HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 05/04/1925214 Kent, Washington, Aqw.4 49 1925. Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Leppert and Council- men Boundy, Hallock, Murker, Marsh Morris, Moore and Woodley. Minutes of meeting of April 20th. read and approved. Clerks report and Police Report for April and the budget report for March presented and filed. A motion was made by Councilman Morris that the city purchase the LeFrance Brockway Fire Truck and upon roll call the motion was carried by the following vote; Councilmen Hallock•, Marsh, Morris and Woodley voting "Aye" and Councilmen Boundy, Murl:er and Moore voting "Nay". Upon motion of Councilman Marsh the Street Committee was instruct- ed to tile placed in the ditch along the west side of the east highway, .from William Thodays place KXJEMx South. Ordinance No. 543, providing for the sending out of notices of del- inquent assessments, was read and placed. upon tts final passage and carried by the unanimous vote of all of the Council. A RESOLUTION to purchase bonds was read and adopted as'follows: IT IS RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Kent,•Iflashington, that the City Treasurer be and he is hereby authorized to invest such part of the funds of the City, available for that purpose, and not otherwise appropriated, in the purchase of Fire Equipment Bonds of the City, as authorized by a vote of the citizens at the election held on the loth. day of March, 1925, to the amount of $5000.00, at not over 51 interest. CLAIMB PIERE READ AND ALLOWED AS FOLLOWS: H. W. Lobdell Park Labor $ 20.00 C. L. Van Wickle Labor on R-of-Way 95.25 Oliver & Johnson Supplies 5.40 Johnson -Cox Co. Printing Bonds 62.50 Kent Electric Co. Police Expense 2.15 H. Rice Street Work 4 .50 Berlin Hdwe-. Co. Supplies .35 Kent Motor Car Co. Truck Expense 24.00 C. Mattini Labor 5.00 T. Jensen Labor 100.00 A. Kube Labor 104.00 J. R. Randall Labor 104.00 Walter Bailey Labor 32.00 W. H. Ellis- Labor 85.Q0 J. R. Martin Sal. 10165 F. S. Grant- Sal. 130.00 F. M. Imhoff Sal. 125.00 T. W. Bassett Sal. 33.35 C. B. Hoffman Sal. 15.00 Fire Dept. • Sal. 50.00 Ina Gli dewe-ll °al . 36.50 A. 11. Reynolds Sal. 25.00 L. E . Pri-ce Ual . & Exp . 148.55 J. G. Matson Tools & Rep. 14.00 State Treasurer bled. Aide & Ind. Ins. 38.32 A. N. Berlin Supplies 7.03 Nels Rasmussen Truck Expense 1.85 J. E. Crown Per. on Police Car 12.30 Upon motion the matter of q water line down the hill, by Ed Crows place, was refered to the Water Committee and the City Engineer, for investigation and report. Upon motion, the Mayor and Clerk were authorized to sign up cont- ract for Fire Truck, with The American Lefrance Brockway Corporation. No further business appearing the meeting, upon motion, did then adjurn. Mayor City Clerk.