HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/07/1928 303 Kent , Vlashington , MaY7th 1928 Minutes' of a,.regular meeting of the Council of the City of Kent held- in the City Hall on Monday May 7th 1928 at 8 P. M. Present at roll call sere Mayor Murkar , Councilmen Boundy , Boucher , Coleman , Konschott , Van Housen and Wooden . The minutes of the meeting held April 16th 1928 , were read and approved. The Street committee reported that drainage for Naden and Willis Streets had been arranged for , Engineer Leeper explaining that the City would deliver old 14 inch pipe being; removed from the supply main and property owners rould install same . City Attorney Bassett reported that he had investigated the damage claim of E. J. Christman and found it deficient as to time and cause and that the City is not liable . On motion his opinion was ordered filed . He also reported receipt of a letter from the First National Bank of Kent , reporting vrithdravel of certain bonds placed with the Dextor Horton National Bank , Seattle , as security for the City's deposit in the Kent bank, and that other bonds had been substituted . Mr Bassett suggested that before such iithdrav!el in the future the consent of the City should first be secured . After discussion by the Council , Mayor and Attorney the Finance Committee was instructed to confer with the bank and report at the next meeting. City C1erk ,Lake Price sent the communication following: May 7th 1928 , . By reason of my temporary absence from duty , on account of sickneso , I hereby appoint and commission , Irving C . Clark , to act as my deputy , and authorize him to sign all papers , warants and other official documents in my name by himself as deputy , subject to the approval of the City Council . L. E. Price City Clerk, City of Kent . The resolution following v,as then introduced and passed by unanimous vote; RESOLVED, that Irving C . Clark be and he is hereby appointed and confirmed as Deputy City Clerk, to act as such during the absence of the City Clerk , and until further direction of- the Council , and that he shall doand preform all acts of the City Clerk as provided by law until revoked. A letter from the Bureau of Earwig Control signed by Mr. George Broom was read and the Clerk instructed to write him as to securing copies of the Earwig Bulletin. The report of the Cheif of Police was read and filed . A petition directed to the County Commissioners And, signed by local residents asking for the raising; of the west highway from Meeker Street south to the Thomas road where needed to prevent its flooding, was read vrith a letter asking approval of the Council , but no action was taken. The following Claims were read , approved and ordered paid . Tucker Hyland & Elvidge Attorneys Fees 500.00 C . Hamilton Salary 63 .15 E. C. Taylor to 42.50 D. C . Cook to 42.50 Geo . Fenner It46.50 Hutchins Lbr. Co Supplies 17.00 Federal Pipe & Tank Co . of 89.40 A. S . Leeper Salary 100.00 J . G. Watson Tools and Repairs 18.35 L. E. Price Office Exp. 2. 0 Kent Motor Car Co Supplies 75.80 Johnson hardware Co to 10.28 Strains Auto Freight Freight 7 .75 Federal Pipe & Tank Co Supplies 174.03 E . A. Richardson Tools and Repairs 8.25 J . K. Gill Co . Library Supplies 41 .98 J . R. Martin Salary 101 .65 F, M. Imhoff if 150.00 W. J . Waller " 125.00 T . W. Bassett 33.35 G. M. MacGregor " 15.00 Fire Dept . " 50.00 Ina Glidewell " 36.5o A. M. Reynolds " 25.00 Anna Fisher 30 .00 L. E. Price " 150.00 Joe Banco 15.00 W. G. Potts Ind Ins . and Med. Aid 32.99 C . Mattini Salary 5.00 J . R. Randall of 125.00 304 T . Jenson Salary 100.00 A. Kube It 100.00 S . W. Lyons it 100.00 S . J. Pinkerton it 85.00 Geo . 0 . Hallock Supplies 31 .46 Cadys Phcy. It 1 .Q0 Harvy Williams Painting City 11all . 321 .00 Kent Tire Shop Repairs .60 D. L. Armstrong Supplies 1 .85 Colby & Dickinson It 7.75 Kent Electric of 3.Q0 Highway Garage Supplies and Washing Truck 3.95 J . E. Van Housen Supplies .80 P . S. P . & L Co. Lighting 256.11 G . E. Berlin Supplies 2.65 W. A. French Park 1 .50 C. P . Buck " 6.25 W. A. 1'trOu.s " 1 .00 Edgar 1�algum " 1 .00 T . W. Bassett " 1 .00 Nels Rasmussen Supplies 30.73 Howard `'ooper Corp. 5.60 Fire Dept . Repairs 10.0/7 Total 3208 .00 Mpurchase cure The Clerk was instructed requisition forms and submit them to the Finance Committee for action. City Engineer Leeper furnished detailed information as to changes in the water supply main and assured the Council that a substantial increase in the flow will be secured. Chief Bridges of the Fire Dept . asked that the City authorize the expenditure from Fire 14pt . funds on hand of sufficient expense money to send a First Aid Team of three men to a meeting of the Washington State Firemen's Association to be held in Wenatchee on June 7-8 and 9. On motion they were allowed $75.00 for this purpose . An invi.tAtionwas extended to the City Officials to attend the next meeting of firemen to be held in Buckley June 1st . No further business appearing, Council adjourned. /!, . Clerk. � � Deputy. i