HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 11/05/1928 320 Kent , WashinE ton , Nov. 5 , 1928. Regular- meeting of the City Council; present Ilayor Idurker and. Cou14- cilmen Boundy ,. Boucher , Botker, Coleman , Konschot and Tlooden. Minutes of the meeting of October 15, last , read and app roved. Clerks and Police reports for October and the Treasurers report for September presented and filed. City Attorney reported on the sale of Del . property , which report was upon motion accepted and ordered filed . nronosed Finance Committee reported on the/sale of lots 20-21-712 , block 19 , TV.('-,1Xo ' First Add . to Kent , and upon motion it "ras decided to ask t500.00 for the property , less tl).e taxes . TIME FOLI,O`nI1TG R?'SOL[ITIOTT vi�,'AS F,LA!) .,V7) ADOPTED: WHEREAS at a regular meeting of the City Council of t1he City of Kent , held on the 7th. day of November 1927 , the City Council of. the City of Kent entered into a contract v,*ith J. T . Iv,�erryman for the extention of tine* of payment , and for redemption of certain property therein described , upon payment to the City ofhentof the amount of $221 .30 , assessments due in District No . 18&, i,7ith and $99.38 assessments due in District No. 184, vrith 7% interest thereon form said date , defered payments ,at the rate of $25 .00 per month and accrued interest at 70 Per annum: AND WHEREAS the said J . T . Merryman has partially complied with the terms. of said contract , and is willing and ready to make ballance of payment in full as provided therein: IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent ,' that the h1ayor and Clerk be , and they are hereby authorized to execute and deli- ver to the said J. T. Merryman , a deed to said premises in said cont- ract described, upon payment of the full remaining amount due thereon with the accrued interest to date of payment , conveying to him all of the title of the City of Kent by reason of said assessments and in full payment ther.eof,and subject to any other assessments apxnearing as a lien against said property , general taxes , and any other lien created. or permitted thereon by the said J. T . Nerr.,yman or those clsim- ing under him. Comunicanition from the Howard 17fg. Co. read and filed . Ordinance No . 577 , approving the asl+es^r�ent roll for Local Imp . Dist . No . 222 , ras .read and upon motion placed Linon its final -nasse.f';e and carried by the unanimous note of a].I of. ti,e Councilmen rresont . Ordinance TTo . 578 , aionroving the asse;;smcnt roll for local Imp . Dirt . No. 223 , yeas read and upon motion placed upon its fi_nal nassaF,e and carried by iae unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen nr.eren�. Ordinance No. 579 , creating Imp. Dist . No . 224 and authorizing the work , vias apad and upon motion placed upon its final passage and car- ried by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present . CLAIM'S READ AITD ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: Tucker Hyland and Elvedge Foreclosure proc . s 500.00 Hart & Shaughnesy Final Est . Dist 223 1546.50 N. T . Barnes Final Est . Dist 222 495.00 Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Supplies 10.44 Hersey Mfg. Co. Meters 48.40 Coleman Service Station Truck Exp. 4.2.0 J. G. Watson Tools & Reps . 17.10 J. R. Martin Sal . 101.65 F. M. Imhoff Sal . 150.00 W. J. Waller Sal . 125.00 T . W. Eassett Sal. 33.35 G. M. MacGregor Sal . 15.00 Fire Dept , Sal . 50.00 Ina Glidewell Sal . 36.5o A. T.I. Reynolds Sal . Anna Fisher Sal . 30 .00 L. ?'. Price Sal . 150 .on Joe Basco Sal . 1K.00 T.G.Potts , State Treasurer Fred . lid g„ Ind Ins . ].P .48 0 V E R ►��'�' �� 321 Hutchins Lumber Co . Lumber 29.40 Kent Harness Shop Police Car 19 ,7� Standard Oil Co . Fuel Oil 44.07 The Arco Co. St . Paint 41 .40 L. C. Thornhill Labor 24.00 Valley Garage Gass & Oil 42.52 Auburn Concrete Prod. Co. Drain Tile 29.17 J . W. Brown Jail 16 .00 L. E. Price Expense 13.98 T. W. Bassett Exp. of Suit 277.00 Chas . Bridges Special Police 8 .00 Johnson Hdwe . Co. Supplies 9.45 Colby & Dickinson Drail Tile 3.qO E. A. Richardson Tools & Reps . 7.75 Advertiser-Jpurnal Printing 11 .74 Geo. 0. hallock Police Car 1.95 Kent Electric Co. Police Dept . 1.80 A. S. Leeper Engineering 137,07 Kent Valley News Printing 7.00 Highway Garage Fire Dept . 2.60 Chas. Mattini Labor 5.00 J. R. Randall Labor 125.00 T . Jensen Labor 100 .00 A. Kube Labor lo61oo S. W. Lyons Labor 106.00 Pat Culhane Labor 106;99 S. J. Pinkerton Labor 85.00 P . S. P. & L. Co. Lighting 255.88 77. J. Gallagher &: Sons Dirt for Park 4050 Joe Basco ' Park 25.00 Johnson Hdre . Co. Park 4.19 Kent Feed Co . .Park 1 60 F. L. Brotchi Park 11?_.50 J . K. Gill Co. Library 37.69 Dr. Mac Gregor spoke on the subject of garbage disposal as did several others and the matter of a new place for a dump was refered to the Sewage and 'Health Committee and the old dump on the hill by the cemetary was ordered closed. forthwith. No further Business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then adjurn. City Clerk.