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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/02/1927 266
Kent , Washington, N'-a.y 2 , 1927.
Regular meeting of the Council; present Councilmen Boundy , Bouch-
er , Coleman, Konschot and Tooden; Mayor pro tem, Boundy , acting as
Tv?ayor. .
Minutes of the 'meeting of April 4th . last , read and approved.
Police and Fire Dept . reports for April presented and filed .
Petition for paving on Central Avenue read and Resolution No .
219 , declaring intention, read and adopted as follows:
It is resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King Co .
State of Washington,that it do and it does hereby declare its in-
tention of improving Central Avenue , between Smith and Gowe streets ,
by establishing •a curb line on each side of Central Avenue , and
eight feet distance from the property line , and erecting a six inch
concrete curb thereon; except in such places as may be left open
far driveways , and then paving the strip on each side of the present
paved highway on Central Avenue from the outer line on each side
thereof to the curb as established, except such parts as are alre-
ady paved. And doing such other work in conection therewith, all in
accordance with plans a.nd specifications to be prepared by the City
Engineer. .
That all persons who may desire to object to the said imp-
rovement are hereby notified to appear and present such objections
at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers ,
in the City Hall , in the City of Kent , at 8 o' clock p.m. on the 6th .
day of June , 1927 , which time and place is hereby fixed for the he-
aring of .all matters relating to .said improvement , and all object-
ions thereto , and for determining the method of payment for said
improvement .
'That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Coun-
cil at or. prior to said date , all. data and information required by
law to be so submitted.
borne/ - 'That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be
kxxx r/by and assessed against the- property liable therefor as pro-
vided by law.
Petition for lateral sewer on• V7. Meeker and Thompson streets
read and resolution No .. 218 , declaring intention, read and adopt-
ed as follows:
It is" resolved by the City Council of the City of Kent , in King
County , State of Washington, that it do and it does hereby declare
its intention of improving West Meeker Street from the west line of
the Puges . $ound Electric Railway right-of-Tray to the center of Thom-
pson street extended , and Thompson street to the sewer conection
between Meeker and Harrison streets , and from sdid sewer conection
through the center of .block F of Yeekers Supplemental Plat , First
Addition to Kent , to the -west City Limits , by laying a lateral sew-
er along the south side of West Meeker street to the center of Thom-
pson street , extended , and across west Meeker street to the sewer
conection ,in Thompson street between Harrison and Meeker streets ,
and from gaid sewer Conection through Block F of Meeker' s supple-
mental plat , to the west City limits , and doing such other work as
may be necessary in conection therewith, all in accordance with
plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Engineer.
That all persons who may desire to object to the said improve-
ment are hereby notified to appear and present such objection at a
meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers , in
the City Hall , in the City of Kent , at 8 o ' clock p.m. , on the 6th.
day of June , 1927 , which time and place is hereby fixed for the he-
aring of all matters relating to said improvement , and all object-
ions thereto , and for determining the method of payment for said
improvement .
That the City Clerk is directed to submit to the City Council
at or prior to said date , all data and information required by law
to be so submitted.
That the cost and expense of said improvement shall be borne
by and assessed against the property liable therefor as provided
by law.
.... ..... ..
Jwi U»
Ordinance No . 558 , Vacating the alley in Pol . 5, O.P. of Kent ,
was read and upon motion placed upon its final passage and carried
by the unanimous vote of all of the Councilmen present.
A resolution from the Seattle Dept . , petioning the U.S. Govern-
ment in reguard to the ,earwig pest was ordered signed by the Mayor
and Clerk and returned.
Bid of Joe Coluccio & Co . to construct the lateral sewer in Dist .
No . 217 , was opened and read , and there being no other bids , the
contract was .awarded to Joe Coluccio & Co . for the sum of $y3250 .Q0.
Colucio & Co. Est . on Cont .
A. S. Leeper Engineering - $3000.00
J . K. Gill Co . Library Supplies 50. 00
Berlin Hdr+ie Co. ,
P •S.P.& L. CO. Supplies
H. Baldv�in Lighting 226.75
Colby & Dickinson Garbage Colection 7.50
Nels Rasmussen Lumber 1 .�5
Fire Dept . 5.75
G. 0. Hallock Police Dept . 8. 5
Allen Clark Fire Dept .d .00
1 dent Elect . Co. Police Dept .
Standard Oil Co. Fuel Oil 1 . 0
�,• W. Bean Co. Office Supplies 42.46
J.. H. Snyder pp 10.75
' Dept . of Labor St ' Si Signs 5.00
J Ind. Ins. & Med . Aide
J .. R R. M 56.47
T. Martin Tools & 'Rep. 10.60
Sal .
F• U. Imhoff 101.65
'• J. PTa11er sal. 150.00
T . W. Bassett Sal . 125.00
C. B. Hoffman Sal 33.35
Fire Dept . Sal. 15.00
Ina Glidewell 50.00
w f M. Reynolds Sal .Sal.
- Anna Fisher Sal.
Price dal . 25:00-
L. E. P 30.00-
C. Mattini Labor 150.00
T . Jensen 5.00
A. Kube Labor '100.00 '
J. R. Randall Labor 104.00
Roy Crause Labor 104:00
Fred Bach Labor 102.00
$. J. Pinkerton tabor 104.00
Golemans Service Station Labor 85.00
Strains Auto Freight Water Truck 2.00
B. F. Hansen Freight 1.
Valworth Co. Tools & Rep.
0. G. Cavanaugh Pipe 3•50 ,
Fittings 31 .80
Trick & Murray1.72
I;• E. Price Office Sup. 7.2
Advertiser-Journal Office E;p. 7.20
Al Johnson Hdwe . Printing 69 .05
Hawns Pharmacy Supplies 4.60
M-onsons City Hal-1
City Hall 2.50
1 .18
Mr. W. Co
.. Overlock was unanimously elected/to ufillmthe unexpir-
ed team of Mr. 7% 11. Overlock Sr. deceased . �
bTO. further business appearing the meeting upon
then adjurn. p motion, did
ity Clerk.