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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/18/1925216
Kent, Washington, May 18, b925.
Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Leppert and Coun-
cilmen Boundy, Hallock, Murker, Moore, Marsh, Morris and Woodley.
MJnutes of the last regular meeting, 00 May 4th. ,a.nd a ,special
meeting of May 7th. last, was read and approved.
.Treasurers report for ,April, was presented and filed.
Resignation of Mrs. Ethel Crow from the. Library Board, was read
and upon motion accepted.
P. S. P. & L. Co. $
P. S. P. & L. Co.
Street Lighting $
231 . 2
Park Lamps
Olympic Foundry Co.
M. H. Covers
Standard Oil Co.
Fuel Oil
Johnson -Cox Co.
Office Supplies
10. 0
Geo. H. Bowles
Prem. on Bond
State Treasurer
Med. Aid & Ind. Ins.
Associated Oil Co.
Gass & Oil
James Montgomery
Rep. on tires
L. E. Price
J. R. Martin, Treas.
Mach. work on Res. Valves
Interest on C. H. Bonds
Comunications from the Fire
Department read and the matter of
Sirens refered to P.S.E.Ry.Co.,
Mr. Parks and the F. D.
for further
In the matter of Fire Hydrants, paint was ordered furnished for
painting all of them, but the question of additions was laid on the
table until after further investigation.
The request of the Fire Dept, for use of the streets for a street
dance was, upon motion granted.
Upon motion a sufficient amount of pipe was ordered purchased to
complete -the ditch on the East Highway to Titus street.
A motion was made by Councilman Boundy and seconded by Council-
man Murker that the City purchase a Howard Cooper Fire Truck and
that the contract for the same be approved and signed at the next
regular meeting of the City Council; the motion carried by the foll-
owing vote, Councilmen Boundy, Murker, Moore and Woodley Voting "Aye"
and Councilmen Hallock, Marsh and Morris Voting "Na".
No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then
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City Clerk.