HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 01/20/1976 Kent, Washington
January 201, 1976
Regular meeting of the Kent City Council was called to order at
8: 00 p.m. Present:: Mayor Hogan, Councilpersons Carey, Johnson,
Just, Kitto, Masters and McCaughan, City Administrator Street,
City Attorney Mirk, Planning Director Harris, Public Works
Director Ulett, and Finance Director Winkle. Councilperson Storment
was absent. Also present: Fire Chief Foster, Police Chief McQuery,
Parks Director Wilson, and URS representative Ramsey. Approximately
50 people were in attendance.
MINUTES KITTO MOVED that the minutes of the meeting held
January 5 , 1976 be approved as printed, Johnson
seconded . Motion carried .
COUNCIL It was noted that in accordance with Resolution 716,
as amended, the Council President/Mayor Pro Tempore,
should be elected by the Council at the second
regular meeting of the Council in January on ever -num-
bered years, and shall be elected for a two ( 2) year
term. Standing committees, their membership and
times of meeting shall be declared by the President
of the Council . KITTO MOVED that Councilperson Just
be nominated for Mayor Pro Tempore/Council President,
McCaughan seconded . Motion carried. MASTERS MOVED
that the nominations be closed, Johnson seconded .
Motion carried . MASTERS MOVED that a unanimous ballot
be cast for Councilperson Just, Johnson seconded .
Motion carried .
Just then advised that committee memberships will
be assigned at the next Council meeting.
HOLIDAYS February 16, July 5 and September 61 which are
Council meeting dates, are Holidays and in accord-
ance with Ordinance 1764, the Council meetings will
be held on the following day at 8: 00 p.m.
PRELIMINARY Suncrest Lane . A public meeting is scheduled for
PLAT this meeting to consider the preliminary plat of
Suncrest Lane. It was noted that the Council may
accept the preliminary plat with the restrictions
as recommended by the Planning Commission, or, if
they propose any changes in the recommendations
they may schedule a public hearing on the matter.
Harris described the proposed plat as consisting
of approximately 7.4 acres, to be diviced into 33
lots, located East of the Reith Road and North of
S . 254th. Harris noted that the Planning Depart-
ment had recommended approval of the plat at its
meeting of December 23, 1975 , subject to seven con-
ditions which he read . In response to Masters '
query, Harris noted that the problem of storm drainage
was a matter to be handled by the Public Works Depart-
ment. Masters commented that the problem of storm
water drainage should be resolved . Johnson noted
that she agreed with residents of the area that 42nd
Avenue as a half street created a dangerous situation.
McCaughan express concern over the direction of the
water run-off. In reply to McCaughan ' s question,
Harris noted that the owner of the property covered
by the proposed plat does not own any additional
property and that the north boundary is contiguous
with the Wasson-Wasson property. Further discussion
of various points determined that the Council wished
to consider the conditions at a public hearing and
McCAUGHAN MOVED that a public hearing be held on
February 2, 1976 to consider further changes and to
then approve or disapprove the plat. Masters seconded .
Motion carried .
HEALTH & Star Lake Elementary School Sewer. A letter was
SANITATION read from P. J. McEleney, P.E. , Director, New
Plant Facilities, Federal Way School District No.
210, requesting that the City of Kent prepare a
sanitary sewer agreement covering the Star Lake
Elementary School sewer. The letter noted that it
was the understanding of the Federal Way School
District that the agreement would be similar to a
draft prepared by the City Engineer in 1969 and
would be based . on a frontage cost of $14.85 per
front foot . MASTERS MOVED that the letter be
accepted and referred to the Public Works Depart-
ment , Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
Linda Heights Pump Station Modifications . E. N.
Cascade Constructors has completed the Linda
Heights Pump Station Modifications project and
the Engineering Department recommends acceptance
of the project . City Attorney Mirk pointed out that
he did not think it was advisable to accept the
contract at this time, as the contractor had not
as yet secured an electrical permit, and that if
accepted now and if the State releases are secured,
the City will be obliged to pay the retainage in
30 days . He advised that the contract not be
accepted until the required permit has been secured
by ,the contractor. McCAUGHAN MOVED that the E. N.
Cascade Constructors contract for the Linda Heights
Pump Station .Modifizations project not be accepted
as complete at this time, Johnson seconded.
Motion carried .
