HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/03/1926 ,�►� y� 239 , Kent rashington, May 3, 1926. Regular meeting of the City Council: Present,Mayor Berl- lin, Councilmen,Boundy,Bouvher,Coleman,Konshott,Marsh,Overlock and wooden. On account of the illness of the Clerk, the Mayor ap- pointed J.R.Martin as Clerk Pro Tem,which was on motion confirm- ed by the Council. Minutes of meeting of April 19, read and approved. Police report for month of April presented and read and placed on file. The City Attorney presented deed dated .April 19,1926 from Treasurer of King County and resolution approving and con- firming the same was presented and read,and was on motion unani- mously adopted,as follows: IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent, That the died from Treasurer of King County dated April 19,1926 to the City of Kent,conveying lots 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19, in Block 7 of Washington Improvement Co*s.First addition to Kent be,and the same is hereby accepted and approved,and the Clerk is directed to have the same recorded. Dr.C .B.Hoffman presented a request to have Lots 5,6,7, and 8,Block 6 W.C .I .Co.Knob Hill addition advertised for sale, and on motion the following resolution was adopted, IT IS RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent, That the following described real estate be offered for sale at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, Lots 5,6,7 and 8 in Block 6 of Washington Central Imp. Cote .Knob Hill addition to the city of Kent. Notice of said sale shall be given by advertisement in the official newspaper of the city two times before said sale, and said sale shall be held at the time and place stated in said notice,and shall be subject to confirmation by the City Council, which reserves the right to reject any or all bids therefor. CLAIMS READ AND ALLOtVE'D AS FOLLUNS: W.S .Darley & Co . Leak Locater90 .00 Olympic Foundry Co. Water supplies 185.45 C.Mattaini Labor 5.00 A.Kube Labor 106.00 J.R.Randall Labor 106.00 T.Jensen Labor 100.00 S .J.Pinkerton Labor 85.00 J.R.Martin Salary 101.65 F.M.Imhoff Salary 150 .00 T.J.Waller Salary 125.00 T.W.Bassett Salary 33.35 C.B .Hoffman Salary 15.00 Fire Department Salary 50.00 Ina Glidewell Salary 36.50 Anna Fisher Salary 30 .00 L.E .Price Salary 150 .00 P.S.P & L.Co . Light 234 .56 Johnson Cox Co Office supplues 2.63 Trick & Murray Office supplues 13.50 L.E.Price Expense 5.40 G.E.Berlin Hdw.Co. Paint 34.75 Kent Electric Co. Supplies 3.57 E.A.Richardson Tool repair 6.25 J.G.Watson Tools and repair 40.45 Ladies Improvement Club Bulbs for Park 10.00 Milmo & Company Seeds,plants and bulbs 225.40 State Treasurer Ind.Insurance 50.98 240 On motion E.x.Naden was appointed to procure right of way for pipe line and site for reservoir. No further business appearing the meeting on motion did then adjourn. City Clerk, Pro tem.