HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 07/06/1926244 Kent, Washington, Juljr $, 1926. Regular meeting of the City Council; present Yayor Berlin and Coun- cilmen,Boundy, Konschot, Overlook and Wooden. Minutes of June 21, read and approved ad read. Police report for June presented and filed. The following resolution was read and adopted; TIMIREAS, the springs furnishing the water supply for the water works of the City of Kent, have become inadequate to meet the wants of the people of said city, and others using water therefrom, and WHEREAS, certain springs located at and near the headwaters of North Jenkins Creek, in the Fortheast quarter of section 28, in Township 22 North, -Range six east'W.M., in King County, Washington, are suitable and accessible, and will provide sufficient flow to furnish the City and ite inhabitants and users for many years with an adequate supply of water, and are the only accessible springs that will provide an ad- equate -flow of water that is sufficiently pure for city use, and the City Council of Kent, believing that the aquisition of said spring's and the approprition of the flow thereof for city water works, is ne- cessary and advisable; RESOLVED by the City of Kent, that the Mayor and City Clerk, be and they are hereby authorized to take such steps as may be found necessary looking to the appropriation of the flow of said springs to the extent of at least Ten cubic feet per second of time, and to that end -notices of appropriation be posted and recorded,, and that all other steps necessary and proper in the premises be taken looking to the speedy acquisition of the said springs and the water flowing there- from CLAIMS WERE READ AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: F. S. Grant Parks Elect. Co. Costs & Conveying Prisoner $ 6.90 Woodleys Store Batery Charger Coal Oil 18.00 Kent Elect. Co. Police Supplies 1.00 3.45 eels Rasmussen Sup. for Police Car 22•75 P.S.P.& L.Co. Lighting 230.90 L. E. Price Office Exp. 19.35 Al Stranahan Gass & Oil 20.48 C. Mattini Labor 5.00 T. Jensen A. Kube Labor 100.00 J. R. Randall Labor Labor 108.50 111.50 S. J. Pinkerton Lqbor 85.00 J. R. Martin Sal. 101.65 F. M. Imhoff Sal. 150.00 W. J. Waller Sal. 125.00 T. 71. Bassett Sal. 33. 35 C. B. Hoffman Sal 15.35 Fire Dept. Ina Glidewell Sal. Sal. .00 50.00 56 A. 11. Reynolds Sal. 36 Anna Fisher L. E. Price Sal. .500 30.00 R. W. blurker C. C. 0. Meredith Sal. Machin Work 150.00 Johnson -Cox Co. Stamped Envelopes Office Supplies 43.44 10.16 F. L. Taylor Federal Pipe & Tank Co. VT- S. Supplies water Pipe 45.25 Colby 8: Dickinson Berlin Hdwe. Co. Lumber 1997.02 7.02 Oliver & Johnson Supplies Supplies 8.60 1 SeattlePlumbing Sup. Co. V[T. S. Supplies . 99.65 5 F. J. Rockwell oL.E.Price Labor Supplies 198.11 R. D. Ritter Labor 30.00 44.00 jgv 245 0 Chadwick Labor 27.00 0. Chadwick % A.IT.Berlin Labor 15.00 Peter Brown Labor 55.00 W. A. French Labor .40.00 C. M. Harding Labor 42.00 R. P. Robertson Labor 12.00 E . F. Hansen XiG3t NYX Shop Work 5.75 The J. K. Gill Co. Library Sup. 27.27 Fredrick & Nelson Library Sup. 10.70 H . W. Lobdell Park Work 26; 75 No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion did then adjurn. ity Clerk.