HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 09/07/1926 249 Kent , Washington, Sept. 7 , 1926. Regular meeting of the City Council; present Mayor -berlin and Councilmen Boundy, Coleman, Konschot , Overlock & Wooden. Minutes of the meeting of August 16 , last , read and approved. Clerks report and the Police report for August presented and filed. A general survey of the kneeds of .the Fire Dept. was refered to the Fire Committee , for investigation and .report. The matter of a new police car was refered to the Police Com. with power to act. Matter of repairing the roofs of the City Hall Buildings was refered to the Building, with power to act. Bids for the laying of water mains were opened and read from Hart & Shaughnessy, J. L. Smith, Bouldron & Boyker, & Joe Coluccio Co . and refered to the a Committee of the Council as a Whole , for investigation and report at a special meeting of the Council to be held next Monday, Sept . 13, 1926, in the Council Chambers. CLAIMS READ AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: P. S. P. & L. Co. Lighting $ 228.87 B. A. Look F. B. Beds 38.55 Monsons Janitors Sup. 3 04 H. S. Woodley Coal Oil 3.00 Kent Elect. Co. Police Sup. 5.55 Highway Uarage Gass & Oil 12.41 Nels Rasmussen Fire Dept. 34.84 J. R. Martin Sal . 101.65 F. M. Imhoff Sal . 150.00 W. J. Waller Sal. 125.00 T . W. Bassett Sal. 33.35 C. B. Hoffman Sal . 15.00 Fire Dept. Sal. 50.00 Ina Glidewell Sal. . 0 .5 A. M. Reynolds Sal . 36 360 Anna Fisher Sal . 30.00 L. E. Price Sal. 150.00 �,���i Sal. 5.00 A. Kube Labor 100.00 J. R. Randall La�or 1'3.V F. J. Rockwell Labor 106.50 S . J. Pinkerton Labor 85.00 Oliver & Johnson Supplies 13.88 G. E. Berlin Hdwe . Supplies 62.76 State Treasure Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 121.46 Tricx & Murray Office Supplies tS.K9 Fereral Pipe Co. Freight on Pipe .77 Bowles Co. Supplies 39.20 L. E. Price Expense 6.4.8 E. A. Richardson Tools & #ep. 15.70 Trevis Coleman Gass & Oil 16.74 Concrete Prod. Co. W. S. Supplies 43.75 A. S. Leeper Engineering 100.00 Starins Auto Freight Trucking 52.80 Colby & Dickinson Lumber 92.40 S. E. Jackson Labor 45.50 R. D. Ritter Labor 79 .50 0. Chadwick Labor 45.50 R. P. Robertson Labpr 52.00 P . H. Brown Labor 69.55 T. S. Chadwick L abor 41.50 Mike Hulk Labor 95.00 John Johnson Labor 5.00 Walter Moline Labor 92.50 Andrew Johnson Labor 97.50 Jack Johnson Labor & Donkey 237.50 Kent Tire Shop Police Car 2.50 . R. W. Ifurker Grinding 1.50 250 The Matter of a street light at Libby 'e was , drefered to the Light Committee for investigating. The matter of fencing and other improvements at the new reser- voir was refered to the slater Committee for investigation. The Mayor apointed Mrs. Ward Rader a member of the Library Board, to fill vacancy, Mrs. Raash having resigned. The apoint- ment was , upon motion, confirmed by the Council. No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then adjurn. 'City Clerk.