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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 03/01/1976 Kent, Washington
March 11 1976
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8 : 00 o 'clock p.m . Presents Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey,
Johnson, Just, Kitto, Masters , McCaughan and Storment, City
Administrator Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director
Harris, Public Works Director Ulett . Finance Director Winkle
was absent. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Parks Director
Wilson, Planning Commissioner Hamilton, and URS representative
Ramsey. Approximately 35 people were in attendance at the
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting
held February 17, 1976 be approved as printed,
Storment seconded . Motion carried.
PROCLAMATION A proclamation was read by the Mayor declaring
the week of March 1 through 7, 1976 as Physical
Education and Sports Week.
DOMED STADIUM It was noted that on Saturday, March 27, 1976
a pageant will be the first event to be held
in the King County Domed Stadium. There will
be a charge for this event. On Sunday, March
281 1976 free tours of the stadium will be
conducted .
HEALTH & Garbage Service . Mr. Mirk noted that Carl
SANITATION Angell was in attendance at the meeting in
regard to his bill for garbage service which
was discussed at the December 15 , 1975 Council
meeting and referred to the City Attorney for
further action . Mr. Angell was notified that
the matter would be discussed at the Public
Works Committee meeting to be held on Wednesday,
March 31 at 8: 15 a.m.
Payment in Lieu of Assessment Policy. It was
noted that where Kent has financed water main
or sanitary sewer projects and use 'of the utility-i
requires a property owner payment in lieu of an
assessment, requests are sometimes received for
deferred payments. The Director of Public Works
has recommended that the following policy be
adopted :
1 ) That installment payments must be authorized
by the City Council .
2 ) That a promissory note be executed and filed
in the King County records.
� . 3 ) That $10 .00 be added to the amount of the charge
in lieu of assessment to cover the cost of the
note filing, the filing of the release and
other City costs .
4) That the note not include permit charges or
water service charges .
5 ) That the note not be for less than $300 .
6 ) That the note be for a period of five years
or less .
7 ) That the interest rate be 8/ per annum on the
unpaid balance .
STORMENT MOVED that the matter be referred to the
Public Works Committee, Johnson seconded . After
Johnson stated that she felt that any time a matter
of policy was to be the subject of Council action
it should be referred to the Committee first and
HEALTH & be discussed at a workshop meeting, Ulett pointed
SANITATION out that the only change to the existing policy
was the $10 .00 charge listed in item 3 . City
Treasurer Drotz clarified that the $10 .00 additional
fee represented the cost for filing the note and the
filing of the release upon the completion of
payment, which has heretofore been paid by the
City . STORMENT WITHDREW the motion and Johnson
the second . STORMENT MOVED that the payment in
lieu of assessment policy be adopted, as presented
above, Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
100th Avenue Sewer Interceptor - In Lieu of
Assessment Rates . It was noted that the payment
in lieu of assessment for this sewer has been
established at $3 .60 per front foot plus $250
per side sewer, except that the rate for the
property on the west side from the section corner
at S .E . 224th Street southerly 770 . 24 feet is
$1 .80 per front foot plus $250 per side sewer, the
lower rate being because individual pumps will
be required . The rates are based on actual and
final costs .
5 .t. 224th Street Interceptor Sewer - In Lieu of
Assessment Charges . It was noted that the payment
in lieu of assessment for this sewer has been
established at $8.56 per front foot plus $350
per side sewer, based on actual and final costs .
Norder Request for Sewer Service . Mr,. and Mrs.
E . Roger Norder, 26320 - 104th Avenue S .E . , have
requested sewer service for their dwelling outside
of Kent in an area where annexation is not believed
to be feasible . They have also requested deferred
payment of the charge in lieu of assessment, which
is approximately $1,040 . The property can be
served by the Kent sewer on S .E . 264th Street .
It was determined that this situation is in
accordance with the seven policy statements pre-
viously discussed and approved tonight and upon
the recommendation of the Director of Public
Works, KITTO MOVED that the request of Mr. and
Mrs . E. Roger Norder for sewer service and for
deferred payment be granted in accordance with
City policy. Storment seconded . Motion carried .
