HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/02/1976 Kent, Washington
February 2, 1976
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8: 00 o 'clock p.m. Present: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey,
Johnson, Just, Masters, McCaughan and Storment, City Administra-
tor Street, City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public
Works Director Ulett, and Finance Director Winkle. Councilperson
Kitto was absent. Also present: City Treasurer Drotz, Planning
Commissioner Long, and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately
25 people were in attendance at the meeting.
VISITORS Mayor Hogan welcomed Boy Scouts John Bley and
Steve and Mark Balsiger of Scout Troop No.237,
together with their Scout Master ' s wife, Mrs .
MINUTES McCAUGHAN MOVED to approve the minutes of January
19, 1976 as printed, Storment seconded . Motion
carried .
PRELIMINARY Suncrest Lane . It was noted that at the last
PLAT Council meeting the preliminary plat of Sun-
crest Lane was presented at a public meeting .
There were questions raised concerning the
control of storm drainage and the additional
traffic that this development might place on
42nd Avenue . The matter was further discussed
at a work session held on January 26, 1976, at which
time Assistance City Engineer Wickstrom reported
that at the time of the construction of Reith
Road adequate storm drainage was included to
serve the proposed plat .
The Mayor opened the public hearing. There
were no comments from the audience. A letter
from Mrs . Gloria Krueger, 25285 - 45th Place
South, was read by the Clerk regarding the
problem of storm runoff and existing traffic
problems in the area of the proposed plat.
MASTERS MOVED that the letter be made a part
of the record, Just seconded . Motion carried.
Mayor Hogan noted that traffic and drainage
problems were discussed at the last work session.
Upon the request of Councilperson Storment,,
the restrictions were read by Harris, as follows:
1 ) Storm Sewer - Require on-site retention.
Harris noted that this was discussed at
the work session.
2 ) Sanitary Sewer - There is a problem with
1 servicing the total area due to the grade .
May have to rebuild portions of .existing
sewer in order to obtain complete service
of plat .
3) Water - Six ( 6) inch water line is adequate
provided that said line is looped . In-
stallation of an eight (8) inch water line
need" not be looped.
4) Street Lighting - Install eight (8) 7,000
lu�ien mercury vapors - twenty-eight ( 28)
foot minimum height, of concrete or wood .
Location of lights to be approved by the
Traffic Engineer.
PRELIMINARY 5 ) Street Improvements - Be of asphalt concrete
PLAT with concrete curb and gutters . The width
of the curb returns should have a twenty-five
(25 ) foot radius . Also there should be con-
crete sidewalks installed five (5 ) feet in
6) Lot Sizes - All under-sized lots shall be redrawn
and a new preliminary plat shall be presented
to the Planning Department prior to the City
Council meeting on the plat.
Harris noted that this has already been done .
7 ) The northern boundary be protected as required,
be it by means of fencing, landscaping, or
contouring the land .
MASTERS MOVED to approve the preliminary plat of
Suncrest Lane, with restrictions 2 through 7, as
recommended by the Planning Commission, Just
seconded . Masters noted that Wickstrom had
explained that a storm sewer system had been
created to handle the runoff, and that there did not
seem to be much likelihood that the system would
not handle the problem. Ulett explained that the
City ' s information was obtained from Hill, Ingman
& Chase, based on a map showing the area covered
by the storm drainage project, and concurred with
Masters that there were no foreseeable problems .
Motion carried .
STREET A letter was read from Ruth Hoban and Ronald S.
VACATION Cater of Central Pre-Mix Concrete Co. requesting
the vacation of South 210th Street lying east
of 77th Avenue South, and further requesting that
the $150 application fee be waived . MASTERS
MOVED that the letter be accepted and referred
to the City Administrator, Johnson seconded.
Upon Mirk ' s question, it was clarified that a report
would be made by the City Administrator and the
matter would be brought back before the Council
for action. Motion carried .
HEALTH & Soil Conservation Service . McCaughan reported
SANITATION that he had attended a meeting on January 22 of
the Soil Conservation Service Valley Drainage
Committee . He noted that not much had been
accomplished at this meeting as they were still
waiting for some facts from the Service of the cost
of a subregional zone . He noted that the next
meeting will be on February 19 at 7 : 30 p.m. in
Kent, at which time financing will be discussed .
He urged all interested citizens to attend .
Horseshoe Acres Pumping Station. Bids were received
on the Horseshoe Acres Pumping Station for installa-
tion of pumps and motors as follows :
Venture Construction, Inc. $66, 760 . 20 , incl . tax
Ralph Company, Inc. 70 , 332 .52 , incl . tax
Osberg Construction Co. 96, 349 .50, Incl . tax
In accordance with the recommendations of the Director
of Public Works, JOHNSON MOED that all bids for equip-
ment and controls installation at Horseshoe Acres
Pump Station be rejected and new specifications be
developed . Just seconded . Upon Masters ' query as to
what would be done with the equipment, Ulett pointed
out that plans would be reCosigned with a much less
sophisticated control system in order to cut the
costs of installation . Upon Mayor Hogan ' s question,
HEALTH & it was determined by Ulett that the contract
SANITATION covers the installation of the pumps and engines
and the furnishing and installation of a con-
trol system. Motion carried .
Late Comers Agreement. The request from Jim
Rice of the Merit Company for a late comers
agreement for the sanitary sewers which were
constructed in conjunction with the development
of Eastridge #1 has been reviewed by the Public
Works Director and found to be valid . In accord-
ance with the recommendations of the Public Works
Director, JOHNSON MOVED that the Mayor and Clerk
be authorized to sign the Eastridge Sanitary
Sewer Late Comers Agreement, Carey seconded.
Motion carried .
CLAIM LID 276 - Sunset Manor Sanitary Sewers . A
letter was read from Randy Price regarding
his alleged claim against O 'Leary Construction
Company in connection with LID 276 for the
installation of a sanitary sewer in Sunset Manor.
Mr. Price stated that the O 'Leary contract should
not have been accepted as complete by the City
until restoration had been made to his property.
He also suggested that LID payments should be
spread throughout the year, with the utility
bills. MASTERS MOVED that the letter be accepted
and referred to the City Attorney and Public Works
Director Ulett. Just seconded . Street noted that
it was not possible to make a monthly payment
system for assessments and that if Mr. Price
wished to handle the matter on this basis he '
should put the appropriate amount in the bank
each month to make the lump sum payment each
February. Mirk noted that no claims had been
filed by Price against the City, but that Mr.
Price had been attempting to file a claim against
O 'Leary Construction, for restoration work on a
private side sewer contract between O 'Leary and
himself. He noted that a copy of the letter
Mr. Price had sent to O 'Leary 's bonding company
was sent to the City. Ulett noted that the
City had seen that O 'Leary Construction made
some repairs to the Vormsberg property, for the
portion of his property involved in the contract.
He concurred further with Mirk that the City was
not involved in private contracts for side sewers .
Motion carried .
STREETS Reith Road . The Public Works Department has
reviewed the acceptability of that portion of
the realigned Reith Road (A-line) which was
constructed in conjunction with the State 's
improvement of the Kent-Des Moines Road (SR 516 ) .
It is recommended that said street be accepted
for maintenance and operation. MASTERS MOVED
that the realigned Reith Road be accepted for
maintenance and operation, Johnson seconded.
Masters inquired whether the dead trees along
that portion of the road were going to be
replaced . Street noted that if the trees had
lived for more than one year, it was the City 's
responsibility to replace them. Masters suggested
that replacements could be placed further apart .
Motion carried .
WATER A letter was read from Water District No. 111
regarding the acquiring of City of Kent Water
Main located in the service area of Water District
111 . The letter indicated that the water main
WATER is located on the north side of SH 516 at approxi-
mately 152nd Ave . S .E . and tied into the City ' s
Clark Springs transmission line. MASTERS MOVED
that the letter be accepted and made a part of
the record and referred to the Public Works Committee,
Storment seconded. Motion carried .
ISLAND The Clerk noted receipt of a 10/ petition which
ANNEXATION is the notice of intent to pursue annexation
for the entire "Island" area. MASTERS MOVED that
the notice of intent be accepted and made a part
of the record, Johnson seconded . Street noted
that such a petition for annexation for a portion
of this area (Suburban View) had been accepted at
the last Council meeting and that the Island petition
was to englarge the previous area covered . In order
to handle the enlarged area, the proceedings must
start over again with a new petition. A meeting
will be scheduled with the petitioners. McCaughan
noted that Dean Marlatt owns a substantial amount
of property in that area and has never been contacted .
On Masters ' question, it was determined that if this
annexation petition is not accepted or if sufficient
signatures are not obtained, then the smaller area
could be considered . Motion carried.
COUNCIL Council President Just made the following Committee
assignments :
Finance Committee
Robert Kitto (Chairperson)
Leonard McCaughan
Billie Johnson
Meetings to be bi-monthly with dates to be announced .
Parks & Recreation_ Committee
Leonard McCaughan (Chairperson)
Jeanne Masters
William Carey
Meetings to be held second and fourth Wednesdays
at 8: 15 a.m .
Public Works & Planning Committee
Larry Storment (Chairperson)
Billie Johnson
William Carey
Meetings to be held 1st and 3rd Wednesdays at
6: 15 a.m.
Temporary Task Force Committee (Multi-Service
Jeanne Masters (Chairperson)
Billie Johnson
Larry Storment
Meeting time to be announced .
FLOOD It was noted that the City of Kent is eligible
CONTROL for reimbursement for some of the costs of flood
damage prevention and repair from the December,
1975 flood . The City Attorney introduced
Resolution No. 796, designating the Mayor as
Kent ' s agent for the purpose of obtaining Federal
financial assistance under the Disaster Relief
Act and/or the President ' s Disaster Relief Fund .
MASTERS MOVED for the adoption of Res . No. 796,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
CENSUS The State Census Board has been notifed that
the City will utilize an estimated census for 1976 .
It was noted that all indications are that this is
the logical way for this year.
POLICE A letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. Joe Peluso,
Jr. , expressing their appreciation for the assist-
ance of Police Officer C. Miller at the time
their son was involved in an automobile accident
on November 11, 1976 . MASTERS MOVED that the letter
be made a part of the record and that copies be
sent to Officer Miller and to the Police Department .
Storment seconded . Motion carried .
CLAIMS The following claims have been received:
Daniel V. Bogdan, 13406 - 115th N.E . , Kirkland,
in the amount of $700 .00 for alleged damage to
his automobile on Kent-Kangley Road due to the
incompletion of said road by the contractor for
the State.
Claim for injuries filed by Crichton Kellow
against Paul C. and Jane Doe Stephanus and the
City of Kent, alleging that the City did not
properly inspect a certain stairway at the Swiss
Gable Apartments, where Mr. Kellow is a resident.
JUST MOVED that the claims of Bogdan and Kellow
be referred to the City ' s insurance carrier,
Storment seconded . Motion carried.
AMERICAN Bicentennial Tree Planting Project. At the last
REVOLUTION work session, John Long, Chairman of the Kent
BICENTENNIAL Bicentennial Committee, asked about a problem of
COMMITTEE advancing money to pay labor for the Bicentennial
tree planting project . The Attorney has reviewed
the contract and it has been submitted to Jobline
to assure us they can fulfill the requirements con-
cerning hiring. It is requested that the Finance
Director be directed to develop a legal method of
lending the money to the Bicentennial Committee
until yayment is received from the State after
submission of vouchers . The contract is for
$4, 250 . JUST MOVED that the Finance Director set
up a loan not exceeding $4, 250 from current expense
to pay labor for the Bicentennial tree planting
project which will be reimbursed by the State of
Washington. Storment seconded . Motion carried .
The White River Historical Society and Kent
American Legion Post #15 propose to erect a marker
on public property near the North end of the
South Central Bridge over the Green River.
Masters seconded . It was determined that the
marker would be protected from vandlaism and
that the marker was to designate the site of
Fort Thomas . Motion carried .
PUGET SOUND McCaughan asked the 2':ayor if she would report
COUNCIL OF soon on the progress of the Puget Sound Council
GOVERNMENTS of Governments . Just suggested that the Mayor
meet with the Council once a month to bring them
up to date on the proceedings and progress made.
Mayor Hogan noted that she and others had met
with representatives of the various Federal
agencies and it seems that a date of April 1
is the deadline for coming to some sort of agree-
ment regarding the organization. It was noted that
unless some action is taken by the cities involved
there is a danger of losing Federal monies under
such programs as Housing & Community Development,
Urban .Mass Transportation and Federal Revenue
PARKS Drake Donation. Masters reported that the
problem referred to the Parks Committee regarding
the Miles Drake property has been discussed
further and Mr. Drake is willing to sign the
deeds for the property originally agreed upon.
Mr. Drake noted that the Parks Commission had
met today to further discuss the matter and
noted that it would be the Council ' s decision
as to whether thewdaccept
exchange of the properties .
noted that she and Councilperson Storment
had walked through the area in question on
Saturday, and were of the opinion that the
original parcels of property should be deeded
to the City as agreed upon several years ago.
Upon Mayor Hogan ' s question, it was determined
that the Parks Commission had recommended that
no exchange of properties be made and that deeds
be secured from Mr. Drake for the parcels originally
agreed upon. Street clarified that about two years
ago the letter from Drake suggesting the dedication
of the parcels had been made a part of
fethe record
by Council action. Upon Street ' s suggestion,
MASTERS MOVED for the Council to request Mr.
Drake to now file the deed for the two parcels .
STORMENT SO MOVED, Masters seconded . Motion
carried .
MULTI-SERVICE It was noted that at the last
session Bower
CENTER and Nyberg submitted a proposed
r p
for the multi-service center. It is suggested
that the Council adopt this schedule so that the
staff will be authorized to advertise )ublic
hearings when appropriate, and to have information
prepared for the Council so that they may set
policy. JUST MOVED that the Kent Commons proposed
project time schedule dated January S, 1976 be
referred to the Temporary Task Force Committee to
be confirmed, McCaughan seconded . Mayor Hogan
noted that the proposed time schedule was reviewed
at the last work session. McCaughan questioned
whether this referral of the matter would hold up
any work. Street suggested that even if the
proposed time schedule was not going to be approved
at this meeting that the public hearing still be
scheduled for February 9 to further discuss the
matter . He further indicated that if the time
schedule is not followed rather closely there is
a danger of running out of time for the Bond 29
Street suggested that the Council authorize the
publication of a hearing notice for a public hearing
to be held on February 9 , to invite public input,
even though such publication is not legally required.
Motion carried . McCAUGHAN MOVED that a public hearing
notice be published for February 9 , Storment
seconded . Motion carried . Storment
it was important that the newly appointed
Force Committee for the Multi-Purpose Center be
involved in all discussions .
FEDERAL South King County Rape Relief Line . It was noted that
REVENUE Bellevue ' s contract supporting the rape relief line
SHARING has not as yet been received .
FINANCE The Finance Department reports that it is necessary
to make the following temporary loans from current
expense to the Library and Housing & Community
Current Expense Library $11762 . 70
Current Expense Community
Development 760 .47
The cause for the loan for the library is the fact
that a payment of $4, 125 due from Kinq County did
not arrive before December 31, 1975 . In the 1976
budget, an allowance is made for the lateness of
this payment. In Community Development, the receipts
always follow expenditures, and in accordance with
standard accounting procedure, the loan is
necessary for the year ending balances . STORMENT
MOVED that the above described loans be approved,
Just seconded . Motion carried .
The City Attorney introduced Resolution No. 797
cancelling certain checks issued by the City and
not presented for payment within one year.
McCAUGHAN MOVED that Res . 797 be adopted, Carey
seconded. Motion carried .
Property Tax Exemption. A letter was read from
the King County Assessor regarding certain property
tax exemptions for improvements to single family
residences . MASTERS MOVED that receipt of the
letter be noted, Storment seconded. Street stated
that the City has a supply of the exemption
application forms which have been handed out
upon request. He noted that the forms would
now be given out to any person obtaining a
building permit for remodeling purposes, and
that applicants would also be advised that the
exemption can only be claimed once every 5 years .
Motion carried .
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the bills received on or
before February 5 , 1976 and approved by the
Finance Committee at its meeting to be held at
8: 00 a.m. on February 13, 1976 be paid .
Johnson seconded . Motion carried.
Claims approved by the Finance Committee at
its meeting on January 26, 1976 are as follows:
Current Expense $ 35 , 363 .07
Parks & Recreation 9 ,091 .44
Library 1, 313. 32
City Streets_ 12, 703 .81
Central Business District 2, 770 . 70
Federal Shared Revenue 3 ,068.42
104th Ave . Water Main 134.24
Equipment Rental 5 ,816 . 34
Housing & Community Develop. 267 . 73
Firemans Relief & Pension 48.46
Sewer 5 , 270 .06
Water 7 . 342 .84
Garbage 577 . 79
$ 83 , 768. 22
Claims approved by the Finance Committee at
its meeting on January 30, 1976 are as
Current Expense $ 24,031 . 31
Parks & Recreation 20951 .92
FINANCE City Streets $ 1,003 .24
Federal Shared Revenue 982 . 25
Smith Street - Central to 4th 392 .00
So. 180th (WVH - EVH) 10,008. 39
East Hill Booster Pump 135 .87
Equipment Rental 563 .99
Firemans Relief & Pension 10,967.66
Leoff Disability 2 , 134.23
Repair & Demolition 737.10
Sewer 42, 453 .39
Water 6, 602 .97
$ 94, 024.42
Interest Bearing Warrants
LID 278
Federal Way School District
#210 $ 2, 000 .00
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jensen, CMC
City Clerk