HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 06/07/1926 242 Kent , Washington , June 7 , 1926. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Berlin and Coun- cilmen Boundy, Boucher, Konschot , Marsh and Wooden. Minutes of May 17th. read and approved. Clerks and Treasurers report for April and the Police report for May presented and filed. The street lights on Gowe and Titus streets , between First and Second Avenues , were ordered changed , so as to show down the alley. The Clerk was instructed to notify the C . M. & St . P. Ry. Co . to fix Shinn street , between First and Second Avenues. A war. was ordered drawn in favor of the Co. of King, for Fran- chise for water line on the Reiton road , in amount of $30.00. Bids for the building of a reservoir on the east hill were open- ed from N. T. Barnes and W. J. Bouldron Mr. Barnes bid was for $1979.15 and Mrs Bouldrons Bid was for 61360.00, and upon motion the contract was awarded to Mr. 71. J. Bouldron for $1360.00. CLAIMS WERE READ AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: J. G. Matson Tools and Reps . $ 15.25 Standard Oil Co. Asphalt 10.4 V. L.' Hunkins ,per L.E.Price Labor 34.00 F. J. Rockwell Labor 17.50 0. Chadwick Labor 19.50 R. D. Ritter Labor 14.00 Peter Brown Labor 38.87 Nels Rasmussen Car Rep. 6 00 J. K. Gill Co. Library 14.81 J-. H. Toodley Coal Oil 1 .00 Olympic Service Station Gass & Oil 31 .11 Oliver & Johnson Supplies 24.30 L. E. Price Expense 7.91 Nasmyth Drug Co. Janitors Expense 2.00 Kent Elect . Co. Police Expense 6.05 G. E. Berlin Hdvie . Co. Supplies 28.75 J. R. Martin Sal . 101.65 F. M. Imhoff Sal . I". J. !"Faller Sal. 150.00 125.00 T . W. Bassett Sal. 33.35 C . B. Hoffman Sal . 15.00 Fire Dept . Sal . $50.00 %0.00 Ina Glidewell Sal . 36.50 A. M . Reynolds Sal. 25.00 Anna Fisher Sal . 30.00 L. E. Price Sal. 150.00 Chas . Mattini Labor 5.00 T . Jensen Labor 100.00 A. Kube Labor 96.25 J . R. Randall Labor 96.75 O. . Chadwick .Labor S . J. Pinkerton Labor 8.75 85.00 E. H. Naden Right-of-Way 60.00 Monsons Janitors Sup . 1 .1 5 P . S . P. & L. Co . Lighting 231 .02 J . Montgomery Police Car 3 2.50 N. W. Mutual Fire Assn. Ins . Prem. 13.68 County of King Franchise for Pipe 30.00 No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion , did then adjurn. City Clerk.