Arrington Request for Sewer Service . Mr. and
Mrs . Gordon C. Arrington, 10047 S .E . 224 Street,
have requested sewer service for their dwelling
outside of Kent in an area where annexation is
not believed to be feasible. They have also
requested deferred payment of the charge in lieu
of assessment, which is $1, 106 . The property can
l" be served by the Kent sewer on S .E . 224th Street
and approval of these requests is recommended by
the Director of Public Works . STORMENT MOVED
that the request for sewer service and for deferred
payment be granted, in accordance with City policy,
Carey seconded . Motion carried .
Garrison Creek 100th Avenue and Kent-Des Moines
Sewers . It was noted that when the City accepted
EPA grants for the Garrison Creek, 100th Avenue
and Kent-Des Moines sewers, EPA required an annual
review of sewer user rates, revenues and expenses .
Such a review has how been completed and all
requirements have been met.
HEALTH & Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 1976-2 .
SANITATION In accordance with standard procedure, the Des
Moines Sewer District has submitted their
Resolution 1976-2 for approval by Kent . The
resolution adopts a plan to construct sanitary
sewers wiithin their District. The Public Works
Department has reviewed the resolution and recom-
mends approval . STORMENT MOVED that Des Moines
Sewer District Resolution 1976-2 adopted February
11, 1976 be approved and that the City Clerk
advise the District of this action. Ulett clarified
that a portion of their proposed project is within
the Kent City limits, in an area which Kent cannot
serve, and that the area lies within the Des Moines
Sewer District ' s franchise area. Motion carried .
WATER Scholes Water Service Request. Mrs . W. R. Scholes
has requested Kent ;-rater service for an existing
single family dwelling at 21417 94th Place South,
which is outside the City in an area where annexa-
tion is not believed to be feasible . She has
recently purchased the house which is now served
by a well on adjacent property. The water line
was constructed with Kent funds . Approval of
this request, and of the accompanying request
for deferred payment of the payment in lieu of
assessment ( $708) is recommended by the Public
Works Director. This complies with adopted policy.
KITTO MOVED that the request for outside water
service at 21417 - 94th Pl, ce South be approved
and that the payment in lieu of assessment be
authorized to be paid over a period of not to
exceed five years at 8/ interest, Carey seconded.
Ulett clarified that this property is about 1/2
mile from a proposed annexation. Motion carried .
STREETS Spring Clean-Up. The following schedule has been
set for the Annual City Clean-Up Program set for
April 12 through 23, 1976;
Downtown - April 12, 13 & 14
East Hill - April 15 & 16
Scenic Hill - April 19 & 20
West Hill - April 21 , 22 & 23
The following guidelines have been suggested by
the Street Department for the cleanup program:
1 ) Brush and debris must be cut to a length of
not longer than six feet.
2 ) All newspapers and small items must be boxed
or bundled .
3 ) Brush and debris will be limited to tree
pruning and not clearing of property.
4Y There will be a limit of one load to one
property owner.
5 ) City crew will pick up only if placed at
street curb or edge of roadside .
6 ) There will be no pickup of raw garbage .
7 ) Trash will not be picked up unless close
enough to street curb or edge of road for
loader to pick up thus avoiding damage to
driveways, lawn or shrubbery.
8 ) Tras's and debris not to be put on or near
items not to be picked up.
9 ) Tire dealers and service stations should
not be allowed to put tires in dumpsters
as in the past.
JOHNSON MOVED that the schedule and guidelines for
the Spring Clean-Up be approved, Storment seconded.
Motion carried .
BIDS Landscaping - City Warehouse Sprinkler System.
Five bids were received on February 18, 1976
for an Automatic Irrigation Distribution System
for the City Shop Building beautification area.
In accordance with the recommendations of the
administration, KITTO MOVED to accept the best bid
of Associated All City Sprinkler System in the
amount of $2,501 .93 , including the alternate and
tax, McCaughan seconded . Motion carried .
PARKS & Bids for T-Shirts . Three bids were received on
RECREATION February 24, 1975 for furnishing T-shirts for
youth programs . McCAUGHAN MOVED that the low
bid of Olympic Sports Center be accepted, Carey
seconded . Motion carried .
