptance be encouraged as the people are
in need of sewer service and the areas
involved are contiguous. MASTERS MOVED that
the City Administrator indicate that the
Council would give favorable consideration
to the proposal , Just seconded. Motion carried.
ANNEXATION Proposed Anderson__Annexation. A 10% petition
has been received from Kirk Anderson for
annexation of approximately 36 acres located
on S.E. 256th, immediately west of the recent
Revised Plemmons Annexation. JOHNSON MOVED
that receipt of the petition be noted and
that the Council review the petition with
the proponents at 7:30 p.m. at the work session
to be held September 13, 1976. McCaughan
seconded. Motion carried.
FINAL Cambridge East Division No. _I . The preliminary
PLAT plat of Cambridge East Division No. I was
approved on November 17, 1975. At a public
hearing on the final plat held May 17, 1976,
the applicant requested permission to con-
struct at least 500110 of the required improve-
ments before filing the final plat. This
action reduced his required bonding. The
final plat has now been submitted by the
applicant together with the required bond.
Planning Director Harris noted the location
of the plat as being north of S. 277th.
The public hearing on the final plat was
opened by the Mayor. In response to Stor-
ment 's question, Wickstrom noted that some
of the undergrounding had been completed,
and that the plans had been approved.
There were no further questions and
STORMENT MOVED that the hearing be closed,
Just seconded. Motion carried. JUST MOVED
that the final plat of Cambridge East Division
# 1 be accepted, Kitto seconded. Motion
HEALTH & Plemmons' Request for Utilities (Plemmons' ,Kent
SANITATION Hiahlands_Annexation) . � It was noted that the
Plemmons' request for utilities outside the
City had been referred to the Public Works
Committee at the August 16 Council meeting.
The Public Works Committee discussed the
request to 1 ) provide temporary service, or
2) indicate willingness for Cascade Sewer
District to annex the area, together with
other possible actions which included 3)
providing service as if the Boundary Review
Board had approved it; 4) annexing the Plem-
mons property by way of a narrow corridor;
and 5) taking no action pending action on
the appeals of the Boundary review Board action.
The Committee recommends that no action be
taken pending results on the matter of the
appeals which have been filed on the Bound-
ary Review Board action.
MASTERS MOVED to refer this to the Planning
Commission for consideration of pre-zoning,
Johnson seconded. Masters noted that this
matter has been appealed and that a court
date has not as yet been set . She pointed
out that if the matter goes to trial before
the City could consider pre-zoning, that
the action of this motion would probably
become void. Masters pointed out that the
City has the option of considering a pre-
zoning and that if a zoning was proposed
which was favorable to those who had objec-
ted to the annexation, they might be persu-
aded to become a part of the annexation.
Johnson pointed out that this proposed
annexation had failed to acquire sufficient
signatures for the 75% petition, and that
Plemmons had a letter on file stating that
he would seek annexation when the valuation
HEALTH & of his development was sufficient to cover
SANITATION the 75% requirement . It was noted that the
Committee had recommended that no action be
taken until the outcome of the appeal is
known. Masters explained that her motion
was offered as an alternative to waiting
and taking no action and that she realized
that if a Court decision is reached before
action is taken on the pre—zone proposal ,
that her motion might be null and void.
She further noted that if an agreement
could be reached and Mr. Plemmons could
proceed, she thought that he would be
willing to do so. Upon Storment 's question,
she agreed to have this explanation a PART
OF THE MOTION. Johnson concurred that if
the Planning Commission proposes a zoning
classification which others in the area
favor, the necessary additional signatures
for the annexation petition might be forth—
coming. Masters' motion carried, with Just
voting nay.
Sewer Connection 1- equests. Mr. Shields J.
