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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1976 Kent , Washington
July 6, 1976
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8:00 o'clock p.m. Present : Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey,
Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City
Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris, Public Works Director Ulett and Finance Director Winkle.
Also present : Planning Commissioners Long, Hamilton and Rosetta
Jones, and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately 20 people
were in attendance at the meeting.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting
held June 21 , 1976 be approved as printed,
Storment seconded. Motion carried
UNDERGROUND LID 279. The hearing on LID 279 was continued
WIRING to this meeting to give Mr. Reed, the Consult—
ing Engineer for Kent Shopping Center, time to
verify the Puget Power charge for underground
service at the Smith Street Shopping Center.
On June 30 he had been unable to verify this
charge and requested that the hearing be con—
tinued until July 19. The City Attorney and
Public Works Director have both agreed that
this is a reasonable request and accordingly,
STORMENT MOVED that the public hearing on Kitto
LID 279 be continued until July 19, 1976,
seconded. Motion carried.
PLANNING It was noted that consideration of the appoint—
COMMISSION ment of Harry Williams to the Planning Commis—
sion had been tabled at the last meeting.
KITTO MOVED to remove the item from the
table, and Masters interrupted, raising a
point of order, stating that it would be more
appropriate for such a motion to be made by
a Council member who had been present at the
last meeting and who had voted on the pre—
vailing side. Mirk stated that any council—
person could make such a motion. Just
seconded Kitto's motion to remove the
item from the table, motion carried. It
was noted that the terms of three Planning
Commissioners will expire this month.-and
the Mayor has recommended the appointment
of Harry Williams of 25714 — 135th Ave. S.E.
and Jon Johnson of 23911 — IOOth Ave. S.E.
and the reappointment of William Holmer of
26408 — 136th S.E. KITTO MOVED to confirm
these appointments, Just seconded. Johnson
questioned as to why the reappointment of
Rasmussen had not been proposed. Mayor
Hogan noted that such appointments were at
the discretion of the Mayor and she declined
further comment. Masters stated that the
motion was inappropriate because it was in
three parts, and further opined that the manner
appointments were made
such a of removes
in which pp
the citizen participation from this Board,
and that the Board was becoming a hand—
picked group. Upon a roll call vote, the
motion failed, with Carey, Johnson, Masters
and Storment voting nay.
PLANNING Immediately prior to adjournment, Just asked
COMMISSION Mirk about the status of the Planning Commis-
sion since the three vacancies had not been
filled tonight. Mirk stated that the ordinance
provides for appointments to be made by the
Mayor with confirmation by the Council , but
that such confirmation does not ordinarily
provide for actual participation in the selec-
tion process. He suggested that at least the
reappointment of Holmer be considered at this
meeting and acknowledged the value of Holmer's
past contribution to the Commission. MASTERS
MOVED to confirm Holmer 's reappointment, noting
that she had requested that such confirmation
be by separate motions. Johnson seconded,
motion carried.
JUST MOVED to confirm Williams' appointment ,
McCaughan seconded. Upon Carey's question,
it was pointed out that it was not required
that members of the Planning Commission
reside within the City limits. Carey opined
that it should be required. Mirk clarified
that the ordinance specifies that the majority
of the members must reside in the City. Upon
a roll call vote, the motion passed, with
Johnson, Masters and Storment voting nay.
JUST MOVED to confirm Jon Johnson's appoint-
ment, Carey seconded. Motion carried, with
Johnson and Masters dissenting.
APPOINTMENTS As an information item, the Mayor has noted
TO VARIOUS that positions on various Boards will expire
BOARDS as follows:
Library Board I position Oct. 1976
Planning Commission 3 positions July 1977
Park Board 2 positions July 1977
Board of Adjustment I position Feb. 1977
Library Board I position Dec. 1977
GAMBLING It was noted that a report had been submitted
by the Administrator at the June 14 work
session showing the revenue to Kent from the
non-profit bingo. STORMENT MOVED that further
gambling, namely pull tabs, punchboards and
card rooms be authorized. Kitto seconded.
Storment stated that he had discussed the
matter with Police Chief elect Skewes, who
had no objection, and Storment further stated
that if a problem developed with any of these
forms of gambling, that such form would be
immediately removed from the ordinance. Upon
Just 's question, Mirk noted that an ordinance
providing for the tax on these forms of gamb-
line would have to be drafted. Upon a roll
call vote, the motion carried, with Johnson
and Just voting nay. STORMENT MOVED for the
tax rate on these forms of gambling to be the
same as the King County rate. Masters seconded.