Mill Creek Canyon Master Plan. At the January 5 ,
1976 Park Board meeting, Olson-Richert-Bidnold
(ORB) was selected to prepare the Mill Creek
Canyon Master Plan . Their standard agreement has
been received and reviewed by the City Attorney as
to form. The amount of the contract is $9,800
which is within the 1976 budget allocation for
this action. McCAUGHAN MOVED that Mayor Hogan
be authorized to sign the standard form of agreement
between the City of Kent and Olson-Reichert-Bignold,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
Benaroya Riverfront Park Property_. In order to
cose the transaction on the Benaroya Riverfront Park
land acquisition, the Parks & Recreation Department
has requested authorization to borrow the sum of
$312 ,894.51 . The monies will be borrowed for
approximately two weeks as intern financing until
the State and Federal grants are received . An
interest rate of 41-2/ has been obtained from the
Bank of the West for the interest bearing warrants.
It has been determined that this is the least expen-
sive method of handling the interim financing.
KITTO MOVED that the Finance Director be authorized
to issue 4%/ interest bearing warrants in the
amount of $312 , 894.51 for the purchase of the
Benaroya Riverfront Park property. Johnson seconded .
Motion carried .
EQUIPMENT The Equipment Rental Department propases to sell
RENTAL the following surplus equipment:
1965 4 Door Mercury Comet Sedan
1968 4 Door Plymouth Sedan
1968 4 Door Plymouth Sedan
1969 4 Door Plymouth Sedan
1960 3/4 Ton Chev Pickup
1964 3/4 Ton Ford Flatbed
1964 3/4 Ton Ford Flatbed
1965 1/2 Ton Ford Ranchero
1968 1/2 Ton Chev Pickup
1970 1/2 Ton Chev Pickup
1961 Model DD HiWay Sander
1962 Model DD HiWay Sander
1962 Jaeger Sludge Pump
1964 Unimasco Paint Machine
1956 Toro 31" Mower
Lawn Mower Sharpener
1953 Rescue Unit - Fire Dept .
It was noted that the equipment will be appraised .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the equipment as listed above
be declared surplus and approval given to the sale
of same by sealed bids . Storment seconded . Motion
carried .
ANNEXATIONS West Hill ( Island ) Annexation. At the last
Public Works and Planning Committee meeting
it was recommended that a meeting with the
petitioners from the latest West Hill ( Island)
annexation be held at 7: 00 p.m. March 8, 1976
as the first item of business of that work session.
Notice of this meeting has been sent to the peti-
tioners .
Ofteness Annexation. At the Council meeting
held November 3, 19761 the Council suggested
to Mr. Ofteness that his request for annexation
should include at the least nine ( 9 ) acres as
described and that a petition which included
Kenton Firs would be welcome . Mr. Ofteness has
been unable to get 75% for either the original
nine (9 ) acres or for the addition of Kenton
Firs . A new notice of intent to commence annexa-
tion proceedings for a five (5 ) acre tract adjoining
the recent Eastridge annexation on the north has
been received and certified as containing sufficient
signatures . A meeting with the initiators is the
next formal step. JUST MOVED that the Notice of
Intention to Commence Annexation Proceedings for
the new Ofteness annexation be made a part of
the record and that the matter be referred to
the Public Works & Planning Committee for
scheduling. Storment seconded . Motion carried .
Merlino Annexation . It was noted by Ulett that
no action has as yet been taken with regard to
the Merlino annexation.
COMPREHENSIVE The Planning Commission held a public hearing on
PLAN February 24, 1976 to consider a request of Puget
Power to delete a portion of 72nd Avenue South
from the Kent Comprehensive Plan. KITTO MOVED
that the Council hold a public hearing to consider
the request to amend the Comprehensive Plan on
March 15 , 19761 Storment seconded . Motion carried .
SUBDIVISION Western Farms Subdivision. A public hearing
(PRELIMINARY was held by, the Planning Commission on February
PLAT) 24, 1976 on a proposed subdivision known as
Western Farmers. KITTO MOVED that a public
meeting be held by the Council on the proposed
Western Farmers Subdivision on March 15 , 1976,
Just seconded . Motion carried .
METRO King County Charter Review Committee . It was
noted that at the Council meeting of February
17, 1966 the matter of the King County Charter
Review Committee was discussed and referred to
the Council as a committee of the whole. The
following names have been suggested by the Mayor
to be submitted for consideration for membership
in the King County Charter Review Committee:
Representing Elected Officials: Mayor Hogan
Representing Staff: Joseph Street
Interested Citizens : Norwood Cunningham
Betty Van
Councilperson Johnson suggested the name of John
M. Long be added to the list of names to be sub-
mitted for consideration. KITTO MOVED that the
names listed be submitted to King County Executive
John Spellman for consideration, including John
Long. Storment seconded . Motion carried .