Coppo has asked for two free connections to
the sewer crossing his property, stating
that it was his understanding that he was to
receive these. His property is located out—
side of Kent. The easement was acquired
after the adoption of the present policy
regarding outside utility connection. No
commitment was given by any Kent employee
or agent. The easement was purchased by
Jim nice. It is the recommendation of the
Public Works & Planning Committee that the
request be denied because it conflicts
with City policy. STORMENT MOVED that the
Public Works & Planning Committee recommenda—
tion be adopted, Johnson seconded. Motion
Mr. James Schmitt has requested permission
to retain in its present location a fence
which he recently constructed. The fenced
area includes a portion of the North—South
alley west of Clark Street in Block 4,
Clark's Second Addition. The Public Works
& Planning Committee recommends granting the
request if removable sections approved by
the Sewer Superintendent are provided to
enable sanitary sewer maintenance. STORMENT
MOVED that the Sewer Superintendent contact
Mr. Schmitt and describe the required remov—
able sections which are acceptable, Carey
seconded. Motion carried.
Downtown Sewer Replacement. Three bids were
received on August 27, 1976 for the downtown
sewer replacement project on First, Second,
Sixth, Gowe & Meeker Streets, as follows;
Tri—State Construction $208, 139.60,
including tax
Frank Coluccio .Construction $228,619.45,
including tax
Lundberg Construction $236,525.29,
including tax
HEALTH & In accordance with the recommendation of the
SANITATION Engineering Department , McCAUGHAN MOVED that
Tri-State Construction Co. , Inc. be awarded
the contract for the downtown sewer replace-
ment project for the best bid of $208, 139.60,
Carey seconded. In response to Storment 's
question, Wickstrom noted that the contractor
had hoped to begin work about September 20,
but no schedule was available as yet .
John Megan, manager of the Bible Book Store
on Meeker Street spoke from the audience,
expressing concern over the fact that the
downtown streets would possibly be torn up
during the Christmas holiday period which
begins about the middle of November. Regan
questioned whether some arrangements could
be made with the contractor to complete
this portion of the project prior to that
time or delay it until after the holiday
season. Wickstrom and Street pointed out
that this was a 90-day contract and no pro-
vision was made for any specific portion
of the project to be compJeted at a desig-
nated time. Street noted, however, that
most contractors were agreeable to working
out an amicable solution to such problems
and were anxious to complete those portions
of a project which involved heavily trafficked
areas as soon as possible. It was determined
for McCaughan that the street would not be
blocked in its entirety in any event and that
at least one lane would be kept open for
traffic. Motion carried.
WATER East Hill _Commun i t�We 1 1 Co. A. meeting is
scheduled with the East Hill Community Well
Co. at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 14,
In the Kent Council Chambers, to discuss a
number of possible actions by Kent and the
Water Company to improve water service and
fire protection on the East Hill. Attend-
ance by the Public Works & Planning Committee
members is urged. The following Council
members indicated they would attend the
meeting: Storment , Carey and Johnson.
STREETS Smith Street--Improvement. As has been in
all prior street projects, the City has
authorized Puget Power to provide the cir-
cuitry to the new street lights in conjunc-
tion with the electrical undergrounding.
The costs generally run less than $2,000;
however, in this project an extra 2" con-
duit for a future signal intertie between
Central and Fourth Avenue has been requested.
It is the recommendation of the Engineering
Department that Puget Power be authorized
to do the work for their requested amount
of $3,794.40. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Puget
Power be authorized to install , in conjunc-
tion with the Smith Street project, the
street light circuitry and additional con-
duit in the amount of $3,794.40. Johnson
seconded. On Storment 's question, it was
determined that Puget Power had done this
work in the past. Street further explained
that the extra conduit was necessary for
the functioning of the emergency vehicle
control system (OPTICOM) . Motion carried.
STREETS SIurE_y_Seals. Rossoe, Inc. has completed the
contract for the slurry seals for the Cambridge
and Scenic Hill areas and the Engineering Depart—
ment recommends acceptance of the same. JOHNSON
MOVED to accept the con-tract as complete and
that after receipt of the necessary releases
from the State the retainage be released.