Upon further questions it could not be deter-
mined whether the King County rate of tax was
the maximum allowed by the State. It was
noted that two nearby cities each had different
taxing rates, and Masters and Storment agreed
that we should have the same rate as King County.
GAMBLING JUST MOVED to table the matter of the taxing
rate, and to refer it to the Finance Committee
for study, McCaughan seconded. It was deter—
mined that the Finance Committee would meet
on July 15, and an ordinance could be passed
on the 19th. Notion to I-able carried.
COMMITTEE Finance. Kitto reported that the Finance
MEETINGS Committee had begun consideration of the
Federal Revenue Sharing requests and that
additional consideration would be given at
the next Finance Committee meeting on July
15. He also noted that salary reviews had
been made and this matter would be brought
to the next workshop meeting.
Public Works_& Planning. Stormont reported
that the Public Works & Planning Committee
would meet on July 7 at 8: 15 a.m. in the
3rd floor conference room.
Parks & Recreation. McCaughan reported
that a special meeting of the Parks &
Recreation Committee would be held at
8: 15 a.m. on July 7 to prioritize Federal
Revenue Sharing Fund requests. Carey
noted that he would attend this meeting
and Just would attend the Public Works
& Planning Committee meeting.
CIVIL SERVICE A letter was read from John and Hildur
COMMISSION Mullen expressing appreciation to the
Civil Service Commission for the many
hours spent in selecting a new Police
Chief and noting that more of their ? ime
would be needed as the City acquires
more police and fire personnel . MASTERS
MOVED that the letter be accepted and a
copy provided to the Civil Service Commis—
sion for their files, Storment seconded.
Notion carried.
ANNEXATION Revised Plemmons Annexation. The public
hearing on the revised Plemmons annexation
is scheduled for this meeting. The King
County Boundary Review Board declined to
consider the annexation within the allotted
60—day period. Ulett described the area as
being on the north side of S. E. 256th lying
west of 116th S.E. The Mayor declared the
public hearing open. There were no comments
from the audience and no correspondence.
KITTO MOVED that the hearing be closed,
Storment seconded. Motion carried. The
City Attorney introduced Ordinance No. 1969
annexing to the City certain lands contigu—
ous thereto and commonly referred to as the
Plemmons annexation. STORMENT MOVED that
Ordinance No. 1969 he adopted, Johnson
seconded. Motion carried.
BICENTENNIAL John Long presented the Mayor with several
COMMITTEE certificates awarded to the City in recogni-
tion of Kent 's Bicentennial activities. He
noted that Ted Sears, a student at Soos
Creek Elementary School , had received 3rd
BICENTENNIAL place standing in the Bicentennial essay
COMMITTEE contest sponsored by the State. One certifi-
cate was in recognition of Kent 's reforesta-
tion program along the Green River and for
the historical markers project. A letter
of special commendation from President Ford
was also presented to the Mayor in recogni-
tion of Kent 's " lasting reminder" program.
Lone also reported on the historical bus
tours planned as part of the Bicentennial
activities, noting that Ed Reiten would be
giving the commentary on the tours. He
stated that a bus is available and that
the insurance required that the bus driver
be a non-drinker. Storment indicated that
he would endeavor to locate such a person
to drive the bus. Long reported that the
tours were expected to begin during the
last week in July, with each tour lasting
one to two hours.
Long also reported that about 700 people
were in attendance at the 4th of July pro-
gram held on Sunday evening. Mayor Hogan
expressed thanks to Long for his fine efforts
on behalf of the Bicentennial celebration.
MEEKER DAYS It was noted that a discussion was held at
the work session held on June 14 concerning
participation in Meeker Days.
FIRE The annual meeting with the Commissioners
DEPARTMENT of Fire District #37 was held June 28, 1976.
West_ Hill Fire Station. At the last work
sess� ion a proposal from Fire Chief Foster
was presented as follows:
1 ) Two firemen would be hired immediately
and be trained during the month of July.
2) Within 30 days, two experienced firemen
would be stationed in the West Hill Sta-
tion - eight hours in the day and five
days a week.
