HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council - Minutes - 02/16/1925 209
Kent , 171aahington, February 16 , 1925.
Regular meeting of the Council; present Mayor Leppert and Council-
men Marsh Moore , Morris and Woodley; Councilman Boundy coming in later.
]Minutes of the meeting of February 2nd, .read and approved .
City Clerks report for the month of .Tanuary read and filed.
Report _of the City Attorney on foreclosure proceedings on delinqu-
ent property read and refered to the Finance Committee .
Resignation of Yr. Botting read and accepted.
?Water Committee reported , recomending that a Fide IIydrant be not
placed on the east side of the E. Highway , near the So. City Limits ,
as requested , and upon motion the report and recomendation was accepted.
The Clerk was requested to write the IT. P . Ry. Co . and ask that they
have the water eliminated along their tracks in the notth 1),art of the
city , along N.` First street .
It was also' directed that the ditch alon the west side of the east
7'ighviay , from Titus street to Russell street be cleaned out .
A. I.Z. Reynolds' Erecting Booths 1 .00
Den York Polling Place 5.00
Levi Taylor Polling Place 5.00
Kent Hall. Assobiati.on Polling _Place 5.00
A. Irl . Reynolds' Elections 5.00
Anna Fisher Elections 5.00
Anna Reynolds Elections 5.00
G. 11. Bear Elections 5.00
Alice Taylor Elections 5.00
Ella Davied Elections 5.00
Mrs . C. B. Cook Elections 5.00
Mrs. Irene Randall Elections 5.00
Mrs. Hattie I;TacAnnally Elections 5.no
Yin,-., T.". ?Tardy Elections 5.00
Eva V. Hatt Elections 5.00
I!thel Y. Crow Elections 5.00
Continental Pipe Mfg. Uo . Pipe 68i .27
Fairbanks , Morse & Co. City Scales 5.43
Tames TJiontgomery Police Car 50 .00
II. E. Roe ssel Work on Park 16 .00
17.11.Abbott Per. L..E.Price Labor 1 .r0
Highray Garage "Water Truck 5.59
Yac Bojaker Rep. on Poiler 2.50
J. G. Watson Jail & Tool Rep . 34.E-0
C. G. Dotting Sal . 75.00
Nels Rasmussen Fire Truck 32.50
No farther bugi ness appe«r ink; the mocting , upon motion, did then
l '
r"ayor City Clerk.