Masters seconded. Storment noted that in the
Scenic Hill area Stoneburner Lane had been
tarred but not sealed, and it was determined
by Wickstrom that Stoneburner was not included
in the contract. Motion carried.
Asphalt y_fr a s. The contract of Lakeside
Industries for the 1976 asphalt overlays has
now been completed. In accordance with the
recommendations of the Engineering Department,
MASTERS MOVED that the Lakeside Industries
contract for the 1976 asphalt overlays be
accepted as complete and that after receipt
of the necessary releases from the State,
the retainage be released. Carey seconded.
In response to Masters' question, Wickstrom
noted that the project included asphalt
overlays on portions of S. 268th Street,
S. 208th Street, Retin load, 38th Avenue S. ,
S. 249th Street, S. 250th Street, and the
rest of the City Shops area. Storment
questioned the reason for not completing
all of Reiten koad and Wickstrom determined
that it was hoped that an LID would be
initiated to complete the resurfacing of
the road. Notion carried.
TRAFFIC North Clark Avenue. The Clerk read a petition,
CONTROL containing 46 signatures, requesting that a
truck route be established so that heavy
trucks would be prevented from using North
Clark Avenue. The petition further requested
that the City post "25 Miles Per Hour" signs.
STORMENT MOVED for the petition to be made
a part of the record and referred to the
Public Works & Planning Committee, Carey
seconded. Street and Masters suggested that
the matter be referred to the Traffic Engineer.
Storment stated thal there had been other
requests for a truck route and that he wanted
this referred to the Committee. Motion
carried. STORMENT FURTHER MOVED that the
"25 Miles Per Hour" signs be posted as re—
quested, Johnson seconded. Upon questions
from the Council, Street determined that
the speed limit is 25 miles per hour on
City streets except near schools (20 mph)
and on arterials (35 mph) and that if signs
were to be posted on Clark Avenue other
residential areas would also expect to
have signs posted. Upon McCaughan's ques—
tion, Wickstrom suggested that the matter
be referred to the Traffic Engineer and
for a report to be made at the next workshop
meeting. Storment commented that there were
46 residents requesting these signs and
called for a vote on the motion. Motion
failed, with only Storment and Johnson voting
in favor. It was determined that the Public
1Norks & Planning Committee would study the
matter and could confer with the Traffic
Engineer and Administration prior to reporting
back to the Council .
TRAFFIC Smith Street . Rev. Gretz spoke from the
CONTROL audience, noting that the work in progress
on Smith Street was causing a traffic prob-
lem. He suggested that the signs be posted at
Central and Smith so that large trucks would
be alerted that a problem existed on Smith
Electronic Measuring Device. One bid was
received on September 7 to furnish an
Electronic Distance Measuring Device.
In accordance with the recommendations
of the Engineering Department, JUST MOVED
to accept the bid of Hewlett-Packard Co.
in the amount of $6,775.07, including tax,
Storment seconded. Motion carried.
UNDERGROUND LID 279. The Public Works & Planning Com-
WIRING mittee met with Mr. Herb geed, engineer
for the Kent Shopping Center. At that time
it was determined that the Public Works
Department should make a study of the policies
of other cities regarding variances from the
requirements of their underground utilities
POLICE & FIRE Emergency Communications. It was noted that
Mayor Hogan and City Administrator Street
met with Ms. Kagi of Jack Lynch's office as
noted at the last Council meeting. The
County is interested in possible intergovern-
mental agreements in many areas, which will
be explored as they occur, and if advantage-
ous to both the City and the County, the
activities will be pursued.
FIRE DEPARTMENT Automatic Flow Control Nozzle. One bid was
received to furnish three or more automatic
flow control nozzles for the Fire Department .
The bid received was in the amount of
$ 12,648 each, including tax. A budget
item of Federal Revenue Sharing money in
the amount of $50,600 was approved July 19,
1976 and it is recommended that approval
be given to the purchase of four nozzles.