3) The two trainees would be placed in other
4) The men would work out of the present
station, and if necessary temporary
lavatory facilities would be installed.
5) Approval is requested to furnish the
station at a cost of $2500.
6) The excess funds to pay salaries and
fringe benefits will be reserved in
the unexpended balance of the current
expense fund and transferred as needed.
STORMENT MOVED that the above proposal be
adopted and the staff be directed to imple-
ment the proposal immediately. Johnson
seconded. Motion carried.
PAWN BROKERS A proposed ordinance amending the present
Pawn Brokers ordinance to include recently
enacted State Statutes was reviewed at the
last work session. City Attorney Mirk
introduced Ordinance No. 1971 amending
Section 9 and 19 of Ordinance No. 1235
relating to pawnbrokers. JOHNSON MOVED
that Ordinance 1971 be adopted, Storment
seconded. Motion carried.
PUBLIC A proposed ordinance covering the subject of
NUISANCES Public Nuisances was reviewed at the last work
session. Mirk introduced Ordinance No. 1970
defining a public nuisance, declaring certain
acts to constitute a public nuisance, provid-
ing penalties for violations and repealing
certain prior Ordinances. McCAUGHAN MOVED
for the adoption of Ordinance 1970, Johnson
seconded. On Storment 's request, City Attor-
ney Mirk read sub-paragraph ( 12) of Section 3
regarding unused, abandoned or discarded
refrigerators. Storment stated that he
wished that section to state that doors
on such refrigerators must be removed, and
made a motion to so amend the Ordinance.
Johnson seconded. Amendment carried.
Motion to adopt the Ordinance as amended
KENT COMMONS Wallace Murray Property. It is requested
that the Administrator be authorized to
exercise the option to purchase the Wallace
Murray property. It is necessary to have
two appraisals of the property and its value
is to be used as a part of the City's share
of Phase IB and it will probably be necessary
also for Phase IA and Phase 2. JUST MOVED
that the Administrator initiate action to
utilize the option to purchase the Wallace
Murray property and to have the necessary
appraisals made. McCaughan seconded. Upon
Carey's question, Street determined that the
architect had stated it would not be neces-
sary to reduce the size of the building for
Phase 2 in order to fit the facility on this
property. In response to Storment 's query,
Street stated that there was no basement
contemplated for the building to his know-
ledge. Motion carried, over Masten' nay.
CLAIMS Jeffrey B.Wheeler. A claim has been received
for alleged damage to an automobile while
traveling on the Kent-Kancley Road. There
is a question of whether the State contractor
or some sub-contractor may or may not be
liable and in accordance with the recommenda-
tion of the City Attorney, STORMENT MOVED
that the claim of Jeffrey B. Wheeler be for-
warded to our insurance carrier for deter-
mination, Just seconded. Motion carried.
PRELIMINARY Green Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary
PLATS Plat. On June 22, 1976, the Planning Com-
mission held a public hearing on the Green
Valley Heights #6 Replat Preliminary Plat
and recommended denial . A public meeting
should now be set by the Council to consider
adoption or rejection of the Planning Com-
mission's recommendation. If the Council
PRELIMINARY deems a change in the Planning Commission's
PLATS recommendation is necessary at the scheduled
public meeting, a change cannot be made
until the Council has conducted a public
hearing on the matter and adopted its own
recommendations and approved or disapproved
the preliminary plat. KITTO MOVED that a
public meeting to consider adoption or r eiec-
tion of the Planning Commission's recommenda—
tion he held on July 19, 1976, McCaughan
seconded. Motion carried.
b�es t view Trace ce Preliminary Plat. On June 22,
ti . „ _._______._...._�..�.
1976 the Planning Commission held a public
hearing on the Westview Trace Preliminary
Plat and recommended approval with conditions.
The Council should now set a date for a public
meeting to consider adoption or rejection of the
Commission's recommendations, and if the
Council deems a change in the Commission's
recommendation is necessary, the Council must
then conduct a public hearing to adopt its own
recommendations and approve or disapprove the
preliminary plat. Accordingly, McCAUGHAN
MOVED that a public meeting be held on July 19,
1976, Just seconded. Motion carried.
METRO BUS Street noted that the City has received a
SHELTERS proposal from Metro to erect three bus shelters
in the Kent area. It was determined that
approval has already been given to the location
near the Kent Memorial Park. Another shelter is
proposed to be located near the Boeing
property at approximately S. 200th. The third
site proposed is on 104th SE at SE 235th, just
north of the Kent cit%/ limits. It was deter—
mined that approval for the 104th Ave. shelter
would have to be obtained from the State or the
County. JUST MOVED to endorse the proposed sites
for shelters, Masters seconded. Johnson questioned
whether a shelter would be located at Meeker and
Central . It was determined that there was no
shelter planned for that site as Metro wished
to encourage the riders to use the other
designated places. Motion carried.
Storment noted that a problem existed with bus
riders crossing No. Central near VIP's Restaurant.
Street stated he would contact Metro about
changing the location of that particular bus
stop. Mirk noted further that people from the
South King County Activity Center were also
crossing Central Avenue in this same hazardous
TRAFFIC Penalties For Speeding. The City Attorney
introduced Ordinance No. 1973 amending Section
5 of Ordinance 1811 relating to the penalty
for violating the speed limit law. Street
explained that this would change the fine
from $500 to $250. STORMENT MOVED for the
adoption of Ordinance 1973, Just seconded.
Motion carried.
It was noted that an ordinance covering park—
ing restrictions and other traffic controls
was reviewed at the last work session.
. 1972 establishing parkina
TRAFFIC Ordinance No _
limitations and establishing one—way streets
and alleys within the City was introduced
by the City Attorney. McCAUGHAN MOVED that
Ordinance 1972 be adopted, Storment seconded.
Motion carried.
STREETS Meeker Street Improvement. Mirk noted that
the Traf_fic Engineer has advised that there
is no longer any problem concerning the use
of Meeker Street as contemplated to allow
angle parking, since the street is no longer
covered under the Federal Aid Hinhway system.
Titus/Central Intersection. Ulett reported
that he had contacted State Highway officials
regarding the Titus—Central intersection im—
provement and it was expected that authoriza—
tion to proceed would be received shortly.
Bid: 1976 Asphalt Paving Project. Bids were
received on June 30 for the 1976 asphalt pav—
ing, projects as follows:
Lakeside Industries $52, 172.00 incl . tax
Hi—Line Paving 57,201 .60 incl . tax
Associated Sand & Gravel 60,275.82 incl . tax
McCAUGHAN MOVED to accent the best bid of Lake—
side Industries, Carey seconded. Motion
Bid: Slurry Seal . One bid was received on
July 2 to furnish and place Slurry Seal on
Cambridge and Scenic Hill Streets. In accord—
ance with the recommendation of the Public
Works Department , JOHNSON MOVED that the best
bid of zossoe, Inc. in the amount of $ 15,000
be accepted, Masters seconded. Storment noted
that some of the streets on Scenic. Hill were
slurry sealed four years ago and it is now
necessary for some of them to be redone.
Ulett noted that slurry sealing accomplishes
two things -- it seals the surface, preventing
water from penetrating and it gives the full
width of the street a uniform texture. He
Pointed out that this sealing does not beef up
a street which is structurally weak. He stated
that the last slurry sealing that was done was
not very successful but it was expected that
this would be a better job with the new techni—
ques for application. In response to Masters'
question, it was determined that rlossoe, Inc.
was the only company in the area that does this
particular type of work. Ulett pointed out
that this was an entirely differenct tyne of
asphalt than that which was used on S. 212th
and the projects were not comparable. Motion
carried, with Storment voting nay.
PARKS & Bids: Linda Heights Park. Two bids were re—
RECREATION ceived on July 2, 1976 for grading, paving and
playground equipment installation on Linda
Heights Park as follows:
Moss Construction $26,205.60 incl . tax
City Transfer 29,233.74 incl . tax
Ulett reported that the bids received were almost
twice as much as had been anticipated and after
discussion with the Parks Department it is re—
commended that all bids be rejected. He noted
PARKS & that it was felt that the City can do the work
RECREATION for less money with the Street and Park crews
doing much of the work. STORMENT MOVED to
reject the bids, and Masters seconded. Upon
Masters' question, Ulett determined that the
City's estimate was updated about two weeks
prior to the issue of the call for bids. He
noted that it was anticipated that some of the
bulldozer work was to be done by the City but
neither of the bidders was willing to have
the City do this work, so they included this
in the bid. Upon Johnsons question about the
timing on this project, Street noted that this
.p,.....^.... '(' ! particular project was one covered under Housing
CORRECTED ' REFER 1� & Community Development and the monies were not
t � +EF E available until July I . Street further deter-
MINUTES OF ----J_q -.�6 mined for McCaughan that there had been some
sewer department work done in this area.