Horseshoe Acres Pumping Station. Ulett reported
that three bids had been received today on the
installation of the pumps and motors in the
Horseshoe Acres Pumping Station and that it
was not possible to make a report on the bids
now. He noted that he would report further.
Metro - Sewage Lagoon. A letter was read from
Theodore Mallory, Acting Executive Director of
Metro, noting that in accordance with Section 12
of the basic sewage disposal agreement between
the City of Kent and Metro dated May 18, 1967
Metro no longer requires the use of the Kent
sewage lagoon and outfall and desires to return
those facilities to the City. Accordingly,
effective on February 6, 1976, Metro will return
the possession of such facilities to the City
and shall no longer be responsible for their
maintenance and opEr ation. The letter further
stated that in accordance with the original
agreement, Metro will remove certain itemized
equipment from the site. Upon Street ' s question,
Kristofferson and Ulett approved acceptance of
the facilities at this time . MASTERS MOVED
that the letter be accepted and made a part
of the record, and that the Mayor be authorized
to sign the letter accepting return of the
property, Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
FEDERAL Just reported that the Finance Committee met
REVENUE December 311, 1976 and January 151 1976 to discuss,
SHARING prioritize and recommend to the Council the expendi-
tures of Federal Revenue Sharing funds .
JUST MOVED that the following items be approved:
A. Overruns on Previously Budgeted Expenditures :
1 . Legal Interns $ 106 .00
2 . Shed Rows 6,419 .00
3 . Fire Station Addition_ 1,956.00
4. Jail Improvements 208.00
5 . Senior Center Floor 269 .00
6 . Russell Road Parking Lot 197.00
FEDERAL Kitto seconded. Motion carried .
SHARING JUST MOVED that the following projects be approved :
B. Additions to Previously Budgeted Expenditures:
1 . City Hall Vault Files $ 3000.00
2 . City Hall Improvements 70, 760 .00
3 . Kent-Auburn Community Care
Center 2,100 .00
4. City Shop Yard Improvements 18, 600 .00
5 . Russell Road Parking Lot -
Curb, Sidewalk & Asphalt 18, 400 .00
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
JUST MOVED that the following items be funded:
C . Police Department
1 . Two Portable Radios $ 11, 900 .00
2 . Canine Unit 3,000 .00
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
JUST MOVED that the following items be funded:
C. Fire Department
1 . Mid-Size Sedan $ 5 , 200.00
2 . Office Equipment
a. Two typewriters 11, 400.00
b. One table 100 .00
C. One Calculator 200.00
d. One File Cabinet 200 .00
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
JUST MOVED that the following items be approved for
C. Fire Department
3 . Communications Equipment
a. Backup Power Supply $ 500 .00
b. Parts & Antenna for
Backup Power Supply 300.00
C. Fifteen Home Receivers 2, 250 .00
d. Camera for Housing
Department 250 .00
McCaughan seconded . Motion carried.
JUST MOVED that the following item be approved
for funding:
C . Fire Department
3 . e. Remodel West Hill Fire
Station $ 25 ,000 .00
Johnson seconded . Motion carried.
JUST MOVED that the following items be approved
for funding:
FEDERAL Parks and Recreation
REVENUE $ 3,\500 .00
SHARING 1 . Rest Area Development
2 . Senior Center Building 800 .00
3 . Parking Lot Improvements at 1,807 .00
Kent Memorial Park
Masters seconded . Motion carried .
JUST MOVED that the following items be approved:
Street Department
1 . Samll Paint Machin $ 1, 200 .00500 .00
2 . Office Equipment and Improvements
3 . S . 222nd Storm Drainage -
$35 ,500 less $10,600 Easement 24,900 .00
McCaughan seconded . Street noted for Mrs . Dale
Lewis that the City is proposing to pay for the
S . 222nd storm drainage project but that the
property owners will be contacted to furnish the
easements. Motion carried .
JUST MOVED that the following item be approved:
Community Service
Bicentennial Flag $ 131.00
Johnson seconded . Motion carried.
It was noted that the following item was referred
to the Council without recommendation:
1 . Vending Machines at Kent Memorial $ 10, 165 .00
JUST MOVED to approve the funding for vending
machines at Kent Memorial Park. Masters seconded .
Johnson stated that she did not feel that the
Cite should be in the vending machine business.
McCaughan noted that it appeared that the Parks
Department maintenance personnel were having a
problem in that they were unable to refund monies
when necesgary and that complaints could be reduced
if the City owned the machines . Just noted that
he was in favor of this as a pilot project to
see how it works with the City owning the machines.
Masters noted that this would be a service to the
community and on a trial basis . Johnson stated
that she felt the City should be looking toward
another vendor if the machines are causing that
much of a problem and Kitto concurred . The
following roll call vote resulted in a tie:
Just, Masters & McCaughan, AYE; Carey, Johnson
& Kitto, NAY. Mayor Hogan voted in favor and
the motion carried .
JUST MOVED that the following items be financed
from the Current Expense Budget, and not from
Revenue Sharing, McCaughan seconded .
1 . Printing 400 Zoning Codes $ 1 , 0.00
10 105 .00
2 . Printing 500 Comprehensive Plans
Motion carried .
FEDERAL It was noted that the Finance Committee is interested
in the King County Rape Line project and will further
SHARING consider it as soon as a copy of the Bellevue contract
is available for study. Amount - $1 , 100 .00 .
Street stated he expected to have a copy of Bellevue ' s
contract next week and upon a question from the audi-
ence, it was determined that the matter would be
given further consideration at the Council meeting
of February 2, 1976 .
It was determined that the following items were being
withheld for further information:
1 . Fire Apparatus Reserve Fund $ 35 ,000 .00
2 . Relocatable Restroom and Con- 18,000 .00
STREETS 1975 Asphalt PavingPro 'ect and Kennebeck Intersection
Improvement. In accordance with the recommendtof
the Engineering Department, JOHNSON MOVED to approve
Chapge Order #1 for City Transfer for the 1975
Asphalt Paving Projects and Kennebeck Intersection
Improvements in the amount of $356 .40, McCaughan
seconded . Motion carried .
Forward Thrust Monies . King County has required that
our Resolution No. 793 , passed on October 20 , 1975 ,
which requested that So. 180th and Stith Street
be added to the King County, Forward Thrust Program
should also state that these two streets are being
added to Kent ' s Forward Thrust street program.
The City Attorney has reeritten Res . 793 to change include
this, and KITTO MOVED to approve
to Res .
793, Masters seconded. Motion carried.
East Hill Pump Station. Ulett noted that he had
been advised by Mr. Al Koch, State Engineer for
Department of Social & Heath Services, that Kent ' s
grant request for $108,000 for a portion of the
construction costs of the East Hill Pump Station
has been reviewed by that Department and approved .
He noted that final approval of the grant must
still be received but that it was anticipated that
funding would be received . He noted that it was
hoped to have the Pump Station operational by August
or September of 1976 .
104th Avnue S.E . Water Main Bids. A tabulation
of the 14 bids received on January 14, 1976 for
the installation of the 104th Ave. S .E . Water
Main were distributed and made a part of the
record . The three low bidders, including tax,
are as follows :
DiOrio Construction $138, 365 . 25
Bert Robison Co. 138398. 24
United Utilities, Inc. 144: 674.83
McCAUGHAN MOVED that the best bid of DiOrio Con-
struction Company in the amount of $138, 365 .25 be
accepted, Kitto seconded . Just and Johnson ques-
tioned whether the City had had problems with this
particular contractor in the past . It was noted
that DiOrio had been awarded a sewer contract in
the past and after completion the City had to
make repairs . Ulett noted that the City Attorney
had determined that either all bids must be rejected
or the lowest bid accepted . Mirk stated that the
WATER with the sewer contract could have been attributed
to contradictory opinions among the contractor,
the City inspector and a former City employee
regarding the material to be used . He noted
that at that time the contractor had stated that
he would not be responsible if repairs were
necessary because the proper materials were
not used in the sewer construction project.
Mirk stated that in his opinion DiOrio Construction
was capable of doing a satisfactory job on this .
project. Ulett clarified that at the time of
the bid opening it appeared that Bert Robision
Construction was the low birder but the DiOrio
bid contained a mistake in the extension of unit
prices, which happens frequently and which the
Engineering Department always corrects when the
bids are tabulated . Motion carried .
PARKS & Kent Trail Plan . At the last work session, the
RECREATION Parks Department reviewed a proposed change in the
Kent Trail Plan. This change is necessary because
of the new Kent-Des Moines Road and the eventual
extension of this road to Willis Street. The
State Highway Department has been contacted and
informed of this proposed change. KITTO MOVED
that the Kent Trail System in the area of the
Kent-Des Moines Road be amended in accordance
with the proposal approved by the Board of Park
Commissioners. McCaughan seconded. Motion carried.
Country Agreement. Masters reported that at a
meeting of the Parks & Planning Committee held
this evening the matter of renewing the contract
with King County for 1976 for the joint recreation
program was discussed . She noted that the County
is unable to increase their funding support for
the program, but that the Parks Department is
anticipating some capital improvement financial
support from the County for the multi-service
center and/or the Russell Road Athletic Park.
In accordance with the recommendation of the
Parks Director, MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor be
authorized to sign the s,-,id contract with King
County for 1976, Johnson seconded . Motion
carried .
Lake Fenwick Park Master Plan. Masters noted
that monies were suggested and approved in the
1976 budget for a master plan for the Lake
Fenwick Park. At the January 5 , 1976 Board
of Park Commissioners meeting, Richard Carothers
Associates was selected to prepare the plan.
Their standard agreement has been received and
approved by the City Attorney as to form.
MASTERS MOVED that the Mayor be authorized to
sign the contract between the City and Carothers,
Johnson seconded . Motion carried .
Drake Donation . Masters noted that Miles Drake
was present, and that some discussion had been
had earlier this evening at the Parks & Planning
Committee meeting relative to Mr. Drake ' s proposal
to substitute a different parcel for the property
he had agreed to transfer to the City in March,
1972;. Johnson noted that the matter had been
discussed at a Park Board meeting, although
it had not been on the agenda, and Mr. Drake
had not been notified that it would be discussed .
PARKS & Masters stated that it ,,as not appropriate to
RECREATION take any action on the matter at this time and
MOVED to defer any Council action at this point,
Johnson seconded . Kitto noted that before any
action is taken by the Council , the matter should
be referred back to the Board of Park Commissioners.
He stated that he thought that after 3 years time the
City should have received the deed for the
original parcel agreed upon. Motion carried .
CLAIMS Cindy Mead . A claim has been filed by Cindy
Mead for damage to her car and possible medical
expenses . This claim is the result of an accident
which occurred on Central Avenue and is the same
accident for which Ruth Mudd filed a claim noted
in the minutes of January 5 , 1976. KITTO MOVED
that this claim be submitted to our insurance
carrier, Johnson seconded. Motion carried .
Thomas 0. Hales Jr. A claim has been filed by
Thomas F. Hales, Jr. in the amount of $87.08.
This claim is the result of a Christmas tree
falling off a City truck into the path of Hale 's
oncoming truck. The City Attorney and Admini-
strator recommend that the City pay the claim
and not submit it to our insurance carrier.
We would have to pay this amount under the
deductible clause, anyway, and the number of
claims sent to the carrier does affect our insurance
rate. JUST MOVED that the claim of Thomas F.
Hales, Jr. in the amount of $87 .08 be paid, Kitto
seconded . Motion carried .
Mrs. F. V. Eaton. Upon the recommendation of the
Administrator, McCAUGHAN MOVED to refer the claim
in the amount of $294. 3p from Mrs . F. V. Eaton for
injuries and damages resulting from a fall near the
library to our insurance carrier, Johnson seconded .
Street further determined that the brickwork has
been inspected and the necessary repairs made.
Motion carried .
ANNEXATIONS Suburban View and Johnston Petitions. The Annexation
Committee reviewed the 10% petition for the proposed
Suburban View annexation and for the Johnston annexa-
tion at the last work session. The Committee
directed the petitioners to proceed to circulate
a 75% petition provided it included a provision
that the signators agree that the properties annexed
would pay the present excess levies. Should the
75% petition include additional property adjacent,
the Committee would recommend acceptance on the
same terms . JOHNSON MOVED to approve the actions
of the Annexation Committee on both the Suburban
View and Johnston proposals and to accept the 10%
petition for each proposed annexation. Masters
seconded .
Ulett noted that there were several residents of
the Johnston proposed area in attendance at the
meeting. Wally Everson stated that he did not
see anyone in the audience who was in favor of
the annexation and that the initiators were in
need of sewer service. Ulett explained that the
10% petition was a notice of intent from the
proponents, and that the City ' s action now was
to establish thi�i.t the property owners who sign
the 75% petition must agree that taxes for the
a ,
ANNEXATIONS property annexed will include the City 's excess
levies. He pointed out that the 75% petition
must bear the signatures of the owners of 3/4
of the assessed valuation of the area seeking
annexation. Judy Ve 'ar stated that some of the
residents believed that if annexed and the
sewers installed, the residents would not have
to pay for the sewers . Ulett clarified that
this was not true . He noted that sewer service
would probably be in the form of an LID, and
those benefiting from the project would be
assessed for it. He noted that some residents
on the east side of the street might be able
to connect to the existing Metro line from
the rear of their property. Barry Ve 'ar noted
that most of the proponents of the annexation
live on the east side of the street. Mr. Everson
stated that he thought Mr. Johnston had had an
agreement with Metro under which he could connect
to the existing line, but Metro would not
allow this . Upon McCaughan 's question, Ulett
noted that exact figures were not yet available,
but that the City taxes were only very slightly
higher than the County taxes . As soon as the
figures become available from the County Assessor ' s
office, a further report will be made . Mrs . Vejar
questioned whether there would be any problem re-
garding farm animals if the area is annexed .
Harris noted that the Zoning Code allows one
farm animal such as a horse or cow, ,per 20,000
square feet.
Pearl Everson questioned whether they would be
notified when the annexation matter comes to a
vote . Ulett noted that there would be an adver-
tised public hearing before the Council and that
property owners within the area of the proposal
would be notified by mail .
KENT-KAIBARA A report on the finances of the Kent-Kaibara
COMMITTEE Town Affiliation Committee for the year ending
December 31, 1975 was presented by Eveyln Thornton.
She also introduced Jaylyn Powell, who will be
representing the City of Kent as this year 's
exchange student to Kaibara.
AMERICAN A letter addressed to Mayor Hogan from John :�.
REVOLUTION Long, Chairman, Kent Bicentennial Committee,
BICENTENNIAL was read regarding the proposed 4th of July
COMMITTEE fireworks display for the community. The
letter asked that the Mayor serve as an emissary
to inform the organizations in the community
which would want to be involved with the fireworks
display project. MASTERS MOVED that the letter
be accepted and made a part of the record, Johnson
seconded . It was noted that the matter had been
discussed at a Bicentennial Committee meeting on
January 15 , which was attended by some of the
Council and other Community representatives .
Mayor Hogan suggested that the matter be discussed
further at a workshop session. Motion carried .
AWARD Mayor Hogan presented an award to Sewer Superin-
tendent Robert Kristoffers on naming him as a
Water Works Specialist by the American Water
Works Association . Ulett noted that Kristofferson
has already qualified as a specialist in waste
Se re ation Re uest - ULID #1 . A request for
segregation of Assessment #207 in ULID #1 has
been requested by the Transamerican Title Insurance
Company. The necessary arrangements for pay
of fees have been 161eeInsuran0ceMOVED Companyaforhe request
of Transamerica T roved and the
of �Issessment #207 in ULID #1 be approved
.the necessary
City Attorney be directed to p Ua Masters '
resolution. Johnson seconded . p question, it was noted that the name of the property
p Y
owner was not given in the request, but that it
could be determined from the City records . Motion
carried .
st the
In order to complY, tmeetings law,
accounting staff , two
will be held to approve bills . McCAUGHAN MOVE�D6that
the bills received on or before January
20 ,
, 19 ,
chargeable to the 1975 expenses, be p
approval by the Finance Committee at its meeting
to be held at 8: 00 a.m. on January 260 1976, Masters
seconded . Motion carried .
JUST MOVED that the bills received on or before
January 20 , 1976, chargeable to 1976 expenses,
be paid after approval by the Finance Committee
. January
at i7 . Johnsonbe held at seconded . 8Mo0 m
motion 196 carried .
30 , 1
Claims approved by the Finance Committee at its
meeting on January 15 , 1976 are as follows:
$ 11249 . 20
Current Expense 7: 261 .43
Parks & Recreation 3.13 .79
Library 5 , 664.25
City Streets 892.95
Alcoholic Rehabilitation 1 , 232 .68
Federal Shared Revenue 2, 340 .00
Gowe Street - East 4,510 .68
Reith Road/Military 491 .12
So. 180th (EVH-WVH) 1,567 . 24
Equipment Rental 697 .71
Employees Retirement 14,5 .80
Housing & Comm. Dvlpmnt 41 .46
Firemans Relief & Pension 11 .84
Leoff Disability 856 . 37
Sewer 4,038 .03
Water 36,914.41
$ 789, 228 .96
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Jense CMC
City Clerk