STORMENT MOVED that the bid of Givens & Co.
be accepted for four units, Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
Fire Tower. STORMENT MOVED to table accept-
ance of the contract of Federal Construction
Co. , as complete, for construction of the
fire tower until completion of the second
WISHA inspection, Johnson seconded. Stor-
ment explained that the initial electrical
inspection did not meet WISHA requirements.
Motion carried.
PARKS & Playground Equipment. Bids were opened on
RECREATION various playground equipment on September
3, 1976. Vanco Recreation, Inc. was the
only firm to submit a complete bid. In
accordance with the recommendations of the
Parks Department, KITTO MOVED to accept the
bid of Vanco recreation, Inc. in the amount
of $4,772. 13 to supply various playground
equipment, McCaughan seconded. Motion
PARKS & Portable Toilets. Bids were received from
RECREATION Aquazyme West, Inc. and from United Services
on September 3, 1976 to furnish 12 portable
chemical toilets and 12 wood palkets. The
Parks Department has recommended acceptance
of the low bid of Aquazyme West, Inc. in the
amount of $5,729.52, including tax, for the
toilets and pallets, and STORMENT MOVED to
accept Aquazyme's bid. Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
PARK BOARD A letter from Carl Pozzi was read announcing
his resignation from the Board of Park Com—
missioners effective September I due to a
change in his business commitments. STORMENT
MOVED that the resignation of Carl Pozzi be
accepted with regret, Masters seconded. On
McCaughan's question, Mayor Hogan explained
that the Board of Park Commissioners would
make a recommendation for a replacement after
they interview those interested in serving
and that she, in turn, would make a recommenda—
tion to the Council . Motion carried.
KENT COMMONS The public hearing on Phase 11 , Kent Commons
and various park projects was held August
23, 1976. Minutes of the hearing have been
distributed to the Council . The City Attor—
ney read Ordinance No. 1990, in its entirety,
stating the intent of the City Council to
issue up to $3,000,000 in negotiable general
obligation bonds for municipal recreation
purposes, and directing the City Attorney
to prepare a ballot proposition and ballot
synopsis to be-forwarded to the King County
Director of Elections to be placed on the
ballot on November 2, 1976. JUST MOVED for
the adoption of Ordinance No. 1990, Kitto
seconded. Motion carried.
Mayor Hogan has appointed the following
individuals to meet with the architect
concerning Phase IA and IB of the Kent
Commons project : Councilpersons McCaughan,
and Carey, Mary Loop, Harry Williams and
Vicki Bauer: KITTO MOVED that this committee
membership be approved, Storment seconded.
McCaughan noted that two meetings had already
been held and another meeting was scheduled
for Thursday. He indicated a report would
hopefully be brought to the next workshop
meeting. Motion carried.
HOUSING & Day Care Center. At the last work session
COMMUNITY the Kent Junior Chamber of Commerce requested
DEVELOPMENT that Kent sponsor their request for $50,000
of Housing & Community Development money
to develop a day care center at their build—
ing on 124th S.E. It is necessary for them
to have a municipality or County government
as sponsor. The City Attorney has given his
opinion that even if the activity is outside
the City of Kent, the City could sponsor and
request the grant. Two items to be considered
are 1 ) the King County Housing is placing a
day care center in conjunction with Spring—
wood Housing at 132nd S.E. , only eight blocks
away from the proposed Junior Chamber of
Commerce location; 2) the City would have
to determine that this project was of higher
priority than their other projects. While
the area proposed to be served includes
some or all of Kent, it is not centrally
HOUSING & located to serve Kent. It is most likely
COMMUNITY that the service of both projects will be
DEVELOPMENT utilized by individuals from the unincorporated
area. It is suggested that sponsorship
should be by King County. McCAUGHAN MOVED
that the sponsorship should be by King
County, Johnson seconded. Motion carried,
with Storment voting nay.