Motion carried.
BOUNDARY REVIEW Proposed Annexations To Water-Districts. Two
BOARD proposals for annexations to water districts
have been filed recently. One is the Lyle
annexation proposed by King County Water
District 75 and Ulett reported that he had
notified the Boundary Review Board that Kent
has no interest in the proposed annexation.
The other is the proposed Fite annexation
by King County Water District 58. Ulett
noted that this is in the vicinity of the
Westview area and that a portion of it lies
within Kent 's water franchise area. Ulett
indicated that he would discuss the matter
with M-. Roth, engineer for Water District
58 and would report further.
DISASTER PLAN It was noted that City staff is preparing a
Disaster Plan to cover any natural or man-
made disaster. Peter Gomes is the present
head and direct contact between the County
and the Mayor and it is anticipated that he
will continue in this position. A City Co-
ordinator to act as chairman of the staff
committee consisting of one or more repre-
sentatives from each Department is needed.
It is proposed to appoint Chief Tom Foster
to the position of City Coordinator, with
other staff members to include Jerry Ulett ,
Bi I I Stevens, ilaul i�amos and roger Bean. if
additional staff is necessary, Department
heads will be requested to allow employees
to assist. JOHNSON MOVED to approve the pro-
posed staff as presented by the City Administra-
tor for the development of a Kent Disaster
Plan, Carey seconded. Masters questioned
how soon such material for a Disaster Plan
would be available. Street noted that the
staff committee will be working on the Plan
and also indicated that Peter Gomes is hope-
ful of being relieved of his duties as the
present coordinator. He noted that the main
function of the Disaster Plan would be to deal
with those natural disasters such as earth-
quakes, windstorms, floods, etc. Motion
SEPA The Planning Director reviewed the proposed
SEPA ordinance at the last work session and
it was recommended that this ordinance be
adopted with the intention of amending it to
include a fee schedule after a few months'
SEPA exnerienc.e. Ordinanc.e .N.o. 1975 was intro—
_..._ ._.. .__ _. _
duced by the City Attorney establishing
guidelines for compliance with the State
Environmental Policy Act. KITTO MOVED for
the adoption of Ordinance 1975, Masters
seconded. Motion carried.
FINANCE Housing and Urban Development Fund. The
Finance Department has requested the creation
of a fund for Housing and Urban Development
receipts and disbursals. In accordance with
the request, the City Attorney introduced
Ordinance No. 1974 creating the Housing and
Community Development Fund. JOHNSON MOVED
that Ordinance 1974 be adopted, McCaughan
seconded. Motion carried.
Segregation Request — LID 276. A segregation
request has been received from Northwest
Bonded Escrows for the segregation of Assess—
ment # 1 in LID 276. All fees have been paid.
MASTERS MOVED that the segregation be approved
and the City Attorney be directed to prepare
the necessary resolution, McCaughan seconded.
In response to Masters' question, it was
determined that the property involved is in
Sunset Manor. Motion carried.
JUST MOVED to pay bills received on or before
July 6, 1976 after approved by the Finance
Committee at its meeting to be held at 8:00
a.m. July 15, 1976, Johnson seconded.
Motion carried.
The following claims were approved at the
Finance Committee meeting on June 30, 1976:
Current Expense $ 44,721 .51
Federal /State Grant Fund 54.65
Parks & Recreation 13,035.45
Library 66,541 .03
City Streets 7. 113.90
Alcoholic Rehabilitation 921 .67
Federal Shared Revenue 3,731 .96
Kent Commons Center 6,644.34
S. 180th EVH—WVH 1 ,288.89
Equipment mental 6,064.29
Housing & Comm. Dev. 266.00
Arts Commission 52.85
Firemen's R & P 121 .29
LEOFF Disability 2,974.04
Sewer 43,908. 11
Water 12, 18350
Garbage 515.36
$212, 138.84
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jens-en, CMC
City Clerk