PORT OF A letter was read from Henry T. Simonson, President,
SEATTLE Port of Seattle Commission, announcing that a Port
of Seattle night would be held in the Kent City Council
Chambers at 7: 30 p.m. on March 17, 1976 . It was
noted that the intent of the program was to pro-
vide Kent citizens with an overall view of the
scope of Port activities . MASTERS MOVED that the
letter be made a part of the record, Johnson seconded.
Motion carried .
HEALTH A letter was read from King County Executive
DEPARTMENT John Spellman and Lawrence Bergner, Director of
Seattle/King County Department of Public Health,
giving notice of intent to terminate the contract
one year from the date of the letter, February 17,
197C, in accordance with Section 13 of the contract.
The letter noted that it was hoped that a more satis-
factory arrangement would be provided . MASTERS
MOVED that the letter be made a part of the record,
Johnson seconded . Street noted that he had been
notified by Spellman ' s office that a new contract
would be received by the City by July 1 for con-
sideration . Motion carried .
CLAIMS Lester P. Scherich. A claim has been filed by Lester
P . Scherich of 19830 - 8th Avenue South, Renton, for
towing charges and alleged damages to his automobile
while parking across from 606 West Gowe in Kent in
the amount of $84.63 . In accordance with the recom-
mendations of the Administrator, STORMENT MOVED that
the claim be referred to the City ' s insurance carrier
for determination of liability, McCaughan seconded .
Motion carried .
AMERICAN A letter was read from Larry Coffman, Manager,
REVOLUTION Marketing Services of Metro Transit, asking
BICENTENNIAL for information on Kent ' s planned Bicentennial event
COMMITTEE for July 4. Metro proposes to publicize such
events by placing interior transit advertising on
approximately sixty Metro coaches during April, May,
June and in early July. MASTERS MOVED that the letter
be accepted and referred to the Bicentennial Committee,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
A letter was read from the Chairman of the Kent
County Council in England, thanking the City of
Kent for sending them our Bicentennial display flag.
The letter also noted that arrangements were being
made in Kent County to plant 10,000 American and
English oak trees in various parts of the County
to commeorate the Bicentenary. TASTERS MOVED that
the letter be made a part of the record, Storment
seconded . The Mayor noted that the flag referred
to was one of two Bicentennial flags made by local
Campfire girls , and that the other flag was sent to
Kaibara, Japan . Motion carried .
COLLA SHORT It was pointed out that the public hearing on the
PLAT APPEAL Colla Short Plat Appeal was held at the last
Council meeting and continued to this meeting.
The problem which arose at the last Council meeting
concerned whether there was a sanitary sewer
located west of 80th Avenue along the North property
line of the Colla property. It has now been deter-
mined that there is no sewer line in this location.
The Comprehensive Water Plan calls for a 10-inch water
main to extend from 80th Avenue west to include a
line under the Burlington Northern Railroad . The
COLLA SHORT Metropole Co. who propose to combine property
PLAT APPEAL south and north of S . 220th extended will find
there is an easement properly recorded for this
water line and it is anticipated the line will
be constructed at a future date . Such a line
will preclude construction over the easement .
Using the map Ulett showed the location of the
existing easements and rights of way for utilities
and for roadways . Kitto asked if Ulett and Harris
thought that the 30 ' reservation on the north end
of the proposed Colla plat was necessary. It
was determined that the 30 ' reservation requested
would, when added to the existing 30 ' already
deeded by the Melrose Co. , allow a 60 ' street .
Ulett stated that perhaps a 20 ' dedication
allowing for a 50 ' street would be sufficient
for allowing room for trucks to turn . Harris
stated that the Planning Commission is in favor
of the 30 ' dedication as recommended by the
Short Plat Committee . Upon McCaughan ' s question,
Harris opined that a total of 50 ' might be wide
enough for a cul de sac type of street . He
further noted that the Short Plat Committee
had required the existing 30 ' dedication from
the Melrose Co.
Mayor Hogan opened the continued public hearing.
Charles Adams, representing the Collas, noted
that the Metropole Co. could erect a building on
the adjacent property without interfering with
the rights of way or easements and that their
prime concern was their accessibility to rail
facilities . He pointed out that the purchaser
for the Colla plat could reserve 20 ' or 30 ' in his
own name and start his plat south of that point,
but that this would tie up $6, 000 to $8, 000 in
property without knowing if it would ever be
used or purchased by the City.