CLAIMS John Reese. A claim in the amount of $ 127.09
has been filed by John Reese for alleged
damage to his automobile on Weiland Street
while leaving the Pacifica Apartments because
of an existing street condition. McCAUGHAN
MOVED that the claim of John Reese be referred
to the City Attorney for determination, Carey
seconded. Motion carried.
A. J. Spooner. At the last Council meeting the
claim of A. J. Spooner in the amount of $83.56
was referred to the City Attorney for determina—
tion of the City's liability. It is his deter—
mination that the City is liable for the claim
and that it should be paid. STORMENT MOVED
that upon the recommendation of the City Attor—
ney the claim of A. J. Spooner in the amount
of $83.56 be paid, Johnson seconded. In res—
ponse to Storment 's question, Mirk noted that
the claim involved a stolen motorcycle belong—
ing to Mr. Spooner which had been recovered
by the King County Police Department , who in
turn had notified the Kent Police Department
of this fact. Mr. Spooner was never notified
by the Kent Police Department that the vehicle
had been recovered until he was notified by
the company storing it that it was about to
be sold for storage charges. Since the error
was on the part of the City, Mirk determined
that the claim should be paid. Motion
Paul Myers. A claim has been filed by Paul
Myers alleging that a City mowing machine
threw a rock that broke a window in his car.
The City Attorney has reviewed the claim and
recommends denial . STORMENT MOVED that the
claim of Paul Myers in the amount of $40
be denied as recommended by the City Attorney,
McCaughan seconded. The City Attorney
explained that the reason for the denial is
because this type of mower cannot throw
rocks. Motion carried.
FLOOD CONTROL Two letters from John Spellman to the Army
Corps of Engineers concerning the Green
,ziver were read at the Counci I meeting of
August 2, 1976. These letters were in refer—
ence to a public hearing held by the Corps
in March of 1971 in Kent . At that meeting,
several alternatives were discussed to extend
the capability of the Green River to handle a
100 and/or 500 year storm water runoff. The
alternative suggested by Kent, Renton, Auburn,
and Tukwila was to raise the present level by
two feet, but possibly allowing flood water to
flow over certain areas that would be retained
for greenbelt purposes. King County did not
accept any of the alternatives but turned the
request of the Corps over to their Environmental
Committee. Now after five years, King County
is indicating their willingness to reply.
CONFERENCES & ICMA Conference. The City Administrator has
CONVENTIONS requested authorization to attend the ICMA
Conference in Toronto, September 26-30, 1976.
The request has been approved by the Finance
Committee and there is sufficient money in
the 1976 Administrative Budget. MASTERS MOVED
to approve the request, Carey seconded. Motion
I CB_O Conference. Chief Foster has requested
approval for Paul Edgerton to attend the ICBO
Conference in Des Moines, Iowa October 10-16,
1976. This conference is included in the 1976
Fire Department Budget. STOR MENT MOVED to
approve the request, McCaughan seconded. Motion
COUNCIL Mayor Hogan noted that the Council would meet
in executive session immediately following
the adjournment of the Council meeting and
requested that the City Attorney and City
Administrator attend this session.
FINANCE McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received
through September 3, 1976 and approved by
the Finance Committee at its meeting to be
held at 8:00 a.m. September 15, 1976 be
paid, Just seconded. Motion carried.
The following claims were approved by the
Finance Committee at its meeting on August
31 , 1976:
Current Expense $ 27,489.60
Parks & ��ecreation 9,733.64
Library 763.68
City Streets 29,902.69
Alcohol rtehabilitation 877.36
Federal Shared r�evenue 2,014.41
Kent Commons Construction 103,993.31
Canyon Drive 3.54
Equipment dental 1 ,674. 13
Housing & Community Dev 1 ,041 .65
Firemans Zel & Pension 68.00
LEFF Disability 2, 191 .46
U L I D # 1 142.76
Sewer 44,676.42
'vdat er 10,206.32
Garbage 479.50
respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk