HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/16/1927 268 Kent , Washington, May 16 , 1927. Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor Berlin and Councilmen Boundy , Boucher , Coleman, Konschot , 14arsh, Overl(bek and 77ooden. Minutes of the meeting of May 2nd. , last , read and approved. Clerks report , Treas . report and the Budget report for the mon- th of. Aprbl , presented and filed. Wipe line agreement with the County was read and. refered to the City Attorney and the City Engineer for completion with the County Commissioners. The Colluccio Co. Sewer Contract was presented accepted and ordered signed when bond is filed. tfPon motion a Fire Hydrant ivas ordered placed in the middle of Nadenstrect . Six sheets and six pillow cases was ordered purchased for the Fire' Dept . , by the Fire Committee . A' resolution from most of the Churches and Clubs in the City, protesting against street dances was presented and read as follovrs: BELIEVING that street dances are detrimental to the good name of Kent and to the moral and social welfare of the entire comunity , we , the undersigned, religious , social and civic organizations and citizens of Kent, do hereby respectfully petition your Honorable Body', to refrain from grantixig any permits to stage or operate- said dances with the bounds of the City of Kent . Upon motion the same was adopted as read. CLAIMS WERE READ AND ALL0WED AS FOLLOWS: Tucker , Ryland & Elvedge Foreclosure proceedings- 500.00 Gaylbrd Brothers Library Supplies 8.40 J. R'. Rundell Labor 20.00 R. D. Ritter Labor 10.00 7alter Lyons Labor 24.00 N. G. Taylor Labor 28.00 H. Larson Labor 16.00 J. Chadwick Labor 8.00 R. A. Gray Dirt for Park 5.00 C . M; Harding Park Labor 33.00 Kent 'Tire Shop Police Car .70 Jamet Montgomery Police Car .50 H. Rice Lumber for Drains 27.80 Trick & Murray Office Supplies 1 .10 Bent 'Harness Shop Police Car 1 .15 Kent Auto Park Gass Oil 18.31 Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Pipe & Fittings 1388-95 C . 0: Meredith P.Y. Stamped Envelopes 49.30 Colenlans Service Station Water Truck 2.00 Hersey Meter Co. Plater ]Meters 242.76 Ideal Machine Works Repares 3.25 Auburn Concrete Prod . Co . Tile 27.00 R. W.' Murke r Park 2.00 Mr , Leppert and Mrs Churchill , . President and Secretary' of the Comunity Center Com. of Seventeen, presented the following Resolu- tion , which upon motion was adopted as read . IN AS MUCH AS THE COMMUNITY HOUSE PROPERTY, now held in trust by the City Council for the people of bent and managed by an execu- tive Committee of seventeen, no longer functions as originally in- tended, and WHEREAS there is considerable furniture in the building a held in trust by the executive committee of the Comunity Center for the perple of Kent , THEREFORE PE IT RESOLVED, that the house should be sold or turned .into a source of revenue , and that as its purchase price had never been a part of the city funds , but made up by direct donations from various organizations and individuals , the amount realized or derive d from the sale or rental of said house should be turned into the Park Fund to help purchase a city park which would enable all con- tributors to derive direct benefit and pleasure as ,well as adding a valuable asset to the city. 269 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: lst . 'That the furiture which was purchased with funds realized from certain sales and benefits given, and from direct donations ghrough the efforts of the executive committee and which has never been tur- ned overto any group or individuals be placed, by and with the cone sent of the Yayor and Council , in the City Hall to serve the public 2nd. That the Red Cross supplies should be given a place in the City Hall. 3rd. That such furniture , equipment , or supplies as are unsuita:a ble to be used in the City Hall be sold or disposed of by the House Committee and the proceeds used to buy chairs for the City Hall . 4th. That the mayor and Council be asked to elect a committee , from among the women who have worked to keep up the Comunity Center to act as trustees or custodians of all things placed in the City Hall and that each succeeding Mayor and Council be asked to do same. 5th. That as soon as a satisfactory and mutual understanding between the City Council and the .Executive Committee of the Comu- nity Center has taken place , the Committee , which is known as the "Committee of Seventeen"shall be disolved. No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then adjurn. City erk.