Gary Volchok noted that he had worked on the
sale and short platting of the property immediately
north of the Colla plat. He opined that since
30 ' was dedicated as required, that the City
should insist on the 30 ' reservation for the
Colla plat .
Mrs . Colla stated that they were willing to give
the 30 ' if the City would pay them for it when
the time came to open that street . Masters
stated that "reservation" had been the term
specified, which implied that the land would
be purchased at some future date . She noted
that the Collas or their buyer could hold the
Since there was no further input, KITTO MOVED
to close the hearing, Storment seconded. Motion
carried . MASTERS MOVED that the conditions of
the Short Plat Committee be upheld, Johnson
seconded . Motion carried .
KENT COMMONS Masters noted that the Task Force Committee on
the Multi-Service Center project had not met.
She also stated that she did not feel that all
phases of the questions that had been asked had
been documented .
A letter was read from the Kent Area Activities
Council urging favorable action by the Council on
Phase IA and IB of the proposed Kent Commons pro-
ject. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part
of the record, Storment seconded . Motion carried .
KENT COMMONS A letter was read from William T. Lencer, President,
Kent Chamber of Commxce, noting that the Chamber ' s
Board of Directors had voted to support the concept
of Phase IA and IB of the proposed Kent Commons
project and recommendingithat the Council continue
study and evaluation of the project . MASTERS MOVED
that the letter be made a part of the record,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
A letter was read from Larry Woodworth, Chairman,
Kent Development Association, noting that its
Board of Directors had voted unanimously to
endorse implementation of the Multi-Service Center
project and recommending that the Center be located
in Kent ' s central business district and that the
three sites studied by the Advisory Committee
be given prime consideration . MASTERS MOVED that the
letter be made a part of the record, Johnson
seconded . Motion carried .
A petition containing 58 signatures was read by
the City Clerk, supporting the concept of a multi-
puipose center to be located in downtown Kent .
PIASTERS MOVED that the petition be accepted,
Storment seconded . Motion carried .
The City Clerk noted receipt of 46 letters from
teenagers asking for the proposed activity center,
together with a cover letter from D . Kinberg.
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part of
the record, Storment seconded . Motion carried.
It was noted that the Multi-Service Center was
discussed at the February 23 workshop and the
information requested by the Ad Hoc Committee was
presented . Sites were reviewed by the consultant
as prioritized by the Multi-Service Center Advisory
Committee .
KITTO MOVED that 1 ) the Multi-Service/Recreation
facility concept (phase IA, IB) be approved,
2 ) the facility be located in the CBD area, 3 )
the staff be directed to take the necessary steps
to complete the project as outlined in the con-
sultant ' s schedule . McCaughan seconded . Kitto
noted that he was making the motion after
having given full consideration to the possible
problems. He stated that it was his opinion that
the benefits to the community outweighed the risks.
He stated further that he was in favor of starting
on Phase II as soon as possible and that Phase IB
was in his opinion necessary, and if things should
show up later that indicated we would be unable
to implement Phase IB he would be willing to
change the motion .
Masters asked whether he would be prepared for
the City to assume the entire costs for all
three phases . She stated that the County
Council had moved to table Kent ' s request until
Kent agrees to approve all three phases and
Referendum 29 funds have been granted . Kitto
said he was in favor of approving the concept
of Phase II, noting that the financing for it
could not be paid out of the budget right now.
He noted that a bond issue has been mentioned
as a means of support, and that this motion is
to support the concept of a multi-service center.
Just questioned as to whether the reference to
the location within the CBD area would include
KENT COMMONS site #3, the Wallace Murray property. Harris
confirmed that this property is just outside
the CBD area. KITTO MODIFIED the motion to
include site 3, the Wallace Murray property, and
McCaughan concurred .
Storment commented on the need for the entire
facility, and commented on the letters from
the young people especially. He read the goals
and objectives as listed in the Community Service
Committee ' s booklet. He commented on park sites
which are still undeveloped, and opined that he
was in favor of the entire package, and that it
should all be done now, instead of promising it,
and not completing it until some future year
when funds become available . He stated that
he was in favor of proposing a bond issue for
Phase II as a means of having the funds necessary
for that part of the project, and further that
he would not vote for the project if the plan
would be to complete the package three or five
years from now. Carey stated that he didn 't
see how Phase IB could be approved now when a
study on this measure had not been received .
Johnson noted that her concern was that continua-
tion of Federal Revenue Sharing funds was doubtful
and that there are services needed right now which
we are unable to provide . She suggested that
without having knowledge of the full cost of
this project, that action be tabled for at least
30 days . just stated that he thought the services
should be provided and was in favor of going
ahead with the project. McCaughan voiced approval
of Kitto ' s motion, agreeing that we should go
ahead to adopt the concept and not vary from
the schedule . He stated that costs should be
watched and that the project could be 'dropped
if it was found that there were not enough funds
to cover this project without impairing other
City services . He noted that if this motion
passed he would suggest another motion to set
policy regarding rents to be charged in connection
with Phase IA to keep the project on a paying
basis . He spoke against delaying action and
opined that we should proceed in accordance
with the consultant ' s schedule .
Masters noted that at a workshop session it
had been pointed out that Multi-Service Centers
were located in Everett, Yakima and South King
County, all of which had much larger populations
than Kent. A similar operation in Pasco is
too new to evaluate its success . She stated
that Kent with a population of 17, 000 would be
expected to support a multi-million dollar facility.
Kitto commented that the intent of his motion
was to let the citizens know that the City was
in favor of the concept and that he felt that
it was understood that if the financing could
not be worked out that the project could not be
pursued . Referring to Storment ' s statement, Kitto
said that he thought everyone agreed that Phase II
was a very important part of the plan but that the
plan had to start somewhere . He noted further
that everyone was in favor of the concept of
Phase II also, but that Phase II could not be
put together tonight.
STORMENT MOVED to amend the motion for a committee
to be established to research and place before
the people a bond issue to include Phase II and
KENT COMMONS to place the schedule in conjunction with the passage
of the bond issue. Kitto concurred that this would
have to be done if the amendment was adopted .
Masters commented that with the uncertainty of
Kent funding as well as outside funding, considera-
tion might be given to withdrawing the proposal
at this time and to resubmit it during next year ' s
Block Grant funding period to allow time for better
Mayor Hogan noted that this evening she had discussed
with King County Councilman Dave Mooney the action
taken at the King County Council meeting today re-
garding requiring a commitment from Kent concerning
funding . According to Mooney, a proposed amendment
requiring Kent ' s commitment did not surface at the
meeting and that action on all projects connected
with Housing & Community Development money had been
referred to a committee of the whole meeting to be
held on March 12 . None of the proposed projects have
been either accepted or rejected as yet. The Mayor
stated that there was nothing to prevent Kent from
refusing the money after it had been authorized
by the County, but that it was important for Kent
to take a positive stand so that there will be no
criticism by the County as to our sincerity. She
acki:owledged that concern about the cost of the
project was justified , and further pointed out that
the project qualifies for Housing & Community Develop-
ment funds . She expressed her concern that
we might jeopardize Referendum 29 funds and/or
Housing & Community Development funds by not taking
a positive stand now.
Masters asked how much money is. available . Betty
CORRECTED • REFER TO Van clarified that Referendum 29 funding for
Phase IA is $148,500 and that we had asked for
MINUTES OF �57 $254,000 for Phase IB, but that figure had been
reduced to $177, 000 by the County Council recommenda-
tion. She stated that Kent did not have to commit
funds to match Community Development monies .
Storment asked if the $177,000 Community Development
funds would build and complete Phase IB. Van
answered that Phase IB had been planned originally
for $250,000 but that the facility could be
redesigned to fall within the $177, 000 figure .
She noted further that the City had asked to have
the difference between the two figures considered
for funding next year, but that no decision had
been made on that. Mayor Hogan advised that
several of the projects had been reduced in
order to fund a greater number of projects, and
that the County committee had suggested that
some projects which had been cut could be phased,
and that first priority on next year ' s monies
would be given to completing those projects which
had been reduced this year. Upon Storment ' s question
as to a starting time for Phase IB, Van advised
that the time schedule called for the application
and design process this year and that we wouldn 't
be ready to begin construction for a year. Storment
referred to the time schedule and noted that the
title Kent Commons refers to Phase IA, IB, and II.
The schedule shows that the Kent Commons will be
ready for occupancy on 6/6/77, and that this
meant the total project . He stated that his pro-
posed amendment asks for this commitment for the
entire package even if it might mean an adjustment
of the time schedule .
Just opined that we should take the grant money
now and consider a bond issue later. Storment
R ` -
KENT COMMONS read his proposed amendment again, and commented
that this would somewhat adjust the time schedule,
but that if a bond issue failed we would know
that we couldn 't build Phase II, and could then
.proceed with Phase IA and IB, using the grant
monies . Upon his further question, Street advised
that the best time for a bond issue to appear on
the ballot is the November general election.
Street agreed that if the City delays the applica-
tions for funds to September, they will be in
Some discussion ensued on the wording of Storment ' s
proposed amendment and of Kitto ' s motion with
relation to the time schedules . Storment changed
his proposed amend,ent to delete a portion as
follows: "for a committee to be established to
research and place before the people a bond
issue to include Phase II, and-te-piaee-the-
the-bead-issue . " Kitto, who seconded the original
amendment, concurred in the change .
Masters asked if she was expected to prioritize
this project over all other services including
Police & Fire, streets, water, sewer, etc. ,
for however long it takes to complete the project .
Storment stated that the surveys had shown that
this project was needed . Masters replied that
the need fog such a faility had not been docu-
mented .
Masters requested a roll call vote in inverse
order on Storment ' s proposed amendment and
the amendment passed, with Masters voting
nay. Kitto ' s motion, as modified, and as
amended by Storment, is as follows:
"1 ) that the Multi-Service/Recreation facility
concept, (Phase IA, IB) be approved, 2 ) the
facility be located in the CBD area, not
excluding the Wallace Murray property, 3 )
the staff be directed to take the necessary
steps to complete the project as outlined in
the consultant 's schedule, and for a committee
to be established to research and place before
the people a bond issue to include Phase II . "
Upon Masters ' request, an inverse order roll
call was conducted, and the motion as modified
and as amended carried, with Masters dissenting.
McCAUGHAN stated that it was important to clarify
matters and MOVED that this Council go on record
that in supporting Phase IA and IB of Kent
Commons that they do so with the understanding
that in order to finance the maintenance and
operation expenditures in the future to suggest
that all social agencies who might request space
in the Phase IA project will be required to pay
the going rate of rent necessary to meet the
minimum operating expenses as set by the director
of the building. Carey seconded . McCaughan
stated that his intent was to have a statement
of policy to insure that the facility would be
self-supporting. Motion carried.
Mayor Hogan proposes to expand the Multi-Service
Center Advisory Committee, to function during
the recreation facility phase development. The
following citizens have volunteered to serve
on this committee:
KENT COMMONS Mrs . Michael Fleming
419 N. Jason,Kent
Laurel Whitehurst
Kent Arts Commission
624 S. Willis, Kent
Lorraine Blickfeldt
Valley Community Players
23114 - 110th S .E . , Kent
Pat Karrish
King County Parks
25012 - 43rd Ave . S . , Kent
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the above listed citizens be
added to the Multi-Service Center Advisory Committee,
Carey seconded . The Mayor requested that the
Council members submit additional names for this
Committee . Motion carried .
FINANCE During the next week or two the Old National Bank
of Washington will complete the purchase of the
Bank of the West, the City ' s current depositary.
JOHNSON MOVED that the Old National Bank of Wash-
ington be accepted as qualified for deposit of
City of Kent Municipal funds in accordance with
Chapter 193, Laws of 1969, Carey seconded.
Motion carried .
KITTO MOVED that the bills received on or before
March 5 , 1976 and approved by the Finance Committee
at its meeting to be held at 8 : 00 a.m. on March
15 , 1976 be paid, McCaughan seconded . Motion
carried .
The following claims were approved by the Finance
Committee on February 27, 1976 :
Current Expense $ 38,502 .40
Parks & Recreation 14, 391 .56
Library 1, 123 . 16
City Streets 9,817.61
Federal Shared Revenue 20, 640 .62
South 180th (WVH-EVH) 7,023 . 69
Equipment Rental 5 ,082 .56
Firemans Relief & Pension 3, 219 . 77
Leoff Disability 2, 680 .17
Sewer 45 ,516 . 74
Water 8, 415 . 36
Garbage 829 . 67
$139, 243 . 31
Interest Bearing Warrants
LID 278
First American Title Co. $ 842 . 36
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jenselfi, CMC
City Clerk