HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/17/1928 31-6
Kent , Teohington, Se.�ternber 17 , 1928 ,
Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Murker and Coun-
cilmen Boundy, Boucher, Coleman, Konschot and Wooden.
Clerks Report and the Budget report for the month of August ryas
presented and filed.
Engineer reported that the crossing at Heeker St . and the Milwaukee
Railway could be fixed in a few days.
Water Committee recomended that a Fire Hydrant be. placed on the
hill above the -High Schlol as soon finances Frere available .
Uds i^ere opened and, react in paving district 17o. 223 , as follor-v;
Joe Coluccio Co . W12.00 , Fart & Shaughnessy jlj9o .n0 , and the Cont .
has ; anon motion, ar!arded to TTart and Shaughnessy for the sum of.
$1390.00, .
Bids -were opened and' read in Serrrer Dist . No'. 222 , as follors:
Fulton & Galligher `,508 .00 , N. T. :Barnes $405.00 , Joe Collucio -515.00.
The Contract was ,- upon motion arrarded to li. T . Parnes for $495.00.
Petition for a Sideralk on Clark St . from Smith St . to Temperance
was refered to' the following for investigation and report , Councilmen
Coleman, Boundy and Boucher.
Gaylord Brothers Library $ 17.00
J. K. Gill Co. Library 34.08
W.W.'?raters Per. L. E. Price Rep. on Typwriter 5.00
Advertiser-Journal Printing 24.95
Trick & Murray Office Exp. 6.36
Charles Bridges Spec. Police 8:25
Coast Prod. Co. St. Supplies 10000
H. L. Morrill Ins. Prem. 78.78
Tacoma Rubber Stamp Co. Office Exp . 1.30
G. 0. Goss Per. L.E.Price Labor 44.00
Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Water. Syst . Sup. 12.30
James Montgomery Truck Exp. .75
J. G. Watson Tools & Reps. 17.75
Mr. Mae Boyker was , upon motion, unanimously elected Councilman,
in place of Mr. J. E. VanHoosen, resigned.
The Fire Dept. was authorized to purchase tiro small pieces of
equipment , to cost approx. $50,00.
No further business appearing the meeting;, upon motion, did then
City Clerk.